namespace Zotlabs\Lib;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Uuid;
use Ramsey\Uuid\Exception\UnableToBuildUuidException;
use Zotlabs\Lib\Config;
require_once 'include/dba/dba_transaction.php';
class QueueWorker {
public static $queueworker = null;
public static $maxworkers = 0;
public static $workermaxage = 0;
public static $workersleep = 100;
public static $default_priorities = [
'Notifier' => 10,
'Deliver' => 10,
'Cache_query' => 10,
'Content_importer' => 1,
'File_importer' => 1,
'Channel_purge' => 1,
'Directory' => 1
// Exceptions for processtimeout ($workermaxage) value.
// Currently the value is overriden with 3600 seconds (1h).
public static $long_running_cmd = [
public static function Summon($argv) {
if ($argv[0] !== 'Queueworker') {
$priority = 0; // @TODO allow reprioritization
if (isset(self::$default_priorities[$argv[0]])) {
$priority = self::$default_priorities[$argv[0]];
$workinfo = ['argc' => count($argv), 'argv' => $argv];
$workinfo_json = json_encode($workinfo);
$uuid = self::getUuid($workinfo_json);
$r = q("SELECT * FROM workerq WHERE workerq_uuid = '%s'",
if ($r) {
logger("Summon: Ignoring duplicate workerq task", LOGGER_DEBUG);
logger(print_r($workinfo, true));
logger('queueworker_stats_summon: cmd:' . $argv[0] . ' ' . 'timestamp:' . time());
$transaction = new \DbaTransaction(\DBA::$dba);
$r = q("INSERT INTO workerq (workerq_priority, workerq_data, workerq_uuid, workerq_cmd) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s')",
if (!$r) {
// Transaction is autmatically rolled back on return
logger('INSERTED: ' . $workinfo_json, LOGGER_DEBUG);
$workers = self::GetWorkerCount();
if ($workers < self::$maxworkers) {
logger($workers . '/' . self::$maxworkers . ' workers active', LOGGER_DEBUG);
$phpbin = Config::Get('system', 'phpbin', 'php');
proc_run($phpbin, 'Zotlabs/Daemon/Master.php', ['Queueworker']);
public static function Release($argv) {
if ($argv[0] !== 'Queueworker') {
$priority = 0; // @TODO allow reprioritization
if (isset(self::$default_priorities[$argv[0]])) {
$priority = self::$default_priorities[$argv[0]];
$workinfo = ['argc' => count($argv), 'argv' => $argv];
$workinfo_json = json_encode($workinfo);
$uuid = self::getUuid($workinfo_json);
$r = q("SELECT * FROM workerq WHERE workerq_uuid = '%s'",
if ($r) {
logger("Release: Duplicate task - do not insert.", LOGGER_DEBUG);
logger(print_r($workinfo, true));
$transaction = new \DbaTransaction(\DBA::$dba);
$r = q("INSERT INTO workerq (workerq_priority, workerq_data, workerq_uuid, workerq_cmd) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s')",
if (!$r) {
// Transaction is automatically rolled back on return
logger("Insert failed: " . $workinfo_json, LOGGER_DEBUG);
logger('INSERTED: ' . $workinfo_json, LOGGER_DEBUG);
public static function GetWorkerCount() {
if (self::$maxworkers == 0) {
self::$maxworkers = Config::Get('queueworker', 'max_queueworkers', 4);
self::$maxworkers = self::$maxworkers > 3 ? self::$maxworkers : 4;
if (self::$workermaxage == 0) {
self::$workermaxage = Config::Get('queueworker', 'max_queueworker_age');
self::$workermaxage = self::$workermaxage > 120 ? self::$workermaxage : 300;
$transaction = new \DbaTransaction(\DBA::$dba);
// skip locked is preferred but is not supported by mariadb < 10.6 which is still used a lot - hence make it optional
$sql_quirks = ((Config::Get('system', 'db_skip_locked_supported')) ? 'SKIP LOCKED' : 'NOWAIT');
$r = q("SELECT workerq_id FROM workerq WHERE workerq_reservationid IS NOT NULL AND workerq_processtimeout < %s FOR UPDATE $sql_quirks",
if ($r) {
// TODO: some long running services store their pid in config.procid.daemon
// we could possibly check if a pid exist and check if the process is still alive
// prior to reseting workerq_reservationid
$ids = ids_to_querystr($r, 'workerq_id');
$u = dbq("update workerq set workerq_reservationid = null where workerq_id in ($ids)");
//q("update workerq set workerq_reservationid = null where workerq_reservationid is not null and workerq_processtimeout < %s",
$workers = dbq("select count(*) as total from workerq where workerq_reservationid is not null");
logger("WORKERCOUNT: " . $workers[0]['total'], LOGGER_DEBUG);
return intval($workers[0]['total']);
public static function GetWorkerID() {
if (self::$queueworker) {
return self::$queueworker;
$wid = uniqid('', true);
//usleep(mt_rand(300000, 1000000)); //Sleep .3 - 1 seconds before creating a new worker.
$workers = self::GetWorkerCount();
if ($workers >= self::$maxworkers) {
logger("Too many active workers ($workers) max = " . self::$maxworkers, LOGGER_DEBUG);
return false;
self::$queueworker = $wid;
return $wid;
private static function getWorkId() {
$transaction = new \DbaTransaction(\DBA::$dba);
// skip locked is preferred but is not supported by mariadb < 10.6 which is still used a lot - hence make it optional
$sql_quirks = ((Config::Get('system', 'db_skip_locked_supported')) ? 'SKIP LOCKED' : 'NOWAIT');
$work = dbq("SELECT workerq_id, workerq_cmd FROM workerq WHERE workerq_reservationid IS NULL ORDER BY workerq_priority DESC, workerq_id ASC LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE $sql_quirks");
if (!$work) {
// Transaction automatically rolled back on return
return false;
$id = $work[0]['workerq_id'];
$cmd = $work[0]['workerq_cmd'];
$age = self::$workermaxage;
if (in_array($cmd, self::$long_running_cmd)) {
$age = 3600; // 1h TODO: make this configurable
$work = q("UPDATE workerq SET workerq_reservationid = '%s', workerq_processtimeout = %s + INTERVAL %s WHERE workerq_id = %d",
db_quoteinterval($age . " SECOND"),
if (!$work) {
// Transaction automatically rolled back on return
logger("Could not update workerq.", LOGGER_DEBUG);
return false;
logger("GOTWORK: " . json_encode($work), LOGGER_DEBUG);
return $id;
public static function Process() {
$sleep = intval(Config::Get('queueworker', 'queue_worker_sleep', 100));
$auto_queue_worker_sleep = Config::Get('queueworker', 'auto_queue_worker_sleep', 0);
if (!self::GetWorkerID()) {
if ($auto_queue_worker_sleep) {
Config::Set('queueworker', 'queue_worker_sleep', $sleep + 100);
logger('Unable to get worker ID. Exiting.', LOGGER_DEBUG);
if ($auto_queue_worker_sleep && $sleep > 100) {
$next_sleep = $sleep - 100;
Config::Set('queueworker', 'queue_worker_sleep', (($next_sleep < 100) ? 100 : $next_sleep));
$jobs = 0;
$workid = self::getWorkId();
$load_average_sleep = false;
self::$workersleep = $sleep;
self::$workersleep = ((intval(self::$workersleep) > 100) ? intval(self::$workersleep) : 100);
if (function_exists('sys_getloadavg') && Config::Get('queueworker', 'load_average_sleep')) {
// very experimental!
$load_average_sleep = true;
while ($workid) {
if ($load_average_sleep) {
$load_average = sys_getloadavg();
self::$workersleep = intval($load_average[0]) * 10000;
if (!self::$workersleep) {
self::$workersleep = 100;
logger('queue_worker_sleep: ' . self::$workersleep, LOGGER_DEBUG);
$workitem = dbq("SELECT * FROM workerq WHERE workerq_id = $workid");
if ($workitem) {
// At least SOME work to do.... in case there's more, let's ramp up workers.
$workers = self::GetWorkerCount();
if ($workers < self::$maxworkers) {
logger($workers . '/' . self::$maxworkers . ' workers active', LOGGER_DEBUG);
$phpbin = Config::Get('system', 'phpbin', 'php');
proc_run($phpbin, 'Zotlabs/Daemon/Master.php', ['Queueworker']);
logger("Workinfo: " . $workitem[0]['workerq_data'], LOGGER_DEBUG);
$workinfo = json_decode($workitem[0]['workerq_data'], true);
$argv = $workinfo['argv'];
$cls = '\\Zotlabs\\Daemon\\' . $argv[0];
$argv = flatten_array_recursive($argv);
$argc = count($argv);
$rnd = random_string(16);
logger('PROCESSING: ' . $rnd . ' ' . print_r($argv[0], true));
$start_timestamp = microtime(true);
$cls::run($argc, $argv);
logger('logger_stats_data cmd:' . $argv[0] . ' start:' . $start_timestamp . ' ' . 'end:' . microtime(true) . ' meta:' . $rnd);
logger('COMPLETED: ' . $rnd);
// @FIXME: Right now we assume that if we get a return, everything is OK.
// At some point we may want to test whether the run returns true/false
// and requeue the work to be tried again if needed. But we probably want
// to implement some sort of "retry interval" first.
dbq("delete from workerq where workerq_id = $workid");
else {
$workid = self::getWorkId();
logger('Master: Worker Thread: queue items processed:' . $jobs, LOGGER_DEBUG);
public static function ClearQueue() {
$work = q("select * from workerq");
while ($work) {
foreach ($work as $workitem) {
$workinfo = json_decode($workitem['v'], true);
$argc = $workinfo['argc'];
$argv = $workinfo['argv'];
logger('Master: process: ' . print_r($argv, true), LOGGER_ALL, LOG_DEBUG);
if (!isset($argv[0])) {
q("delete from workerq where workerq_id = %d",
$cls = '\\Zotlabs\\Daemon\\' . $argv[0];
$cls::run($argc, $argv);
q("delete from workerq where workerq_id = %d",
//Give the server .3 seconds to catch its breath between tasks.
//This will hopefully keep it from crashing to it's knees entirely
//if the last task ended up initiating other parallel processes
//(eg. polling remotes)
//Make sure nothing new came in
$work = q("select * from workerq");
* @brief Generate a name-based v5 UUID with custom namespace
* @param string $data
* @return string $uuid
private static function getUuid(string $data) {
$namespace = '3a112e42-f147-4ccf-a78b-f6841339ea2a';
try {
$uuid = Uuid::uuid5($namespace, $data)->toString();
} catch (UnableToBuildUuidException $e) {
logger('UUID generation failed');
return '';
return $uuid;