path: root/README.md
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authorCaleb Land <caleb.land@gmail.com>2013-04-30 19:06:56 -0400
committerCaleb Land <caleb.land@gmail.com>2013-04-30 19:06:56 -0400
commit034e6d2eed9acf04456c1771b925191b3dcd2f24 (patch)
tree20bc460294c93fc16c4d1e6be7f116fda55eec05 /README.md
parent3a0c7374d7998fe7d1bd8cdc3d90338748aa4d88 (diff)
add preliminary documentation in the README, add the script
Diffstat (limited to 'README.md')
1 files changed, 184 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index aa36238..3cda65c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,3 +2,187 @@ freebsd-unicorn
A robust init script for running unicorn on FreeBSD
+This rc script works with either RVM and RBENV installed in your deploy user's directory, or with a globally installed ruby. It correctly handle's Unicorn+Bundler [idiosyncrasies][unicorn-sandboxing].
+Simply place the `unicorn` script in your `/usr/local/etc/rc.d` directory, modify it if necessary, and configure your application via variables in `/etc/rc.conf`
+This has been tested on **FreeBSD 9.0 and 9.1**
+Making sure unicorn starts after your database launches
+The only thing you might need to configure in the rc script is to change the `REQUIRES` line to specify your database (I use PostreSQL so that's what's in the repo)
+For example, if you were using MySQL, you would change
+ # REQUIRE: LOGIN postgresql
+ # REQUIRE: LOGIN mysql-server
+You might need to add other services to this list if your Rails application requires them.
+### Quick Setup
+To get up and running quickly, adjust the `REQUIRES` line like above, and add edit your `/etc/rc.conf`:
+For Capistrano or Capistrano-like directory layouts:
+ unicorn_enable="YES"
+ # this is the path to where your application is deployed in Capistrano,
+ # the parent directory of the `current` directory
+ unicorn_directory="/u/application"
+For Non-Capistrano-like layouts:
+ unicorn_enable="YES"
+ unicorn_command="/u/application/bin/unicorn_rails"
+ unicorn_command_args="/u/application/config.ru"
+ unicorn_pidfile="/u/application/tmp/pids/unicorn.pid"
+ unicorn_old_pidfile="/u/application/tmp/pids/unicorn.oldbin"
+ unicorn_listen="/u/application/tmp/sockets/unicorn.sock"
+ unicorn_config="/u/application/config/unicorn.rb"
+ unicorn_chdir="/u/application"
+ unicorn_user="deploy"
+ # Uncomment this if using a different RAILS_ENV/RACK_ENV than production
+ #unicorn_env="production"
+Edit `/etc/rc.conf` to meet your needs
+### Using a Capistrano directory layout
+The rc script does as much as possible to help you out. If you are using capistrano, or a capistrano-like directory structure, then you can just specify the directory of your application (the parent directory of `current`):
+ unicorn_enable="YES"
+ unicorn_directory="/u/application"
+This infers all sorts of information about your app (you can always run `/usr/local/etc/rc.d/unicorn show` to see what your configuration is. **Note** the variable names listed here are without the leading `unicorn_` prefix that you would need to specify in `/etc/rc.conf`):
+ #
+ # Unicorn Configuration for application
+ #
+ command: /u/application/current/bin/unicorn_rails
+ command_args: /u/application/current/config.ru
+ pidfile: /u/application/shared/pids/unicorn.pid
+ old_pidfile: /u/application/shared/pids/unicorn.pid.oldbin
+ listen:
+ config: /u/application/current/config/unicorn.conf.rb
+ init_config:
+ bundle_gemfile: /u/application/current/Gemfile
+ chdir: /u/application/current
+ user: deploy
+ nice:
+ env: production
+ flags: -E production -c /u/application/current/config/unicorn.conf.rb -D
+ start_command:
+ su -l deploy -c "export BUNDLE_GEMFILE=/u/application/current/Gemfile && cd /u/application && /u/application/current/bin/unicorn_rails -E production -c /u/application/current/config/unicorn.conf.rb -D /u/application/current/config.ru"
+Let's look at these settings one by one:
+`command`: By default, it uses the `current/bin/unicorn_rails` [bundler binstub][binstub] located in your project to ensure your gems are loaded. `command` comes from FreeBSD's `rc.subr` init system functions.
+`command_args`: This is the standard FreeBSD's `rc.subr` variable that holds the arguments to the above `command`
+`pidfile`: This is also part of FreeBSD's `rc.subr` system. This is where the built in functions will look for the pid of the process. By default, this rc script looks in the `shared/pids/unicorn.pid` file.
+`old_pidfile`: This is the pidfile used by unicorn to perform zero-downtime upgrades. [Procedure to replace a running unicorn executable][unicorn-0-downtime]. This rc script uses Unicorn's default convention of appending `.oldbin` to the end of the `pidfile`
+`listen`: This is the port or socket for Unicorn to listen on. This rc script assumes that you will specify it in your project's Unicorn config file (see the next variable).
+ listen "#{app}/shared/sockets/unicorn.sock", :backlog => 64
+`config`: This is the path to Unicorn's config file where unicorn will find it's settings. By default this rc script looks for a file called `current/conf/unicorn.conf.rb`
+`init_config`: This is a shell script file that is included in the environment before Unicorn is executed. In this file you can include `export VAR=value` statements to pass environment variables into your rails app. By default, this init script looks for a file called `current/.env` and uses that. If that file doesn't exist, this rc script will skip this functionality (as seen in the above example).
+This could be used in conjunction with [dotenv][dotenv] in development since dotenv accepts lines beginning with `export`
+`bundle_gemfile`: This is the path to the `Gemfile` of your project. This rc script sets the `BUNDLE_GEMFILE` environment variable to this value. By default it looks to `current/Gemfile`. This is required so that Unicorn uses the most current `Gemfile` (rather than the one in the specific deployment directory) when an upgrade is performed. See [Unicorn Sandboxing][unicorn-sandboxing]. This is a safeguard, you should really put this in your unicorn.conf.rb:
+ before_exec do |server|
+ ENV["BUNDLE_GEMFILE"] = "/path/to/app/current/Gemfile"
+ end
+`chdir`: This is the directory we `cd` into before running Unicorn. By default it's the currently deployed version of your application "`current/`"
+`user`: This is the user that Unicorn will be run as. By default we do like [Passenger][passenger] and use the owner of the `unicorn_directory`.
+`nice`: The `nice` level to run unicorn at. Usually you'll leave this alone.
+`flags`: This is a variable defined by FreeBSD's `/etc/rc.subr` init system, and contains the flags passed to the command (Unicorn in this case) when run. This variable is built up from the variables above, but you could manually specify `unicorn_flags` in your `/etc/rc.conf` to override them.
+`start_command`: Here you can see the full command that will be run when you start this service. It's a beaut' isn't it?
+You can override any of these parameter in your `/etc/rc.conf` by simply specifying the variables like you see below (you can pick and choose which to override).
+### Using a custom directory layout
+Using your own layout is easy, you can just leave the `unicorn_directory` variable out of your `/etc/rc.conf` and specify all of the above variables manually. Here's a list of those variables for your convenience:
+ unicorn_command: The path to the unicorn command
+ unicorn_command_args: The non-flag arguments passed to the above command. This is usually the path to the Rack config.ru file
+ unicorn_pidfile: The path where Unicorn will put its pid file
+ unicorn_old_pidfile: The path where Unicorn will put its `old` pid file (usually the same as the sbove with `.oldbin` appended)
+ unicorn_listen: The path to the socket or port to listen on. You can leave this blank to specify where to listen in the Unicorn config
+ unicorn_config: The path to the Unicorn config file
+ unicorn_chdir: The path where this script will `cd` to before starting unicorn
+ unicorn_user: The user to run Unicorn as
+ unicorn_nice: The `nice` level to run Unicorn as. Leave blank to run un-niced
+ unicorn_env: The RAILS_ENV (or RACK_ENV) to run your application as. (default: production)
+ unicorn_flags: The flags passed in to Unicorn when starting (not counting the unicorn_command_args specified above). Override this for complete control of how to start Unicorn.
+### Deploying multiple applications
+This is all find and dandy, but some of you might have multiple applications running on the same server (even if it's just a staging and production version of your app).
+This rc script can work with multiple applications. It works similarly to how postgresql's rc script works on FreeBSD.
+You simply specify your profiles in your `/etc/rc.conf` with the `unicorn_profiles` variable. This is a space separated list of application names.
+Then you can customize each application by specifying variables in this form:
+ unicorn_<application-name>_variable=VALUE
+Here's a simple example (I can leave the _env variable out of the production declaration since it's the default value)
+ unicorn_enable="YES"
+ unicorn_profiles="application_staging application_production"
+ unicorn_application_staging_enable="YES"
+ unicorn_application_staging_directory="/u/application_staging"
+ unicorn_application_staging_env="staging"
+ unicorn_application_production_enable="YES"
+ unicorn_application_production_directory="/u/application_production"
+You can use the simplified Capistrano `directory`-based configuration like above, or you can specify all of the variable's separately, for a fully custom setup
+### Customizing the script
+If you want to customize the default, calculated values you want to look in the `_setup_directory()` function. This is what is called when you specify that you want to use a Capistrano-like directory layout by specifying `unicorn_directory` or `unicorn_<application-name>_directory` in your `/etc/rc.conf`.
+If you use a different deployment strategy than Capistrano, you could adjust the default values to work with your system.
+passenger: https://www.phusionpassenger.com
+unicorn-sandboxing: http://unicorn.bogomips.org/Sandbox.html
+dotenv: https://github.com/bkeepers/dotenv
+unicorn-0-downtime: http://unicorn.bogomips.org/SIGNALS.html
+binstub: https://github.com/sstephenson/rbenv/wiki/Understanding-binstubs \ No newline at end of file