path: root/plugins/LV2/makeplugin
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* LV2/makeplugin: Capture sym names for params.Harald Eilertsen2021-03-281-1/+1
| | | | | Not all plugins use the symbolic names A,B,C, etc for params, so we need to capture the real names for those that don't.
* LV2/makeplugin: Missing require.Harald Eilertsen2021-03-281-0/+3
* LV2/makeplugin: Add --pristine cmd line arg.Harald Eilertsen2021-03-271-4/+25
| | | | | This arg will make the plugin from scratch, throwing away any existing port of the same plugin.
* LV2/makeplugin: fix template code for AssignParamsHarald Eilertsen2021-03-271-1/+1
* LV2/makeplugin: Pick up var init from plugin cpp file.Harald Eilertsen2021-03-271-0/+1
* LV2/makeplugin: Get variable decls from plugin header.Harald Eilertsen2021-03-271-0/+1
* LV2/makeplugin: Move Plugin.ttl stuff to it's own class.Harald Eilertsen2021-03-271-43/+5
* LV2/makeplugin: ctrl ports know their name and symbol.Harald Eilertsen2021-03-271-13/+9
| | | | | Could possibly flesh out this to a proper class, but a hash is ok enough for now.
* LV2/makeplugin: Move type mapping to PluginInfo class.Harald Eilertsen2021-03-271-12/+2
* LV2/makeplugin: Refactor makeplugin script.Harald Eilertsen2021-03-271-13/+13
| | | | | Instantiate PluginInfo object instead of using a class method returning a hash.
* LV2/makeplugin: Refactor makeplugin script.Harald Eilertsen2021-03-271-48/+2
| | | | | Make PluginInfo class to hold the code for fetching info about the plugin from other sources.
* Improve makeplugin scriptHarald Eilertsen2021-03-131-13/+34
| | | | | Fetch number of control ports and their labels from the WinVST source files.
* LV2: Fix plugin type for BassKit.Harald Eilertsen2020-08-021-0/+2
| | | | And add the EQ type to makeplugin.
* LV2: makeplugin use cheatsheet db for plugin type mapping.Harald Eilertsen2020-08-021-0/+41
| | | | | | Only the 'Saturation' type is mapped to lv2::DistortionPlugin for now, but this is easy to expand as we go. I'll update this for each new plugin type that's ported for now.
* LV2: makeplugin create control port defs in ttl.Harald Eilertsen2020-08-021-1/+44
| | | | | | It has no way (yet) of knowing the specifics of the ports, so for now it will only create he correct number of ports, assign their symbols ('A', 'B' etc.) and corresponding index.
* LV2: makeplugin script not handles number of control ports.Harald Eilertsen2020-07-221-2/+12
| | | | | | | | If specified, the correct number will be put in the class declaration, and the correct number of params will be assigned to their respecive param instance variables. The ttl file is not updated with this info yet.
* LV2: Add template plugin and script.Harald Eilertsen2020-07-211-0/+44
To ease booting up a new plugin. The script just reads the template files, replaces the placeholders with the new plugin name, and writes them out as the proper plugin files in the right directory. Primitive, but does the job. The script should work with any version of ruby.