path: root/plugins/MacVST/TapeFat/source/TapeFatProc.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/MacVST/TapeFat/source/TapeFatProc.cpp')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/MacVST/TapeFat/source/TapeFatProc.cpp b/plugins/MacVST/TapeFat/source/TapeFatProc.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3f81d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacVST/TapeFat/source/TapeFatProc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+/* ========================================
+ * TapeFat - TapeFat.h
+ * Copyright (c) 2016 airwindows, All rights reserved
+ * ======================================== */
+#ifndef __TapeFat_H
+#include "TapeFat.h"
+void TapeFat::processReplacing(float **inputs, float **outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames)
+ float* in1 = inputs[0];
+ float* in2 = inputs[1];
+ float* out1 = outputs[0];
+ float* out2 = outputs[1];
+ double leanfat = ((A*2.0)-1.0);
+ double wet = fabs(leanfat);
+ int fatness = (int)floor((B*29.0)+3.0);
+ double floattotalL = 0.0;
+ double floattotalR = 0.0;
+ int sumtotalL = 0;
+ int sumtotalR = 0;
+ int count;
+ while (--sampleFrames >= 0)
+ {
+ long double inputSampleL = *in1;
+ long double inputSampleR = *in2;
+ static int noisesourceL = 0;
+ static int noisesourceR = 850010;
+ int residue;
+ double applyresidue;
+ noisesourceL = noisesourceL % 1700021; noisesourceL++;
+ residue = noisesourceL * noisesourceL;
+ residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17;
+ applyresidue = residue;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ inputSampleL += applyresidue;
+ if (inputSampleL<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleL<1.2e-38) {
+ inputSampleL -= applyresidue;
+ }
+ noisesourceR = noisesourceR % 1700021; noisesourceR++;
+ residue = noisesourceR * noisesourceR;
+ residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17;
+ applyresidue = residue;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ inputSampleR += applyresidue;
+ if (inputSampleR<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleR<1.2e-38) {
+ inputSampleR -= applyresidue;
+ }
+ //for live air, we always apply the dither noise. Then, if our result is
+ //effectively digital black, we'll subtract it again. We want a 'air' hiss
+ if (gcount < 0 || gcount > 128) {gcount = 128;}
+ count = gcount;
+ pL[count+128] = pL[count] = sumtotalL = (int)(inputSampleL*8388608.0);
+ pR[count+128] = pR[count] = sumtotalR = (int)(inputSampleR*8388608.0);
+ switch (fatness)
+ {
+ case 32: sumtotalL += pL[count+127]; sumtotalR += pR[count+127]; //note NO break statement.
+ case 31: sumtotalL += pL[count+113]; sumtotalR += pR[count+113]; //This jumps to the relevant tap
+ case 30: sumtotalL += pL[count+109]; sumtotalR += pR[count+109]; //and then includes all smaller taps.
+ case 29: sumtotalL += pL[count+107]; sumtotalR += pR[count+107];
+ case 28: sumtotalL += pL[count+103]; sumtotalR += pR[count+103];
+ case 27: sumtotalL += pL[count+101]; sumtotalR += pR[count+101];
+ case 26: sumtotalL += pL[count+97]; sumtotalR += pR[count+97];
+ case 25: sumtotalL += pL[count+89]; sumtotalR += pR[count+89];
+ case 24: sumtotalL += pL[count+83]; sumtotalR += pR[count+83];
+ case 23: sumtotalL += pL[count+79]; sumtotalR += pR[count+79];
+ case 22: sumtotalL += pL[count+73]; sumtotalR += pR[count+73];
+ case 21: sumtotalL += pL[count+71]; sumtotalR += pR[count+71];
+ case 20: sumtotalL += pL[count+67]; sumtotalR += pR[count+67];
+ case 19: sumtotalL += pL[count+61]; sumtotalR += pR[count+61];
+ case 18: sumtotalL += pL[count+59]; sumtotalR += pR[count+59];
+ case 17: sumtotalL += pL[count+53]; sumtotalR += pR[count+53];
+ case 16: sumtotalL += pL[count+47]; sumtotalR += pR[count+47];
+ case 15: sumtotalL += pL[count+43]; sumtotalR += pR[count+43];
+ case 14: sumtotalL += pL[count+41]; sumtotalR += pR[count+41];
+ case 13: sumtotalL += pL[count+37]; sumtotalR += pR[count+37];
+ case 12: sumtotalL += pL[count+31]; sumtotalR += pR[count+31];
+ case 11: sumtotalL += pL[count+29]; sumtotalR += pR[count+29];
+ case 10: sumtotalL += pL[count+23]; sumtotalR += pR[count+23];
+ case 9: sumtotalL += pL[count+19]; sumtotalR += pR[count+19];
+ case 8: sumtotalL += pL[count+17]; sumtotalR += pR[count+17];
+ case 7: sumtotalL += pL[count+13]; sumtotalR += pR[count+13];
+ case 6: sumtotalL += pL[count+11]; sumtotalR += pR[count+11];
+ case 5: sumtotalL += pL[count+7]; sumtotalR += pR[count+7];
+ case 4: sumtotalL += pL[count+5]; sumtotalR += pR[count+5];
+ case 3: sumtotalL += pL[count+3]; sumtotalR += pR[count+3];
+ case 2: sumtotalL += pL[count+2]; sumtotalR += pR[count+2];
+ case 1: sumtotalL += pL[count+1]; sumtotalR += pR[count+1];
+ }
+ floattotalL = (double)(sumtotalL/fatness+1);
+ floattotalR = (double)(sumtotalR/fatness+1);
+ floattotalL /= 8388608.0;
+ floattotalR /= 8388608.0;
+ floattotalL *= wet;
+ floattotalR *= wet;
+ if (leanfat < 0) {inputSampleL = inputSampleL-floattotalL; inputSampleR = inputSampleR-floattotalR;}
+ else {inputSampleL = (inputSampleL * (1-wet))+floattotalL; inputSampleR = (inputSampleR * (1-wet))+floattotalR;}
+ gcount--;
+ //noise shaping to 32-bit floating point
+ float fpTemp = inputSampleL;
+ fpNShapeL += (inputSampleL-fpTemp);
+ inputSampleL += fpNShapeL;
+ //if this confuses you look at the wordlength for fpTemp :)
+ fpTemp = inputSampleR;
+ fpNShapeR += (inputSampleR-fpTemp);
+ inputSampleR += fpNShapeR;
+ //for deeper space and warmth, we try a non-oscillating noise shaping
+ //that is kind of ruthless: it will forever retain the rounding errors
+ //except we'll dial it back a hair at the end of every buffer processed
+ //end noise shaping on 32 bit output
+ *out1 = inputSampleL;
+ *out2 = inputSampleR;
+ *in1++;
+ *in2++;
+ *out1++;
+ *out2++;
+ }
+ fpNShapeL *= 0.999999;
+ fpNShapeR *= 0.999999;
+ //we will just delicately dial back the FP noise shaping, not even every sample
+ //this is a good place to put subtle 'no runaway' calculations, though bear in mind
+ //that it will be called more often when you use shorter sample buffers in the DAW.
+ //So, very low latency operation will call these calculations more often.
+void TapeFat::processDoubleReplacing(double **inputs, double **outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames)
+ double* in1 = inputs[0];
+ double* in2 = inputs[1];
+ double* out1 = outputs[0];
+ double* out2 = outputs[1];
+ double leanfat = ((A*2.0)-1.0);
+ double wet = fabs(leanfat);
+ int fatness = (int)floor((B*29.0)+3.0);
+ double floattotalL = 0.0;
+ double floattotalR = 0.0;
+ int sumtotalL = 0;
+ int sumtotalR = 0;
+ int count;
+ while (--sampleFrames >= 0)
+ {
+ long double inputSampleL = *in1;
+ long double inputSampleR = *in2;
+ static int noisesourceL = 0;
+ static int noisesourceR = 850010;
+ int residue;
+ double applyresidue;
+ noisesourceL = noisesourceL % 1700021; noisesourceL++;
+ residue = noisesourceL * noisesourceL;
+ residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17;
+ applyresidue = residue;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ inputSampleL += applyresidue;
+ if (inputSampleL<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleL<1.2e-38) {
+ inputSampleL -= applyresidue;
+ }
+ noisesourceR = noisesourceR % 1700021; noisesourceR++;
+ residue = noisesourceR * noisesourceR;
+ residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
+ residue = residue % 17;
+ applyresidue = residue;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
+ inputSampleR += applyresidue;
+ if (inputSampleR<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleR<1.2e-38) {
+ inputSampleR -= applyresidue;
+ }
+ //for live air, we always apply the dither noise. Then, if our result is
+ //effectively digital black, we'll subtract it again. We want a 'air' hiss
+ if (gcount < 0 || gcount > 128) {gcount = 128;}
+ count = gcount;
+ pL[count+128] = pL[count] = sumtotalL = (int)(inputSampleL*8388608.0);
+ pR[count+128] = pR[count] = sumtotalR = (int)(inputSampleR*8388608.0);
+ switch (fatness)
+ {
+ case 32: sumtotalL += pL[count+127]; sumtotalR += pR[count+127]; //note NO break statement.
+ case 31: sumtotalL += pL[count+113]; sumtotalR += pR[count+113]; //This jumps to the relevant tap
+ case 30: sumtotalL += pL[count+109]; sumtotalR += pR[count+109]; //and then includes all smaller taps.
+ case 29: sumtotalL += pL[count+107]; sumtotalR += pR[count+107];
+ case 28: sumtotalL += pL[count+103]; sumtotalR += pR[count+103];
+ case 27: sumtotalL += pL[count+101]; sumtotalR += pR[count+101];
+ case 26: sumtotalL += pL[count+97]; sumtotalR += pR[count+97];
+ case 25: sumtotalL += pL[count+89]; sumtotalR += pR[count+89];
+ case 24: sumtotalL += pL[count+83]; sumtotalR += pR[count+83];
+ case 23: sumtotalL += pL[count+79]; sumtotalR += pR[count+79];
+ case 22: sumtotalL += pL[count+73]; sumtotalR += pR[count+73];
+ case 21: sumtotalL += pL[count+71]; sumtotalR += pR[count+71];
+ case 20: sumtotalL += pL[count+67]; sumtotalR += pR[count+67];
+ case 19: sumtotalL += pL[count+61]; sumtotalR += pR[count+61];
+ case 18: sumtotalL += pL[count+59]; sumtotalR += pR[count+59];
+ case 17: sumtotalL += pL[count+53]; sumtotalR += pR[count+53];
+ case 16: sumtotalL += pL[count+47]; sumtotalR += pR[count+47];
+ case 15: sumtotalL += pL[count+43]; sumtotalR += pR[count+43];
+ case 14: sumtotalL += pL[count+41]; sumtotalR += pR[count+41];
+ case 13: sumtotalL += pL[count+37]; sumtotalR += pR[count+37];
+ case 12: sumtotalL += pL[count+31]; sumtotalR += pR[count+31];
+ case 11: sumtotalL += pL[count+29]; sumtotalR += pR[count+29];
+ case 10: sumtotalL += pL[count+23]; sumtotalR += pR[count+23];
+ case 9: sumtotalL += pL[count+19]; sumtotalR += pR[count+19];
+ case 8: sumtotalL += pL[count+17]; sumtotalR += pR[count+17];
+ case 7: sumtotalL += pL[count+13]; sumtotalR += pR[count+13];
+ case 6: sumtotalL += pL[count+11]; sumtotalR += pR[count+11];
+ case 5: sumtotalL += pL[count+7]; sumtotalR += pR[count+7];
+ case 4: sumtotalL += pL[count+5]; sumtotalR += pR[count+5];
+ case 3: sumtotalL += pL[count+3]; sumtotalR += pR[count+3];
+ case 2: sumtotalL += pL[count+2]; sumtotalR += pR[count+2];
+ case 1: sumtotalL += pL[count+1]; sumtotalR += pR[count+1];
+ }
+ floattotalL = (double)(sumtotalL/fatness+1);
+ floattotalR = (double)(sumtotalR/fatness+1);
+ floattotalL /= 8388608.0;
+ floattotalR /= 8388608.0;
+ floattotalL *= wet;
+ floattotalR *= wet;
+ if (leanfat < 0) {inputSampleL = inputSampleL-floattotalL; inputSampleR = inputSampleR-floattotalR;}
+ else {inputSampleL = (inputSampleL * (1-wet))+floattotalL; inputSampleR = (inputSampleR * (1-wet))+floattotalR;}
+ gcount--;
+ //noise shaping to 64-bit floating point
+ double fpTemp = inputSampleL;
+ fpNShapeL += (inputSampleL-fpTemp);
+ inputSampleL += fpNShapeL;
+ //if this confuses you look at the wordlength for fpTemp :)
+ fpTemp = inputSampleR;
+ fpNShapeR += (inputSampleR-fpTemp);
+ inputSampleR += fpNShapeR;
+ //for deeper space and warmth, we try a non-oscillating noise shaping
+ //that is kind of ruthless: it will forever retain the rounding errors
+ //except we'll dial it back a hair at the end of every buffer processed
+ //end noise shaping on 64 bit output
+ *out1 = inputSampleL;
+ *out2 = inputSampleR;
+ *in1++;
+ *in2++;
+ *out1++;
+ *out2++;
+ }
+ fpNShapeL *= 0.999999;
+ fpNShapeR *= 0.999999;
+ //we will just delicately dial back the FP noise shaping, not even every sample
+ //this is a good place to put subtle 'no runaway' calculations, though bear in mind
+ //that it will be called more often when you use shorter sample buffers in the DAW.
+ //So, very low latency operation will call these calculations more often.