path: root/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs
diff options
authorChris Johnson <jinx6568@sover.net>2019-11-17 19:33:24 -0500
committerChris Johnson <jinx6568@sover.net>2019-11-17 19:33:24 -0500
commitf87fdca8e3df86e62d6552f11a640b71691b57cd (patch)
treeb7bef45c8ac9d49ce51a57fdc9324ca6d04ab98a /plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs
parent61067a02dfcea4ea684735b4f4383a742cf8814b (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs')
-rwxr-xr-xplugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/English.lproj/InfoPlist.stringsbin0 -> 388 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xplugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/categories.pbxbtreebin0 -> 84 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xplugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/cdecls.pbxbtreebin0 -> 324808 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xplugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/decls.pbxbtreebin0 -> 328468 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xplugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/files.pbxbtreebin0 -> 3808 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xplugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/imports.pbxbtreebin0 -> 10652 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xplugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/pbxindex.headerbin0 -> 24 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xplugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/protocols.pbxbtreebin0 -> 84 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xplugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/refs.pbxbtreebin0 -> 244932 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xplugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/strings.pbxstrings/controlbin0 -> 524308 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xplugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/strings.pbxstrings/stringsbin0 -> 714783 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xplugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/subclasses.pbxbtreebin0 -> 824 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xplugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/symbols0.pbxsymbolsbin0 -> 1389968 bytes
24 files changed, 8842 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..eaeed1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/Info.plist b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/Info.plist
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..12f0517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/Info.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+ <key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>
+ <string>English</string>
+ <key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
+ <string>${EXECUTABLE_NAME}</string>
+ <key>CFBundleIconFile</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
+ <string>com.airwindows.audiounit.${PRODUCT_NAME:identifier}</string>
+ <key>CFBundleName</key>
+ <key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>
+ <string>6.0</string>
+ <key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
+ <string>BNDL</string>
+ <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
+ <string>1.0</string>
+ <key>CFBundleSignature</key>
+ <string>Dthr</string>
+ <key>CFBundleVersion</key>
+ <string>1.0</string>
+ <key>CSResourcesFileMapped</key>
+ <true/>
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.cpp b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.cpp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..741b94e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4909 @@
+* File: PocketVerbs.cpp
+* Version: 1.0
+* Created: 8/19/12
+* Copyright: Copyright © 2012 Airwindows, All Rights Reserved
+* Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in
+* consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification
+* or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do
+* not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple
+* software.
+* In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms,
+* Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this
+* original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the
+* Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you
+* redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this
+* notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software.
+* Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to
+* endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written
+* permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or
+* licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any
+* patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the
+* Apple Software may be incorporated.
+* The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR
+ PocketVerbs.cpp
+#include "PocketVerbs.h"
+// PocketVerbs::PocketVerbs
+PocketVerbs::PocketVerbs(AudioUnit component)
+ : AUEffectBase(component)
+ CreateElements();
+ Globals()->UseIndexedParameters(kNumberOfParameters);
+ SetParameter(kParam_One, kDefaultValue_ParamOne );
+ SetParameter(kParam_Two, kDefaultValue_ParamTwo );
+ SetParameter(kParam_Three, kDefaultValue_ParamThree );
+ SetParameter(kParam_Four, kDefaultValue_ParamFour );
+ mDebugDispatcher = new AUDebugDispatcher (this);
+// PocketVerbs::GetParameterValueStrings
+ComponentResult PocketVerbs::GetParameterValueStrings(AudioUnitScope inScope,
+ AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID,
+ CFArrayRef * outStrings)
+ if ((inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global) && (inParameterID == kParam_One)) //ID must be actual name of parameter identifier, not number
+ {
+ if (outStrings == NULL) return noErr;
+ CFStringRef strings [] =
+ {
+ kMenuItem_Chamber,
+ kMenuItem_Spring,
+ kMenuItem_Tiled,
+ kMenuItem_Room,
+ kMenuItem_Stretch,
+ kMenuItem_Zarathustra,
+ };
+ *outStrings = CFArrayCreate (
+ (const void **) strings,
+ (sizeof (strings) / sizeof (strings [0])),
+ );
+ return noErr;
+ }
+ return kAudioUnitErr_InvalidProperty;
+// PocketVerbs::GetParameterInfo
+ComponentResult PocketVerbs::GetParameterInfo(AudioUnitScope inScope,
+ AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID,
+ AudioUnitParameterInfo &outParameterInfo )
+ ComponentResult result = noErr;
+ outParameterInfo.flags = kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsWritable
+ | kAudioUnitParameterFlag_IsReadable;
+ if (inScope == kAudioUnitScope_Global) {
+ switch(inParameterID)
+ {
+ case kParam_One:
+ AUBase::FillInParameterName (outParameterInfo, kParameterOneName, false);
+ outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Indexed;
+ outParameterInfo.minValue = kChamber;
+ outParameterInfo.maxValue = kZarathustra;
+ outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultValue_ParamOne;
+ break;
+ case kParam_Two:
+ AUBase::FillInParameterName (outParameterInfo, kParameterTwoName, false);
+ outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic;
+ outParameterInfo.minValue = 0.0;
+ outParameterInfo.maxValue = 1.0;
+ outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultValue_ParamTwo;
+ break;
+ case kParam_Three:
+ AUBase::FillInParameterName (outParameterInfo, kParameterThreeName, false);
+ outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic;
+ outParameterInfo.minValue = 0.0;
+ outParameterInfo.maxValue = 1.0;
+ outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultValue_ParamThree;
+ break;
+ case kParam_Four:
+ AUBase::FillInParameterName (outParameterInfo, kParameterFourName, false);
+ outParameterInfo.unit = kAudioUnitParameterUnit_Generic;
+ outParameterInfo.minValue = 0.0;
+ outParameterInfo.maxValue = 1.0;
+ outParameterInfo.defaultValue = kDefaultValue_ParamFour;
+ break;
+ default:
+ result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ result = kAudioUnitErr_InvalidParameter;
+ }
+ return result;
+// PocketVerbs::GetPropertyInfo
+ComponentResult PocketVerbs::GetPropertyInfo (AudioUnitPropertyID inID,
+ AudioUnitScope inScope,
+ AudioUnitElement inElement,
+ UInt32 & outDataSize,
+ Boolean & outWritable)
+ return AUEffectBase::GetPropertyInfo (inID, inScope, inElement, outDataSize, outWritable);
+// PocketVerbs::GetProperty
+ComponentResult PocketVerbs::GetProperty( AudioUnitPropertyID inID,
+ AudioUnitScope inScope,
+ AudioUnitElement inElement,
+ void * outData )
+ return AUEffectBase::GetProperty (inID, inScope, inElement, outData);
+// PocketVerbs::Initialize
+ComponentResult PocketVerbs::Initialize()
+ ComponentResult result = AUEffectBase::Initialize();
+ if (result == noErr)
+ Reset(kAudioUnitScope_Global, 0);
+ return result;
+#pragma mark ____PocketVerbsEffectKernel
+// PocketVerbs::PocketVerbsKernel::Reset()
+void PocketVerbs::PocketVerbsKernel::Reset()
+ int count;
+ for(count = 0; count < 6; count++) {dA[count] = 0.0; dB[count] = 0.0; dC[count] = 0.0; dD[count] = 0.0; dE[count] = 0.0;
+ dF[count] = 0.0; dG[count] = 0.0; dH[count] = 0.0; dI[count] = 0.0; dJ[count] = 0.0; dK[count] = 0.0; dL[count] = 0.0;
+ dM[count] = 0.0; dN[count] = 0.0; dO[count] = 0.0; dP[count] = 0.0; dQ[count] = 0.0; dR[count] = 0.0; dS[count] = 0.0;
+ dT[count] = 0.0; dU[count] = 0.0; dV[count] = 0.0; dW[count] = 0.0; dX[count] = 0.0; dY[count] = 0.0; dZ[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 15149; count++) {aA[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 15149; count++) {oA[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 14617; count++) {aB[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 14617; count++) {oB[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 14357; count++) {aC[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 14357; count++) {oC[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 13817; count++) {aD[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 13817; count++) {oD[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 13561; count++) {aE[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 13561; count++) {oE[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 13045; count++) {aF[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 13045; count++) {oF[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 11965; count++) {aG[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 11965; count++) {oG[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 11129; count++) {aH[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 11129; count++) {oH[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 10597; count++) {aI[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 10597; count++) {oI[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 9809; count++) {aJ[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 9809; count++) {oJ[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 9521; count++) {aK[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 9521; count++) {oK[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 8981; count++) {aL[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 8981; count++) {oL[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 8785; count++) {aM[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 8785; count++) {oM[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 8461; count++) {aN[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 8461; count++) {oN[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 8309; count++) {aO[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 8309; count++) {oO[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 7981; count++) {aP[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 7981; count++) {oP[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 7321; count++) {aQ[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 7321; count++) {oQ[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 6817; count++) {aR[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 6817; count++) {oR[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 6505; count++) {aS[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 6505; count++) {oS[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 6001; count++) {aT[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 6001; count++) {oT[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 5837; count++) {aU[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 5837; count++) {oU[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 5501; count++) {aV[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 5501; count++) {oV[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 5009; count++) {aW[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 5009; count++) {oW[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 4849; count++) {aX[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 4849; count++) {oX[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 4295; count++) {aY[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 4295; count++) {oY[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 4179; count++) {aZ[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = 0; count < 4179; count++) {oZ[count] = 0.0;}
+ outA = 1; alpA = 1; delayA = 4; maxdelayA = 7573;
+ outB = 1; alpB = 1; delayB = 4; maxdelayB = 7307;
+ outC = 1; alpC = 1; delayC = 4; maxdelayC = 7177;
+ outD = 1; alpD = 1; delayD = 4; maxdelayD = 6907;
+ outE = 1; alpE = 1; delayE = 4; maxdelayE = 6779;
+ outF = 1; alpF = 1; delayF = 4; maxdelayF = 6521;
+ outG = 1; alpG = 1; delayG = 4; maxdelayG = 5981;
+ outH = 1; alpH = 1; delayH = 4; maxdelayH = 5563;
+ outI = 1; alpI = 1; delayI = 4; maxdelayI = 5297;
+ outJ = 1; alpJ = 1; delayJ = 4; maxdelayJ = 4903;
+ outK = 1; alpK = 1; delayK = 4; maxdelayK = 4759;
+ outL = 1; alpL = 1; delayL = 4; maxdelayL = 4489;
+ outM = 1; alpM = 1; delayM = 4; maxdelayM = 4391;
+ outN = 1; alpN = 1; delayN = 4; maxdelayN = 4229;
+ outO = 1; alpO = 1; delayO = 4; maxdelayO = 4153;
+ outP = 1; alpP = 1; delayP = 4; maxdelayP = 3989;
+ outQ = 1; alpQ = 1; delayQ = 4; maxdelayQ = 3659;
+ outR = 1; alpR = 1; delayR = 4; maxdelayR = 3407;
+ outS = 1; alpS = 1; delayS = 4; maxdelayS = 3251;
+ outT = 1; alpT = 1; delayT = 4; maxdelayT = 2999;
+ outU = 1; alpU = 1; delayU = 4; maxdelayU = 2917;
+ outV = 1; alpV = 1; delayV = 4; maxdelayV = 2749;
+ outW = 1; alpW = 1; delayW = 4; maxdelayW = 2503;
+ outX = 1; alpX = 1; delayX = 4; maxdelayX = 2423;
+ outY = 1; alpY = 1; delayY = 4; maxdelayY = 2146;
+ outZ = 1; alpZ = 1; delayZ = 4; maxdelayZ = 2088;
+ savedRoomsize = -1.0; //force update to begin
+ countdown = -1;
+ peak = 1.0;
+ fpd = 17;
+// PocketVerbs::PocketVerbsKernel::Process
+void PocketVerbs::PocketVerbsKernel::Process( const Float32 *inSourceP,
+ Float32 *inDestP,
+ UInt32 inFramesToProcess,
+ UInt32 inNumChannels,
+ bool &ioSilence )
+ UInt32 nSampleFrames = inFramesToProcess;
+ const Float32 *sourceP = inSourceP;
+ Float32 *destP = inDestP;
+ int verbtype = GetParameter( kParam_One );
+ Float64 roomsize = (pow(GetParameter( kParam_Two ),2)*1.9)+0.1;
+ Float64 release = 0.00008 * pow(GetParameter( kParam_Three ),3);
+ if (release == 0.0) peak = 1.0;
+ Float64 wetnesstarget = GetParameter( kParam_Four );
+ Float64 dryness = (1.0 - wetnesstarget);
+ //verbs use base wetness value internally
+ Float64 wetness = wetnesstarget;
+ Float64 constallpass = 0.618033988749894848204586; //golden ratio!
+ int allpasstemp;
+ int count;
+ int max = 70; //biggest divisor to test primes against
+ Float64 bridgerectifier;
+ Float64 gain = 0.5+(wetnesstarget*0.5); //dryer for less verb drive
+ //used as an aux, saturates when fed high levels
+ //remap values to primes input number in question is 'i'
+ //max is the largest prime we care about- HF interactions more interesting than the big numbers
+ //pushing values larger and larger until we have a result
+ //for (primetest=2; primetest <= max; primetest++) {if ( i!=primetest && i % primetest == 0 ) {i += 1; primetest=2;}}
+ if (savedRoomsize != roomsize) {savedRoomsize = roomsize; countdown = 26;} //kick off the adjustment which will take 26 zippernoise refreshes to complete
+ if (countdown > 0) {switch (countdown)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ delayA = (int(maxdelayA * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayA != count && delayA % count == 0 ) {delayA += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish As
+ if (delayA > maxdelayA) delayA = maxdelayA; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpA; count < 15149; count++) {aA[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outA; count < 15149; count++) {oA[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ delayB = (int(maxdelayB * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayB != count && delayB % count == 0 ) {delayB += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Bs
+ if (delayB > maxdelayB) delayB = maxdelayB; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpB; count < 14617; count++) {aB[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outB; count < 14617; count++) {oB[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ delayC = (int(maxdelayC * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayC != count && delayC % count == 0 ) {delayC += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Cs
+ if (delayC > maxdelayC) delayC = maxdelayC; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpC; count < 14357; count++) {aC[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outC; count < 14357; count++) {oC[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ delayD = (int(maxdelayD * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayD != count && delayD % count == 0 ) {delayD += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Ds
+ if (delayD > maxdelayD) delayD = maxdelayD; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpD; count < 13817; count++) {aD[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outD; count < 13817; count++) {oD[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ delayE = (int(maxdelayE * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayE != count && delayE % count == 0 ) {delayE += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Es
+ if (delayE > maxdelayE) delayE = maxdelayE; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpE; count < 13561; count++) {aE[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outE; count < 13561; count++) {oE[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ delayF = (int(maxdelayF * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayF != count && delayF % count == 0 ) {delayF += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Fs
+ if (delayF > maxdelayF) delayF = maxdelayF; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpF; count < 13045; count++) {aF[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outF; count < 13045; count++) {oF[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ delayG = (int(maxdelayG * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayG != count && delayG % count == 0 ) {delayG += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Gs
+ if (delayG > maxdelayG) delayG = maxdelayG; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpG; count < 11965; count++) {aG[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outG; count < 11965; count++) {oG[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ delayH = (int(maxdelayH * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayH != count && delayH % count == 0 ) {delayH += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Hs
+ if (delayH > maxdelayH) delayH = maxdelayH; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpH; count < 11129; count++) {aH[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outH; count < 11129; count++) {oH[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ delayI = (int(maxdelayI * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayI != count && delayI % count == 0 ) {delayI += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Is
+ if (delayI > maxdelayI) delayI = maxdelayI; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpI; count < 10597; count++) {aI[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outI; count < 10597; count++) {oI[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ delayJ = (int(maxdelayJ * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayJ != count && delayJ % count == 0 ) {delayJ += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Js
+ if (delayJ > maxdelayJ) delayJ = maxdelayJ; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpJ; count < 9809; count++) {aJ[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outJ; count < 9809; count++) {oJ[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ delayK = (int(maxdelayK * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayK != count && delayK % count == 0 ) {delayK += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Ks
+ if (delayK > maxdelayK) delayK = maxdelayK; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpK; count < 9521; count++) {aK[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outK; count < 9521; count++) {oK[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ delayL = (int(maxdelayL * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayL != count && delayL % count == 0 ) {delayL += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Ls
+ if (delayL > maxdelayL) delayL = maxdelayL; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpL; count < 8981; count++) {aL[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outL; count < 8981; count++) {oL[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ delayM = (int(maxdelayM * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayM != count && delayM % count == 0 ) {delayM += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Ms
+ if (delayM > maxdelayM) delayM = maxdelayM; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpM; count < 8785; count++) {aM[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outM; count < 8785; count++) {oM[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ delayN = (int(maxdelayN * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayN != count && delayN % count == 0 ) {delayN += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Ns
+ if (delayN > maxdelayN) delayN = maxdelayN; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpN; count < 8461; count++) {aN[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outN; count < 8461; count++) {oN[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ delayO = (int(maxdelayO * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayO != count && delayO % count == 0 ) {delayO += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Os
+ if (delayO > maxdelayO) delayO = maxdelayO; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpO; count < 8309; count++) {aO[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outO; count < 8309; count++) {oO[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ delayP = (int(maxdelayP * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayP != count && delayP % count == 0 ) {delayP += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Ps
+ if (delayP > maxdelayP) delayP = maxdelayP; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpP; count < 7981; count++) {aP[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outP; count < 7981; count++) {oP[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ delayQ = (int(maxdelayQ * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayQ != count && delayQ % count == 0 ) {delayQ += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Qs
+ if (delayQ > maxdelayQ) delayQ = maxdelayQ; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpQ; count < 7321; count++) {aQ[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outQ; count < 7321; count++) {oQ[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ delayR = (int(maxdelayR * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayR != count && delayR % count == 0 ) {delayR += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Rs
+ if (delayR > maxdelayR) delayR = maxdelayR; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpR; count < 6817; count++) {aR[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outR; count < 6817; count++) {oR[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ delayS = (int(maxdelayS * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayS != count && delayS % count == 0 ) {delayS += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Ss
+ if (delayS > maxdelayS) delayS = maxdelayS; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpS; count < 6505; count++) {aS[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outS; count < 6505; count++) {oS[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ delayT = (int(maxdelayT * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayT != count && delayT % count == 0 ) {delayT += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Ts
+ if (delayT > maxdelayT) delayT = maxdelayT; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpT; count < 6001; count++) {aT[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outT; count < 6001; count++) {oT[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ delayU = (int(maxdelayU * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayU != count && delayU % count == 0 ) {delayU += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Us
+ if (delayU > maxdelayU) delayU = maxdelayU; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpU; count < 5837; count++) {aU[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outU; count < 5837; count++) {oU[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ delayV = (int(maxdelayV * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayV != count && delayV % count == 0 ) {delayV += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Vs
+ if (delayV > maxdelayV) delayV = maxdelayV; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpV; count < 5501; count++) {aV[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outV; count < 5501; count++) {oV[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ delayW = (int(maxdelayW * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayW != count && delayW % count == 0 ) {delayW += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Ws
+ if (delayW > maxdelayW) delayW = maxdelayW; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpW; count < 5009; count++) {aW[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outW; count < 5009; count++) {oW[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ delayX = (int(maxdelayX * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayX != count && delayX % count == 0 ) {delayX += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Xs
+ if (delayX > maxdelayX) delayX = maxdelayX; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpX; count < 4849; count++) {aX[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outX; count < 4849; count++) {oX[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ delayY = (int(maxdelayY * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayY != count && delayY % count == 0 ) {delayY += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Ys
+ if (delayY > maxdelayY) delayY = maxdelayY; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpY; count < 4295; count++) {aY[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outY; count < 4295; count++) {oY[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ delayZ = (int(maxdelayZ * roomsize));
+ for (count=2; count <= max; count++) {if ( delayZ != count && delayZ % count == 0 ) {delayZ += 1; count=2;}} //try for primeish Zs
+ if (delayZ > maxdelayZ) delayZ = maxdelayZ; //insanitycheck
+ for(count = alpZ; count < 4179; count++) {aZ[count] = 0.0;}
+ for(count = outZ; count < 4179; count++) {oZ[count] = 0.0;}
+ break;
+ } //end of switch statement
+ countdown--;
+ }
+ while (nSampleFrames-- > 0) {
+ long double inputSample = *sourceP;
+ if (fabs(inputSample)<1.18e-37) inputSample = fpd * 1.18e-37;
+ long double drySample = inputSample;
+ peak -= release;
+ if (peak < fabs(inputSample*2.0)) peak = fabs(inputSample*2.0);
+ if (peak > 1.0) peak = 1.0;
+ //chase the maximum signal to incorporate the wetter/louder behavior
+ //boost for more extreme effect when in use, cap it
+ inputSample *= gain;
+ bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSample);
+ bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
+ if (inputSample > 0) inputSample = bridgerectifier;
+ else inputSample = -bridgerectifier;
+ //here we apply the ADT2 console-on-steroids trick
+ switch (verbtype)
+ {
+case 1://Chamber
+ allpasstemp = alpA - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayA) {allpasstemp = delayA;}
+ inputSample -= aA[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aA[alpA] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpA--; if (alpA < 0 || alpA > delayA) {alpA = delayA;}
+ inputSample += (aA[alpA]);
+ //allpass filter A
+ dA[3] = dA[2];
+ dA[2] = dA[1];
+ dA[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dA[2] + dA[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpB - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayB) {allpasstemp = delayB;}
+ inputSample -= aB[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aB[alpB] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpB--; if (alpB < 0 || alpB > delayB) {alpB = delayB;}
+ inputSample += (aB[alpB]);
+ //allpass filter B
+ dB[3] = dB[2];
+ dB[2] = dB[1];
+ dB[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dB[1] + dB[2] + dB[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpC - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayC) {allpasstemp = delayC;}
+ inputSample -= aC[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aC[alpC] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpC--; if (alpC < 0 || alpC > delayC) {alpC = delayC;}
+ inputSample += (aC[alpC]);
+ //allpass filter C
+ dC[3] = dC[2];
+ dC[2] = dC[1];
+ dC[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dC[2] + dC[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpD - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayD) {allpasstemp = delayD;}
+ inputSample -= aD[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aD[alpD] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpD--; if (alpD < 0 || alpD > delayD) {alpD = delayD;}
+ inputSample += (aD[alpD]);
+ //allpass filter D
+ dD[3] = dD[2];
+ dD[2] = dD[1];
+ dD[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dD[1] + dD[2] + dD[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpE - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayE) {allpasstemp = delayE;}
+ inputSample -= aE[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aE[alpE] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpE--; if (alpE < 0 || alpE > delayE) {alpE = delayE;}
+ inputSample += (aE[alpE]);
+ //allpass filter E
+ dE[3] = dE[2];
+ dE[2] = dE[1];
+ dE[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dE[2] + dE[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpF - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayF) {allpasstemp = delayF;}
+ inputSample -= aF[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aF[alpF] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpF--; if (alpF < 0 || alpF > delayF) {alpF = delayF;}
+ inputSample += (aF[alpF]);
+ //allpass filter F
+ dF[3] = dF[2];
+ dF[2] = dF[1];
+ dF[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dF[1] + dF[2] + dF[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpG - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayG) {allpasstemp = delayG;}
+ inputSample -= aG[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aG[alpG] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpG--; if (alpG < 0 || alpG > delayG) {alpG = delayG;}
+ inputSample += (aG[alpG]);
+ //allpass filter G
+ dG[3] = dG[2];
+ dG[2] = dG[1];
+ dG[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dG[2] + dG[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpH - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayH) {allpasstemp = delayH;}
+ inputSample -= aH[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aH[alpH] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpH--; if (alpH < 0 || alpH > delayH) {alpH = delayH;}
+ inputSample += (aH[alpH]);
+ //allpass filter H
+ dH[3] = dH[2];
+ dH[2] = dH[1];
+ dH[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dH[1] + dH[2] + dH[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpI - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayI) {allpasstemp = delayI;}
+ inputSample -= aI[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aI[alpI] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpI--; if (alpI < 0 || alpI > delayI) {alpI = delayI;}
+ inputSample += (aI[alpI]);
+ //allpass filter I
+ dI[3] = dI[2];
+ dI[2] = dI[1];
+ dI[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dI[1] + dI[2] + dI[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpJ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayJ) {allpasstemp = delayJ;}
+ inputSample -= aJ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aJ[alpJ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpJ--; if (alpJ < 0 || alpJ > delayJ) {alpJ = delayJ;}
+ inputSample += (aJ[alpJ]);
+ //allpass filter J
+ dJ[3] = dJ[2];
+ dJ[2] = dJ[1];
+ dJ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dJ[1] + dJ[2] + dJ[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpK - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayK) {allpasstemp = delayK;}
+ inputSample -= aK[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aK[alpK] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpK--; if (alpK < 0 || alpK > delayK) {alpK = delayK;}
+ inputSample += (aK[alpK]);
+ //allpass filter K
+ dK[3] = dK[2];
+ dK[2] = dK[1];
+ dK[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dK[2] + dK[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpL - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayL) {allpasstemp = delayL;}
+ inputSample -= aL[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aL[alpL] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpL--; if (alpL < 0 || alpL > delayL) {alpL = delayL;}
+ inputSample += (aL[alpL]);
+ //allpass filter L
+ dL[3] = dL[2];
+ dL[2] = dL[1];
+ dL[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dL[1] + dL[2] + dL[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpM - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayM) {allpasstemp = delayM;}
+ inputSample -= aM[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aM[alpM] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpM--; if (alpM < 0 || alpM > delayM) {alpM = delayM;}
+ inputSample += (aM[alpM]);
+ //allpass filter M
+ dM[3] = dM[2];
+ dM[2] = dM[1];
+ dM[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dM[2] + dM[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpN - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayN) {allpasstemp = delayN;}
+ inputSample -= aN[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aN[alpN] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpN--; if (alpN < 0 || alpN > delayN) {alpN = delayN;}
+ inputSample += (aN[alpN]);
+ //allpass filter N
+ dN[3] = dN[2];
+ dN[2] = dN[1];
+ dN[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dN[1] + dN[2] + dN[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpO - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayO) {allpasstemp = delayO;}
+ inputSample -= aO[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aO[alpO] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpO--; if (alpO < 0 || alpO > delayO) {alpO = delayO;}
+ inputSample += (aO[alpO]);
+ //allpass filter O
+ dO[3] = dO[2];
+ dO[2] = dO[1];
+ dO[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dO[1] + dO[2] + dO[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpP - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayP) {allpasstemp = delayP;}
+ inputSample -= aP[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aP[alpP] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpP--; if (alpP < 0 || alpP > delayP) {alpP = delayP;}
+ inputSample += (aP[alpP]);
+ //allpass filter P
+ dP[3] = dP[2];
+ dP[2] = dP[1];
+ dP[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dP[1] + dP[2] + dP[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpQ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayQ) {allpasstemp = delayQ;}
+ inputSample -= aQ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aQ[alpQ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpQ--; if (alpQ < 0 || alpQ > delayQ) {alpQ = delayQ;}
+ inputSample += (aQ[alpQ]);
+ //allpass filter Q
+ dQ[3] = dQ[2];
+ dQ[2] = dQ[1];
+ dQ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dQ[2] + dQ[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpR - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayR) {allpasstemp = delayR;}
+ inputSample -= aR[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aR[alpR] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpR--; if (alpR < 0 || alpR > delayR) {alpR = delayR;}
+ inputSample += (aR[alpR]);
+ //allpass filter R
+ dR[3] = dR[2];
+ dR[2] = dR[1];
+ dR[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dR[1] + dR[2] + dR[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpS - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayS) {allpasstemp = delayS;}
+ inputSample -= aS[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aS[alpS] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpS--; if (alpS < 0 || alpS > delayS) {alpS = delayS;}
+ inputSample += (aS[alpS]);
+ //allpass filter S
+ dS[3] = dS[2];
+ dS[2] = dS[1];
+ dS[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dS[2] + dS[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpT - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayT) {allpasstemp = delayT;}
+ inputSample -= aT[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aT[alpT] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpT--; if (alpT < 0 || alpT > delayT) {alpT = delayT;}
+ inputSample += (aT[alpT]);
+ //allpass filter T
+ dT[3] = dT[2];
+ dT[2] = dT[1];
+ dT[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dT[1] + dT[2] + dT[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpU - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayU) {allpasstemp = delayU;}
+ inputSample -= aU[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aU[alpU] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpU--; if (alpU < 0 || alpU > delayU) {alpU = delayU;}
+ inputSample += (aU[alpU]);
+ //allpass filter U
+ dU[3] = dU[2];
+ dU[2] = dU[1];
+ dU[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dU[1] + dU[2] + dU[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpV - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayV) {allpasstemp = delayV;}
+ inputSample -= aV[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aV[alpV] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpV--; if (alpV < 0 || alpV > delayV) {alpV = delayV;}
+ inputSample += (aV[alpV]);
+ //allpass filter V
+ dV[3] = dV[2];
+ dV[2] = dV[1];
+ dV[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dV[1] + dV[2] + dV[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpW - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayW) {allpasstemp = delayW;}
+ inputSample -= aW[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aW[alpW] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpW--; if (alpW < 0 || alpW > delayW) {alpW = delayW;}
+ inputSample += (aW[alpW]);
+ //allpass filter W
+ dW[3] = dW[2];
+ dW[2] = dW[1];
+ dW[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dW[2] + dW[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpX - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayX) {allpasstemp = delayX;}
+ inputSample -= aX[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aX[alpX] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpX--; if (alpX < 0 || alpX > delayX) {alpX = delayX;}
+ inputSample += (aX[alpX]);
+ //allpass filter X
+ dX[3] = dX[2];
+ dX[2] = dX[1];
+ dX[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dX[1] + dX[2] + dX[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpY - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayY) {allpasstemp = delayY;}
+ inputSample -= aY[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aY[alpY] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpY--; if (alpY < 0 || alpY > delayY) {alpY = delayY;}
+ inputSample += (aY[alpY]);
+ //allpass filter Y
+ dY[3] = dY[2];
+ dY[2] = dY[1];
+ dY[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dY[1] + dY[2] + dY[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpZ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayZ) {allpasstemp = delayZ;}
+ inputSample -= aZ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aZ[alpZ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpZ--; if (alpZ < 0 || alpZ > delayZ) {alpZ = delayZ;}
+ inputSample += (aZ[alpZ]);
+ //allpass filter Z
+ dZ[3] = dZ[2];
+ dZ[2] = dZ[1];
+ dZ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dZ[1] + dZ[2] + dZ[3])/3.0;
+ // now the second stage using the 'out' bank of allpasses
+ allpasstemp = outA - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayA) {allpasstemp = delayA;}
+ inputSample -= oA[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oA[outA] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outA--; if (outA < 0 || outA > delayA) {outA = delayA;}
+ inputSample += (oA[outA]);
+ //allpass filter A
+ dA[6] = dA[5];
+ dA[5] = dA[4];
+ dA[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[4] + dA[5] + dA[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outB - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayB) {allpasstemp = delayB;}
+ inputSample -= oB[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oB[outB] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outB--; if (outB < 0 || outB > delayB) {outB = delayB;}
+ inputSample += (oB[outB]);
+ //allpass filter B
+ dB[6] = dB[5];
+ dB[5] = dB[4];
+ dB[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dB[4] + dB[5] + dB[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outC - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayC) {allpasstemp = delayC;}
+ inputSample -= oC[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oC[outC] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outC--; if (outC < 0 || outC > delayC) {outC = delayC;}
+ inputSample += (oC[outC]);
+ //allpass filter C
+ dC[6] = dC[5];
+ dC[5] = dC[4];
+ dC[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dC[5] + dC[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outD - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayD) {allpasstemp = delayD;}
+ inputSample -= oD[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oD[outD] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outD--; if (outD < 0 || outD > delayD) {outD = delayD;}
+ inputSample += (oD[outD]);
+ //allpass filter D
+ dD[6] = dD[5];
+ dD[5] = dD[4];
+ dD[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dD[4] + dD[5] + dD[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outE - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayE) {allpasstemp = delayE;}
+ inputSample -= oE[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oE[outE] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outE--; if (outE < 0 || outE > delayE) {outE = delayE;}
+ inputSample += (oE[outE]);
+ //allpass filter E
+ dE[6] = dE[5];
+ dE[5] = dE[4];
+ dE[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dE[5] + dE[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outF - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayF) {allpasstemp = delayF;}
+ inputSample -= oF[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oF[outF] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outF--; if (outF < 0 || outF > delayF) {outF = delayF;}
+ inputSample += (oF[outF]);
+ //allpass filter F
+ dF[6] = dF[5];
+ dF[5] = dF[4];
+ dF[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dF[4] + dF[5] + dF[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outG - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayG) {allpasstemp = delayG;}
+ inputSample -= oG[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oG[outG] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outG--; if (outG < 0 || outG > delayG) {outG = delayG;}
+ inputSample += (oG[outG]);
+ //allpass filter G
+ dG[6] = dG[5];
+ dG[5] = dG[4];
+ dG[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dG[4] + dG[5] + dG[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outH - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayH) {allpasstemp = delayH;}
+ inputSample -= oH[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oH[outH] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outH--; if (outH < 0 || outH > delayH) {outH = delayH;}
+ inputSample += (oH[outH]);
+ //allpass filter H
+ dH[6] = dH[5];
+ dH[5] = dH[4];
+ dH[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dH[4] + dH[5] + dH[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outI - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayI) {allpasstemp = delayI;}
+ inputSample -= oI[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oI[outI] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outI--; if (outI < 0 || outI > delayI) {outI = delayI;}
+ inputSample += (oI[outI]);
+ //allpass filter I
+ dI[6] = dI[5];
+ dI[5] = dI[4];
+ dI[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dI[4] + dI[5] + dI[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outJ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayJ) {allpasstemp = delayJ;}
+ inputSample -= oJ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oJ[outJ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outJ--; if (outJ < 0 || outJ > delayJ) {outJ = delayJ;}
+ inputSample += (oJ[outJ]);
+ //allpass filter J
+ dJ[6] = dJ[5];
+ dJ[5] = dJ[4];
+ dJ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dJ[4] + dJ[5] + dJ[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outK - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayK) {allpasstemp = delayK;}
+ inputSample -= oK[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oK[outK] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outK--; if (outK < 0 || outK > delayK) {outK = delayK;}
+ inputSample += (oK[outK]);
+ //allpass filter K
+ dK[6] = dK[5];
+ dK[5] = dK[4];
+ dK[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dK[5] + dK[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outL - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayL) {allpasstemp = delayL;}
+ inputSample -= oL[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oL[outL] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outL--; if (outL < 0 || outL > delayL) {outL = delayL;}
+ inputSample += (oL[outL]);
+ //allpass filter L
+ dL[6] = dL[5];
+ dL[5] = dL[4];
+ dL[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dL[4] + dL[5] + dL[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outM - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayM) {allpasstemp = delayM;}
+ inputSample -= oM[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oM[outM] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outM--; if (outM < 0 || outM > delayM) {outM = delayM;}
+ inputSample += (oM[outM]);
+ //allpass filter M
+ dM[6] = dM[5];
+ dM[5] = dM[4];
+ dM[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dM[4] + dM[5] + dM[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outN - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayN) {allpasstemp = delayN;}
+ inputSample -= oN[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oN[outN] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outN--; if (outN < 0 || outN > delayN) {outN = delayN;}
+ inputSample += (oN[outN]);
+ //allpass filter N
+ dN[6] = dN[5];
+ dN[5] = dN[4];
+ dN[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dN[4] + dN[5] + dN[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outO - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayO) {allpasstemp = delayO;}
+ inputSample -= oO[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oO[outO] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outO--; if (outO < 0 || outO > delayO) {outO = delayO;}
+ inputSample += (oO[outO]);
+ //allpass filter O
+ dO[6] = dO[5];
+ dO[5] = dO[4];
+ dO[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dO[5] + dO[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outP - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayP) {allpasstemp = delayP;}
+ inputSample -= oP[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oP[outP] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outP--; if (outP < 0 || outP > delayP) {outP = delayP;}
+ inputSample += (oP[outP]);
+ //allpass filter P
+ dP[6] = dP[5];
+ dP[5] = dP[4];
+ dP[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dP[4] + dP[5] + dP[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outQ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayQ) {allpasstemp = delayQ;}
+ inputSample -= oQ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oQ[outQ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outQ--; if (outQ < 0 || outQ > delayQ) {outQ = delayQ;}
+ inputSample += (oQ[outQ]);
+ //allpass filter Q
+ dQ[6] = dQ[5];
+ dQ[5] = dQ[4];
+ dQ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dQ[5] + dQ[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outR - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayR) {allpasstemp = delayR;}
+ inputSample -= oR[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oR[outR] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outR--; if (outR < 0 || outR > delayR) {outR = delayR;}
+ inputSample += (oR[outR]);
+ //allpass filter R
+ dR[6] = dR[5];
+ dR[5] = dR[4];
+ dR[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dR[4] + dR[5] + dR[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outS - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayS) {allpasstemp = delayS;}
+ inputSample -= oS[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oS[outS] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outS--; if (outS < 0 || outS > delayS) {outS = delayS;}
+ inputSample += (oS[outS]);
+ //allpass filter S
+ dS[6] = dS[5];
+ dS[5] = dS[4];
+ dS[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dS[4] + dS[5] + dS[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outT - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayT) {allpasstemp = delayT;}
+ inputSample -= oT[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oT[outT] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outT--; if (outT < 0 || outT > delayT) {outT = delayT;}
+ inputSample += (oT[outT]);
+ //allpass filter T
+ dT[6] = dT[5];
+ dT[5] = dT[4];
+ dT[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dT[4] + dT[5] + dT[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outU - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayU) {allpasstemp = delayU;}
+ inputSample -= oU[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oU[outU] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outU--; if (outU < 0 || outU > delayU) {outU = delayU;}
+ inputSample += (oU[outU]);
+ //allpass filter U
+ dU[6] = dU[5];
+ dU[5] = dU[4];
+ dU[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dU[5] + dU[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outV - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayV) {allpasstemp = delayV;}
+ inputSample -= oV[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oV[outV] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outV--; if (outV < 0 || outV > delayV) {outV = delayV;}
+ inputSample += (oV[outV]);
+ //allpass filter V
+ dV[6] = dV[5];
+ dV[5] = dV[4];
+ dV[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dV[4] + dV[5] + dV[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outW - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayW) {allpasstemp = delayW;}
+ inputSample -= oW[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oW[outW] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outW--; if (outW < 0 || outW > delayW) {outW = delayW;}
+ inputSample += (oW[outW]);
+ //allpass filter W
+ dW[6] = dW[5];
+ dW[5] = dW[4];
+ dW[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dW[4] + dW[5] + dW[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outX - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayX) {allpasstemp = delayX;}
+ inputSample -= oX[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oX[outX] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outX--; if (outX < 0 || outX > delayX) {outX = delayX;}
+ inputSample += (oX[outX]);
+ //allpass filter X
+ dX[6] = dX[5];
+ dX[5] = dX[4];
+ dX[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dX[4] + dX[5] + dX[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outY - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayY) {allpasstemp = delayY;}
+ inputSample -= oY[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oY[outY] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outY--; if (outY < 0 || outY > delayY) {outY = delayY;}
+ inputSample += (oY[outY]);
+ //allpass filter Y
+ dY[6] = dY[5];
+ dY[5] = dY[4];
+ dY[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dY[4] + dY[5] + dY[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outZ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayZ) {allpasstemp = delayZ;}
+ inputSample -= oZ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oZ[outZ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outZ--; if (outZ < 0 || outZ > delayZ) {outZ = delayZ;}
+ inputSample += (oZ[outZ]);
+ //allpass filter Z
+ dZ[6] = dZ[5];
+ dZ[5] = dZ[4];
+ dZ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dZ[4] + dZ[5] + dZ[6]);
+ //output Chamber
+ break;
+ case 2: //Spring
+ allpasstemp = alpA - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayA) {allpasstemp = delayA;}
+ inputSample -= aA[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aA[alpA] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpA--; if (alpA < 0 || alpA > delayA) {alpA = delayA;}
+ inputSample += (aA[alpA]);
+ //allpass filter A
+ dA[3] = dA[2];
+ dA[2] = dA[1];
+ dA[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dA[2] + dA[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpB - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayB) {allpasstemp = delayB;}
+ inputSample -= aB[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aB[alpB] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpB--; if (alpB < 0 || alpB > delayB) {alpB = delayB;}
+ inputSample += (aB[alpB]);
+ //allpass filter B
+ dB[3] = dB[2];
+ dB[2] = dB[1];
+ dB[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dB[1] + dB[2] + dB[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpC - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayC) {allpasstemp = delayC;}
+ inputSample -= aC[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aC[alpC] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpC--; if (alpC < 0 || alpC > delayC) {alpC = delayC;}
+ inputSample += (aC[alpC]);
+ //allpass filter C
+ dC[3] = dC[2];
+ dC[2] = dC[1];
+ dC[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dC[1] + dC[2] + dC[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpD - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayD) {allpasstemp = delayD;}
+ inputSample -= aD[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aD[alpD] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpD--; if (alpD < 0 || alpD > delayD) {alpD = delayD;}
+ inputSample += (aD[alpD]);
+ //allpass filter D
+ dD[3] = dD[2];
+ dD[2] = dD[1];
+ dD[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dD[1] + dD[2] + dD[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpE - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayE) {allpasstemp = delayE;}
+ inputSample -= aE[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aE[alpE] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpE--; if (alpE < 0 || alpE > delayE) {alpE = delayE;}
+ inputSample += (aE[alpE]);
+ //allpass filter E
+ dE[3] = dE[2];
+ dE[2] = dE[1];
+ dE[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dE[1] + dE[2] + dE[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpF - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayF) {allpasstemp = delayF;}
+ inputSample -= aF[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aF[alpF] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpF--; if (alpF < 0 || alpF > delayF) {alpF = delayF;}
+ inputSample += (aF[alpF]);
+ //allpass filter F
+ dF[3] = dF[2];
+ dF[2] = dF[1];
+ dF[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dF[1] + dF[2] + dF[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpG - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayG) {allpasstemp = delayG;}
+ inputSample -= aG[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aG[alpG] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpG--; if (alpG < 0 || alpG > delayG) {alpG = delayG;}
+ inputSample += (aG[alpG]);
+ //allpass filter G
+ dG[3] = dG[2];
+ dG[2] = dG[1];
+ dG[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dG[1] + dG[2] + dG[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpH - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayH) {allpasstemp = delayH;}
+ inputSample -= aH[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aH[alpH] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpH--; if (alpH < 0 || alpH > delayH) {alpH = delayH;}
+ inputSample += (aH[alpH]);
+ //allpass filter H
+ dH[3] = dH[2];
+ dH[2] = dH[1];
+ dH[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dH[1] + dH[2] + dH[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpI - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayI) {allpasstemp = delayI;}
+ inputSample -= aI[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aI[alpI] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpI--; if (alpI < 0 || alpI > delayI) {alpI = delayI;}
+ inputSample += (aI[alpI]);
+ //allpass filter I
+ dI[3] = dI[2];
+ dI[2] = dI[1];
+ dI[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dI[1] + dI[2] + dI[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpJ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayJ) {allpasstemp = delayJ;}
+ inputSample -= aJ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aJ[alpJ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpJ--; if (alpJ < 0 || alpJ > delayJ) {alpJ = delayJ;}
+ inputSample += (aJ[alpJ]);
+ //allpass filter J
+ dJ[3] = dJ[2];
+ dJ[2] = dJ[1];
+ dJ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dJ[1] + dJ[2] + dJ[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpK - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayK) {allpasstemp = delayK;}
+ inputSample -= aK[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aK[alpK] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpK--; if (alpK < 0 || alpK > delayK) {alpK = delayK;}
+ inputSample += (aK[alpK]);
+ //allpass filter K
+ dK[3] = dK[2];
+ dK[2] = dK[1];
+ dK[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dK[1] + dK[2] + dK[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpL - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayL) {allpasstemp = delayL;}
+ inputSample -= aL[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aL[alpL] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpL--; if (alpL < 0 || alpL > delayL) {alpL = delayL;}
+ inputSample += (aL[alpL]);
+ //allpass filter L
+ dL[3] = dL[2];
+ dL[2] = dL[1];
+ dL[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dL[1] + dL[2] + dL[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpM - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayM) {allpasstemp = delayM;}
+ inputSample -= aM[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aM[alpM] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpM--; if (alpM < 0 || alpM > delayM) {alpM = delayM;}
+ inputSample += (aM[alpM]);
+ //allpass filter M
+ dM[3] = dM[2];
+ dM[2] = dM[1];
+ dM[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dM[1] + dM[2] + dM[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpN - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayN) {allpasstemp = delayN;}
+ inputSample -= aN[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aN[alpN] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpN--; if (alpN < 0 || alpN > delayN) {alpN = delayN;}
+ inputSample += (aN[alpN]);
+ //allpass filter N
+ dN[3] = dN[2];
+ dN[2] = dN[1];
+ dN[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dN[1] + dN[2] + dN[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpO - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayO) {allpasstemp = delayO;}
+ inputSample -= aO[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aO[alpO] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpO--; if (alpO < 0 || alpO > delayO) {alpO = delayO;}
+ inputSample += (aO[alpO]);
+ //allpass filter O
+ dO[3] = dO[2];
+ dO[2] = dO[1];
+ dO[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dO[1] + dO[2] + dO[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpP - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayP) {allpasstemp = delayP;}
+ inputSample -= aP[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aP[alpP] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpP--; if (alpP < 0 || alpP > delayP) {alpP = delayP;}
+ inputSample += (aP[alpP]);
+ //allpass filter P
+ dP[3] = dP[2];
+ dP[2] = dP[1];
+ dP[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dP[1] + dP[2] + dP[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpQ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayQ) {allpasstemp = delayQ;}
+ inputSample -= aQ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aQ[alpQ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpQ--; if (alpQ < 0 || alpQ > delayQ) {alpQ = delayQ;}
+ inputSample += (aQ[alpQ]);
+ //allpass filter Q
+ dQ[3] = dQ[2];
+ dQ[2] = dQ[1];
+ dQ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dQ[1] + dQ[2] + dQ[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpR - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayR) {allpasstemp = delayR;}
+ inputSample -= aR[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aR[alpR] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpR--; if (alpR < 0 || alpR > delayR) {alpR = delayR;}
+ inputSample += (aR[alpR]);
+ //allpass filter R
+ dR[3] = dR[2];
+ dR[2] = dR[1];
+ dR[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dR[1] + dR[2] + dR[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpS - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayS) {allpasstemp = delayS;}
+ inputSample -= aS[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aS[alpS] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpS--; if (alpS < 0 || alpS > delayS) {alpS = delayS;}
+ inputSample += (aS[alpS]);
+ //allpass filter S
+ dS[3] = dS[2];
+ dS[2] = dS[1];
+ dS[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dS[1] + dS[2] + dS[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpT - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayT) {allpasstemp = delayT;}
+ inputSample -= aT[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aT[alpT] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpT--; if (alpT < 0 || alpT > delayT) {alpT = delayT;}
+ inputSample += (aT[alpT]);
+ //allpass filter T
+ dT[3] = dT[2];
+ dT[2] = dT[1];
+ dT[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dT[1] + dT[2] + dT[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpU - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayU) {allpasstemp = delayU;}
+ inputSample -= aU[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aU[alpU] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpU--; if (alpU < 0 || alpU > delayU) {alpU = delayU;}
+ inputSample += (aU[alpU]);
+ //allpass filter U
+ dU[3] = dU[2];
+ dU[2] = dU[1];
+ dU[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dU[1] + dU[2] + dU[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpV - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayV) {allpasstemp = delayV;}
+ inputSample -= aV[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aV[alpV] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpV--; if (alpV < 0 || alpV > delayV) {alpV = delayV;}
+ inputSample += (aV[alpV]);
+ //allpass filter V
+ dV[3] = dV[2];
+ dV[2] = dV[1];
+ dV[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dV[1] + dV[2] + dV[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpW - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayW) {allpasstemp = delayW;}
+ inputSample -= aW[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aW[alpW] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpW--; if (alpW < 0 || alpW > delayW) {alpW = delayW;}
+ inputSample += (aW[alpW]);
+ //allpass filter W
+ dW[3] = dW[2];
+ dW[2] = dW[1];
+ dW[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dW[1] + dW[2] + dW[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpX - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayX) {allpasstemp = delayX;}
+ inputSample -= aX[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aX[alpX] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpX--; if (alpX < 0 || alpX > delayX) {alpX = delayX;}
+ inputSample += (aX[alpX]);
+ //allpass filter X
+ dX[3] = dX[2];
+ dX[2] = dX[1];
+ dX[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dX[1] + dX[2] + dX[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpY - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayY) {allpasstemp = delayY;}
+ inputSample -= aY[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aY[alpY] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpY--; if (alpY < 0 || alpY > delayY) {alpY = delayY;}
+ inputSample += (aY[alpY]);
+ //allpass filter Y
+ dY[3] = dY[2];
+ dY[2] = dY[1];
+ dY[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dY[1] + dY[2] + dY[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpZ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayZ) {allpasstemp = delayZ;}
+ inputSample -= aZ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aZ[alpZ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpZ--; if (alpZ < 0 || alpZ > delayZ) {alpZ = delayZ;}
+ inputSample += (aZ[alpZ]);
+ //allpass filter Z
+ dZ[3] = dZ[2];
+ dZ[2] = dZ[1];
+ dZ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dZ[1] + dZ[2] + dZ[3])/3.0;
+ // now the second stage using the 'out' bank of allpasses
+ allpasstemp = outA - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayA) {allpasstemp = delayA;}
+ inputSample -= oA[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oA[outA] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outA--; if (outA < 0 || outA > delayA) {outA = delayA;}
+ inputSample += (oA[outA]);
+ //allpass filter A
+ dA[6] = dA[5];
+ dA[5] = dA[4];
+ dA[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dY[1] + dA[5] + dA[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outB - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayB) {allpasstemp = delayB;}
+ inputSample -= oB[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oB[outB] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outB--; if (outB < 0 || outB > delayB) {outB = delayB;}
+ inputSample += (oB[outB]);
+ //allpass filter B
+ dB[6] = dB[5];
+ dB[5] = dB[4];
+ dB[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dX[1] + dB[5] + dB[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outC - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayC) {allpasstemp = delayC;}
+ inputSample -= oC[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oC[outC] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outC--; if (outC < 0 || outC > delayC) {outC = delayC;}
+ inputSample += (oC[outC]);
+ //allpass filter C
+ dC[6] = dC[5];
+ dC[5] = dC[4];
+ dC[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dW[1] + dC[5] + dC[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outD - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayD) {allpasstemp = delayD;}
+ inputSample -= oD[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oD[outD] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outD--; if (outD < 0 || outD > delayD) {outD = delayD;}
+ inputSample += (oD[outD]);
+ //allpass filter D
+ dD[6] = dD[5];
+ dD[5] = dD[4];
+ dD[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dV[1] + dD[5] + dD[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outE - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayE) {allpasstemp = delayE;}
+ inputSample -= oE[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oE[outE] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outE--; if (outE < 0 || outE > delayE) {outE = delayE;}
+ inputSample += (oE[outE]);
+ //allpass filter E
+ dE[6] = dE[5];
+ dE[5] = dE[4];
+ dE[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dU[1] + dE[5] + dE[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outF - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayF) {allpasstemp = delayF;}
+ inputSample -= oF[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oF[outF] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outF--; if (outF < 0 || outF > delayF) {outF = delayF;}
+ inputSample += (oF[outF]);
+ //allpass filter F
+ dF[6] = dF[5];
+ dF[5] = dF[4];
+ dF[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dT[1] + dF[5] + dF[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outG - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayG) {allpasstemp = delayG;}
+ inputSample -= oG[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oG[outG] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outG--; if (outG < 0 || outG > delayG) {outG = delayG;}
+ inputSample += (oG[outG]);
+ //allpass filter G
+ dG[6] = dG[5];
+ dG[5] = dG[4];
+ dG[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dS[1] + dG[5] + dG[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outH - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayH) {allpasstemp = delayH;}
+ inputSample -= oH[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oH[outH] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outH--; if (outH < 0 || outH > delayH) {outH = delayH;}
+ inputSample += (oH[outH]);
+ //allpass filter H
+ dH[6] = dH[5];
+ dH[5] = dH[4];
+ dH[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dR[1] + dH[5] + dH[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outI - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayI) {allpasstemp = delayI;}
+ inputSample -= oI[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oI[outI] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outI--; if (outI < 0 || outI > delayI) {outI = delayI;}
+ inputSample += (oI[outI]);
+ //allpass filter I
+ dI[6] = dI[5];
+ dI[5] = dI[4];
+ dI[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dQ[1] + dI[5] + dI[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outJ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayJ) {allpasstemp = delayJ;}
+ inputSample -= oJ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oJ[outJ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outJ--; if (outJ < 0 || outJ > delayJ) {outJ = delayJ;}
+ inputSample += (oJ[outJ]);
+ //allpass filter J
+ dJ[6] = dJ[5];
+ dJ[5] = dJ[4];
+ dJ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dP[1] + dJ[5] + dJ[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outK - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayK) {allpasstemp = delayK;}
+ inputSample -= oK[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oK[outK] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outK--; if (outK < 0 || outK > delayK) {outK = delayK;}
+ inputSample += (oK[outK]);
+ //allpass filter K
+ dK[6] = dK[5];
+ dK[5] = dK[4];
+ dK[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dO[1] + dK[5] + dK[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outL - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayL) {allpasstemp = delayL;}
+ inputSample -= oL[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oL[outL] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outL--; if (outL < 0 || outL > delayL) {outL = delayL;}
+ inputSample += (oL[outL]);
+ //allpass filter L
+ dL[6] = dL[5];
+ dL[5] = dL[4];
+ dL[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dN[1] + dL[5] + dL[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outM - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayM) {allpasstemp = delayM;}
+ inputSample -= oM[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oM[outM] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outM--; if (outM < 0 || outM > delayM) {outM = delayM;}
+ inputSample += (oM[outM]);
+ //allpass filter M
+ dM[6] = dM[5];
+ dM[5] = dM[4];
+ dM[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dM[1] + dM[5] + dM[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outN - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayN) {allpasstemp = delayN;}
+ inputSample -= oN[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oN[outN] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outN--; if (outN < 0 || outN > delayN) {outN = delayN;}
+ inputSample += (oN[outN]);
+ //allpass filter N
+ dN[6] = dN[5];
+ dN[5] = dN[4];
+ dN[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dL[1] + dN[5] + dN[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outO - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayO) {allpasstemp = delayO;}
+ inputSample -= oO[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oO[outO] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outO--; if (outO < 0 || outO > delayO) {outO = delayO;}
+ inputSample += (oO[outO]);
+ //allpass filter O
+ dO[6] = dO[5];
+ dO[5] = dO[4];
+ dO[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dK[1] + dO[5] + dO[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outP - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayP) {allpasstemp = delayP;}
+ inputSample -= oP[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oP[outP] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outP--; if (outP < 0 || outP > delayP) {outP = delayP;}
+ inputSample += (oP[outP]);
+ //allpass filter P
+ dP[6] = dP[5];
+ dP[5] = dP[4];
+ dP[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dJ[1] + dP[5] + dP[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outQ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayQ) {allpasstemp = delayQ;}
+ inputSample -= oQ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oQ[outQ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outQ--; if (outQ < 0 || outQ > delayQ) {outQ = delayQ;}
+ inputSample += (oQ[outQ]);
+ //allpass filter Q
+ dQ[6] = dQ[5];
+ dQ[5] = dQ[4];
+ dQ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dI[1] + dQ[5] + dQ[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outR - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayR) {allpasstemp = delayR;}
+ inputSample -= oR[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oR[outR] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outR--; if (outR < 0 || outR > delayR) {outR = delayR;}
+ inputSample += (oR[outR]);
+ //allpass filter R
+ dR[6] = dR[5];
+ dR[5] = dR[4];
+ dR[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dH[1] + dR[5] + dR[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outS - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayS) {allpasstemp = delayS;}
+ inputSample -= oS[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oS[outS] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outS--; if (outS < 0 || outS > delayS) {outS = delayS;}
+ inputSample += (oS[outS]);
+ //allpass filter S
+ dS[6] = dS[5];
+ dS[5] = dS[4];
+ dS[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dG[1] + dS[5] + dS[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outT - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayT) {allpasstemp = delayT;}
+ inputSample -= oT[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oT[outT] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outT--; if (outT < 0 || outT > delayT) {outT = delayT;}
+ inputSample += (oT[outT]);
+ //allpass filter T
+ dT[6] = dT[5];
+ dT[5] = dT[4];
+ dT[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dF[1] + dT[5] + dT[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outU - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayU) {allpasstemp = delayU;}
+ inputSample -= oU[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oU[outU] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outU--; if (outU < 0 || outU > delayU) {outU = delayU;}
+ inputSample += (oU[outU]);
+ //allpass filter U
+ dU[6] = dU[5];
+ dU[5] = dU[4];
+ dU[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dE[1] + dU[5] + dU[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outV - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayV) {allpasstemp = delayV;}
+ inputSample -= oV[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oV[outV] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outV--; if (outV < 0 || outV > delayV) {outV = delayV;}
+ inputSample += (oV[outV]);
+ //allpass filter V
+ dV[6] = dV[5];
+ dV[5] = dV[4];
+ dV[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dD[1] + dV[5] + dV[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outW - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayW) {allpasstemp = delayW;}
+ inputSample -= oW[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oW[outW] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outW--; if (outW < 0 || outW > delayW) {outW = delayW;}
+ inputSample += (oW[outW]);
+ //allpass filter W
+ dW[6] = dW[5];
+ dW[5] = dW[4];
+ dW[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dC[1] + dW[5] + dW[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outX - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayX) {allpasstemp = delayX;}
+ inputSample -= oX[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oX[outX] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outX--; if (outX < 0 || outX > delayX) {outX = delayX;}
+ inputSample += (oX[outX]);
+ //allpass filter X
+ dX[6] = dX[5];
+ dX[5] = dX[4];
+ dX[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dX[5] + dX[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outY - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayY) {allpasstemp = delayY;}
+ inputSample -= oY[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oY[outY] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outY--; if (outY < 0 || outY > delayY) {outY = delayY;}
+ inputSample += (oY[outY]);
+ //allpass filter Y
+ dY[6] = dY[5];
+ dY[5] = dY[4];
+ dY[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dB[1] + dY[5] + dY[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outZ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayZ) {allpasstemp = delayZ;}
+ inputSample -= oZ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oZ[outZ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outZ--; if (outZ < 0 || outZ > delayZ) {outZ = delayZ;}
+ inputSample += (oZ[outZ]);
+ //allpass filter Z
+ dZ[6] = dZ[5];
+ dZ[5] = dZ[4];
+ dZ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dZ[5] + dZ[6]);
+ //output Spring
+ break;
+case 3: //Tiled
+ allpasstemp = alpA - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayA) {allpasstemp = delayA;}
+ inputSample -= aA[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aA[alpA] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpA--; if (alpA < 0 || alpA > delayA) {alpA = delayA;}
+ inputSample += (aA[alpA]);
+ //allpass filter A
+ dA[2] = dA[1];
+ dA[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dA[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpB - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayB) {allpasstemp = delayB;}
+ inputSample -= aB[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aB[alpB] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpB--; if (alpB < 0 || alpB > delayB) {alpB = delayB;}
+ inputSample += (aB[alpB]);
+ //allpass filter B
+ dB[2] = dB[1];
+ dB[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dB[1] + dB[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpC - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayC) {allpasstemp = delayC;}
+ inputSample -= aC[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aC[alpC] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpC--; if (alpC < 0 || alpC > delayC) {alpC = delayC;}
+ inputSample += (aC[alpC]);
+ //allpass filter C
+ dC[2] = dC[1];
+ dC[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dC[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpD - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayD) {allpasstemp = delayD;}
+ inputSample -= aD[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aD[alpD] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpD--; if (alpD < 0 || alpD > delayD) {alpD = delayD;}
+ inputSample += (aD[alpD]);
+ //allpass filter D
+ dD[2] = dD[1];
+ dD[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dD[1] + dD[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpE - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayE) {allpasstemp = delayE;}
+ inputSample -= aE[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aE[alpE] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpE--; if (alpE < 0 || alpE > delayE) {alpE = delayE;}
+ inputSample += (aE[alpE]);
+ //allpass filter E
+ dE[2] = dE[1];
+ dE[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dE[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpF - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayF) {allpasstemp = delayF;}
+ inputSample -= aF[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aF[alpF] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpF--; if (alpF < 0 || alpF > delayF) {alpF = delayF;}
+ inputSample += (aF[alpF]);
+ //allpass filter F
+ dF[2] = dF[1];
+ dF[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dF[1] + dF[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpG - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayG) {allpasstemp = delayG;}
+ inputSample -= aG[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aG[alpG] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpG--; if (alpG < 0 || alpG > delayG) {alpG = delayG;}
+ inputSample += (aG[alpG]);
+ //allpass filter G
+ dG[2] = dG[1];
+ dG[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dG[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpH - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayH) {allpasstemp = delayH;}
+ inputSample -= aH[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aH[alpH] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpH--; if (alpH < 0 || alpH > delayH) {alpH = delayH;}
+ inputSample += (aH[alpH]);
+ //allpass filter H
+ dH[2] = dH[1];
+ dH[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dH[1] + dH[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpI - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayI) {allpasstemp = delayI;}
+ inputSample -= aI[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aI[alpI] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpI--; if (alpI < 0 || alpI > delayI) {alpI = delayI;}
+ inputSample += (aI[alpI]);
+ //allpass filter I
+ dI[2] = dI[1];
+ dI[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dI[1] + dI[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpJ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayJ) {allpasstemp = delayJ;}
+ inputSample -= aJ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aJ[alpJ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpJ--; if (alpJ < 0 || alpJ > delayJ) {alpJ = delayJ;}
+ inputSample += (aJ[alpJ]);
+ //allpass filter J
+ dJ[2] = dJ[1];
+ dJ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dJ[1] + dJ[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpK - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayK) {allpasstemp = delayK;}
+ inputSample -= aK[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aK[alpK] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpK--; if (alpK < 0 || alpK > delayK) {alpK = delayK;}
+ inputSample += (aK[alpK]);
+ //allpass filter K
+ dK[2] = dK[1];
+ dK[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dK[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpL - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayL) {allpasstemp = delayL;}
+ inputSample -= aL[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aL[alpL] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpL--; if (alpL < 0 || alpL > delayL) {alpL = delayL;}
+ inputSample += (aL[alpL]);
+ //allpass filter L
+ dL[2] = dL[1];
+ dL[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dL[1] + dL[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpM - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayM) {allpasstemp = delayM;}
+ inputSample -= aM[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aM[alpM] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpM--; if (alpM < 0 || alpM > delayM) {alpM = delayM;}
+ inputSample += (aM[alpM]);
+ //allpass filter M
+ dM[2] = dM[1];
+ dM[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dM[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpN - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayN) {allpasstemp = delayN;}
+ inputSample -= aN[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aN[alpN] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpN--; if (alpN < 0 || alpN > delayN) {alpN = delayN;}
+ inputSample += (aN[alpN]);
+ //allpass filter N
+ dN[2] = dN[1];
+ dN[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dN[1] + dN[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpO - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayO) {allpasstemp = delayO;}
+ inputSample -= aO[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aO[alpO] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpO--; if (alpO < 0 || alpO > delayO) {alpO = delayO;}
+ inputSample += (aO[alpO]);
+ //allpass filter O
+ dO[2] = dO[1];
+ dO[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dO[1] + dO[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpP - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayP) {allpasstemp = delayP;}
+ inputSample -= aP[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aP[alpP] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpP--; if (alpP < 0 || alpP > delayP) {alpP = delayP;}
+ inputSample += (aP[alpP]);
+ //allpass filter P
+ dP[2] = dP[1];
+ dP[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dP[1] + dP[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpQ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayQ) {allpasstemp = delayQ;}
+ inputSample -= aQ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aQ[alpQ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpQ--; if (alpQ < 0 || alpQ > delayQ) {alpQ = delayQ;}
+ inputSample += (aQ[alpQ]);
+ //allpass filter Q
+ dQ[2] = dQ[1];
+ dQ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dQ[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpR - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayR) {allpasstemp = delayR;}
+ inputSample -= aR[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aR[alpR] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpR--; if (alpR < 0 || alpR > delayR) {alpR = delayR;}
+ inputSample += (aR[alpR]);
+ //allpass filter R
+ dR[2] = dR[1];
+ dR[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dR[1] + dR[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpS - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayS) {allpasstemp = delayS;}
+ inputSample -= aS[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aS[alpS] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpS--; if (alpS < 0 || alpS > delayS) {alpS = delayS;}
+ inputSample += (aS[alpS]);
+ //allpass filter S
+ dS[2] = dS[1];
+ dS[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dS[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpT - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayT) {allpasstemp = delayT;}
+ inputSample -= aT[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aT[alpT] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpT--; if (alpT < 0 || alpT > delayT) {alpT = delayT;}
+ inputSample += (aT[alpT]);
+ //allpass filter T
+ dT[2] = dT[1];
+ dT[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dT[1] + dT[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpU - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayU) {allpasstemp = delayU;}
+ inputSample -= aU[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aU[alpU] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpU--; if (alpU < 0 || alpU > delayU) {alpU = delayU;}
+ inputSample += (aU[alpU]);
+ //allpass filter U
+ dU[2] = dU[1];
+ dU[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dU[1] + dU[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpV - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayV) {allpasstemp = delayV;}
+ inputSample -= aV[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aV[alpV] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpV--; if (alpV < 0 || alpV > delayV) {alpV = delayV;}
+ inputSample += (aV[alpV]);
+ //allpass filter V
+ dV[2] = dV[1];
+ dV[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dV[1] + dV[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpW - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayW) {allpasstemp = delayW;}
+ inputSample -= aW[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aW[alpW] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpW--; if (alpW < 0 || alpW > delayW) {alpW = delayW;}
+ inputSample += (aW[alpW]);
+ //allpass filter W
+ dW[2] = dW[1];
+ dW[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dW[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpX - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayX) {allpasstemp = delayX;}
+ inputSample -= aX[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aX[alpX] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpX--; if (alpX < 0 || alpX > delayX) {alpX = delayX;}
+ inputSample += (aX[alpX]);
+ //allpass filter X
+ dX[2] = dX[1];
+ dX[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dX[1] + dX[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpY - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayY) {allpasstemp = delayY;}
+ inputSample -= aY[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aY[alpY] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpY--; if (alpY < 0 || alpY > delayY) {alpY = delayY;}
+ inputSample += (aY[alpY]);
+ //allpass filter Y
+ dY[2] = dY[1];
+ dY[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dY[1] + dY[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpZ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayZ) {allpasstemp = delayZ;}
+ inputSample -= aZ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aZ[alpZ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpZ--; if (alpZ < 0 || alpZ > delayZ) {alpZ = delayZ;}
+ inputSample += (aZ[alpZ]);
+ //allpass filter Z
+ dZ[2] = dZ[1];
+ dZ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dZ[1] + dZ[2])/2.0;
+ // now the second stage using the 'out' bank of allpasses
+ allpasstemp = outA - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayA) {allpasstemp = delayA;}
+ inputSample -= oA[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oA[outA] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outA--; if (outA < 0 || outA > delayA) {outA = delayA;}
+ inputSample += (oA[outA]);
+ //allpass filter A
+ dA[5] = dA[4];
+ dA[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[4] + dA[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outB - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayB) {allpasstemp = delayB;}
+ inputSample -= oB[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oB[outB] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outB--; if (outB < 0 || outB > delayB) {outB = delayB;}
+ inputSample += (oB[outB]);
+ //allpass filter B
+ dB[5] = dB[4];
+ dB[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dB[4] + dB[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outC - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayC) {allpasstemp = delayC;}
+ inputSample -= oC[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oC[outC] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outC--; if (outC < 0 || outC > delayC) {outC = delayC;}
+ inputSample += (oC[outC]);
+ //allpass filter C
+ dC[5] = dC[4];
+ dC[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dC[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outD - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayD) {allpasstemp = delayD;}
+ inputSample -= oD[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oD[outD] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outD--; if (outD < 0 || outD > delayD) {outD = delayD;}
+ inputSample += (oD[outD]);
+ //allpass filter D
+ dD[5] = dD[4];
+ dD[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dD[4] + dD[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outE - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayE) {allpasstemp = delayE;}
+ inputSample -= oE[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oE[outE] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outE--; if (outE < 0 || outE > delayE) {outE = delayE;}
+ inputSample += (oE[outE]);
+ //allpass filter E
+ dE[5] = dE[4];
+ dE[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dE[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outF - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayF) {allpasstemp = delayF;}
+ inputSample -= oF[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oF[outF] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outF--; if (outF < 0 || outF > delayF) {outF = delayF;}
+ inputSample += (oF[outF]);
+ //allpass filter F
+ dF[5] = dF[4];
+ dF[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dF[4] + dF[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outG - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayG) {allpasstemp = delayG;}
+ inputSample -= oG[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oG[outG] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outG--; if (outG < 0 || outG > delayG) {outG = delayG;}
+ inputSample += (oG[outG]);
+ //allpass filter G
+ dG[5] = dG[4];
+ dG[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dG[4] + dG[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outH - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayH) {allpasstemp = delayH;}
+ inputSample -= oH[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oH[outH] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outH--; if (outH < 0 || outH > delayH) {outH = delayH;}
+ inputSample += (oH[outH]);
+ //allpass filter H
+ dH[5] = dH[4];
+ dH[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dH[4] + dH[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outI - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayI) {allpasstemp = delayI;}
+ inputSample -= oI[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oI[outI] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outI--; if (outI < 0 || outI > delayI) {outI = delayI;}
+ inputSample += (oI[outI]);
+ //allpass filter I
+ dI[5] = dI[4];
+ dI[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dI[4] + dI[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outJ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayJ) {allpasstemp = delayJ;}
+ inputSample -= oJ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oJ[outJ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outJ--; if (outJ < 0 || outJ > delayJ) {outJ = delayJ;}
+ inputSample += (oJ[outJ]);
+ //allpass filter J
+ dJ[5] = dJ[4];
+ dJ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dJ[4] + dJ[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outK - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayK) {allpasstemp = delayK;}
+ inputSample -= oK[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oK[outK] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outK--; if (outK < 0 || outK > delayK) {outK = delayK;}
+ inputSample += (oK[outK]);
+ //allpass filter K
+ dK[5] = dK[4];
+ dK[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dK[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outL - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayL) {allpasstemp = delayL;}
+ inputSample -= oL[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oL[outL] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outL--; if (outL < 0 || outL > delayL) {outL = delayL;}
+ inputSample += (oL[outL]);
+ //allpass filter L
+ dL[5] = dL[4];
+ dL[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dL[4] + dL[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outM - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayM) {allpasstemp = delayM;}
+ inputSample -= oM[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oM[outM] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outM--; if (outM < 0 || outM > delayM) {outM = delayM;}
+ inputSample += (oM[outM]);
+ //allpass filter M
+ dM[5] = dM[4];
+ dM[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dM[4] + dM[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outN - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayN) {allpasstemp = delayN;}
+ inputSample -= oN[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oN[outN] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outN--; if (outN < 0 || outN > delayN) {outN = delayN;}
+ inputSample += (oN[outN]);
+ //allpass filter N
+ dN[5] = dN[4];
+ dN[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dN[4] + dN[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outO - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayO) {allpasstemp = delayO;}
+ inputSample -= oO[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oO[outO] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outO--; if (outO < 0 || outO > delayO) {outO = delayO;}
+ inputSample += (oO[outO]);
+ //allpass filter O
+ dO[5] = dO[4];
+ dO[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dO[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outP - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayP) {allpasstemp = delayP;}
+ inputSample -= oP[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oP[outP] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outP--; if (outP < 0 || outP > delayP) {outP = delayP;}
+ inputSample += (oP[outP]);
+ //allpass filter P
+ dP[5] = dP[4];
+ dP[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dP[4] + dP[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outQ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayQ) {allpasstemp = delayQ;}
+ inputSample -= oQ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oQ[outQ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outQ--; if (outQ < 0 || outQ > delayQ) {outQ = delayQ;}
+ inputSample += (oQ[outQ]);
+ //allpass filter Q
+ dQ[5] = dQ[4];
+ dQ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dQ[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outR - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayR) {allpasstemp = delayR;}
+ inputSample -= oR[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oR[outR] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outR--; if (outR < 0 || outR > delayR) {outR = delayR;}
+ inputSample += (oR[outR]);
+ //allpass filter R
+ dR[5] = dR[4];
+ dR[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dR[4] + dR[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outS - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayS) {allpasstemp = delayS;}
+ inputSample -= oS[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oS[outS] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outS--; if (outS < 0 || outS > delayS) {outS = delayS;}
+ inputSample += (oS[outS]);
+ //allpass filter S
+ dS[5] = dS[4];
+ dS[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dS[4] + dS[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outT - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayT) {allpasstemp = delayT;}
+ inputSample -= oT[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oT[outT] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outT--; if (outT < 0 || outT > delayT) {outT = delayT;}
+ inputSample += (oT[outT]);
+ //allpass filter T
+ dT[5] = dT[4];
+ dT[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dT[4] + dT[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outU - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayU) {allpasstemp = delayU;}
+ inputSample -= oU[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oU[outU] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outU--; if (outU < 0 || outU > delayU) {outU = delayU;}
+ inputSample += (oU[outU]);
+ //allpass filter U
+ dU[5] = dU[4];
+ dU[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dU[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outV - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayV) {allpasstemp = delayV;}
+ inputSample -= oV[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oV[outV] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outV--; if (outV < 0 || outV > delayV) {outV = delayV;}
+ inputSample += (oV[outV]);
+ //allpass filter V
+ dV[5] = dV[4];
+ dV[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dV[4] + dV[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outW - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayW) {allpasstemp = delayW;}
+ inputSample -= oW[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oW[outW] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outW--; if (outW < 0 || outW > delayW) {outW = delayW;}
+ inputSample += (oW[outW]);
+ //allpass filter W
+ dW[5] = dW[4];
+ dW[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dW[4] + dW[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outX - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayX) {allpasstemp = delayX;}
+ inputSample -= oX[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oX[outX] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outX--; if (outX < 0 || outX > delayX) {outX = delayX;}
+ inputSample += (oX[outX]);
+ //allpass filter X
+ dX[5] = dX[4];
+ dX[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dX[4] + dX[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outY - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayY) {allpasstemp = delayY;}
+ inputSample -= oY[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oY[outY] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outY--; if (outY < 0 || outY > delayY) {outY = delayY;}
+ inputSample += (oY[outY]);
+ //allpass filter Y
+ dY[5] = dY[4];
+ dY[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dY[4] + dY[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outZ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayZ) {allpasstemp = delayZ;}
+ inputSample -= oZ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oZ[outZ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outZ--; if (outZ < 0 || outZ > delayZ) {outZ = delayZ;}
+ inputSample += (oZ[outZ]);
+ //allpass filter Z
+ dZ[5] = dZ[4];
+ dZ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dZ[4] + dZ[5]);
+ //output Tiled
+ break;
+case 4://Room
+ allpasstemp = alpA - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayA) {allpasstemp = delayA;}
+ inputSample -= aA[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aA[alpA] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpA--; if (alpA < 0 || alpA > delayA) {alpA = delayA;}
+ inputSample += (aA[alpA]);
+ //allpass filter A
+ dA[2] = dA[1];
+ dA[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpB - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayB) {allpasstemp = delayB;}
+ inputSample -= aB[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aB[alpB] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpB--; if (alpB < 0 || alpB > delayB) {alpB = delayB;}
+ inputSample += (aB[alpB]);
+ //allpass filter B
+ dB[2] = dB[1];
+ dB[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpC - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayC) {allpasstemp = delayC;}
+ inputSample -= aC[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aC[alpC] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpC--; if (alpC < 0 || alpC > delayC) {alpC = delayC;}
+ inputSample += (aC[alpC]);
+ //allpass filter C
+ dC[2] = dC[1];
+ dC[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpD - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayD) {allpasstemp = delayD;}
+ inputSample -= aD[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aD[alpD] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpD--; if (alpD < 0 || alpD > delayD) {alpD = delayD;}
+ inputSample += (aD[alpD]);
+ //allpass filter D
+ dD[2] = dD[1];
+ dD[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpE - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayE) {allpasstemp = delayE;}
+ inputSample -= aE[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aE[alpE] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpE--; if (alpE < 0 || alpE > delayE) {alpE = delayE;}
+ inputSample += (aE[alpE]);
+ //allpass filter E
+ dE[2] = dE[1];
+ dE[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpF - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayF) {allpasstemp = delayF;}
+ inputSample -= aF[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aF[alpF] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpF--; if (alpF < 0 || alpF > delayF) {alpF = delayF;}
+ inputSample += (aF[alpF]);
+ //allpass filter F
+ dF[2] = dF[1];
+ dF[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpG - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayG) {allpasstemp = delayG;}
+ inputSample -= aG[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aG[alpG] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpG--; if (alpG < 0 || alpG > delayG) {alpG = delayG;}
+ inputSample += (aG[alpG]);
+ //allpass filter G
+ dG[2] = dG[1];
+ dG[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpH - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayH) {allpasstemp = delayH;}
+ inputSample -= aH[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aH[alpH] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpH--; if (alpH < 0 || alpH > delayH) {alpH = delayH;}
+ inputSample += (aH[alpH]);
+ //allpass filter H
+ dH[2] = dH[1];
+ dH[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpI - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayI) {allpasstemp = delayI;}
+ inputSample -= aI[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aI[alpI] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpI--; if (alpI < 0 || alpI > delayI) {alpI = delayI;}
+ inputSample += (aI[alpI]);
+ //allpass filter I
+ dI[2] = dI[1];
+ dI[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpJ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayJ) {allpasstemp = delayJ;}
+ inputSample -= aJ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aJ[alpJ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpJ--; if (alpJ < 0 || alpJ > delayJ) {alpJ = delayJ;}
+ inputSample += (aJ[alpJ]);
+ //allpass filter J
+ dJ[2] = dJ[1];
+ dJ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpK - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayK) {allpasstemp = delayK;}
+ inputSample -= aK[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aK[alpK] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpK--; if (alpK < 0 || alpK > delayK) {alpK = delayK;}
+ inputSample += (aK[alpK]);
+ //allpass filter K
+ dK[2] = dK[1];
+ dK[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpL - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayL) {allpasstemp = delayL;}
+ inputSample -= aL[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aL[alpL] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpL--; if (alpL < 0 || alpL > delayL) {alpL = delayL;}
+ inputSample += (aL[alpL]);
+ //allpass filter L
+ dL[2] = dL[1];
+ dL[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpM - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayM) {allpasstemp = delayM;}
+ inputSample -= aM[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aM[alpM] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpM--; if (alpM < 0 || alpM > delayM) {alpM = delayM;}
+ inputSample += (aM[alpM]);
+ //allpass filter M
+ dM[2] = dM[1];
+ dM[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpN - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayN) {allpasstemp = delayN;}
+ inputSample -= aN[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aN[alpN] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpN--; if (alpN < 0 || alpN > delayN) {alpN = delayN;}
+ inputSample += (aN[alpN]);
+ //allpass filter N
+ dN[2] = dN[1];
+ dN[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpO - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayO) {allpasstemp = delayO;}
+ inputSample -= aO[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aO[alpO] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpO--; if (alpO < 0 || alpO > delayO) {alpO = delayO;}
+ inputSample += (aO[alpO]);
+ //allpass filter O
+ dO[2] = dO[1];
+ dO[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpP - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayP) {allpasstemp = delayP;}
+ inputSample -= aP[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aP[alpP] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpP--; if (alpP < 0 || alpP > delayP) {alpP = delayP;}
+ inputSample += (aP[alpP]);
+ //allpass filter P
+ dP[2] = dP[1];
+ dP[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpQ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayQ) {allpasstemp = delayQ;}
+ inputSample -= aQ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aQ[alpQ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpQ--; if (alpQ < 0 || alpQ > delayQ) {alpQ = delayQ;}
+ inputSample += (aQ[alpQ]);
+ //allpass filter Q
+ dQ[2] = dQ[1];
+ dQ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpR - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayR) {allpasstemp = delayR;}
+ inputSample -= aR[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aR[alpR] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpR--; if (alpR < 0 || alpR > delayR) {alpR = delayR;}
+ inputSample += (aR[alpR]);
+ //allpass filter R
+ dR[2] = dR[1];
+ dR[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpS - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayS) {allpasstemp = delayS;}
+ inputSample -= aS[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aS[alpS] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpS--; if (alpS < 0 || alpS > delayS) {alpS = delayS;}
+ inputSample += (aS[alpS]);
+ //allpass filter S
+ dS[2] = dS[1];
+ dS[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpT - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayT) {allpasstemp = delayT;}
+ inputSample -= aT[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aT[alpT] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpT--; if (alpT < 0 || alpT > delayT) {alpT = delayT;}
+ inputSample += (aT[alpT]);
+ //allpass filter T
+ dT[2] = dT[1];
+ dT[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpU - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayU) {allpasstemp = delayU;}
+ inputSample -= aU[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aU[alpU] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpU--; if (alpU < 0 || alpU > delayU) {alpU = delayU;}
+ inputSample += (aU[alpU]);
+ //allpass filter U
+ dU[2] = dU[1];
+ dU[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpV - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayV) {allpasstemp = delayV;}
+ inputSample -= aV[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aV[alpV] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpV--; if (alpV < 0 || alpV > delayV) {alpV = delayV;}
+ inputSample += (aV[alpV]);
+ //allpass filter V
+ dV[2] = dV[1];
+ dV[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpW - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayW) {allpasstemp = delayW;}
+ inputSample -= aW[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aW[alpW] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpW--; if (alpW < 0 || alpW > delayW) {alpW = delayW;}
+ inputSample += (aW[alpW]);
+ //allpass filter W
+ dW[2] = dW[1];
+ dW[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpX - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayX) {allpasstemp = delayX;}
+ inputSample -= aX[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aX[alpX] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpX--; if (alpX < 0 || alpX > delayX) {alpX = delayX;}
+ inputSample += (aX[alpX]);
+ //allpass filter X
+ dX[2] = dX[1];
+ dX[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpY - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayY) {allpasstemp = delayY;}
+ inputSample -= aY[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aY[alpY] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpY--; if (alpY < 0 || alpY > delayY) {alpY = delayY;}
+ inputSample += (aY[alpY]);
+ //allpass filter Y
+ dY[2] = dY[1];
+ dY[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ allpasstemp = alpZ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayZ) {allpasstemp = delayZ;}
+ inputSample -= aZ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aZ[alpZ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpZ--; if (alpZ < 0 || alpZ > delayZ) {alpZ = delayZ;}
+ inputSample += (aZ[alpZ]);
+ //allpass filter Z
+ dZ[2] = dZ[1];
+ dZ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = drySample;
+ // now the second stage using the 'out' bank of allpasses
+ allpasstemp = outA - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayA) {allpasstemp = delayA;}
+ inputSample -= oA[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oA[outA] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outA--; if (outA < 0 || outA > delayA) {outA = delayA;}
+ inputSample += (oA[outA]);
+ //allpass filter A
+ dA[5] = dA[4];
+ dA[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1]+dA[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outB - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayB) {allpasstemp = delayB;}
+ inputSample -= oB[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oB[outB] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outB--; if (outB < 0 || outB > delayB) {outB = delayB;}
+ inputSample += (oB[outB]);
+ //allpass filter B
+ dB[5] = dB[4];
+ dB[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dB[1]+dB[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outC - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayC) {allpasstemp = delayC;}
+ inputSample -= oC[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oC[outC] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outC--; if (outC < 0 || outC > delayC) {outC = delayC;}
+ inputSample += (oC[outC]);
+ //allpass filter C
+ dC[5] = dC[4];
+ dC[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dC[1]+dC[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outD - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayD) {allpasstemp = delayD;}
+ inputSample -= oD[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oD[outD] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outD--; if (outD < 0 || outD > delayD) {outD = delayD;}
+ inputSample += (oD[outD]);
+ //allpass filter D
+ dD[5] = dD[4];
+ dD[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dD[1]+dD[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outE - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayE) {allpasstemp = delayE;}
+ inputSample -= oE[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oE[outE] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outE--; if (outE < 0 || outE > delayE) {outE = delayE;}
+ inputSample += (oE[outE]);
+ //allpass filter E
+ dE[5] = dE[4];
+ dE[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dE[1]+dE[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outF - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayF) {allpasstemp = delayF;}
+ inputSample -= oF[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oF[outF] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outF--; if (outF < 0 || outF > delayF) {outF = delayF;}
+ inputSample += (oF[outF]);
+ //allpass filter F
+ dF[5] = dF[4];
+ dF[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dF[1]+dF[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outG - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayG) {allpasstemp = delayG;}
+ inputSample -= oG[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oG[outG] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outG--; if (outG < 0 || outG > delayG) {outG = delayG;}
+ inputSample += (oG[outG]);
+ //allpass filter G
+ dG[5] = dG[4];
+ dG[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dG[1]+dG[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outH - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayH) {allpasstemp = delayH;}
+ inputSample -= oH[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oH[outH] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outH--; if (outH < 0 || outH > delayH) {outH = delayH;}
+ inputSample += (oH[outH]);
+ //allpass filter H
+ dH[5] = dH[4];
+ dH[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dH[1]+dH[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outI - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayI) {allpasstemp = delayI;}
+ inputSample -= oI[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oI[outI] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outI--; if (outI < 0 || outI > delayI) {outI = delayI;}
+ inputSample += (oI[outI]);
+ //allpass filter I
+ dI[5] = dI[4];
+ dI[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dI[1]+dI[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outJ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayJ) {allpasstemp = delayJ;}
+ inputSample -= oJ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oJ[outJ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outJ--; if (outJ < 0 || outJ > delayJ) {outJ = delayJ;}
+ inputSample += (oJ[outJ]);
+ //allpass filter J
+ dJ[5] = dJ[4];
+ dJ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dJ[1]+dJ[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outK - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayK) {allpasstemp = delayK;}
+ inputSample -= oK[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oK[outK] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outK--; if (outK < 0 || outK > delayK) {outK = delayK;}
+ inputSample += (oK[outK]);
+ //allpass filter K
+ dK[5] = dK[4];
+ dK[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dK[1]+dK[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outL - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayL) {allpasstemp = delayL;}
+ inputSample -= oL[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oL[outL] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outL--; if (outL < 0 || outL > delayL) {outL = delayL;}
+ inputSample += (oL[outL]);
+ //allpass filter L
+ dL[5] = dL[4];
+ dL[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dL[1]+dL[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outM - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayM) {allpasstemp = delayM;}
+ inputSample -= oM[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oM[outM] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outM--; if (outM < 0 || outM > delayM) {outM = delayM;}
+ inputSample += (oM[outM]);
+ //allpass filter M
+ dM[5] = dM[4];
+ dM[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dM[1]+dM[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outN - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayN) {allpasstemp = delayN;}
+ inputSample -= oN[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oN[outN] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outN--; if (outN < 0 || outN > delayN) {outN = delayN;}
+ inputSample += (oN[outN]);
+ //allpass filter N
+ dN[5] = dN[4];
+ dN[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dN[1]+dN[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outO - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayO) {allpasstemp = delayO;}
+ inputSample -= oO[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oO[outO] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outO--; if (outO < 0 || outO > delayO) {outO = delayO;}
+ inputSample += (oO[outO]);
+ //allpass filter O
+ dO[5] = dO[4];
+ dO[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dO[1]+dO[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outP - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayP) {allpasstemp = delayP;}
+ inputSample -= oP[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oP[outP] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outP--; if (outP < 0 || outP > delayP) {outP = delayP;}
+ inputSample += (oP[outP]);
+ //allpass filter P
+ dP[5] = dP[4];
+ dP[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dP[1]+dP[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outQ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayQ) {allpasstemp = delayQ;}
+ inputSample -= oQ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oQ[outQ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outQ--; if (outQ < 0 || outQ > delayQ) {outQ = delayQ;}
+ inputSample += (oQ[outQ]);
+ //allpass filter Q
+ dQ[5] = dQ[4];
+ dQ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dQ[1]+dQ[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outR - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayR) {allpasstemp = delayR;}
+ inputSample -= oR[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oR[outR] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outR--; if (outR < 0 || outR > delayR) {outR = delayR;}
+ inputSample += (oR[outR]);
+ //allpass filter R
+ dR[5] = dR[4];
+ dR[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dR[1]+dR[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outS - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayS) {allpasstemp = delayS;}
+ inputSample -= oS[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oS[outS] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outS--; if (outS < 0 || outS > delayS) {outS = delayS;}
+ inputSample += (oS[outS]);
+ //allpass filter S
+ dS[5] = dS[4];
+ dS[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dS[1]+dS[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outT - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayT) {allpasstemp = delayT;}
+ inputSample -= oT[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oT[outT] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outT--; if (outT < 0 || outT > delayT) {outT = delayT;}
+ inputSample += (oT[outT]);
+ //allpass filter T
+ dT[5] = dT[4];
+ dT[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dT[1]+dT[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outU - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayU) {allpasstemp = delayU;}
+ inputSample -= oU[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oU[outU] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outU--; if (outU < 0 || outU > delayU) {outU = delayU;}
+ inputSample += (oU[outU]);
+ //allpass filter U
+ dU[5] = dU[4];
+ dU[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dU[1]+dU[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outV - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayV) {allpasstemp = delayV;}
+ inputSample -= oV[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oV[outV] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outV--; if (outV < 0 || outV > delayV) {outV = delayV;}
+ inputSample += (oV[outV]);
+ //allpass filter V
+ dV[5] = dV[4];
+ dV[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dV[1]+dV[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outW - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayW) {allpasstemp = delayW;}
+ inputSample -= oW[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oW[outW] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outW--; if (outW < 0 || outW > delayW) {outW = delayW;}
+ inputSample += (oW[outW]);
+ //allpass filter W
+ dW[5] = dW[4];
+ dW[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dW[1]+dW[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outX - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayX) {allpasstemp = delayX;}
+ inputSample -= oX[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oX[outX] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outX--; if (outX < 0 || outX > delayX) {outX = delayX;}
+ inputSample += (oX[outX]);
+ //allpass filter X
+ dX[5] = dX[4];
+ dX[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dX[1]+dX[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outY - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayY) {allpasstemp = delayY;}
+ inputSample -= oY[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oY[outY] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outY--; if (outY < 0 || outY > delayY) {outY = delayY;}
+ inputSample += (oY[outY]);
+ //allpass filter Y
+ dY[5] = dY[4];
+ dY[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dY[1]+dY[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outZ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayZ) {allpasstemp = delayZ;}
+ inputSample -= oZ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oZ[outZ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outZ--; if (outZ < 0 || outZ > delayZ) {outZ = delayZ;}
+ inputSample += (oZ[outZ]);
+ //allpass filter Z
+ dZ[5] = dZ[4];
+ dZ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dB[4] * dryness);
+ inputSample += (dC[4] * dryness);
+ inputSample += dD[4];
+ inputSample += dE[4];
+ inputSample += dF[4];
+ inputSample += dG[4];
+ inputSample += dH[4];
+ inputSample += dI[4];
+ inputSample += dJ[4];
+ inputSample += dK[4];
+ inputSample += dL[4];
+ inputSample += dM[4];
+ inputSample += dN[4];
+ inputSample += dO[4];
+ inputSample += dP[4];
+ inputSample += dQ[4];
+ inputSample += dR[4];
+ inputSample += dS[4];
+ inputSample += dT[4];
+ inputSample += dU[4];
+ inputSample += dV[4];
+ inputSample += dW[4];
+ inputSample += dX[4];
+ inputSample += dY[4];
+ inputSample += (dZ[4] * wetness);
+ inputSample += (dB[5] * dryness);
+ inputSample += (dC[5] * dryness);
+ inputSample += dD[5];
+ inputSample += dE[5];
+ inputSample += dF[5];
+ inputSample += dG[5];
+ inputSample += dH[5];
+ inputSample += dI[5];
+ inputSample += dJ[5];
+ inputSample += dK[5];
+ inputSample += dL[5];
+ inputSample += dM[5];
+ inputSample += dN[5];
+ inputSample += dO[5];
+ inputSample += dP[5];
+ inputSample += dQ[5];
+ inputSample += dR[5];
+ inputSample += dS[5];
+ inputSample += dT[5];
+ inputSample += dU[5];
+ inputSample += dV[5];
+ inputSample += dW[5];
+ inputSample += dX[5];
+ inputSample += dY[5];
+ inputSample += (dZ[5] * wetness);
+ inputSample /= (26.0 + (wetness * 4.0));
+ //output Room effect
+ break;
+case 5: //Stretch
+ allpasstemp = alpA - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayA) {allpasstemp = delayA;}
+ inputSample -= aA[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aA[alpA] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpA--; if (alpA < 0 || alpA > delayA) {alpA = delayA;}
+ inputSample += (aA[alpA]);
+ //allpass filter A
+ dA[2] = dA[1];
+ dA[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dA[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpB - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayB) {allpasstemp = delayB;}
+ inputSample -= aB[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aB[alpB] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpB--; if (alpB < 0 || alpB > delayB) {alpB = delayB;}
+ inputSample += (aB[alpB]);
+ //allpass filter B
+ dB[2] = dB[1];
+ dB[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dB[1] + dB[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpC - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayC) {allpasstemp = delayC;}
+ inputSample -= aC[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aC[alpC] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpC--; if (alpC < 0 || alpC > delayC) {alpC = delayC;}
+ inputSample += (aC[alpC]);
+ //allpass filter C
+ dC[2] = dC[1];
+ dC[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dC[1] + dC[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpD - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayD) {allpasstemp = delayD;}
+ inputSample -= aD[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aD[alpD] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpD--; if (alpD < 0 || alpD > delayD) {alpD = delayD;}
+ inputSample += (aD[alpD]);
+ //allpass filter D
+ dD[2] = dD[1];
+ dD[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dD[1] + dD[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpE - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayE) {allpasstemp = delayE;}
+ inputSample -= aE[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aE[alpE] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpE--; if (alpE < 0 || alpE > delayE) {alpE = delayE;}
+ inputSample += (aE[alpE]);
+ //allpass filter E
+ dE[2] = dE[1];
+ dE[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dE[1] + dE[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpF - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayF) {allpasstemp = delayF;}
+ inputSample -= aF[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aF[alpF] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpF--; if (alpF < 0 || alpF > delayF) {alpF = delayF;}
+ inputSample += (aF[alpF]);
+ //allpass filter F
+ dF[2] = dF[1];
+ dF[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dF[1] + dF[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpG - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayG) {allpasstemp = delayG;}
+ inputSample -= aG[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aG[alpG] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpG--; if (alpG < 0 || alpG > delayG) {alpG = delayG;}
+ inputSample += (aG[alpG]);
+ //allpass filter G
+ dG[2] = dG[1];
+ dG[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dG[1] + dG[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpH - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayH) {allpasstemp = delayH;}
+ inputSample -= aH[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aH[alpH] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpH--; if (alpH < 0 || alpH > delayH) {alpH = delayH;}
+ inputSample += (aH[alpH]);
+ //allpass filter H
+ dH[2] = dH[1];
+ dH[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dH[1] + dH[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpI - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayI) {allpasstemp = delayI;}
+ inputSample -= aI[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aI[alpI] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpI--; if (alpI < 0 || alpI > delayI) {alpI = delayI;}
+ inputSample += (aI[alpI]);
+ //allpass filter I
+ dI[2] = dI[1];
+ dI[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dI[1] + dI[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpJ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayJ) {allpasstemp = delayJ;}
+ inputSample -= aJ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aJ[alpJ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpJ--; if (alpJ < 0 || alpJ > delayJ) {alpJ = delayJ;}
+ inputSample += (aJ[alpJ]);
+ //allpass filter J
+ dJ[2] = dJ[1];
+ dJ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dJ[1] + dJ[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpK - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayK) {allpasstemp = delayK;}
+ inputSample -= aK[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aK[alpK] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpK--; if (alpK < 0 || alpK > delayK) {alpK = delayK;}
+ inputSample += (aK[alpK]);
+ //allpass filter K
+ dK[2] = dK[1];
+ dK[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dK[1] + dK[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpL - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayL) {allpasstemp = delayL;}
+ inputSample -= aL[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aL[alpL] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpL--; if (alpL < 0 || alpL > delayL) {alpL = delayL;}
+ inputSample += (aL[alpL]);
+ //allpass filter L
+ dL[2] = dL[1];
+ dL[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dL[1] + dL[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpM - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayM) {allpasstemp = delayM;}
+ inputSample -= aM[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aM[alpM] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpM--; if (alpM < 0 || alpM > delayM) {alpM = delayM;}
+ inputSample += (aM[alpM]);
+ //allpass filter M
+ dM[2] = dM[1];
+ dM[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dM[1] + dM[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpN - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayN) {allpasstemp = delayN;}
+ inputSample -= aN[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aN[alpN] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpN--; if (alpN < 0 || alpN > delayN) {alpN = delayN;}
+ inputSample += (aN[alpN]);
+ //allpass filter N
+ dN[2] = dN[1];
+ dN[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dN[1] + dN[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpO - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayO) {allpasstemp = delayO;}
+ inputSample -= aO[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aO[alpO] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpO--; if (alpO < 0 || alpO > delayO) {alpO = delayO;}
+ inputSample += (aO[alpO]);
+ //allpass filter O
+ dO[2] = dO[1];
+ dO[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dO[1] + dO[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpP - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayP) {allpasstemp = delayP;}
+ inputSample -= aP[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aP[alpP] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpP--; if (alpP < 0 || alpP > delayP) {alpP = delayP;}
+ inputSample += (aP[alpP]);
+ //allpass filter P
+ dP[2] = dP[1];
+ dP[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dP[1] + dP[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpQ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayQ) {allpasstemp = delayQ;}
+ inputSample -= aQ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aQ[alpQ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpQ--; if (alpQ < 0 || alpQ > delayQ) {alpQ = delayQ;}
+ inputSample += (aQ[alpQ]);
+ //allpass filter Q
+ dQ[2] = dQ[1];
+ dQ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dQ[1] + dQ[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpR - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayR) {allpasstemp = delayR;}
+ inputSample -= aR[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aR[alpR] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpR--; if (alpR < 0 || alpR > delayR) {alpR = delayR;}
+ inputSample += (aR[alpR]);
+ //allpass filter R
+ dR[2] = dR[1];
+ dR[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dR[1] + dR[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpS - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayS) {allpasstemp = delayS;}
+ inputSample -= aS[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aS[alpS] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpS--; if (alpS < 0 || alpS > delayS) {alpS = delayS;}
+ inputSample += (aS[alpS]);
+ //allpass filter S
+ dS[2] = dS[1];
+ dS[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dS[1] + dS[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpT - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayT) {allpasstemp = delayT;}
+ inputSample -= aT[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aT[alpT] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpT--; if (alpT < 0 || alpT > delayT) {alpT = delayT;}
+ inputSample += (aT[alpT]);
+ //allpass filter T
+ dT[2] = dT[1];
+ dT[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dT[1] + dT[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpU - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayU) {allpasstemp = delayU;}
+ inputSample -= aU[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aU[alpU] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpU--; if (alpU < 0 || alpU > delayU) {alpU = delayU;}
+ inputSample += (aU[alpU]);
+ //allpass filter U
+ dU[2] = dU[1];
+ dU[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dU[1] + dU[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpV - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayV) {allpasstemp = delayV;}
+ inputSample -= aV[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aV[alpV] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpV--; if (alpV < 0 || alpV > delayV) {alpV = delayV;}
+ inputSample += (aV[alpV]);
+ //allpass filter V
+ dV[2] = dV[1];
+ dV[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dV[1] + dV[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpW - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayW) {allpasstemp = delayW;}
+ inputSample -= aW[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aW[alpW] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpW--; if (alpW < 0 || alpW > delayW) {alpW = delayW;}
+ inputSample += (aW[alpW]);
+ //allpass filter W
+ dW[2] = dW[1];
+ dW[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dW[1] + dW[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpX - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayX) {allpasstemp = delayX;}
+ inputSample -= aX[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aX[alpX] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpX--; if (alpX < 0 || alpX > delayX) {alpX = delayX;}
+ inputSample += (aX[alpX]);
+ //allpass filter X
+ dX[2] = dX[1];
+ dX[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dX[1] + dX[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpY - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayY) {allpasstemp = delayY;}
+ inputSample -= aY[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aY[alpY] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpY--; if (alpY < 0 || alpY > delayY) {alpY = delayY;}
+ inputSample += (aY[alpY]);
+ //allpass filter Y
+ dY[2] = dY[1];
+ dY[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dY[1] + dY[2])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpZ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayZ) {allpasstemp = delayZ;}
+ inputSample -= aZ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aZ[alpZ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpZ--; if (alpZ < 0 || alpZ > delayZ) {alpZ = delayZ;}
+ inputSample += (aZ[alpZ]);
+ //allpass filter Z
+ dZ[2] = dZ[1];
+ dZ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dZ[1] + dZ[2])/2.0;
+ // now the second stage using the 'out' bank of allpasses
+ allpasstemp = outA - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayA) {allpasstemp = delayA;}
+ inputSample -= oA[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oA[outA] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outA--; if (outA < 0 || outA > delayA) {outA = delayA;}
+ inputSample += (oA[outA]);
+ //allpass filter A
+ dA[5] = dA[4];
+ dA[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[4] + dA[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outB - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayB) {allpasstemp = delayB;}
+ inputSample -= oB[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oB[outB] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outB--; if (outB < 0 || outB > delayB) {outB = delayB;}
+ inputSample += (oB[outB]);
+ //allpass filter B
+ dB[5] = dB[4];
+ dB[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dB[4] + dB[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outC - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayC) {allpasstemp = delayC;}
+ inputSample -= oC[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oC[outC] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outC--; if (outC < 0 || outC > delayC) {outC = delayC;}
+ inputSample += (oC[outC]);
+ //allpass filter C
+ dC[5] = dC[4];
+ dC[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dC[4] + dC[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outD - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayD) {allpasstemp = delayD;}
+ inputSample -= oD[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oD[outD] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outD--; if (outD < 0 || outD > delayD) {outD = delayD;}
+ inputSample += (oD[outD]);
+ //allpass filter D
+ dD[5] = dD[4];
+ dD[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dD[4] + dD[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outE - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayE) {allpasstemp = delayE;}
+ inputSample -= oE[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oE[outE] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outE--; if (outE < 0 || outE > delayE) {outE = delayE;}
+ inputSample += (oE[outE]);
+ //allpass filter E
+ dE[5] = dE[4];
+ dE[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dE[4] + dE[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outF - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayF) {allpasstemp = delayF;}
+ inputSample -= oF[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oF[outF] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outF--; if (outF < 0 || outF > delayF) {outF = delayF;}
+ inputSample += (oF[outF]);
+ //allpass filter F
+ dF[5] = dF[4];
+ dF[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dF[4] + dF[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outG - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayG) {allpasstemp = delayG;}
+ inputSample -= oG[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oG[outG] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outG--; if (outG < 0 || outG > delayG) {outG = delayG;}
+ inputSample += (oG[outG]);
+ //allpass filter G
+ dG[5] = dG[4];
+ dG[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dG[4] + dG[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outH - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayH) {allpasstemp = delayH;}
+ inputSample -= oH[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oH[outH] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outH--; if (outH < 0 || outH > delayH) {outH = delayH;}
+ inputSample += (oH[outH]);
+ //allpass filter H
+ dH[5] = dH[4];
+ dH[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dH[4] + dH[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outI - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayI) {allpasstemp = delayI;}
+ inputSample -= oI[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oI[outI] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outI--; if (outI < 0 || outI > delayI) {outI = delayI;}
+ inputSample += (oI[outI]);
+ //allpass filter I
+ dI[5] = dI[4];
+ dI[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dI[4] + dI[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outJ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayJ) {allpasstemp = delayJ;}
+ inputSample -= oJ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oJ[outJ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outJ--; if (outJ < 0 || outJ > delayJ) {outJ = delayJ;}
+ inputSample += (oJ[outJ]);
+ //allpass filter J
+ dJ[5] = dJ[4];
+ dJ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dJ[4] + dJ[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outK - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayK) {allpasstemp = delayK;}
+ inputSample -= oK[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oK[outK] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outK--; if (outK < 0 || outK > delayK) {outK = delayK;}
+ inputSample += (oK[outK]);
+ //allpass filter K
+ dK[5] = dK[4];
+ dK[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dK[4] + dK[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outL - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayL) {allpasstemp = delayL;}
+ inputSample -= oL[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oL[outL] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outL--; if (outL < 0 || outL > delayL) {outL = delayL;}
+ inputSample += (oL[outL]);
+ //allpass filter L
+ dL[5] = dL[4];
+ dL[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dL[4] + dL[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outM - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayM) {allpasstemp = delayM;}
+ inputSample -= oM[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oM[outM] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outM--; if (outM < 0 || outM > delayM) {outM = delayM;}
+ inputSample += (oM[outM]);
+ //allpass filter M
+ dM[5] = dM[4];
+ dM[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dM[4] + dM[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outN - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayN) {allpasstemp = delayN;}
+ inputSample -= oN[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oN[outN] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outN--; if (outN < 0 || outN > delayN) {outN = delayN;}
+ inputSample += (oN[outN]);
+ //allpass filter N
+ dN[5] = dN[4];
+ dN[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dN[4] + dN[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outO - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayO) {allpasstemp = delayO;}
+ inputSample -= oO[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oO[outO] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outO--; if (outO < 0 || outO > delayO) {outO = delayO;}
+ inputSample += (oO[outO]);
+ //allpass filter O
+ dO[5] = dO[4];
+ dO[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dO[4] + dO[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outP - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayP) {allpasstemp = delayP;}
+ inputSample -= oP[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oP[outP] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outP--; if (outP < 0 || outP > delayP) {outP = delayP;}
+ inputSample += (oP[outP]);
+ //allpass filter P
+ dP[5] = dP[4];
+ dP[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dP[4] + dP[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outQ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayQ) {allpasstemp = delayQ;}
+ inputSample -= oQ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oQ[outQ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outQ--; if (outQ < 0 || outQ > delayQ) {outQ = delayQ;}
+ inputSample += (oQ[outQ]);
+ //allpass filter Q
+ dQ[5] = dQ[4];
+ dQ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dQ[4] + dQ[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outR - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayR) {allpasstemp = delayR;}
+ inputSample -= oR[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oR[outR] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outR--; if (outR < 0 || outR > delayR) {outR = delayR;}
+ inputSample += (oR[outR]);
+ //allpass filter R
+ dR[5] = dR[4];
+ dR[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dR[4] + dR[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outS - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayS) {allpasstemp = delayS;}
+ inputSample -= oS[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oS[outS] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outS--; if (outS < 0 || outS > delayS) {outS = delayS;}
+ inputSample += (oS[outS]);
+ //allpass filter S
+ dS[5] = dS[4];
+ dS[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dS[4] + dS[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outT - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayT) {allpasstemp = delayT;}
+ inputSample -= oT[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oT[outT] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outT--; if (outT < 0 || outT > delayT) {outT = delayT;}
+ inputSample += (oT[outT]);
+ //allpass filter T
+ dT[5] = dT[4];
+ dT[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dT[4] + dT[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outU - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayU) {allpasstemp = delayU;}
+ inputSample -= oU[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oU[outU] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outU--; if (outU < 0 || outU > delayU) {outU = delayU;}
+ inputSample += (oU[outU]);
+ //allpass filter U
+ dU[5] = dU[4];
+ dU[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dU[4] + dU[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outV - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayV) {allpasstemp = delayV;}
+ inputSample -= oV[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oV[outV] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outV--; if (outV < 0 || outV > delayV) {outV = delayV;}
+ inputSample += (oV[outV]);
+ //allpass filter V
+ dV[5] = dV[4];
+ dV[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dV[4] + dV[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outW - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayW) {allpasstemp = delayW;}
+ inputSample -= oW[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oW[outW] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outW--; if (outW < 0 || outW > delayW) {outW = delayW;}
+ inputSample += (oW[outW]);
+ //allpass filter W
+ dW[5] = dW[4];
+ dW[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dW[4] + dW[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outX - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayX) {allpasstemp = delayX;}
+ inputSample -= oX[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oX[outX] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outX--; if (outX < 0 || outX > delayX) {outX = delayX;}
+ inputSample += (oX[outX]);
+ //allpass filter X
+ dX[5] = dX[4];
+ dX[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dX[4] + dX[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outY - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayY) {allpasstemp = delayY;}
+ inputSample -= oY[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oY[outY] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outY--; if (outY < 0 || outY > delayY) {outY = delayY;}
+ inputSample += (oY[outY]);
+ //allpass filter Y
+ dY[5] = dY[4];
+ dY[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dY[4] + dY[5])/2.0;
+ allpasstemp = outZ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayZ) {allpasstemp = delayZ;}
+ inputSample -= oZ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oZ[outZ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outZ--; if (outZ < 0 || outZ > delayZ) {outZ = delayZ;}
+ inputSample += (oZ[outZ]);
+ //allpass filter Z
+ dZ[5] = dZ[4];
+ dZ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dZ[4] + dZ[5])/2.0;
+ //output Stretch unrealistic but smooth fake Paulstretch
+ break;
+case 6: //Zarathustra
+ allpasstemp = alpA - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayA) {allpasstemp = delayA;}
+ inputSample -= aA[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aA[alpA] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpA--; if (alpA < 0 || alpA > delayA) {alpA = delayA;}
+ inputSample += (aA[alpA]);
+ //allpass filter A
+ dA[3] = dA[2];
+ dA[2] = dA[1];
+ dA[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dA[1] + dA[2] + dZ[3])/3.0; //add feedback
+ allpasstemp = alpB - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayB) {allpasstemp = delayB;}
+ inputSample -= aB[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aB[alpB] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpB--; if (alpB < 0 || alpB > delayB) {alpB = delayB;}
+ inputSample += (aB[alpB]);
+ //allpass filter B
+ dB[3] = dB[2];
+ dB[2] = dB[1];
+ dB[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dB[1] + dB[2] + dB[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpC - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayC) {allpasstemp = delayC;}
+ inputSample -= aC[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aC[alpC] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpC--; if (alpC < 0 || alpC > delayC) {alpC = delayC;}
+ inputSample += (aC[alpC]);
+ //allpass filter C
+ dC[3] = dC[2];
+ dC[2] = dC[1];
+ dC[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dC[1] + dC[2] + dC[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpD - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayD) {allpasstemp = delayD;}
+ inputSample -= aD[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aD[alpD] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpD--; if (alpD < 0 || alpD > delayD) {alpD = delayD;}
+ inputSample += (aD[alpD]);
+ //allpass filter D
+ dD[3] = dD[2];
+ dD[2] = dD[1];
+ dD[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dD[1] + dD[2] + dD[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpE - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayE) {allpasstemp = delayE;}
+ inputSample -= aE[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aE[alpE] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpE--; if (alpE < 0 || alpE > delayE) {alpE = delayE;}
+ inputSample += (aE[alpE]);
+ //allpass filter E
+ dE[3] = dE[2];
+ dE[2] = dE[1];
+ dE[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dE[1] + dE[2] + dE[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpF - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayF) {allpasstemp = delayF;}
+ inputSample -= aF[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aF[alpF] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpF--; if (alpF < 0 || alpF > delayF) {alpF = delayF;}
+ inputSample += (aF[alpF]);
+ //allpass filter F
+ dF[3] = dF[2];
+ dF[2] = dF[1];
+ dF[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dF[1] + dF[2] + dF[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpG - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayG) {allpasstemp = delayG;}
+ inputSample -= aG[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aG[alpG] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpG--; if (alpG < 0 || alpG > delayG) {alpG = delayG;}
+ inputSample += (aG[alpG]);
+ //allpass filter G
+ dG[3] = dG[2];
+ dG[2] = dG[1];
+ dG[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dG[1] + dG[2] + dG[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpH - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayH) {allpasstemp = delayH;}
+ inputSample -= aH[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aH[alpH] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpH--; if (alpH < 0 || alpH > delayH) {alpH = delayH;}
+ inputSample += (aH[alpH]);
+ //allpass filter H
+ dH[3] = dH[2];
+ dH[2] = dH[1];
+ dH[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dH[1] + dH[2] + dH[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpI - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayI) {allpasstemp = delayI;}
+ inputSample -= aI[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aI[alpI] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpI--; if (alpI < 0 || alpI > delayI) {alpI = delayI;}
+ inputSample += (aI[alpI]);
+ //allpass filter I
+ dI[3] = dI[2];
+ dI[2] = dI[1];
+ dI[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dI[1] + dI[2] + dI[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpJ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayJ) {allpasstemp = delayJ;}
+ inputSample -= aJ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aJ[alpJ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpJ--; if (alpJ < 0 || alpJ > delayJ) {alpJ = delayJ;}
+ inputSample += (aJ[alpJ]);
+ //allpass filter J
+ dJ[3] = dJ[2];
+ dJ[2] = dJ[1];
+ dJ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dJ[1] + dJ[2] + dJ[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpK - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayK) {allpasstemp = delayK;}
+ inputSample -= aK[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aK[alpK] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpK--; if (alpK < 0 || alpK > delayK) {alpK = delayK;}
+ inputSample += (aK[alpK]);
+ //allpass filter K
+ dK[3] = dK[2];
+ dK[2] = dK[1];
+ dK[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dK[1] + dK[2] + dK[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpL - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayL) {allpasstemp = delayL;}
+ inputSample -= aL[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aL[alpL] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpL--; if (alpL < 0 || alpL > delayL) {alpL = delayL;}
+ inputSample += (aL[alpL]);
+ //allpass filter L
+ dL[3] = dL[2];
+ dL[2] = dL[1];
+ dL[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dL[1] + dL[2] + dL[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpM - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayM) {allpasstemp = delayM;}
+ inputSample -= aM[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aM[alpM] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpM--; if (alpM < 0 || alpM > delayM) {alpM = delayM;}
+ inputSample += (aM[alpM]);
+ //allpass filter M
+ dM[3] = dM[2];
+ dM[2] = dM[1];
+ dM[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dM[1] + dM[2] + dM[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpN - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayN) {allpasstemp = delayN;}
+ inputSample -= aN[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aN[alpN] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpN--; if (alpN < 0 || alpN > delayN) {alpN = delayN;}
+ inputSample += (aN[alpN]);
+ //allpass filter N
+ dN[3] = dN[2];
+ dN[2] = dN[1];
+ dN[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dN[1] + dN[2] + dN[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpO - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayO) {allpasstemp = delayO;}
+ inputSample -= aO[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aO[alpO] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpO--; if (alpO < 0 || alpO > delayO) {alpO = delayO;}
+ inputSample += (aO[alpO]);
+ //allpass filter O
+ dO[3] = dO[2];
+ dO[2] = dO[1];
+ dO[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dO[1] + dO[2] + dO[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpP - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayP) {allpasstemp = delayP;}
+ inputSample -= aP[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aP[alpP] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpP--; if (alpP < 0 || alpP > delayP) {alpP = delayP;}
+ inputSample += (aP[alpP]);
+ //allpass filter P
+ dP[3] = dP[2];
+ dP[2] = dP[1];
+ dP[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dP[1] + dP[2] + dP[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpQ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayQ) {allpasstemp = delayQ;}
+ inputSample -= aQ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aQ[alpQ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpQ--; if (alpQ < 0 || alpQ > delayQ) {alpQ = delayQ;}
+ inputSample += (aQ[alpQ]);
+ //allpass filter Q
+ dQ[3] = dQ[2];
+ dQ[2] = dQ[1];
+ dQ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dQ[1] + dQ[2] + dQ[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpR - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayR) {allpasstemp = delayR;}
+ inputSample -= aR[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aR[alpR] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpR--; if (alpR < 0 || alpR > delayR) {alpR = delayR;}
+ inputSample += (aR[alpR]);
+ //allpass filter R
+ dR[3] = dR[2];
+ dR[2] = dR[1];
+ dR[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dR[1] + dR[2] + dR[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpS - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayS) {allpasstemp = delayS;}
+ inputSample -= aS[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aS[alpS] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpS--; if (alpS < 0 || alpS > delayS) {alpS = delayS;}
+ inputSample += (aS[alpS]);
+ //allpass filter S
+ dS[3] = dS[2];
+ dS[2] = dS[1];
+ dS[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dS[1] + dS[2] + dS[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpT - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayT) {allpasstemp = delayT;}
+ inputSample -= aT[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aT[alpT] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpT--; if (alpT < 0 || alpT > delayT) {alpT = delayT;}
+ inputSample += (aT[alpT]);
+ //allpass filter T
+ dT[3] = dT[2];
+ dT[2] = dT[1];
+ dT[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dT[1] + dT[2] + dT[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpU - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayU) {allpasstemp = delayU;}
+ inputSample -= aU[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aU[alpU] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpU--; if (alpU < 0 || alpU > delayU) {alpU = delayU;}
+ inputSample += (aU[alpU]);
+ //allpass filter U
+ dU[3] = dU[2];
+ dU[2] = dU[1];
+ dU[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dU[1] + dU[2] + dU[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpV - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayV) {allpasstemp = delayV;}
+ inputSample -= aV[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aV[alpV] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpV--; if (alpV < 0 || alpV > delayV) {alpV = delayV;}
+ inputSample += (aV[alpV]);
+ //allpass filter V
+ dV[3] = dV[2];
+ dV[2] = dV[1];
+ dV[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dV[1] + dV[2] + dV[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpW - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayW) {allpasstemp = delayW;}
+ inputSample -= aW[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aW[alpW] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpW--; if (alpW < 0 || alpW > delayW) {alpW = delayW;}
+ inputSample += (aW[alpW]);
+ //allpass filter W
+ dW[3] = dW[2];
+ dW[2] = dW[1];
+ dW[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dW[1] + dW[2] + dW[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpX - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayX) {allpasstemp = delayX;}
+ inputSample -= aX[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aX[alpX] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpX--; if (alpX < 0 || alpX > delayX) {alpX = delayX;}
+ inputSample += (aX[alpX]);
+ //allpass filter X
+ dX[3] = dX[2];
+ dX[2] = dX[1];
+ dX[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dX[1] + dX[2] + dX[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpY - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayY) {allpasstemp = delayY;}
+ inputSample -= aY[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aY[alpY] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpY--; if (alpY < 0 || alpY > delayY) {alpY = delayY;}
+ inputSample += (aY[alpY]);
+ //allpass filter Y
+ dY[3] = dY[2];
+ dY[2] = dY[1];
+ dY[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dY[1] + dY[2] + dY[3])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = alpZ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayZ) {allpasstemp = delayZ;}
+ inputSample -= aZ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ aZ[alpZ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ alpZ--; if (alpZ < 0 || alpZ > delayZ) {alpZ = delayZ;}
+ inputSample += (aZ[alpZ]);
+ //allpass filter Z
+ dZ[3] = dZ[2];
+ dZ[2] = dZ[1];
+ dZ[1] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dZ[1] + dZ[2] + dZ[3])/3.0;
+ // now the second stage using the 'out' bank of allpasses
+ allpasstemp = outA - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayA) {allpasstemp = delayA;}
+ inputSample -= oA[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oA[outA] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outA--; if (outA < 0 || outA > delayA) {outA = delayA;}
+ inputSample += (oA[outA]);
+ //allpass filter A
+ dA[6] = dA[5];
+ dA[5] = dA[4];
+ dA[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dC[1] + dA[5] + dA[6])/3.0; //note, feeding in dry again for a little more clarity!
+ allpasstemp = outB - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayB) {allpasstemp = delayB;}
+ inputSample -= oB[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oB[outB] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outB--; if (outB < 0 || outB > delayB) {outB = delayB;}
+ inputSample += (oB[outB]);
+ //allpass filter B
+ dB[6] = dB[5];
+ dB[5] = dB[4];
+ dB[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dB[4] + dB[5] + dB[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outC - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayC) {allpasstemp = delayC;}
+ inputSample -= oC[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oC[outC] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outC--; if (outC < 0 || outC > delayC) {outC = delayC;}
+ inputSample += (oC[outC]);
+ //allpass filter C
+ dC[6] = dC[5];
+ dC[5] = dC[4];
+ dC[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dC[4] + dC[5] + dC[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outD - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayD) {allpasstemp = delayD;}
+ inputSample -= oD[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oD[outD] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outD--; if (outD < 0 || outD > delayD) {outD = delayD;}
+ inputSample += (oD[outD]);
+ //allpass filter D
+ dD[6] = dD[5];
+ dD[5] = dD[4];
+ dD[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dD[4] + dD[5] + dD[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outE - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayE) {allpasstemp = delayE;}
+ inputSample -= oE[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oE[outE] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outE--; if (outE < 0 || outE > delayE) {outE = delayE;}
+ inputSample += (oE[outE]);
+ //allpass filter E
+ dE[6] = dE[5];
+ dE[5] = dE[4];
+ dE[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dE[4] + dE[5] + dE[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outF - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayF) {allpasstemp = delayF;}
+ inputSample -= oF[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oF[outF] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outF--; if (outF < 0 || outF > delayF) {outF = delayF;}
+ inputSample += (oF[outF]);
+ //allpass filter F
+ dF[6] = dF[5];
+ dF[5] = dF[4];
+ dF[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dF[4] + dF[5] + dF[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outG - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayG) {allpasstemp = delayG;}
+ inputSample -= oG[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oG[outG] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outG--; if (outG < 0 || outG > delayG) {outG = delayG;}
+ inputSample += (oG[outG]);
+ //allpass filter G
+ dG[6] = dG[5];
+ dG[5] = dG[4];
+ dG[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dG[4] + dG[5] + dG[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outH - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayH) {allpasstemp = delayH;}
+ inputSample -= oH[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oH[outH] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outH--; if (outH < 0 || outH > delayH) {outH = delayH;}
+ inputSample += (oH[outH]);
+ //allpass filter H
+ dH[6] = dH[5];
+ dH[5] = dH[4];
+ dH[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dH[4] + dH[5] + dH[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outI - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayI) {allpasstemp = delayI;}
+ inputSample -= oI[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oI[outI] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outI--; if (outI < 0 || outI > delayI) {outI = delayI;}
+ inputSample += (oI[outI]);
+ //allpass filter I
+ dI[6] = dI[5];
+ dI[5] = dI[4];
+ dI[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dI[4] + dI[5] + dI[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outJ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayJ) {allpasstemp = delayJ;}
+ inputSample -= oJ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oJ[outJ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outJ--; if (outJ < 0 || outJ > delayJ) {outJ = delayJ;}
+ inputSample += (oJ[outJ]);
+ //allpass filter J
+ dJ[6] = dJ[5];
+ dJ[5] = dJ[4];
+ dJ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dJ[4] + dJ[5] + dJ[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outK - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayK) {allpasstemp = delayK;}
+ inputSample -= oK[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oK[outK] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outK--; if (outK < 0 || outK > delayK) {outK = delayK;}
+ inputSample += (oK[outK]);
+ //allpass filter K
+ dK[6] = dK[5];
+ dK[5] = dK[4];
+ dK[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dK[4] + dK[5] + dK[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outL - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayL) {allpasstemp = delayL;}
+ inputSample -= oL[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oL[outL] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outL--; if (outL < 0 || outL > delayL) {outL = delayL;}
+ inputSample += (oL[outL]);
+ //allpass filter L
+ dL[6] = dL[5];
+ dL[5] = dL[4];
+ dL[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dL[4] + dL[5] + dL[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outM - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayM) {allpasstemp = delayM;}
+ inputSample -= oM[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oM[outM] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outM--; if (outM < 0 || outM > delayM) {outM = delayM;}
+ inputSample += (oM[outM]);
+ //allpass filter M
+ dM[6] = dM[5];
+ dM[5] = dM[4];
+ dM[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dM[4] + dM[5] + dM[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outN - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayN) {allpasstemp = delayN;}
+ inputSample -= oN[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oN[outN] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outN--; if (outN < 0 || outN > delayN) {outN = delayN;}
+ inputSample += (oN[outN]);
+ //allpass filter N
+ dN[6] = dN[5];
+ dN[5] = dN[4];
+ dN[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dN[4] + dN[5] + dN[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outO - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayO) {allpasstemp = delayO;}
+ inputSample -= oO[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oO[outO] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outO--; if (outO < 0 || outO > delayO) {outO = delayO;}
+ inputSample += (oO[outO]);
+ //allpass filter O
+ dO[6] = dO[5];
+ dO[5] = dO[4];
+ dO[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dO[4] + dO[5] + dO[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outP - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayP) {allpasstemp = delayP;}
+ inputSample -= oP[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oP[outP] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outP--; if (outP < 0 || outP > delayP) {outP = delayP;}
+ inputSample += (oP[outP]);
+ //allpass filter P
+ dP[6] = dP[5];
+ dP[5] = dP[4];
+ dP[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dP[4] + dP[5] + dP[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outQ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayQ) {allpasstemp = delayQ;}
+ inputSample -= oQ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oQ[outQ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outQ--; if (outQ < 0 || outQ > delayQ) {outQ = delayQ;}
+ inputSample += (oQ[outQ]);
+ //allpass filter Q
+ dQ[6] = dQ[5];
+ dQ[5] = dQ[4];
+ dQ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dQ[4] + dQ[5] + dQ[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outR - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayR) {allpasstemp = delayR;}
+ inputSample -= oR[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oR[outR] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outR--; if (outR < 0 || outR > delayR) {outR = delayR;}
+ inputSample += (oR[outR]);
+ //allpass filter R
+ dR[6] = dR[5];
+ dR[5] = dR[4];
+ dR[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dR[4] + dR[5] + dR[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outS - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayS) {allpasstemp = delayS;}
+ inputSample -= oS[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oS[outS] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outS--; if (outS < 0 || outS > delayS) {outS = delayS;}
+ inputSample += (oS[outS]);
+ //allpass filter S
+ dS[6] = dS[5];
+ dS[5] = dS[4];
+ dS[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dS[4] + dS[5] + dS[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outT - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayT) {allpasstemp = delayT;}
+ inputSample -= oT[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oT[outT] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outT--; if (outT < 0 || outT > delayT) {outT = delayT;}
+ inputSample += (oT[outT]);
+ //allpass filter T
+ dT[6] = dT[5];
+ dT[5] = dT[4];
+ dT[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dT[4] + dT[5] + dT[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outU - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayU) {allpasstemp = delayU;}
+ inputSample -= oU[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oU[outU] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outU--; if (outU < 0 || outU > delayU) {outU = delayU;}
+ inputSample += (oU[outU]);
+ //allpass filter U
+ dU[6] = dU[5];
+ dU[5] = dU[4];
+ dU[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dU[4] + dU[5] + dU[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outV - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayV) {allpasstemp = delayV;}
+ inputSample -= oV[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oV[outV] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outV--; if (outV < 0 || outV > delayV) {outV = delayV;}
+ inputSample += (oV[outV]);
+ //allpass filter V
+ dV[6] = dV[5];
+ dV[5] = dV[4];
+ dV[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dV[4] + dV[5] + dV[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outW - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayW) {allpasstemp = delayW;}
+ inputSample -= oW[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oW[outW] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outW--; if (outW < 0 || outW > delayW) {outW = delayW;}
+ inputSample += (oW[outW]);
+ //allpass filter W
+ dW[6] = dW[5];
+ dW[5] = dW[4];
+ dW[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dW[4] + dW[5] + dW[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outX - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayX) {allpasstemp = delayX;}
+ inputSample -= oX[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oX[outX] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outX--; if (outX < 0 || outX > delayX) {outX = delayX;}
+ inputSample += (oX[outX]);
+ //allpass filter X
+ dX[6] = dX[5];
+ dX[5] = dX[4];
+ dX[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dX[4] + dX[5] + dX[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outY - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayY) {allpasstemp = delayY;}
+ inputSample -= oY[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oY[outY] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outY--; if (outY < 0 || outY > delayY) {outY = delayY;}
+ inputSample += (oY[outY]);
+ //allpass filter Y
+ dY[6] = dY[5];
+ dY[5] = dY[4];
+ dY[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dY[4] + dY[5] + dY[6])/3.0;
+ allpasstemp = outZ - 1;
+ if (allpasstemp < 0 || allpasstemp > delayZ) {allpasstemp = delayZ;}
+ inputSample -= oZ[allpasstemp]*constallpass;
+ oZ[outZ] = inputSample;
+ inputSample *= constallpass;
+ outZ--; if (outZ < 0 || outZ > delayZ) {outZ = delayZ;}
+ inputSample += (oZ[outZ]);
+ //allpass filter Z
+ dZ[6] = dZ[5];
+ dZ[5] = dZ[4];
+ dZ[4] = inputSample;
+ inputSample = (dZ[4] + dZ[5] + dZ[6]);
+ //output Zarathustra infinite space verb
+ break;
+ }
+ //end big switch for verb type
+ bridgerectifier = fabs(inputSample);
+ bridgerectifier = 1.0-cos(bridgerectifier);
+ if (inputSample > 0) inputSample -= bridgerectifier;
+ else inputSample += bridgerectifier;
+ inputSample /= gain;
+ //here we apply the ADT2 'console on steroids' trick
+ wetness = wetnesstarget;
+ //setting up verb wetness to be manipulated by gate and peak
+ wetness *= peak;
+ //but we only use peak (indirect) to deal with dry/wet, so that it'll manipulate the dry/wet like we want
+ drySample *= (1.0-wetness);
+ inputSample *= wetness;
+ inputSample += drySample;
+ //here we combine the tanks with the dry signal
+ //begin 32 bit floating point dither
+ int expon; frexpf((float)inputSample, &expon);
+ fpd ^= fpd << 13; fpd ^= fpd >> 17; fpd ^= fpd << 5;
+ inputSample += static_cast<int32_t>(fpd) * 5.960464655174751e-36L * pow(2,expon+62);
+ //end 32 bit floating point dither
+ *destP = inputSample;
+ sourceP += inNumChannels; destP += inNumChannels;
+ }
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.exp b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.exp
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..41b0949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.exp
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.h b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c713f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.h
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+* File: PocketVerbs.h
+* Version: 1.0
+* Created: 8/19/12
+* Copyright: Copyright © 2012 Airwindows, All Rights Reserved
+* Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in
+* consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification
+* or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do
+* not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple
+* software.
+* In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms,
+* Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this
+* original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the
+* Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you
+* redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this
+* notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software.
+* Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to
+* endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written
+* permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or
+* licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any
+* patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the
+* Apple Software may be incorporated.
+* The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR
+#include "AUEffectBase.h"
+#include "PocketVerbsVersion.h"
+ #include "AUDebugDispatcher.h"
+#ifndef __PocketVerbs_h__
+#define __PocketVerbs_h__
+#pragma mark ____PocketVerbs Parameters
+// parameters
+static CFStringRef kParameterOneName = CFSTR("Type");
+static const int kChamber = 1;
+static const int kSpring = 2;
+static const int kTiled = 3;
+static const int kRoom = 4;
+static const int kStretch = 5;
+static const int kZarathustra = 6;
+static const int kDefaultValue_ParamOne = kChamber;
+static CFStringRef kMenuItem_Chamber = CFSTR ("Chamber");
+static CFStringRef kMenuItem_Spring = CFSTR ("Spring");
+static CFStringRef kMenuItem_Tiled = CFSTR ("Tiled");
+static CFStringRef kMenuItem_Room = CFSTR ("Room");
+static CFStringRef kMenuItem_Stretch = CFSTR ("Stretch");
+static CFStringRef kMenuItem_Zarathustra = CFSTR ("Zarathustra");
+static const float kDefaultValue_ParamTwo = 0.5;
+static const float kDefaultValue_ParamThree = 0.0;
+static const float kDefaultValue_ParamFour = 0.5;
+static CFStringRef kParameterTwoName = CFSTR("Size");
+static CFStringRef kParameterThreeName = CFSTR("Gating");
+static CFStringRef kParameterFourName = CFSTR("Dry/Wet");
+//Alter the name if desired, but using the plugin name is a start
+enum {
+ kParam_One =0,
+ kParam_Two =1,
+ kParam_Three =2,
+ kParam_Four =3,
+ //Add your parameters here...
+ kNumberOfParameters=4
+#pragma mark ____PocketVerbs
+class PocketVerbs : public AUEffectBase
+ PocketVerbs(AudioUnit component);
+ virtual ~PocketVerbs () { delete mDebugDispatcher; }
+ virtual AUKernelBase * NewKernel() { return new PocketVerbsKernel(this); }
+ virtual ComponentResult GetParameterValueStrings(AudioUnitScope inScope,
+ AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID,
+ CFArrayRef * outStrings);
+ virtual ComponentResult GetParameterInfo(AudioUnitScope inScope,
+ AudioUnitParameterID inParameterID,
+ AudioUnitParameterInfo &outParameterInfo);
+ virtual ComponentResult GetPropertyInfo(AudioUnitPropertyID inID,
+ AudioUnitScope inScope,
+ AudioUnitElement inElement,
+ UInt32 & outDataSize,
+ Boolean & outWritable );
+ virtual ComponentResult GetProperty(AudioUnitPropertyID inID,
+ AudioUnitScope inScope,
+ AudioUnitElement inElement,
+ void * outData);
+ virtual ComponentResult Initialize();
+ virtual bool SupportsTail () { return true; }
+ virtual Float64 GetTailTime() {return 1.0/GetSampleRate()*220000.0;} //in SECONDS! gsr * a number = in samples
+ virtual Float64 GetLatency() {return (1.0/GetSampleRate())*0.0;} // in SECONDS! gsr * a number = in samples
+ /*! @method Version */
+ virtual ComponentResult Version() { return kPocketVerbsVersion; }
+ class PocketVerbsKernel : public AUKernelBase // most of the real work happens here
+ {
+ PocketVerbsKernel(AUEffectBase *inAudioUnit )
+ : AUKernelBase(inAudioUnit)
+ {
+ }
+ // *Required* overides for the process method for this effect
+ // processes one channel of interleaved samples
+ virtual void Process( const Float32 *inSourceP,
+ Float32 *inDestP,
+ UInt32 inFramesToProcess,
+ UInt32 inNumChannels,
+ bool &ioSilence);
+ virtual void Reset();
+ private:
+ Float64 dA[7];
+ Float64 dB[7];
+ Float64 dC[7];
+ Float64 dD[7];
+ Float64 dE[7];
+ Float64 dF[7];
+ Float64 dG[7];
+ Float64 dH[7];
+ Float64 dI[7];
+ Float64 dJ[7];
+ Float64 dK[7];
+ Float64 dL[7];
+ Float64 dM[7];
+ Float64 dN[7];
+ Float64 dO[7];
+ Float64 dP[7];
+ Float64 dQ[7];
+ Float64 dR[7];
+ Float64 dS[7];
+ Float64 dT[7];
+ Float64 dU[7];
+ Float64 dV[7];
+ Float64 dW[7];
+ Float64 dX[7];
+ Float64 dY[7];
+ Float64 dZ[7];
+ Float64 aA[15150];
+ Float64 aB[14618];
+ Float64 aC[14358];
+ Float64 aD[13818];
+ Float64 aE[13562];
+ Float64 aF[13046];
+ Float64 aG[11966];
+ Float64 aH[11130];
+ Float64 aI[10598];
+ Float64 aJ[9810];
+ Float64 aK[9522];
+ Float64 aL[8982];
+ Float64 aM[8786];
+ Float64 aN[8462];
+ Float64 aO[8310];
+ Float64 aP[7982];
+ Float64 aQ[7322];
+ Float64 aR[6818];
+ Float64 aS[6506];
+ Float64 aT[6002];
+ Float64 aU[5838];
+ Float64 aV[5502];
+ Float64 aW[5010];
+ Float64 aX[4850];
+ Float64 aY[4296];
+ Float64 aZ[4180];
+ Float64 oA[15150];
+ Float64 oB[14618];
+ Float64 oC[14358];
+ Float64 oD[13818];
+ Float64 oE[13562];
+ Float64 oF[13046];
+ Float64 oG[11966];
+ Float64 oH[11130];
+ Float64 oI[10598];
+ Float64 oJ[9810];
+ Float64 oK[9522];
+ Float64 oL[8982];
+ Float64 oM[8786];
+ Float64 oN[8462];
+ Float64 oO[8310];
+ Float64 oP[7982];
+ Float64 oQ[7322];
+ Float64 oR[6818];
+ Float64 oS[6506];
+ Float64 oT[6002];
+ Float64 oU[5838];
+ Float64 oV[5502];
+ Float64 oW[5010];
+ Float64 oX[4850];
+ Float64 oY[4296];
+ Float64 oZ[4180];
+ int outA, alpA, maxdelayA, delayA;
+ int outB, alpB, maxdelayB, delayB;
+ int outC, alpC, maxdelayC, delayC;
+ int outD, alpD, maxdelayD, delayD;
+ int outE, alpE, maxdelayE, delayE;
+ int outF, alpF, maxdelayF, delayF;
+ int outG, alpG, maxdelayG, delayG;
+ int outH, alpH, maxdelayH, delayH;
+ int outI, alpI, maxdelayI, delayI;
+ int outJ, alpJ, maxdelayJ, delayJ;
+ int outK, alpK, maxdelayK, delayK;
+ int outL, alpL, maxdelayL, delayL;
+ int outM, alpM, maxdelayM, delayM;
+ int outN, alpN, maxdelayN, delayN;
+ int outO, alpO, maxdelayO, delayO;
+ int outP, alpP, maxdelayP, delayP;
+ int outQ, alpQ, maxdelayQ, delayQ;
+ int outR, alpR, maxdelayR, delayR;
+ int outS, alpS, maxdelayS, delayS;
+ int outT, alpT, maxdelayT, delayT;
+ int outU, alpU, maxdelayU, delayU;
+ int outV, alpV, maxdelayV, delayV;
+ int outW, alpW, maxdelayW, delayW;
+ int outX, alpX, maxdelayX, delayX;
+ int outY, alpY, maxdelayY, delayY;
+ int outZ, alpZ, maxdelayZ, delayZ;
+ Float64 savedRoomsize;
+ int countdown;
+ Float64 peak;
+ uint32_t fpd;
+ };
+ };
+ //~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.r b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.r
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..07090e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.r
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+* File: PocketVerbs.r
+* Version: 1.0
+* Created: 8/19/12
+* Copyright: Copyright © 2012 Airwindows, All Rights Reserved
+* Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in
+* consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification
+* or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do
+* not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple
+* software.
+* In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms,
+* Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this
+* original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the
+* Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you
+* redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this
+* notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software.
+* Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to
+* endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written
+* permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or
+* licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any
+* patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the
+* Apple Software may be incorporated.
+* The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR
+#include <AudioUnit/AudioUnit.r>
+#include "PocketVerbsVersion.h"
+// Note that resource IDs must be spaced 2 apart for the 'STR ' name and description
+#define kAudioUnitResID_PocketVerbs 1000
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PocketVerbs~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+#define RES_ID kAudioUnitResID_PocketVerbs
+#define COMP_TYPE kAudioUnitType_Effect
+#define COMP_MANUF PocketVerbs_COMP_MANF
+#define VERSION kPocketVerbsVersion
+#define NAME "Airwindows: PocketVerbs"
+#define DESCRIPTION "PocketVerbs AU"
+#define ENTRY_POINT "PocketVerbsEntry"
+#include "AUResources.r" \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.xcodeproj/christopherjohnson.mode1v3 b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.xcodeproj/christopherjohnson.mode1v3
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4bbeff6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.xcodeproj/christopherjohnson.mode1v3
@@ -0,0 +1,1374 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+ <key>ActivePerspectiveName</key>
+ <string>Project</string>
+ <key>AllowedModules</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Groups and Files Outline View</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Editor</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCTaskListModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Task List</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCDetailModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>File and Smart Group Detail Viewer</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXBuildResultsModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Detailed Build Results Viewer</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXProjectFindModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Project Batch Find Tool</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCProjectFormatConflictsModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Project Format Conflicts List</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXBookmarksModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Bookmarks Tool</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXClassBrowserModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Class Browser</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXCVSModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Source Code Control Tool</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXDebugBreakpointsModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Debug Breakpoints Tool</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCDockableInspector</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Inspector</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXOpenQuicklyModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Open Quickly Tool</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXDebugSessionModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Debugger</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXDebugCLIModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Debug Console</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCSnapshotModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Snapshots Tool</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>BundlePath</key>
+ <string>/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DevToolsInterface.framework/Resources</string>
+ <key>Description</key>
+ <string>DefaultDescriptionKey</string>
+ <key>DockingSystemVisible</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>Extension</key>
+ <string>mode1v3</string>
+ <key>FavBarConfig</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>8BD3CCBC148831C90062E48C</string>
+ <key>XCBarModuleItemNames</key>
+ <dict/>
+ <key>XCBarModuleItems</key>
+ <array/>
+ </dict>
+ <key>FirstTimeWindowDisplayed</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>com.apple.perspectives.project.mode1v3</string>
+ <key>MajorVersion</key>
+ <integer>33</integer>
+ <key>MinorVersion</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Default</string>
+ <key>Notifications</key>
+ <array/>
+ <key>OpenEditors</key>
+ <array/>
+ <key>PerspectiveWidths</key>
+ <array>
+ <integer>-1</integer>
+ <integer>-1</integer>
+ </array>
+ <key>Perspectives</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ChosenToolbarItems</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>active-combo-popup</string>
+ <string>action</string>
+ <string>build</string>
+ <string>debugger-enable-breakpoints</string>
+ <string>get-info</string>
+ <string>com.apple.pbx.toolbar.searchfield</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ControllerClassBaseName</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>IconName</key>
+ <string>WindowOfProjectWithEditor</string>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>perspective.project</string>
+ <key>IsVertical</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXBottomSmartGroupGIDs</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C37FBAC04509CD000000102</string>
+ <string>1C37FAAC04509CD000000102</string>
+ <string>1C37FABC05509CD000000102</string>
+ <string>1C37FABC05539CD112110102</string>
+ <string>E2644B35053B69B200211256</string>
+ <string>1C37FABC04509CD000100104</string>
+ <string>1CC0EA4004350EF90044410B</string>
+ <string>1CC0EA4004350EF90041110B</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CE0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Files</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectStructureProvided</key>
+ <string>yes</string>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnData</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnWidthsKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <real>186</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnsKey_v4</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>MainColumn</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateKey_v7</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateExpansionKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>089C166AFE841209C02AAC07</string>
+ <string>08FB77ADFE841716C02AAC07</string>
+ <string>8BA05A56072072A900365D66</string>
+ <string>1C37FBAC04509CD000000102</string>
+ <string>1C37FABC05509CD000000102</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateSelectionKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <array>
+ <integer>4</integer>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </array>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateVisibleRectKey</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {186, 647}}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>PBXTopSmartGroupGIDs</key>
+ <array/>
+ <key>XCIncludePerspectivesSwitch</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>XCSharingToken</key>
+ <string>com.apple.Xcode.GFSharingToken</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {203, 665}}</string>
+ <key>GroupTreeTableConfiguration</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>MainColumn</string>
+ <real>186</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>547 163 857 706 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>203pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CE0B20306471E060097A5F4</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>PocketVerbsVersion.h</string>
+ <key>PBXSplitModuleInNavigatorKey</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Split0</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CE0B20406471E060097A5F4</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>PocketVerbsVersion.h</string>
+ <key>_historyCapacity</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>bookmark</key>
+ <string>8B4223CF189BDBA000BD9C44</string>
+ <key>history</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>8B21D7851745523400E1943E</string>
+ <string>8B35583517455FF2009B6944</string>
+ <string>8B9B2A791779C31C0061D2E0</string>
+ <string>8B9B2A7A1779C31C0061D2E0</string>
+ <string>8B9B2A7B1779C31C0061D2E0</string>
+ <string>8B464AE617E3574500CFD7BE</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ <key>SplitCount</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>StatusBarVisibility</key>
+ <true/>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {649, 267}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>547 163 857 706 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>267pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CE0B20506471E060097A5F4</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Detail</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 272}, {649, 393}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>547 163 857 706 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCDetailModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>393pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>649pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Project</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>XCModuleDock</string>
+ <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
+ <string>XCModuleDock</string>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ <string>XCDetailModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>8B4223D0189BDBA000BD9C44</string>
+ <string>1CE0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
+ <string>8B4223D1189BDBA000BD9C44</string>
+ <string>1CE0B20306471E060097A5F4</string>
+ <string>1CE0B20506471E060097A5F4</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfigUserDefaultsMinorVersion</key>
+ <string>2</string>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.defaultV3</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ControllerClassBaseName</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>IconName</key>
+ <string>WindowOfProject</string>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>perspective.morph</string>
+ <key>IsVertical</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXBottomSmartGroupGIDs</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C37FBAC04509CD000000102</string>
+ <string>1C37FAAC04509CD000000102</string>
+ <string>1C08E77C0454961000C914BD</string>
+ <string>1C37FABC05509CD000000102</string>
+ <string>1C37FABC05539CD112110102</string>
+ <string>E2644B35053B69B200211256</string>
+ <string>1C37FABC04509CD000100104</string>
+ <string>1CC0EA4004350EF90044410B</string>
+ <string>1CC0EA4004350EF90041110B</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>11E0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Files</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectStructureProvided</key>
+ <string>yes</string>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnData</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnWidthsKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <real>186</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnsKey_v4</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>MainColumn</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateKey_v7</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateExpansionKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>29B97314FDCFA39411CA2CEA</string>
+ <string>1C37FABC05509CD000000102</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateSelectionKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <array>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </array>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateVisibleRectKey</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {186, 337}}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>PBXTopSmartGroupGIDs</key>
+ <array/>
+ <key>XCIncludePerspectivesSwitch</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>XCSharingToken</key>
+ <string>com.apple.Xcode.GFSharingToken</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {203, 355}}</string>
+ <key>GroupTreeTableConfiguration</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>MainColumn</string>
+ <real>186</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>373 269 690 397 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Morph</string>
+ <key>PreferredWidth</key>
+ <integer>300</integer>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>XCModuleDock</string>
+ <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>11E0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.default.shortV3</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>PerspectivesBarVisible</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>ShelfIsVisible</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>SourceDescription</key>
+ <string>file at '/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DevToolsInterface.framework/Resources/XCPerspectivesSpecificationMode1.xcperspec'</string>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>TimeStamp</key>
+ <real>0.0</real>
+ <key>ToolbarConfigUserDefaultsMinorVersion</key>
+ <string>2</string>
+ <key>ToolbarDisplayMode</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ToolbarIsVisible</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>ToolbarSizeMode</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Perspectives</string>
+ <key>UpdateMessage</key>
+ <string>The Default Workspace in this version of Xcode now includes support to hide and show the detail view (what has been referred to as the "Metro-Morph" feature). You must discard your current Default Workspace settings and update to the latest Default Workspace in order to gain this feature. Do you wish to update to the latest Workspace defaults for project '%@'?</string>
+ <key>WindowJustification</key>
+ <integer>5</integer>
+ <key>WindowOrderList</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>8B4223D3189BDBA000BD9C44</string>
+ <string>8BD3CCBD148831C90062E48C</string>
+ <string>/Users/christopherjohnson/Desktop/Dropbox/AU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.xcodeproj</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>547 163 857 706 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ <key>WindowToolsV3</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>FirstTimeWindowDisplayed</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.build</string>
+ <key>IsVertical</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CD0528F0623707200166675</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>StatusBarVisibility</key>
+ <true/>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {500, 218}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>668 222 500 500 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>218pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>XCMainBuildResultsModuleGUID</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Build Results</string>
+ <key>XCBuildResultsTrigger_Collapse</key>
+ <integer>1021</integer>
+ <key>XCBuildResultsTrigger_Open</key>
+ <integer>1011</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 223}, {500, 236}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>668 222 500 500 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXBuildResultsModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>236pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>459pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Build Results</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXBuildResultsModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>8BD3CCBD148831C90062E48C</string>
+ <string>8B4223D2189BDBA000BD9C44</string>
+ <string>1CD0528F0623707200166675</string>
+ <string>XCMainBuildResultsModuleGUID</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.buildV3</string>
+ <key>WindowContentMinSize</key>
+ <string>486 300</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>668 222 500 500 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
+ <string>8BD3CCBD148831C90062E48C</string>
+ <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
+ <false/>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.debugger</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Debugger</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>HorizontalSplitView</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>_collapsingFrameDimension</key>
+ <real>0.0</real>
+ <key>_indexOfCollapsedView</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>_percentageOfCollapsedView</key>
+ <real>0.0</real>
+ <key>isCollapsed</key>
+ <string>yes</string>
+ <key>sizes</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {317, 164}}</string>
+ <string>{{317, 0}, {377, 164}}</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ <key>VerticalSplitView</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>_collapsingFrameDimension</key>
+ <real>0.0</real>
+ <key>_indexOfCollapsedView</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>_percentageOfCollapsedView</key>
+ <real>0.0</real>
+ <key>isCollapsed</key>
+ <string>yes</string>
+ <key>sizes</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {694, 164}}</string>
+ <string>{{0, 164}, {694, 216}}</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>LauncherConfigVersion</key>
+ <string>8</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1C162984064C10D400B95A72</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Debug - GLUTExamples (Underwater)</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>DebugConsoleDrawerSize</key>
+ <string>{100, 120}</string>
+ <key>DebugConsoleVisible</key>
+ <string>None</string>
+ <key>DebugConsoleWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>{{200, 200}, {500, 300}}</string>
+ <key>DebugSTDIOWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>{{200, 200}, {500, 300}}</string>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {694, 380}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>321 238 694 422 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXDebugSessionModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Debugger</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXDebugSessionModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1CD10A99069EF8BA00B06720</string>
+ <string>1C0AD2AB069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
+ <string>1C162984064C10D400B95A72</string>
+ <string>1C0AD2AC069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.debugV3</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>321 238 694 422 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
+ <string>1CD10A99069EF8BA00B06720</string>
+ <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.find</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CDD528C0622207200134675</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>&lt;No Editor&gt;</string>
+ <key>PBXSplitModuleInNavigatorKey</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Split0</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CD0528D0623707200166675</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>SplitCount</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>StatusBarVisibility</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {781, 167}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>62 385 781 470 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>781pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>50%</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CD0528E0623707200166675</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Project Find</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{8, 0}, {773, 254}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>62 385 781 470 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXProjectFindModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>50%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>428pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Project Find</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXProjectFindModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C530D57069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
+ <string>1C530D58069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
+ <string>1C530D59069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
+ <string>1CDD528C0622207200134675</string>
+ <string>1C530D5A069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
+ <string>1CE0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
+ <string>1CD0528E0623707200166675</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>62 385 781 470 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
+ <string>1C530D57069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
+ <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>MENUSEPARATOR</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.debuggerConsole</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1C78EAAC065D492600B07095</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Debugger Console</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {650, 250}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>516 632 650 250 0 0 1680 1027 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXDebugCLIModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>209pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>209pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Debugger Console</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXDebugCLIModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C78EAAD065D492600B07095</string>
+ <string>1C78EAAE065D492600B07095</string>
+ <string>1C78EAAC065D492600B07095</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.consoleV3</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>650 41 650 250 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
+ <string>1C78EAAD065D492600B07095</string>
+ <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.snapshots</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCSnapshotModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Snapshots</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>XCSnapshotModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <string>Yes</string>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.snapshots</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>315 824 300 550 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
+ <string>Yes</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.scm</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1C78EAB2065D492600B07095</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>&lt;No Editor&gt;</string>
+ <key>PBXSplitModuleInNavigatorKey</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Split0</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1C78EAB3065D492600B07095</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>SplitCount</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>StatusBarVisibility</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {452, 0}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>743 379 452 308 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>0pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CD052920623707200166675</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>SCM</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ConsoleFrame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 259}, {452, 0}}</string>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 7}, {452, 259}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>743 379 452 308 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ <key>TableConfiguration</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>Status</string>
+ <real>30</real>
+ <string>FileName</string>
+ <real>199</real>
+ <string>Path</string>
+ <real>197.0950012207031</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>TableFrame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {452, 250}}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXCVSModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>262pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>266pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>SCM</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXCVSModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C78EAB4065D492600B07095</string>
+ <string>1C78EAB5065D492600B07095</string>
+ <string>1C78EAB2065D492600B07095</string>
+ <string>1CD052920623707200166675</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.scm</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>743 379 452 308 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.breakpoints</string>
+ <key>IsVertical</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXBottomSmartGroupGIDs</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C77FABC04509CD000000102</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CE0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Files</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectStructureProvided</key>
+ <string>no</string>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnData</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnWidthsKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <real>168</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnsKey_v4</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>MainColumn</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateKey_v7</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateExpansionKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C77FABC04509CD000000102</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateSelectionKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <array>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </array>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateVisibleRectKey</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {168, 350}}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>PBXTopSmartGroupGIDs</key>
+ <array/>
+ <key>XCIncludePerspectivesSwitch</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {185, 368}}</string>
+ <key>GroupTreeTableConfiguration</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>MainColumn</string>
+ <real>168</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>315 424 744 409 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>185pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CA1AED706398EBD00589147</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Detail</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{190, 0}, {554, 368}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>315 424 744 409 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCDetailModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>554pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>368pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>MajorVersion</key>
+ <integer>3</integer>
+ <key>MinorVersion</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Breakpoints</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
+ <string>XCDetailModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1CDDB66807F98D9800BB5817</string>
+ <string>1CDDB66907F98D9800BB5817</string>
+ <string>1CE0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
+ <string>1CA1AED706398EBD00589147</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.breakpointsV3</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>315 424 744 409 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
+ <string>1CDDB66807F98D9800BB5817</string>
+ <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.debugAnimator</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Debug Visualizer</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.debugAnimatorV3</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>100 100 700 500 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.bookmarks</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXBookmarksModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Bookmarks</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXBookmarksModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>538 42 401 187 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.projectFormatConflicts</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCProjectFormatConflictsModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Project Format Conflicts</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>XCProjectFormatConflictsModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>WindowContentMinSize</key>
+ <string>450 300</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>50 850 472 307 0 0 1440 877</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.classBrowser</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>OptionsSetName</key>
+ <string>Hierarchy, all classes</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CA6456E063B45B4001379D8</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Class Browser - NSObject</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ClassesFrame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {374, 96}}</string>
+ <key>ClassesTreeTableConfiguration</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXClassNameColumnIdentifier</string>
+ <real>208</real>
+ <string>PBXClassBookColumnIdentifier</string>
+ <real>22</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {630, 331}}</string>
+ <key>MembersFrame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 105}, {374, 395}}</string>
+ <key>MembersTreeTableConfiguration</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXMemberTypeIconColumnIdentifier</string>
+ <real>22</real>
+ <string>PBXMemberNameColumnIdentifier</string>
+ <real>216</real>
+ <string>PBXMemberTypeColumnIdentifier</string>
+ <real>97</real>
+ <string>PBXMemberBookColumnIdentifier</string>
+ <real>22</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXModuleWindowStatusBarHidden2</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>385 179 630 352 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXClassBrowserModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>332pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>332pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Class Browser</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXClassBrowserModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C0AD2AF069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
+ <string>1C0AD2B0069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
+ <string>1CA6456E063B45B4001379D8</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.classbrowser</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>385 179 630 352 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
+ <string>1C0AD2AF069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
+ <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.refactoring</string>
+ <key>IncludeInToolsMenu</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{0, 0}, {500, 335}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>{0, 0}, {500, 335}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCRefactoringModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Refactoring</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>XCRefactoringModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>200 200 500 356 0 0 1920 1200 </string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.xcodeproj/christopherjohnson.pbxuser b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.xcodeproj/christopherjohnson.pbxuser
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7fbbf18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.xcodeproj/christopherjohnson.pbxuser
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// !$*UTF8*$!
+ 089C1669FE841209C02AAC07 /* Project object */ = {
+ activeBuildConfigurationName = Release;
+ activeTarget = 8D01CCC60486CAD60068D4B7 /* PocketVerbs */;
+ codeSenseManager = 8BD3CCB9148830B20062E48C /* Code sense */;
+ perUserDictionary = {
+ PBXConfiguration.PBXFileTableDataSource3.PBXFileTableDataSource = {
+ PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingDirectionKey = "-1";
+ PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingKey = PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID;
+ PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnWidthsKey = (
+ 20,
+ 364,
+ 20,
+ 48,
+ 43,
+ 43,
+ 20,
+ );
+ PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnsKey = (
+ PBXFileDataSource_FiletypeID,
+ PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID,
+ PBXFileDataSource_Built_ColumnID,
+ PBXFileDataSource_ObjectSize_ColumnID,
+ PBXFileDataSource_Errors_ColumnID,
+ PBXFileDataSource_Warnings_ColumnID,
+ PBXFileDataSource_Target_ColumnID,
+ );
+ };
+ PBXConfiguration.PBXTargetDataSource.PBXTargetDataSource = {
+ PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingDirectionKey = "-1";
+ PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnSortingKey = PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID;
+ PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnWidthsKey = (
+ 20,
+ 301,
+ 60,
+ 20,
+ 48,
+ 43,
+ 43,
+ );
+ PBXFileTableDataSourceColumnsKey = (
+ PBXFileDataSource_FiletypeID,
+ PBXFileDataSource_Filename_ColumnID,
+ PBXTargetDataSource_PrimaryAttribute,
+ PBXFileDataSource_Built_ColumnID,
+ PBXFileDataSource_ObjectSize_ColumnID,
+ PBXFileDataSource_Errors_ColumnID,
+ PBXFileDataSource_Warnings_ColumnID,
+ );
+ };
+ PBXPerProjectTemplateStateSaveDate = 595625819;
+ PBXWorkspaceStateSaveDate = 595625819;
+ };
+ perUserProjectItems = {
+ 8B0639D12380A76700606DBC /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 8B0639D12380A76700606DBC /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 8B0639D22380A76700606DBC /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 8B0639D22380A76700606DBC /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ 8B0639D32380A76700606DBC /* PBXTextBookmark */ = 8B0639D32380A76700606DBC /* PBXTextBookmark */;
+ };
+ sourceControlManager = 8BD3CCB8148830B20062E48C /* Source Control */;
+ userBuildSettings = {
+ };
+ };
+ 8B0639D12380A76700606DBC /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 8BA05A690720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbsVersion.h */;
+ name = "PocketVerbsVersion.h: 48";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 2728;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 87;
+ vrLoc = 2683;
+ };
+ 8B0639D22380A76700606DBC /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 8BA05A660720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.cpp */;
+ name = "PocketVerbs.cpp: 325";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 15455;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 87;
+ vrLoc = 14950;
+ };
+ 8B0639D32380A76700606DBC /* PBXTextBookmark */ = {
+ isa = PBXTextBookmark;
+ fRef = 8BA05A660720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.cpp */;
+ name = "PocketVerbs.cpp: 325";
+ rLen = 0;
+ rLoc = 15455;
+ rType = 0;
+ vrLen = 87;
+ vrLoc = 14950;
+ };
+ 8BA05A660720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.cpp */ = {
+ uiCtxt = {
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1111, 62803}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{15455, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{14950, 87}";
+ sepNavWindowFrame = "{{518, 57}, {908, 821}}";
+ };
+ };
+ 8BA05A670720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.exp */ = {
+ uiCtxt = {
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {588, 259}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{0, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{0, 18}";
+ };
+ };
+ 8BA05A680720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.r */ = {
+ uiCtxt = {
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {702, 627}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{0, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{0, 1442}";
+ };
+ };
+ 8BA05A690720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbsVersion.h */ = {
+ uiCtxt = {
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {803, 936}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{2728, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{2683, 87}";
+ sepNavWindowFrame = "{{575, 67}, {834, 801}}";
+ };
+ };
+ 8BC6025B073B072D006C4272 /* PocketVerbs.h */ = {
+ uiCtxt = {
+ sepNavIntBoundsRect = "{{0, 0}, {1041, 3523}}";
+ sepNavSelRange = "{5987, 0}";
+ sepNavVisRange = "{3031, 1879}";
+ sepNavWindowFrame = "{{546, 57}, {885, 821}}";
+ };
+ };
+ 8BD3CCB8148830B20062E48C /* Source Control */ = {
+ isa = PBXSourceControlManager;
+ fallbackIsa = XCSourceControlManager;
+ isSCMEnabled = 0;
+ scmConfiguration = {
+ repositoryNamesForRoots = {
+ "" = "";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ 8BD3CCB9148830B20062E48C /* Code sense */ = {
+ isa = PBXCodeSenseManager;
+ indexTemplatePath = "";
+ };
+ 8D01CCC60486CAD60068D4B7 /* PocketVerbs */ = {
+ activeExec = 0;
+ };
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.xcodeproj/christopherjohnson.perspectivev3 b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.xcodeproj/christopherjohnson.perspectivev3
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..37ac50e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.xcodeproj/christopherjohnson.perspectivev3
@@ -0,0 +1,1485 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+ <key>ActivePerspectiveName</key>
+ <string>Project</string>
+ <key>AllowedModules</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Groups and Files Outline View</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Editor</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCTaskListModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Task List</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCDetailModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>File and Smart Group Detail Viewer</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXBuildResultsModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Detailed Build Results Viewer</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXProjectFindModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Project Batch Find Tool</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCProjectFormatConflictsModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Project Format Conflicts List</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXBookmarksModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Bookmarks Tool</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXClassBrowserModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Class Browser</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXCVSModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Source Code Control Tool</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXDebugBreakpointsModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Debug Breakpoints Tool</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCDockableInspector</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Inspector</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXOpenQuicklyModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Open Quickly Tool</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXDebugSessionModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Debugger</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXDebugCLIModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Debug Console</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BundleLoadPath</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>MaxInstances</key>
+ <string>n</string>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCSnapshotModule</string>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Snapshots Tool</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>BundlePath</key>
+ <string>/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DevToolsInterface.framework/Resources</string>
+ <key>Description</key>
+ <string>AIODescriptionKey</string>
+ <key>DockingSystemVisible</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>Extension</key>
+ <string>perspectivev3</string>
+ <key>FavBarConfig</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>8BEED1FF1EA54DCA0094708A</string>
+ <key>XCBarModuleItemNames</key>
+ <dict/>
+ <key>XCBarModuleItems</key>
+ <array/>
+ </dict>
+ <key>FirstTimeWindowDisplayed</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>com.apple.perspectives.project.defaultV3</string>
+ <key>MajorVersion</key>
+ <integer>34</integer>
+ <key>MinorVersion</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>All-In-One</string>
+ <key>Notifications</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>XCObserverAutoDisconnectKey</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>XCObserverDefintionKey</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXStatusErrorsKey</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <key>XCObserverFactoryKey</key>
+ <string>XCPerspectivesSpecificationIdentifier</string>
+ <key>XCObserverGUIDKey</key>
+ <string>XCObserverProjectIdentifier</string>
+ <key>XCObserverNotificationKey</key>
+ <string>PBXStatusBuildStateMessageNotification</string>
+ <key>XCObserverTargetKey</key>
+ <string>XCMainBuildResultsModuleGUID</string>
+ <key>XCObserverTriggerKey</key>
+ <string>awakenModuleWithObserver:</string>
+ <key>XCObserverValidationKey</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXStatusErrorsKey</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>OpenEditors</key>
+ <array/>
+ <key>PerspectiveWidths</key>
+ <array>
+ <integer>-1</integer>
+ <integer>-1</integer>
+ </array>
+ <key>Perspectives</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ChosenToolbarItems</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>XCToolbarPerspectiveControl</string>
+ <string>NSToolbarSeparatorItem</string>
+ <string>active-combo-popup</string>
+ <string>action</string>
+ <string>NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItem</string>
+ <string>debugger-enable-breakpoints</string>
+ <string>build-and-go</string>
+ <string>com.apple.ide.PBXToolbarStopButton</string>
+ <string>get-info</string>
+ <string>NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItem</string>
+ <string>com.apple.pbx.toolbar.searchfield</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ControllerClassBaseName</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>IconName</key>
+ <string>WindowOfProject</string>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>perspective.project</string>
+ <key>IsVertical</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXBottomSmartGroupGIDs</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C37FBAC04509CD000000102</string>
+ <string>1C37FAAC04509CD000000102</string>
+ <string>1C37FABC05509CD000000102</string>
+ <string>1C37FABC05539CD112110102</string>
+ <string>E2644B35053B69B200211256</string>
+ <string>1C37FABC04509CD000100104</string>
+ <string>1CC0EA4004350EF90044410B</string>
+ <string>1CC0EA4004350EF90041110B</string>
+ <string>1C77FABC04509CD000000102</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CA23ED40692098700951B8B</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Files</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectStructureProvided</key>
+ <string>yes</string>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnData</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnWidthsKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <real>185</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnsKey_v4</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>MainColumn</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateKey_v7</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateExpansionKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>089C166AFE841209C02AAC07</string>
+ <string>08FB77ADFE841716C02AAC07</string>
+ <string>8BA05A56072072A900365D66</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateSelectionKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <array>
+ <integer>4</integer>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </array>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateVisibleRectKey</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {185, 428}}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>PBXTopSmartGroupGIDs</key>
+ <array/>
+ <key>XCIncludePerspectivesSwitch</key>
+ <false/>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {202, 446}}</string>
+ <key>GroupTreeTableConfiguration</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>MainColumn</string>
+ <real>185</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>620 386 810 487 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>202pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>8BEED1FA1EA54DCA0094708A</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>PocketVerbs.cpp</string>
+ <key>PBXSplitModuleInNavigatorKey</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Split0</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>8BEED1FB1EA54DCA0094708A</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>PocketVerbs.cpp</string>
+ <key>_historyCapacity</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>bookmark</key>
+ <string>8B0639D32380A76700606DBC</string>
+ <key>history</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>8B0639D12380A76700606DBC</string>
+ <string>8B0639D22380A76700606DBC</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ <key>SplitCount</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>StatusBarVisibility</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>XCSharingToken</key>
+ <string>com.apple.Xcode.CommonNavigatorGroupSharingToken</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {603, 51}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>620 386 810 487 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>51pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>390pt</string>
+ <key>Tabs</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CA23EDF0692099D00951B8B</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Detail</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{10, 27}, {603, 363}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>620 386 810 487 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCDetailModule</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CA23EE00692099D00951B8B</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Project Find</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{10, 31}, {603, 297}}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXProjectFindModule</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXCVSModuleFilterTypeKey</key>
+ <integer>1032</integer>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CA23EE10692099D00951B8B</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>SCM Results</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{10, 31}, {603, 297}}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXCVSModule</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>XCMainBuildResultsModuleGUID</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Build Results</string>
+ <key>XCBuildResultsTrigger_Collapse</key>
+ <integer>1023</integer>
+ <key>XCBuildResultsTrigger_Open</key>
+ <integer>1012</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{10, 31}, {603, 297}}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXBuildResultsModule</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>603pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Project</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>XCModuleDock</string>
+ <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
+ <string>XCModuleDock</string>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ <string>XCDockableTabModule</string>
+ <string>XCDetailModule</string>
+ <string>PBXProjectFindModule</string>
+ <string>PBXCVSModule</string>
+ <string>PBXBuildResultsModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>8B0639D42380A76700606DBC</string>
+ <string>1CA23ED40692098700951B8B</string>
+ <string>8B0639D52380A76700606DBC</string>
+ <string>8BEED1FA1EA54DCA0094708A</string>
+ <string>8B0639D62380A76700606DBC</string>
+ <string>1CA23EDF0692099D00951B8B</string>
+ <string>1CA23EE00692099D00951B8B</string>
+ <string>1CA23EE10692099D00951B8B</string>
+ <string>XCMainBuildResultsModuleGUID</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfigUserDefaultsMinorVersion</key>
+ <string>2</string>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.defaultV3</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ChosenToolbarItems</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>XCToolbarPerspectiveControl</string>
+ <string>NSToolbarSeparatorItem</string>
+ <string>active-combo-popup</string>
+ <string>NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItem</string>
+ <string>debugger-enable-breakpoints</string>
+ <string>build-and-go</string>
+ <string>com.apple.ide.PBXToolbarStopButton</string>
+ <string>debugger-restart-executable</string>
+ <string>debugger-pause</string>
+ <string>debugger-step-over</string>
+ <string>debugger-step-into</string>
+ <string>debugger-step-out</string>
+ <string>NSToolbarFlexibleSpaceItem</string>
+ <string>servicesModulebreakpoints</string>
+ <string>debugger-show-console-window</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ControllerClassBaseName</key>
+ <string>PBXDebugSessionModule</string>
+ <key>IconName</key>
+ <string>DebugTabIcon</string>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>perspective.debug</string>
+ <key>IsVertical</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CCC7628064C1048000F2A68</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Debugger Console</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {810, 0}}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXDebugCLIModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>0%</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Debugger</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>HorizontalSplitView</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>_collapsingFrameDimension</key>
+ <real>0.0</real>
+ <key>_indexOfCollapsedView</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>_percentageOfCollapsedView</key>
+ <real>0.0</real>
+ <key>isCollapsed</key>
+ <string>yes</string>
+ <key>sizes</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {395, 213}}</string>
+ <string>{{395, 0}, {415, 213}}</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ <key>VerticalSplitView</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>_collapsingFrameDimension</key>
+ <real>0.0</real>
+ <key>_indexOfCollapsedView</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>_percentageOfCollapsedView</key>
+ <real>0.0</real>
+ <key>isCollapsed</key>
+ <string>yes</string>
+ <key>sizes</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {810, 213}}</string>
+ <string>{{0, 213}, {810, 225}}</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>LauncherConfigVersion</key>
+ <string>8</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CCC7629064C1048000F2A68</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Debug</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>DebugConsoleDrawerSize</key>
+ <string>{100, 120}</string>
+ <key>DebugConsoleVisible</key>
+ <string>None</string>
+ <key>DebugConsoleWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>{{200, 200}, {500, 300}}</string>
+ <key>DebugSTDIOWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>{{200, 200}, {500, 300}}</string>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 7}, {810, 438}}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXDebugSessionModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>443pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Debug</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>XCModuleDock</string>
+ <string>XCModuleDock</string>
+ <string>PBXDebugCLIModule</string>
+ <string>PBXDebugSessionModule</string>
+ <string>XCConsole</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1CC8E6A5069209BD00BB180A</string>
+ <string>1CC8E6A6069209BD00BB180A</string>
+ <string>1CCC7628064C1048000F2A68</string>
+ <string>1CCC7629064C1048000F2A68</string>
+ <string>1CC8E6A7069209BD00BB180A</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.debugV3</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>PerspectivesBarVisible</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>ShelfIsVisible</key>
+ <false/>
+ <key>SourceDescription</key>
+ <string>file at '/Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/DevToolsInterface.framework/Resources/XCPerspectivesSpecification.xcperspec'</string>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>TimeStamp</key>
+ <real>595634023.18682003</real>
+ <key>ToolbarConfigUserDefaultsMinorVersion</key>
+ <string>2</string>
+ <key>ToolbarDisplayMode</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ToolbarIsVisible</key>
+ <true/>
+ <key>ToolbarSizeMode</key>
+ <integer>2</integer>
+ <key>Type</key>
+ <string>Perspectives</string>
+ <key>UpdateMessage</key>
+ <string></string>
+ <key>WindowJustification</key>
+ <integer>5</integer>
+ <key>WindowOrderList</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>8B0639D72380A76700606DBC</string>
+ <string>/Users/christopherjohnson/Desktop/Plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.xcodeproj</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>620 386 810 487 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ <key>WindowToolsV3</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.debugger</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Debugger</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>HorizontalSplitView</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>_collapsingFrameDimension</key>
+ <real>0.0</real>
+ <key>_indexOfCollapsedView</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>_percentageOfCollapsedView</key>
+ <real>0.0</real>
+ <key>isCollapsed</key>
+ <string>yes</string>
+ <key>sizes</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {317, 164}}</string>
+ <string>{{317, 0}, {377, 164}}</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ <key>VerticalSplitView</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>_collapsingFrameDimension</key>
+ <real>0.0</real>
+ <key>_indexOfCollapsedView</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>_percentageOfCollapsedView</key>
+ <real>0.0</real>
+ <key>isCollapsed</key>
+ <string>yes</string>
+ <key>sizes</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {694, 164}}</string>
+ <string>{{0, 164}, {694, 216}}</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ </dict>
+ <key>LauncherConfigVersion</key>
+ <string>8</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1C162984064C10D400B95A72</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Debug - GLUTExamples (Underwater)</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>DebugConsoleDrawerSize</key>
+ <string>{100, 120}</string>
+ <key>DebugConsoleVisible</key>
+ <string>None</string>
+ <key>DebugConsoleWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>{{200, 200}, {500, 300}}</string>
+ <key>DebugSTDIOWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>{{200, 200}, {500, 300}}</string>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {694, 380}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>321 238 694 422 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXDebugSessionModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Debugger</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXDebugSessionModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1CD10A99069EF8BA00B06720</string>
+ <string>1C0AD2AB069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
+ <string>1C162984064C10D400B95A72</string>
+ <string>1C0AD2AC069F1E9B00FABCE6</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.debugV3</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>321 238 694 422 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
+ <string>1CD10A99069EF8BA00B06720</string>
+ <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.build</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CD0528F0623707200166675</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>&lt;No Editor&gt;</string>
+ <key>PBXSplitModuleInNavigatorKey</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Split0</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CD052900623707200166675</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>SplitCount</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>StatusBarVisibility</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {500, 215}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>192 257 500 500 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>218pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>XCMainBuildResultsModuleGUID</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Build Results</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 222}, {500, 236}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>192 257 500 500 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXBuildResultsModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>236pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>458pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Build Results</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXBuildResultsModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C78EAA5065D492600B07095</string>
+ <string>1C78EAA6065D492600B07095</string>
+ <string>1CD0528F0623707200166675</string>
+ <string>XCMainBuildResultsModuleGUID</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.buildV3</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>192 257 500 500 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.find</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CDD528C0622207200134675</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>&lt;No Editor&gt;</string>
+ <key>PBXSplitModuleInNavigatorKey</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Split0</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CD0528D0623707200166675</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>SplitCount</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>StatusBarVisibility</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {781, 167}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>62 385 781 470 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>781pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>50%</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CD0528E0623707200166675</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Project Find</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{8, 0}, {773, 254}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>62 385 781 470 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXProjectFindModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>50%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>428pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Project Find</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXProjectFindModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C530D57069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
+ <string>1C530D58069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
+ <string>1C530D59069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
+ <string>1CDD528C0622207200134675</string>
+ <string>1C530D5A069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
+ <string>1CE0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
+ <string>1CD0528E0623707200166675</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>62 385 781 470 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
+ <string>1C530D57069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
+ <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.snapshots</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCSnapshotModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Snapshots</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>XCSnapshotModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <string>Yes</string>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.snapshots</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>315 824 300 550 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
+ <string>Yes</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.debuggerConsole</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1C78EAAC065D492600B07095</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Debugger Console</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {700, 358}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>149 87 700 400 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXDebugCLIModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>358pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>358pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Debugger Console</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXDebugCLIModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C530D5B069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
+ <string>1C530D5C069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
+ <string>1C78EAAC065D492600B07095</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.consoleV3</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>149 87 440 400 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
+ <string>1C530D5B069F1CE1000CFCEE</string>
+ <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.scm</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1C78EAB2065D492600B07095</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>&lt;No Editor&gt;</string>
+ <key>PBXSplitModuleInNavigatorKey</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Split0</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1C78EAB3065D492600B07095</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>SplitCount</key>
+ <string>1</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>StatusBarVisibility</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {452, 0}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>743 379 452 308 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>0pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CD052920623707200166675</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>SCM</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ConsoleFrame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 259}, {452, 0}}</string>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 7}, {452, 259}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>743 379 452 308 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ <key>TableConfiguration</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>Status</string>
+ <real>30</real>
+ <string>FileName</string>
+ <real>199</real>
+ <string>Path</string>
+ <real>197.09500122070312</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>TableFrame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {452, 250}}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXCVSModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>262pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>266pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>SCM</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXCVSModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C78EAB4065D492600B07095</string>
+ <string>1C78EAB5065D492600B07095</string>
+ <string>1C78EAB2065D492600B07095</string>
+ <string>1CD052920623707200166675</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.scmV3</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>743 379 452 308 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.breakpoints</string>
+ <key>IsVertical</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXBottomSmartGroupGIDs</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C77FABC04509CD000000102</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CE0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Files</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectStructureProvided</key>
+ <string>no</string>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnData</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnWidthsKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <real>168</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleColumnsKey_v4</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>MainColumn</string>
+ </array>
+ </dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateKey_v7</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateExpansionKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C77FABC04509CD000000102</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateSelectionKey</key>
+ <array>
+ <array>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </array>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXSmartGroupTreeModuleOutlineStateVisibleRectKey</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {168, 350}}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>PBXTopSmartGroupGIDs</key>
+ <array/>
+ <key>XCIncludePerspectivesSwitch</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {185, 368}}</string>
+ <key>GroupTreeTableConfiguration</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>MainColumn</string>
+ <real>168</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>315 424 744 409 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>185pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CA1AED706398EBD00589147</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Detail</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{190, 0}, {554, 368}}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>315 424 744 409 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCDetailModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>554pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>368pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>MajorVersion</key>
+ <integer>3</integer>
+ <key>MinorVersion</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Breakpoints</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXSmartGroupTreeModule</string>
+ <string>XCDetailModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1CDDB66807F98D9800BB5817</string>
+ <string>1CDDB66907F98D9800BB5817</string>
+ <string>1CE0B1FE06471DED0097A5F4</string>
+ <string>1CA1AED706398EBD00589147</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.breakpointsV3</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>315 424 744 409 0 0 1440 878 </string>
+ <key>WindowToolGUID</key>
+ <string>1CDDB66807F98D9800BB5817</string>
+ <key>WindowToolIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.debugAnimator</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Debug Visualizer</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXNavigatorGroup</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.debugAnimatorV3</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>100 100 700 500 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.bookmarks</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXBookmarksModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>166pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>166pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Bookmarks</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXBookmarksModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>538 42 401 187 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.projectFormatConflicts</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCProjectFormatConflictsModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Project Format Conflicts</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>XCProjectFormatConflictsModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>WindowContentMinSize</key>
+ <string>450 300</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>50 850 472 307 0 0 1440 877</string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.classBrowser</string>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>ContentConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>OptionsSetName</key>
+ <string>Hierarchy, all classes</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleGUID</key>
+ <string>1CA6456E063B45B4001379D8</string>
+ <key>PBXProjectModuleLabel</key>
+ <string>Class Browser - NSObject</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>ClassesFrame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {369, 96}}</string>
+ <key>ClassesTreeTableConfiguration</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXClassNameColumnIdentifier</string>
+ <real>208</real>
+ <string>PBXClassBookColumnIdentifier</string>
+ <real>22</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 0}, {616, 353}}</string>
+ <key>MembersFrame</key>
+ <string>{{0, 105}, {369, 395}}</string>
+ <key>MembersTreeTableConfiguration</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXMemberTypeIconColumnIdentifier</string>
+ <real>22</real>
+ <string>PBXMemberNameColumnIdentifier</string>
+ <real>216</real>
+ <string>PBXMemberTypeColumnIdentifier</string>
+ <real>94</real>
+ <string>PBXMemberBookColumnIdentifier</string>
+ <real>22</real>
+ </array>
+ <key>PBXModuleWindowStatusBarHidden2</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>597 125 616 374 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>PBXClassBrowserModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>354pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>354pt</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Class Browser</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>PBXClassBrowserModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>StatusbarIsVisible</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>TableOfContents</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>1C78EABA065D492600B07095</string>
+ <string>1C78EABB065D492600B07095</string>
+ <string>1CA6456E063B45B4001379D8</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>ToolbarConfiguration</key>
+ <string>xcode.toolbar.config.classbrowser</string>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>597 125 616 374 0 0 1280 1002 </string>
+ </dict>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Identifier</key>
+ <string>windowTool.refactoring</string>
+ <key>IncludeInToolsMenu</key>
+ <integer>0</integer>
+ <key>Layout</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Dock</key>
+ <array>
+ <dict>
+ <key>BecomeActive</key>
+ <integer>1</integer>
+ <key>GeometryConfiguration</key>
+ <dict>
+ <key>Frame</key>
+ <string>{0, 0}, {500, 335}</string>
+ <key>RubberWindowFrame</key>
+ <string>{0, 0}, {500, 335}</string>
+ </dict>
+ <key>Module</key>
+ <string>XCRefactoringModule</string>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Proportion</key>
+ <string>100%</string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
+ <key>Name</key>
+ <string>Refactoring</string>
+ <key>ServiceClasses</key>
+ <array>
+ <string>XCRefactoringModule</string>
+ </array>
+ <key>WindowString</key>
+ <string>200 200 500 356 0 0 1920 1200 </string>
+ </dict>
+ </array>
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b874a8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbs.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+// !$*UTF8*$!
+ archiveVersion = 1;
+ classes = {
+ };
+ objectVersion = 45;
+ objects = {
+/* Begin PBXBuildFile section */
+ 3EEA126E089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnit.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3EEA126B089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnit.cpp */; };
+ 3EEA126F089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnit.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3EEA126C089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnit.h */; };
+ 3EEA1270089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnitTypes.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 3EEA126D089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnitTypes.h */; };
+ 8B4119B70749654200361ABE /* PocketVerbs.r in Rez */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A680720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.r */; };
+ 8BA05A6B0720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A660720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.cpp */; };
+ 8BA05A6E0720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbsVersion.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A690720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbsVersion.h */; };
+ 8BA05AAE072073D300365D66 /* AUBase.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A7F072073D200365D66 /* AUBase.cpp */; };
+ 8BA05AAF072073D300365D66 /* AUBase.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A80072073D200365D66 /* AUBase.h */; };
+ 8BA05AB0072073D300365D66 /* AUDispatch.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A81072073D200365D66 /* AUDispatch.cpp */; };
+ 8BA05AB1072073D300365D66 /* AUDispatch.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A82072073D200365D66 /* AUDispatch.h */; };
+ 8BA05AB2072073D300365D66 /* AUInputElement.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A83072073D200365D66 /* AUInputElement.cpp */; };
+ 8BA05AB3072073D300365D66 /* AUInputElement.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A84072073D200365D66 /* AUInputElement.h */; };
+ 8BA05AB4072073D300365D66 /* AUOutputElement.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A85072073D200365D66 /* AUOutputElement.cpp */; };
+ 8BA05AB5072073D300365D66 /* AUOutputElement.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A86072073D200365D66 /* AUOutputElement.h */; };
+ 8BA05AB7072073D300365D66 /* AUScopeElement.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A88072073D200365D66 /* AUScopeElement.cpp */; };
+ 8BA05AB8072073D300365D66 /* AUScopeElement.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A89072073D200365D66 /* AUScopeElement.h */; };
+ 8BA05AB9072073D300365D66 /* ComponentBase.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A8A072073D200365D66 /* ComponentBase.cpp */; };
+ 8BA05ABA072073D300365D66 /* ComponentBase.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A8B072073D200365D66 /* ComponentBase.h */; };
+ 8BA05AC6072073D300365D66 /* AUEffectBase.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A9A072073D200365D66 /* AUEffectBase.cpp */; };
+ 8BA05AC7072073D300365D66 /* AUEffectBase.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05A9B072073D200365D66 /* AUEffectBase.h */; };
+ 8BA05AD2072073D300365D66 /* AUBuffer.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05AA7072073D200365D66 /* AUBuffer.cpp */; };
+ 8BA05AD3072073D300365D66 /* AUBuffer.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05AA8072073D200365D66 /* AUBuffer.h */; };
+ 8BA05AD4072073D300365D66 /* AUDebugDispatcher.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05AA9072073D200365D66 /* AUDebugDispatcher.cpp */; };
+ 8BA05AD5072073D300365D66 /* AUDebugDispatcher.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05AAA072073D200365D66 /* AUDebugDispatcher.h */; };
+ 8BA05AD6072073D300365D66 /* AUInputFormatConverter.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05AAB072073D200365D66 /* AUInputFormatConverter.h */; };
+ 8BA05AD7072073D300365D66 /* AUSilentTimeout.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05AAC072073D200365D66 /* AUSilentTimeout.h */; };
+ 8BA05AD8072073D300365D66 /* AUTimestampGenerator.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05AAD072073D200365D66 /* AUTimestampGenerator.h */; };
+ 8BA05AE50720742100365D66 /* CAAudioChannelLayout.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05ADF0720742100365D66 /* CAAudioChannelLayout.cpp */; };
+ 8BA05AE60720742100365D66 /* CAAudioChannelLayout.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05AE00720742100365D66 /* CAAudioChannelLayout.h */; };
+ 8BA05AE70720742100365D66 /* CAMutex.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05AE10720742100365D66 /* CAMutex.cpp */; };
+ 8BA05AE80720742100365D66 /* CAMutex.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05AE20720742100365D66 /* CAMutex.h */; };
+ 8BA05AE90720742100365D66 /* CAStreamBasicDescription.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05AE30720742100365D66 /* CAStreamBasicDescription.cpp */; };
+ 8BA05AEA0720742100365D66 /* CAStreamBasicDescription.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05AE40720742100365D66 /* CAStreamBasicDescription.h */; };
+ 8BA05AFC072074E100365D66 /* AudioToolbox.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05AF9072074E100365D66 /* AudioToolbox.framework */; };
+ 8BA05AFD072074E100365D66 /* AudioUnit.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05AFA072074E100365D66 /* AudioUnit.framework */; };
+ 8BA05B02072074F900365D66 /* CoreServices.framework in Frameworks */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05B01072074F900365D66 /* CoreServices.framework */; };
+ 8BA05B070720754400365D66 /* CAAUParameter.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05B050720754400365D66 /* CAAUParameter.cpp */; };
+ 8BA05B080720754400365D66 /* CAAUParameter.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BA05B060720754400365D66 /* CAAUParameter.h */; };
+ 8BC6025C073B072D006C4272 /* PocketVerbs.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 8BC6025B073B072D006C4272 /* PocketVerbs.h */; };
+ 8D01CCCA0486CAD60068D4B7 /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = 089C167DFE841241C02AAC07 /* InfoPlist.strings */; };
+ F7C347F00ECE5AF8008ADFB6 /* AUBaseHelper.cpp in Sources */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = F7C347EE0ECE5AF8008ADFB6 /* AUBaseHelper.cpp */; };
+ F7C347F10ECE5AF8008ADFB6 /* AUBaseHelper.h in Headers */ = {isa = PBXBuildFile; fileRef = F7C347EF0ECE5AF8008ADFB6 /* AUBaseHelper.h */; };
+/* End PBXBuildFile section */
+/* Begin PBXFileReference section */
+ 089C167EFE841241C02AAC07 /* English */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 10; lastKnownFileType = text.plist.strings; name = English; path = English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 3EEA126B089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnit.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CAVectorUnit.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 3EEA126C089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnit.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CAVectorUnit.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 3EEA126D089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnitTypes.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CAVectorUnitTypes.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8B5C7FBF076FB2C200A15F61 /* CoreAudio.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = CoreAudio.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreAudio.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
+ 8BA05A660720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = PocketVerbs.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A670720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.exp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.exports; path = PocketVerbs.exp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A680720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.r */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.rez; path = PocketVerbs.r; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A690720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbsVersion.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = PocketVerbsVersion.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A7F072073D200365D66 /* AUBase.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AUBase.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A80072073D200365D66 /* AUBase.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AUBase.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A81072073D200365D66 /* AUDispatch.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AUDispatch.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A82072073D200365D66 /* AUDispatch.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AUDispatch.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A83072073D200365D66 /* AUInputElement.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AUInputElement.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A84072073D200365D66 /* AUInputElement.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AUInputElement.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A85072073D200365D66 /* AUOutputElement.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AUOutputElement.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A86072073D200365D66 /* AUOutputElement.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AUOutputElement.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A87072073D200365D66 /* AUResources.r */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.rez; path = AUResources.r; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A88072073D200365D66 /* AUScopeElement.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AUScopeElement.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A89072073D200365D66 /* AUScopeElement.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AUScopeElement.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A8A072073D200365D66 /* ComponentBase.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = ComponentBase.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A8B072073D200365D66 /* ComponentBase.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = ComponentBase.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A9A072073D200365D66 /* AUEffectBase.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AUEffectBase.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05A9B072073D200365D66 /* AUEffectBase.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AUEffectBase.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05AA7072073D200365D66 /* AUBuffer.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AUBuffer.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05AA8072073D200365D66 /* AUBuffer.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AUBuffer.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05AA9072073D200365D66 /* AUDebugDispatcher.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = AUDebugDispatcher.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05AAA072073D200365D66 /* AUDebugDispatcher.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AUDebugDispatcher.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05AAB072073D200365D66 /* AUInputFormatConverter.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AUInputFormatConverter.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05AAC072073D200365D66 /* AUSilentTimeout.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AUSilentTimeout.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05AAD072073D200365D66 /* AUTimestampGenerator.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = AUTimestampGenerator.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05ADF0720742100365D66 /* CAAudioChannelLayout.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CAAudioChannelLayout.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05AE00720742100365D66 /* CAAudioChannelLayout.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CAAudioChannelLayout.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05AE10720742100365D66 /* CAMutex.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CAMutex.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05AE20720742100365D66 /* CAMutex.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CAMutex.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05AE30720742100365D66 /* CAStreamBasicDescription.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CAStreamBasicDescription.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05AE40720742100365D66 /* CAStreamBasicDescription.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CAStreamBasicDescription.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05AF9072074E100365D66 /* AudioToolbox.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = AudioToolbox.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioToolbox.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
+ 8BA05AFA072074E100365D66 /* AudioUnit.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = AudioUnit.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/AudioUnit.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
+ 8BA05B01072074F900365D66 /* CoreServices.framework */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; lastKnownFileType = wrapper.framework; name = CoreServices.framework; path = /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework; sourceTree = "<absolute>"; };
+ 8BA05B050720754400365D66 /* CAAUParameter.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; path = CAAUParameter.cpp; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BA05B060720754400365D66 /* CAAUParameter.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = CAAUParameter.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8BC6025B073B072D006C4272 /* PocketVerbs.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 30; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; path = PocketVerbs.h; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8D01CCD10486CAD60068D4B7 /* Info.plist */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = text.plist; path = Info.plist; sourceTree = "<group>"; };
+ 8D01CCD20486CAD60068D4B7 /* PocketVerbs.component */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; explicitFileType = wrapper.cfbundle; includeInIndex = 0; path = PocketVerbs.component; sourceTree = BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR; };
+ F7C347EE0ECE5AF8008ADFB6 /* AUBaseHelper.cpp */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.cpp.cpp; name = AUBaseHelper.cpp; path = Extras/CoreAudio/AudioUnits/AUPublic/Utility/AUBaseHelper.cpp; sourceTree = SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DIR; };
+ F7C347EF0ECE5AF8008ADFB6 /* AUBaseHelper.h */ = {isa = PBXFileReference; fileEncoding = 4; lastKnownFileType = sourcecode.c.h; name = AUBaseHelper.h; path = Extras/CoreAudio/AudioUnits/AUPublic/Utility/AUBaseHelper.h; sourceTree = SYSTEM_DEVELOPER_DIR; };
+/* End PBXFileReference section */
+/* Begin PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */
+ 8D01CCCD0486CAD60068D4B7 /* Frameworks */ = {
+ isa = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase;
+ buildActionMask = 2147483647;
+ files = (
+ 8BA05AFC072074E100365D66 /* AudioToolbox.framework in Frameworks */,
+ 8BA05AFD072074E100365D66 /* AudioUnit.framework in Frameworks */,
+ 8BA05B02072074F900365D66 /* CoreServices.framework in Frameworks */,
+ );
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
+ };
+/* End PBXFrameworksBuildPhase section */
+/* Begin PBXGroup section */
+ 089C166AFE841209C02AAC07 /* PocketVerbs */ = {
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ children = (
+ 08FB77ADFE841716C02AAC07 /* Source */,
+ 089C167CFE841241C02AAC07 /* Resources */,
+ 089C1671FE841209C02AAC07 /* External Frameworks and Libraries */,
+ 19C28FB4FE9D528D11CA2CBB /* Products */,
+ );
+ name = PocketVerbs;
+ sourceTree = "<group>";
+ };
+ 089C1671FE841209C02AAC07 /* External Frameworks and Libraries */ = {
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ children = (
+ 8B5C7FBF076FB2C200A15F61 /* CoreAudio.framework */,
+ 8BA05B01072074F900365D66 /* CoreServices.framework */,
+ 8BA05AF9072074E100365D66 /* AudioToolbox.framework */,
+ 8BA05AFA072074E100365D66 /* AudioUnit.framework */,
+ );
+ name = "External Frameworks and Libraries";
+ sourceTree = "<group>";
+ };
+ 089C167CFE841241C02AAC07 /* Resources */ = {
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ children = (
+ 8D01CCD10486CAD60068D4B7 /* Info.plist */,
+ 089C167DFE841241C02AAC07 /* InfoPlist.strings */,
+ );
+ name = Resources;
+ sourceTree = "<group>";
+ };
+ 08FB77ADFE841716C02AAC07 /* Source */ = {
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ children = (
+ 8BA05A56072072A900365D66 /* AU Source */,
+ 8BA05AEB0720742700365D66 /* PublicUtility */,
+ 8BA05A7D072073D200365D66 /* AUPublic */,
+ );
+ name = Source;
+ sourceTree = "<group>";
+ };
+ 19C28FB4FE9D528D11CA2CBB /* Products */ = {
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ children = (
+ 8D01CCD20486CAD60068D4B7 /* PocketVerbs.component */,
+ );
+ name = Products;
+ sourceTree = "<group>";
+ };
+ 8BA05A56072072A900365D66 /* AU Source */ = {
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ children = (
+ 8BC6025B073B072D006C4272 /* PocketVerbs.h */,
+ 8BA05A660720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.cpp */,
+ 8BA05A670720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.exp */,
+ 8BA05A680720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.r */,
+ 8BA05A690720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbsVersion.h */,
+ );
+ name = "AU Source";
+ sourceTree = "<group>";
+ };
+ 8BA05A7D072073D200365D66 /* AUPublic */ = {
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ children = (
+ 8BA05A7E072073D200365D66 /* AUBase */,
+ 8BA05A99072073D200365D66 /* OtherBases */,
+ 8BA05AA6072073D200365D66 /* Utility */,
+ );
+ name = AUPublic;
+ path = Extras/CoreAudio/AudioUnits/AUPublic;
+ };
+ 8BA05A7E072073D200365D66 /* AUBase */ = {
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ children = (
+ 8BA05A7F072073D200365D66 /* AUBase.cpp */,
+ 8BA05A80072073D200365D66 /* AUBase.h */,
+ 8BA05A81072073D200365D66 /* AUDispatch.cpp */,
+ 8BA05A82072073D200365D66 /* AUDispatch.h */,
+ 8BA05A83072073D200365D66 /* AUInputElement.cpp */,
+ 8BA05A84072073D200365D66 /* AUInputElement.h */,
+ 8BA05A85072073D200365D66 /* AUOutputElement.cpp */,
+ 8BA05A86072073D200365D66 /* AUOutputElement.h */,
+ 8BA05A87072073D200365D66 /* AUResources.r */,
+ 8BA05A88072073D200365D66 /* AUScopeElement.cpp */,
+ 8BA05A89072073D200365D66 /* AUScopeElement.h */,
+ 8BA05A8A072073D200365D66 /* ComponentBase.cpp */,
+ 8BA05A8B072073D200365D66 /* ComponentBase.h */,
+ );
+ path = AUBase;
+ sourceTree = "<group>";
+ };
+ 8BA05A99072073D200365D66 /* OtherBases */ = {
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ children = (
+ 8BA05A9A072073D200365D66 /* AUEffectBase.cpp */,
+ 8BA05A9B072073D200365D66 /* AUEffectBase.h */,
+ );
+ path = OtherBases;
+ sourceTree = "<group>";
+ };
+ 8BA05AA6072073D200365D66 /* Utility */ = {
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ children = (
+ F7C347EE0ECE5AF8008ADFB6 /* AUBaseHelper.cpp */,
+ F7C347EF0ECE5AF8008ADFB6 /* AUBaseHelper.h */,
+ 8BA05AA7072073D200365D66 /* AUBuffer.cpp */,
+ 8BA05AA8072073D200365D66 /* AUBuffer.h */,
+ 8BA05AA9072073D200365D66 /* AUDebugDispatcher.cpp */,
+ 8BA05AAA072073D200365D66 /* AUDebugDispatcher.h */,
+ 8BA05AAB072073D200365D66 /* AUInputFormatConverter.h */,
+ 8BA05AAC072073D200365D66 /* AUSilentTimeout.h */,
+ 8BA05AAD072073D200365D66 /* AUTimestampGenerator.h */,
+ );
+ path = Utility;
+ sourceTree = "<group>";
+ };
+ 8BA05AEB0720742700365D66 /* PublicUtility */ = {
+ isa = PBXGroup;
+ children = (
+ 8BA05B050720754400365D66 /* CAAUParameter.cpp */,
+ 8BA05B060720754400365D66 /* CAAUParameter.h */,
+ 8BA05ADF0720742100365D66 /* CAAudioChannelLayout.cpp */,
+ 8BA05AE00720742100365D66 /* CAAudioChannelLayout.h */,
+ 8BA05AE10720742100365D66 /* CAMutex.cpp */,
+ 8BA05AE20720742100365D66 /* CAMutex.h */,
+ 8BA05AE30720742100365D66 /* CAStreamBasicDescription.cpp */,
+ 8BA05AE40720742100365D66 /* CAStreamBasicDescription.h */,
+ 3EEA126D089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnitTypes.h */,
+ 3EEA126B089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnit.cpp */,
+ 3EEA126C089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnit.h */,
+ );
+ name = PublicUtility;
+ path = Extras/CoreAudio/PublicUtility;
+ };
+/* End PBXGroup section */
+/* Begin PBXHeadersBuildPhase section */
+ 8D01CCC70486CAD60068D4B7 /* Headers */ = {
+ isa = PBXHeadersBuildPhase;
+ buildActionMask = 2147483647;
+ files = (
+ 8BA05A6E0720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbsVersion.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05AAF072073D300365D66 /* AUBase.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05AB1072073D300365D66 /* AUDispatch.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05AB3072073D300365D66 /* AUInputElement.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05AB5072073D300365D66 /* AUOutputElement.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05AB8072073D300365D66 /* AUScopeElement.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05ABA072073D300365D66 /* ComponentBase.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05AC7072073D300365D66 /* AUEffectBase.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05AD3072073D300365D66 /* AUBuffer.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05AD5072073D300365D66 /* AUDebugDispatcher.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05AD6072073D300365D66 /* AUInputFormatConverter.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05AD7072073D300365D66 /* AUSilentTimeout.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05AD8072073D300365D66 /* AUTimestampGenerator.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05AE60720742100365D66 /* CAAudioChannelLayout.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05AE80720742100365D66 /* CAMutex.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05AEA0720742100365D66 /* CAStreamBasicDescription.h in Headers */,
+ 8BA05B080720754400365D66 /* CAAUParameter.h in Headers */,
+ 8BC6025C073B072D006C4272 /* PocketVerbs.h in Headers */,
+ 3EEA126F089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnit.h in Headers */,
+ 3EEA1270089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnitTypes.h in Headers */,
+ F7C347F10ECE5AF8008ADFB6 /* AUBaseHelper.h in Headers */,
+ );
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
+ };
+/* End PBXHeadersBuildPhase section */
+/* Begin PBXNativeTarget section */
+ 8D01CCC60486CAD60068D4B7 /* PocketVerbs */ = {
+ isa = PBXNativeTarget;
+ buildConfigurationList = 3E4BA243089833B7007656EC /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "PocketVerbs" */;
+ buildPhases = (
+ 8D01CCC70486CAD60068D4B7 /* Headers */,
+ 8D01CCC90486CAD60068D4B7 /* Resources */,
+ 8D01CCCB0486CAD60068D4B7 /* Sources */,
+ 8D01CCCD0486CAD60068D4B7 /* Frameworks */,
+ 8D01CCCF0486CAD60068D4B7 /* Rez */,
+ );
+ buildRules = (
+ );
+ dependencies = (
+ );
+ name = PocketVerbs;
+ productInstallPath = "$(HOME)/Library/Bundles";
+ productName = PocketVerbs;
+ productReference = 8D01CCD20486CAD60068D4B7 /* PocketVerbs.component */;
+ productType = "com.apple.product-type.bundle";
+ };
+/* End PBXNativeTarget section */
+/* Begin PBXProject section */
+ 089C1669FE841209C02AAC07 /* Project object */ = {
+ isa = PBXProject;
+ buildConfigurationList = 3E4BA247089833B7007656EC /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "PocketVerbs" */;
+ compatibilityVersion = "Xcode 3.1";
+ developmentRegion = English;
+ hasScannedForEncodings = 1;
+ knownRegions = (
+ English,
+ Japanese,
+ French,
+ German,
+ );
+ mainGroup = 089C166AFE841209C02AAC07 /* PocketVerbs */;
+ projectDirPath = "";
+ projectRoot = "";
+ targets = (
+ 8D01CCC60486CAD60068D4B7 /* PocketVerbs */,
+ );
+ };
+/* End PBXProject section */
+/* Begin PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */
+ 8D01CCC90486CAD60068D4B7 /* Resources */ = {
+ isa = PBXResourcesBuildPhase;
+ buildActionMask = 2147483647;
+ files = (
+ 8D01CCCA0486CAD60068D4B7 /* InfoPlist.strings in Resources */,
+ );
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
+ };
+/* End PBXResourcesBuildPhase section */
+/* Begin PBXRezBuildPhase section */
+ 8D01CCCF0486CAD60068D4B7 /* Rez */ = {
+ isa = PBXRezBuildPhase;
+ buildActionMask = 2147483647;
+ files = (
+ 8B4119B70749654200361ABE /* PocketVerbs.r in Rez */,
+ );
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
+ };
+/* End PBXRezBuildPhase section */
+/* Begin PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */
+ 8D01CCCB0486CAD60068D4B7 /* Sources */ = {
+ isa = PBXSourcesBuildPhase;
+ buildActionMask = 2147483647;
+ files = (
+ 8BA05A6B0720730100365D66 /* PocketVerbs.cpp in Sources */,
+ 8BA05AAE072073D300365D66 /* AUBase.cpp in Sources */,
+ 8BA05AB0072073D300365D66 /* AUDispatch.cpp in Sources */,
+ 8BA05AB2072073D300365D66 /* AUInputElement.cpp in Sources */,
+ 8BA05AB4072073D300365D66 /* AUOutputElement.cpp in Sources */,
+ 8BA05AB7072073D300365D66 /* AUScopeElement.cpp in Sources */,
+ 8BA05AB9072073D300365D66 /* ComponentBase.cpp in Sources */,
+ 8BA05AC6072073D300365D66 /* AUEffectBase.cpp in Sources */,
+ 8BA05AD2072073D300365D66 /* AUBuffer.cpp in Sources */,
+ 8BA05AD4072073D300365D66 /* AUDebugDispatcher.cpp in Sources */,
+ 8BA05AE50720742100365D66 /* CAAudioChannelLayout.cpp in Sources */,
+ 8BA05AE70720742100365D66 /* CAMutex.cpp in Sources */,
+ 8BA05AE90720742100365D66 /* CAStreamBasicDescription.cpp in Sources */,
+ 8BA05B070720754400365D66 /* CAAUParameter.cpp in Sources */,
+ 3EEA126E089847F5002C6BFC /* CAVectorUnit.cpp in Sources */,
+ F7C347F00ECE5AF8008ADFB6 /* AUBaseHelper.cpp in Sources */,
+ );
+ runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0;
+ };
+/* End PBXSourcesBuildPhase section */
+/* Begin PBXVariantGroup section */
+ 089C167DFE841241C02AAC07 /* InfoPlist.strings */ = {
+ isa = PBXVariantGroup;
+ children = (
+ 089C167EFE841241C02AAC07 /* English */,
+ );
+ name = InfoPlist.strings;
+ sourceTree = "<group>";
+ };
+/* End PBXVariantGroup section */
+/* Begin XCBuildConfiguration section */
+ 3E4BA244089833B7007656EC /* Debug */ = {
+ isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
+ buildSettings = {
+ EXPORTED_SYMBOLS_FILE = PocketVerbs.exp;
+ INFOPLIST_FILE = Info.plist;
+ INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/";
+ OTHER_LDFLAGS = "-bundle";
+ OTHER_REZFLAGS = "-d ppc_$ppc -d i386_$i386 -d ppc64_$ppc64 -d x86_64_$x86_64 -I /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/Headers -I \"$(DEVELOPER_DIR)/Examples/CoreAudio/AudioUnits/AUPublic/AUBase\"";
+ PRODUCT_NAME = PocketVerbs;
+ WRAPPER_EXTENSION = component;
+ };
+ name = Debug;
+ };
+ 3E4BA245089833B7007656EC /* Release */ = {
+ isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
+ buildSettings = {
+ ARCHS = (
+ ppc,
+ i386,
+ x86_64,
+ );
+ EXPORTED_SYMBOLS_FILE = PocketVerbs.exp;
+ INFOPLIST_FILE = Info.plist;
+ INSTALL_PATH = "$(HOME)/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components/";
+ OTHER_LDFLAGS = "-bundle";
+ OTHER_REZFLAGS = "-d ppc_$ppc -d i386_$i386 -d x86_64_$x86_64 -I /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/CarbonCore.framework/Versions/A/Headers -I \"$(DEVELOPER_DIR)/Examples/CoreAudio/AudioUnits/AUPublic/AUBase\"";
+ PRODUCT_NAME = PocketVerbs;
+ SDKROOT = macosx10.5;
+ STRIP_STYLE = all;
+ WRAPPER_EXTENSION = component;
+ };
+ name = Release;
+ };
+ 3E4BA248089833B7007656EC /* Debug */ = {
+ isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
+ buildSettings = {
+ DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym";
+ SDKROOT = macosx10.6;
+ "-Wmost",
+ "-Wno-four-char-constants",
+ "-Wno-unknown-pragmas",
+ );
+ };
+ name = Debug;
+ };
+ 3E4BA249089833B7007656EC /* Release */ = {
+ isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
+ buildSettings = {
+ DEBUG_INFORMATION_FORMAT = "dwarf-with-dsym";
+ SDKROOT = macosx10.6;
+ "-Wmost",
+ "-Wno-four-char-constants",
+ "-Wno-unknown-pragmas",
+ );
+ };
+ name = Release;
+ };
+/* End XCBuildConfiguration section */
+/* Begin XCConfigurationList section */
+ 3E4BA243089833B7007656EC /* Build configuration list for PBXNativeTarget "PocketVerbs" */ = {
+ isa = XCConfigurationList;
+ buildConfigurations = (
+ 3E4BA244089833B7007656EC /* Debug */,
+ 3E4BA245089833B7007656EC /* Release */,
+ );
+ defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;
+ defaultConfigurationName = Debug;
+ };
+ 3E4BA247089833B7007656EC /* Build configuration list for PBXProject "PocketVerbs" */ = {
+ isa = XCConfigurationList;
+ buildConfigurations = (
+ 3E4BA248089833B7007656EC /* Debug */,
+ 3E4BA249089833B7007656EC /* Release */,
+ );
+ defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0;
+ defaultConfigurationName = Debug;
+ };
+/* End XCConfigurationList section */
+ };
+ rootObject = 089C1669FE841209C02AAC07 /* Project object */;
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbsVersion.h b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbsVersion.h
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..b05ac2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/PocketVerbsVersion.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+* File: PocketVerbsVersion.h
+* Version: 1.0
+* Created: 8/19/12
+* Copyright: Copyright © 2012 Airwindows, All Rights Reserved
+* Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") in
+* consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification
+* or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do
+* not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple
+* software.
+* In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms,
+* Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this
+* original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the
+* Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you
+* redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this
+* notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software.
+* Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Computer, Inc. may be used to
+* endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written
+* permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or
+* licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any
+* patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the
+* Apple Software may be incorporated.
+* The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR
+#ifndef __PocketVerbsVersion_h__
+#define __PocketVerbsVersion_h__
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ #define kPocketVerbsVersion 0xFFFFFFFF
+ #define kPocketVerbsVersion 0x00010000
+//~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Change!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~//
+#define PocketVerbs_COMP_MANF 'Dthr'
+#define PocketVerbs_COMP_SUBTYPE 'pkvb'
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/categories.pbxbtree b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/categories.pbxbtree
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d3f6bb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/categories.pbxbtree
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/cdecls.pbxbtree b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/cdecls.pbxbtree
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4821b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/cdecls.pbxbtree
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/decls.pbxbtree b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/decls.pbxbtree
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4a40b5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/decls.pbxbtree
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/files.pbxbtree b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/files.pbxbtree
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f9bccaa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/files.pbxbtree
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/imports.pbxbtree b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/imports.pbxbtree
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9d9ec0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/imports.pbxbtree
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/pbxindex.header b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/pbxindex.header
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6131daa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/pbxindex.header
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/protocols.pbxbtree b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/protocols.pbxbtree
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d3f6bb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/protocols.pbxbtree
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/refs.pbxbtree b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/refs.pbxbtree
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aca451d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/refs.pbxbtree
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/strings.pbxstrings/control b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/strings.pbxstrings/control
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d0d3ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/strings.pbxstrings/control
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/strings.pbxstrings/strings b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/strings.pbxstrings/strings
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8c8a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/strings.pbxstrings/strings
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/subclasses.pbxbtree b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/subclasses.pbxbtree
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..712f37a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/subclasses.pbxbtree
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/symbols0.pbxsymbols b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/symbols0.pbxsymbols
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..46e93f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/build/PocketVerbs.build/PocketVerbs.pbxindex/symbols0.pbxsymbols
Binary files differ
diff --git a/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/version.plist b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/version.plist
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..11edf8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/MacAU/PocketVerbs/version.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
+<plist version="1.0">
+ <key>BuildVersion</key>
+ <string>3</string>
+ <key>CFBundleShortVersionString</key>
+ <string>1.0</string>
+ <key>CFBundleVersion</key>
+ <string>1.0</string>
+ <key>ProjectName</key>
+ <string>${EXECUTABLE_NAME}</string>
+ <key>SourceVersion</key>
+ <string>590000</string>