path: root/plugins/WinVST/Righteous4/Righteous4Proc.cpp
blob: feff69b52d7a150600ef8f89ce21feaad3dc1002 (plain) (tree)













/* ========================================
 *  Righteous4 - Righteous4.h
 *  Copyright (c) 2016 airwindows, All rights reserved
 * ======================================== */

#ifndef __Righteous4_H
#include "Righteous4.h"

void Righteous4::processReplacing(float **inputs, float **outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames) 
    float* in1  =  inputs[0];
    float* in2  =  inputs[1];
    float* out1 = outputs[0];
    float* out2 = outputs[1];
	long double fpOld = 0.618033988749894848204586; //golden ratio!
	long double fpNew = 1.0 - fpOld;
	double overallscale = 1.0;
	overallscale /= 44100.0;
	overallscale *= getSampleRate();
	double IIRscaleback = 0.0002597;//scaleback of harmonic avg
	IIRscaleback /= overallscale;
	IIRscaleback = 1.0 - IIRscaleback;
	double target = (A*24.0)-28.0;
	target += 17; //gives us scaled distortion factor based on test conditions
	target = pow(10.0,target/20.0); //we will multiply and divide by this
	//ShortBuss section
	if (target == 0) target = 1; //insanity check
	int bitDepth = (VstInt32)( B * 2.999 )+1; // +1 for Reaper bug workaround
	double fusswithscale = 149940.0; //corrected
	double cutofffreq = 20; //was 46/2.0
	double midAmount = (cutofffreq)/fusswithscale;
	midAmount /= overallscale;
	double midaltAmount = 1.0 - midAmount;
	double gwAfactor = 0.718;
	gwAfactor -= (overallscale*0.05); //0.2 at 176K, 0.1 at 88.2K, 0.05 at 44.1K
	//reduce slightly to not less than 0.5 to increase effect
	double gwBfactor = 1.0 - gwAfactor;
	double softness = 0.2135;
	double hardness = 1.0 - softness;
	double refclip = pow(10.0,-0.0058888);
    while (--sampleFrames >= 0)
		long double inputSampleL = *in1;
		long double inputSampleR = *in2;
		if (inputSampleL<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleL<1.2e-38) {
			static int noisesource = 0;
			//this declares a variable before anything else is compiled. It won't keep assigning
			//it to 0 for every sample, it's as if the declaration doesn't exist in this context,
			//but it lets me add this denormalization fix in a single place rather than updating
			//it in three different locations. The variable isn't thread-safe but this is only
			//a random seed and we can share it with whatever.
			noisesource = noisesource % 1700021; noisesource++;
			int residue = noisesource * noisesource;
			residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17;
			double applyresidue = residue;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			inputSampleL = applyresidue;
		if (inputSampleR<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleR<1.2e-38) {
			static int noisesource = 0;
			noisesource = noisesource % 1700021; noisesource++;
			int residue = noisesource * noisesource;
			residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17;
			double applyresidue = residue;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			inputSampleR = applyresidue;
			//this denormalization routine produces a white noise at -300 dB which the noise
			//shaping will interact with to produce a bipolar output, but the noise is actually
			//all positive. That should stop any variables from going denormal, and the routine
			//only kicks in if digital black is input. As a final touch, if you save to 24-bit
			//the silence will return to being digital black again.
		double drySampleL = inputSampleL;
		double drySampleR = inputSampleR;
		//begin the whole distortion dealiebop
		inputSampleL /= target;
		inputSampleR /= target;
		//running shortbuss on direct sample
		IIRsampleL *= IIRscaleback;
		double secondharmonicL = sin((2.0 * inputSampleL * inputSampleL) * IIRsampleL);
		IIRsampleR *= IIRscaleback;
		double secondharmonicR = sin((2.0 * inputSampleR * inputSampleR) * IIRsampleR);
		//secondharmonic is calculated before IIRsample is updated, to delay reaction
		long double bridgerectifier = inputSampleL;
		if (bridgerectifier > 1.2533141373155) bridgerectifier = 1.2533141373155;
		if (bridgerectifier < -1.2533141373155) bridgerectifier = -1.2533141373155;
		//clip to 1.2533141373155 to reach maximum output
		bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier * fabs(bridgerectifier)) / ((bridgerectifier == 0.0) ?1:fabs(bridgerectifier));
		if (inputSampleL > bridgerectifier) IIRsampleL += ((inputSampleL - bridgerectifier)*0.0009);
		if (inputSampleL < -bridgerectifier) IIRsampleL += ((inputSampleL + bridgerectifier)*0.0009);
		//manipulate IIRSampleL
		inputSampleL = bridgerectifier;
		//apply the distortion transform for reals. Has been converted back to -1/1
		bridgerectifier = inputSampleR;
		if (bridgerectifier > 1.2533141373155) bridgerectifier = 1.2533141373155;
		if (bridgerectifier < -1.2533141373155) bridgerectifier = -1.2533141373155;
		//clip to 1.2533141373155 to reach maximum output
		bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier * fabs(bridgerectifier)) / ((bridgerectifier == 0.0) ?1:fabs(bridgerectifier));
		if (inputSampleR > bridgerectifier) IIRsampleR += ((inputSampleR - bridgerectifier)*0.0009);
		if (inputSampleR < -bridgerectifier) IIRsampleR += ((inputSampleR + bridgerectifier)*0.0009);
		//manipulate IIRSampleR
		inputSampleR = bridgerectifier;
		//apply the distortion transform for reals. Has been converted back to -1/1
		//apply resonant highpass L
		double tempSample = inputSampleL;
		leftSampleA = (leftSampleA * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleA; double correction = leftSampleA;
		leftSampleB = (leftSampleB * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleB; correction += leftSampleB;
		leftSampleC = (leftSampleC * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleC; correction += leftSampleC;
		leftSampleD = (leftSampleD * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleD; correction += leftSampleD;
		leftSampleE = (leftSampleE * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleE; correction += leftSampleE;
		leftSampleF = (leftSampleF * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleF; correction += leftSampleF;
		leftSampleG = (leftSampleG * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleG; correction += leftSampleG;
		leftSampleH = (leftSampleH * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleH; correction += leftSampleH;
		leftSampleI = (leftSampleI * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleI; correction += leftSampleI;
		leftSampleJ = (leftSampleJ * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleJ; correction += leftSampleJ;
		leftSampleK = (leftSampleK * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleK; correction += leftSampleK;
		leftSampleL = (leftSampleL * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleL; correction += leftSampleL;
		leftSampleM = (leftSampleM * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleM; correction += leftSampleM;
		leftSampleN = (leftSampleN * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleN; correction += leftSampleN;
		leftSampleO = (leftSampleO * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleO; correction += leftSampleO;
		leftSampleP = (leftSampleP * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleP; correction += leftSampleP;
		leftSampleQ = (leftSampleQ * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleQ; correction += leftSampleQ;
		leftSampleR = (leftSampleR * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleR; correction += leftSampleR;
		leftSampleS = (leftSampleS * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleS; correction += leftSampleS;
		leftSampleT = (leftSampleT * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleT; correction += leftSampleT;
		leftSampleU = (leftSampleU * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleU; correction += leftSampleU;
		leftSampleV = (leftSampleV * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleV; correction += leftSampleV;
		leftSampleW = (leftSampleW * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleW; correction += leftSampleW;
		leftSampleX = (leftSampleX * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleX; correction += leftSampleX;
		leftSampleY = (leftSampleY * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleY; correction += leftSampleY;
		leftSampleZ = (leftSampleZ * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleZ; correction += leftSampleZ;
		correction *= fabs(secondharmonicL);
		//scale it directly by second harmonic: DC block is now adding harmonics too
		correction -= secondharmonicL*fpOld;
		//apply the shortbuss processing to output DCblock by subtracting it 
		//we are not a peak limiter! not using it to clip or nothin'
		//adding it inversely, it's the same as adding to inputsample only we are accumulating 'stuff' in 'correction'
		inputSampleL -= correction;
		if (inputSampleL < 0) inputSampleL = (inputSampleL * fpNew) - (sin(-inputSampleL)*fpOld);
		//lastly, class A clipping on the negative to combat the one-sidedness
		//uses bloom/antibloom to dial in previous unconstrained behavior
		//end the whole distortion dealiebop
		inputSampleL *= target;
		//begin simplified Groove Wear, outside the scaling
		//varies depending on what sample rate you're at:
		//high sample rate makes it more airy
		gwBL = gwAL; gwAL = tempSample = (inputSampleL-gwPrevL);
		tempSample *= gwAfactor;
		tempSample += (gwBL * gwBfactor);
		correction = (inputSampleL-gwPrevL) - tempSample;
		gwPrevL = inputSampleL;		
		inputSampleL -= correction;		
		//simplified Groove Wear L

		//apply resonant highpass R
		tempSample = inputSampleR;
		rightSampleA = (rightSampleA * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleA; correction = rightSampleA;
		rightSampleB = (rightSampleB * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleB; correction += rightSampleB;
		rightSampleC = (rightSampleC * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleC; correction += rightSampleC;
		rightSampleD = (rightSampleD * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleD; correction += rightSampleD;
		rightSampleE = (rightSampleE * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleE; correction += rightSampleE;
		rightSampleF = (rightSampleF * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleF; correction += rightSampleF;
		rightSampleG = (rightSampleG * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleG; correction += rightSampleG;
		rightSampleH = (rightSampleH * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleH; correction += rightSampleH;
		rightSampleI = (rightSampleI * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleI; correction += rightSampleI;
		rightSampleJ = (rightSampleJ * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleJ; correction += rightSampleJ;
		rightSampleK = (rightSampleK * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleK; correction += rightSampleK;
		rightSampleL = (rightSampleL * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleL; correction += rightSampleL;
		rightSampleM = (rightSampleM * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleM; correction += rightSampleM;
		rightSampleN = (rightSampleN * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleN; correction += rightSampleN;
		rightSampleO = (rightSampleO * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleO; correction += rightSampleO;
		rightSampleP = (rightSampleP * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleP; correction += rightSampleP;
		rightSampleQ = (rightSampleQ * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleQ; correction += rightSampleQ;
		rightSampleR = (rightSampleR * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleR; correction += rightSampleR;
		rightSampleS = (rightSampleS * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleS; correction += rightSampleS;
		rightSampleT = (rightSampleT * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleT; correction += rightSampleT;
		rightSampleU = (rightSampleU * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleU; correction += rightSampleU;
		rightSampleV = (rightSampleV * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleV; correction += rightSampleV;
		rightSampleW = (rightSampleW * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleW; correction += rightSampleW;
		rightSampleX = (rightSampleX * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleX; correction += rightSampleX;
		rightSampleY = (rightSampleY * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleY; correction += rightSampleY;
		rightSampleZ = (rightSampleZ * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleZ; correction += rightSampleZ;
		correction *= fabs(secondharmonicR);
		//scale it directly by second harmonic: DC block is now adding harmonics too
		correction -= secondharmonicR*fpOld;
		//apply the shortbuss processing to output DCblock by subtracting it 
		//we are not a peak limiter! not using it to clip or nothin'
		//adding it inversely, it's the same as adding to inputsample only we are accumulating 'stuff' in 'correction'
		inputSampleR -= correction;
		if (inputSampleR < 0) inputSampleR = (inputSampleR * fpNew) - (sin(-inputSampleR)*fpOld);
		//lastly, class A clipping on the negative to combat the one-sidedness
		//uses bloom/antibloom to dial in previous unconstrained behavior
		//end the whole distortion dealiebop
		inputSampleR *= target;
		//begin simplified Groove Wear, outside the scaling
		//varies depending on what sample rate you're at:
		//high sample rate makes it more airy
		gwBR = gwAR; gwAR = tempSample = (inputSampleR-gwPrevR);
		tempSample *= gwAfactor;
		tempSample += (gwBR * gwBfactor);
		correction = (inputSampleR-gwPrevR) - tempSample;
		gwPrevR = inputSampleR;		
		inputSampleR -= correction;		
		//simplified Groove Wear R
		//begin simplified ADClip L
		drySampleL = inputSampleL;
		if (lastSampleL >= refclip)
			if (inputSampleL < refclip)
				lastSampleL = ((refclip*hardness) + (inputSampleL * softness));
			else lastSampleL = refclip;
		if (lastSampleL <= -refclip)
			if (inputSampleL > -refclip)
				lastSampleL = ((-refclip*hardness) + (inputSampleL * softness));
			else lastSampleL = -refclip;
		if (inputSampleL > refclip)
			if (lastSampleL < refclip)
				inputSampleL = ((refclip*hardness) + (lastSampleL * softness));
			else inputSampleL = refclip;
		if (inputSampleL < -refclip)
			if (lastSampleL > -refclip)
				inputSampleL = ((-refclip*hardness) + (lastSampleL * softness));
			else inputSampleL = -refclip;
		lastSampleL = drySampleL;

		//begin simplified ADClip R
		drySampleR = inputSampleR;
		if (lastSampleR >= refclip)
			if (inputSampleR < refclip)
				lastSampleR = ((refclip*hardness) + (inputSampleR * softness));
			else lastSampleR = refclip;
		if (lastSampleR <= -refclip)
			if (inputSampleR > -refclip)
				lastSampleR = ((-refclip*hardness) + (inputSampleR * softness));
			else lastSampleR = -refclip;
		if (inputSampleR > refclip)
			if (lastSampleR < refclip)
				inputSampleR = ((refclip*hardness) + (lastSampleR * softness));
			else inputSampleR = refclip;
		if (inputSampleR < -refclip)
			if (lastSampleR > -refclip)
				inputSampleR = ((-refclip*hardness) + (lastSampleR * softness));
			else inputSampleR = -refclip;
		lastSampleR = drySampleR;
		//output dither section
		if (bitDepth == 3) {
		//stereo 32 bit dither, made small and tidy.
		int expon; frexpf((float)inputSampleL, &expon);
		long double dither = (rand()/(RAND_MAX*7.737125245533627e+25))*pow(2,expon+62);
		inputSampleL += (dither-fpNShapeL); fpNShapeL = dither;
		frexpf((float)inputSampleR, &expon);
		dither = (rand()/(RAND_MAX*7.737125245533627e+25))*pow(2,expon+62);
		inputSampleR += (dither-fpNShapeR); fpNShapeR = dither;
		//end 32 bit dither
		} else {
			//entire Naturalize section used when not on 32 bit out
			inputSampleL -= noiseShapingL;
			inputSampleR -= noiseShapingR;
			if (bitDepth == 2) {
				inputSampleL *= 8388608.0; //go to dither at 24 bit
				inputSampleR *= 8388608.0; //go to dither at 24 bit
			if (bitDepth == 1) {
				inputSampleL *= 32768.0; //go to dither at 16 bit
				inputSampleR *= 32768.0; //go to dither at 16 bit
			//begin L
			double benfordize = floor(inputSampleL);
			while (benfordize >= 1.0) {benfordize /= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			int hotbinA = floor(benfordize);
			//hotbin becomes the Benford bin value for this number floored
			double totalA = 0;
			if ((hotbinA > 0) && (hotbinA < 10))
				bynL[hotbinA] += 1;
				totalA += (301-bynL[1]);
				totalA += (176-bynL[2]);
				totalA += (125-bynL[3]);
				totalA += (97-bynL[4]);
				totalA += (79-bynL[5]);
				totalA += (67-bynL[6]);
				totalA += (58-bynL[7]);
				totalA += (51-bynL[8]);
				totalA += (46-bynL[9]);
				bynL[hotbinA] -= 1;
			} else {hotbinA = 10;}
			//produce total number- smaller is closer to Benford real
			benfordize = ceil(inputSampleL);
			while (benfordize >= 1.0) {benfordize /= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			int hotbinB = floor(benfordize);
			//hotbin becomes the Benford bin value for this number ceiled
			double totalB = 0;
			if ((hotbinB > 0) && (hotbinB < 10))
				bynL[hotbinB] += 1;
				totalB += (301-bynL[1]);
				totalB += (176-bynL[2]);
				totalB += (125-bynL[3]);
				totalB += (97-bynL[4]);
				totalB += (79-bynL[5]);
				totalB += (67-bynL[6]);
				totalB += (58-bynL[7]);
				totalB += (51-bynL[8]);
				totalB += (46-bynL[9]);
				bynL[hotbinB] -= 1;
			} else {hotbinB = 10;}
			//produce total number- smaller is closer to Benford real
			if (totalA < totalB)
				bynL[hotbinA] += 1;
				inputSampleL = floor(inputSampleL);
				bynL[hotbinB] += 1;
				inputSampleL = ceil(inputSampleL);
			//assign the relevant one to the delay line
			//and floor/ceil signal accordingly
			totalA = bynL[1] + bynL[2] + bynL[3] + bynL[4] + bynL[5] + bynL[6] + bynL[7] + bynL[8] + bynL[9];
			totalA /= 1000;
			if (totalA = 0) totalA = 1; // spotted by Laserbat: this 'scaling back' code doesn't. It always divides by the fallback of 1. Old NJAD doesn't scale back the things we're comparing against. Kept to retain known behavior, use the one in StudioTan and Monitoring for a tuned-as-intended NJAD.
			bynL[1] /= totalA;
			bynL[2] /= totalA;
			bynL[3] /= totalA;
			bynL[4] /= totalA;
			bynL[5] /= totalA;
			bynL[6] /= totalA;
			bynL[7] /= totalA;
			bynL[8] /= totalA;
			bynL[9] /= totalA;
			bynL[10] /= 2; //catchall for garbage data
			//end L
			//begin R
			benfordize = floor(inputSampleR);
			while (benfordize >= 1.0) {benfordize /= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			hotbinA = floor(benfordize);
			//hotbin becomes the Benford bin value for this number floored
			totalA = 0;
			if ((hotbinA > 0) && (hotbinA < 10))
				bynR[hotbinA] += 1;
				totalA += (301-bynR[1]);
				totalA += (176-bynR[2]);
				totalA += (125-bynR[3]);
				totalA += (97-bynR[4]);
				totalA += (79-bynR[5]);
				totalA += (67-bynR[6]);
				totalA += (58-bynR[7]);
				totalA += (51-bynR[8]);
				totalA += (46-bynR[9]);
				bynR[hotbinA] -= 1;
			} else {hotbinA = 10;}
			//produce total number- smaller is closer to Benford real
			benfordize = ceil(inputSampleR);
			while (benfordize >= 1.0) {benfordize /= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			hotbinB = floor(benfordize);
			//hotbin becomes the Benford bin value for this number ceiled
			totalB = 0;
			if ((hotbinB > 0) && (hotbinB < 10))
				bynR[hotbinB] += 1;
				totalB += (301-bynR[1]);
				totalB += (176-bynR[2]);
				totalB += (125-bynR[3]);
				totalB += (97-bynR[4]);
				totalB += (79-bynR[5]);
				totalB += (67-bynR[6]);
				totalB += (58-bynR[7]);
				totalB += (51-bynR[8]);
				totalB += (46-bynR[9]);
				bynR[hotbinB] -= 1;
			} else {hotbinB = 10;}
			//produce total number- smaller is closer to Benford real
			if (totalA < totalB)
				bynR[hotbinA] += 1;
				inputSampleR = floor(inputSampleR);
				bynR[hotbinB] += 1;
				inputSampleR = ceil(inputSampleR);
			//assign the relevant one to the delay line
			//and floor/ceil signal accordingly
			totalA = bynR[1] + bynR[2] + bynR[3] + bynR[4] + bynR[5] + bynR[6] + bynR[7] + bynR[8] + bynR[9];
			totalA /= 1000;
			if (totalA = 0) totalA = 1; // spotted by Laserbat: this 'scaling back' code doesn't. It always divides by the fallback of 1. Old NJAD doesn't scale back the things we're comparing against. Kept to retain known behavior, use the one in StudioTan and Monitoring for a tuned-as-intended NJAD.
			bynR[1] /= totalA;
			bynR[2] /= totalA;
			bynR[3] /= totalA;
			bynR[4] /= totalA;
			bynR[5] /= totalA;
			bynR[6] /= totalA;
			bynR[7] /= totalA;
			bynR[8] /= totalA;
			bynR[9] /= totalA;
			bynR[10] /= 2; //catchall for garbage data
			//end R
			if (bitDepth == 2) {
				inputSampleL /= 8388608.0;
				inputSampleR /= 8388608.0;
			if (bitDepth == 1) {
				inputSampleL /= 32768.0;
				inputSampleR /= 32768.0;
			noiseShapingL += inputSampleL - drySampleL;
			noiseShapingR += inputSampleR - drySampleR;
		if (inputSampleL > refclip) inputSampleL = refclip;
		if (inputSampleL < -refclip) inputSampleL = -refclip;
		//iron bar prohibits any overs
		if (inputSampleR > refclip) inputSampleR = refclip;
		if (inputSampleR < -refclip) inputSampleR = -refclip;
		//iron bar prohibits any overs
		*out1 = inputSampleL;
		*out2 = inputSampleR;

void Righteous4::processDoubleReplacing(double **inputs, double **outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames) 
    double* in1  =  inputs[0];
    double* in2  =  inputs[1];
    double* out1 = outputs[0];
    double* out2 = outputs[1];
	double overallscale = 1.0;
	overallscale /= 44100.0;
	overallscale *= getSampleRate();
	long double fpOld = 0.618033988749894848204586; //golden ratio!
	long double fpNew = 1.0 - fpOld;
	double IIRscaleback = 0.0002597;//scaleback of harmonic avg
	IIRscaleback /= overallscale;
	IIRscaleback = 1.0 - IIRscaleback;
	double target = (A*24.0)-28.0;
	target += 17; //gives us scaled distortion factor based on test conditions
	target = pow(10.0,target/20.0); //we will multiply and divide by this
	//ShortBuss section
	if (target == 0) target = 1; //insanity check
	int bitDepth = (VstInt32)( B * 2.999 )+1; // +1 for Reaper bug workaround
	double fusswithscale = 149940.0; //corrected
	double cutofffreq = 20; //was 46/2.0
	double midAmount = (cutofffreq)/fusswithscale;
	midAmount /= overallscale;
	double midaltAmount = 1.0 - midAmount;
	double gwAfactor = 0.718;
	gwAfactor -= (overallscale*0.05); //0.2 at 176K, 0.1 at 88.2K, 0.05 at 44.1K
	//reduce slightly to not less than 0.5 to increase effect
	double gwBfactor = 1.0 - gwAfactor;
	double softness = 0.2135;
	double hardness = 1.0 - softness;
	double refclip = pow(10.0,-0.0058888);
    while (--sampleFrames >= 0)
		long double inputSampleL = *in1;
		long double inputSampleR = *in2;
		if (inputSampleL<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleL<1.2e-38) {
			static int noisesource = 0;
			//this declares a variable before anything else is compiled. It won't keep assigning
			//it to 0 for every sample, it's as if the declaration doesn't exist in this context,
			//but it lets me add this denormalization fix in a single place rather than updating
			//it in three different locations. The variable isn't thread-safe but this is only
			//a random seed and we can share it with whatever.
			noisesource = noisesource % 1700021; noisesource++;
			int residue = noisesource * noisesource;
			residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17;
			double applyresidue = residue;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			inputSampleL = applyresidue;
		if (inputSampleR<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleR<1.2e-38) {
			static int noisesource = 0;
			noisesource = noisesource % 1700021; noisesource++;
			int residue = noisesource * noisesource;
			residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17;
			double applyresidue = residue;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			inputSampleR = applyresidue;
			//this denormalization routine produces a white noise at -300 dB which the noise
			//shaping will interact with to produce a bipolar output, but the noise is actually
			//all positive. That should stop any variables from going denormal, and the routine
			//only kicks in if digital black is input. As a final touch, if you save to 24-bit
			//the silence will return to being digital black again.
		double drySampleL = inputSampleL;
		double drySampleR = inputSampleR;
		//begin the whole distortion dealiebop
		inputSampleL /= target;
		inputSampleR /= target;
		//running shortbuss on direct sample
		IIRsampleL *= IIRscaleback;
		double secondharmonicL = sin((2.0 * inputSampleL * inputSampleL) * IIRsampleL);
		IIRsampleR *= IIRscaleback;
		double secondharmonicR = sin((2.0 * inputSampleR * inputSampleR) * IIRsampleR);
		//secondharmonic is calculated before IIRsample is updated, to delay reaction
		long double bridgerectifier = inputSampleL;
		if (bridgerectifier > 1.2533141373155) bridgerectifier = 1.2533141373155;
		if (bridgerectifier < -1.2533141373155) bridgerectifier = -1.2533141373155;
		//clip to 1.2533141373155 to reach maximum output
		bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier * fabs(bridgerectifier)) / ((bridgerectifier == 0.0) ?1:fabs(bridgerectifier));
		if (inputSampleL > bridgerectifier) IIRsampleL += ((inputSampleL - bridgerectifier)*0.0009);
		if (inputSampleL < -bridgerectifier) IIRsampleL += ((inputSampleL + bridgerectifier)*0.0009);
		//manipulate IIRSampleL
		inputSampleL = bridgerectifier;
		//apply the distortion transform for reals. Has been converted back to -1/1
		bridgerectifier = inputSampleR;
		if (bridgerectifier > 1.2533141373155) bridgerectifier = 1.2533141373155;
		if (bridgerectifier < -1.2533141373155) bridgerectifier = -1.2533141373155;
		//clip to 1.2533141373155 to reach maximum output
		bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier * fabs(bridgerectifier)) / ((bridgerectifier == 0.0) ?1:fabs(bridgerectifier));
		if (inputSampleR > bridgerectifier) IIRsampleR += ((inputSampleR - bridgerectifier)*0.0009);
		if (inputSampleR < -bridgerectifier) IIRsampleR += ((inputSampleR + bridgerectifier)*0.0009);
		//manipulate IIRSampleR
		inputSampleR = bridgerectifier;
		//apply the distortion transform for reals. Has been converted back to -1/1
		//apply resonant highpass L
		double tempSample = inputSampleL;
		leftSampleA = (leftSampleA * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleA; double correction = leftSampleA;
		leftSampleB = (leftSampleB * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleB; correction += leftSampleB;
		leftSampleC = (leftSampleC * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleC; correction += leftSampleC;
		leftSampleD = (leftSampleD * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleD; correction += leftSampleD;
		leftSampleE = (leftSampleE * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleE; correction += leftSampleE;
		leftSampleF = (leftSampleF * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleF; correction += leftSampleF;
		leftSampleG = (leftSampleG * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleG; correction += leftSampleG;
		leftSampleH = (leftSampleH * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleH; correction += leftSampleH;
		leftSampleI = (leftSampleI * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleI; correction += leftSampleI;
		leftSampleJ = (leftSampleJ * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleJ; correction += leftSampleJ;
		leftSampleK = (leftSampleK * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleK; correction += leftSampleK;
		leftSampleL = (leftSampleL * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleL; correction += leftSampleL;
		leftSampleM = (leftSampleM * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleM; correction += leftSampleM;
		leftSampleN = (leftSampleN * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleN; correction += leftSampleN;
		leftSampleO = (leftSampleO * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleO; correction += leftSampleO;
		leftSampleP = (leftSampleP * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleP; correction += leftSampleP;
		leftSampleQ = (leftSampleQ * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleQ; correction += leftSampleQ;
		leftSampleR = (leftSampleR * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleR; correction += leftSampleR;
		leftSampleS = (leftSampleS * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleS; correction += leftSampleS;
		leftSampleT = (leftSampleT * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleT; correction += leftSampleT;
		leftSampleU = (leftSampleU * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleU; correction += leftSampleU;
		leftSampleV = (leftSampleV * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleV; correction += leftSampleV;
		leftSampleW = (leftSampleW * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleW; correction += leftSampleW;
		leftSampleX = (leftSampleX * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleX; correction += leftSampleX;
		leftSampleY = (leftSampleY * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleY; correction += leftSampleY;
		leftSampleZ = (leftSampleZ * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= leftSampleZ; correction += leftSampleZ;
		correction *= fabs(secondharmonicL);
		//scale it directly by second harmonic: DC block is now adding harmonics too
		correction -= secondharmonicL*fpOld;
		//apply the shortbuss processing to output DCblock by subtracting it 
		//we are not a peak limiter! not using it to clip or nothin'
		//adding it inversely, it's the same as adding to inputsample only we are accumulating 'stuff' in 'correction'
		inputSampleL -= correction;
		if (inputSampleL < 0) inputSampleL = (inputSampleL * fpNew) - (sin(-inputSampleL)*fpOld);
		//lastly, class A clipping on the negative to combat the one-sidedness
		//uses bloom/antibloom to dial in previous unconstrained behavior
		//end the whole distortion dealiebop
		inputSampleL *= target;
		//begin simplified Groove Wear, outside the scaling
		//varies depending on what sample rate you're at:
		//high sample rate makes it more airy
		gwBL = gwAL; gwAL = tempSample = (inputSampleL-gwPrevL);
		tempSample *= gwAfactor;
		tempSample += (gwBL * gwBfactor);
		correction = (inputSampleL-gwPrevL) - tempSample;
		gwPrevL = inputSampleL;		
		inputSampleL -= correction;		
		//simplified Groove Wear L
		//apply resonant highpass R
		tempSample = inputSampleR;
		rightSampleA = (rightSampleA * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleA; correction = rightSampleA;
		rightSampleB = (rightSampleB * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleB; correction += rightSampleB;
		rightSampleC = (rightSampleC * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleC; correction += rightSampleC;
		rightSampleD = (rightSampleD * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleD; correction += rightSampleD;
		rightSampleE = (rightSampleE * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleE; correction += rightSampleE;
		rightSampleF = (rightSampleF * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleF; correction += rightSampleF;
		rightSampleG = (rightSampleG * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleG; correction += rightSampleG;
		rightSampleH = (rightSampleH * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleH; correction += rightSampleH;
		rightSampleI = (rightSampleI * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleI; correction += rightSampleI;
		rightSampleJ = (rightSampleJ * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleJ; correction += rightSampleJ;
		rightSampleK = (rightSampleK * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleK; correction += rightSampleK;
		rightSampleL = (rightSampleL * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleL; correction += rightSampleL;
		rightSampleM = (rightSampleM * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleM; correction += rightSampleM;
		rightSampleN = (rightSampleN * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleN; correction += rightSampleN;
		rightSampleO = (rightSampleO * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleO; correction += rightSampleO;
		rightSampleP = (rightSampleP * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleP; correction += rightSampleP;
		rightSampleQ = (rightSampleQ * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleQ; correction += rightSampleQ;
		rightSampleR = (rightSampleR * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleR; correction += rightSampleR;
		rightSampleS = (rightSampleS * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleS; correction += rightSampleS;
		rightSampleT = (rightSampleT * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleT; correction += rightSampleT;
		rightSampleU = (rightSampleU * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleU; correction += rightSampleU;
		rightSampleV = (rightSampleV * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleV; correction += rightSampleV;
		rightSampleW = (rightSampleW * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleW; correction += rightSampleW;
		rightSampleX = (rightSampleX * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleX; correction += rightSampleX;
		rightSampleY = (rightSampleY * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleY; correction += rightSampleY;
		rightSampleZ = (rightSampleZ * midaltAmount) + (tempSample * midAmount); tempSample -= rightSampleZ; correction += rightSampleZ;
		correction *= fabs(secondharmonicR);
		//scale it directly by second harmonic: DC block is now adding harmonics too
		correction -= secondharmonicR*fpOld;
		//apply the shortbuss processing to output DCblock by subtracting it 
		//we are not a peak limiter! not using it to clip or nothin'
		//adding it inversely, it's the same as adding to inputsample only we are accumulating 'stuff' in 'correction'
		inputSampleR -= correction;
		if (inputSampleR < 0) inputSampleR = (inputSampleR * fpNew) - (sin(-inputSampleR)*fpOld);
		//lastly, class A clipping on the negative to combat the one-sidedness
		//uses bloom/antibloom to dial in previous unconstrained behavior
		//end the whole distortion dealiebop
		inputSampleR *= target;
		//begin simplified Groove Wear, outside the scaling
		//varies depending on what sample rate you're at:
		//high sample rate makes it more airy
		gwBR = gwAR; gwAR = tempSample = (inputSampleR-gwPrevR);
		tempSample *= gwAfactor;
		tempSample += (gwBR * gwBfactor);
		correction = (inputSampleR-gwPrevR) - tempSample;
		gwPrevR = inputSampleR;		
		inputSampleR -= correction;		
		//simplified Groove Wear R
		//begin simplified ADClip L
		drySampleL = inputSampleL;
		if (lastSampleL >= refclip)
			if (inputSampleL < refclip)
				lastSampleL = ((refclip*hardness) + (inputSampleL * softness));
			else lastSampleL = refclip;
		if (lastSampleL <= -refclip)
			if (inputSampleL > -refclip)
				lastSampleL = ((-refclip*hardness) + (inputSampleL * softness));
			else lastSampleL = -refclip;
		if (inputSampleL > refclip)
			if (lastSampleL < refclip)
				inputSampleL = ((refclip*hardness) + (lastSampleL * softness));
			else inputSampleL = refclip;
		if (inputSampleL < -refclip)
			if (lastSampleL > -refclip)
				inputSampleL = ((-refclip*hardness) + (lastSampleL * softness));
			else inputSampleL = -refclip;
		lastSampleL = drySampleL;
		//begin simplified ADClip R
		drySampleR = inputSampleR;
		if (lastSampleR >= refclip)
			if (inputSampleR < refclip)
				lastSampleR = ((refclip*hardness) + (inputSampleR * softness));
			else lastSampleR = refclip;
		if (lastSampleR <= -refclip)
			if (inputSampleR > -refclip)
				lastSampleR = ((-refclip*hardness) + (inputSampleR * softness));
			else lastSampleR = -refclip;
		if (inputSampleR > refclip)
			if (lastSampleR < refclip)
				inputSampleR = ((refclip*hardness) + (lastSampleR * softness));
			else inputSampleR = refclip;
		if (inputSampleR < -refclip)
			if (lastSampleR > -refclip)
				inputSampleR = ((-refclip*hardness) + (lastSampleR * softness));
			else inputSampleR = -refclip;
		lastSampleR = drySampleR;
		//output dither section
		if (bitDepth == 3) {
		//stereo 64 bit dither, made small and tidy.
		int expon; frexp((double)inputSampleL, &expon);
		long double dither = (rand()/(RAND_MAX*7.737125245533627e+25))*pow(2,expon+62);
		dither /= 536870912.0; //needs this to scale to 64 bit zone
		inputSampleL += (dither-fpNShapeL); fpNShapeL = dither;
		frexp((double)inputSampleR, &expon);
		dither = (rand()/(RAND_MAX*7.737125245533627e+25))*pow(2,expon+62);
		dither /= 536870912.0; //needs this to scale to 64 bit zone
		inputSampleR += (dither-fpNShapeR); fpNShapeR = dither;
		//end 64 bit dither
		} else {
			//entire Naturalize section used when not on 32 bit out
			inputSampleL -= noiseShapingL;
			inputSampleR -= noiseShapingR;
			if (bitDepth == 2) {
				inputSampleL *= 8388608.0; //go to dither at 24 bit
				inputSampleR *= 8388608.0; //go to dither at 24 bit
			if (bitDepth == 1) {
				inputSampleL *= 32768.0; //go to dither at 16 bit
				inputSampleR *= 32768.0; //go to dither at 16 bit
			//begin L
			double benfordize = floor(inputSampleL);
			while (benfordize >= 1.0) {benfordize /= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			int hotbinA = floor(benfordize);
			//hotbin becomes the Benford bin value for this number floored
			double totalA = 0;
			if ((hotbinA > 0) && (hotbinA < 10))
				bynL[hotbinA] += 1;
				totalA += (301-bynL[1]);
				totalA += (176-bynL[2]);
				totalA += (125-bynL[3]);
				totalA += (97-bynL[4]);
				totalA += (79-bynL[5]);
				totalA += (67-bynL[6]);
				totalA += (58-bynL[7]);
				totalA += (51-bynL[8]);
				totalA += (46-bynL[9]);
				bynL[hotbinA] -= 1;
			} else {hotbinA = 10;}
			//produce total number- smaller is closer to Benford real
			benfordize = ceil(inputSampleL);
			while (benfordize >= 1.0) {benfordize /= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			int hotbinB = floor(benfordize);
			//hotbin becomes the Benford bin value for this number ceiled
			double totalB = 0;
			if ((hotbinB > 0) && (hotbinB < 10))
				bynL[hotbinB] += 1;
				totalB += (301-bynL[1]);
				totalB += (176-bynL[2]);
				totalB += (125-bynL[3]);
				totalB += (97-bynL[4]);
				totalB += (79-bynL[5]);
				totalB += (67-bynL[6]);
				totalB += (58-bynL[7]);
				totalB += (51-bynL[8]);
				totalB += (46-bynL[9]);
				bynL[hotbinB] -= 1;
			} else {hotbinB = 10;}
			//produce total number- smaller is closer to Benford real
			if (totalA < totalB)
				bynL[hotbinA] += 1;
				inputSampleL = floor(inputSampleL);
				bynL[hotbinB] += 1;
				inputSampleL = ceil(inputSampleL);
			//assign the relevant one to the delay line
			//and floor/ceil signal accordingly
			totalA = bynL[1] + bynL[2] + bynL[3] + bynL[4] + bynL[5] + bynL[6] + bynL[7] + bynL[8] + bynL[9];
			totalA /= 1000;
			if (totalA = 0) totalA = 1; // spotted by Laserbat: this 'scaling back' code doesn't. It always divides by the fallback of 1. Old NJAD doesn't scale back the things we're comparing against. Kept to retain known behavior, use the one in StudioTan and Monitoring for a tuned-as-intended NJAD.
			bynL[1] /= totalA;
			bynL[2] /= totalA;
			bynL[3] /= totalA;
			bynL[4] /= totalA;
			bynL[5] /= totalA;
			bynL[6] /= totalA;
			bynL[7] /= totalA;
			bynL[8] /= totalA;
			bynL[9] /= totalA;
			bynL[10] /= 2; //catchall for garbage data
			//end L
			//begin R
			benfordize = floor(inputSampleR);
			while (benfordize >= 1.0) {benfordize /= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			hotbinA = floor(benfordize);
			//hotbin becomes the Benford bin value for this number floored
			totalA = 0;
			if ((hotbinA > 0) && (hotbinA < 10))
				bynR[hotbinA] += 1;
				totalA += (301-bynR[1]);
				totalA += (176-bynR[2]);
				totalA += (125-bynR[3]);
				totalA += (97-bynR[4]);
				totalA += (79-bynR[5]);
				totalA += (67-bynR[6]);
				totalA += (58-bynR[7]);
				totalA += (51-bynR[8]);
				totalA += (46-bynR[9]);
				bynR[hotbinA] -= 1;
			} else {hotbinA = 10;}
			//produce total number- smaller is closer to Benford real
			benfordize = ceil(inputSampleR);
			while (benfordize >= 1.0) {benfordize /= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			if (benfordize < 1.0) {benfordize *= 10;}
			hotbinB = floor(benfordize);
			//hotbin becomes the Benford bin value for this number ceiled
			totalB = 0;
			if ((hotbinB > 0) && (hotbinB < 10))
				bynR[hotbinB] += 1;
				totalB += (301-bynR[1]);
				totalB += (176-bynR[2]);
				totalB += (125-bynR[3]);
				totalB += (97-bynR[4]);
				totalB += (79-bynR[5]);
				totalB += (67-bynR[6]);
				totalB += (58-bynR[7]);
				totalB += (51-bynR[8]);
				totalB += (46-bynR[9]);
				bynR[hotbinB] -= 1;
			} else {hotbinB = 10;}
			//produce total number- smaller is closer to Benford real
			if (totalA < totalB)
				bynR[hotbinA] += 1;
				inputSampleR = floor(inputSampleR);
				bynR[hotbinB] += 1;
				inputSampleR = ceil(inputSampleR);
			//assign the relevant one to the delay line
			//and floor/ceil signal accordingly
			totalA = bynR[1] + bynR[2] + bynR[3] + bynR[4] + bynR[5] + bynR[6] + bynR[7] + bynR[8] + bynR[9];
			totalA /= 1000;
			if (totalA = 0) totalA = 1; // spotted by Laserbat: this 'scaling back' code doesn't. It always divides by the fallback of 1. Old NJAD doesn't scale back the things we're comparing against. Kept to retain known behavior, use the one in StudioTan and Monitoring for a tuned-as-intended NJAD.
			bynR[1] /= totalA;
			bynR[2] /= totalA;
			bynR[3] /= totalA;
			bynR[4] /= totalA;
			bynR[5] /= totalA;
			bynR[6] /= totalA;
			bynR[7] /= totalA;
			bynR[8] /= totalA;
			bynR[9] /= totalA;
			bynR[10] /= 2; //catchall for garbage data
			//end R
			if (bitDepth == 2) {
				inputSampleL /= 8388608.0;
				inputSampleR /= 8388608.0;
			if (bitDepth == 1) {
				inputSampleL /= 32768.0;
				inputSampleR /= 32768.0;
			noiseShapingL += inputSampleL - drySampleL;
			noiseShapingR += inputSampleR - drySampleR;
		if (inputSampleL > refclip) inputSampleL = refclip;
		if (inputSampleL < -refclip) inputSampleL = -refclip;
		//iron bar prohibits any overs
		if (inputSampleR > refclip) inputSampleR = refclip;
		if (inputSampleR < -refclip) inputSampleR = -refclip;
		//iron bar prohibits any overs
		*out1 = inputSampleL;
		*out2 = inputSampleR;