path: root/plugins/WinVST/CStrip/CStripProc.cpp
blob: d2778820b6f1b726bdf575aebefd99cd188f4102 (plain) (tree)





































































































































































/* ========================================
 *  CStrip - CStrip.h
 *  Copyright (c) 2016 airwindows, All rights reserved
 * ======================================== */

#ifndef __CStrip_H
#include "CStrip.h"

void CStrip::processReplacing(float **inputs, float **outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames)
    float* in1  =  inputs[0];
    float* in2  =  inputs[1];
    float* out1 = outputs[0];
    float* out2 = outputs[1];

	double overallscale = 1.0;
	overallscale /= 44100.0;
	double compscale = overallscale;
	overallscale = getSampleRate();
	compscale = compscale * overallscale;
	//compscale is the one that's 1 or something like 2.2 for 96K rates
	long double fpOld = 0.618033988749894848204586; //golden ratio!
	long double fpNew = 1.0 - fpOld;
	long double inputSampleL;
	long double inputSampleR;

	double highSampleL = 0.0;
	double midSampleL = 0.0;
	double bassSampleL = 0.0;

	double highSampleR = 0.0;
	double midSampleR = 0.0;
	double bassSampleR = 0.0;

	double densityA = (A*12.0)-6.0;
	double densityB = (B*12.0)-6.0;
	double densityC = (C*12.0)-6.0;
	bool engageEQ = true;
	if ( (0.0 == densityA) && (0.0 == densityB) && (0.0 == densityC) ) engageEQ = false;

	densityA = pow(10.0,densityA/20.0)-1.0;
	densityB = pow(10.0,densityB/20.0)-1.0;
	densityC = pow(10.0,densityC/20.0)-1.0;
	//convert to 0 to X multiplier with 1.0 being O db
	//minus one gives nearly -1 to ? (should top out at 1)
	//calibrate so that X db roughly equals X db with maximum topping out at 1 internally

	double tripletIntensity = -densityA;

	double iirAmountC = (((D*D*15.0)+1.0)*0.0188) + 0.7;
	if (iirAmountC > 1.0) iirAmountC = 1.0;
	bool engageLowpass = false;
	if (((D*D*15.0)+1.0) < 15.99) engageLowpass = true;

	double iirAmountA = (((E*E*15.0)+1.0)*1000)/overallscale;
	double iirAmountB = (((F*F*1570.0)+30.0)*10)/overallscale;
	double iirAmountD = (((G*G*1570.0)+30.0)*1.0)/overallscale;
	bool engageHighpass = false;
	if (((G*G*1570.0)+30.0) > 30.01) engageHighpass = true;
	//bypass the highpass and lowpass if set to extremes
	double bridgerectifier;
	double outA = fabs(densityA);
	double outB = fabs(densityB);
	double outC = fabs(densityC);
	//end EQ
	//begin Gate
	double onthreshold = (pow(H,4)/3)+0.00018;
	double offthreshold = onthreshold * 1.1;
	bool engageGate = false;
	if (onthreshold > 0.00018) engageGate = true;

	double release = 0.028331119964586;
	double absmax = 220.9;
	//speed to be compensated w.r.t sample rate
	//end Gate
	//begin Timing
	double offset = pow(K,5) * 700;
	int near = (int)floor(fabs(offset));
	double farLevel = fabs(offset) - near;
	int far = near + 1;
	double nearLevel = 1.0 - farLevel;
	bool engageTiming = false;
	if (offset > 0.0) engageTiming = true;
	//end Timing
	//begin ButterComp
	double inputpos;
	double inputneg;
	double calcpos;
	double calcneg;
	double outputpos;
	double outputneg;
	double totalmultiplier;
	double inputgain = (pow(I,4)*35)+1.0;
	double compoutgain = inputgain;
	compoutgain -= 1.0;
	compoutgain /= 1.2;
	compoutgain += 1.0;
	double divisor = (0.008 * pow(J,2))+0.0004;
	//originally 0.012
	divisor /= compscale;
	double remainder = divisor;
	divisor = 1.0 - divisor;
	bool engageComp = false;
	if (inputgain > 1.0) engageComp = true;
	//end ButterComp
	double outputgain = pow(10.0,((L*36.0)-18.0)/20.0);

    while (--sampleFrames >= 0)
		inputSampleL = *in1;
		inputSampleR = *in2;
		if (inputSampleL<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleL<1.2e-38) {
			static int noisesource = 0;
			//this declares a variable before anything else is compiled. It won't keep assigning
			//it to 0 for every sample, it's as if the declaration doesn't exist in this context,
			//but it lets me add this denormalization fix in a single place rather than updating
			//it in three different locations. The variable isn't thread-safe but this is only
			//a random seed and we can share it with whatever.
			noisesource = noisesource % 1700021; noisesource++;
			int residue = noisesource * noisesource;
			residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17;
			double applyresidue = residue;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			inputSampleL = applyresidue;
		if (inputSampleR<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleR<1.2e-38) {
			static int noisesource = 0;
			noisesource = noisesource % 1700021; noisesource++;
			int residue = noisesource * noisesource;
			residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17;
			double applyresidue = residue;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			inputSampleR = applyresidue;
			//this denormalization routine produces a white noise at -300 dB which the noise
			//shaping will interact with to produce a bipolar output, but the noise is actually
			//all positive. That should stop any variables from going denormal, and the routine
			//only kicks in if digital black is input. As a final touch, if you save to 24-bit
			//the silence will return to being digital black again.

		last2SampleL = lastSampleL;
		lastSampleL = inputSampleL;

		last2SampleR = lastSampleR;
		lastSampleR = inputSampleR;

		//begin Gate
		if (engageGate)
			if (inputSampleL > 0)
			{if (WasNegativeL == true){ZeroCrossL = absmax * 0.3;}
				WasNegativeL = false;}
			{ZeroCrossL += 1; WasNegativeL = true;}

			if (inputSampleR > 0)
			{if (WasNegativeR == true){ZeroCrossR = absmax * 0.3;}
				WasNegativeR = false;}
			{ZeroCrossR += 1; WasNegativeR = true;}

			if (ZeroCrossL > absmax)
			{ZeroCrossL = absmax;}

			if (ZeroCrossR > absmax)
			{ZeroCrossR = absmax;}

			if (gateL == 0.0)
				//if gate is totally silent
				if (fabs(inputSampleL) > onthreshold)
					if (gaterollerL == 0.0) gaterollerL = ZeroCrossL;
					else gaterollerL -= release;
					// trigger from total silence only- if we're active then signal must clear offthreshold
				else gaterollerL -= release;
				//gate is not silent but closing
				if (fabs(inputSampleL) > offthreshold)
					if (gaterollerL < ZeroCrossL) gaterollerL = ZeroCrossL;
					else gaterollerL -= release;
					//always trigger if gate is over offthreshold, otherwise close anyway
				else gaterollerL -= release;

			if (gateR == 0.0)
				//if gate is totally silent
				if (fabs(inputSampleR) > onthreshold)
					if (gaterollerR == 0.0) gaterollerR = ZeroCrossR;
					else gaterollerR -= release;
					// trigger from total silence only- if we're active then signal must clear offthreshold
				else gaterollerR -= release;
				//gate is not silent but closing
				if (fabs(inputSampleR) > offthreshold)
					if (gaterollerR < ZeroCrossR) gaterollerR = ZeroCrossR;
					else gaterollerR -= release;
					//always trigger if gate is over offthreshold, otherwise close anyway
				else gaterollerR -= release;

			if (gaterollerL < 0.0)
			{gaterollerL = 0.0;}
			if (gaterollerR < 0.0)
			{gaterollerR = 0.0;}

			if (gaterollerL < 1.0)
				gateL = gaterollerL;
				bridgerectifier = 1-cos(fabs(inputSampleL));
				if (inputSampleL > 0) inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*gateL)+(bridgerectifier*(1.0-gateL));
				else inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*gateL)-(bridgerectifier*(1.0-gateL));
				if (gateL == 0.0) inputSampleL = 0.0;
			{gateL = 1.0;}

			if (gaterollerR < 1.0)
				gateR = gaterollerR;
				bridgerectifier = 1-cos(fabs(inputSampleR));
				if (inputSampleR > 0) inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*gateR)+(bridgerectifier*(1.0-gateR));
				else inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*gateR)-(bridgerectifier*(1.0-gateR));
				if (gateR == 0.0) inputSampleR = 0.0;
			{gateR = 1.0;}
		//end Gate, begin antialiasing

		flip = !flip;
		if (flipthree < 1 || flipthree > 3) flipthree = 1;

		//begin highpass
		if (engageHighpass)
			if (flip)
				highpassSampleLAA = (highpassSampleLAA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLAA;
				highpassSampleLBA = (highpassSampleLBA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLBA;
				highpassSampleLCA = (highpassSampleLCA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLCA;
				highpassSampleLDA = (highpassSampleLDA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLDA;
				highpassSampleLAB = (highpassSampleLAB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLAB;
				highpassSampleLBB = (highpassSampleLBB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLBB;
				highpassSampleLCB = (highpassSampleLCB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLCB;
				highpassSampleLDB = (highpassSampleLDB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLDB;
			highpassSampleLE = (highpassSampleLE * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
			inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLE;
			highpassSampleLF = (highpassSampleLF * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
			inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLF;

			if (flip)
				highpassSampleRAA = (highpassSampleRAA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRAA;
				highpassSampleRBA = (highpassSampleRBA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRBA;
				highpassSampleRCA = (highpassSampleRCA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRCA;
				highpassSampleRDA = (highpassSampleRDA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRDA;
				highpassSampleRAB = (highpassSampleRAB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRAB;
				highpassSampleRBB = (highpassSampleRBB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRBB;
				highpassSampleRCB = (highpassSampleRCB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRCB;
				highpassSampleRDB = (highpassSampleRDB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRDB;
			highpassSampleRE = (highpassSampleRE * (1 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
			inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRE;
			highpassSampleRF = (highpassSampleRF * (1 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
			inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRF;

		//end highpass

		//begin compressor
		if (engageComp)
			//begin L
			inputSampleL *= inputgain;

			inputpos = (inputSampleL * fpOld) + (avgLA * fpNew) + 1.0;
			avgLA = inputSampleL;

			if (inputpos < 0.0) inputpos = 0.0;
			outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
			if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
			inputpos *= inputpos;
			targetposL *= divisor;
			targetposL += (inputpos * remainder);
			calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposL),2);

			inputneg = (-inputSampleL * fpOld) + (nvgLA * fpNew) + 1.0;
			nvgLA = -inputSampleL;

			if (inputneg < 0.0) inputneg = 0.0;
			outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
			if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
			inputneg *= inputneg;
			targetnegL *= divisor;
			targetnegL += (inputneg * remainder);
			calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegL),2);
			//now we have mirrored targets for comp
			//outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1

			if (inputSampleL > 0)
			{ //working on pos
				if (true == flip)
					controlAposL *= divisor;
					controlAposL += (calcpos*remainder);

					controlBposL *= divisor;
					controlBposL += (calcpos*remainder);
			{ //working on neg
				if (true == flip)
					controlAnegL *= divisor;
					controlAnegL += (calcneg*remainder);
					controlBnegL *= divisor;
					controlBnegL += (calcneg*remainder);
			//this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'flip'

			if (true == flip)
			{totalmultiplier = (controlAposL * outputpos) + (controlAnegL * outputneg);}
			{totalmultiplier = (controlBposL * outputpos) + (controlBnegL * outputneg);}
			//this combines the sides according to flip, blending relative to the input value

			inputSampleL *= totalmultiplier;
			inputSampleL /= compoutgain;
			//end L

			//begin R
			inputSampleR *= inputgain;

			inputpos = (inputSampleR * fpOld) + (avgRA * fpNew) + 1.0;
			avgRA = inputSampleR;

			if (inputpos < 0.0) inputpos = 0.0;
			outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
			if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
			inputpos *= inputpos;
			targetposR *= divisor;
			targetposR += (inputpos * remainder);
			calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposR),2);

			inputneg = (-inputSampleR * fpOld) + (nvgRA * fpNew) + 1.0;
			nvgRA = -inputSampleR;

			if (inputneg < 0.0) inputneg = 0.0;
			outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
			if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
			inputneg *= inputneg;
			targetnegR *= divisor;
			targetnegR += (inputneg * remainder);
			calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegR),2);
			//now we have mirrored targets for comp
			//outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1

			if (inputSampleR > 0)
			{ //working on pos
				if (true == flip)
					controlAposR *= divisor;
					controlAposR += (calcpos*remainder);

					controlBposR *= divisor;
					controlBposR += (calcpos*remainder);
			{ //working on neg
				if (true == flip)
					controlAnegR *= divisor;
					controlAnegR += (calcneg*remainder);
					controlBnegR *= divisor;
					controlBnegR += (calcneg*remainder);
			//this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'flip'

			if (true == flip)
			{totalmultiplier = (controlAposR * outputpos) + (controlAnegR * outputneg);}
			{totalmultiplier = (controlBposR * outputpos) + (controlBnegR * outputneg);}
			//this combines the sides according to flip, blending relative to the input value

			inputSampleR *= totalmultiplier;
			inputSampleR /= compoutgain;
			//end R
		//end compressor

		//begin EQ
		if (engageEQ)
			switch (flipthree)
				case 1:
					tripletFactorL = last2SampleL - inputSampleL;
					tripletLA += tripletFactorL;
					tripletLC -= tripletFactorL;
					tripletFactorL = tripletLA * tripletIntensity;
					iirHighSampleLC = (iirHighSampleLC * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountA);
					highSampleL = inputSampleL - iirHighSampleLC;
					iirLowSampleLC = (iirLowSampleLC * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountB);
					bassSampleL = iirLowSampleLC;

					tripletFactorR = last2SampleR - inputSampleR;
					tripletRA += tripletFactorR;
					tripletRC -= tripletFactorR;
					tripletFactorR = tripletRA * tripletIntensity;
					iirHighSampleRC = (iirHighSampleRC * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountA);
					highSampleR = inputSampleR - iirHighSampleRC;
					iirLowSampleRC = (iirLowSampleRC * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountB);
					bassSampleR = iirLowSampleRC;
				case 2:
					tripletFactorL = last2SampleL - inputSampleL;
					tripletLB += tripletFactorL;
					tripletLA -= tripletFactorL;
					tripletFactorL = tripletLB * tripletIntensity;
					iirHighSampleLD = (iirHighSampleLD * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountA);
					highSampleL = inputSampleL - iirHighSampleLD;
					iirLowSampleLD = (iirLowSampleLD * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountB);
					bassSampleL = iirLowSampleLD;

					tripletFactorR = last2SampleR - inputSampleR;
					tripletRB += tripletFactorR;
					tripletRA -= tripletFactorR;
					tripletFactorR = tripletRB * tripletIntensity;
					iirHighSampleRD = (iirHighSampleRD * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountA);
					highSampleR = inputSampleR - iirHighSampleRD;
					iirLowSampleRD = (iirLowSampleRD * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountB);
					bassSampleR = iirLowSampleRD;
				case 3:
					tripletFactorL = last2SampleL - inputSampleL;
					tripletLC += tripletFactorL;
					tripletLB -= tripletFactorL;
					tripletFactorL = tripletLC * tripletIntensity;
					iirHighSampleLE = (iirHighSampleLE * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountA);
					highSampleL = inputSampleL - iirHighSampleLE;
					iirLowSampleLE = (iirLowSampleLE * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountB);
					bassSampleL = iirLowSampleLE;

					tripletFactorR = last2SampleR - inputSampleR;
					tripletRC += tripletFactorR;
					tripletRB -= tripletFactorR;
					tripletFactorR = tripletRC * tripletIntensity;
					iirHighSampleRE = (iirHighSampleRE * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountA);
					highSampleR = inputSampleR - iirHighSampleRE;
					iirLowSampleRE = (iirLowSampleRE * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountB);
					bassSampleR = iirLowSampleRE;
			tripletLA /= 2.0;
			tripletLB /= 2.0;
			tripletLC /= 2.0;
			highSampleL = highSampleL + tripletFactorL;

			tripletRA /= 2.0;
			tripletRB /= 2.0;
			tripletRC /= 2.0;
			highSampleR = highSampleR + tripletFactorR;

			if (flip)
				iirHighSampleLA = (iirHighSampleLA * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (highSampleL * iirAmountA);
				highSampleL -= iirHighSampleLA;
				iirLowSampleLA = (iirLowSampleLA * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (bassSampleL * iirAmountB);
				bassSampleL = iirLowSampleLA;

				iirHighSampleRA = (iirHighSampleRA * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (highSampleR * iirAmountA);
				highSampleR -= iirHighSampleRA;
				iirLowSampleRA = (iirLowSampleRA * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (bassSampleR * iirAmountB);
				bassSampleR = iirLowSampleRA;
				iirHighSampleLB = (iirHighSampleLB * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (highSampleL * iirAmountA);
				highSampleL -= iirHighSampleLB;
				iirLowSampleLB = (iirLowSampleLB * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (bassSampleL * iirAmountB);
				bassSampleL = iirLowSampleLB;

				iirHighSampleRB = (iirHighSampleRB * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (highSampleR * iirAmountA);
				highSampleR -= iirHighSampleRB;
				iirLowSampleRB = (iirLowSampleRB * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (bassSampleR * iirAmountB);
				bassSampleR = iirLowSampleRB;

			iirHighSampleL = (iirHighSampleL * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (highSampleL * iirAmountA);
			highSampleL -= iirHighSampleL;
			iirLowSampleL = (iirLowSampleL * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (bassSampleL * iirAmountB);
			bassSampleL = iirLowSampleL;

			iirHighSampleR = (iirHighSampleR * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (highSampleR * iirAmountA);
			highSampleR -= iirHighSampleR;
			iirLowSampleR = (iirLowSampleR * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (bassSampleR * iirAmountB);
			bassSampleR = iirLowSampleR;

			midSampleL = (inputSampleL-bassSampleL)-highSampleL;
			midSampleR = (inputSampleR-bassSampleR)-highSampleR;

			//drive section
			highSampleL *= (densityA+1.0);
			bridgerectifier = fabs(highSampleL)*1.57079633;
			if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
			//max value for sine function
			if (densityA > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
			else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
			//produce either boosted or starved version
			if (highSampleL > 0) highSampleL = (highSampleL*(1-outA))+(bridgerectifier*outA);
			else highSampleL = (highSampleL*(1-outA))-(bridgerectifier*outA);
			//blend according to densityA control

			highSampleR *= (densityA+1.0);
			bridgerectifier = fabs(highSampleR)*1.57079633;
			if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
			//max value for sine function
			if (densityA > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
			else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
			//produce either boosted or starved version
			if (highSampleR > 0) highSampleR = (highSampleR*(1-outA))+(bridgerectifier*outA);
			else highSampleR = (highSampleR*(1-outA))-(bridgerectifier*outA);
			//blend according to densityA control

			midSampleL *= (densityB+1.0);
			bridgerectifier = fabs(midSampleL)*1.57079633;
			if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
			//max value for sine function
			if (densityB > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
			else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
			//produce either boosted or starved version
			if (midSampleL > 0) midSampleL = (midSampleL*(1-outB))+(bridgerectifier*outB);
			else midSampleL = (midSampleL*(1-outB))-(bridgerectifier*outB);
			//blend according to densityB control

			midSampleR *= (densityB+1.0);
			bridgerectifier = fabs(midSampleR)*1.57079633;
			if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
			//max value for sine function
			if (densityB > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
			else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
			//produce either boosted or starved version
			if (midSampleR > 0) midSampleR = (midSampleR*(1-outB))+(bridgerectifier*outB);
			else midSampleR = (midSampleR*(1-outB))-(bridgerectifier*outB);
			//blend according to densityB control

			bassSampleL *= (densityC+1.0);
			bridgerectifier = fabs(bassSampleL)*1.57079633;
			if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
			//max value for sine function
			if (densityC > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
			else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
			//produce either boosted or starved version
			if (bassSampleL > 0) bassSampleL = (bassSampleL*(1-outC))+(bridgerectifier*outC);
			else bassSampleL = (bassSampleL*(1-outC))-(bridgerectifier*outC);
			//blend according to densityC control

			bassSampleR *= (densityC+1.0);
			bridgerectifier = fabs(bassSampleR)*1.57079633;
			if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
			//max value for sine function
			if (densityC > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
			else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
			//produce either boosted or starved version
			if (bassSampleR > 0) bassSampleR = (bassSampleR*(1-outC))+(bridgerectifier*outC);
			else bassSampleR = (bassSampleR*(1-outC))-(bridgerectifier*outC);
			//blend according to densityC control

			inputSampleL = midSampleL;
			inputSampleL += highSampleL;
			inputSampleL += bassSampleL;

			inputSampleR = midSampleR;
			inputSampleR += highSampleR;
			inputSampleR += bassSampleR;
		//end EQ

		//begin Timing
		if (engageTiming)
			if (count < 1 || count > 2048) count = 2048;

			pL[count+2048] = pL[count] = inputSampleL;
			pR[count+2048] = pR[count] = inputSampleR;

			inputSampleL = pL[count+near]*nearLevel;
			inputSampleR = pR[count+near]*nearLevel;

			inputSampleL += pL[count+far]*farLevel;
			inputSampleR += pR[count+far]*farLevel;

			count -= 1;
			//consider adding third sample just to bring out superhighs subtly, like old interpolation hacks
			//or third and fifth samples, ditto
		//end Timing

		//EQ lowpass is after all processing like the compressor that might produce hash
		if (engageLowpass)
			if (flip)
				lowpassSampleLAA = (lowpassSampleLAA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLAA;
				lowpassSampleLBA = (lowpassSampleLBA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLBA;
				lowpassSampleLCA = (lowpassSampleLCA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLCA;
				lowpassSampleLDA = (lowpassSampleLDA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLDA;
				lowpassSampleLE = (lowpassSampleLE * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLE;

				lowpassSampleRAA = (lowpassSampleRAA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRAA;
				lowpassSampleRBA = (lowpassSampleRBA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRBA;
				lowpassSampleRCA = (lowpassSampleRCA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRCA;
				lowpassSampleRDA = (lowpassSampleRDA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRDA;
				lowpassSampleRE = (lowpassSampleRE * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRE;
				lowpassSampleLAB = (lowpassSampleLAB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLAB;
				lowpassSampleLBB = (lowpassSampleLBB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLBB;
				lowpassSampleLCB = (lowpassSampleLCB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLCB;
				lowpassSampleLDB = (lowpassSampleLDB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLDB;
				lowpassSampleLF = (lowpassSampleLF * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLF;

				lowpassSampleRAB = (lowpassSampleRAB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRAB;
				lowpassSampleRBB = (lowpassSampleRBB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRBB;
				lowpassSampleRCB = (lowpassSampleRCB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRCB;
				lowpassSampleRDB = (lowpassSampleRDB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRDB;
				lowpassSampleRF = (lowpassSampleRF * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRF;
			lowpassSampleLG = (lowpassSampleLG * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
			lowpassSampleRG = (lowpassSampleRG * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);

			inputSampleL = (lowpassSampleLG * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
			inputSampleR = (lowpassSampleRG * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);

		//built in output trim and dry/wet if desired
		if (outputgain != 1.0) {
			inputSampleL *= outputgain;
			inputSampleR *= outputgain;

		//stereo 32 bit dither, made small and tidy.
		int expon; frexpf((float)inputSampleL, &expon);
		long double dither = (rand()/(RAND_MAX*7.737125245533627e+25))*pow(2,expon+62);
		inputSampleL += (dither-fpNShapeL); fpNShapeL = dither;
		frexpf((float)inputSampleR, &expon);
		dither = (rand()/(RAND_MAX*7.737125245533627e+25))*pow(2,expon+62);
		inputSampleR += (dither-fpNShapeR); fpNShapeR = dither;
		//end 32 bit dither

		*out1 = inputSampleL;
		*out2 = inputSampleR;


void CStrip::processDoubleReplacing(double **inputs, double **outputs, VstInt32 sampleFrames)
    double* in1  =  inputs[0];
    double* in2  =  inputs[1];
    double* out1 = outputs[0];
    double* out2 = outputs[1];

	double overallscale = 1.0;
	overallscale /= 44100.0;
	double compscale = overallscale;
	overallscale = getSampleRate();
	compscale = compscale * overallscale;
	//compscale is the one that's 1 or something like 2.2 for 96K rates
	long double fpOld = 0.618033988749894848204586; //golden ratio!
	long double fpNew = 1.0 - fpOld;
	long double inputSampleL;
	long double inputSampleR;

	double highSampleL = 0.0;
	double midSampleL = 0.0;
	double bassSampleL = 0.0;

	double highSampleR = 0.0;
	double midSampleR = 0.0;
	double bassSampleR = 0.0;

	double densityA = (A*12.0)-6.0;
	double densityB = (B*12.0)-6.0;
	double densityC = (C*12.0)-6.0;
	bool engageEQ = true;
	if ( (0.0 == densityA) && (0.0 == densityB) && (0.0 == densityC) ) engageEQ = false;

	densityA = pow(10.0,densityA/20.0)-1.0;
	densityB = pow(10.0,densityB/20.0)-1.0;
	densityC = pow(10.0,densityC/20.0)-1.0;
	//convert to 0 to X multiplier with 1.0 being O db
	//minus one gives nearly -1 to ? (should top out at 1)
	//calibrate so that X db roughly equals X db with maximum topping out at 1 internally

	double tripletIntensity = -densityA;

	double iirAmountC = (((D*D*15.0)+1.0)*0.0188) + 0.7;
	if (iirAmountC > 1.0) iirAmountC = 1.0;
	bool engageLowpass = false;
	if (((D*D*15.0)+1.0) < 15.99) engageLowpass = true;

	double iirAmountA = (((E*E*15.0)+1.0)*1000)/overallscale;
	double iirAmountB = (((F*F*1570.0)+30.0)*10)/overallscale;
	double iirAmountD = (((G*G*1570.0)+30.0)*1.0)/overallscale;
	bool engageHighpass = false;
	if (((G*G*1570.0)+30.0) > 30.01) engageHighpass = true;
	//bypass the highpass and lowpass if set to extremes
	double bridgerectifier;
	double outA = fabs(densityA);
	double outB = fabs(densityB);
	double outC = fabs(densityC);
	//end EQ
	//begin Gate
	double onthreshold = (pow(H,4)/3)+0.00018;
	double offthreshold = onthreshold * 1.1;
	bool engageGate = false;
	if (onthreshold > 0.00018) engageGate = true;

	double release = 0.028331119964586;
	double absmax = 220.9;
	//speed to be compensated w.r.t sample rate
	//end Gate
	//begin Timing
	double offset = pow(K,5) * 700;
	int near = (int)floor(fabs(offset));
	double farLevel = fabs(offset) - near;
	int far = near + 1;
	double nearLevel = 1.0 - farLevel;
	bool engageTiming = false;
	if (offset > 0.0) engageTiming = true;
	//end Timing
	//begin ButterComp
	double inputpos;
	double inputneg;
	double calcpos;
	double calcneg;
	double outputpos;
	double outputneg;
	double totalmultiplier;
	double inputgain = (pow(I,4)*35)+1.0;
	double compoutgain = inputgain;
	compoutgain -= 1.0;
	compoutgain /= 1.2;
	compoutgain += 1.0;
	double divisor = (0.008 * pow(J,2))+0.0004;
	//originally 0.012
	divisor /= compscale;
	double remainder = divisor;
	divisor = 1.0 - divisor;
	bool engageComp = false;
	if (inputgain > 1.0) engageComp = true;
	//end ButterComp
	double outputgain = pow(10.0,((L*36.0)-18.0)/20.0);

    while (--sampleFrames >= 0)
		inputSampleL = *in1;
		inputSampleR = *in2;
		if (inputSampleL<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleL<1.2e-38) {
			static int noisesource = 0;
			//this declares a variable before anything else is compiled. It won't keep assigning
			//it to 0 for every sample, it's as if the declaration doesn't exist in this context,
			//but it lets me add this denormalization fix in a single place rather than updating
			//it in three different locations. The variable isn't thread-safe but this is only
			//a random seed and we can share it with whatever.
			noisesource = noisesource % 1700021; noisesource++;
			int residue = noisesource * noisesource;
			residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17;
			double applyresidue = residue;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			inputSampleL = applyresidue;
		if (inputSampleR<1.2e-38 && -inputSampleR<1.2e-38) {
			static int noisesource = 0;
			noisesource = noisesource % 1700021; noisesource++;
			int residue = noisesource * noisesource;
			residue = residue % 170003; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17011; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 1709; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 173; residue *= residue;
			residue = residue % 17;
			double applyresidue = residue;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			applyresidue *= 0.00000001;
			inputSampleR = applyresidue;
			//this denormalization routine produces a white noise at -300 dB which the noise
			//shaping will interact with to produce a bipolar output, but the noise is actually
			//all positive. That should stop any variables from going denormal, and the routine
			//only kicks in if digital black is input. As a final touch, if you save to 24-bit
			//the silence will return to being digital black again.

		last2SampleL = lastSampleL;
		lastSampleL = inputSampleL;

		last2SampleR = lastSampleR;
		lastSampleR = inputSampleR;

		//begin Gate
		if (engageGate)
			if (inputSampleL > 0)
			{if (WasNegativeL == true){ZeroCrossL = absmax * 0.3;}
				WasNegativeL = false;}
			{ZeroCrossL += 1; WasNegativeL = true;}

			if (inputSampleR > 0)
			{if (WasNegativeR == true){ZeroCrossR = absmax * 0.3;}
				WasNegativeR = false;}
			{ZeroCrossR += 1; WasNegativeR = true;}

			if (ZeroCrossL > absmax)
			{ZeroCrossL = absmax;}

			if (ZeroCrossR > absmax)
			{ZeroCrossR = absmax;}

			if (gateL == 0.0)
				//if gate is totally silent
				if (fabs(inputSampleL) > onthreshold)
					if (gaterollerL == 0.0) gaterollerL = ZeroCrossL;
					else gaterollerL -= release;
					// trigger from total silence only- if we're active then signal must clear offthreshold
				else gaterollerL -= release;
				//gate is not silent but closing
				if (fabs(inputSampleL) > offthreshold)
					if (gaterollerL < ZeroCrossL) gaterollerL = ZeroCrossL;
					else gaterollerL -= release;
					//always trigger if gate is over offthreshold, otherwise close anyway
				else gaterollerL -= release;

			if (gateR == 0.0)
				//if gate is totally silent
				if (fabs(inputSampleR) > onthreshold)
					if (gaterollerR == 0.0) gaterollerR = ZeroCrossR;
					else gaterollerR -= release;
					// trigger from total silence only- if we're active then signal must clear offthreshold
				else gaterollerR -= release;
				//gate is not silent but closing
				if (fabs(inputSampleR) > offthreshold)
					if (gaterollerR < ZeroCrossR) gaterollerR = ZeroCrossR;
					else gaterollerR -= release;
					//always trigger if gate is over offthreshold, otherwise close anyway
				else gaterollerR -= release;

			if (gaterollerL < 0.0)
			{gaterollerL = 0.0;}
			if (gaterollerR < 0.0)
			{gaterollerR = 0.0;}

			if (gaterollerL < 1.0)
				gateL = gaterollerL;
				bridgerectifier = 1-cos(fabs(inputSampleL));
				if (inputSampleL > 0) inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*gateL)+(bridgerectifier*(1.0-gateL));
				else inputSampleL = (inputSampleL*gateL)-(bridgerectifier*(1.0-gateL));
				if (gateL == 0.0) inputSampleL = 0.0;
			{gateL = 1.0;}

			if (gaterollerR < 1.0)
				gateR = gaterollerR;
				bridgerectifier = 1-cos(fabs(inputSampleR));
				if (inputSampleR > 0) inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*gateR)+(bridgerectifier*(1.0-gateR));
				else inputSampleR = (inputSampleR*gateR)-(bridgerectifier*(1.0-gateR));
				if (gateR == 0.0) inputSampleR = 0.0;
			{gateR = 1.0;}
		//end Gate, begin antialiasing

		flip = !flip;
		if (flipthree < 1 || flipthree > 3) flipthree = 1;

		//begin highpass
		if (engageHighpass)
			if (flip)
				highpassSampleLAA = (highpassSampleLAA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLAA;
				highpassSampleLBA = (highpassSampleLBA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLBA;
				highpassSampleLCA = (highpassSampleLCA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLCA;
				highpassSampleLDA = (highpassSampleLDA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLDA;
				highpassSampleLAB = (highpassSampleLAB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLAB;
				highpassSampleLBB = (highpassSampleLBB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLBB;
				highpassSampleLCB = (highpassSampleLCB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLCB;
				highpassSampleLDB = (highpassSampleLDB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLDB;
			highpassSampleLE = (highpassSampleLE * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
			inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLE;
			highpassSampleLF = (highpassSampleLF * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountD);
			inputSampleL -= highpassSampleLF;

			if (flip)
				highpassSampleRAA = (highpassSampleRAA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRAA;
				highpassSampleRBA = (highpassSampleRBA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRBA;
				highpassSampleRCA = (highpassSampleRCA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRCA;
				highpassSampleRDA = (highpassSampleRDA * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRDA;
				highpassSampleRAB = (highpassSampleRAB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRAB;
				highpassSampleRBB = (highpassSampleRBB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRBB;
				highpassSampleRCB = (highpassSampleRCB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRCB;
				highpassSampleRDB = (highpassSampleRDB * (1.0 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
				inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRDB;
			highpassSampleRE = (highpassSampleRE * (1 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
			inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRE;
			highpassSampleRF = (highpassSampleRF * (1 - iirAmountD)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountD);
			inputSampleR -= highpassSampleRF;

		//end highpass

		//begin compressor
		if (engageComp)
			//begin L
			inputSampleL *= inputgain;

			inputpos = (inputSampleL * fpOld) + (avgLA * fpNew) + 1.0;
			avgLA = inputSampleL;

			if (inputpos < 0.0) inputpos = 0.0;
			outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
			if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
			inputpos *= inputpos;
			targetposL *= divisor;
			targetposL += (inputpos * remainder);
			calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposL),2);

			inputneg = (-inputSampleL * fpOld) + (nvgLA * fpNew) + 1.0;
			nvgLA = -inputSampleL;

			if (inputneg < 0.0) inputneg = 0.0;
			outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
			if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
			inputneg *= inputneg;
			targetnegL *= divisor;
			targetnegL += (inputneg * remainder);
			calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegL),2);
			//now we have mirrored targets for comp
			//outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1

			if (inputSampleL > 0)
			{ //working on pos
				if (true == flip)
					controlAposL *= divisor;
					controlAposL += (calcpos*remainder);

					controlBposL *= divisor;
					controlBposL += (calcpos*remainder);
			{ //working on neg
				if (true == flip)
					controlAnegL *= divisor;
					controlAnegL += (calcneg*remainder);
					controlBnegL *= divisor;
					controlBnegL += (calcneg*remainder);
			//this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'flip'

			if (true == flip)
			{totalmultiplier = (controlAposL * outputpos) + (controlAnegL * outputneg);}
			{totalmultiplier = (controlBposL * outputpos) + (controlBnegL * outputneg);}
			//this combines the sides according to flip, blending relative to the input value

			inputSampleL *= totalmultiplier;
			inputSampleL /= compoutgain;
			//end L

			//begin R
			inputSampleR *= inputgain;

			inputpos = (inputSampleR * fpOld) + (avgRA * fpNew) + 1.0;
			avgRA = inputSampleR;

			if (inputpos < 0.0) inputpos = 0.0;
			outputpos = inputpos / 2.0;
			if (outputpos > 1.0) outputpos = 1.0;
			inputpos *= inputpos;
			targetposR *= divisor;
			targetposR += (inputpos * remainder);
			calcpos = pow((1.0/targetposR),2);

			inputneg = (-inputSampleR * fpOld) + (nvgRA * fpNew) + 1.0;
			nvgRA = -inputSampleR;

			if (inputneg < 0.0) inputneg = 0.0;
			outputneg = inputneg / 2.0;
			if (outputneg > 1.0) outputneg = 1.0;
			inputneg *= inputneg;
			targetnegR *= divisor;
			targetnegR += (inputneg * remainder);
			calcneg = pow((1.0/targetnegR),2);
			//now we have mirrored targets for comp
			//outputpos and outputneg go from 0 to 1

			if (inputSampleR > 0)
			{ //working on pos
				if (true == flip)
					controlAposR *= divisor;
					controlAposR += (calcpos*remainder);

					controlBposR *= divisor;
					controlBposR += (calcpos*remainder);
			{ //working on neg
				if (true == flip)
					controlAnegR *= divisor;
					controlAnegR += (calcneg*remainder);
					controlBnegR *= divisor;
					controlBnegR += (calcneg*remainder);
			//this causes each of the four to update only when active and in the correct 'flip'

			if (true == flip)
			{totalmultiplier = (controlAposR * outputpos) + (controlAnegR * outputneg);}
			{totalmultiplier = (controlBposR * outputpos) + (controlBnegR * outputneg);}
			//this combines the sides according to flip, blending relative to the input value

			inputSampleR *= totalmultiplier;
			inputSampleR /= compoutgain;
			//end R
		//end compressor

		//begin EQ
		if (engageEQ)
			switch (flipthree)
				case 1:
					tripletFactorL = last2SampleL - inputSampleL;
					tripletLA += tripletFactorL;
					tripletLC -= tripletFactorL;
					tripletFactorL = tripletLA * tripletIntensity;
					iirHighSampleLC = (iirHighSampleLC * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountA);
					highSampleL = inputSampleL - iirHighSampleLC;
					iirLowSampleLC = (iirLowSampleLC * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountB);
					bassSampleL = iirLowSampleLC;

					tripletFactorR = last2SampleR - inputSampleR;
					tripletRA += tripletFactorR;
					tripletRC -= tripletFactorR;
					tripletFactorR = tripletRA * tripletIntensity;
					iirHighSampleRC = (iirHighSampleRC * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountA);
					highSampleR = inputSampleR - iirHighSampleRC;
					iirLowSampleRC = (iirLowSampleRC * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountB);
					bassSampleR = iirLowSampleRC;
				case 2:
					tripletFactorL = last2SampleL - inputSampleL;
					tripletLB += tripletFactorL;
					tripletLA -= tripletFactorL;
					tripletFactorL = tripletLB * tripletIntensity;
					iirHighSampleLD = (iirHighSampleLD * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountA);
					highSampleL = inputSampleL - iirHighSampleLD;
					iirLowSampleLD = (iirLowSampleLD * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountB);
					bassSampleL = iirLowSampleLD;

					tripletFactorR = last2SampleR - inputSampleR;
					tripletRB += tripletFactorR;
					tripletRA -= tripletFactorR;
					tripletFactorR = tripletRB * tripletIntensity;
					iirHighSampleRD = (iirHighSampleRD * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountA);
					highSampleR = inputSampleR - iirHighSampleRD;
					iirLowSampleRD = (iirLowSampleRD * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountB);
					bassSampleR = iirLowSampleRD;
				case 3:
					tripletFactorL = last2SampleL - inputSampleL;
					tripletLC += tripletFactorL;
					tripletLB -= tripletFactorL;
					tripletFactorL = tripletLC * tripletIntensity;
					iirHighSampleLE = (iirHighSampleLE * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountA);
					highSampleL = inputSampleL - iirHighSampleLE;
					iirLowSampleLE = (iirLowSampleLE * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountB);
					bassSampleL = iirLowSampleLE;

					tripletFactorR = last2SampleR - inputSampleR;
					tripletRC += tripletFactorR;
					tripletRB -= tripletFactorR;
					tripletFactorR = tripletRC * tripletIntensity;
					iirHighSampleRE = (iirHighSampleRE * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountA);
					highSampleR = inputSampleR - iirHighSampleRE;
					iirLowSampleRE = (iirLowSampleRE * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountB);
					bassSampleR = iirLowSampleRE;
			tripletLA /= 2.0;
			tripletLB /= 2.0;
			tripletLC /= 2.0;
			highSampleL = highSampleL + tripletFactorL;

			tripletRA /= 2.0;
			tripletRB /= 2.0;
			tripletRC /= 2.0;
			highSampleR = highSampleR + tripletFactorR;

			if (flip)
				iirHighSampleLA = (iirHighSampleLA * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (highSampleL * iirAmountA);
				highSampleL -= iirHighSampleLA;
				iirLowSampleLA = (iirLowSampleLA * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (bassSampleL * iirAmountB);
				bassSampleL = iirLowSampleLA;

				iirHighSampleRA = (iirHighSampleRA * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (highSampleR * iirAmountA);
				highSampleR -= iirHighSampleRA;
				iirLowSampleRA = (iirLowSampleRA * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (bassSampleR * iirAmountB);
				bassSampleR = iirLowSampleRA;
				iirHighSampleLB = (iirHighSampleLB * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (highSampleL * iirAmountA);
				highSampleL -= iirHighSampleLB;
				iirLowSampleLB = (iirLowSampleLB * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (bassSampleL * iirAmountB);
				bassSampleL = iirLowSampleLB;

				iirHighSampleRB = (iirHighSampleRB * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (highSampleR * iirAmountA);
				highSampleR -= iirHighSampleRB;
				iirLowSampleRB = (iirLowSampleRB * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (bassSampleR * iirAmountB);
				bassSampleR = iirLowSampleRB;

			iirHighSampleL = (iirHighSampleL * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (highSampleL * iirAmountA);
			highSampleL -= iirHighSampleL;
			iirLowSampleL = (iirLowSampleL * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (bassSampleL * iirAmountB);
			bassSampleL = iirLowSampleL;

			iirHighSampleR = (iirHighSampleR * (1.0 - iirAmountA)) + (highSampleR * iirAmountA);
			highSampleR -= iirHighSampleR;
			iirLowSampleR = (iirLowSampleR * (1.0 - iirAmountB)) + (bassSampleR * iirAmountB);
			bassSampleR = iirLowSampleR;

			midSampleL = (inputSampleL-bassSampleL)-highSampleL;
			midSampleR = (inputSampleR-bassSampleR)-highSampleR;

			//drive section
			highSampleL *= (densityA+1.0);
			bridgerectifier = fabs(highSampleL)*1.57079633;
			if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
			//max value for sine function
			if (densityA > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
			else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
			//produce either boosted or starved version
			if (highSampleL > 0) highSampleL = (highSampleL*(1-outA))+(bridgerectifier*outA);
			else highSampleL = (highSampleL*(1-outA))-(bridgerectifier*outA);
			//blend according to densityA control

			highSampleR *= (densityA+1.0);
			bridgerectifier = fabs(highSampleR)*1.57079633;
			if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
			//max value for sine function
			if (densityA > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
			else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
			//produce either boosted or starved version
			if (highSampleR > 0) highSampleR = (highSampleR*(1-outA))+(bridgerectifier*outA);
			else highSampleR = (highSampleR*(1-outA))-(bridgerectifier*outA);
			//blend according to densityA control

			midSampleL *= (densityB+1.0);
			bridgerectifier = fabs(midSampleL)*1.57079633;
			if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
			//max value for sine function
			if (densityB > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
			else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
			//produce either boosted or starved version
			if (midSampleL > 0) midSampleL = (midSampleL*(1-outB))+(bridgerectifier*outB);
			else midSampleL = (midSampleL*(1-outB))-(bridgerectifier*outB);
			//blend according to densityB control

			midSampleR *= (densityB+1.0);
			bridgerectifier = fabs(midSampleR)*1.57079633;
			if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
			//max value for sine function
			if (densityB > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
			else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
			//produce either boosted or starved version
			if (midSampleR > 0) midSampleR = (midSampleR*(1-outB))+(bridgerectifier*outB);
			else midSampleR = (midSampleR*(1-outB))-(bridgerectifier*outB);
			//blend according to densityB control

			bassSampleL *= (densityC+1.0);
			bridgerectifier = fabs(bassSampleL)*1.57079633;
			if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
			//max value for sine function
			if (densityC > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
			else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
			//produce either boosted or starved version
			if (bassSampleL > 0) bassSampleL = (bassSampleL*(1-outC))+(bridgerectifier*outC);
			else bassSampleL = (bassSampleL*(1-outC))-(bridgerectifier*outC);
			//blend according to densityC control

			bassSampleR *= (densityC+1.0);
			bridgerectifier = fabs(bassSampleR)*1.57079633;
			if (bridgerectifier > 1.57079633) bridgerectifier = 1.57079633;
			//max value for sine function
			if (densityC > 0) bridgerectifier = sin(bridgerectifier);
			else bridgerectifier = 1-cos(bridgerectifier);
			//produce either boosted or starved version
			if (bassSampleR > 0) bassSampleR = (bassSampleR*(1-outC))+(bridgerectifier*outC);
			else bassSampleR = (bassSampleR*(1-outC))-(bridgerectifier*outC);
			//blend according to densityC control

			inputSampleL = midSampleL;
			inputSampleL += highSampleL;
			inputSampleL += bassSampleL;

			inputSampleR = midSampleR;
			inputSampleR += highSampleR;
			inputSampleR += bassSampleR;
		//end EQ

		//begin Timing
		if (engageTiming = true)
			if (count < 1 || count > 2048) count = 2048;

			pL[count+2048] = pL[count] = inputSampleL;
			pR[count+2048] = pR[count] = inputSampleR;

			inputSampleL = pL[count+near]*nearLevel;
			inputSampleR = pR[count+near]*nearLevel;

			inputSampleL += pL[count+far]*farLevel;
			inputSampleR += pR[count+far]*farLevel;

			count -= 1;
			//consider adding third sample just to bring out superhighs subtly, like old interpolation hacks
			//or third and fifth samples, ditto
		//end Timing

		//EQ lowpass is after all processing like the compressor that might produce hash
		if (engageLowpass)
			if (flip)
				lowpassSampleLAA = (lowpassSampleLAA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLAA;
				lowpassSampleLBA = (lowpassSampleLBA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLBA;
				lowpassSampleLCA = (lowpassSampleLCA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLCA;
				lowpassSampleLDA = (lowpassSampleLDA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLDA;
				lowpassSampleLE = (lowpassSampleLE * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLE;

				lowpassSampleRAA = (lowpassSampleRAA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRAA;
				lowpassSampleRBA = (lowpassSampleRBA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRBA;
				lowpassSampleRCA = (lowpassSampleRCA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRCA;
				lowpassSampleRDA = (lowpassSampleRDA * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRDA;
				lowpassSampleRE = (lowpassSampleRE * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRE;
				lowpassSampleLAB = (lowpassSampleLAB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLAB;
				lowpassSampleLBB = (lowpassSampleLBB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLBB;
				lowpassSampleLCB = (lowpassSampleLCB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLCB;
				lowpassSampleLDB = (lowpassSampleLDB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLDB;
				lowpassSampleLF = (lowpassSampleLF * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleL = lowpassSampleLF;

				lowpassSampleRAB = (lowpassSampleRAB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRAB;
				lowpassSampleRBB = (lowpassSampleRBB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRBB;
				lowpassSampleRCB = (lowpassSampleRCB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRCB;
				lowpassSampleRDB = (lowpassSampleRDB * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRDB;
				lowpassSampleRF = (lowpassSampleRF * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);
				inputSampleR = lowpassSampleRF;
			lowpassSampleLG = (lowpassSampleLG * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
			lowpassSampleRG = (lowpassSampleRG * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);

			inputSampleL = (lowpassSampleLG * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleL * iirAmountC);
			inputSampleR = (lowpassSampleRG * (1.0 - iirAmountC)) + (inputSampleR * iirAmountC);

		//built in output trim and dry/wet if desired
		if (outputgain != 1.0) {
			inputSampleL *= outputgain;
			inputSampleR *= outputgain;

		//stereo 64 bit dither, made small and tidy.
		int expon; frexp((double)inputSampleL, &expon);
		long double dither = (rand()/(RAND_MAX*7.737125245533627e+25))*pow(2,expon+62);
		dither /= 536870912.0; //needs this to scale to 64 bit zone
		inputSampleL += (dither-fpNShapeL); fpNShapeL = dither;
		frexp((double)inputSampleR, &expon);
		dither = (rand()/(RAND_MAX*7.737125245533627e+25))*pow(2,expon+62);
		dither /= 536870912.0; //needs this to scale to 64 bit zone
		inputSampleR += (dither-fpNShapeR); fpNShapeR = dither;
		//end 64 bit dither

		*out1 = inputSampleL;
		*out2 = inputSampleR;
