path: root/spec/models/blog_posts_spec.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/models/blog_posts_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 187 deletions
diff --git a/spec/models/blog_posts_spec.rb b/spec/models/blog_posts_spec.rb
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--- a/spec/models/blog_posts_spec.rb
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-require 'spec_helper'
-Dir[File.expand_path('../../../features/support/factories/*.rb', __FILE__)].each{|factory| require factory}
-describe BlogPost do
- let(:blog_post ) { Factory :post }
- describe "validations" do
- it "requires title" do
- Factory.build(:post, :title => "").should_not be_valid
- end
- it "won't allow duplicate titles" do
- Factory.build(:post, :title => blog_post.title).should_not be_valid
- end
- it "requires body" do
- Factory.build(:post, :body => nil).should_not be_valid
- end
- end
- describe "comments association" do
- it "have a comments attribute" do
- blog_post.should respond_to(:comments)
- end
- it "destroys associated comments" do
- Factory(:blog_comment, :blog_post_id => blog_post.id)
- blog_post.destroy
- BlogComment.find_by_blog_post_id(blog_post.id).should == nil
- end
- end
- describe "categories association" do
- it "have categories attribute" do
- blog_post.should respond_to(:categories)
- end
- end
- describe "tags" do
- it "acts as taggable" do
- blog_post.should respond_to(:tag_list)
- #the factory has default tags, including 'chicago'
- blog_post.tag_list.should include("chicago")
- end
- end
- describe "authors" do
- it "are authored" do
- BlogPost.instance_methods.map(&:to_sym).should include(:author)
- end
- end
- describe "by_archive scope" do
- before do
- @blog_post1 = Factory(:post, :published_at => Date.new(2011, 3, 11))
- @blog_post2 = Factory(:post, :published_at => Date.new(2011, 3, 12))
- #2 months before
- Factory(:post, :published_at => Date.new(2011, 1, 10))
- end
- it "returns all posts from specified month" do
- #check for this month
- date = "03/2011"
- BlogPost.by_archive(Time.parse(date)).count.should == 2
- BlogPost.by_archive(Time.parse(date)).should == [@blog_post2, @blog_post1]
- end
- end
- describe "all_previous scope" do
- before do
- @blog_post1 = Factory(:post, :published_at => Time.now - 2.months)
- @blog_post2 = Factory(:post, :published_at => Time.now - 1.month)
- Factory :post, :published_at => Time.now
- end
- it "returns all posts from previous months" do
- BlogPost.all_previous.count.should == 2
- BlogPost.all_previous.should == [@blog_post2, @blog_post1]
- end
- end
- describe "live scope" do
- before do
- @blog_post1 = Factory(:post, :published_at => Time.now.advance(:minutes => -2))
- @blog_post2 = Factory(:post, :published_at => Time.now.advance(:minutes => -1))
- Factory(:post, :draft => true)
- Factory(:post, :published_at => Time.now + 1.minute)
- end
- it "returns all posts which aren't in draft and pub date isn't in future" do
- BlogPost.live.count.should == 2
- BlogPost.live.should == [@blog_post2, @blog_post1]
- end
- end
- describe "uncategorized scope" do
- before do
- @uncategorized_blog_post = Factory(:post)
- @categorized_blog_post = Factory(:post)
- @categorized_blog_post.categories << Factory(:blog_category)
- end
- it "returns uncategorized posts if they exist" do
- BlogPost.uncategorized.should include @uncategorized_blog_post
- BlogPost.uncategorized.should_not include @categorized_blog_post
- end
- end
- describe "#live?" do
- it "returns true if post is not in draft and it's published" do
- Factory(:post).live?.should be_true
- end
- it "returns false if post is in draft" do
- Factory(:post, :draft => true).live?.should be_false
- end
- it "returns false if post pub date is in future" do
- Factory(:post, :published_at => Time.now.advance(:minutes => 1)).live?.should be_false
- end
- end
- describe "#next" do
- before do
- Factory(:post, :published_at => Time.now.advance(:minutes => -1))
- @blog_post = Factory(:post)
- end
- it "returns next article when called on current article" do
- BlogPost.last.next.should == @blog_post
- end
- end
- describe "#prev" do
- before do
- Factory(:post)
- @blog_post = Factory(:post, :published_at => Time.now.advance(:minutes => -1))
- end
- it "returns previous article when called on current article" do
- BlogPost.first.prev.should == @blog_post
- end
- end
- describe "#category_ids=" do
- before do
- @cat1 = Factory(:blog_category, :id => 1)
- @cat2 = Factory(:blog_category, :id => 2)
- @cat3 = Factory(:blog_category, :id => 3)
- blog_post.category_ids = [1,2,"","",3]
- end
- it "rejects blank category ids" do
- blog_post.categories.count.should == 3
- end
- it "returns array of categories based on given ids" do
- blog_post.categories.should == [@cat1, @cat2, @cat3]
- end
- end
- describe ".comments_allowed?" do
- context "with RefinerySetting comments_allowed set to true" do
- before do
- RefinerySetting.set(:comments_allowed, { :scoping => 'blog', :value => true })
- end
- it "should be true" do
- BlogPost.comments_allowed?.should be_true
- end
- end
- context "with RefinerySetting comments_allowed set to true" do
- before do
- RefinerySetting.set(:comments_allowed, { :scoping => 'blog', :value => false })
- end
- it "should be false" do
- BlogPost.comments_allowed?.should be_false
- end
- end
- end