path: root/spec/dummy/config/initializers
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Diffstat (limited to 'spec/dummy/config/initializers')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/spec/dummy/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb b/spec/dummy/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 59385cd..0000000
--- a/spec/dummy/config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
-# You can add backtrace silencers for libraries that you're using but don't wish to see in your backtraces.
-# Rails.backtrace_cleaner.add_silencer { |line| line =~ /my_noisy_library/ }
-# You can also remove all the silencers if you're trying to debug a problem that might stem from framework code.
-# Rails.backtrace_cleaner.remove_silencers!
diff --git a/spec/dummy/config/initializers/devise.rb b/spec/dummy/config/initializers/devise.rb
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index 0d00106..0000000
--- a/spec/dummy/config/initializers/devise.rb
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-require 'devise'
-# Use this hook to configure devise mailer, warden hooks and so forth. The first
-# four configuration values can also be set straight in your models.
-::Devise.setup do |config|
- # ==> Mailer Configuration
- # Configure the e-mail address which will be shown in DeviseMailer.
- # config.mailer_sender = "please-change-me@config-initializers-devise.com"
- # Configure the class responsible to send e-mails.
- # config.mailer = "::Devise::Mailer"
- # ==> ORM configuration
- # Load and configure the ORM. Supports :active_record (default) and
- # :mongoid (bson_ext recommended) by default. Other ORMs may be
- # available as additional gems.
- require 'devise/orm/active_record'
- # ==> Configuration for any authentication mechanism
- # Configure which keys are used when authenticating an user. By default is
- # just :email. You can configure it to use [:username, :subdomain], so for
- # authenticating an user, both parameters are required. Remember that those
- # parameters are used only when authenticating and not when retrieving from
- # session. If you need permissions, you should implement that in a before filter.
- config.authentication_keys = [ :login ]
- # Tell if authentication through request.params is enabled. True by default.
- # config.params_authenticatable = true
- # Tell if authentication through HTTP Basic Auth is enabled. False by default.
- # config.http_authenticatable = false
- # Set this to true to use Basic Auth for AJAX requests. True by default.
- # config.http_authenticatable_on_xhr = true
- # The realm used in Http Basic Authentication
- # config.http_authentication_realm = "Application"
- # ==> Configuration for :database_authenticatable
- # For bcrypt, this is the cost for hashing the password and defaults to 10. If
- # using other encryptors, it sets how many times you want the password re-encrypted.
- # config.stretches = 20
- # Define which will be the encryption algorithm. Devise also supports encryptors
- # from others authentication tools as :clearance_sha1, :authlogic_sha512 (then
- # you should set stretches above to 20 for default behavior) and :restful_authentication_sha1
- # (then you should set stretches to 10, and copy REST_AUTH_SITE_KEY to pepper)
- # config.encryptor = :bcrypt
- # Setup a pepper to generate the encrypted password.
- # config.pepper = "2e20a8abdd34d729ba6d05f679e513cfea9fbb1e83c81f84b29e9e4fdbd4ee59b56a32200064082a15a72b05a4d4a6a2c3784a09c0554b3a47a67cc8333ccbc7"
- # ==> Configuration for :confirmable
- # The time you want to give your user to confirm his account. During this time
- # he will be able to access your application without confirming. Default is nil.
- # When confirm_within is zero, the user won't be able to sign in without confirming.
- # You can use this to let your user access some features of your application
- # without confirming the account, but blocking it after a certain period
- # (ie 2 days).
- # config.confirm_within = 2.days
- # ==> Configuration for :rememberable
- # The time the user will be remembered without asking for credentials again.
- # config.remember_for = 2.weeks
- # If true, a valid remember token can be re-used between multiple browsers.
- # config.remember_across_browsers = true
- # If true, extends the user's remember period when remembered via cookie.
- # config.extend_remember_period = false
- # ==> Configuration for :validatable
- # Range for password length
- config.password_length = 4..20
- # Regex to use to validate the email address
- # config.email_regexp = /^([\w\.%\+\-]+)@([\w\-]+\.)+([\w]{2,})$/i
- # ==> Configuration for :timeoutable
- # The time you want to timeout the user session without activity. After this
- # time the user will be asked for credentials again.
- # config.timeout_in = 10.minutes
- # ==> Configuration for :lockable
- # Defines which strategy will be used to lock an account.
- # :failed_attempts = Locks an account after a number of failed attempts to sign in.
- # :none = No lock strategy. You should handle locking by yourself.
- # config.lock_strategy = :failed_attempts
- # Defines which strategy will be used to unlock an account.
- # :email = Sends an unlock link to the user email
- # :time = Re-enables login after a certain amount of time (see :unlock_in below)
- # :both = Enables both strategies
- # :none = No unlock strategy. You should handle unlocking by yourself.
- # config.unlock_strategy = :both
- # Number of authentication tries before locking an account if lock_strategy
- # is failed attempts.
- # config.maximum_attempts = 20
- # Time interval to unlock the account if :time is enabled as unlock_strategy.
- # config.unlock_in = 1.hour
- # ==> Configuration for :token_authenticatable
- # Defines name of the authentication token params key
- # config.token_authentication_key = :auth_token
- # ==> Scopes configuration
- # Turn scoped views on. Before rendering "sessions/new", it will first check for
- # "users/sessions/new". It's turned off by default because it's slower if you
- # are using only default views.
- # config.scoped_views = true
- # Configure the default scope given to Warden. By default it's the first
- # devise role declared in your routes.
- # config.default_scope = :user
- # Configure sign_out behavior.
- # By default sign_out is scoped (i.e. /users/sign_out affects only :user scope).
- # In case of sign_out_all_scopes set to true any logout action will sign out all active scopes.
- # config.sign_out_all_scopes = false
- # ==> Navigation configuration
- # Lists the formats that should be treated as navigational. Formats like
- # :html, should redirect to the sign in page when the user does not have
- # access, but formats like :xml or :json, should return 401.
- # If you have any extra navigational formats, like :iphone or :mobile, you
- # should add them to the navigational formats lists. Default is [:html]
- # config.navigational_formats = [:html, :iphone]
- # ==> Warden configuration
- # If you want to use other strategies, that are not (yet) supported by Devise,
- # you can configure them inside the config.warden block. The example below
- # allows you to setup OAuth, using http://github.com/roman/warden_oauth
- #
- # config.warden do |manager|
- # manager.oauth(:twitter) do |twitter|
- # twitter.consumer_secret = <YOUR CONSUMER SECRET>
- # twitter.consumer_key = <YOUR CONSUMER KEY>
- # twitter.options :site => 'http://twitter.com'
- # end
- # manager.default_strategies(:scope => :user).unshift :twitter_oauth
- # end
diff --git a/spec/dummy/config/initializers/inflections.rb b/spec/dummy/config/initializers/inflections.rb
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index 9e8b013..0000000
--- a/spec/dummy/config/initializers/inflections.rb
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-# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
-# Add new inflection rules using the following format
-# (all these examples are active by default):
-# ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
-# inflect.plural /^(ox)$/i, '\1en'
-# inflect.singular /^(ox)en/i, '\1'
-# inflect.irregular 'person', 'people'
-# inflect.uncountable %w( fish sheep )
-# end
diff --git a/spec/dummy/config/initializers/mime_types.rb b/spec/dummy/config/initializers/mime_types.rb
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index 72aca7e..0000000
--- a/spec/dummy/config/initializers/mime_types.rb
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-# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
-# Add new mime types for use in respond_to blocks:
-# Mime::Type.register "text/richtext", :rtf
-# Mime::Type.register_alias "text/html", :iphone
diff --git a/spec/dummy/config/initializers/secret_token.rb b/spec/dummy/config/initializers/secret_token.rb
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index 7a99397..0000000
--- a/spec/dummy/config/initializers/secret_token.rb
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-# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
-# Your secret key for verifying the integrity of signed cookies.
-# If you change this key, all old signed cookies will become invalid!
-# Make sure the secret is at least 30 characters and all random,
-# no regular words or you'll be exposed to dictionary attacks.
-Dummy::Application.config.secret_token = '75470fb2f9c361e0509af41d5835fdb3fee2e588a44c68596c6201976f994e0689c434b6e8360dbc45c0d424c1811a5cf1e3f4f0550be9b784fed60fb4e5d29d'
diff --git a/spec/dummy/config/initializers/session_store.rb b/spec/dummy/config/initializers/session_store.rb
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index aa2f512..0000000
--- a/spec/dummy/config/initializers/session_store.rb
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-# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
-Dummy::Application.config.session_store :cookie_store, :key => '_dummy_session'
-# Use the database for sessions instead of the cookie-based default,
-# which shouldn't be used to store highly confidential information
-# (create the session table with "rails generate session_migration")
-# Dummy::Application.config.session_store :active_record_store
diff --git a/spec/dummy/config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb b/spec/dummy/config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb
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index 71b88b0..0000000
--- a/spec/dummy/config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb
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-# Be sure to restart your server when you modify this file.
-# This file contains settings for ActionController::ParamsWrapper which
-# is enabled by default.
-# Enable parameter wrapping for JSON. You can disable this by setting :format to an empty array.
-ActionController::Base.wrap_parameters :format => [:json]
-# Disable root element in JSON by default.
-if defined?(ActiveRecord)
- ActiveRecord::Base.include_root_in_json = false