path: root/spec/requests/refinery/blog/admin/posts_spec.rb
diff options
authorUģis Ozols <ugis.ozolss@gmail.com>2013-06-27 09:25:19 +0300
committerUģis Ozols <ugis.ozolss@gmail.com>2013-06-27 09:25:19 +0300
commit7a76219d721d6e07a8b99dd3bbcfb87136d05052 (patch)
tree133c48dca98cd416eda5b9e185d28d5972cd7051 /spec/requests/refinery/blog/admin/posts_spec.rb
parenta8af874920fff981eb535d100d736f2a0017f266 (diff)
Update specs due to recent Capybara/FactoryGirl upgrade.
Diffstat (limited to 'spec/requests/refinery/blog/admin/posts_spec.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 328 deletions
diff --git a/spec/requests/refinery/blog/admin/posts_spec.rb b/spec/requests/refinery/blog/admin/posts_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b3890a..0000000
--- a/spec/requests/refinery/blog/admin/posts_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,328 +0,0 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
-require "spec_helper"
-module Refinery
- module Blog
- module Admin
- describe Post do
- refinery_login_with :refinery_user
- let!(:blog_category) { FactoryGirl.create(:blog_category, :title => "Video Games") }
- context "when no blog posts" do
- before(:each) { subject.class.destroy_all }
- describe "blog post listing" do
- before(:each) { visit refinery.blog_admin_posts_path }
- it "invites to create new post" do
- page.should have_content("There are no Blog Posts yet. Click \"Create new post\" to add your first blog post.")
- end
- end
- describe "new blog post form" do
- before(:each) do
- visit refinery.blog_admin_posts_path
- click_link "Create new post"
- end
- it "should have Tags" do
- page.should have_content("Tags")
- end
- it "should have Video Games" do
- page.should have_content(blog_category.title)
- end
- describe "create blog post" do
- before(:each) do
- fill_in "Title", :with => "This is my blog post"
- fill_in "post_body", :with => "And I love it"
- check blog_category.title
- click_button "Save"
- end
- it "should succeed" do
- page.should have_content("was successfully added.")
- end
- it "should be the only blog post" do
- subject.class.count.should eq(1)
- end
- it "should belong to me" do
- subject.class.first.author.should eq(::Refinery::User.last)
- end
- it "should save categories" do
- subject.class.last.categories.count.should eq(1)
- subject.class.last.categories.first.title.should eq(blog_category.title)
- end
- end
- describe "create blog post with tags" do
- before(:each) do
- @tag_list = "chicago, bikes, beers, babes"
- fill_in "Title", :with => "This is a tagged blog post"
- fill_in "post_body", :with => "And I also love it"
- fill_in "Tags", :with => @tag_list
- click_button "Save"
- end
- it "should succeed" do
- page.should have_content("was successfully added.")
- end
- it "should be the only blog post" do
- subject.class.count.should eq(1)
- end
- it "should have the specified tags" do
- subject.class.last.tag_list.sort.should eq(@tag_list.split(', ').sort)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- context "when has blog posts" do
- let!(:blog_post) do
- Globalize.with_locale(:en) { FactoryGirl.create(:blog_post) }
- end
- describe "blog post listing" do
- before(:each) { visit refinery.blog_admin_posts_path }
- describe "edit blog post" do
- it "should succeed" do
- page.should have_content(blog_post.title)
- click_link("Edit this blog post")
- current_path.should == refinery.edit_blog_admin_post_path(blog_post)
- fill_in "Title", :with => "hax0r"
- click_button "Save"
- page.should_not have_content(blog_post.title)
- page.should have_content("'hax0r' was successfully updated.")
- end
- end
- describe "deleting blog post" do
- it "should succeed" do
- page.should have_content(blog_post.title)
- click_link "Remove this blog post forever"
- page.should have_content("'#{blog_post.title}' was successfully removed.")
- end
- end
- describe "view live" do
- it "redirects to blog post in the frontend" do
- click_link "View this blog post live"
- current_path.should == refinery.blog_post_path(blog_post)
- page.should have_content(blog_post.title)
- end
- end
- end
- context "when uncategorized post" do
- it "shows up in the list" do
- visit refinery.uncategorized_blog_admin_posts_path
- page.should have_content(blog_post.title)
- end
- end
- context "when categorized post" do
- it "won't show up in the list" do
- blog_post.categories << blog_category
- blog_post.save!
- visit refinery.uncategorized_blog_admin_posts_path
- page.should_not have_content(blog_post.title)
- end
- end
- end
- context "with multiple users" do
- let!(:other_guy) { Factory(:refinery_user, :username => "Other Guy") }
- describe "create blog post with alternate author" do
- before(:each) do
- visit refinery.blog_admin_posts_path
- click_link "Create new post"
- fill_in "Title", :with => "This is some other guy's blog post"
- fill_in "post_body", :with => "I totally didn't write it."
- click_link "Advanced options"
- select other_guy.username, :from => "Author"
- click_button "Save"
- end
- it "should succeed" do
- page.should have_content("was successfully added.")
- end
- it "belongs to another user" do
- subject.class.last.author.should eq(other_guy)
- end
- end
- end
- context "with translations" do
- before(:each) do
- Globalize.locale = :en
- Refinery::I18n.stub(:frontend_locales).and_return([:en, :ru])
- blog_page = Factory.create(:page, :link_url => "/blog", :title => "Blog")
- Globalize.with_locale(:ru) do
- blog_page.title = 'блог'
- blog_page.save
- end
- visit refinery.blog_admin_posts_path
- end
- describe "add a blog post with title for default locale" do
- before do
- click_link "Create new post"
- fill_in "Title", :with => "Post"
- fill_in "post_body", :with => "One post in my blog"
- click_button "Save"
- @p = Refinery::Blog::Post.find_by_title("Post")
- end
- it "succeeds" do
- page.should have_content("'Post' was successfully added.")
- Refinery::Blog::Post.count.should eq(1)
- end
- it "shows locale flag for post" do
- within "#post_#{@p.id}" do
- page.should have_css("img[src='/assets/refinery/icons/flags/en.png']")
- end
- end
- it "shows up in blog page for default locale" do
- visit refinery.blog_root_path
- page.should have_selector("#post_#{@p.id}")
- end
- it "does not show up in blog page for secondary locale" do
- visit refinery.blog_root_path(:locale => :ru)
- page.should_not have_selector("#post_#{@p.id}")
- end
- end
- describe "add a blog post with title only for secondary locale" do
- let(:ru_page_title) { 'Новости' }
- before do
- click_link "Create new post"
- within "#switch_locale_picker" do
- click_link "Ru"
- end
- fill_in "Title", :with => ru_page_title
- fill_in "post_body", :with => "One post in my blog"
- click_button "Save"
- @p = Refinery::Blog::Post.find_by_title("Новости")
- end
- it "succeeds" do
- page.should have_content("was successfully added.")
- Refinery::Blog::Post.count.should eq(1)
- end
- it "shows title in secondary locale" do
- within "#post_#{@p.id}" do
- page.should have_content(ru_page_title)
- end
- end
- it "shows locale flag for post" do
- within "#post_#{@p.id}" do
- page.should have_css("img[src='/assets/refinery/icons/flags/ru.png']")
- end
- end
- it "does not show locale flag for primary locale" do
- within "#post_#{@p.id}" do
- page.should_not have_css("img[src='/assets/refinery/icons/flags/en.png']")
- end
- end
- it "does not show up in blog page for default locale" do
- visit refinery.blog_root_path
- page.should_not have_selector("#post_#{@p.id}")
- end
- it "shows up in blog page for secondary locale" do
- visit refinery.blog_root_path(:locale => :ru)
- page.should have_selector("#post_#{@p.id}")
- end
- end
- context "with a blog post in both locales" do
- let!(:blog_post) do
- _blog_post = Globalize.with_locale(:en) { FactoryGirl.create(:blog_post, :title => 'First Post') }
- Globalize.with_locale(:ru) do
- _blog_post.title = 'Домашняя страница'
- _blog_post.save
- end
- _blog_post
- end
- before(:each) do
- visit refinery.blog_admin_posts_path
- end
- it "shows both locale flags for post" do
- within "#post_#{blog_post.id}" do
- page.should have_css("img[src='/assets/refinery/icons/flags/en.png']")
- page.should have_css("img[src='/assets/refinery/icons/flags/ru.png']")
- end
- end
- describe "edit the post in english" do
- it "succeeds" do
- within "#post_#{blog_post.id}" do
- click_link("En")
- end
- current_path.should == refinery.edit_blog_admin_post_path(blog_post)
- fill_in "Title", :with => "New Post Title"
- click_button "Save"
- page.should_not have_content(blog_post.title)
- page.should have_content("'New Post Title' was successfully updated.")
- end
- end
- describe "edit the post in secondary locale" do
- it "succeeds" do
- within "#post_#{blog_post.id}" do
- click_link("Ru")
- end
- fill_in "Title", :with => "Нов"
- click_button "Save"
- page.should_not have_content(blog_post.title)
- page.should have_content("'Нов' was successfully updated.")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end