require "abstract_unit" class UrlHelperTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase # In a few cases, the helper proxies to 'controller' # or request. # # In those cases, we'll set up a simple mock attr_accessor :controller, :request cattr_accessor :request_forgery self.request_forgery = false routes = routes.draw do get "/" => "foo#bar" get "/other" => "foo#other" get "/article/:id" => "foo#article", :as => :article get "/category/:category" => "foo#category" end include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper include routes.url_helpers include ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper include Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions::DomAssertions include ActionView::Context include RenderERBUtils setup :_prepare_context def hash_for(options = {}) { controller: "foo", action: "bar" }.merge!(options) end alias url_hash hash_for def test_url_for_does_not_escape_urls assert_equal "/?a=b&c=d", url_for(hash_for(a: :b, c: :d)) end def test_url_for_does_not_include_empty_hashes assert_equal "/", url_for(hash_for(a: {})) end def test_url_for_with_back referer = "" @controller ="HTTP_REFERER" => referer)) assert_equal "", url_for(:back) end def test_url_for_with_back_and_no_referer @controller ={})) assert_equal "javascript:history.back()", url_for(:back) end def test_url_for_with_back_and_no_controller @controller = nil assert_equal "javascript:history.back()", url_for(:back) end def test_url_for_with_back_and_javascript_referer referer = "javascript:alert(document.cookie)" @controller ="HTTP_REFERER" => referer)) assert_equal "javascript:history.back()", url_for(:back) end def test_url_for_with_invalid_referer referer = "THIS IS NOT A URL" @controller ="HTTP_REFERER" => referer)) assert_equal "javascript:history.back()", url_for(:back) end def test_to_form_params_with_hash assert_equal( [{ name: :name, value: "David" }, { name: :nationality, value: "Danish" }], to_form_params(name: "David", nationality: "Danish") ) end def test_to_form_params_with_nested_hash assert_equal( [{ name: "country[name]", value: "Denmark" }], to_form_params(country: { name: "Denmark" }) ) end def test_to_form_params_with_array_nested_in_hash assert_equal( [{ name: "countries[]", value: "Denmark" }, { name: "countries[]", value: "Sweden" }], to_form_params(countries: ["Denmark", "Sweden"]) ) end def test_to_form_params_with_namespace assert_equal( [{ name: "country[name]", value: "Denmark" }], to_form_params({ name: "Denmark" }, "country") ) end def test_button_to_with_straight_url assert_dom_equal %{
}, button_to("Hello", "") end def test_button_to_with_path assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", article_path("Hello")) ) end def test_button_to_with_straight_url_and_request_forgery self.request_forgery = true assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "") ) ensure self.request_forgery = false end def test_button_to_with_form_class assert_dom_equal %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", form_class: "custom-class") end def test_button_to_with_form_class_escapes assert_dom_equal %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", form_class: "") end def test_button_to_with_query assert_dom_equal %{
}, button_to("Hello", "") end def test_button_to_with_html_safe_URL assert_dom_equal %{
}, button_to("Hello", raw("")) end def test_button_to_with_query_and_no_name assert_dom_equal %{
}, button_to(nil, "") end def test_button_to_with_javascript_confirm assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }) ) end def test_button_to_with_javascript_disable_with assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", data: { disable_with: "Greeting..." }) ) end def test_button_to_with_remote_and_form_options assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", remote: true, form: { class: "custom-class", "data-type" => "json" }) ) end def test_button_to_with_remote_and_javascript_confirm assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", remote: true, data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }) ) end def test_button_to_with_remote_and_javascript_disable_with assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", remote: true, data: { disable_with: "Greeting..." }) ) end def test_button_to_with_remote_false assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", remote: false) ) end def test_button_to_enabled_disabled assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", disabled: false) ) assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", disabled: true) ) end def test_button_to_with_method_delete assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", method: :delete) ) end def test_button_to_with_method_get assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", method: :get) ) end def test_button_to_with_block assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("") { content_tag(:span, "Hello") } ) end def test_button_to_with_params assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", params: { foo: :bar, baz: "quux" }) ) end class FakeParams def initialize(permitted = true) @permitted = permitted end def permitted? @permitted end def to_h { foo: :bar, baz: "quux" } end end def test_button_to_with_permitted_strong_params assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", params: ) end def test_button_to_with_unpermitted_strong_params assert_raises(ArgumentError) do button_to("Hello", "", params: end end def test_button_to_with_nested_hash_params assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", params: { foo: { bar: "baz" } }) ) end def test_button_to_with_nested_array_params assert_dom_equal( %{
}, button_to("Hello", "", params: { foo: ["bar"] }) ) end def test_link_tag_with_straight_url assert_dom_equal %{Hello}, link_to("Hello", "") end def test_link_tag_without_host_option assert_dom_equal(%{Test Link}, link_to("Test Link", url_hash)) end def test_link_tag_with_host_option hash = hash_for(host: "") expected = %{Test Link} assert_dom_equal(expected, link_to("Test Link", hash)) end def test_link_tag_with_query expected = %{Hello} assert_dom_equal expected, link_to("Hello", "") end def test_link_tag_with_query_and_no_name expected = %{} assert_dom_equal expected, link_to(nil, "") end def test_link_tag_with_back env = { "HTTP_REFERER" => "" } @controller = expected = %{go back} assert_dom_equal expected, link_to("go back", :back) end def test_link_tag_with_back_and_no_referer @controller ={})) link = link_to("go back", :back) assert_dom_equal %{go back}, link end def test_link_tag_with_img link = link_to(raw(""), "/") expected = %{} assert_dom_equal expected, link end def test_link_with_nil_html_options link = link_to("Hello", url_hash, nil) assert_dom_equal %{Hello}, link end def test_link_tag_with_custom_onclick link = link_to("Hello", "", onclick: "alert('yay!')") expected = %{Hello} assert_dom_equal expected, link end def test_link_tag_with_javascript_confirm assert_dom_equal( %{Hello}, link_to("Hello", "", data: { confirm: "Are you sure?" }) ) assert_dom_equal( %{Hello}, link_to("Hello", "", data: { confirm: "You cant possibly be sure, can you?" }) ) assert_dom_equal( %{Hello}, link_to("Hello", "", data: { confirm: "You cant possibly be sure,\n can you?" }) ) end def test_link_to_with_remote assert_dom_equal( %{Hello}, link_to("Hello", "", remote: true) ) end def test_link_to_with_remote_false assert_dom_equal( %{Hello}, link_to("Hello", "", remote: false) ) end def test_link_to_with_symbolic_remote_in_non_html_options assert_dom_equal( %{Hello}, link_to("Hello", hash_for(remote: true), {}) ) end def test_link_to_with_string_remote_in_non_html_options assert_dom_equal( %{Hello}, link_to("Hello", hash_for("remote" => true), {}) ) end def test_link_tag_using_post_javascript assert_dom_equal( %{Hello}, link_to("Hello", "", method: :post) ) end def test_link_tag_using_delete_javascript assert_dom_equal( %{Destroy}, link_to("Destroy", "", method: :delete) ) end def test_link_tag_using_delete_javascript_and_href assert_dom_equal( %{Destroy}, link_to("Destroy", "", method: :delete, href: "#") ) end def test_link_tag_using_post_javascript_and_rel assert_dom_equal( %{Hello}, link_to("Hello", "", method: :post, rel: "example") ) end def test_link_tag_using_post_javascript_and_confirm assert_dom_equal( %{Hello}, link_to("Hello", "", method: :post, data: { confirm: "Are you serious?" }) ) end def test_link_tag_using_delete_javascript_and_href_and_confirm assert_dom_equal( %{Destroy}, link_to("Destroy", "", method: :delete, href: "#", data: { confirm: "Are you serious?" }) ) end def test_link_tag_with_block assert_dom_equal %{Example site}, link_to("/") { content_tag(:span, "Example site") } end def test_link_tag_with_block_and_html_options assert_dom_equal %{Example site}, link_to("/", class: "special") { content_tag(:span, "Example site") } end def test_link_tag_using_block_and_hash assert_dom_equal( %{Example site}, link_to(url_hash) { content_tag(:span, "Example site") } ) end def test_link_tag_using_block_in_erb out = render_erb %{<%= link_to('/') do %>Example site<% end %>} assert_equal 'Example site', out end def test_link_tag_with_html_safe_string assert_dom_equal( %{Gerd Müller}, link_to("Gerd Müller", article_path("Gerd_Müller")) ) end def test_link_tag_escapes_content assert_dom_equal %{Malicious <script>content</script>}, link_to("Malicious ", "/") end def test_link_tag_does_not_escape_html_safe_content assert_dom_equal %{Malicious }, link_to(raw("Malicious "), "/") end def test_link_to_unless assert_equal "Showing", link_to_unless(true, "Showing", url_hash) assert_dom_equal %{Listing}, link_to_unless(false, "Listing", url_hash) assert_equal "Showing", link_to_unless(true, "Showing", url_hash) { |name| raw "#{name}" } assert_equal "test", link_to_unless(true, "Showing", url_hash) { "test" } assert_equal %{<b>Showing</b>}, link_to_unless(true, "Showing", url_hash) assert_equal %{<b>Showing</b>}, link_to_unless(false, "Showing", url_hash) assert_equal %{Showing}, link_to_unless(true, raw("Showing"), url_hash) assert_equal %{Showing}, link_to_unless(false, raw("Showing"), url_hash) end def test_link_to_if assert_equal "Showing", link_to_if(false, "Showing", url_hash) assert_dom_equal %{Listing}, link_to_if(true, "Listing", url_hash) end def test_link_to_if_with_block assert_equal "Fallback", link_to_if(false, "Showing", url_hash) { "Fallback" } assert_dom_equal %{Listing}, link_to_if(true, "Listing", url_hash) { "Fallback" } end def request_for_url(url, opts = {}) env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("{url}", opts) end def test_current_page_with_http_head_method @request = request_for_url("/", method: :head) assert current_page?(url_hash) assert current_page?("") end def test_current_page_with_simple_url @request = request_for_url("/") assert current_page?(url_hash) assert current_page?("") end def test_current_page_ignoring_params @request = request_for_url("/?order=desc&page=1") assert current_page?(url_hash) assert current_page?("") end def test_current_page_with_params_that_match @request = request_for_url("/?order=desc&page=1") assert current_page?(hash_for(order: "desc", page: "1")) assert current_page?("") end def test_current_page_with_not_get_verb @request = request_for_url("/events", method: :post) assert !current_page?("/events") end def test_current_page_with_escaped_params @request = request_for_url("/category/administra%c3%a7%c3%a3o") assert current_page?(controller: "foo", action: "category", category: "administração") end def test_current_page_with_escaped_params_with_different_encoding @request = request_for_url("/") @request.stub(:path, "/category/administra%c3%a7%c3%a3o".force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)) do assert current_page?(controller: "foo", action: "category", category: "administração") assert current_page?("") end end def test_current_page_with_double_escaped_params @request = request_for_url("/category/administra%c3%a7%c3%a3o?") assert current_page?(controller: "foo", action: "category", category: "administração", callback_url: "") end def test_current_page_with_trailing_slash @request = request_for_url("/posts") assert current_page?("/posts/") end def test_link_unless_current @request = request_for_url("/") assert_equal "Showing", link_to_unless_current("Showing", url_hash) assert_equal "Showing", link_to_unless_current("Showing", "") @request = request_for_url("/?order=desc") assert_equal "Showing", link_to_unless_current("Showing", url_hash) assert_equal "Showing", link_to_unless_current("Showing", "") @request = request_for_url("/?order=desc&page=1") assert_equal "Showing", link_to_unless_current("Showing", hash_for(order: "desc", page: "1")) assert_equal "Showing", link_to_unless_current("Showing", "") @request = request_for_url("/?order=desc") assert_equal %{Showing}, link_to_unless_current("Showing", hash_for(order: :asc)) assert_equal %{Showing}, link_to_unless_current("Showing", "") @request = request_for_url("/?order=desc") assert_equal %{Showing}, link_to_unless_current("Showing", hash_for(order: "desc", page: 2)) assert_equal %{Showing}, link_to_unless_current("Showing", "") @request = request_for_url("/show") assert_equal %{Listing}, link_to_unless_current("Listing", url_hash) assert_equal %{Listing}, link_to_unless_current("Listing", "") end def test_link_to_unless_with_block assert_dom_equal %{Showing}, link_to_unless(false, "Showing", url_hash) { "Fallback" } assert_equal "Fallback", link_to_unless(true, "Listing", url_hash) { "Fallback" } end def test_mail_to assert_dom_equal %{}, mail_to("") assert_dom_equal %{David Heinemeier Hansson}, mail_to("", "David Heinemeier Hansson") assert_dom_equal( %{David Heinemeier Hansson}, mail_to("", "David Heinemeier Hansson", "class" => "admin") ) assert_equal mail_to("", "David Heinemeier Hansson", "class" => "admin"), mail_to("", "David Heinemeier Hansson", class: "admin") end def test_mail_to_with_special_characters assert_dom_equal( %{#!$%&'*+-/=?^_`{}|}, mail_to("#!$%&'*+-/=?^_`{}|") ) end def test_mail_with_options assert_dom_equal( %{My email}, mail_to("", "My email", cc: "", bcc: "", subject: "This is an example email", body: "This is the body of the message.", reply_to: "") ) assert_dom_equal( %{My email}, mail_to("", "My email", cc: "", bcc: "", subject: "This is an example email", body: "This is the body of the message.") ) end def test_mail_to_with_img assert_dom_equal %{}, mail_to("", raw('')) end def test_mail_to_with_html_safe_string assert_dom_equal( %{}, mail_to(raw("")) ) end def test_mail_to_with_nil assert_dom_equal( %{}, mail_to(nil) ) end def test_mail_to_returns_html_safe_string assert mail_to("").html_safe? end def test_mail_to_with_block assert_dom_equal %{Email me}, mail_to("") { content_tag(:span, "Email me") } end def test_mail_to_with_block_and_options assert_dom_equal %{Email me}, mail_to("", cc: "", class: "special") { content_tag(:span, "Email me") } end def test_mail_to_does_not_modify_html_options_hash options = { class: "special" } mail_to "", "ME!", options assert_equal({ class: "special" }, options) end def protect_against_forgery? request_forgery end def form_authenticity_token(*args) "secret" end def request_forgery_protection_token "form_token" end private def sort_query_string_params(uri) path, qs = uri.split("?") qs = qs.split("&").sort.join("&") if qs qs ? "#{path}?#{qs}" : path end end class UrlHelperControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase class UrlHelperController < ActionController::Base test_routes do get "url_helper_controller_test/url_helper/show/:id", to: "url_helper_controller_test/url_helper#show", as: :show get "url_helper_controller_test/url_helper/profile/:name", to: "url_helper_controller_test/url_helper#show", as: :profile get "url_helper_controller_test/url_helper/show_named_route", to: "url_helper_controller_test/url_helper#show_named_route", as: :show_named_route ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do get "/:controller(/:action(/:id))" end get "url_helper_controller_test/url_helper/normalize_recall_params", to: UrlHelperController.action(:normalize_recall), as: :normalize_recall_params get "/url_helper_controller_test/url_helper/override_url_helper/default", to: "url_helper_controller_test/url_helper#override_url_helper", as: :override_url_helper end def show if params[:name] render inline: "ok" else redirect_to profile_path(params[:id]) end end def show_url_for render inline: "<%= url_for controller: 'url_helper_controller_test/url_helper', action: 'show_url_for' %>" end def show_named_route render inline: "<%= show_named_route_#{params[:kind]} %>" end def nil_url_for render inline: "<%= url_for(nil) %>" end def normalize_recall_params render inline: "<%= normalize_recall_params_path %>" end def recall_params_not_changed render inline: "<%= url_for(action: :show_url_for) %>" end def override_url_helper render inline: "<%= override_url_helper_path %>" end def override_url_helper_path "/url_helper_controller_test/url_helper/override_url_helper/override" end helper_method :override_url_helper_path end tests UrlHelperController def test_url_for_shows_only_path get :show_url_for assert_equal "/url_helper_controller_test/url_helper/show_url_for", @response.body end def test_named_route_url_shows_host_and_path get :show_named_route, params: { kind: "url" } assert_equal "", @response.body end def test_named_route_path_shows_only_path get :show_named_route, params: { kind: "path" } assert_equal "/url_helper_controller_test/url_helper/show_named_route", @response.body end def test_url_for_nil_returns_current_path get :nil_url_for assert_equal "/url_helper_controller_test/url_helper/nil_url_for", @response.body end def test_named_route_should_show_host_and_path_using_controller_default_url_options class << @controller def default_url_options { host: "" } end end get :show_named_route, params: { kind: "url" } assert_equal "", @response.body end def test_recall_params_should_be_normalized get :normalize_recall_params assert_equal "/url_helper_controller_test/url_helper/normalize_recall_params", @response.body end def test_recall_params_should_not_be_changed get :recall_params_not_changed assert_equal "/url_helper_controller_test/url_helper/show_url_for", @response.body end def test_recall_params_should_normalize_id get :show, params: { id: "123" } assert_equal 302, @response.status assert_equal "", @response.location get :show, params: { name: "123" } assert_equal "ok", @response.body end def test_url_helper_can_be_overridden get :override_url_helper assert_equal "/url_helper_controller_test/url_helper/override_url_helper/override", @response.body end end class TasksController < ActionController::Base test_routes do resources :tasks end def index render_default end def show render_default end private def render_default render inline: "<%= link_to_unless_current('tasks', tasks_path) %>\n" + "<%= link_to_unless_current('tasks', tasks_url) %>" end end class LinkToUnlessCurrentWithControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase tests TasksController def test_link_to_unless_current_to_current get :index assert_equal "tasks\ntasks", @response.body end def test_link_to_unless_current_shows_link get :show, params: { id: 1 } assert_equal %{tasks\n} + %{tasks}, @response.body end end class Session extend ActiveModel::Naming include ActiveModel::Conversion attr_accessor :id, :workshop_id def initialize(id) @id = id end def persisted? id.present? end def to_s id.to_s end end class WorkshopsController < ActionController::Base test_routes do resources :workshops do resources :sessions end end def index @workshop = render inline: "<%= url_for(@workshop) %>\n<%= link_to('Workshop', @workshop) %>" end def show @workshop =[:id]) render inline: "<%= url_for(@workshop) %>\n<%= link_to('Workshop', @workshop) %>" end end class SessionsController < ActionController::Base test_routes do resources :workshops do resources :sessions end end def index @workshop =[:workshop_id]) @session = render inline: "<%= url_for([@workshop, @session]) %>\n<%= link_to('Session', [@workshop, @session]) %>" end def show @workshop =[:workshop_id]) @session =[:id]) render inline: "<%= url_for([@workshop, @session]) %>\n<%= link_to('Session', [@workshop, @session]) %>" end def edit @workshop =[:workshop_id]) @session =[:id]) @url = [@workshop, @session, format: params[:format]] render inline: "<%= url_for(@url) %>\n<%= link_to('Session', @url) %>" end end class PolymorphicControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def test_new_resource @controller = get :index assert_equal %{/workshops\nWorkshop}, @response.body end def test_existing_resource @controller = get :show, params: { id: 1 } assert_equal %{/workshops/1\nWorkshop}, @response.body end def test_new_nested_resource @controller = get :index, params: { workshop_id: 1 } assert_equal %{/workshops/1/sessions\nSession}, @response.body end def test_existing_nested_resource @controller = get :show, params: { workshop_id: 1, id: 1 } assert_equal %{/workshops/1/sessions/1\nSession}, @response.body end def test_existing_nested_resource_with_params @controller = get :edit, params: { workshop_id: 1, id: 1, format: "json" } assert_equal %{/workshops/1/sessions/1.json\nSession}, @response.body end end