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Use ImageProcessing gem for ActiveStorage variants
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ImageProcessing gem is a wrapper around MiniMagick and ruby-vips, and
implements an interface for common image resizing and processing. This
is the canonical image processing gem recommended in [Shrine], and
that's where it developed from. The initial implementation was extracted
from Refile, which also implements on-the-fly transformations.
Some features that ImageProcessing gem adds on top of MiniMagick:
* resizing macros
- #resize_to_limit
- #resize_to_fit
- #resize_to_fill
- #resize_and_pad
* automatic orientation
* automatic thumbnail sharpening
* avoids the complex and inefficient MiniMagick::Image class
* will use "magick" instead of "convert" on ImageMagick 7
However, the biggest feature of the ImageProcessing gem is that it has
an alternative implementation that uses libvips. Libvips is an
alternative to ImageMagick that can process images very rapidly (we've
seen up 10x faster than ImageMagick).
What's great is that the ImageProcessing gem provides the same interface
for both implementations. The macros are named the same, and the libvips
implementation does auto orientation and thumbnail sharpening as well;
only the operations/options specific to ImageMagick/libvips differ. The
integration provided by this PR should work for both implementations.
The plan is to introduce the ImageProcessing backend in Rails 6.0 as the
default backend and deprecate the MiniMagick backend, then in Rails 6.1
remove the MiniMagick backend.
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Fix `.rubocop.yml: Lint/EndAlignment has the wrong namespace - should be Layout` warning
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The issue was fixed with https://github.com/petergoldstein/dalli/pull/679,
and a new version containing that fix was released.
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Fix turbolinks warning in railties test
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* Upgrade turbolinks from v5.0.1 to v5.1.0
* Fix warning in railties test
warning: assigned but unused variable - visit_action
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There's no reason to block future versions of Capybara since we don't
_know_ they are going to break. How will we know if we have a
conservative option set? This change prevents us from blocking users who
want to upgrade in the future.
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Mocha v1.5.0 is currently the latest release.
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It seems that it is no longer possible to specify the value held by
`Capybara.server` as sever.
Ref: https://github.com/teamcapybara/capybara/commit/ba7674086cbcd3b22d3614011815bc5d483e5960
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Move SourceAnnotationExtractor under Rails module
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1.2.1 fixes a bug in `Kernel.require` and resolve a test failure.
See https://github.com/Shopify/bootsnap/pull/143
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Somehow `test_config_another_database` didn't fail on CI, but it will
fail locally.
% bundle exec ruby -w -Itest test/generators/app_generator_test.rb -n test_config_another_database
Run options: -n test_config_another_database --seed 7260
# Running:
AppGeneratorTest#test_config_another_database [test/generators/app_generator_test.rb:417]:
Expected /^\s*gem\s+["']mysql2["'], '~> 0.4.4'$*/ to match "source 'https://rubygems.org'\ngit_source(:github) { |repo| \"https://github.com/\#{repo}.git\" }\n\nruby '2.5.0'\n\n# Bundle edge Rails instead: gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails'\ngem 'rails', '~> 6.0.0.alpha'\n# Use mysql as the database for Active Record\ngem 'mysql2', '>= 0.4.4', '< 0.6.0'\n# Use Puma as the app server\ngem 'puma', '~> 3.11'\n# Use SCSS for stylesheets\ngem 'sass-rails', '~> 5.0'\n# Use Uglifier as compressor for JavaScript assets\ngem 'uglifier', '>= 1.3.0'\n# See https://github.com/rails/execjs#readme for more supported runtimes\n# gem 'mini_racer', platforms: :ruby\n\n# Use CoffeeScript for .coffee assets and views\ngem 'coffee-rails', '~> 4.2'\n# Turbolinks makes navigating your web application faster. Read more: https://github.com/turbolinks/turbolinks\ngem 'turbolinks', '~> 5'\n# Build JSON APIs with ease. Read more: https://github.com/rails/jbuilder\ngem 'jbuilder', '~> 2.5'\n# Use Redis adapter to run Action Cable in production\n# gem 'redis', '~> 4.0'\n# Use ActiveModel has_secure_password\n# gem 'bcrypt', '~> 3.1.7'\n\n# Use ActiveStorage variant\n# gem 'mini_magick', '~> 4.8'\n\n# Use Capistrano for deployment\n# gem 'capistrano-rails', group: :development\n\n# Reduces boot times through caching; required in config/boot.rb\ngem 'bootsnap', '>= 1.1.0', require: false\n\ngroup :development, :test do\n # Call 'byebug' anywhere in the code to stop execution and get a debugger console\n gem 'byebug', platforms: [:mri, :mingw, :x64_mingw]\nend\n\ngroup :development do\n # Access an interactive console on exception pages or by calling 'console' anywhere in the code.\n gem 'web-console', '>= 3.3.0'\n gem 'listen', '>= 3.0.5', '< 3.2'\n # Spring speeds up development by keeping your application running in the background. Read more: https://github.com/rails/spring\n gem 'spring'\n gem 'spring-watcher-listen', '~> 2.0.0'\nend\n\ngroup :test do\n # Adds support for Capybara system testing and selenium driver\n gem 'capybara', '>= 2.15', '< 4.0'\n gem 'selenium-webdriver'\n # Easy installation and use of chromedriver to run system tests with Chrome\n gem 'chromedriver-helper'\nend\n\n# Windows does not include zoneinfo files, so bundle the tzinfo-data gem\ngem 'tzinfo-data', platforms: [:mingw, :mswin, :x64_mingw, :jruby]\n".
bin/rails test test/generators/app_generator_test.rb:411
Finished in 0.174681s, 5.7247 runs/s, 34.3483 assertions/s.
1 runs, 6 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
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See flavorjones/loofah#144
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It's causing a test to fail.
Ref: https://travis-ci.org/rails/rails/jobs/353758855#L1433-L1501
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Follow up of #32151
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Fixes #32129.
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Includes [Switch Layout/SpaceBeforeBlockBraces's empty braces default](https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop/pull/5263) from [0.52.1](https://github.com/bbatsov/rubocop/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#0521-2017-12-27).
Before: 131 offenses detected.
After: no offenses detected
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Although not a direct dependency, it's pulled in by Resque for
Active Job integration tests so we need to update because the
rack-protection gem has a security vulnerability[1].
[1]: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-7212
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Skip 0.4.8 and 0.4.9, which had
[Compilation failures against MariaDB Connector/C 3.0.2](https://github.com/brianmario/mysql2/releases/tag/0.4.10).
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In order to use `minitest_bisect` with Minitest 5.11.x, it needs to be
Ref: https://github.com/seattlerb/minitest-server/issues/2
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Update em-socksify to the latest version
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Avoid warning: parentheses after method name is interpreted as an argument list, not a decomposed argument
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We locked Minitest to 5.11.1 in #31799
because 5.11.2 included a breaking change.
The change was fixed in 5.11.3, so we no
longer need to lock in the version.
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To workaround `undefined method `error?' for` reported
at https://travis-ci.org/rails/rails/jobs/333456146
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Follow up to e1473e0cbfbd97eeea2bc6eefd73bec0d4863359
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This will avoid the branch being deleted by mistake making all builds to
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PostgreSQL: Allow pg-1.0 gem to be used with ActiveRecord
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Queue_classic currently limits pg to "< 0.20".
It is therefore not used for rails CI tests. There has been
a bull request for a while (by a co-worker of mine), which
fixes the incompatibilities and extends dependencies to pg-1.x.
This patch add this pull request to the Gemfile as an interim
solution, until it is merged.
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Seems some tests not work with Minitest 5.11.0.
* https://travis-ci.org/rails/rails/jobs/323997512#L1053
* https://travis-ci.org/rails/rails/jobs/323997486#L1055
Ref: https://github.com/seattlerb/minitest/issues/729
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Ref: https://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#414---2017-12-29
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For pass Active Job integration tests with Ruby 2.5.
Ref: https://github.com/collectiveidea/delayed_job/pull/996
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The v4.3.1 has already released that includes Redis 4.0 support.
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The `keyfile` was renamed to `credentials` in `google-cloud-storage` 1.8.0.
Although `keyfile` can still be used, but it looks like deprecate.
Therefore, I think that should use `credentials` in newly generated
Ref: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/google-cloud-ruby/issues/1802
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`em-hiredis` is unused since 48766e32d31651606b9f68a16015ad05c3b0de2c