path: root/railties
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79 files changed, 3456 insertions, 2958 deletions
diff --git a/railties/CHANGELOG b/railties/CHANGELOG
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2386 +0,0 @@
-*Rails 3.2.0 (unreleased)*
-* Default options to `rails new` can be set in ~/.railsrc [Guillermo Iguaran]
-* Added destroy alias to Rails engines. [Guillermo Iguaran]
-* Added destroy alias for Rails command line. This allows the following: `rails d model post`. [Andrey Ognevsky]
-* Attributes on scaffold and model generators default to string. This allows the following: "rails g scaffold Post title body:text author" [José Valim]
-* Removed old plugin generator (`rails generate plugin`) in favor of `rails plugin new` command. [Guillermo Iguaran]
-* Removed old 'config.paths.app.controller' API in favor of 'config.paths["app/controller"]' API. [Guillermo Iguaran]
-*Rails 3.1.1
-* Add jquery-rails to Gemfile of plugins, test/dummy app needs it. Closes #3091. [Santiago Pastorino]
-* Add config.assets.initialize_on_precompile which, when set to false, forces
- `rake assets:precompile` to load the application but does not initialize it.
- To the app developer, this means configuration add in
- config/initializers/* will not be executed.
- Plugins developers need to special case their initializers that are
- meant to be run in the assets group by adding :group => :assets.
-*Rails 3.1.0 (August 30, 2011)*
-* The default database schema file is written as UTF-8. [Aaron Patterson]
-* Generated apps with --dev or --edge flags depend on git versions of
-sass-rails and coffee-rails. [Santiago Pastorino]
-* Rack::Sendfile middleware is used only if x_sendfile_header is present. [Santiago Pastorino]
-* Add JavaScript Runtime name to the Rails Info properties. [DHH]
-* Make pp enabled by default in Rails console. [Akira Matsuda]
-* Add alias `r` for rails runner. [Jordi Romero]
-* Make sprockets/railtie require explicit and add --skip-sprockets to app generator [José Valim]
-* Added Rails.groups that automatically handles Rails.env and ENV["RAILS_GROUPS"] [José Valim]
-* The new rake task assets:clean removes precompiled assets. [fxn]
-* Application and plugin generation run bundle install unless --skip-gemfile or --skip-bundle. [fxn]
-* Fixed database tasks for jdbc* adapters #jruby [Rashmi Yadav]
-* Template generation for jdbcpostgresql #jruby [Vishnu Atrai]
-* Template generation for jdbcmysql and jdbcsqlite3 #jruby [Arun Agrawal]
-* The -j option of the application generator accepts an arbitrary string. If passed "foo",
-the gem "foo-rails" is added to the Gemfile, and the application JavaScript manifest
-requires "foo" and "foo_ujs". As of this writing "prototype-rails" and "jquery-rails"
-exist and provide those files via the asset pipeline. Default is "jquery". [fxn]
-* jQuery is no longer vendored, it is provided from now on by the jquery-rails gem. [fxn]
-* Prototype and Scriptaculous are no longer vendored, they are provided from now on
-by the prototype-rails gem. [fxn]
-* The scaffold controller will now produce SCSS file if Sass is available [Prem Sichanugrist]
-* The controller and resource generators will now automatically produce asset stubs (this can be turned off with --skip-assets). These stubs will use Coffee and Sass, if those libraries are available. [DHH]
-* jQuery is the new default JavaScript library. [fxn]
-* Changed scaffold, application, and mailer generator to create Ruby 1.9 style hash when running on Ruby 1.9 [Prem Sichanugrist]
- So instead of creating something like:
- redirect_to users_path, :notice => "User has been created"
- it will now be like this:
- redirect_to users_path, notice: "User has been created"
- You can also passing `--old-style-hash` to make Rails generate old style hash even you're on Ruby 1.9
-* Changed scaffold_controller generator to create format block for JSON instead of XML [Prem Sichanugrist]
-* Add using Turn with natural language test case names for test_help.rb when running with minitest (Ruby 1.9.2+) [DHH]
-* Direct logging of Active Record to STDOUT so it's shown inline with the results in the console [DHH]
-* Added `config.force_ssl` configuration which loads Rack::SSL middleware and force all requests to be under HTTPS protocol [DHH, Prem Sichanugrist, and Josh Peek]
-* Added `rails plugin new` command which generates rails plugin with gemspec, tests and dummy application for testing [Piotr Sarnacki]
-* Added -j parameter with jquery/prototype as options. Now you can create your apps with jQuery using `rails new myapp -j jquery`. The default is still Prototype. [siong1987]
-* Added Rack::Etag and Rack::ConditionalGet to the default middleware stack [José Valim]
-* Added Rack::Cache to the default middleware stack [Yehuda Katz and Carl Lerche]
-* Engine is now rack application [Piotr Sarnacki]
-* Added middleware stack to Engine [Piotr Sarnacki]
-* Engine can now load plugins [Piotr Sarnacki]
-* Engine can load its own environment file [Piotr Sarnacki]
-* Added helpers to call engines' route helpers from application and vice versa [Piotr Sarnacki]
-* Task for copying plugins' and engines' migrations to application's db/migrate directory [Piotr Sarnacki]
-* Changed ActionDispatch::Static to allow handling multiple directories [Piotr Sarnacki]
-* Added isolate_namespace() method to Engine, which sets Engine as isolated [Piotr Sarnacki]
-* Include all helpers from plugins and shared engines in application [Piotr Sarnacki]
-*Rails 3.0.7 (April 18, 2011)*
-*No changes.
-*Rails 3.0.6 (April 5, 2011)
-* No changes.
-*Rails 3.0.5 (February 26, 2011)*
-* No changes.
-*Rails 3.0.4 (February 8, 2011)*
-* No changes.
-*Rails 3.0.3 (November 16, 2010)*
-* No changes.
-*Rails 3.0.2 (November 15, 2010)*
-* No changes.
-*Rails 3.0.1 (October 15, 2010)*
-* No Changes, just a version bump.
-*Rails 3.0.0 (August 29, 2010)*
-* Application generation: --skip-testunit and --skip-activerecord become --skip-test-unit and --skip-active-record respectively. [fxn]
-* Added console to Rails::Railtie as a hook called just after console starts. [José Valim]
-* Rails no longer autoload code in lib for application. You need to explicitly require it. [José Valim]
-* Rails::LogSubscriber was renamed to ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber [José Valim]
-* config.load_(once_)paths in config/application.rb got renamed to config.autoload_(once_)paths. [fxn]
-* Abort generation/booting on Ruby 1.9.1. [fxn]
-* Made the rails command work even when you're in a subdirectory [Chad Fowler]
-* Removed Rails Metal [Yehuda Katz, José Valim].
-* Renamed config.cookie_secret to config.secret_token and pass it as env key. [José Valim]
-* Session store configuration has changed [Yehuda Katz, Carl Lerche]
- config.session_store :cookie_store, {:key => "..."}
- config.cookie_secret = "fdsfhisdghfidugnfdlg"
-* railtie_name and engine_name are deprecated. You can now add any object to
- the configuration object: config.your_plugin = {} [José Valim]
-* Added config.generators.templates to provide alternative paths for the generators
- to look for templates [José Valim]
-* Added "rake about" as a replacement for script/about [DHH]
-* Removed all the default commands in script/* and replaced them with script/rails and a rails command that'll act the same when run from within the app [DHH]. Example:
- ./script/generate scaffold post title:string can now be called as rails g scaffold post title:string
- Run rails --help inside an app for more help.
-* Removed config/initializers/new_rails_defaults.rb as all frameworks now follow the settings from it [DHH]
-* Set config.time_zone to UTC by default [DHH]
-* Added default .gitignore (this is just recognizing Git market share, don't throw a hissy if you use another SCM) [DHH]
-* Added cookies.permanent, cookies.signed, and cookies.permanent.signed accessor for common cookie actions [DHH]. Examples:
- cookies.permanent[:prefers_open_id] = true
- # => Set-Cookie: prefers_open_id=true; path=/; expires=Sun, 16-Dec-2029 03:24:16 GMT
- cookies.signed[:discount] = 45
- # => Set-Cookie: discount=BAhpMg==--2c1c6906c90a3bc4fd54a51ffb41dffa4bf6b5f7; path=/
- cookies.signed[:discount]
- # => 45 (if the cookie was changed, you'll get a InvalidSignature exception)
- cookies.permanent.signed[:remember_me] = current_user.id
- # => Set-Cookie: discount=BAhU--848956038e692d7046deab32b7131856ab20e14e; path=/; expires=Sun, 16-Dec-2029 03:24:16 GMT
- ...to use the signed cookies, you need to set a secret to ActionController::Base.cookie_verifier_secret (automatically done in config/initializers/cookie_verification_secret.rb for new Rails applications).
-* Added config/initializers/cookie_verification_secret.rb with an auto-generated secret for using ActionController::Base#cookies.signed [DHH]
-* Fixed that the debugger wouldn't go into IRB mode because of left-over ARGVs [DHH]
-* I18n support for plugins. #2325 [Antonio Tapiador, Sven Fuchs]
-* Ruby 1.9: use UTF-8 for default internal and external encodings. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Added db/seeds.rb as a default file for storing seed data for the database. Can be loaded with rake db:seed (or created alongside the db with db:setup). (This is also known as the "Stop Putting Gawd Damn Seed Data In Your Migrations" feature) [DHH]
-*2.3.2 [Final] (March 15, 2009)*
-* Remove outdated script/plugin options [Pratik Naik]
-* Allow metal to live in plugins #2045 [Matthew Rudy]
-* Added metal [Josh Peek]
-* Remove script/performance/request in favour of the performance integration tests. [Pratik Naik]
- To continue using script/performance/request, install the request_profiler plugin :
- script/plugin install git://github.com/rails/request_profiler.git
-* Add a rake task to apply a template to an existing application : rake rails:template LOCATION=~/template.rb [Pratik Naik]
-* Add "-m/--template" option to Rails generator to apply a template to the generated application. [Jeremy McAnally]
- This has been extracted from rg - http://github.com/jeremymcanally/rg
- Example:
- # template.rb
- # Install plugins from git or svn
- plugin "will-paginate", :git => "git://github.com/mislav/will_paginate.git"
- plugin "old-restful-auth", :svn => "http://svn.techno-weenie.net/projects/plugins/restful_authentication/"
- # Add gems to environment.rb
- gem "jeremymcanally-context"
- gem "bluecloth"
- # Vendor file. Data in a string or...
- vendor("borrowed.rb", <<CODE
- def helpful_method
- do_something_helpful_here
- end
- # ...file data from block return value.
- # #initializer creates a new initializer file
- initializer("crypto.rb") do
- salt = "--#{Time.now}--#{rand}--#{srand(Time.now.to_i)}"
- "SPECIAL_SALT = '#{salt}'"
- end
- Usage:
- To use a template, provide a file path or URL:
- 1. Using a local file :
- rails <application name> -m /path/to/my/template.rb
- 2. Or directly from a URL :
- rails <application name> --template=http://gist.github.com/31208.txt
-* Extracted the process scripts (inspector, reaper, spawner) into the plugin irs_process_scripts [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Changed Rails.root to return a Pathname object (allows for Rails.root.join('app', 'controllers') => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers") #1482 [Damian Janowski/?]
-* Added view path support for engines [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added that config/routes.rb files in engine plugins are automatically loaded (and reloaded when they change in dev mode) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added app/[models|controllers|helpers] to the load path for plugins that has an app directory (go engines ;)) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Add config.preload_frameworks to load all frameworks at startup. Default to false so Rails autoloads itself as it's used. Turn this on for Passenger and JRuby. Also turned on by config.threadsafe! [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Add a rake task to generate dispatchers : rake rails:generate_dispatchers [Pratik Naik]
-* "rails <app>" will not generate public/dispatch.cgi/fcgi/rb files by default now. Please use "--with-dispatchers" option if you need them. [Yaroslav Markin, Pratik Naik]
-* Added rake rails:update:application_controller to renamed application.rb to application_controller.rb -- included in rake rails:update so upgrading to 2.3 will automatically trigger it #1439 [kastner]
-* Added Rails.backtrace_cleaner as an accessor for the Rails::BacktraceCleaner instance used by the framework to cut down on backtrace noise and config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb to add your own (or turn them all off) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Switch from Test::Unit::TestCase to ActiveSupport::TestCase. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Added config.i18n settings gatherer to config/environment, auto-loading of all locales in config/locales/*.rb,yml, and config/locales/en.yml as a sample locale [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Renamed application.rb to application_controller.rb and removed all the special casing that was in place to support the former. You must do this rename in your own application when you upgrade to this version [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-*2.2.1 [RC2] (November 14th, 2008)*
-* Fixed plugin generator so that generated unit tests would subclass ActiveSupport::TestCase, also introduced a helper script to reduce the needed require statements #1137 [Mathias Meyer]
-* Update Prototype to [sam]
-*2.2.0 [RC1] (October 24th, 2008)*
-* Fixed that sqlite would report "db/development.sqlite3 already exists" whether true or not on db:create #614 [Antonio Cangiano]
-* Added config.threadsafe! to toggle allow concurrency settings and disable the dependency loader [Josh Peek]
-* Turn cache_classes on by default [Josh Peek]
-* Added configurable eager load paths. Defaults to app/models, app/controllers, and app/helpers [Josh Peek]
-* Introduce simple internationalization support. [Ruby i18n team]
-* Make script/plugin install <plugin> -r <revision> option work with git based plugins. #257. [Tim Pope Jakub Kuźma]. Example:
- script/plugin install git://github.com/mislav/will_paginate.git -r agnostic # Installs 'agnostic' branch
- script/plugin install git://github.com/dchelimsky/rspec.git -r 'tag 1.1.4'
-* Added Rails.initialized? flag [Josh Peek]
-* Make rake test:uncommitted work with Git. [Tim Pope]
-* Added Thin support to script/server. #488 [Bob Klosinski]
-* Fix script/about in production mode. #370 [Cheah Chu Yeow, Xavier Noria, David Krmpotic]
-* Add the gem load paths before the framework is loaded, so certain gems like RedCloth and BlueCloth can be frozen.
-* Fix discrepancies with loading rails/init.rb from gems.
-* Plugins check for the gem init path (rails/init.rb) before the standard plugin init path (init.rb) [Jacek Becela]
-* Changed all generated tests to use the test/do declaration style [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Wrapped Rails.env in StringInquirer so you can do Rails.env.development? [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Fixed that RailsInfoController wasn't considering all requests local in development mode (Edgard Castro) [#310 state:resolved]
-*2.1.0 (May 31st, 2008)*
-* script/dbconsole fires up the command-line database client. #102 [Steve Purcell]
-* Fix bug where plugin init.rb files from frozen gem specs weren't being run. (pjb3) [#122 state:resolved]
-* Made the location of the routes file configurable with config.routes_configuration_file (Scott Fleckenstein) [#88]
-* Rails Edge info returns the latest git commit hash [Francesc Esplugas]
-* Added Rails.public_path to control where HTML and assets are expected to be loaded from (defaults to Rails.root + "/public") #11581 [Nick Sieger]
-* rake time:zones:local finds correct base utc offset for zones in the Southern Hemisphere [Geoff Buesing]
-* Don't require rails/gem_builder during rails initialization, it's only needed for the gems:build task. [Rick Olson]
-* script/performance/profiler compatibility with the ruby-prof >= 0.5.0. Closes #9176. [Jonathan del Strother]
-* Flesh out rake gems:unpack to unpack all gems, and add rake gems:build for native extensions. #11513 [ddollar]
- rake gems:unpack # unpacks all gems
- rake gems:unpack GEM=mygem # unpacks only the gem 'mygem'
- rake gems:build # builds all unpacked gems
- rake gems:build GEM=mygem # builds only the gem 'mygem'
-* Add config.active_support for future configuration options. Also, add more new Rails 3 config settings to new_rails_defaults.rb [Rick Olson]
-* Add Rails.logger, Rails.root, Rails.env and Rails.cache shortcuts for RAILS_* constants [Pratik Naik]
-* Allow files in plugins to be reloaded like the rest of the application. [Rick Olson]
- Enables or disables plugin reloading.
- config.reload_plugins = true
- You can get around this setting per plugin.
- If #reload_plugins? == false (DEFAULT), add this to your plugin's init.rb to make it reloadable:
- Dependencies.load_once_paths.delete lib_path
- If #reload_plugins? == true, add this to your plugin's init.rb to only load it once:
- Dependencies.load_once_paths << lib_path
-* Small tweak to allow plugins to specify gem dependencies. [Rick Olson]
- # OLD open_id_authentication plugin init.rb
- require 'yadis'
- require 'openid'
- ActionController::Base.send :include, OpenIdAuthentication
- # NEW
- config.gem "ruby-openid", :lib => "openid", :version => "1.1.4"
- config.gem "ruby-yadis", :lib => "yadis", :version => "0.3.4"
- config.after_initialize do
- ActionController::Base.send :include, OpenIdAuthentication
- end
-* Added config.gem for specifying which gems are required by the application, as well as rake tasks for installing and freezing gems. [Rick Olson]
- Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
- config.gem "bj"
- config.gem "hpricot", :version => '0.6', :source => "http://code.whytheluckystiff.net"
- config.gem "aws-s3", :lib => "aws/s3"
- end
- # List required gems.
- rake gems
- # Install all required gems:
- rake gems:install
- # Unpack specified gem to vendor/gems/gem_name-x.x.x
- rake gems:unpack GEM=bj
-* Removed the default .htaccess configuration as there are so many good deployment options now (kept it as an example in README) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* config.time_zone accepts TZInfo::Timezone identifiers as well as Rails TimeZone identifiers [Geoff Buesing]
-* Rails::Initializer#initialize_time_zone raises an error if value assigned to config.time_zone is not recognized. Rake time zone tasks only require ActiveSupport instead of entire environment [Geoff Buesing]
-* Stop adding the antiquated test/mocks/* directories and only add them to the path if they're still there for legacy reasons [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added that gems can now be plugins if they include rails/init.rb #11444 [John Barnette]
-* Added Plugin#about method to programmatically access the about.yml in a plugin #10979 [James Adam]
- plugin = Rails::Plugin.new(path_to_my_plugin)
- plugin.about["author"] # => "James Adam"
- plugin.about["url"] # => "http://interblah.net"
-* Improve documentation. [Ryan Bigg, Jan De Poorter, Cheah Chu Yeow, Xavier Shay, Jack Danger Canty, Emilio Tagua, Xavier Noria, Sunny Ripert]
-* Added config.time_zone = 'UTC' in the default environment.rb [Geoff Buesing]
-* Added rake tasks time:zones:all, time:zones:us and time:zones:local for finding time zone names for config.time_zone option [Geoff Buesing]
-* Add config.time_zone for configuring the default Time.zone value. #10982 [Geoff Buesing]
-* Added support for installing plugins hosted at git repositories #11294 [Jack Danger Canty]
-* Fixed that script/generate would not look for plugin generators in plugin_paths #11000 [glv]
-* Fixed database rake tasks to work with charset/collation and show proper error messages on failure. Closes #11301 [matt]
-* Added a -e/--export to script/plugin install, uses svn export. #10847 [jon@blankpad.net)]
-* Reshuffle load order so that routes and observers are initialized after plugins and app initializers. Closes #10980 [Rick Olson]
-* Git support for script/generate. #10690 [ssoroka]
-* Update scaffold to use labels instead of bold tags. Closes #10757 [zach-inglis-lt3]
-* Resurrect WordNet synonym lookups. #10710 [tom./, matt]
-* Added config.cache_store to environment options to control the default cache store (default is FileStore if tmp/cache is present, otherwise MemoryStore is used) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added that rails:update is run when you do rails:freeze:edge to ensure you also get the latest JS and config files #10565 [jeff]
-* SQLite: db:drop:all doesn't fail silently if the database is already open. #10577 [Cheah Chu Yeow, mrichman]
-* Introduce native mongrel handler and push mutex into dispatcher. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Ruby 1.9 compatibility. #1689, #10546 [Cheah Chu Yeow, frederico]
-*2.0.2* (December 16th, 2007)
-* Changed the default database from mysql to sqlite3, so now running "rails myapp" will have a config/database.yml that's setup for SQLite3 (which in OS X Leopard is installed by default, so is the gem, so everything Just Works with no database configuration at all). To get a Rails application preconfigured for MySQL, just run "rails -d mysql myapp" [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Turned on ActionView::Base.cache_template_loading by default in config/environments/production.rb to prevent file system stat calls for every template loading to see if it changed (this means that you have to restart the application to see template changes in production mode) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Introduce `rake secret` to output a crytographically secure secret key for use with cookie sessions #10363 [revans]
-* Fixed that local database creation should consider local #9026 [parcelbrat]
-* Fixed that functional tests generated for scaffolds should use fixture calls instead of hard-coded IDs #10435 [boone]
-* Added db:migrate:redo and db:migrate:reset for rerunning existing migrations #10431, #10432 [matt]
-* RAILS_GEM_VERSION may be double-quoted also. #10443 [James Cox]
-* Update rails:freeze:gems to work with RubyGems 0.9.5. [Jeremy Kemper]
-*2.0.1* (December 7th, 2007)
-* Fixed Active Record bug
-*2.0.0* (December 6th, 2007)
-* The test task stops with a warning if you have pending migrations. #10377 [Josh Knowles]
-* Add warning to documentation about using transactional fixtures when the code under test uses transactions itself. Closes #7548 [Thijs van der Vossen]
-* Update Prototype to [sam]
-* Update script.aculo.us to [madrobby]
-* Added db:fixtures:identity as a way of locating what ID a foxy fixture was assigned #10332 [John Barnette]
-* Generated fixtures should not specify ids since theyre expected to be foxy fixtures #10330 [John Barnette]
-* Update to Prototype -r8232. [sam]
-* Introduce SecretKeyGenerator for more secure session secrets than CGI::Session's pseudo-random id generator. Consider extracting to Active Support later. #10286 [Hongli Lai (Phusion)]
-* RAILS_GEM_VERSION may be set to any valid gem version specifier. #10057 [Chad Woolley, Cheah Chu Yeow]
-* Load config/preinitializer.rb, if present, before loading the environment. #9943 [Chad Woolley]
-* FastCGI handler ignores unsupported signals like USR2 on Windows. [Grzegorz Derebecki]
-* Only load ActionMailer::TestCase if ActionMailer is loaded. Closes #10137 [defunkt]
-* Fixed that db:reset would use migrations instead of loading db/schema.rb [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Ensure the plugin loader only loads plugins once. Closes #10102 [haruki_zaemon]
-* Refactor Plugin Loader. Add plugin lib paths early, and add lots of tests. Closes #9795 [James Adam]
-* Added --skip-timestamps to generators that produce models #10036 [Tim Pope]
-* Update Prototype to 1.6.0 and script.aculo.us to 1.8.0. [sam, madrobby]
-* Added db:rollback to rollback the schema one version (or multiple as specified by STEP) [Jeffrey Allan Hardy]
-* Fix typo in test_helper. Closes #9925 [viktor tron]
-* Request profiler. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* config/boot.rb correctly detects RAILS_GEM_VERSION. #9834 [alexch, thewoolleyman]
-* Fixed incorrect migration number if script/generate executed outside of Rails root #7080 [Jeremy McAnally]
-* Update Prototype to 1.6.0_rc1 and script.aculo.us to 1.8.0 preview 0. [sam, madrobby]
-* Generated fixtures use the actual primary key instead of id. #4343 [Frederick Ros, Tarmo Tänav]
-* Extend the console +helper+ method to allow you to include custom helpers. e.g:
- >> helper :posts
- >> helper.some_method_from_posts_helper(Post.find(1))
-* db:create works with remote databases whereas db:create:all only creates
-databases on localhost. #9753 [Trevor Wennblom]
-* Removed calls to fixtures in generated tests as fixtures :all is now present by default in test_helper.rb [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Add --prefix option to script/server when using mongrel. [dacat]
-*2.0.0 [Preview Release]* (September 29th, 2007) [Includes duplicates of changes from 1.1.4 - 1.2.3]
-* Fixed that installing plugins from SVN repositories that use trunk/ will work #8188 [evan]
-* Moved the SourceAnnotationExtractor to a separate file in case libraries try to load the rails rake tasks twice. [Rick Olson]
-* Moved Dispatcher to ActionController::Dispatcher. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Changed the default logger from Ruby's own Logger with the clean_logger extensions to ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger for performance reasons [David Heinemeier Hansson]. (You can change it back with config.logger = Logger.new("/path/to/log", level).)
-* Added a default 422.html page to be rendered when ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved, or ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken is raised [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added --skip-fixture option to script/generate model #6862 [sandofsky]
-* Print Rails version when starting console #7440 [eyematz]
-* Fixed the placement of fixture files for nested models when generating through script/generate model #7547 [jkit]
-* Added TEMPLATE option to rake doc:app to set a custom output template #7737 [Jakob Skjerning]
-* Added VERBOSE option to rake db:migrate to turn off output #8204 [John Barnette]
-* Fixed that rake doc:app should use UTF-8 #8906 [farzy]
-* Fixes rake annotations to search erb and builder files as well #9150 [m.langenberg]
-* Removed web_service generator [Michael Koziarski]
-* Added the :all option to config.plugins that'll include the rest of the plugins not already explicitly named #9613 [Frederick Cheung]. Example:
- # Loads :classic_pagination before all the other plugins
- config.plugins = [ :classic_pagination, :all ]
-* Added symbols as a legal way of specifying plugins in config.plugins #9629 [tom]
-* Removed deprecated task names, like clear_logs, in favor of the new namespaced style [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Support multiple config.after_initialize blocks so plugins and apps can more easily cooperate. #9582 [Zach Dennis]
-* Added db:drop:all to drop all databases declared in config/database.yml [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Use attribute pairs instead of the migration name to create add and remove column migrations. Closes #9166 [Pratik Naik]
- For example:
- ruby script/generation migration AddSomeStuffToCustomers first_name:string last_name:string
- or
- ruby script/generation migration RemoveSomeStuffFromCustomers first_name:string last_name:string
-* Add ActiveResource to Rails::Info. Closes #8741 [Chris Kampmeier]
-* use Gem.find_name instead of search when freezing gems. Prevent false positives for other gems with rails in the name. Closes #8729 [wselman]
-* Automatically generate add/remove column commands in specially named migrations like AddLocationToEvent. Closes #9006 [Ryan Davis]
-* Default to plural table name in Rails Generator if ActiveRecord is not present. Closes #8963 [evan]
-* Added rake routes for listing all the defined routes in the system. #8795 [Josh Peek]
-* db:create creates the database for the current environment if it's on localhost. db:create:all creates local databases for all environments. #8783 [matt]
-* Generators: look for generators in all gems, not just those suffixed with _generator, in the gem's generators or rails_generators directory. Allow use of the rails_generators directory instead of the standard generators directory in plugins also. #8730 [Dr Nic, topfunky]
-* MySQL, PostgreSQL: database.yml defaults to utf-8. #8701 [matt]
-* Added db:version to get the current schema number [via Err The Blog]
-* Added --skip-migration option to scaffold and resource generators #8656 [Michael Glaesemann]
-* Fix that FCGIs would leave log files open when asked to shut down by USR2. #3028 [Sebastian Kanthak, Josh Peek]
-* Fixed that dispatcher preparation callbacks only run once in production mode. Mock Routes.reload so that dispatcher preparation callback tests run. [Rick Olson]
-* Fix syntax error in dispatcher than wrecked failsafe responses. #8625 [mtitorenko]
-* Scaffolded validation errors set the appropriate HTTP status for XML responses. #6946, #8622 [Manfred Stienstra, mmmultiworks]
-* Sexy migrations for the session_migration generator. #8561 [Vladislav]
-* Console reload! runs to_prepare callbacks also. #8393 [f.svehla]
-* Generated migrations include timestamps by default. #8501 [Shane Vitarana]
-* Drop Action Web Service from rails:freeze:edge. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Add db:create, drop, reset, charset, and collation tasks. #8448 [matt]
-* Scaffold generator depends on model generator instead of duplicating it. #7222 [bscofield]
-* Scaffold generator tests. #8443 [pelle]
-* Generated scaffold functional tests use assert_difference. #8421 [Norbert Crombach]
-* Update to Prototype 1.5.1. [Sam Stephenson]
-* Update to script.aculo.us 1.7.1_beta3. [Thomas Fuchs]
-* Generators use *.html.erb view template naming. #8278 [Tim Pope]
-* Updated resource_scaffold and model generators to use short-hand style migrations [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Updated initializer to only load #{RAILS_ENV}.rb once. Added deprecation warning for config.breakpoint_server. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Removed breakpointer and Binding.of_caller in favor of relying on ruby-debug by Kent Sibilev since the breakpointer has been broken since Ruby 1.8.4 and will not be coming back [David Heinemeier Hansson]
- To use the new debugger, start your server with script/server --debugger and insert a call to 'debugger'
- (instead of 'breakpoint') where you want to jump into the debugger.
- BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBILITY NOTE: You must remove the default line 12 from config/environments/development.rb:
- config.breakpoint_server = true
- This configuration option is no longer available. Rails will fail to start in development mode as long as
- that's still present.
-* Resource scaffolding returns the created entity.to_xml. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Resource scaffolding responds to new.xml. #8185 [Eric Mill]
-* Include Active Resource in rails:freeze:edge rake task. [Thomas Fuchs]
-* Include Active Resource instead of Action Web Service [David Heinemeier Hansson] You can add AWS back with this in config/environment.rb:
- config.load_paths += %W( #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/actionwebservice/lib )
- ...or just gem 'actionwebservice'
-* Give generate scaffold a more descriptive database message. Closes #7316 [Jeremy McAnally]
-* Canonicalize RAILS_ROOT by using File.expand_path on Windows, which doesn't have to worry about symlinks, and Pathname#realpath elsewhere, which respects symlinks in relative paths but is incompatible with Windows. #6755 [Jeremy Kemper, trevor]
-* Deprecation: remove components from controller paths. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Add environment variable RAILS_DEFAULT_DATABASE, which allows the builtin default of 'mysql' to be overridden. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Windows: include MinGW in RUBY_PLATFORM check. #2982 [okkez000@gmail.com, Kaspar Schiess]
-* Split out the basic plugin locator functionality into an abstract super class. Add a FileSystemLocator to do the job of checking the plugin_paths for plugins. Add plugin_locators configuration option which will iterate over the set of plugin locators and load each of the plugin loaders they return. Rename locater everywhere to locator. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Split plugin location and loading out of the initializer and into a new Plugin namespace, which includes Plugin::Locater and Plugin::Loader. The loader class that is used can be customized using the config.plugin_loader option. Those monkey patching the plugin loading subsystem take note, the internals changing here will likely break your modifications. The good news is that it should be substantially easier to hook into the plugin locating and loading process now. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Added assumption that all plugin creators desire to be sharing individuals and release their work under the MIT license [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added source-annotations extractor tasks to rake [Jamis Buck]. This allows you to add FIXME, OPTIMIZE, and TODO comments to your source code that can then be extracted in concert with rake notes (shows all), rake notes:fixme, rake notes:optimize and rake notes:todo.
-* Added fixtures :all to test_helper.rb to assume that most people just want all their fixtures loaded all the time [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added config/initializers where all ruby files within it are automatically loaded after the Rails configuration is done, so you don't have to litter the environment.rb file with a ton of mixed stuff [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* For new apps, generate a random secret for the cookie-based session store. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Stop swallowing errors during rake test [Michael Koziarski]
-* Update Rails Initializer to use ActionController::Base#view_paths [Rick Olson]
-* Fix gem deprecation warnings, which also means depending on RubyGems 0.9.0+ [Chad Fowler]
-* Plugins may be symlinked in vendor/plugins. #4245 [brandon, progrium@gmail.com]
-* Resource generator depends on the model generator rather than duplicating it. #7269 [bscofield]
-* Add/Update usage documentation for script/destroy, resource generator and scaffold_resource generator. Closes #7092, #7271, #7267. [bscofield]
-* Update to script.aculo.us 1.7.0. [Thomas Fuchs]
-* Update to Prototype 1.5.0. [Sam Stephenson]
-* Generator: use destination path for diff tempfiles. #7015 [alfeld]
-* Fixed that webrick would strip leading newlines and hang connection #4156 [psross]
-* Ensure plugins are in the Dependencies.load_once_paths collection by default. [Rick Olson]
- If you really want your plugins to reload, add this to the very top of init.rb:
- Dependencies.load_once_paths.delete(lib_path)
-* Allow config.to_prepare to work, make the dispatcher safe to 're require'. [Michael Koziarski, Nicholas Seckar]
-* Fix scaffold_resource generator so it respects the --pretend argument when creating the routes file. Closes #6852 [fearoffish]
-* Fix Webrick Daemon dispatching bug regarding a bad current working directory. Closes #4899 [Rick Olson]
-* Make config.plugins affect the load path and the dependencies system. Allows you to control plugin loading order, and keep disabled plugins off the load path. [James Adam]
-* Don't generate a components directory in new Rails apps. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Fixed script/process/spawner to work properly with Mongrel including in -r (daemonize mode) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added one-letter aliases for the three default environments to script/console, so script/console p will load the production environment (t for test, d for development) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Fixed that script/server running against Mongrel should tail the proper log regardless of the environment [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Update initializer to load Rails::VERSION as soon as possible. Closes #6698. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Added ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! in development mode so the database connection is not carried over from request to request. Some databases won't reread the schema if that doesn't happen (I'm looking at you SQLite), so you have to restart the server after each migration (= no fun) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Made RAILS_GEM_VERSION work for beta gems too, so specifying 1.1.6 will give you if available [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Update to Prototype and script.aculo.us [5579]. [Thomas Fuchs]
-* Made script/server work with -e and -d when using Mongrel [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc2 [5550] which makes it work in Opera again [Thomas Fuchs]
-* Make sure that exceptions which are thrown outside of the user code try their best to be handeled in ApplicationController#rescue_action [Tobias Lütke]
-* Rails::VERSION::STRING should always be available without having to require 'rails/version'. #6244 [fearoffish]
-* Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc2. [Sam Stephenson]
-* Add grep-based fallback to reaper, to work in pidless setups [Jamis Buck]
-* Only wrap request processing with our USR1 signal handler so FastCGI can trap it and raise an exception while waiting for connections. Idle processes exit immediately rather than waiting for another request; active processes gracefully exit when the request is finished. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Alter prior change to use require_dependency instead of require_or_load. Causes ApplicationController to be reloaded again. Closes #6587. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Rake: use absolute paths to load lib and vendor tasks so they may be run outside of RAILS_ROOT. #6584 [jchris]
-* Remove temporary crutch to help ApplicationController be unloaded. Closes #6496. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* scaffold_resource generator uses _path named routes and head instead of render :nothing => true. #6545 [Josh Susser]
-* Generator can show diff on file collision to help you decide whether to skip or overwrite. #6364 [jeffw, Jeremy Kemper]
-* Generated directories are recursively svn added, like mkdir -p. #6416 [NeilW]
-* resource and scaffold_resource generators add a restful route to config/routes.rb [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Revert environment changes for autoload_paths. [Michael Koziarski]
-* Update to latest Prototype, which doesn't serialize disabled form elements, adds clone() to arrays, empty/non-string Element.update() and adds a fixes excessive error reporting in WebKit beta versions [Thomas Fuchs]
-* Clean up the output of rake stats, de-emphasise components and apis, and remove the indents for tests [Michael Koziarski]
-* Added option to script/process/spawner of specifying the binding address #5133 [Dee Zsombor]
-* Update environment.rb comments to include config.autoload_paths. Closes #6478 [caio]
-* Update scaffold to use new form_tag block functionality. Closes #6480. [Bob Silva]
-* Plugin generator: check for class collisions. #4833 [vinbarnes@gmail.com]
-* Mailer generator: handle mailers in modules, set mime_version in unit test. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Set $KCODE to 'u' by default to enable the multibyte safe String#chars proxy. [Michael Koziarski]
-* Added config.plugins to control which plugins are loaded #6269 [Stefan Kaes]. By default, everything in vendor/plugins will be loaded, but if you specify config.plugins, only those will be loaded. Example:
- config.plugins = %w[ routing_navigator simply_helpful ]
-* Clean up html on included error pages. [Tim Lucas]
-* Fixed default 404.html and 500.htmls to remove extreme ugliness and include human language [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Update to latest Prototype and script.aculo.us trunk versions [Thomas Fuchs]
-* PostgreSQL: db:test:purge closes open database connections first. #6236 [alex]
-* Fixed test:uncommitted on Windows (backslash issue) #4999 [paul@paulbutcher.com]
-* Fixed migration creation to work with namespaced models, so script/generate model Gallery::Image will use create_table :gallery_images #6327 [Bob Silva]
-* Fixed rename_table on SQLite tables with indexes defined #5942 [brandon@opensoul.org]
-* Added default timeout setting of 5 seconds to SQLite3 database.yml configurations [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added generated attribute options to script/generate model, like the one found in scaffold_resource and resource [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Examples:
- ./script/generate model post title:string created_on:date body:text published:boolean
-* Added script/generate resource which works just like scaffold_resource, but creates empty placeholders instead of predefined [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* script/runner can run files, pass on arguments, and be used as a shebang. #6286 [Tuxie, dlpond]
- #!/usr/bin/env /path/to/my/app/script/runner
- # Example: just start using your models as if you are in script/console
- Product.find(:all).each { |product| product.check_inventory }
-* Look for rake tasks in plugin subdirs. #6259 [obrie]
-* Added map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format' as a default route to config/routes.rb [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Updated prototype.js to 1.5.0_rc1 with latest fixes. [Rick Olson]
- - XPATH support
- - Make Form.getElements() return elements in the correct order
- - fix broken Form.serialize return
-* session_migration generator adds an index on updated_at. #6207 [grg]
-* script/server creates the tmp/pids directory. #6204 [jonathan]
-* Fix script/console --sandbox for internal transactions changes. #5738 [Chris McGrath, charles.gerungan@gmail.com]
-* Remove the uncanny default of adding all app/models/*/ directories to the load path. This change will break application which expect the current behavior. As
-documented in initializer.rb, the workaround is:
- config.autoload_paths += Dir[RAILS_ROOT + '/app/models/*/']
-References #6031. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Update to script.aculo.us 1.6.3 [Thomas Fuchs]
-* Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc1 [sam]
-* Formally Deprecate the old rake tasks. [Michael Koziarski]
-* Thoroughly test the FCGI dispatcher. #5970 [Kevin Clark]
-* Remove Dir.chdir in the Webrick DispatchServlet#initialize method. Fix bad path errors when trying to load config/routes.rb. [Rick Olson]
-* Tighten rescue clauses. #5985 [james@grayproductions.net]
-* Cleaning up tests. [Kevin Clark, Jeremy Kemper]
-* Add Dependencies.load_once_paths. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Updated to script.aculo.us 1.6.2 [Thomas Fuchs]
-* Assign Routing.controller_paths; fix script/about and rails info controller. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Don't warn dispatcher of Reloadable deprecations. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Rearrange application resetting and preparation, fix bug with leaking subclasses hash in ActiveRecord::Base [Rick Olson]
- ActiveRecord::Base.reset_subclasses is called before Dependencies are cleared and classes removed.
- ActiveRecord::Base.instantiate_observers is called during a Dispatcher preparation callback.
-* Add missing mock directories from the autoload_paths configuration. [Rick Olson]
-* Nested controller scaffolding also nests the generated layout. [iain d broadfoot]
-* Add "require 'dispatcher'" to webrick server in the continuing quest to squash webrick weirdness. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Add autoload_paths support to Initializer. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Fix Dispatcher.reset_application! so that AR subclasses are removed and Observers re-initialized *after* Reloadable classes are removed. Closes #5743. [Rick Olson]
-* Clarify usage of script/plugin source. Closes #5344. [James Adam]
-* Add Dispatcher.to_prepare and config.to_prepare to provide a pre-request hook. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Tweak the Rails load order so observers are loaded after plugins, and reloaded in development mode. Closed #5279. [Rick Olson]
-* Added that you can change the web server port in config/lighttpd.conf from script/server --port/-p #5465 [mats@imediatec.co.uk]
-* script/performance/profiler compatibility with the new ruby-prof, including an option to choose the results printer. #5679 [Shugo Maeda]
-* Fixed the failsafe response so it uses either the current recognized controller or ApplicationController. [Rick Olson]
-* Make sure script/reaper only reaps dispatcher pids by default, and not the spawner's pid. [Jamis Buck]
-* Fix script/plugin about so it uses about.yml and not meta.yml. [James Adam]
-* Dispatcher processes rescued actions with the same controller that processed the request. #4625 [sd@notso.net]
-* rails -d frontbase to create a new project with a frontbase database.yml. #4945 [mlaster@metavillage.com]
-* Ensure the logger is initialized. #5629 [mike@clarkware.com]
-* Added Mongrel-spawning capabilities to script/process/spawner. Mongrel will be the default choice if installed, otherwise FCGI is tried [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Examples:
- spawner # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002 using Mongrel if available
- spawner fcgi # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002 using FCGI
- spawner mongrel -i 5 # starts instances on 8000, 8001, 8002, 8003, and 8004 using Mongrel
- spawner -p 9100 -i 10 # starts 10 instances counting from 9100 to 9109 using Mongrel if available
- spawner -p 9100 -r 5 # starts 3 instances counting from 9100 to 9102 and attempts start them every 5 seconds
- Also note that script/process/reaper is Mongrel capable. So the combination of spawner and reaper is a built-in alternative to something like mongrel_cluster.
-* Update scaffolding functional tests to use :id => people(:first) instead of :id => 1. #5612 [evan@protest.net]
-* db:test:clone should remove existing tables before reloading the schema. #5607 [sveit@tradeharbor.com]
-* Fixed migration generation for class names like ACLController #5197 [brad@madriska.com]
-* Added show_source_list and show_call_stack to breakpoints to make it easier to get context #5476 [takiuchi@drecom.co.jp]. Examples:
- irb(#<TopController:0x40822a68>):002:0> show_source_list
- 0001 class TopController < ApplicationController
- 0002 def show
- 0003-> breakpoint
- 0004 end
- 0005
- 0006 def index
- 0007 end
- 0008
- => "/path/to/rails/root/app/controllers/top_controller.rb"
- irb(#<TopController:0x40822a68>):004:0> show_call_stack 3
- vendor/rails/railties/lib/breakpoint.rb:536:in `breakpoint'
- vendor/rails/railties/lib/breakpoint.rb:536:in `breakpoint'
- app/controllers/top_controller.rb:3:in `show'
- => "/path/to/rails/root/app/controllers/top_controller.rb:3"
-* Generate scaffold layout in subdirectory appropriate to its module nesting. #5511 [nils@alumni.rice.edu]
-* Mongrel: script/server tails the rails log like it does with lighttpd. Prefer mongrel over lighttpd. #5541 [mike@clarkware.com]
-* Don't assume Active Record is available. #5497 [bob@sporkmonger.com]
-* Mongrel: script/server works on Win32. #5499 [jeremydurham@gmail.com]
-* Remove opts.on { |options[:option_name] } style hash assignment. Closes #4440. [Nick Sieger]
-* Mongrel support for script/server. #5475 [jeremydurham@gmail.com]
-* Fix script/plugin so it doesn't barf on invalid URLs [Rick Olson]
-* Fix plugin install bug at dir with space. (closes #5359) [Yoshimasa NIWA]
-* Fix bug with 'script/plugin install' so it reports unknown plugin names correctly. [Rick Olson]
-* Added uninstall.rb hook to plugin handling, such that plugins have a way of removing assets and other artifacts on removal #5003 [takiuchi@drecom.co.jp]
-* Create temporary dirs relative to RAILS_ROOT when running script/server #5014 [elliot@townx.org]
-* Minor tweak to dispatcher to use recognize instead of recognize!, as per the new routes. [Jamis Buck]
-* Make "script/plugin install" work with svn+ssh URLs. [Sam Stephenson]
-* Added lib/ to the directories that will get application docs generated [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Add observer generator. Closes #5167. [François Beausoleil]
-* Session migration generator obeys pluralize_table_names. #5145 [James Adam]
-* rake test:recent understands subdirectories. #2925 [jerrett@bravenet.com]
-* The app generator detects the XAMPP package's MySQL socket location. #3832 [elliot@townx.org]
-* The app generator sets a session key in application.rb so apps running on the same host may distinguish their cookies. #2967 [rcoder, rails-bug@owl.me.uk]
-* Distinguish the spawners for different processes [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added -n/--process to script/process/spawner name the process pid (default is dispatch) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Namespaced OrderedHash so the Rails implementation does not clash with any others. (fixes #4911) [Julian Tarkhanov]
-* Replace Ruby's deprecated append_features in favor of included. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Added script/process/inspector to do simple process status information on Rails dispatchers keeping pid files in tmp/pids [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added pid file usage to script/process/spawner and script/process/reaper along with a directive in default config/lighttpd.conf file to record the pid. They will all save their pid file in tmp/pids [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-*1.2.3* (March 12th, 2007)
-* Ruby 1.8.6 compatibility
-* Windows: include MinGW in RUBY_PLATFORM check. #2982 [okkez000@gmail.com, Kaspar Schiess]
-* Stop swallowing errors during rake test [Michael Koziarski]
-*1.2.2* (February 5th, 2007)
-* Fix gem deprecation warnings, which also means depending on RubyGems 0.9.0+ [Chad Fowler]
-* Require the dispatcher for Rails::Configuration#to_prepare. [Rick Olson]
-*1.2.1* (January 16th, 2007)
-* Updated to Active Record 1.15.1, Action Pack 1.13.1, Action Mailer 1.3.1, Action Web Service 1.2.1
-*1.2.0* (January 16th, 2007)
-* Update to Prototype 1.5.0. [Sam Stephenson]
-* Generator: use destination path for diff tempfiles. #7015 [alfeld]
-* Fixed that webrick would strip leading newlines and hang connection #4156 [psross]
-* Ensure plugins are in the Dependencies.load_once_paths collection by default. [Rick Olson]
- If you really want your plugins to reload, add this to the very top of init.rb:
- Dependencies.load_once_paths.delete(lib_path)
-* Fix scaffold_resource generator so it respects the --pretend argument when creating the routes file. Closes #6852 [fearoffish]
-* Fix Webrick Daemon dispatching bug regarding a bad current working directory. Closes #4899 [Rick Olson]
-* Make config.plugins affect the load path and the dependencies system. Allows you to control plugin loading order, and keep disabled plugins off the load path. [James Adam]
-* Don't generate a components directory in new Rails apps. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Fixed script/process/spawner to work properly with Mongrel including in -r (daemonize mode) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Deprecated the name route "root" as it'll be used as a shortcut for map.connect '' in Rails 2.0 [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Fixed that script/server running against Mongrel should tail the proper log regardless of the environment [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Update initializer to load Rails::VERSION as soon as possible. Closes #6698. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Added ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! in development mode so the database connection is not carried over from request to request. Some databases won't reread the schema if that doesn't happen (I'm looking at you SQLite), so you have to restart the server after each migration (= no fun) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Made RAILS_GEM_VERSION work for beta gems too, so specifying 1.1.6 will give you if available [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Update to Prototype and script.aculo.us [5579]. [Sam Stephenson, Thomas Fuchs]
-* Made script/server work with -e and -d when using Mongrel [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Make sure that exceptions which are thrown outside of the user code try their best to be handeled in ApplicationController#rescue_action [Tobias Lütke]
-* Rails::VERSION::STRING should always be available without having to require 'rails/version'. #6244 [fearoffish]
-* Add grep-based fallback to reaper, to work in pidless setups [Jamis Buck]
-* Only wrap request processing with our USR1 signal handler so FastCGI can trap it and raise an exception while waiting for connections. Idle processes exit immediately rather than waiting for another request; active processes gracefully exit when the request is finished. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Alter prior change to use require_dependency instead of require_or_load. Causes ApplicationController to be reloaded again. Closes #6587. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Rake: use absolute paths to load lib and vendor tasks so they may be run outside of RAILS_ROOT. #6584 [jchris]
-* scaffold_resource generator uses _path named routes and head instead of render :nothing => true. #6545 [Josh Susser]
-* Generator can show diff on file collision to help you decide whether to skip or overwrite. #6364 [jeffw, Jeremy Kemper]
-* Generated directories are recursively svn added, like mkdir -p. #6416 [NeilW]
-* resource and scaffold_resource generators add a restful route to config/routes.rb [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Revert environment changes for autoload_paths. [Michael Koziarski]
-* Clean up the output of rake stats, de-emphasise components and apis, and remove the indents for tests [Michael Koziarski]
-* Added option to script/process/spawner of specifying the binding address #5133 [Dee Zsombor]
-* Update environment.rb comments to include config.autoload_paths. Closes #6478 [caio]
-* Update scaffold to use new form_tag block functionality. Closes #6480. [Bob Silva]
-* Plugin generator: check for class collisions. #4833 [vinbarnes@gmail.com]
-* Mailer generator: handle mailers in modules, set mime_version in unit test. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Set $KCODE to 'u' by default to enable the multibyte safe String#chars proxy. [Michael Koziarski]
-* Added config.plugins to control which plugins are loaded #6269 [Stefan Kaes]. By default, everything in vendor/plugins will be loaded, but if you specify config.plugins, only those will be loaded. Example:
- config.plugins = %w[ routing_navigator simply_helpful ]
-* Clean up html on included error pages. [Tim Lucas]
-* Fixed default 404.html and 500.htmls to remove extreme ugliness and include human language [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Update to latest Prototype and script.aculo.us trunk versions [Thomas Fuchs]
-* PostgreSQL: db:test:purge closes open database connections first. #6236 [alex]
-* Fixed test:uncommitted on Windows (backslash issue) #4999 [paul@paulbutcher.com]
-* Fixed migration creation to work with namespaced models, so script/generate model Gallery::Image will use create_table :gallery_images #6327 [Bob Silva]
-* Fixed rename_table on SQLite tables with indexes defined #5942 [brandon@opensoul.org]
-* Added default timeout setting of 5 seconds to SQLite3 database.yml configurations [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added generated attribute options to script/generate model, like the one found in scaffold_resource and resource [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Examples:
- ./script/generate model post title:string created_on:date body:text published:boolean
-* Added script/generate resource which works just like scaffold_resource, but creates empty placeholders instead of predefined [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* script/runner can run files, pass on arguments, and be used as a shebang. #6286 [Tuxie, dlpond]
- #!/usr/bin/env /path/to/my/app/script/runner
- # Example: just start using your models as if you are in script/console
- Product.find(:all).each { |product| product.check_inventory }
-* Look for rake tasks in plugin subdirs. #6259 [obrie]
-* Added map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format' as a default route to config/routes.rb [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* session_migration generator adds an index on updated_at. #6207 [grg]
-* script/server creates the tmp/pids directory. #6204 [jonathan]
-* Fix script/console --sandbox for internal transactions changes. #5738 [Chris McGrath, charles.gerungan@gmail.com]
-* Remove the uncanny default of adding all app/models/*/ directories to the load path. This change will break application which expect the current behavior. As
-documented in initializer.rb, the workaround is:
- config.autoload_paths += Dir[RAILS_ROOT + '/app/models/*/']
-References #6031. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Update to script.aculo.us 1.6.3 [Thomas Fuchs]
-* Formally Deprecate the old rake tasks. [Michael Koziarski]
-* Thoroughly test the FCGI dispatcher. #5970 [Kevin Clark]
-* Remove Dir.chdir in the Webrick DispatchServlet#initialize method. Fix bad path errors when trying to load config/routes.rb. [Rick Olson]
-* Tighten rescue clauses. #5985 [james@grayproductions.net]
-* Cleaning up tests. [Kevin Clark, Jeremy Kemper]
-* Add Dependencies.load_once_paths. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Assign Routing.controller_paths; fix script/about and rails info controller. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Don't warn dispatcher of Reloadable deprecations. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Rearrange application resetting and preparation, fix bug with leaking subclasses hash in ActiveRecord::Base [Rick Olson]
- ActiveRecord::Base.reset_subclasses is called before Dependencies are cleared and classes removed.
- ActiveRecord::Base.instantiate_observers is called during a Dispatcher preparation callback.
-* Add missing mock directories from the autoload_paths configuration. [Rick Olson]
-* Nested controller scaffolding also nests the generated layout. [iain d broadfoot]
-* Add "require 'dispatcher'" to webrick server in the continuing quest to squash webrick weirdness. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Add autoload_paths support to Initializer. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Fix Dispatcher.reset_application! so that AR subclasses are removed and Observers re-initialized *after* Reloadable classes are removed. Closes #5743. [Rick Olson]
-* Clarify usage of script/plugin source. Closes #5344. [James Adam]
-* Add Dispatcher.to_prepare and config.to_prepare to provide a pre-request hook. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Tweak the Rails load order so observers are loaded after plugins, and reloaded in development mode. Closed #5279. [Rick Olson]
-* Added that you can change the web server port in config/lighttpd.conf from script/server --port/-p #5465 [mats@imediatec.co.uk]
-* script/performance/profiler compatibility with the new ruby-prof, including an option to choose the results printer. #5679 [Shugo Maeda]
-* Fixed the failsafe response so it uses either the current recognized controller or ApplicationController. [Rick Olson]
-* Make sure script/reaper only reaps dispatcher pids by default, and not the spawner's pid. [Jamis Buck]
-* Fix script/plugin about so it uses about.yml and not meta.yml. [James Adam]
-* Dispatcher processes rescued actions with the same controller that processed the request. #4625 [sd@notso.net]
-* rails -d frontbase to create a new project with a frontbase database.yml. #4945 [mlaster@metavillage.com]
-* Ensure the logger is initialized. #5629 [mike@clarkware.com]
-* Added Mongrel-spawning capabilities to script/process/spawner. Mongrel will be the default choice if installed, otherwise FCGI is tried [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Examples:
- spawner # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002 using Mongrel if available
- spawner fcgi # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002 using FCGI
- spawner mongrel -i 5 # starts instances on 8000, 8001, 8002, 8003, and 8004 using Mongrel
- spawner -p 9100 -i 10 # starts 10 instances counting from 9100 to 9109 using Mongrel if available
- spawner -p 9100 -r 5 # starts 3 instances counting from 9100 to 9102 and attempts start them every 5 seconds
- Also note that script/process/reaper is Mongrel capable. So the combination of spawner and reaper is a built-in alternative to something like mongrel_cluster.
-* Update scaffolding functional tests to use :id => people(:first) instead of :id => 1. #5612 [evan@protest.net]
-* db:test:clone should remove existing tables before reloading the schema. #5607 [sveit@tradeharbor.com]
-* Fixed migration generation for class names like ACLController #5197 [brad@madriska.com]
-* Added show_source_list and show_call_stack to breakpoints to make it easier to get context #5476 [takiuchi@drecom.co.jp]. Examples:
- irb(#<TopController:0x40822a68>):002:0> show_source_list
- 0001 class TopController < ApplicationController
- 0002 def show
- 0003-> breakpoint
- 0004 end
- 0005
- 0006 def index
- 0007 end
- 0008
- => "/path/to/rails/root/app/controllers/top_controller.rb"
- irb(#<TopController:0x40822a68>):004:0> show_call_stack 3
- vendor/rails/railties/lib/breakpoint.rb:536:in `breakpoint'
- vendor/rails/railties/lib/breakpoint.rb:536:in `breakpoint'
- app/controllers/top_controller.rb:3:in `show'
- => "/path/to/rails/root/app/controllers/top_controller.rb:3"
-* Generate scaffold layout in subdirectory appropriate to its module nesting. #5511 [nils@alumni.rice.edu]
-* Mongrel: script/server tails the rails log like it does with lighttpd. Prefer mongrel over lighttpd. #5541 [mike@clarkware.com]
-* Don't assume Active Record is available. #5497 [bob@sporkmonger.com]
-* Mongrel: script/server works on Win32. #5499 [jeremydurham@gmail.com]
-* Remove opts.on { |options[:option_name] } style hash assignment. Closes #4440. [Nick Sieger]
-* Mongrel support for script/server. #5475 [jeremydurham@gmail.com]
-* Fix script/plugin so it doesn't barf on invalid URLs [Rick Olson]
-* Fix plugin install bug at dir with space. (closes #5359) [Yoshimasa NIWA]
-* Fix bug with 'script/plugin install' so it reports unknown plugin names correctly. [Rick Olson]
-* Added uninstall.rb hook to plugin handling, such that plugins have a way of removing assets and other artifacts on removal #5003 [takiuchi@drecom.co.jp]
-* Create temporary dirs relative to RAILS_ROOT when running script/server #5014 [elliot@townx.org]
-* Minor tweak to dispatcher to use recognize instead of recognize!, as per the new routes. [Jamis Buck]
-* Make "script/plugin install" work with svn+ssh URLs. [Sam Stephenson]
-* Added lib/ to the directories that will get application docs generated [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Add observer generator. Closes #5167. [François Beausoleil]
-* Session migration generator obeys pluralize_table_names. #5145 [James Adam]
-* rake test:recent understands subdirectories. #2925 [jerrett@bravenet.com]
-* The app generator detects the XAMPP package's MySQL socket location. #3832 [elliot@townx.org]
-* The app generator sets a session key in application.rb so apps running on the same host may distinguish their cookies. #2967 [rcoder, rails-bug@owl.me.uk]
-* Distinguish the spawners for different processes [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added -n/--process to script/process/spawner name the process pid (default is dispatch) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Namespaced OrderedHash so the Rails implementation does not clash with any others. (fixes #4911) [Julian Tarkhanov]
-* Replace Ruby's deprecated append_features in favor of included. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Added script/process/inspector to do simple process status information on Rails dispatchers keeping pid files in tmp/pids [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added pid file usage to script/process/spawner and script/process/reaper along with a directive in default config/lighttpd.conf file to record the pid. They will all save their pid file in tmp/pids [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-*1.1.6* (August 10th, 2006)
-* Additional security patch
-*1.1.5* (August 8th, 2006)
-* Mention in docs that config.frameworks doesn't work when getting Rails via Gems. #4857 [Alisdair McDiarmid]
-* Change the scaffolding layout to use yield rather than @content_for_layout. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Includes critical security patch
-*1.1.4* (June 29th, 2006)
-* Remove use of opts.on { |options[:name] } style hash assignment. References #4440. [headius@headius.com]
-* Updated to Action Pack 1.12.3, ActionWebService 1.1.4, ActionMailer 1.2.3
-*1.1.3* (June 27th, 2006)
-* Updated to Active Record 1.14.3, Action Pack 1.12.2, ActionWebService 1.1.3, ActionMailer 1.2.2
-*1.1.2* (April 9th, 2006)
-* Mention in docs that config.frameworks doesn't work when getting Rails via Gems. Closes #4857. [Alisdair McDiarmid]
-* Change the scaffolding layout to use yield rather than @content_for_layout. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Added rake rails:update:configs to update config/boot.rb from the latest (also included in rake rails:update) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Fixed that boot.rb would set RAILS_GEM_VERSION twice, not respect an uncommented RAILS_GEM_VERSION line, and not use require_gem [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-*1.1.1* (April 6th, 2006)
-* Enhances plugin#discover allowing it to discover svn:// like URIs (closes #4565) [ruben.nine@gmail.com]
-* Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc0 [Sam Stephenson]
-* Fixed that the -r/--ruby path option of the rails command was not being respected #4549 [ryan.raaum@gmail.com]
-* Added that Dispatcher exceptions should not be shown to the user unless a default log has not been configured. Instead show public/500.html [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Fixed that rake clone_structure_to_test should quit on pgsql if the dump is unsuccesful #4585 [augustz@augustz.com]
-* Fixed that rails --version should have the return code of 0 (success) #4560 [blair@orcaware.com]
-* Install alias so Rails::InfoController is accessible at /rails_info. Closes #4546. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Fixed that spawner should daemonize if running in repeat mode [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added TAG option for rake rails:freeze:edge, so you can say rake rails:freeze:edge TAG=rel_1-1-0 to lock to the 1.1.0 release [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Applied Prototype $() performance patches (#4465, #4477) and updated script.aculo.us [Sam Stephenson, Thomas Fuchs]
-* Use --simple-prompt instead of --prompt-mode simple for console compatibility with Windows/Ruby 1.8.2 #4532 [starr@starrnhorne.com]
-* Make Rails::VERSION implicitly loadable #4491. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Fixed rake rails:freeze:gems #4518 [benji@silverinsanity.com]
-* Added -f/--freeze option to rails command for freezing the application to the Rails version it was generated with [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added gem binding of apps generated through the rails command to the gems of they were generated with [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Added expiration settings for JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and images to default lighttpd.conf [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added gzip compression for JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to default lighttpd.conf [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Avoid passing escapeHTML non-string in Rails' info controller [Nicholas Seckar]
-*1.1.0* (March 27th, 2006)
-* Allow db:fixtures:load to load a subset of the applications fixtures. [Chad Fowler]
- ex.
- rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=customers,plans
-* Update to Prototype 1.5.0_pre1 [Sam Stephenson]
-* Update to script.aculo.us 1.6 [Thomas Fuchs]
-* Add an integration_test generator [Jamis Buck]
-* Make all ActionView helpers available in the console from the helper method for debugging purposes. n.b.: Only an 80% solution. Some stuff won't work, most will. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
- ex.
- >> puts helper.options_for_select([%w(a 1), %w(b 2), %w(c 3)])
- <option value="1">a</option>
- <option value="2">b</option>
- <option value="3">c</option>
- => nil
-* Replaced old session rake tasks with db:sessions:create to generate a migration, and db:sessions:clear to remove sessions. [Rick Olson]
-* Reject Ruby 1.8.3 when loading Rails; extract version checking code. [Chad Fowler]
-* Remove explicit loading of RailsInfo and RailsInfoController. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Move RailsInfo and RailsInfoController to Rails::Info and Rails::InfoController. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Extend load path with Railties' builtin directory to make adding support code easy. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Fix the rails_info controller by explicitly loading it, and marking it as not reloadable. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Fixed rails:freeze:gems for Windows #3274 [paul@paulbutcher.com]
-* Added 'port open?' check to the spawner when running in repeat mode so we don't needlessly boot the dispatcher if the port is already in use anyway #4089 [guy.naor@famundo.com]
-* Add verification to generated scaffolds, don't allow get for unsafe actions [Michael Koziarski]
-* Don't replace application.js in public/javascripts if it already exists [Cody Fauser]
-* Change test:uncommitted to delay execution of `svn status` by using internal Rake API's. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Use require_library_or_gem to load rake in commands/server.rb. Closes #4205. [rob.rasmussen@gmail.com]
-* Use the Rake API instead of shelling out to create the tmp directory in commands/server.rb. [Chad Fowler]
-* Added a backtrace to the evil WSOD (White Screen of Death). Closes #4073. TODO: Clearer exceptions [Rick Olson]
-* Added tracking of database and framework versions in script/about #4088 [charles.gerungan@gmail.com/Rick Olson]
-* Added public/javascripts/application.js as a sample since it'll automatically be included in javascript_include_tag :defaults [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added socket cleanup for lighttpd, both before and after [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added automatic creation of tmp/ when running script/server [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added silence_stream that'll work on both STDERR or STDOUT or any other stream and deprecated silence_stderr in the process [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added reload! method to script/console to reload all models and others that include Reloadable without quitting the console #4056 [esad@esse.at]
-* Added that rake rails:freeze:edge will now just export all the contents of the frameworks instead of just lib, so stuff like rails:update:scripts, rails:update:javascripts, and script/server on lighttpd still just works #4047 [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added fix for upload problems with lighttpd from Safari/IE to config/lighttpd.conf #3999 [Thijs van der Vossen]
-* Added test:uncommitted to test changes since last checkin to Subversion #4035 [technomancy@gmail.com]
-* Help script/about print the correct svn revision when in a non-English locale. #4026 [babie7a0@ybb.ne.jp]
-* Add 'app' accessor to script/console as an instance of Integration::Session [Jamis Buck]
-* Generator::Base#usage takes an optional message argument which defaults to Generator::Base#usage_message. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Remove the extraneous AR::Base.threaded_connections setting from the webrick server. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Add integration test support to app generation and testing [Jamis Buck]
-* Added namespaces to all tasks, so for example load_fixtures is now db:fixtures:load. All the old task names are still valid, they just point to the new namespaced names. "rake -T" will only show the namespaced ones, though [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* CHANGED DEFAULT: ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format is now :ruby by default instead of :sql. This means that we'll assume you want to live in the world of db/schema.rb where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. If your schema contains un-dumpable elements, such as constraints or database-specific column types, you just got an invitation to either 1) patch the dumper to include foreign key support, 2) stop being db specific, or 3) just change the default in config/environment.rb to config.active_record.schema_format = :sql -- we even include an example for that on new Rails skeletons now. Brought to you by the federation of opinionated framework builders! [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added -r/--repeat option to script/process/spawner that offers the same loop protection as the spinner did. This deprecates the script/process/spinner, so it's no longer included in the default Rails skeleton, but still available for backwards compatibility #3461 [ror@andreas-s.net]
-* Added collision option to template generation in generators #3329 [anna@wota.jp]. Examples:
- m.template "stuff.config" , "config/stuff.config" , :collision => :skip
- m.template "auto-stamping", "config/generator.log", :collision => :force
-* Added more information to script/plugin's doings to ease debugging #3755 [Rick Olson]
-* Changed the default configuration for lighttpd to use tmp/sockets instead of log/ for the FastCGI sockets [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added a default configuration of the FileStore for fragment caching if tmp/cache is available, which makes action/fragment caching ready to use out of the box with no additional configuration [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Changed the default session configuration to place sessions in tmp/sessions, if that directory is available, instead of /tmp (this essentially means a goodbye to 9/10 White Screen of Death errors and should have web hosting firms around the world cheering) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added tmp/sessions, tmp/cache, and tmp/sockets as default directories in the Rails skeleton [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added that script/generate model will now automatically create a migration file for the model created. This can be turned off by calling the generator with --skip-migration [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added -d/--database option to the rails command, so you can do "rails --database=sqlite2 myapp" to start a new application preconfigured to use SQLite2 as the database. Removed the configuration examples from SQLite and PostgreSQL from the default MySQL configuration [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Allow script/server -c /path/to/lighttpd.conf [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Remove hardcoded path to reaper script in script/server [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Update script.aculo.us to V1.5.3 [Thomas Fuchs]
-* Added SIGTRAP signal handler to RailsFCGIHandler that'll force the process into a breakpoint after the next request. This breakpoint can then be caught with script/breakpointer and give you access to the Ruby image inside that process. Useful for debugging memory leaks among other things [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Changed default lighttpd.conf to use CWD from lighttpd 1.4.10 that allows the same configuration to be used for both detach and not. Also ensured that auto-repeaping of FCGIs only happens when lighttpd is not detached. [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added Configuration#after_initialize for registering a block which gets called after the framework is fully initialized. Useful for things like per-environment configuration of plugins. [Michael Koziarski]
-* Added check for RAILS_FRAMEWORK_ROOT constant that allows the Rails framework to be found in a different place than vendor/rails. Should be set in boot.rb. [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Fixed that static requests could unlock the mutex guarding dynamic requests in the WEBrick servlet #3433 [tom@craz8.com]
-* Fixed documentation tasks to work with Rake 0.7.0 #3563 [kazuhiko@fdiary.net]
-* Update to Prototype 1.5.0_pre0 [Sam Stephenson]
-* Sort the list of plugins so we load in a consistent order [Rick Olson]
-* Show usage when script/plugin is called without arguments [tom@craz8.com]
-* Corrected problems with plugin loader where plugins set 'name' incorrectly #3297 [anna@wota.jp]
-* Make migration generator only report on exact duplicate names, not partial dupliate names. #3442 [jeremy@planetargon.com Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Fix typo in mailer generator USAGE. #3458 [chriztian.steinmeier@gmail.com]
-* Ignore version mismatch between pg_dump and the database server. #3457 [Simon Stapleton]
-* Reap FCGI processes after lighttpd exits. [Sam Stephenson]
-* Honor ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names when creating and destroying session store table. #3204. [rails@bencurtis.com, Marcel Molina Jr.]
-*1.0.0* (December 13th, 2005)
-* Update instructions on how to find and install generators. #3172. [Chad Fowler]
-* Generator looks in vendor/generators also. [Chad Fowler]
-* Generator copies files in binary mode. #3156 [minimudboy@gmail.com]
-* Add builtin/ to the gemspec. Closes #3047. [Nicholas Seckar, Sam Stephenson]
-* Add install.rb file to plugin generation which is loaded, if it exists, when you install a plugin. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Run initialize_logger in script/lighttpd to ensure the log file exists before tailing it. [Sam Stephenson]
-* Make load_fixtures include csv fixtures. #3053. [me@mdaines.com]
-* Fix freeze_gems so that the latest rails version is dumped by default. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* script/plugin: handle root paths and plugin names which contain spaces. #2995 [justin@aspect.net]
-* Model generator: correct relative path to test_helper in unit test. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Make the db_schema_dump task honor the SCHEMA environment variable if present the way db_schema_import does. #2931. [Blair Zajac]
-* Have the lighttpd server script report the actual ip to which the server is bound. #2903. [Adam]
-* Add plugin library directories to the load path after the lib directory so that libraries in the lib directory get precedence. #2910. [James Adam]
-* Make help for the console command more explicit about how to specify the desired environment in which to run the console. #2911. [anonymous]
-* PostgreSQL: the purge_test_database Rake task shouldn't explicitly specify the template0 template when creating a fresh test database. #2964 [Dreamer3]
-* Introducing the session_migration generator. Creates an add_session_table migration. Allows generator to specify migrations directory. #2958, #2960 [Rick Olson]
-* script/console uses RAILS_ENV environment variable if present. #2932 [Blair Zajac <blair@orcaware.com>
-* Windows: eliminate the socket option in database.yml. #2924 [Wayne Vucenic <waynev@gmail.com>]
-* Eliminate nil from newly generated logfiles. #2927 [Blair Zajac <blair@orcaware.com>]
-* Rename Version constant to VERSION. #2802 [Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Eliminate Subversion dependencies in scripts/plugin. Correct install options. Introduce --force option to reinstall a plugin. Remove useless --long option for list. Use --quiet to quiet the download output and --revision to update to a specific svn revision. #2842 [Chad Fowler, Rick Olson]
-* SQLite: the clone_structure_to_test and purge_test_database Rake tasks should always use the test environment. #2846 [Rick Olson]
-* Make sure that legacy db tasks also reference :database for SQLite #2830 [kazuhiko@fdiary.net]
-* Pass __FILE__ when evaluating plugins' init.rb. #2817 [James Adam]
-* Better svn status matching for generators. #2814 [François Beausoleil <francois.beausoleil@gmail.com>, Blair Zajac <blair@orcaware.com>]
-* Don't reload routes until plugins have been loaded so they have a chance to extend the routing capabilities [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Don't detach or fork for script/server tailing [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Changed all script/* to use #!/usr/bin/env ruby instead of hard-coded Ruby path. public/dispatcher.* still uses the hard-coded path for compatibility with web servers that don't have Ruby in path [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Force RAILS_ENV to be "test" when running tests, so that ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "production" in config/environment.rb doesn't wreck havok [David Heinemeier Hansson] #2660
-* Correct versioning in :freeze_gems Rake task. #2778 [Jakob Skjerning, Jeremy Kemper]
-* Added an omnipresent RailsInfoController with a properties action that delivers an HTML rendering of Rails::Info (but only when local_request? is true). Added a new default index.html which fetches this with Ajax. [Sam Stephenson]
-*0.14.3 (RC4)* (November 7th, 2005)
-* Add 'add_new_scripts' rake task for adding new rails scripts to script/* [Jamis Buck]
-* Remove bogus hyphen from script/process/reaper calls to 'ps'. #2767 [anonymous]
-* Copy lighttpd.conf when it is first needed, instead of on app creation [Jamis Buck]
-* Use require_library_or_gem 'fcgi' in script/server [Sam Stephenson]
-* Added default lighttpd config in config/lighttpd.conf and added a default runner for lighttpd in script/server (works like script/server, but using lighttpd and FastCGI). It will use lighttpd if available, otherwise WEBrick. You can force either or using 'script/server lighttpd' or 'script/server webrick' [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* New configuration option config.plugin_paths which may be a single path like the default 'vendor/plugins' or an array of paths: ['vendor/plugins', 'lib/plugins']. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Plugins are discovered in nested paths, so you can organize your plugins directory as you like. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Refactor load_plugin from load_plugins. #2757 [alex.r.moon@gmail.com]
-* Make use of silence_stderr in script/lighttpd, script/plugin, and Rails::Info [Sam Stephenson]
-* Enable HTTP installation of plugins when svn isn't avaialable. Closes #2661. [Chad Fowler]
-* Added script/about to display formatted Rails::Info output [Sam Stephenson]
-* Added Rails::Info to catalog assorted information about a Rails application's environment [Sam Stephenson]
-* Tail the logfile when running script/server lighttpd in the foreground [Sam Stephenson]
-* Try to guess the port number from config/lighttpd.conf in script/server lighttpd [Sam Stephenson]
-* Don't reap spawn-fcgi. #2727 [matthew@walker.wattle.id.au]
-* Reaper knows how to find processes even if the dispatch path is very long. #2711 [matthew@walker.wattle.id.au]
-* Make fcgi handler respond to TERM signals with an explicit exit [Jamis Buck]
-* Added demonstration of fixture use to the test case generated by the model generator [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* If specified, pass PostgreSQL client character encoding to createdb. #2703 [Kazuhiko <kazuhiko@fdiary.net>]
-* Catch CGI multipart parse errors. Wrap dispatcher internals in a failsafe response handler. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* The freeze_gems Rake task accepts the VERSION environment variable to decide which version of Rails to pull into vendor/rails. [Chad Fowler, Jeremy Kemper]
-* Removed script.aculo.us.js, builder.js and slider.js (preperation for move of scriptaculous extensions to plugins, core scriptaculous will remain in Railties) [Thomas Fuchs]
-* The freeze_edge Rake task does smarter svn detection and can export a specific revision by passing the REVISION environment variable. For example: rake freeze_edge REVISION=1234. #2663 [Rick Olson]
-* Comment database.yml and include PostgreSQL and SQLite examples. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Improve script/plugin on Windows. #2646 [Chad Fowler]
-* The *_plugindoc Rake tasks look deeper into the plugins' lib directories. #2652 [bellis@deepthought.org]
-* The PostgreSQL :db_structure_dump Rake task limits its dump to the schema search path in database.yml. [Anatol Pomozov <anatol.pomozov@gmail.com>]
-* Add task to generate rdoc for all installed plugins. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Update script.aculo.us to V1.5_rc4 [Thomas Fuchs]
-* Add default Mac + DarwinPorts MySQL socket locations to the app generator. [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Migrations may be destroyed: script/destroy migration foo. #2635 [Charles M. Gerungan <charles.gerungan@gmail.com>, Jamis Buck, Jeremy Kemper]
-* Added that plugins can carry generators and that generator stub files can be created along with new plugins using script/generate plugin <name> --with-generator [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Removed app/apis as a default empty dir since its automatically created when using script/generate web_service [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added script/plugin to manage plugins (install, remove, list, etc) [Ryan Tomayko]
-* Added test_plugins task: Run the plugin tests in vendor/plugins/**/test (or specify with PLUGIN=name) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Added plugin generator to create a stub structure for a new plugin in vendor/plugins (see "script/generate plugin" for help) [David Heinemeier Hansson]
-* Fixed scaffold generator when started with only 1 parameter #2609 [self@mattmower.com]
-* rake should run functional tests even if the unit tests have failures [Jim Weirich]
-* Back off cleanpath to be symlink friendly. Closes #2533 [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Load rake task files in alphabetical order so you can build dependencies and count on them #2554 [Blair Zajac]
-*0.14.2 (RC3)* (October 26th, 2005)
-* Constants set in the development/test/production environment file are set in Object
-* Scaffold generator pays attention to the controller name. #2562 [self@mattmower.com]
-* Include tasks from vendor/plugins/*/tasks in the Rakefile #2545 [Rick Olson]
-*0.14.1 (RC2)* (October 19th, 2005)
-* Don't clean RAILS_ROOT on windows
-* Remove trailing '/' from RAILS_ROOT [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Upgraded to Active Record 1.12.1 and Action Pack 1.10.1
-*0.14.0 (RC1)* (October 16th, 2005)
-* Moved generator folder from RAILS_ROOT/generators to RAILS_ROOT/lib/generators [Tobias Lütke]
-* Fix rake dev and related commands [Nicholas Seckar]
-* The rails command tries to deduce your MySQL socket by running `mysql_config
---socket`. If it fails, default to /path/to/your/mysql.sock
-* Made the rails command use the application name for database names in the tailored database.yml file. Example: "rails ~/projects/blog" will use "blog_development" instead of "rails_development". [Florian Weber]
-* Added Rails framework freezing tasks: freeze_gems (freeze to current gems), freeze_edge (freeze to Rails SVN trunk), unfreeze_rails (float with newest gems on system)
-* Added update_javascripts task which will fetch all the latest js files from your current rails install. Use after updating rails. [Tobias Lütke]
-* Added cleaning of RAILS_ROOT to useless elements such as '../non-dot-dot/'. Provides cleaner backtraces and error messages. [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Made the instantiated/transactional fixtures settings be controlled through Rails::Initializer. Transactional and non-instantiated fixtures are default from now on. [Florian Weber]
-* Support using different database adapters for development and test with ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format = :ruby [Sam Stephenson]
-* Make webrick work with session(:off)
-* Add --version, -v option to the Rails command. Closes #1840. [stancell]
-* Update Prototype to V1.4.0_pre11, script.aculo.us to V1.5_rc3 [2504] and fix the rails generator to include the new .js files [Thomas Fuchs]
-* Make the generator skip a file if it already exists and is identical to the new file.
-* Add experimental plugin support #2335
-* Made Rakefile aware of new .js files in script.aculo.us [Thomas Fuchs]
-* Make table_name and controller_name in generators honor AR::Base.pluralize_table_names. #1216 #2213 [kazuhiko@fdiary.net]
-* Clearly label functional and unit tests in rake stats output. #2297 [lasse.koskela@gmail.com]
-* Make the migration generator only check files ending in *.rb when calculating the next file name #2317 [Chad Fowler]
-* Added prevention of duplicate migrations from the generator #2240 [François Beausoleil]
-* Add db_schema_dump and db_schema_import rake tasks to work with the new ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper (for dumping a schema to and reading a schema from a ruby file).
-* Reformed all the config/environments/* files to conform to the new Rails::Configuration approach. Fully backwards compatible.
-* Added create_sessions_table, drop_sessions_table, and purge_sessions_table as rake tasks for databases that supports migrations (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite) to get a table for use with CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore
-* Added dump of schema version to the db_structure_dump task for databases that support migrations #1835 [Rick Olson]
-* Fixed script/profiler for Ruby 1.8.2 #1863 [Rick Olson]
-* Fixed clone_structure_to_test task for SQLite #1864 [jon@burningbush.us]
-* Added -m/--mime-types option to the WEBrick server, so you can specify a Apache-style mime.types file to load #2059 [ask@develooper.com]
-* Added -c/--svn option to the generator that'll add new files and remove destroyed files using svn add/revert/remove as appropriate #2064 [Kevin Clark]
-* Added -c/--charset option to WEBrick server, so you can specify a default charset (which without changes is UTF-8) #2084 [wejn@box.cz]
-* Make the default stats task extendable by modifying the STATS_DIRECTORIES constant
-* Allow the selected environment to define RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER, and have Rails::Initializer use it if it exists.
-* Moved all the shared tasks from Rakefile into Rails, so that the Rakefile is empty and doesn't require updating.
-* Added Rails::Initializer and Rails::Configuration to abstract all of the common setup out of config/environment.rb (uses config/boot.rb to bootstrap the initializer and paths)
-* Fixed the scaffold generator to fail right away if the database isn't accessible instead of in mid-air #1169 [Chad Fowler]
-* Corrected project-local generator location in scripts.rb #2010 [Michael Schuerig]
-* Don't require the environment just to clear the logs #2093 [Scott Barron]
-* Make the default rakefile read *.rake files from config/tasks (for easy extension of the rakefile by e.g. generators)
-* Only load breakpoint in development mode and when BREAKPOINT_SERVER_PORT is defined.
-* Allow the --toggle-spin switch on process/reaper to be negated
-* Replace render_partial with render :partial in scaffold generator [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Added -w flag to ps in process/reaper #1934 [Scott Barron]
-* Allow ERb in the database.yml file (just like with fixtures), so you can pull out the database configuration in environment variables #1822 [Duane Johnson]
-* Added convenience controls for FCGI processes (especially when managed remotely): spinner, spawner, and reaper. They reside in script/process. More details can be had by calling them with -h/--help.
-* Added load_fixtures task to the Rakefile, which will load all the fixtures into the database for the current environment #1791 [Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Added an empty robots.txt to public/, so that web servers asking for it won't trigger a dynamic call, like favicon.ico #1738 [Michael Schubert]
-* Dropped the 'immediate close-down' of FCGI processes since it didn't work consistently and produced bad responses when it didn't. So now a TERM ensures exit after the next request (just as if the process is handling a request when it receives the signal). This means that you'll have to 'nudge' all FCGI processes with a request in order to ensure that they have all reloaded. This can be done by something like ./script/process/repear --nudge 'http://www.myapp.com' --instances 10, which will load the myapp site 10 times (and thus hit all of the 10 FCGI processes once, enough to shut down).
-*0.13.1* (11 July, 2005)
-* Look for app-specific generators in RAILS_ROOT/generators rather than the clunky old RAILS_ROOT/script/generators. Nobody really uses this feature except for the unit tests, so it's a negligible-impact change. If you want to work with third-party generators, drop them in ~/.rails/generators or simply install gems.
-* Fixed that each request with the WEBrick adapter would open a new database connection #1685 [Sam Stephenson]
-* Added support for SQL Server in the database rake tasks #1652 [Ken Barker] Note: osql and scptxfr may need to be installed on your development environment. This involves getting the .exes and a .rll (scptxfr) from a production SQL Server (not developer level SQL Server). Add their location to your Environment PATH and you are all set.
-* Added a VERSION parameter to the migrate task that allows you to do "rake migrate VERSION=34" to migrate to the 34th version traveling up or down depending on the current version
-* Extend Ruby version check to include RUBY_RELEASE_DATE >= '2005-12-25', the final Ruby 1.8.2 release #1674 [court3nay]
-* Improved documentation for environment config files #1625 [court3nay]
-*0.13.0* (6 July, 2005)
-* Changed the default logging level in config/environment.rb to INFO for production (so SQL statements won't be logged)
-* Added migration generator: ./script/generate migration add_system_settings
-* Added "migrate" as rake task to execute all the pending migrations from db/migrate
-* Fixed that model generator would make fixtures plural, even if ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names was false #1185 [Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Added a DOCTYPE of HTML transitional to the HTML files generated by Rails #1124 [Michael Koziarski]
-* SIGTERM also gracefully exits dispatch.fcgi. Ignore SIGUSR1 on Windows.
-* Add the option to manually manage garbage collection in the FastCGI dispatcher. Set the number of requests between GC runs in your public/dispatch.fcgi [Stefan Kaes]
-* Allow dynamic application reloading for dispatch.fcgi processes by sending a SIGHUP. If the process is currently handling a request, the request will be allowed to complete first. This allows production fcgi's to be reloaded without having to restart them.
-* RailsFCGIHandler (dispatch.fcgi) no longer tries to explicitly flush $stdout (CgiProcess#out always calls flush)
-* Fixed rakefile actions against PostgreSQL when the password is all numeric #1462 [Michael Schubert]
-* ActionMailer::Base subclasses are reloaded with the other rails components #1262
-* Made the WEBrick adapter not use a mutex around action performance if ActionController::Base.allow_concurrency is true (default is false)
-* Fixed that mailer generator generated fixtures/plural while units expected fixtures/singular #1457 [Scott Barron]
-* Added a 'whiny nil' that's aim to ensure that when users pass nil to methods where that isn't appropriate, instead of NoMethodError? and the name of some method used by the framework users will see a message explaining what type of object was expected. Only active in test and development environments by default #1209 [Michael Koziarski]
-* Fixed the test_helper.rb to be safe for requiring controllers from multiple spots, like app/controllers/article_controller.rb and app/controllers/admin/article_controller.rb, without reloading the environment twice #1390 [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Fixed Webrick to escape + characters in URL's the same way that lighttpd and apache do #1397 [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Added -e/--environment option to script/runner #1408 [François Beausoleil]
-* Modernize the scaffold generator to use the simplified render and test methods and to change style from @params["id"] to params[:id]. #1367
-* Added graceful exit from pressing CTRL-C during the run of the rails command #1150 [Caleb Tennis]
-* Allow graceful exits for dispatch.fcgi processes by sending a SIGUSR1. If the process is currently handling a request, the request will be allowed to complete and then will terminate itself. If a request is not being handled, the process is terminated immediately (via #exit). This basically works like restart graceful on Apache. [Jamis Buck]
-* Made dispatch.fcgi more robust by catching fluke errors and retrying unless its a permanent condition. [Jamis Buck]
-* Added console --profile for profiling an IRB session #1154 [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Changed console_sandbox into console --sandbox #1154 [Jeremy Kemper]
-*0.12.1* (20th April, 2005)
-* Upgraded to Active Record 1.10.1, Action Pack 1.8.1, Action Mailer 0.9.1, Action Web Service 0.7.1
-*0.12.0* (19th April, 2005)
-* Fixed that purge_test_database would use database settings from the development environment when recreating the test database #1122 [rails@cogentdude.com]
-* Added script/benchmarker to easily benchmark one or more statement a number of times from within the environment. Examples:
- # runs the one statement 10 times
- script/benchmarker 10 'Person.expensive_method(10)'
- # pits the two statements against each other with 50 runs each
- script/benchmarker 50 'Person.expensive_method(10)' 'Person.cheap_method(10)'
-* Added script/profiler to easily profile a single statement from within the environment. Examples:
- script/profiler 'Person.expensive_method(10)'
- script/profiler 'Person.expensive_method(10)' 10 # runs the statement 10 times
-* Added Rake target clear_logs that'll truncate all the *.log files in log/ to zero #1079 [Lucas Carlson]
-* Added lazy typing for generate, such that ./script/generate cn == ./script/generate controller and the likes #1051 [k@v2studio.com]
-* Fixed that ownership is brought over in pg_dump during tests for PostgreSQL #1060 [pburleson]
-* Upgraded to Active Record 1.10.0, Action Pack 1.8.0, Action Mailer 0.9.0, Action Web Service 0.7.0, Active Support 1.0.4
-*0.11.1* (27th March, 2005)
-* Fixed the dispatch.fcgi use of a logger
-* Upgraded to Active Record 1.9.1, Action Pack 1.7.0, Action Mailer 0.8.1, Action Web Service 0.6.2, Active Support 1.0.3
-*0.11.0* (22th March, 2005)
-* Removed SCRIPT_NAME from the WEBrick environment to prevent conflicts with PATH_INFO #896 [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Removed ?$1 from the dispatch.f/cgi redirect line to get rid of 'complete/path/from/request.html' => nil being in the @params now that the ENV["REQUEST_URI"] is used to determine the path #895 [dblack/Nicholas Seckar]
-* Added additional error handling to the FastCGI dispatcher to catch even errors taking down the entire process
-* Improved the generated scaffold code a lot to take advantage of recent Rails developments #882 [Tobias Lütke]
-* Combined the script/environment.rb used for gems and regular files version. If vendor/rails/* has all the frameworks, then files version is used, otherwise gems #878 [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Changed .htaccess to allow dispatch.* to be called from a sub-directory as part of the push with Action Pack to make Rails work on non-vhost setups #826 [Nicholas Seckar/Tobias Lütke]
-* Added script/runner which can be used to run code inside the environment by eval'ing the first parameter. Examples:
- ./script/runner 'ReminderService.deliver'
- ./script/runner 'Mailer.receive(STDIN.read)'
- This makes it easier to do CRON and postfix scripts without actually making a script just to trigger 1 line of code.
-* Fixed webrick_server cookie handling to allow multiple cookes to be set at once #800, #813 [dave@cherryville.org]
-* Fixed the Rakefile's interaction with postgresql to:
- 1. Use PGPASSWORD and PGHOST in the environment to fix prompting for
- passwords when connecting to a remote db and local socket connections.
- 2. Add a '-x' flag to pg_dump which stops it dumping privileges #807 [rasputnik]
- 3. Quote the user name and use template0 when dumping so the functions doesn't get dumped too #855 [pburleson]
- 4. Use the port if available #875 [madrobby]
-* Upgraded to Active Record 1.9.0, Action Pack 1.6.0, Action Mailer 0.8.0, Action Web Service 0.6.1, Active Support 1.0.2
-*0.10.1* (7th March, 2005)
-* Fixed rake stats to ignore editor backup files like model.rb~ #791 [Sebastian Kanthak]
-* Added exception shallowing if the DRb server can't be started (not worth making a fuss about to distract new users) #779 [Tobias Lütke]
-* Added an empty favicon.ico file to the public directory of new applications (so the logs are not spammed by its absence)
-* Fixed that scaffold generator new template should use local variable instead of instance variable #778 [Dan Peterson]
-* Allow unit tests to run on a remote server for PostgreSQL #781 [adamm@galacticasoftware.com]
-* Added web_service generator (run ./script/generate web_service for help) #776 [Leon Bredt]
-* Added app/apis and components to code statistics report #729 [Scott Barron]
-* Fixed WEBrick server to use ABSOLUTE_RAILS_ROOT instead of working_directory #687 [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Fixed rails_generator to be usable without RubyGems #686 [Cristi BALAN]
-* Fixed -h/--help for generate and destroy generators #331
-* Added begin/rescue around the FCGI dispatcher so no uncaught exceptions can bubble up to kill the process (logs to log/fastcgi.crash.log)
-* Fixed that association#count would produce invalid sql when called sequentialy #659 [kanis@comcard.de]
-* Fixed test/mocks/testing to the correct test/mocks/test #740
-* Added early failure if the Ruby version isn't 1.8.2 or above #735
-* Removed the obsolete -i/--index option from the WEBrick servlet #743
-* Upgraded to Active Record 1.8.0, Action Pack 1.5.1, Action Mailer 0.7.1, Action Web Service 0.6.0, Active Support 1.0.1
-*0.10.0* (24th February, 2005)
-* Changed default IP binding for WEBrick from to so that the server is accessible both locally and remotely #696 [Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Fixed that script/server -d was broken so daemon mode couldn't be used #687 [Nicholas Seckar]
-* Upgraded to breakpoint 92 which fixes:
- * overload IRB.parse_opts(), fixes #443
- => breakpoints in tests work even when running them via rake
- * untaint handlers, might fix an issue discussed on the Rails ML
- * added verbose mode to breakpoint_client
- * less noise caused by breakpoint_client by default
- * ignored TerminateLineInput exception in signal handler
- => quiet exit on Ctrl-C
-* Added support for independent components residing in /components. Example:
- Controller: components/list/items_controller.rb
- (holds a List::ItemsController class with uses_component_template_root called)
- Model : components/list/item.rb
- (namespace is still shared, so an Item model in app/models will take precedence)
- Views : components/list/items/show.rhtml
-* Added --sandbox option to script/console that'll roll back all changes made to the database when you quit #672 [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Added 'recent' as a rake target that'll run tests for files that changed in the last 10 minutes #612 [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Changed script/console to default to development environment and drop --no-inspect #650 [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Added that the 'fixture :posts' syntax can be used for has_and_belongs_to_many fixtures where a model doesn't exist #572 [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Added that running test_units and test_functional now performs the clone_structure_to_test as well #566 [rasputnik]
-* Added new generator framework that informs about its doings on generation and enables updating and destruction of generated artifacts. See the new script/destroy and script/update for more details #487 [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Added Action Web Service as a new add-on framework for Action Pack [Leon Bredt]
-* Added Active Support as an independent utility and standard library extension bundle
-* Upgraded to Active Record 1.7.0, Action Pack 1.5.0, Action Mailer 0.7.0
-*0.9.5* (January 25th, 2005)
-* Fixed dependency reloading by switching to a remove_const approach where all Active Records, Active Record Observers, and Action Controllers are reloading by undefining their classes. This enables you to remove methods in all three types and see the change reflected immediately and it fixes #539. This also means that only those three types of classes will benefit from the const_missing and reloading approach. If you want other classes (like some in lib/) to reload, you must use require_dependency to do it.
-* Added Florian Gross' latest version of Breakpointer and friends that fixes a variaty of bugs #441 [Florian Gross]
-* Fixed skeleton Rakefile to work with sqlite3 out of the box #521 [rasputnik]
-* Fixed that script/breakpointer didn't get the Ruby path rewritten as the other scripts #523 [brandt@kurowski.net]
-* Fixed handling of syntax errors in models that had already been succesfully required once in the current interpreter
-* Fixed that models that weren't referenced in associations weren't being reloaded in the development mode by reinstating the reload
-* Fixed that generate scaffold would produce bad functional tests
-* Fixed that FCGI can also display SyntaxErrors
-* Upgraded to Active Record 1.6.0, Action Pack 1.4.0
-** (January 18th, 2005)
-* Added 5-second timeout to WordNet alternatives on creating reserved-word models #501 [Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Fixed binding of caller #496 [Alexey]
-* Upgraded to Active Record 1.5.1, Action Pack 1.3.1, Action Mailer 0.6.1
-*0.9.4* (January 17th, 2005)
-* Added that ApplicationController will catch a ControllerNotFound exception if someone attempts to access a url pointing to an unexisting controller [Tobias Lütke]
-* Flipped code-to-test ratio around to be more readable #468 [Scott Baron]
-* Fixed log file permissions to be 666 instead of 777 (so they're not executable) #471 [Lucas Carlson]
-* Fixed that auto reloading would some times not work or would reload the models twice #475 [Tobias Lütke]
-* Added rewrite rules to deal with caching to public/.htaccess
-* Added the option to specify a controller name to "generate scaffold" and made the default controller name the plural form of the model.
-* Added that rake clone_structure_to_test, db_structure_dump, and purge_test_database tasks now pick up the source database to use from
- RAILS_ENV instead of just forcing development #424 [Tobias Lütke]
-* Fixed script/console to work with Windows (that requires the use of irb.bat) #418 [Chris McGrath]
-* Fixed WEBrick servlet slowdown over time by restricting the load path reloading to mod_ruby
-* Removed Fancy Indexing as a default option on the WEBrick servlet as it made it harder to use various caching schemes
-* Upgraded to Active Record 1.5, Action Pack 1.3, Action Mailer 0.6
-*0.9.3* (January 4th, 2005)
-* Added support for SQLite in the auto-dumping/importing of schemas for development -> test #416
-* Added automated rewriting of the shebang lines on installs through the gem rails command #379 [Manfred Stienstra]
-* Added ActionMailer::Base.deliver_method = :test to the test environment so that mail objects are available in ActionMailer::Base.deliveries
- for functional testing.
-* Added protection for creating a model through the generators with a name of an existing class, like Thread or Date.
- It'll even offer you a synonym using wordnet.princeton.edu as a look-up. No, I'm not kidding :) [Florian Gross]
-* Fixed dependency management to happen in a unified fashion for Active Record and Action Pack using the new Dependencies module. This means that
- the environment options needs to change from:
- Before in development.rb:
- ActionController::Base.reload_dependencies = true  
- ActiveRecord::Base.reload_associations     = true
- Now in development.rb:
- Dependencies.mechanism = :load
- Before in production.rb and test.rb:
- ActionController::Base.reload_dependencies = false
- ActiveRecord::Base.reload_associations     = false
- Now in production.rb and test.rb:
- Dependencies.mechanism = :require
-* Fixed problems with dependency caching and controller hierarchies on Ruby 1.8.2 in development mode #351
-* Fixed that generated action_mailers doesnt need to require the action_mailer since thats already done in the environment #382 [Lucas Carlson]
-* Upgraded to Action Pack 1.2.0 and Active Record 1.4.0
-* Fixed CTRL-C exists from the Breakpointer to be a clean affair without error dumping [Kent Sibilev]
-* Fixed "rake stats" to work with sub-directories in models and controllers and to report the code to test ration [Scott Baron]
-* Added that Active Record associations are now reloaded instead of cleared to work with the new const_missing hook in Active Record.
-* Added graceful handling of an inaccessible log file by redirecting output to STDERR with a warning #330 [rainmkr]
-* Added support for a -h/--help parameter in the generator #331 [Ulysses]
-* Fixed that File.expand_path in config/environment.rb would fail when dealing with symlinked public directories [mjobin]
-* Upgraded to Action Pack 1.1.0 and Active Record 1.3.0
-* Upgraded to Action Pack 1.0.1 for important bug fix
-* Updated gem dependencies
-* Renamed public/dispatch.servlet to script/server -- it wasn't really dispatching anyway as its delegating calls to public/dispatch.rb
-* Renamed AbstractApplicationController and abstract_application.rb to ApplicationController and application.rb, so that it will be possible
- for the framework to automatically pick up on app/views/layouts/application.rhtml and app/helpers/application.rb
-* Added script/console that makes it even easier to start an IRB session for interacting with the domain model. Run with no-args to
- see help.
-* Added breakpoint support through the script/breakpointer client. This means that you can break out of execution at any point in
- the code, investigate and change the model, AND then resume execution! Example:
- class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
- def index
- @posts = Post.find_all
- breakpoint "Breaking out from the list"
- end
- end
- So the controller will accept the action, run the first line, then present you with a IRB prompt in the breakpointer window.
- Here you can do things like:
- Executing breakpoint "Breaking out from the list" at .../webrick_server.rb:16 in 'breakpoint'
- >> @posts.inspect
- => "[#<Post:0x14a6be8 @attributes={\"title\"=>nil, \"body\"=>nil, \"id\"=>\"1\"}>,
- #<Post:0x14a6620 @attributes={\"title\"=>\"Rails you know!\", \"body\"=>\"Only ten..\", \"id\"=>\"2\"}>]"
- >> @posts.first.title = "hello from a breakpoint"
- => "hello from a breakpoint"
- ...and even better is that you can examine how your runtime objects actually work:
- >> f = @posts.first
- => #<Post:0x13630c4 @attributes={"title"=>nil, "body"=>nil, "id"=>"1"}>
- >> f.
- Display all 152 possibilities? (y or n)
- Finally, when you're ready to resume execution, you press CTRL-D
-* Changed environments to be configurable through an environment variable. By default, the environment is "development", but you
- can change that and set your own by configuring the Apache vhost with a string like (mod_env must be available on the server):
- SetEnv RAILS_ENV production
- ...if you're using WEBrick, you can pick the environment to use with the command-line parameters -e/--environment, like this:
- ruby public/dispatcher.servlet -e production
-* Added a new default environment called "development", which leaves the production environment to be tuned exclusively for that.
-* Added a start_server in the root of the Rails application to make it even easier to get started
-* Fixed public/.htaccess to use RewriteBase and share the same rewrite rules for all the dispatch methods
-* Fixed webrick_server to handle requests in a serialized manner (the Rails reloading infrastructure is not thread-safe)
-* Added support for controllers in directories. So you can have:
- app/controllers/account_controller.rb # URL: /account/
- app/controllers/admin/account_controller.rb # URL: /admin/account/
- NOTE: You need to update your public/.htaccess with the new rules to pick it up
-* Added reloading for associations and dependencies under cached environments like FastCGI and mod_ruby. This makes it possible to use
- those environments for development. This is turned on by default, but can be turned off with
- ActiveRecord::Base.reload_associations = false and ActionController::Base.reload_dependencies = false in production environments.
-* Added support for sub-directories in app/models. So now you can have something like Basecamp with:
- app/models/accounting
- app/models/project
- app/models/participants
- app/models/settings
- It's poor man's namespacing, but only for file-system organization. You still require files just like before.
- Nothing changes inside the files themselves.
-* Fixed a few references in the tests generated by new_mailer [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Added support for mocks in testing with test/mocks
-* Cleaned up the environments a bit and added global constant RAILS_ROOT
-*0.8.5* (9)
-* Made dev-util available to all tests, so you can insert breakpoints in any test case to get an IRB prompt at that point [Jeremy Kemper]:
- def test_complex_stuff
- @david.projects << @new_project
- breakpoint "Let's have a closer look at @david"
- end
- You need to install dev-utils yourself for this to work ("gem install dev-util").
-* Added shared generator behavior so future upgrades should be possible without manually copying over files [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Added the new helper style to both controller and helper templates [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Added new_crud generator for creating a model and controller at the same time with explicit scaffolding [Jeremy Kemper]
-* Added configuration of Test::Unit::TestCase.fixture_path to test_helper to concide with the new AR fixtures style
-* Fixed that new_model was generating singular table/fixture names
-* Upgraded to Action Mailer 0.4.0
-* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.9.5
-* Upgraded to Active Record 1.1.0
-*0.8.0 (15)*
-* Removed custom_table_name option for new_model now that the Inflector is as powerful as it is
-* Changed the default rake action to just do testing and separate API generation and coding statistics into a "doc" task.
-* Fixed WEBrick dispatcher to handle missing slashes in the URLs gracefully [alexey]
-* Added user option for all postgresql tool calls in the rakefile [elvstone]
-* Fixed problem with running "ruby public/dispatch.servlet" instead of "cd public; ruby dispatch.servlet" [alexey]
-* Fixed WEBrick server so that it no longer hardcodes the ruby interpreter used to "ruby" but will get the one used based
- on the Ruby runtime configuration. [Marcel Molina Jr.]
-* Fixed Dispatcher so it'll route requests to magic_beans to MagicBeansController/magic_beans_controller.rb [Caio Chassot]
-* "new_controller MagicBeans" and "new_model SubscriptionPayments" will now both behave properly as they use the new Inflector.
-* Fixed problem with MySQL foreign key constraint checks in Rake :clone_production_structure_to_test target [Andreas Schwarz]
-* Changed WEBrick server to by default be auto-reloading, which is slower but makes source changes instant.
- Class compilation cache can be turned on with "-c" or "--cache-classes".
-* Added "-b/--binding" option to WEBrick dispatcher to bind the server to a specific IP address (default: [Kevin Temp]
-* dispatch.fcgi now DOESN'T set FCGI_PURE_RUBY as it was slowing things down for now reason [Andreas Schwarz]
-* Added new_mailer generator to work with Action Mailer
-* Included new framework: Action Mailer 0.3
-* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.9.0
-* Upgraded to Active Record 1.0.0
-* Added an optional second argument to the new_model script that allows the programmer to specify the table name,
- which will used to generate a custom table_name method in the model and will also be used in the creation of fixtures.
- [Kevin Radloff]
-* script/new_model now turns AccountHolder into account_holder instead of accountholder [Kevin Radloff]
-* Fixed the faulty handleing of static files with WEBrick [Andreas Schwarz]
-* Unified function_test_helper and unit_test_helper into test_helper
-* Fixed bug with the automated production => test database dropping on PostgreSQL [dhawkins]
-* create_fixtures in both the functional and unit test helper now turns off the log during fixture generation
- and can generate more than one fixture at a time. Which makes it possible for assignments like:
- @people, @projects, @project_access, @companies, @accounts =
- create_fixtures "people", "projects", "project_access", "companies", "accounts"
-* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.8.5 (locally-scoped variables, partials, advanced send_file)
-* Upgraded to Active Record 0.9.5 (better table_name guessing, cloning, find_all_in_collection)
-* No longer specifies a template for rdoc, so it'll use whatever is default (you can change it in the rakefile)
-* The new_model generator will now use the same rules for plural wordings as Active Record
- (so Category will give categories, not categorys) [Kevin Radloff]
-* dispatch.fcgi now sets FCGI_PURE_RUBY to true to ensure that it's the Ruby version that's loaded [danp]
-* Made the GEM work with Windows
-* Fixed bug where mod_ruby would "forget" the load paths added when switching between controllers
-* PostgreSQL are now supported for the automated production => test database dropping [Kevin Radloff]
-* Errors thrown by the dispatcher are now properly handled in FCGI.
-* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.8.0 (lots and lots and lots of fixes)
-* Upgraded to Active Record 0.9.4 (a bunch of fixes)
-* Added AbstractionApplicationController as a superclass for all controllers generated. This class can be used
- to carry filters and methods that are to be shared by all. It has an accompanying ApplicationHelper that all
- controllers will also automatically have available.
-* Added environments that can be included from any script to get the full Active Record and Action Controller
- context running. This can be used by maintenance scripts or to interact with the model through IRB. Example:
- require 'config/environments/production'
- for account in Account.find_all
- account.recalculate_interests
- end
- A short migration script for an account model that had it's interest calculation strategy changed.
-* Accessing the index of a controller with "/weblog" will now redirect to "/weblog/" (only on Apache, not WEBrick)
-* Simplified the default Apache config so even remote requests are served off CGI as a default.
- You'll now have to do something specific to activate mod_ruby and FCGI (like using the force urls).
- This should make it easier for new comers that start on an external server.
-* Added more of the necessary Apache options to .htaccess to make it easier to setup
-* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.7.9 (lots of fixes)
-* Upgraded to Active Record 0.9.3 (lots of fixes)
-* Fixed bug in the WEBrick dispatcher that prevented it from getting parameters from the URL
- (through GET requests or otherwise)
-* Added lib in root as a place to store app specific libraries
-* Added lib and vendor to load_path, so anything store within can be loaded directly.
- Hence lib/redcloth.rb can be loaded with require "redcloth"
-* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.7.8 (lots of fixes)
-* Upgraded to Active Record 0.9.2 (minor upgrade)
-* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.7.7 (multipart form fix)
-* Updated the generated template stubs to valid XHTML files
-* Ensure that controllers generated are capitalized, so "new_controller TodoLists"
- gives the same as "new_controller Todolists" and "new_controller todolists".
-* Works on Windows out of the box! (Dropped symlinks)
-* Added webrick dispatcher: Try "ruby public/dispatch.servlet --help" [Florian Gross]
-* Report errors about initialization to browser (instead of attempting to use uninitialized logger)
-* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.7.6
-* Upgraded to Active Record 0.9.1
-* Added distinct 500.html instead of reusing 404.html
-* Added MIT license
-* First public release
diff --git a/railties/CHANGELOG.md b/railties/CHANGELOG.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b05ac21b49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -0,0 +1,2400 @@
+## Rails 3.2.0 (unreleased) ##
+* Scaffold returns 204 No Content for API requests without content. This makes scaffold work with jQuery out of the box. *José Valim*
+* Updated Rails::Rack::Logger middleware to apply any tags set in config.log_tags to the newly ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging Rails.logger. This makes it easy to tag log lines with debug information like subdomain and request id -- both very helpful in debugging multi-user production applications *DHH*
+* Default options to `rails new` can be set in ~/.railsrc *Guillermo Iguaran*
+* Added destroy alias to Rails engines. *Guillermo Iguaran*
+* Added destroy alias for Rails command line. This allows the following: `rails d model post`. *Andrey Ognevsky*
+* Attributes on scaffold and model generators default to string. This allows the following: "rails g scaffold Post title body:text author" *José Valim*
+* Removed old plugin generator (`rails generate plugin`) in favor of `rails plugin new` command. *Guillermo Iguaran*
+* Removed old 'config.paths.app.controller' API in favor of 'config.paths["app/controller"]' API. *Guillermo Iguaran*
+* Rails 3.1.1
+* Add jquery-rails to Gemfile of plugins, test/dummy app needs it. Closes #3091. *Santiago Pastorino*
+* Add config.assets.initialize_on_precompile which, when set to false, forces
+ `rake assets:precompile` to load the application but does not initialize it.
+ To the app developer, this means configuration add in
+ config/initializers/* will not be executed.
+ Plugins developers need to special case their initializers that are
+ meant to be run in the assets group by adding :group => :assets.
+## Rails 3.1.2 (unreleased) ##
+* Engines: don't blow up if db/seeds.rb is missing.
+ *Jeremy Kemper*
+* `rails new foo --skip-test-unit` should not add the `:test` task to the rake default task.
+ *GH 2564*
+ *José Valim*
+## Rails 3.1.0 (August 30, 2011) ##
+* The default database schema file is written as UTF-8. *Aaron Patterson*
+* Generated apps with --dev or --edge flags depend on git versions of
+ sass-rails and coffee-rails. *Santiago Pastorino*
+* Rack::Sendfile middleware is used only if x_sendfile_header is present. *Santiago Pastorino*
+* Add JavaScript Runtime name to the Rails Info properties. *DHH*
+* Make pp enabled by default in Rails console. *Akira Matsuda*
+* Add alias `r` for rails runner. *Jordi Romero*
+* Make sprockets/railtie require explicit and add --skip-sprockets to app generator *José Valim*
+* Added Rails.groups that automatically handles Rails.env and ENV["RAILS_GROUPS"] *José Valim*
+* The new rake task assets:clean removes precompiled assets. *fxn*
+* Application and plugin generation run bundle install unless --skip-gemfile or --skip-bundle. *fxn*
+* Fixed database tasks for jdbc* adapters #jruby *Rashmi Yadav*
+* Template generation for jdbcpostgresql #jruby *Vishnu Atrai*
+* Template generation for jdbcmysql and jdbcsqlite3 #jruby *Arun Agrawal*
+* The -j option of the application generator accepts an arbitrary string. If passed "foo",
+ the gem "foo-rails" is added to the Gemfile, and the application JavaScript manifest
+ requires "foo" and "foo_ujs". As of this writing "prototype-rails" and "jquery-rails"
+ exist and provide those files via the asset pipeline. Default is "jquery". *fxn*
+* jQuery is no longer vendored, it is provided from now on by the jquery-rails gem. *fxn*
+* Prototype and Scriptaculous are no longer vendored, they are provided from now on
+ by the prototype-rails gem. *fxn*
+* The scaffold controller will now produce SCSS file if Sass is available *Prem Sichanugrist*
+* The controller and resource generators will now automatically produce asset stubs (this can be turned off with --skip-assets). These stubs will use Coffee and Sass, if those libraries are available. *DHH*
+* jQuery is the new default JavaScript library. *fxn*
+* Changed scaffold, application, and mailer generator to create Ruby 1.9 style hash when running on Ruby 1.9 *Prem Sichanugrist*
+ So instead of creating something like:
+ redirect_to users_path, :notice => "User has been created"
+ it will now be like this:
+ redirect_to users_path, notice: "User has been created"
+ You can also passing `--old-style-hash` to make Rails generate old style hash even you're on Ruby 1.9
+* Changed scaffold_controller generator to create format block for JSON instead of XML *Prem Sichanugrist*
+* Add using Turn with natural language test case names for test_help.rb when running with minitest (Ruby 1.9.2+) *DHH*
+* Direct logging of Active Record to STDOUT so it's shown inline with the results in the console *DHH*
+* Added `config.force_ssl` configuration which loads Rack::SSL middleware and force all requests to be under HTTPS protocol *DHH, Prem Sichanugrist, and Josh Peek*
+* Added `rails plugin new` command which generates rails plugin with gemspec, tests and dummy application for testing *Piotr Sarnacki*
+* Added -j parameter with jquery/prototype as options. Now you can create your apps with jQuery using `rails new myapp -j jquery`. The default is still Prototype. *siong1987*
+* Added Rack::Etag and Rack::ConditionalGet to the default middleware stack *José Valim*
+* Added Rack::Cache to the default middleware stack *Yehuda Katz and Carl Lerche*
+* Engine is now rack application *Piotr Sarnacki*
+* Added middleware stack to Engine *Piotr Sarnacki*
+* Engine can now load plugins *Piotr Sarnacki*
+* Engine can load its own environment file *Piotr Sarnacki*
+* Added helpers to call engines' route helpers from application and vice versa *Piotr Sarnacki*
+* Task for copying plugins' and engines' migrations to application's db/migrate directory *Piotr Sarnacki*
+* Changed ActionDispatch::Static to allow handling multiple directories *Piotr Sarnacki*
+* Added isolate_namespace() method to Engine, which sets Engine as isolated *Piotr Sarnacki*
+* Include all helpers from plugins and shared engines in application *Piotr Sarnacki*
+## Rails 3.0.7 (April 18, 2011) ##
+* No changes.
+* Rails 3.0.6 (April 5, 2011)
+* No changes.
+## Rails 3.0.5 (February 26, 2011) ##
+* No changes.
+## Rails 3.0.4 (February 8, 2011) ##
+* No changes.
+## Rails 3.0.3 (November 16, 2010) ##
+* No changes.
+## Rails 3.0.2 (November 15, 2010) ##
+* No changes.
+## Rails 3.0.1 (October 15, 2010) ##
+* No Changes, just a version bump.
+## Rails 3.0.0 (August 29, 2010) ##
+* Application generation: --skip-testunit and --skip-activerecord become --skip-test-unit and --skip-active-record respectively. *fxn*
+* Added console to Rails::Railtie as a hook called just after console starts. *José Valim*
+* Rails no longer autoload code in lib for application. You need to explicitly require it. *José Valim*
+* Rails::LogSubscriber was renamed to ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber *José Valim*
+* config.load_(once_)paths in config/application.rb got renamed to config.autoload_(once_)paths. *fxn*
+* Abort generation/booting on Ruby 1.9.1. *fxn*
+* Made the rails command work even when you're in a subdirectory *Chad Fowler*
+* Removed Rails Metal [Yehuda Katz, José Valim].
+* Renamed config.cookie_secret to config.secret_token and pass it as env key. *José Valim*
+* Session store configuration has changed *Yehuda Katz, Carl Lerche*
+ config.session_store :cookie_store, {:key => "..."}
+ config.cookie_secret = "fdsfhisdghfidugnfdlg"
+* railtie_name and engine_name are deprecated. You can now add any object to
+ the configuration object: config.your_plugin = {} *José Valim*
+* Added config.generators.templates to provide alternative paths for the generators
+ to look for templates *José Valim*
+* Added "rake about" as a replacement for script/about *DHH*
+* Removed all the default commands in script/* and replaced them with script/rails and a rails command that'll act the same when run from within the app [DHH]. Example:
+ ./script/generate scaffold post title:string can now be called as rails g scaffold post title:string
+ Run rails --help inside an app for more help.
+* Removed config/initializers/new_rails_defaults.rb as all frameworks now follow the settings from it *DHH*
+* Set config.time_zone to UTC by default *DHH*
+* Added default .gitignore (this is just recognizing Git market share, don't throw a hissy if you use another SCM) *DHH*
+* Added cookies.permanent, cookies.signed, and cookies.permanent.signed accessor for common cookie actions [DHH]. Examples:
+ cookies.permanent[:prefers_open_id] = true
+ # => Set-Cookie: prefers_open_id=true; path=/; expires=Sun, 16-Dec-2029 03:24:16 GMT
+ cookies.signed[:discount] = 45
+ # => Set-Cookie: discount=BAhpMg==--2c1c6906c90a3bc4fd54a51ffb41dffa4bf6b5f7; path=/
+ cookies.signed[:discount]
+ # => 45 (if the cookie was changed, you'll get a InvalidSignature exception)
+ cookies.permanent.signed[:remember_me] = current_user.id
+ # => Set-Cookie: discount=BAhU--848956038e692d7046deab32b7131856ab20e14e; path=/; expires=Sun, 16-Dec-2029 03:24:16 GMT
+ ...to use the signed cookies, you need to set a secret to ActionController::Base.cookie_verifier_secret (automatically done in config/initializers/cookie_verification_secret.rb for new Rails applications).
+* Added config/initializers/cookie_verification_secret.rb with an auto-generated secret for using ActionController::Base#cookies.signed *DHH*
+* Fixed that the debugger wouldn't go into IRB mode because of left-over ARGVs *DHH*
+* I18n support for plugins. #2325 *Antonio Tapiador, Sven Fuchs*
+* Ruby 1.9: use UTF-8 for default internal and external encodings. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Added db/seeds.rb as a default file for storing seed data for the database. Can be loaded with rake db:seed (or created alongside the db with db:setup). (This is also known as the "Stop Putting Gawd Damn Seed Data In Your Migrations" feature) *DHH*
+## 2.3.2 Final (March 15, 2009) ##
+* Remove outdated script/plugin options *Pratik Naik*
+* Allow metal to live in plugins #2045 *Matthew Rudy*
+* Added metal *Josh Peek*
+* Remove script/performance/request in favour of the performance integration tests. *Pratik Naik*
+ To continue using script/performance/request, install the request_profiler plugin :
+ script/plugin install git://github.com/rails/request_profiler.git
+* Add a rake task to apply a template to an existing application : rake rails:template LOCATION=~/template.rb *Pratik Naik*
+* Add "-m/--template" option to Rails generator to apply a template to the generated application. *Jeremy McAnally*
+ This has been extracted from rg - http://github.com/jeremymcanally/rg
+ Example:
+ # template.rb
+ # Install plugins from git or svn
+ plugin "will-paginate", :git => "git://github.com/mislav/will_paginate.git"
+ plugin "old-restful-auth", :svn => "http://svn.techno-weenie.net/projects/plugins/restful_authentication/"
+ # Add gems to environment.rb
+ gem "jeremymcanally-context"
+ gem "bluecloth"
+ # Vendor file. Data in a string or...
+ vendor("borrowed.rb", <<CODE
+ def helpful_method
+ do_something_helpful_here
+ end
+ # ...file data from block return value.
+ # #initializer creates a new initializer file
+ initializer("crypto.rb") do
+ salt = "--#{Time.now}--#{rand}--#{srand(Time.now.to_i)}"
+ "SPECIAL_SALT = '#{salt}'"
+ end
+ Usage:
+ To use a template, provide a file path or URL:
+ 1. Using a local file :
+ rails <application name> -m /path/to/my/template.rb
+ 2. Or directly from a URL :
+ rails <application name> --template=http://gist.github.com/31208.txt
+* Extracted the process scripts (inspector, reaper, spawner) into the plugin irs_process_scripts *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Changed Rails.root to return a Pathname object (allows for Rails.root.join('app', 'controllers') => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/controllers") #1482 *Damian Janowski/?*
+* Added view path support for engines *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added that config/routes.rb files in engine plugins are automatically loaded (and reloaded when they change in dev mode) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added app/[models|controllers|helpers] to the load path for plugins that has an app directory (go engines ;)) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Add config.preload_frameworks to load all frameworks at startup. Default to false so Rails autoloads itself as it's used. Turn this on for Passenger and JRuby. Also turned on by config.threadsafe! *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Add a rake task to generate dispatchers : rake rails:generate_dispatchers *Pratik Naik*
+* "rails <app>" will not generate public/dispatch.cgi/fcgi/rb files by default now. Please use "--with-dispatchers" option if you need them. *Yaroslav Markin, Pratik Naik*
+* Added rake rails:update:application_controller to renamed application.rb to application_controller.rb -- included in rake rails:update so upgrading to 2.3 will automatically trigger it #1439 *kastner*
+* Added Rails.backtrace_cleaner as an accessor for the Rails::BacktraceCleaner instance used by the framework to cut down on backtrace noise and config/initializers/backtrace_silencers.rb to add your own (or turn them all off) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Switch from Test::Unit::TestCase to ActiveSupport::TestCase. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Added config.i18n settings gatherer to config/environment, auto-loading of all locales in config/locales/*.rb,yml, and config/locales/en.yml as a sample locale *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE: Renamed application.rb to application_controller.rb and removed all the special casing that was in place to support the former. You must do this rename in your own application when you upgrade to this version *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+## 2.2.1 RC2 (November 14th, 2008) ##
+* Fixed plugin generator so that generated unit tests would subclass ActiveSupport::TestCase, also introduced a helper script to reduce the needed require statements #1137 *Mathias Meyer*
+* Update Prototype to *sam*
+## 2.2.0 RC1 (October 24th, 2008) ##
+* Fixed that sqlite would report "db/development.sqlite3 already exists" whether true or not on db:create #614 *Antonio Cangiano*
+* Added config.threadsafe! to toggle allow concurrency settings and disable the dependency loader *Josh Peek*
+* Turn cache_classes on by default *Josh Peek*
+* Added configurable eager load paths. Defaults to app/models, app/controllers, and app/helpers *Josh Peek*
+* Introduce simple internationalization support. *Ruby i18n team*
+* Make script/plugin install <plugin> -r <revision> option work with git based plugins. #257. [Tim Pope Jakub Kuźma]. Example:
+ script/plugin install git://github.com/mislav/will_paginate.git -r agnostic # Installs 'agnostic' branch
+ script/plugin install git://github.com/dchelimsky/rspec.git -r 'tag 1.1.4'
+* Added Rails.initialized? flag *Josh Peek*
+* Make rake test:uncommitted work with Git. *Tim Pope*
+* Added Thin support to script/server. #488 *Bob Klosinski*
+* Fix script/about in production mode. #370 *Cheah Chu Yeow, Xavier Noria, David Krmpotic*
+* Add the gem load paths before the framework is loaded, so certain gems like RedCloth and BlueCloth can be frozen.
+* Fix discrepancies with loading rails/init.rb from gems.
+* Plugins check for the gem init path (rails/init.rb) before the standard plugin init path (init.rb) *Jacek Becela*
+* Changed all generated tests to use the test/do declaration style *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Wrapped Rails.env in StringInquirer so you can do Rails.env.development? *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Fixed that RailsInfoController wasn't considering all requests local in development mode (Edgard Castro) *#310 state:resolved*
+## 2.1.0 (May 31st, 2008) ##
+* script/dbconsole fires up the command-line database client. #102 *Steve Purcell*
+* Fix bug where plugin init.rb files from frozen gem specs weren't being run. (pjb3) *#122 state:resolved*
+* Made the location of the routes file configurable with config.routes_configuration_file (Scott Fleckenstein) *#88*
+* Rails Edge info returns the latest git commit hash *Francesc Esplugas*
+* Added Rails.public_path to control where HTML and assets are expected to be loaded from (defaults to Rails.root + "/public") #11581 *Nick Sieger*
+* rake time:zones:local finds correct base utc offset for zones in the Southern Hemisphere *Geoff Buesing*
+* Don't require rails/gem_builder during rails initialization, it's only needed for the gems:build task. *Rick Olson*
+* script/performance/profiler compatibility with the ruby-prof >= 0.5.0. Closes #9176. *Jonathan del Strother*
+* Flesh out rake gems:unpack to unpack all gems, and add rake gems:build for native extensions. #11513 *ddollar*
+ rake gems:unpack # unpacks all gems
+ rake gems:unpack GEM=mygem # unpacks only the gem 'mygem'
+ rake gems:build # builds all unpacked gems
+ rake gems:build GEM=mygem # builds only the gem 'mygem'
+* Add config.active_support for future configuration options. Also, add more new Rails 3 config settings to new_rails_defaults.rb *Rick Olson*
+* Add Rails.logger, Rails.root, Rails.env and Rails.cache shortcuts for RAILS_* constants *Pratik Naik*
+* Allow files in plugins to be reloaded like the rest of the application. *Rick Olson*
+ Enables or disables plugin reloading.
+ config.reload_plugins = true
+ You can get around this setting per plugin.
+ If #reload_plugins? == false (DEFAULT), add this to your plugin's init.rb to make it reloadable:
+ Dependencies.load_once_paths.delete lib_path
+ If #reload_plugins? == true, add this to your plugin's init.rb to only load it once:
+ Dependencies.load_once_paths << lib_path
+* Small tweak to allow plugins to specify gem dependencies. *Rick Olson*
+ \# OLD open_id_authentication plugin init.rb
+ require 'yadis'
+ require 'openid'
+ ActionController::Base.send :include, OpenIdAuthentication
+ \# NEW
+ config.gem "ruby-openid", :lib => "openid", :version => "1.1.4"
+ config.gem "ruby-yadis", :lib => "yadis", :version => "0.3.4"
+ config.after_initialize do
+ ActionController::Base.send :include, OpenIdAuthentication
+ end
+* Added config.gem for specifying which gems are required by the application, as well as rake tasks for installing and freezing gems. *Rick Olson*
+ Rails::Initializer.run do |config|
+ config.gem "bj"
+ config.gem "hpricot", :version => '0.6', :source => "http://code.whytheluckystiff.net"
+ config.gem "aws-s3", :lib => "aws/s3"
+ end
+ \# List required gems.
+ rake gems
+ \# Install all required gems:
+ rake gems:install
+ \# Unpack specified gem to vendor/gems/gem_name-x.x.x
+ rake gems:unpack GEM=bj
+* Removed the default .htaccess configuration as there are so many good deployment options now (kept it as an example in README) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* config.time_zone accepts TZInfo::Timezone identifiers as well as Rails TimeZone identifiers *Geoff Buesing*
+* Rails::Initializer#initialize_time_zone raises an error if value assigned to config.time_zone is not recognized. Rake time zone tasks only require ActiveSupport instead of entire environment *Geoff Buesing*
+* Stop adding the antiquated test/mocks/* directories and only add them to the path if they're still there for legacy reasons *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added that gems can now be plugins if they include rails/init.rb #11444 *John Barnette*
+* Added Plugin#about method to programmatically access the about.yml in a plugin #10979 *James Adam*
+ plugin = Rails::Plugin.new(path_to_my_plugin)
+ plugin.about["author"] # => "James Adam"
+ plugin.about["url"] # => "http://interblah.net"
+* Improve documentation. *Ryan Bigg, Jan De Poorter, Cheah Chu Yeow, Xavier Shay, Jack Danger Canty, Emilio Tagua, Xavier Noria, Sunny Ripert*
+* Added config.time_zone = 'UTC' in the default environment.rb *Geoff Buesing*
+* Added rake tasks time:zones:all, time:zones:us and time:zones:local for finding time zone names for config.time_zone option *Geoff Buesing*
+* Add config.time_zone for configuring the default Time.zone value. #10982 *Geoff Buesing*
+* Added support for installing plugins hosted at git repositories #11294 *Jack Danger Canty*
+* Fixed that script/generate would not look for plugin generators in plugin_paths #11000 *glv*
+* Fixed database rake tasks to work with charset/collation and show proper error messages on failure. Closes #11301 *matt*
+* Added a -e/--export to script/plugin install, uses svn export. #10847 *jon@blankpad.net)*
+* Reshuffle load order so that routes and observers are initialized after plugins and app initializers. Closes #10980 *Rick Olson*
+* Git support for script/generate. #10690 *ssoroka*
+* Update scaffold to use labels instead of bold tags. Closes #10757 *zach-inglis-lt3*
+* Resurrect WordNet synonym lookups. #10710 *tom./, matt*
+* Added config.cache_store to environment options to control the default cache store (default is FileStore if tmp/cache is present, otherwise MemoryStore is used) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added that rails:update is run when you do rails:freeze:edge to ensure you also get the latest JS and config files #10565 *jeff*
+* SQLite: db:drop:all doesn't fail silently if the database is already open. #10577 *Cheah Chu Yeow, mrichman*
+* Introduce native mongrel handler and push mutex into dispatcher. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Ruby 1.9 compatibility. #1689, #10546 *Cheah Chu Yeow, frederico*
+## 2.0.2 (December 16th, 2007) ##
+* Changed the default database from mysql to sqlite3, so now running "rails myapp" will have a config/database.yml that's setup for SQLite3 (which in OS X Leopard is installed by default, so is the gem, so everything Just Works with no database configuration at all). To get a Rails application preconfigured for MySQL, just run "rails -d mysql myapp" *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Turned on ActionView::Base.cache_template_loading by default in config/environments/production.rb to prevent file system stat calls for every template loading to see if it changed (this means that you have to restart the application to see template changes in production mode) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Introduce `rake secret` to output a crytographically secure secret key for use with cookie sessions #10363 *revans*
+* Fixed that local database creation should consider local #9026 *parcelbrat*
+* Fixed that functional tests generated for scaffolds should use fixture calls instead of hard-coded IDs #10435 *boone*
+* Added db:migrate:redo and db:migrate:reset for rerunning existing migrations #10431, #10432 *matt*
+* RAILS_GEM_VERSION may be double-quoted also. #10443 *James Cox*
+* Update rails:freeze:gems to work with RubyGems 0.9.5. *Jeremy Kemper*
+## 2.0.1 (December 7th, 2007) ##
+* Fixed Active Record bug
+## 2.0.0 (December 6th, 2007) ##
+* The test task stops with a warning if you have pending migrations. #10377 *Josh Knowles*
+* Add warning to documentation about using transactional fixtures when the code under test uses transactions itself. Closes #7548 *Thijs van der Vossen*
+* Update Prototype to *sam*
+* Update script.aculo.us to *madrobby*
+* Added db:fixtures:identity as a way of locating what ID a foxy fixture was assigned #10332 *John Barnette*
+* Generated fixtures should not specify ids since theyre expected to be foxy fixtures #10330 *John Barnette*
+* Update to Prototype -r8232. *sam*
+* Introduce SecretKeyGenerator for more secure session secrets than CGI::Session's pseudo-random id generator. Consider extracting to Active Support later. #10286 *Hongli Lai (Phusion)*
+* RAILS_GEM_VERSION may be set to any valid gem version specifier. #10057 *Chad Woolley, Cheah Chu Yeow*
+* Load config/preinitializer.rb, if present, before loading the environment. #9943 *Chad Woolley*
+* FastCGI handler ignores unsupported signals like USR2 on Windows. *Grzegorz Derebecki*
+* Only load ActionMailer::TestCase if ActionMailer is loaded. Closes #10137 *defunkt*
+* Fixed that db:reset would use migrations instead of loading db/schema.rb *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Ensure the plugin loader only loads plugins once. Closes #10102 *haruki_zaemon*
+* Refactor Plugin Loader. Add plugin lib paths early, and add lots of tests. Closes #9795 *James Adam*
+* Added --skip-timestamps to generators that produce models #10036 *Tim Pope*
+* Update Prototype to 1.6.0 and script.aculo.us to 1.8.0. *sam, madrobby*
+* Added db:rollback to rollback the schema one version (or multiple as specified by STEP) *Jeffrey Allan Hardy*
+* Fix typo in test_helper. Closes #9925 *viktor tron*
+* Request profiler. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* config/boot.rb correctly detects RAILS_GEM_VERSION. #9834 *alexch, thewoolleyman*
+* Fixed incorrect migration number if script/generate executed outside of Rails root #7080 *Jeremy McAnally*
+* Update Prototype to 1.6.0_rc1 and script.aculo.us to 1.8.0 preview 0. *sam, madrobby*
+* Generated fixtures use the actual primary key instead of id. #4343 *Frederick Ros, Tarmo Tänav*
+* Extend the console +helper+ method to allow you to include custom helpers. e.g:
+ >> helper :posts
+ >> helper.some_method_from_posts_helper(Post.find(1))
+* db:create works with remote databases whereas db:create:all only creates
+ databases on localhost. #9753 *Trevor Wennblom*
+* Removed calls to fixtures in generated tests as fixtures :all is now present by default in test_helper.rb *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Add --prefix option to script/server when using mongrel. *dacat*
+## 2.0.0 Preview Release (September 29th, 2007) Includes duplicates of changes from 1.1.4 - 1.2.3 ##
+* Fixed that installing plugins from SVN repositories that use trunk/ will work #8188 *evan*
+* Moved the SourceAnnotationExtractor to a separate file in case libraries try to load the rails rake tasks twice. *Rick Olson*
+* Moved Dispatcher to ActionController::Dispatcher. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Changed the default logger from Ruby's own Logger with the clean_logger extensions to ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger for performance reasons [David Heinemeier Hansson]. (You can change it back with config.logger = Logger.new("/path/to/log", level).)
+* Added a default 422.html page to be rendered when ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid, ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved, or ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken is raised *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added --skip-fixture option to script/generate model #6862 *sandofsky*
+* Print Rails version when starting console #7440 *eyematz*
+* Fixed the placement of fixture files for nested models when generating through script/generate model #7547 *jkit*
+* Added TEMPLATE option to rake doc:app to set a custom output template #7737 *Jakob Skjerning*
+* Added VERBOSE option to rake db:migrate to turn off output #8204 *John Barnette*
+* Fixed that rake doc:app should use UTF-8 #8906 *farzy*
+* Fixes rake annotations to search erb and builder files as well #9150 *m.langenberg*
+* Removed web_service generator *Michael Koziarski*
+* Added the :all option to config.plugins that'll include the rest of the plugins not already explicitly named #9613 [Frederick Cheung]. Example:
+ # Loads :classic_pagination before all the other plugins
+ config.plugins = [ :classic_pagination, :all ]
+* Added symbols as a legal way of specifying plugins in config.plugins #9629 *tom*
+* Removed deprecated task names, like clear_logs, in favor of the new namespaced style *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Support multiple config.after_initialize blocks so plugins and apps can more easily cooperate. #9582 *Zach Dennis*
+* Added db:drop:all to drop all databases declared in config/database.yml *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Use attribute pairs instead of the migration name to create add and remove column migrations. Closes #9166 *Pratik Naik*
+ For example:
+ ruby script/generation migration AddSomeStuffToCustomers first_name:string last_name:string
+ or
+ ruby script/generation migration RemoveSomeStuffFromCustomers first_name:string last_name:string
+* Add ActiveResource to Rails::Info. Closes #8741 *Chris Kampmeier*
+* use Gem.find_name instead of search when freezing gems. Prevent false positives for other gems with rails in the name. Closes #8729 *wselman*
+* Automatically generate add/remove column commands in specially named migrations like AddLocationToEvent. Closes #9006 *Ryan Davis*
+* Default to plural table name in Rails Generator if ActiveRecord is not present. Closes #8963 *evan*
+* Added rake routes for listing all the defined routes in the system. #8795 *Josh Peek*
+* db:create creates the database for the current environment if it's on localhost. db:create:all creates local databases for all environments. #8783 *matt*
+* Generators: look for generators in all gems, not just those suffixed with _generator, in the gem's generators or rails_generators directory. Allow use of the rails_generators directory instead of the standard generators directory in plugins also. #8730 *Dr Nic, topfunky*
+* MySQL, PostgreSQL: database.yml defaults to utf-8. #8701 *matt*
+* Added db:version to get the current schema number *via Err The Blog*
+* Added --skip-migration option to scaffold and resource generators #8656 *Michael Glaesemann*
+* Fix that FCGIs would leave log files open when asked to shut down by USR2. #3028 *Sebastian Kanthak, Josh Peek*
+* Fixed that dispatcher preparation callbacks only run once in production mode. Mock Routes.reload so that dispatcher preparation callback tests run. *Rick Olson*
+* Fix syntax error in dispatcher than wrecked failsafe responses. #8625 *mtitorenko*
+* Scaffolded validation errors set the appropriate HTTP status for XML responses. #6946, #8622 *Manfred Stienstra, mmmultiworks*
+* Sexy migrations for the session_migration generator. #8561 *Vladislav*
+* Console reload! runs to_prepare callbacks also. #8393 *f.svehla*
+* Generated migrations include timestamps by default. #8501 *Shane Vitarana*
+* Drop Action Web Service from rails:freeze:edge. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Add db:create, drop, reset, charset, and collation tasks. #8448 *matt*
+* Scaffold generator depends on model generator instead of duplicating it. #7222 *bscofield*
+* Scaffold generator tests. #8443 *pelle*
+* Generated scaffold functional tests use assert_difference. #8421 *Norbert Crombach*
+* Update to Prototype 1.5.1. *Sam Stephenson*
+* Update to script.aculo.us 1.7.1_beta3. *Thomas Fuchs*
+* Generators use *.html.erb view template naming. #8278 *Tim Pope*
+* Updated resource_scaffold and model generators to use short-hand style migrations *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Updated initializer to only load #{RAILS_ENV}.rb once. Added deprecation warning for config.breakpoint_server. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Removed breakpointer and Binding.of_caller in favor of relying on ruby-debug by Kent Sibilev since the breakpointer has been broken since Ruby 1.8.4 and will not be coming back *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+ To use the new debugger, start your server with script/server --debugger and insert a call to 'debugger'
+ (instead of 'breakpoint') where you want to jump into the debugger.
+ BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBILITY NOTE: You must remove the default line 12 from config/environments/development.rb:
+ config.breakpoint_server = true
+ This configuration option is no longer available. Rails will fail to start in development mode as long as
+ that's still present.
+* Resource scaffolding returns the created entity.to_xml. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Resource scaffolding responds to new.xml. #8185 *Eric Mill*
+* Include Active Resource in rails:freeze:edge rake task. *Thomas Fuchs*
+* Include Active Resource instead of Action Web Service [David Heinemeier Hansson] You can add AWS back with this in config/environment.rb:
+ config.load_paths += %W( #{RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails/actionwebservice/lib )
+ ...or just gem 'actionwebservice'
+* Give generate scaffold a more descriptive database message. Closes #7316 *Jeremy McAnally*
+* Canonicalize RAILS_ROOT by using File.expand_path on Windows, which doesn't have to worry about symlinks, and Pathname#realpath elsewhere, which respects symlinks in relative paths but is incompatible with Windows. #6755 *Jeremy Kemper, trevor*
+* Deprecation: remove components from controller paths. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Add environment variable RAILS_DEFAULT_DATABASE, which allows the builtin default of 'mysql' to be overridden. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Windows: include MinGW in RUBY_PLATFORM check. #2982 *okkez000@gmail.com, Kaspar Schiess*
+* Split out the basic plugin locator functionality into an abstract super class. Add a FileSystemLocator to do the job of checking the plugin_paths for plugins. Add plugin_locators configuration option which will iterate over the set of plugin locators and load each of the plugin loaders they return. Rename locater everywhere to locator. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Split plugin location and loading out of the initializer and into a new Plugin namespace, which includes Plugin::Locater and Plugin::Loader. The loader class that is used can be customized using the config.plugin_loader option. Those monkey patching the plugin loading subsystem take note, the internals changing here will likely break your modifications. The good news is that it should be substantially easier to hook into the plugin locating and loading process now. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Added assumption that all plugin creators desire to be sharing individuals and release their work under the MIT license *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added source-annotations extractor tasks to rake [Jamis Buck]. This allows you to add FIXME, OPTIMIZE, and TODO comments to your source code that can then be extracted in concert with rake notes (shows all), rake notes:fixme, rake notes:optimize and rake notes:todo.
+* Added fixtures :all to test_helper.rb to assume that most people just want all their fixtures loaded all the time *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added config/initializers where all ruby files within it are automatically loaded after the Rails configuration is done, so you don't have to litter the environment.rb file with a ton of mixed stuff *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* For new apps, generate a random secret for the cookie-based session store. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Stop swallowing errors during rake test *Michael Koziarski*
+* Update Rails Initializer to use ActionController::Base#view_paths *Rick Olson*
+* Fix gem deprecation warnings, which also means depending on RubyGems 0.9.0+ *Chad Fowler*
+* Plugins may be symlinked in vendor/plugins. #4245 *brandon, progrium@gmail.com*
+* Resource generator depends on the model generator rather than duplicating it. #7269 *bscofield*
+* Add/Update usage documentation for script/destroy, resource generator and scaffold_resource generator. Closes #7092, #7271, #7267. *bscofield*
+* Update to script.aculo.us 1.7.0. *Thomas Fuchs*
+* Update to Prototype 1.5.0. *Sam Stephenson*
+* Generator: use destination path for diff tempfiles. #7015 *alfeld*
+* Fixed that webrick would strip leading newlines and hang connection #4156 *psross*
+* Ensure plugins are in the Dependencies.load_once_paths collection by default. *Rick Olson*
+ If you really want your plugins to reload, add this to the very top of init.rb:
+ Dependencies.load_once_paths.delete(lib_path)
+* Allow config.to_prepare to work, make the dispatcher safe to 're require'. *Michael Koziarski, Nicholas Seckar*
+* Fix scaffold_resource generator so it respects the --pretend argument when creating the routes file. Closes #6852 *fearoffish*
+* Fix Webrick Daemon dispatching bug regarding a bad current working directory. Closes #4899 *Rick Olson*
+* Make config.plugins affect the load path and the dependencies system. Allows you to control plugin loading order, and keep disabled plugins off the load path. *James Adam*
+* Don't generate a components directory in new Rails apps. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Fixed script/process/spawner to work properly with Mongrel including in -r (daemonize mode) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added one-letter aliases for the three default environments to script/console, so script/console p will load the production environment (t for test, d for development) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Fixed that script/server running against Mongrel should tail the proper log regardless of the environment *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Update initializer to load Rails::VERSION as soon as possible. Closes #6698. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Added ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! in development mode so the database connection is not carried over from request to request. Some databases won't reread the schema if that doesn't happen (I'm looking at you SQLite), so you have to restart the server after each migration (= no fun) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Made RAILS_GEM_VERSION work for beta gems too, so specifying 1.1.6 will give you if available *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Update to Prototype and script.aculo.us [5579]. *Thomas Fuchs*
+* Made script/server work with -e and -d when using Mongrel *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc2 [5550] which makes it work in Opera again *Thomas Fuchs*
+* Make sure that exceptions which are thrown outside of the user code try their best to be handeled in ApplicationController#rescue_action *Tobias Lütke*
+* Rails::VERSION::STRING should always be available without having to require 'rails/version'. #6244 *fearoffish*
+* Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc2. *Sam Stephenson*
+* Add grep-based fallback to reaper, to work in pidless setups *Jamis Buck*
+* Only wrap request processing with our USR1 signal handler so FastCGI can trap it and raise an exception while waiting for connections. Idle processes exit immediately rather than waiting for another request; active processes gracefully exit when the request is finished. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Alter prior change to use require_dependency instead of require_or_load. Causes ApplicationController to be reloaded again. Closes #6587. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Rake: use absolute paths to load lib and vendor tasks so they may be run outside of RAILS_ROOT. #6584 *jchris*
+* Remove temporary crutch to help ApplicationController be unloaded. Closes #6496. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* scaffold_resource generator uses _path named routes and head instead of render :nothing => true. #6545 *Josh Susser*
+* Generator can show diff on file collision to help you decide whether to skip or overwrite. #6364 *jeffw, Jeremy Kemper*
+* Generated directories are recursively svn added, like mkdir -p. #6416 *NeilW*
+* resource and scaffold_resource generators add a restful route to config/routes.rb *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Revert environment changes for autoload_paths. *Michael Koziarski*
+* Update to latest Prototype, which doesn't serialize disabled form elements, adds clone() to arrays, empty/non-string Element.update() and adds a fixes excessive error reporting in WebKit beta versions *Thomas Fuchs*
+* Clean up the output of rake stats, de-emphasise components and apis, and remove the indents for tests *Michael Koziarski*
+* Added option to script/process/spawner of specifying the binding address #5133 *Dee Zsombor*
+* Update environment.rb comments to include config.autoload_paths. Closes #6478 *caio*
+* Update scaffold to use new form_tag block functionality. Closes #6480. *Bob Silva*
+* Plugin generator: check for class collisions. #4833 *vinbarnes@gmail.com*
+* Mailer generator: handle mailers in modules, set mime_version in unit test. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Set $KCODE to 'u' by default to enable the multibyte safe String#chars proxy. *Michael Koziarski*
+* Added config.plugins to control which plugins are loaded #6269 [Stefan Kaes]. By default, everything in vendor/plugins will be loaded, but if you specify config.plugins, only those will be loaded. Example:
+ config.plugins = %w[ routing_navigator simply_helpful ]
+* Clean up html on included error pages. *Tim Lucas*
+* Fixed default 404.html and 500.htmls to remove extreme ugliness and include human language *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Update to latest Prototype and script.aculo.us trunk versions *Thomas Fuchs*
+* PostgreSQL: db:test:purge closes open database connections first. #6236 *alex*
+* Fixed test:uncommitted on Windows (backslash issue) #4999 *paul@paulbutcher.com*
+* Fixed migration creation to work with namespaced models, so script/generate model Gallery::Image will use create_table :gallery_images #6327 *Bob Silva*
+* Fixed rename_table on SQLite tables with indexes defined #5942 *brandon@opensoul.org*
+* Added default timeout setting of 5 seconds to SQLite3 database.yml configurations *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added generated attribute options to script/generate model, like the one found in scaffold_resource and resource [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Examples:
+ ./script/generate model post title:string created_on:date body:text published:boolean
+* Added script/generate resource which works just like scaffold_resource, but creates empty placeholders instead of predefined *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* script/runner can run files, pass on arguments, and be used as a shebang. #6286 *Tuxie, dlpond*
+ #!/usr/bin/env /path/to/my/app/script/runner
+ # Example: just start using your models as if you are in script/console
+ Product.find(:all).each { |product| product.check_inventory }
+* Look for rake tasks in plugin subdirs. #6259 *obrie*
+* Added map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format' as a default route to config/routes.rb *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Updated prototype.js to 1.5.0_rc1 with latest fixes. *Rick Olson*
+ - XPATH support
+ - Make Form.getElements() return elements in the correct order
+ - fix broken Form.serialize return
+* session_migration generator adds an index on updated_at. #6207 *grg*
+* script/server creates the tmp/pids directory. #6204 *jonathan*
+* Fix script/console --sandbox for internal transactions changes. #5738 *Chris McGrath, charles.gerungan@gmail.com*
+* Remove the uncanny default of adding all app/models/*/ directories to the load path. This change will break application which expect the current behavior. As
+ documented in initializer.rb, the workaround is:
+ config.autoload_paths += Dir*RAILS_ROOT + '/app/models/*/'*
+ References #6031. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Update to script.aculo.us 1.6.3 *Thomas Fuchs*
+* Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc1 *sam*
+* Formally Deprecate the old rake tasks. *Michael Koziarski*
+* Thoroughly test the FCGI dispatcher. #5970 *Kevin Clark*
+* Remove Dir.chdir in the Webrick DispatchServlet#initialize method. Fix bad path errors when trying to load config/routes.rb. *Rick Olson*
+* Tighten rescue clauses. #5985 *james@grayproductions.net*
+* Cleaning up tests. *Kevin Clark, Jeremy Kemper*
+* Add Dependencies.load_once_paths. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Updated to script.aculo.us 1.6.2 *Thomas Fuchs*
+* Assign Routing.controller_paths; fix script/about and rails info controller. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Don't warn dispatcher of Reloadable deprecations. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Rearrange application resetting and preparation, fix bug with leaking subclasses hash in ActiveRecord::Base *Rick Olson*
+ ActiveRecord::Base.reset_subclasses is called before Dependencies are cleared and classes removed.
+ ActiveRecord::Base.instantiate_observers is called during a Dispatcher preparation callback.
+* Add missing mock directories from the autoload_paths configuration. *Rick Olson*
+* Nested controller scaffolding also nests the generated layout. *iain d broadfoot*
+* Add "require 'dispatcher'" to webrick server in the continuing quest to squash webrick weirdness. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Add autoload_paths support to Initializer. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Fix Dispatcher.reset_application! so that AR subclasses are removed and Observers re-initialized *after* Reloadable classes are removed. Closes #5743. *Rick Olson*
+* Clarify usage of script/plugin source. Closes #5344. *James Adam*
+* Add Dispatcher.to_prepare and config.to_prepare to provide a pre-request hook. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Tweak the Rails load order so observers are loaded after plugins, and reloaded in development mode. Closed #5279. *Rick Olson*
+* Added that you can change the web server port in config/lighttpd.conf from script/server --port/-p #5465 *mats@imediatec.co.uk*
+* script/performance/profiler compatibility with the new ruby-prof, including an option to choose the results printer. #5679 *Shugo Maeda*
+* Fixed the failsafe response so it uses either the current recognized controller or ApplicationController. *Rick Olson*
+* Make sure script/reaper only reaps dispatcher pids by default, and not the spawner's pid. *Jamis Buck*
+* Fix script/plugin about so it uses about.yml and not meta.yml. *James Adam*
+* Dispatcher processes rescued actions with the same controller that processed the request. #4625 *sd@notso.net*
+* rails -d frontbase to create a new project with a frontbase database.yml. #4945 *mlaster@metavillage.com*
+* Ensure the logger is initialized. #5629 *mike@clarkware.com*
+* Added Mongrel-spawning capabilities to script/process/spawner. Mongrel will be the default choice if installed, otherwise FCGI is tried [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Examples:
+ spawner # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002 using Mongrel if available
+ spawner fcgi # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002 using FCGI
+ spawner mongrel -i 5 # starts instances on 8000, 8001, 8002, 8003, and 8004 using Mongrel
+ spawner -p 9100 -i 10 # starts 10 instances counting from 9100 to 9109 using Mongrel if available
+ spawner -p 9100 -r 5 # starts 3 instances counting from 9100 to 9102 and attempts start them every 5 seconds
+ Also note that script/process/reaper is Mongrel capable. So the combination of spawner and reaper is a built-in alternative to something like mongrel_cluster.
+* Update scaffolding functional tests to use :id => people(:first) instead of :id => 1. #5612 *evan@protest.net*
+* db:test:clone should remove existing tables before reloading the schema. #5607 *sveit@tradeharbor.com*
+* Fixed migration generation for class names like ACLController #5197 *brad@madriska.com*
+* Added show_source_list and show_call_stack to breakpoints to make it easier to get context #5476 [takiuchi@drecom.co.jp]. Examples:
+ irb(#<TopController:0x40822a68>):002:0> show_source_list
+ 0001 class TopController < ApplicationController
+ 0002 def show
+ 0003-> breakpoint
+ 0004 end
+ 0005
+ 0006 def index
+ 0007 end
+ 0008
+ => "/path/to/rails/root/app/controllers/top_controller.rb"
+ irb(#<TopController:0x40822a68>):004:0> show_call_stack 3
+ vendor/rails/railties/lib/breakpoint.rb:536:in `breakpoint'
+ vendor/rails/railties/lib/breakpoint.rb:536:in `breakpoint'
+ app/controllers/top_controller.rb:3:in `show'
+ => "/path/to/rails/root/app/controllers/top_controller.rb:3"
+* Generate scaffold layout in subdirectory appropriate to its module nesting. #5511 *nils@alumni.rice.edu*
+* Mongrel: script/server tails the rails log like it does with lighttpd. Prefer mongrel over lighttpd. #5541 *mike@clarkware.com*
+* Don't assume Active Record is available. #5497 *bob@sporkmonger.com*
+* Mongrel: script/server works on Win32. #5499 *jeremydurham@gmail.com*
+* Remove opts.on { |options[:option_name] } style hash assignment. Closes #4440. *Nick Sieger*
+* Mongrel support for script/server. #5475 *jeremydurham@gmail.com*
+* Fix script/plugin so it doesn't barf on invalid URLs *Rick Olson*
+* Fix plugin install bug at dir with space. (closes #5359) *Yoshimasa NIWA*
+* Fix bug with 'script/plugin install' so it reports unknown plugin names correctly. *Rick Olson*
+* Added uninstall.rb hook to plugin handling, such that plugins have a way of removing assets and other artifacts on removal #5003 *takiuchi@drecom.co.jp*
+* Create temporary dirs relative to RAILS_ROOT when running script/server #5014 *elliot@townx.org*
+* Minor tweak to dispatcher to use recognize instead of recognize!, as per the new routes. *Jamis Buck*
+* Make "script/plugin install" work with svn+ssh URLs. *Sam Stephenson*
+* Added lib/ to the directories that will get application docs generated *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Add observer generator. Closes #5167. *François Beausoleil*
+* Session migration generator obeys pluralize_table_names. #5145 *James Adam*
+* rake test:recent understands subdirectories. #2925 *jerrett@bravenet.com*
+* The app generator detects the XAMPP package's MySQL socket location. #3832 *elliot@townx.org*
+* The app generator sets a session key in application.rb so apps running on the same host may distinguish their cookies. #2967 *rcoder, rails-bug@owl.me.uk*
+* Distinguish the spawners for different processes *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added -n/--process to script/process/spawner name the process pid (default is dispatch) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Namespaced OrderedHash so the Rails implementation does not clash with any others. (fixes #4911) *Julian Tarkhanov*
+* Replace Ruby's deprecated append_features in favor of included. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Added script/process/inspector to do simple process status information on Rails dispatchers keeping pid files in tmp/pids *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added pid file usage to script/process/spawner and script/process/reaper along with a directive in default config/lighttpd.conf file to record the pid. They will all save their pid file in tmp/pids *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+## 1.2.3 (March 12th, 2007) ##
+* Ruby 1.8.6 compatibility
+* Windows: include MinGW in RUBY_PLATFORM check. #2982 *okkez000@gmail.com, Kaspar Schiess*
+* Stop swallowing errors during rake test *Michael Koziarski*
+## 1.2.2 (February 5th, 2007) ##
+* Fix gem deprecation warnings, which also means depending on RubyGems 0.9.0+ *Chad Fowler*
+* Require the dispatcher for Rails::Configuration#to_prepare. *Rick Olson*
+## 1.2.1 (January 16th, 2007) ##
+* Updated to Active Record 1.15.1, Action Pack 1.13.1, Action Mailer 1.3.1, Action Web Service 1.2.1
+## 1.2.0 (January 16th, 2007) ##
+* Update to Prototype 1.5.0. *Sam Stephenson*
+* Generator: use destination path for diff tempfiles. #7015 *alfeld*
+* Fixed that webrick would strip leading newlines and hang connection #4156 *psross*
+* Ensure plugins are in the Dependencies.load_once_paths collection by default. *Rick Olson*
+ If you really want your plugins to reload, add this to the very top of init.rb:
+ Dependencies.load_once_paths.delete(lib_path)
+* Fix scaffold_resource generator so it respects the --pretend argument when creating the routes file. Closes #6852 *fearoffish*
+* Fix Webrick Daemon dispatching bug regarding a bad current working directory. Closes #4899 *Rick Olson*
+* Make config.plugins affect the load path and the dependencies system. Allows you to control plugin loading order, and keep disabled plugins off the load path. *James Adam*
+* Don't generate a components directory in new Rails apps. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Fixed script/process/spawner to work properly with Mongrel including in -r (daemonize mode) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Deprecated the name route "root" as it'll be used as a shortcut for map.connect '' in Rails 2.0 *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Fixed that script/server running against Mongrel should tail the proper log regardless of the environment *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Update initializer to load Rails::VERSION as soon as possible. Closes #6698. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Added ActiveRecord::Base.clear_active_connections! in development mode so the database connection is not carried over from request to request. Some databases won't reread the schema if that doesn't happen (I'm looking at you SQLite), so you have to restart the server after each migration (= no fun) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Made RAILS_GEM_VERSION work for beta gems too, so specifying 1.1.6 will give you if available *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Update to Prototype and script.aculo.us [5579]. *Sam Stephenson, Thomas Fuchs*
+* Made script/server work with -e and -d when using Mongrel *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Make sure that exceptions which are thrown outside of the user code try their best to be handeled in ApplicationController#rescue_action *Tobias Lütke*
+* Rails::VERSION::STRING should always be available without having to require 'rails/version'. #6244 *fearoffish*
+* Add grep-based fallback to reaper, to work in pidless setups *Jamis Buck*
+* Only wrap request processing with our USR1 signal handler so FastCGI can trap it and raise an exception while waiting for connections. Idle processes exit immediately rather than waiting for another request; active processes gracefully exit when the request is finished. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Alter prior change to use require_dependency instead of require_or_load. Causes ApplicationController to be reloaded again. Closes #6587. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Rake: use absolute paths to load lib and vendor tasks so they may be run outside of RAILS_ROOT. #6584 *jchris*
+* scaffold_resource generator uses _path named routes and head instead of render :nothing => true. #6545 *Josh Susser*
+* Generator can show diff on file collision to help you decide whether to skip or overwrite. #6364 *jeffw, Jeremy Kemper*
+* Generated directories are recursively svn added, like mkdir -p. #6416 *NeilW*
+* resource and scaffold_resource generators add a restful route to config/routes.rb *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Revert environment changes for autoload_paths. *Michael Koziarski*
+* Clean up the output of rake stats, de-emphasise components and apis, and remove the indents for tests *Michael Koziarski*
+* Added option to script/process/spawner of specifying the binding address #5133 *Dee Zsombor*
+* Update environment.rb comments to include config.autoload_paths. Closes #6478 *caio*
+* Update scaffold to use new form_tag block functionality. Closes #6480. *Bob Silva*
+* Plugin generator: check for class collisions. #4833 *vinbarnes@gmail.com*
+* Mailer generator: handle mailers in modules, set mime_version in unit test. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Set $KCODE to 'u' by default to enable the multibyte safe String#chars proxy. *Michael Koziarski*
+* Added config.plugins to control which plugins are loaded #6269 [Stefan Kaes]. By default, everything in vendor/plugins will be loaded, but if you specify config.plugins, only those will be loaded. Example:
+ config.plugins = %w[ routing_navigator simply_helpful ]
+* Clean up html on included error pages. *Tim Lucas*
+* Fixed default 404.html and 500.htmls to remove extreme ugliness and include human language *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Update to latest Prototype and script.aculo.us trunk versions *Thomas Fuchs*
+* PostgreSQL: db:test:purge closes open database connections first. #6236 *alex*
+* Fixed test:uncommitted on Windows (backslash issue) #4999 *paul@paulbutcher.com*
+* Fixed migration creation to work with namespaced models, so script/generate model Gallery::Image will use create_table :gallery_images #6327 *Bob Silva*
+* Fixed rename_table on SQLite tables with indexes defined #5942 *brandon@opensoul.org*
+* Added default timeout setting of 5 seconds to SQLite3 database.yml configurations *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added generated attribute options to script/generate model, like the one found in scaffold_resource and resource [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Examples:
+ ./script/generate model post title:string created_on:date body:text published:boolean
+* Added script/generate resource which works just like scaffold_resource, but creates empty placeholders instead of predefined *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* script/runner can run files, pass on arguments, and be used as a shebang. #6286 *Tuxie, dlpond*
+ #!/usr/bin/env /path/to/my/app/script/runner
+ # Example: just start using your models as if you are in script/console
+ Product.find(:all).each { |product| product.check_inventory }
+* Look for rake tasks in plugin subdirs. #6259 *obrie*
+* Added map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format' as a default route to config/routes.rb *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* session_migration generator adds an index on updated_at. #6207 *grg*
+* script/server creates the tmp/pids directory. #6204 *jonathan*
+* Fix script/console --sandbox for internal transactions changes. #5738 *Chris McGrath, charles.gerungan@gmail.com*
+* Remove the uncanny default of adding all app/models/*/ directories to the load path. This change will break application which expect the current behavior. As
+ documented in initializer.rb, the workaround is:
+ config.autoload_paths += Dir*RAILS_ROOT + '/app/models/*/'*
+ References #6031. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Update to script.aculo.us 1.6.3 *Thomas Fuchs*
+* Formally Deprecate the old rake tasks. *Michael Koziarski*
+* Thoroughly test the FCGI dispatcher. #5970 *Kevin Clark*
+* Remove Dir.chdir in the Webrick DispatchServlet#initialize method. Fix bad path errors when trying to load config/routes.rb. *Rick Olson*
+* Tighten rescue clauses. #5985 *james@grayproductions.net*
+* Cleaning up tests. *Kevin Clark, Jeremy Kemper*
+* Add Dependencies.load_once_paths. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Assign Routing.controller_paths; fix script/about and rails info controller. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Don't warn dispatcher of Reloadable deprecations. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Rearrange application resetting and preparation, fix bug with leaking subclasses hash in ActiveRecord::Base *Rick Olson*
+ ActiveRecord::Base.reset_subclasses is called before Dependencies are cleared and classes removed.
+ ActiveRecord::Base.instantiate_observers is called during a Dispatcher preparation callback.
+* Add missing mock directories from the autoload_paths configuration. *Rick Olson*
+* Nested controller scaffolding also nests the generated layout. *iain d broadfoot*
+* Add "require 'dispatcher'" to webrick server in the continuing quest to squash webrick weirdness. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Add autoload_paths support to Initializer. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Fix Dispatcher.reset_application! so that AR subclasses are removed and Observers re-initialized *after* Reloadable classes are removed. Closes #5743. *Rick Olson*
+* Clarify usage of script/plugin source. Closes #5344. *James Adam*
+* Add Dispatcher.to_prepare and config.to_prepare to provide a pre-request hook. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Tweak the Rails load order so observers are loaded after plugins, and reloaded in development mode. Closed #5279. *Rick Olson*
+* Added that you can change the web server port in config/lighttpd.conf from script/server --port/-p #5465 *mats@imediatec.co.uk*
+* script/performance/profiler compatibility with the new ruby-prof, including an option to choose the results printer. #5679 *Shugo Maeda*
+* Fixed the failsafe response so it uses either the current recognized controller or ApplicationController. *Rick Olson*
+* Make sure script/reaper only reaps dispatcher pids by default, and not the spawner's pid. *Jamis Buck*
+* Fix script/plugin about so it uses about.yml and not meta.yml. *James Adam*
+* Dispatcher processes rescued actions with the same controller that processed the request. #4625 *sd@notso.net*
+* rails -d frontbase to create a new project with a frontbase database.yml. #4945 *mlaster@metavillage.com*
+* Ensure the logger is initialized. #5629 *mike@clarkware.com*
+* Added Mongrel-spawning capabilities to script/process/spawner. Mongrel will be the default choice if installed, otherwise FCGI is tried [David Heinemeier Hansson]. Examples:
+ spawner # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002 using Mongrel if available
+ spawner fcgi # starts instances on 8000, 8001, and 8002 using FCGI
+ spawner mongrel -i 5 # starts instances on 8000, 8001, 8002, 8003, and 8004 using Mongrel
+ spawner -p 9100 -i 10 # starts 10 instances counting from 9100 to 9109 using Mongrel if available
+ spawner -p 9100 -r 5 # starts 3 instances counting from 9100 to 9102 and attempts start them every 5 seconds
+ Also note that script/process/reaper is Mongrel capable. So the combination of spawner and reaper is a built-in alternative to something like mongrel_cluster.
+* Update scaffolding functional tests to use :id => people(:first) instead of :id => 1. #5612 *evan@protest.net*
+* db:test:clone should remove existing tables before reloading the schema. #5607 *sveit@tradeharbor.com*
+* Fixed migration generation for class names like ACLController #5197 *brad@madriska.com*
+* Added show_source_list and show_call_stack to breakpoints to make it easier to get context #5476 [takiuchi@drecom.co.jp]. Examples:
+ irb(#<TopController:0x40822a68>):002:0> show_source_list
+ 0001 class TopController < ApplicationController
+ 0002 def show
+ 0003-> breakpoint
+ 0004 end
+ 0005
+ 0006 def index
+ 0007 end
+ 0008
+ => "/path/to/rails/root/app/controllers/top_controller.rb"
+ irb(#<TopController:0x40822a68>):004:0> show_call_stack 3
+ vendor/rails/railties/lib/breakpoint.rb:536:in `breakpoint'
+ vendor/rails/railties/lib/breakpoint.rb:536:in `breakpoint'
+ app/controllers/top_controller.rb:3:in `show'
+ => "/path/to/rails/root/app/controllers/top_controller.rb:3"
+* Generate scaffold layout in subdirectory appropriate to its module nesting. #5511 *nils@alumni.rice.edu*
+* Mongrel: script/server tails the rails log like it does with lighttpd. Prefer mongrel over lighttpd. #5541 *mike@clarkware.com*
+* Don't assume Active Record is available. #5497 *bob@sporkmonger.com*
+* Mongrel: script/server works on Win32. #5499 *jeremydurham@gmail.com*
+* Remove opts.on { |options[:option_name] } style hash assignment. Closes #4440. *Nick Sieger*
+* Mongrel support for script/server. #5475 *jeremydurham@gmail.com*
+* Fix script/plugin so it doesn't barf on invalid URLs *Rick Olson*
+* Fix plugin install bug at dir with space. (closes #5359) *Yoshimasa NIWA*
+* Fix bug with 'script/plugin install' so it reports unknown plugin names correctly. *Rick Olson*
+* Added uninstall.rb hook to plugin handling, such that plugins have a way of removing assets and other artifacts on removal #5003 *takiuchi@drecom.co.jp*
+* Create temporary dirs relative to RAILS_ROOT when running script/server #5014 *elliot@townx.org*
+* Minor tweak to dispatcher to use recognize instead of recognize!, as per the new routes. *Jamis Buck*
+* Make "script/plugin install" work with svn+ssh URLs. *Sam Stephenson*
+* Added lib/ to the directories that will get application docs generated *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Add observer generator. Closes #5167. *François Beausoleil*
+* Session migration generator obeys pluralize_table_names. #5145 *James Adam*
+* rake test:recent understands subdirectories. #2925 *jerrett@bravenet.com*
+* The app generator detects the XAMPP package's MySQL socket location. #3832 *elliot@townx.org*
+* The app generator sets a session key in application.rb so apps running on the same host may distinguish their cookies. #2967 *rcoder, rails-bug@owl.me.uk*
+* Distinguish the spawners for different processes *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added -n/--process to script/process/spawner name the process pid (default is dispatch) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Namespaced OrderedHash so the Rails implementation does not clash with any others. (fixes #4911) *Julian Tarkhanov*
+* Replace Ruby's deprecated append_features in favor of included. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Added script/process/inspector to do simple process status information on Rails dispatchers keeping pid files in tmp/pids *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added pid file usage to script/process/spawner and script/process/reaper along with a directive in default config/lighttpd.conf file to record the pid. They will all save their pid file in tmp/pids *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+## 1.1.6 (August 10th, 2006) ##
+* Additional security patch
+## 1.1.5 (August 8th, 2006) ##
+* Mention in docs that config.frameworks doesn't work when getting Rails via Gems. #4857 *Alisdair McDiarmid*
+* Change the scaffolding layout to use yield rather than @content_for_layout. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Includes critical security patch
+## 1.1.4 (June 29th, 2006) ##
+* Remove use of opts.on { |options[:name] } style hash assignment. References #4440. *headius@headius.com*
+* Updated to Action Pack 1.12.3, ActionWebService 1.1.4, ActionMailer 1.2.3
+## 1.1.3 (June 27th, 2006) ##
+* Updated to Active Record 1.14.3, Action Pack 1.12.2, ActionWebService 1.1.3, ActionMailer 1.2.2
+## 1.1.2 (April 9th, 2006) ##
+* Mention in docs that config.frameworks doesn't work when getting Rails via Gems. Closes #4857. *Alisdair McDiarmid*
+* Change the scaffolding layout to use yield rather than @content_for_layout. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Added rake rails:update:configs to update config/boot.rb from the latest (also included in rake rails:update) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Fixed that boot.rb would set RAILS_GEM_VERSION twice, not respect an uncommented RAILS_GEM_VERSION line, and not use require_gem *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+## 1.1.1 (April 6th, 2006) ##
+* Enhances plugin#discover allowing it to discover svn:// like URIs (closes #4565) *ruben.nine@gmail.com*
+* Update to Prototype 1.5.0_rc0 *Sam Stephenson*
+* Fixed that the -r/--ruby path option of the rails command was not being respected #4549 *ryan.raaum@gmail.com*
+* Added that Dispatcher exceptions should not be shown to the user unless a default log has not been configured. Instead show public/500.html *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Fixed that rake clone_structure_to_test should quit on pgsql if the dump is unsuccesful #4585 *augustz@augustz.com*
+* Fixed that rails --version should have the return code of 0 (success) #4560 *blair@orcaware.com*
+* Install alias so Rails::InfoController is accessible at /rails_info. Closes #4546. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Fixed that spawner should daemonize if running in repeat mode *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added TAG option for rake rails:freeze:edge, so you can say rake rails:freeze:edge TAG=rel_1-1-0 to lock to the 1.1.0 release *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Applied Prototype $() performance patches (#4465, #4477) and updated script.aculo.us *Sam Stephenson, Thomas Fuchs*
+* Use --simple-prompt instead of --prompt-mode simple for console compatibility with Windows/Ruby 1.8.2 #4532 *starr@starrnhorne.com*
+* Make Rails::VERSION implicitly loadable #4491. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Fixed rake rails:freeze:gems #4518 *benji@silverinsanity.com*
+* Added -f/--freeze option to rails command for freezing the application to the Rails version it was generated with *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added gem binding of apps generated through the rails command to the gems of they were generated with *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Added expiration settings for JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and images to default lighttpd.conf *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added gzip compression for JavaScript, CSS, and HTML to default lighttpd.conf *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Avoid passing escapeHTML non-string in Rails' info controller *Nicholas Seckar*
+## 1.1.0 (March 27th, 2006) ##
+* Allow db:fixtures:load to load a subset of the applications fixtures. *Chad Fowler*
+ ex.
+ rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=customers,plans
+* Update to Prototype 1.5.0_pre1 *Sam Stephenson*
+* Update to script.aculo.us 1.6 *Thomas Fuchs*
+* Add an integration_test generator *Jamis Buck*
+* Make all ActionView helpers available in the console from the helper method for debugging purposes. n.b.: Only an 80% solution. Some stuff won't work, most will. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+ ex.
+ >> puts helper.options_for_select([%w(a 1), %w(b 2), %w(c 3)])
+ <option value="1">a</option>
+ <option value="2">b</option>
+ <option value="3">c</option>
+ => nil
+* Replaced old session rake tasks with db:sessions:create to generate a migration, and db:sessions:clear to remove sessions. *Rick Olson*
+* Reject Ruby 1.8.3 when loading Rails; extract version checking code. *Chad Fowler*
+* Remove explicit loading of RailsInfo and RailsInfoController. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Move RailsInfo and RailsInfoController to Rails::Info and Rails::InfoController. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Extend load path with Railties' builtin directory to make adding support code easy. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Fix the rails_info controller by explicitly loading it, and marking it as not reloadable. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Fixed rails:freeze:gems for Windows #3274 *paul@paulbutcher.com*
+* Added 'port open?' check to the spawner when running in repeat mode so we don't needlessly boot the dispatcher if the port is already in use anyway #4089 *guy.naor@famundo.com*
+* Add verification to generated scaffolds, don't allow get for unsafe actions *Michael Koziarski*
+* Don't replace application.js in public/javascripts if it already exists *Cody Fauser*
+* Change test:uncommitted to delay execution of `svn status` by using internal Rake API's. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Use require_library_or_gem to load rake in commands/server.rb. Closes #4205. *rob.rasmussen@gmail.com*
+* Use the Rake API instead of shelling out to create the tmp directory in commands/server.rb. *Chad Fowler*
+* Added a backtrace to the evil WSOD (White Screen of Death). Closes #4073. TODO: Clearer exceptions *Rick Olson*
+* Added tracking of database and framework versions in script/about #4088 *charles.gerungan@gmail.com/Rick Olson*
+* Added public/javascripts/application.js as a sample since it'll automatically be included in javascript_include_tag :defaults *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added socket cleanup for lighttpd, both before and after *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added automatic creation of tmp/ when running script/server *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added silence_stream that'll work on both STDERR or STDOUT or any other stream and deprecated silence_stderr in the process *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added reload! method to script/console to reload all models and others that include Reloadable without quitting the console #4056 *esad@esse.at*
+* Added that rake rails:freeze:edge will now just export all the contents of the frameworks instead of just lib, so stuff like rails:update:scripts, rails:update:javascripts, and script/server on lighttpd still just works #4047 *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added fix for upload problems with lighttpd from Safari/IE to config/lighttpd.conf #3999 *Thijs van der Vossen*
+* Added test:uncommitted to test changes since last checkin to Subversion #4035 *technomancy@gmail.com*
+* Help script/about print the correct svn revision when in a non-English locale. #4026 *babie7a0@ybb.ne.jp*
+* Add 'app' accessor to script/console as an instance of Integration::Session *Jamis Buck*
+* Generator::Base#usage takes an optional message argument which defaults to Generator::Base#usage_message. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Remove the extraneous AR::Base.threaded_connections setting from the webrick server. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Add integration test support to app generation and testing *Jamis Buck*
+* Added namespaces to all tasks, so for example load_fixtures is now db:fixtures:load. All the old task names are still valid, they just point to the new namespaced names. "rake -T" will only show the namespaced ones, though *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* CHANGED DEFAULT: ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format is now :ruby by default instead of :sql. This means that we'll assume you want to live in the world of db/schema.rb where the grass is green and the girls are pretty. If your schema contains un-dumpable elements, such as constraints or database-specific column types, you just got an invitation to either 1) patch the dumper to include foreign key support, 2) stop being db specific, or 3) just change the default in config/environment.rb to config.active_record.schema_format = :sql -- we even include an example for that on new Rails skeletons now. Brought to you by the federation of opinionated framework builders! *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added -r/--repeat option to script/process/spawner that offers the same loop protection as the spinner did. This deprecates the script/process/spinner, so it's no longer included in the default Rails skeleton, but still available for backwards compatibility #3461 *ror@andreas-s.net*
+* Added collision option to template generation in generators #3329 [anna@wota.jp]. Examples:
+ m.template "stuff.config" , "config/stuff.config" , :collision => :skip
+ m.template "auto-stamping", "config/generator.log", :collision => :force
+* Added more information to script/plugin's doings to ease debugging #3755 *Rick Olson*
+* Changed the default configuration for lighttpd to use tmp/sockets instead of log/ for the FastCGI sockets *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added a default configuration of the FileStore for fragment caching if tmp/cache is available, which makes action/fragment caching ready to use out of the box with no additional configuration *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Changed the default session configuration to place sessions in tmp/sessions, if that directory is available, instead of /tmp (this essentially means a goodbye to 9/10 White Screen of Death errors and should have web hosting firms around the world cheering) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added tmp/sessions, tmp/cache, and tmp/sockets as default directories in the Rails skeleton *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added that script/generate model will now automatically create a migration file for the model created. This can be turned off by calling the generator with --skip-migration *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added -d/--database option to the rails command, so you can do "rails --database=sqlite2 myapp" to start a new application preconfigured to use SQLite2 as the database. Removed the configuration examples from SQLite and PostgreSQL from the default MySQL configuration *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Allow script/server -c /path/to/lighttpd.conf *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Remove hardcoded path to reaper script in script/server *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Update script.aculo.us to V1.5.3 *Thomas Fuchs*
+* Added SIGTRAP signal handler to RailsFCGIHandler that'll force the process into a breakpoint after the next request. This breakpoint can then be caught with script/breakpointer and give you access to the Ruby image inside that process. Useful for debugging memory leaks among other things *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Changed default lighttpd.conf to use CWD from lighttpd 1.4.10 that allows the same configuration to be used for both detach and not. Also ensured that auto-repeaping of FCGIs only happens when lighttpd is not detached. *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added Configuration#after_initialize for registering a block which gets called after the framework is fully initialized. Useful for things like per-environment configuration of plugins. *Michael Koziarski*
+* Added check for RAILS_FRAMEWORK_ROOT constant that allows the Rails framework to be found in a different place than vendor/rails. Should be set in boot.rb. *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Fixed that static requests could unlock the mutex guarding dynamic requests in the WEBrick servlet #3433 *tom@craz8.com*
+* Fixed documentation tasks to work with Rake 0.7.0 #3563 *kazuhiko@fdiary.net*
+* Update to Prototype 1.5.0_pre0 *Sam Stephenson*
+* Sort the list of plugins so we load in a consistent order *Rick Olson*
+* Show usage when script/plugin is called without arguments *tom@craz8.com*
+* Corrected problems with plugin loader where plugins set 'name' incorrectly #3297 *anna@wota.jp*
+* Make migration generator only report on exact duplicate names, not partial dupliate names. #3442 *jeremy@planetargon.com Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Fix typo in mailer generator USAGE. #3458 *chriztian.steinmeier@gmail.com*
+* Ignore version mismatch between pg_dump and the database server. #3457 *Simon Stapleton*
+* Reap FCGI processes after lighttpd exits. *Sam Stephenson*
+* Honor ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names when creating and destroying session store table. #3204. *rails@bencurtis.com, Marcel Molina Jr.*
+## 1.0.0 (December 13th, 2005) ##
+* Update instructions on how to find and install generators. #3172. *Chad Fowler*
+* Generator looks in vendor/generators also. *Chad Fowler*
+* Generator copies files in binary mode. #3156 *minimudboy@gmail.com*
+* Add builtin/ to the gemspec. Closes #3047. *Nicholas Seckar, Sam Stephenson*
+* Add install.rb file to plugin generation which is loaded, if it exists, when you install a plugin. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Run initialize_logger in script/lighttpd to ensure the log file exists before tailing it. *Sam Stephenson*
+* Make load_fixtures include csv fixtures. #3053. *me@mdaines.com*
+* Fix freeze_gems so that the latest rails version is dumped by default. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* script/plugin: handle root paths and plugin names which contain spaces. #2995 *justin@aspect.net*
+* Model generator: correct relative path to test_helper in unit test. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Make the db_schema_dump task honor the SCHEMA environment variable if present the way db_schema_import does. #2931. *Blair Zajac*
+* Have the lighttpd server script report the actual ip to which the server is bound. #2903. *Adam*
+* Add plugin library directories to the load path after the lib directory so that libraries in the lib directory get precedence. #2910. *James Adam*
+* Make help for the console command more explicit about how to specify the desired environment in which to run the console. #2911. *anonymous*
+* PostgreSQL: the purge_test_database Rake task shouldn't explicitly specify the template0 template when creating a fresh test database. #2964 *Dreamer3*
+* Introducing the session_migration generator. Creates an add_session_table migration. Allows generator to specify migrations directory. #2958, #2960 *Rick Olson*
+* script/console uses RAILS_ENV environment variable if present. #2932 [Blair Zajac <blair@orcaware.com>
+* Windows: eliminate the socket option in database.yml. #2924 *Wayne Vucenic <waynev@gmail.com>*
+* Eliminate nil from newly generated logfiles. #2927 *Blair Zajac <blair@orcaware.com>*
+* Rename Version constant to VERSION. #2802 *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Eliminate Subversion dependencies in scripts/plugin. Correct install options. Introduce --force option to reinstall a plugin. Remove useless --long option for list. Use --quiet to quiet the download output and --revision to update to a specific svn revision. #2842 *Chad Fowler, Rick Olson*
+* SQLite: the clone_structure_to_test and purge_test_database Rake tasks should always use the test environment. #2846 *Rick Olson*
+* Make sure that legacy db tasks also reference :database for SQLite #2830 *kazuhiko@fdiary.net*
+* Pass __FILE__ when evaluating plugins' init.rb. #2817 *James Adam*
+* Better svn status matching for generators. #2814 *François Beausoleil <francois.beausoleil@gmail.com>, Blair Zajac <blair@orcaware.com>*
+* Don't reload routes until plugins have been loaded so they have a chance to extend the routing capabilities *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Don't detach or fork for script/server tailing *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Changed all script/* to use #!/usr/bin/env ruby instead of hard-coded Ruby path. public/dispatcher.* still uses the hard-coded path for compatibility with web servers that don't have Ruby in path *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Force RAILS_ENV to be "test" when running tests, so that ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "production" in config/environment.rb doesn't wreck havok [David Heinemeier Hansson] #2660
+* Correct versioning in :freeze_gems Rake task. #2778 *Jakob Skjerning, Jeremy Kemper*
+* Added an omnipresent RailsInfoController with a properties action that delivers an HTML rendering of Rails::Info (but only when local_request? is true). Added a new default index.html which fetches this with Ajax. *Sam Stephenson*
+## 0.14.3 (RC4) (November 7th, 2005) ##
+## Add 'add_new_scripts' rake task for adding new rails scripts to script/ Jamis Buck ##
+* Remove bogus hyphen from script/process/reaper calls to 'ps'. #2767 *anonymous*
+* Copy lighttpd.conf when it is first needed, instead of on app creation *Jamis Buck*
+* Use require_library_or_gem 'fcgi' in script/server *Sam Stephenson*
+* Added default lighttpd config in config/lighttpd.conf and added a default runner for lighttpd in script/server (works like script/server, but using lighttpd and FastCGI). It will use lighttpd if available, otherwise WEBrick. You can force either or using 'script/server lighttpd' or 'script/server webrick' *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* New configuration option config.plugin_paths which may be a single path like the default 'vendor/plugins' or an array of paths: ['vendor/plugins', 'lib/plugins']. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Plugins are discovered in nested paths, so you can organize your plugins directory as you like. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Refactor load_plugin from load_plugins. #2757 *alex.r.moon@gmail.com*
+* Make use of silence_stderr in script/lighttpd, script/plugin, and Rails::Info *Sam Stephenson*
+* Enable HTTP installation of plugins when svn isn't avaialable. Closes #2661. *Chad Fowler*
+* Added script/about to display formatted Rails::Info output *Sam Stephenson*
+* Added Rails::Info to catalog assorted information about a Rails application's environment *Sam Stephenson*
+* Tail the logfile when running script/server lighttpd in the foreground *Sam Stephenson*
+* Try to guess the port number from config/lighttpd.conf in script/server lighttpd *Sam Stephenson*
+* Don't reap spawn-fcgi. #2727 *matthew@walker.wattle.id.au*
+* Reaper knows how to find processes even if the dispatch path is very long. #2711 *matthew@walker.wattle.id.au*
+* Make fcgi handler respond to TERM signals with an explicit exit *Jamis Buck*
+* Added demonstration of fixture use to the test case generated by the model generator *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* If specified, pass PostgreSQL client character encoding to createdb. #2703 *Kazuhiko <kazuhiko@fdiary.net>*
+* Catch CGI multipart parse errors. Wrap dispatcher internals in a failsafe response handler. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* The freeze_gems Rake task accepts the VERSION environment variable to decide which version of Rails to pull into vendor/rails. *Chad Fowler, Jeremy Kemper*
+* Removed script.aculo.us.js, builder.js and slider.js (preperation for move of scriptaculous extensions to plugins, core scriptaculous will remain in Railties) *Thomas Fuchs*
+* The freeze_edge Rake task does smarter svn detection and can export a specific revision by passing the REVISION environment variable. For example: rake freeze_edge REVISION=1234. #2663 *Rick Olson*
+* Comment database.yml and include PostgreSQL and SQLite examples. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Improve script/plugin on Windows. #2646 *Chad Fowler*
+* The *_plugindoc Rake tasks look deeper into the plugins' lib directories. #2652 *bellis@deepthought.org*
+* The PostgreSQL :db_structure_dump Rake task limits its dump to the schema search path in database.yml. *Anatol Pomozov <anatol.pomozov@gmail.com>*
+* Add task to generate rdoc for all installed plugins. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Update script.aculo.us to V1.5_rc4 *Thomas Fuchs*
+* Add default Mac + DarwinPorts MySQL socket locations to the app generator. *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Migrations may be destroyed: script/destroy migration foo. #2635 *Charles M. Gerungan <charles.gerungan@gmail.com>, Jamis Buck, Jeremy Kemper*
+* Added that plugins can carry generators and that generator stub files can be created along with new plugins using script/generate plugin <name> --with-generator *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Removed app/apis as a default empty dir since its automatically created when using script/generate web_service *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added script/plugin to manage plugins (install, remove, list, etc) *Ryan Tomayko*
+* Added test_plugins task: Run the plugin tests in vendor/plugins/**/test (or specify with PLUGIN=name) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Added plugin generator to create a stub structure for a new plugin in vendor/plugins (see "script/generate plugin" for help) *David Heinemeier Hansson*
+* Fixed scaffold generator when started with only 1 parameter #2609 *self@mattmower.com*
+* rake should run functional tests even if the unit tests have failures *Jim Weirich*
+* Back off cleanpath to be symlink friendly. Closes #2533 *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Load rake task files in alphabetical order so you can build dependencies and count on them #2554 *Blair Zajac*
+## 0.14.2 (RC3) (October 26th, 2005) ##
+* Constants set in the development/test/production environment file are set in Object
+* Scaffold generator pays attention to the controller name. #2562 *self@mattmower.com*
+* Include tasks from vendor/plugins/*/tasks in the Rakefile #2545 *Rick Olson*
+## 0.14.1 (RC2) (October 19th, 2005) ##
+* Don't clean RAILS_ROOT on windows
+* Remove trailing '/' from RAILS_ROOT *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Upgraded to Active Record 1.12.1 and Action Pack 1.10.1
+## 0.14.0 (RC1) (October 16th, 2005) ##
+* Moved generator folder from RAILS_ROOT/generators to RAILS_ROOT/lib/generators *Tobias Lütke*
+* Fix rake dev and related commands *Nicholas Seckar*
+* The rails command tries to deduce your MySQL socket by running `mysql_config
+ --socket`. If it fails, default to /path/to/your/mysql.sock
+* Made the rails command use the application name for database names in the tailored database.yml file. Example: "rails ~/projects/blog" will use "blog_development" instead of "rails_development". *Florian Weber*
+* Added Rails framework freezing tasks: freeze_gems (freeze to current gems), freeze_edge (freeze to Rails SVN trunk), unfreeze_rails (float with newest gems on system)
+* Added update_javascripts task which will fetch all the latest js files from your current rails install. Use after updating rails. *Tobias Lütke*
+* Added cleaning of RAILS_ROOT to useless elements such as '../non-dot-dot/'. Provides cleaner backtraces and error messages. *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Made the instantiated/transactional fixtures settings be controlled through Rails::Initializer. Transactional and non-instantiated fixtures are default from now on. *Florian Weber*
+* Support using different database adapters for development and test with ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format = :ruby *Sam Stephenson*
+* Make webrick work with session(:off)
+* Add --version, -v option to the Rails command. Closes #1840. *stancell*
+* Update Prototype to V1.4.0_pre11, script.aculo.us to V1.5_rc3 [2504] and fix the rails generator to include the new .js files *Thomas Fuchs*
+* Make the generator skip a file if it already exists and is identical to the new file.
+* Add experimental plugin support #2335
+* Made Rakefile aware of new .js files in script.aculo.us *Thomas Fuchs*
+* Make table_name and controller_name in generators honor AR::Base.pluralize_table_names. #1216 #2213 *kazuhiko@fdiary.net*
+* Clearly label functional and unit tests in rake stats output. #2297 *lasse.koskela@gmail.com*
+* Make the migration generator only check files ending in *.rb when calculating the next file name #2317 *Chad Fowler*
+* Added prevention of duplicate migrations from the generator #2240 *François Beausoleil*
+* Add db_schema_dump and db_schema_import rake tasks to work with the new ActiveRecord::SchemaDumper (for dumping a schema to and reading a schema from a ruby file).
+* Reformed all the config/environments/* files to conform to the new Rails::Configuration approach. Fully backwards compatible.
+* Added create_sessions_table, drop_sessions_table, and purge_sessions_table as rake tasks for databases that supports migrations (MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite) to get a table for use with CGI::Session::ActiveRecordStore
+* Added dump of schema version to the db_structure_dump task for databases that support migrations #1835 *Rick Olson*
+* Fixed script/profiler for Ruby 1.8.2 #1863 *Rick Olson*
+* Fixed clone_structure_to_test task for SQLite #1864 *jon@burningbush.us*
+* Added -m/--mime-types option to the WEBrick server, so you can specify a Apache-style mime.types file to load #2059 *ask@develooper.com*
+* Added -c/--svn option to the generator that'll add new files and remove destroyed files using svn add/revert/remove as appropriate #2064 *Kevin Clark*
+* Added -c/--charset option to WEBrick server, so you can specify a default charset (which without changes is UTF-8) #2084 *wejn@box.cz*
+* Make the default stats task extendable by modifying the STATS_DIRECTORIES constant
+* Allow the selected environment to define RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER, and have Rails::Initializer use it if it exists.
+* Moved all the shared tasks from Rakefile into Rails, so that the Rakefile is empty and doesn't require updating.
+* Added Rails::Initializer and Rails::Configuration to abstract all of the common setup out of config/environment.rb (uses config/boot.rb to bootstrap the initializer and paths)
+* Fixed the scaffold generator to fail right away if the database isn't accessible instead of in mid-air #1169 *Chad Fowler*
+* Corrected project-local generator location in scripts.rb #2010 *Michael Schuerig*
+* Don't require the environment just to clear the logs #2093 *Scott Barron*
+* Make the default rakefile read *.rake files from config/tasks (for easy extension of the rakefile by e.g. generators)
+* Only load breakpoint in development mode and when BREAKPOINT_SERVER_PORT is defined.
+* Allow the --toggle-spin switch on process/reaper to be negated
+* Replace render_partial with render :partial in scaffold generator *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Added -w flag to ps in process/reaper #1934 *Scott Barron*
+* Allow ERb in the database.yml file (just like with fixtures), so you can pull out the database configuration in environment variables #1822 *Duane Johnson*
+* Added convenience controls for FCGI processes (especially when managed remotely): spinner, spawner, and reaper. They reside in script/process. More details can be had by calling them with -h/--help.
+* Added load_fixtures task to the Rakefile, which will load all the fixtures into the database for the current environment #1791 *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Added an empty robots.txt to public/, so that web servers asking for it won't trigger a dynamic call, like favicon.ico #1738 *Michael Schubert*
+* Dropped the 'immediate close-down' of FCGI processes since it didn't work consistently and produced bad responses when it didn't. So now a TERM ensures exit after the next request (just as if the process is handling a request when it receives the signal). This means that you'll have to 'nudge' all FCGI processes with a request in order to ensure that they have all reloaded. This can be done by something like ./script/process/repear --nudge 'http://www.myapp.com' --instances 10, which will load the myapp site 10 times (and thus hit all of the 10 FCGI processes once, enough to shut down).
+## 0.13.1 (11 July, 2005) ##
+* Look for app-specific generators in RAILS_ROOT/generators rather than the clunky old RAILS_ROOT/script/generators. Nobody really uses this feature except for the unit tests, so it's a negligible-impact change. If you want to work with third-party generators, drop them in ~/.rails/generators or simply install gems.
+* Fixed that each request with the WEBrick adapter would open a new database connection #1685 *Sam Stephenson*
+* Added support for SQL Server in the database rake tasks #1652 [Ken Barker] Note: osql and scptxfr may need to be installed on your development environment. This involves getting the .exes and a .rll (scptxfr) from a production SQL Server (not developer level SQL Server). Add their location to your Environment PATH and you are all set.
+* Added a VERSION parameter to the migrate task that allows you to do "rake migrate VERSION=34" to migrate to the 34th version traveling up or down depending on the current version
+* Extend Ruby version check to include RUBY_RELEASE_DATE >= '2005-12-25', the final Ruby 1.8.2 release #1674 *court3nay*
+* Improved documentation for environment config files #1625 *court3nay*
+## 0.13.0 (6 July, 2005) ##
+* Changed the default logging level in config/environment.rb to INFO for production (so SQL statements won't be logged)
+* Added migration generator: ./script/generate migration add_system_settings
+* Added "migrate" as rake task to execute all the pending migrations from db/migrate
+* Fixed that model generator would make fixtures plural, even if ActiveRecord::Base.pluralize_table_names was false #1185 *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Added a DOCTYPE of HTML transitional to the HTML files generated by Rails #1124 *Michael Koziarski*
+* SIGTERM also gracefully exits dispatch.fcgi. Ignore SIGUSR1 on Windows.
+* Add the option to manually manage garbage collection in the FastCGI dispatcher. Set the number of requests between GC runs in your public/dispatch.fcgi *Stefan Kaes*
+* Allow dynamic application reloading for dispatch.fcgi processes by sending a SIGHUP. If the process is currently handling a request, the request will be allowed to complete first. This allows production fcgi's to be reloaded without having to restart them.
+* RailsFCGIHandler (dispatch.fcgi) no longer tries to explicitly flush $stdout (CgiProcess#out always calls flush)
+* Fixed rakefile actions against PostgreSQL when the password is all numeric #1462 *Michael Schubert*
+* ActionMailer::Base subclasses are reloaded with the other rails components #1262
+* Made the WEBrick adapter not use a mutex around action performance if ActionController::Base.allow_concurrency is true (default is false)
+* Fixed that mailer generator generated fixtures/plural while units expected fixtures/singular #1457 *Scott Barron*
+* Added a 'whiny nil' that's aim to ensure that when users pass nil to methods where that isn't appropriate, instead of NoMethodError? and the name of some method used by the framework users will see a message explaining what type of object was expected. Only active in test and development environments by default #1209 *Michael Koziarski*
+* Fixed the test_helper.rb to be safe for requiring controllers from multiple spots, like app/controllers/article_controller.rb and app/controllers/admin/article_controller.rb, without reloading the environment twice #1390 *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Fixed Webrick to escape + characters in URL's the same way that lighttpd and apache do #1397 *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Added -e/--environment option to script/runner #1408 *François Beausoleil*
+* Modernize the scaffold generator to use the simplified render and test methods and to change style from @params["id"] to params[:id]. #1367
+* Added graceful exit from pressing CTRL-C during the run of the rails command #1150 *Caleb Tennis*
+* Allow graceful exits for dispatch.fcgi processes by sending a SIGUSR1. If the process is currently handling a request, the request will be allowed to complete and then will terminate itself. If a request is not being handled, the process is terminated immediately (via #exit). This basically works like restart graceful on Apache. *Jamis Buck*
+* Made dispatch.fcgi more robust by catching fluke errors and retrying unless its a permanent condition. *Jamis Buck*
+* Added console --profile for profiling an IRB session #1154 *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Changed console_sandbox into console --sandbox #1154 *Jeremy Kemper*
+## 0.12.1 (20th April, 2005) ##
+* Upgraded to Active Record 1.10.1, Action Pack 1.8.1, Action Mailer 0.9.1, Action Web Service 0.7.1
+## 0.12.0 (19th April, 2005) ##
+* Fixed that purge_test_database would use database settings from the development environment when recreating the test database #1122 *rails@cogentdude.com*
+* Added script/benchmarker to easily benchmark one or more statement a number of times from within the environment. Examples:
+ # runs the one statement 10 times
+ script/benchmarker 10 'Person.expensive_method(10)'
+ # pits the two statements against each other with 50 runs each
+ script/benchmarker 50 'Person.expensive_method(10)' 'Person.cheap_method(10)'
+* Added script/profiler to easily profile a single statement from within the environment. Examples:
+ script/profiler 'Person.expensive_method(10)'
+ script/profiler 'Person.expensive_method(10)' 10 # runs the statement 10 times
+* Added Rake target clear_logs that'll truncate all the *.log files in log/ to zero #1079 *Lucas Carlson*
+* Added lazy typing for generate, such that ./script/generate cn == ./script/generate controller and the likes #1051 *k@v2studio.com*
+* Fixed that ownership is brought over in pg_dump during tests for PostgreSQL #1060 *pburleson*
+* Upgraded to Active Record 1.10.0, Action Pack 1.8.0, Action Mailer 0.9.0, Action Web Service 0.7.0, Active Support 1.0.4
+## 0.11.1 (27th March, 2005) ##
+* Fixed the dispatch.fcgi use of a logger
+* Upgraded to Active Record 1.9.1, Action Pack 1.7.0, Action Mailer 0.8.1, Action Web Service 0.6.2, Active Support 1.0.3
+## 0.11.0 (22th March, 2005) ##
+* Removed SCRIPT_NAME from the WEBrick environment to prevent conflicts with PATH_INFO #896 *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Removed ?$1 from the dispatch.f/cgi redirect line to get rid of 'complete/path/from/request.html' => nil being in the @params now that the ENV["REQUEST_URI"] is used to determine the path #895 *dblack/Nicholas Seckar*
+* Added additional error handling to the FastCGI dispatcher to catch even errors taking down the entire process
+* Improved the generated scaffold code a lot to take advantage of recent Rails developments #882 *Tobias Lütke*
+* Combined the script/environment.rb used for gems and regular files version. If vendor/rails/* has all the frameworks, then files version is used, otherwise gems #878 *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Changed .htaccess to allow dispatch.* to be called from a sub-directory as part of the push with Action Pack to make Rails work on non-vhost setups #826 *Nicholas Seckar/Tobias Lütke*
+* Added script/runner which can be used to run code inside the environment by eval'ing the first parameter. Examples:
+ ./script/runner 'ReminderService.deliver'
+ ./script/runner 'Mailer.receive(STDIN.read)'
+ This makes it easier to do CRON and postfix scripts without actually making a script just to trigger 1 line of code.
+* Fixed webrick_server cookie handling to allow multiple cookes to be set at once #800, #813 *dave@cherryville.org*
+* Fixed the Rakefile's interaction with postgresql to:
+ 1. Use PGPASSWORD and PGHOST in the environment to fix prompting for
+ passwords when connecting to a remote db and local socket connections.
+ 2. Add a '-x' flag to pg_dump which stops it dumping privileges #807 [rasputnik]
+ 3. Quote the user name and use template0 when dumping so the functions doesn't get dumped too #855 [pburleson]
+ 4. Use the port if available #875 [madrobby]
+* Upgraded to Active Record 1.9.0, Action Pack 1.6.0, Action Mailer 0.8.0, Action Web Service 0.6.1, Active Support 1.0.2
+## 0.10.1 (7th March, 2005) ##
+* Fixed rake stats to ignore editor backup files like model.rb~ #791 *Sebastian Kanthak*
+* Added exception shallowing if the DRb server can't be started (not worth making a fuss about to distract new users) #779 *Tobias Lütke*
+* Added an empty favicon.ico file to the public directory of new applications (so the logs are not spammed by its absence)
+* Fixed that scaffold generator new template should use local variable instead of instance variable #778 *Dan Peterson*
+* Allow unit tests to run on a remote server for PostgreSQL #781 *adamm@galacticasoftware.com*
+* Added web_service generator (run ./script/generate web_service for help) #776 *Leon Bredt*
+* Added app/apis and components to code statistics report #729 *Scott Barron*
+* Fixed WEBrick server to use ABSOLUTE_RAILS_ROOT instead of working_directory #687 *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Fixed rails_generator to be usable without RubyGems #686 *Cristi BALAN*
+* Fixed -h/--help for generate and destroy generators #331
+* Added begin/rescue around the FCGI dispatcher so no uncaught exceptions can bubble up to kill the process (logs to log/fastcgi.crash.log)
+* Fixed that association#count would produce invalid sql when called sequentialy #659 *kanis@comcard.de*
+* Fixed test/mocks/testing to the correct test/mocks/test #740
+* Added early failure if the Ruby version isn't 1.8.2 or above #735
+* Removed the obsolete -i/--index option from the WEBrick servlet #743
+* Upgraded to Active Record 1.8.0, Action Pack 1.5.1, Action Mailer 0.7.1, Action Web Service 0.6.0, Active Support 1.0.1
+## 0.10.0 (24th February, 2005) ##
+* Changed default IP binding for WEBrick from to so that the server is accessible both locally and remotely #696 *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Fixed that script/server -d was broken so daemon mode couldn't be used #687 *Nicholas Seckar*
+* Upgraded to breakpoint 92 which fixes:
+ * overload IRB.parse_opts(), fixes #443
+ => breakpoints in tests work even when running them via rake
+ * untaint handlers, might fix an issue discussed on the Rails ML
+ * added verbose mode to breakpoint_client
+ * less noise caused by breakpoint_client by default
+ * ignored TerminateLineInput exception in signal handler
+ => quiet exit on Ctrl-C
+* Added support for independent components residing in /components. Example:
+ Controller: components/list/items_controller.rb
+ (holds a List::ItemsController class with uses_component_template_root called)
+ Model : components/list/item.rb
+ (namespace is still shared, so an Item model in app/models will take precedence)
+ Views : components/list/items/show.rhtml
+* Added --sandbox option to script/console that'll roll back all changes made to the database when you quit #672 *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Added 'recent' as a rake target that'll run tests for files that changed in the last 10 minutes #612 *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Changed script/console to default to development environment and drop --no-inspect #650 *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Added that the 'fixture :posts' syntax can be used for has_and_belongs_to_many fixtures where a model doesn't exist #572 *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Added that running test_units and test_functional now performs the clone_structure_to_test as well #566 *rasputnik*
+* Added new generator framework that informs about its doings on generation and enables updating and destruction of generated artifacts. See the new script/destroy and script/update for more details #487 *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Added Action Web Service as a new add-on framework for Action Pack *Leon Bredt*
+* Added Active Support as an independent utility and standard library extension bundle
+* Upgraded to Active Record 1.7.0, Action Pack 1.5.0, Action Mailer 0.7.0
+## 0.9.5 (January 25th, 2005) ##
+* Fixed dependency reloading by switching to a remove_const approach where all Active Records, Active Record Observers, and Action Controllers are reloading by undefining their classes. This enables you to remove methods in all three types and see the change reflected immediately and it fixes #539. This also means that only those three types of classes will benefit from the const_missing and reloading approach. If you want other classes (like some in lib/) to reload, you must use require_dependency to do it.
+* Added Florian Gross' latest version of Breakpointer and friends that fixes a variaty of bugs #441 *Florian Gross*
+* Fixed skeleton Rakefile to work with sqlite3 out of the box #521 *rasputnik*
+* Fixed that script/breakpointer didn't get the Ruby path rewritten as the other scripts #523 *brandt@kurowski.net*
+* Fixed handling of syntax errors in models that had already been succesfully required once in the current interpreter
+* Fixed that models that weren't referenced in associations weren't being reloaded in the development mode by reinstating the reload
+* Fixed that generate scaffold would produce bad functional tests
+* Fixed that FCGI can also display SyntaxErrors
+* Upgraded to Active Record 1.6.0, Action Pack 1.4.0
+## (January 18th, 2005) ##
+* Added 5-second timeout to WordNet alternatives on creating reserved-word models #501 *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Fixed binding of caller #496 *Alexey*
+* Upgraded to Active Record 1.5.1, Action Pack 1.3.1, Action Mailer 0.6.1
+## 0.9.4 (January 17th, 2005) ##
+* Added that ApplicationController will catch a ControllerNotFound exception if someone attempts to access a url pointing to an unexisting controller *Tobias Lütke*
+* Flipped code-to-test ratio around to be more readable #468 *Scott Baron*
+* Fixed log file permissions to be 666 instead of 777 (so they're not executable) #471 *Lucas Carlson*
+* Fixed that auto reloading would some times not work or would reload the models twice #475 *Tobias Lütke*
+* Added rewrite rules to deal with caching to public/.htaccess
+* Added the option to specify a controller name to "generate scaffold" and made the default controller name the plural form of the model.
+* Added that rake clone_structure_to_test, db_structure_dump, and purge_test_database tasks now pick up the source database to use from
+ RAILS_ENV instead of just forcing development #424 *Tobias Lütke*
+* Fixed script/console to work with Windows (that requires the use of irb.bat) #418 *Chris McGrath*
+* Fixed WEBrick servlet slowdown over time by restricting the load path reloading to mod_ruby
+* Removed Fancy Indexing as a default option on the WEBrick servlet as it made it harder to use various caching schemes
+* Upgraded to Active Record 1.5, Action Pack 1.3, Action Mailer 0.6
+## 0.9.3 (January 4th, 2005) ##
+* Added support for SQLite in the auto-dumping/importing of schemas for development -> test #416
+* Added automated rewriting of the shebang lines on installs through the gem rails command #379 *Manfred Stienstra*
+* Added ActionMailer::Base.deliver_method = :test to the test environment so that mail objects are available in ActionMailer::Base.deliveries
+ for functional testing.
+* Added protection for creating a model through the generators with a name of an existing class, like Thread or Date.
+ It'll even offer you a synonym using wordnet.princeton.edu as a look-up. No, I'm not kidding :) *Florian Gross*
+* Fixed dependency management to happen in a unified fashion for Active Record and Action Pack using the new Dependencies module. This means that
+ the environment options needs to change from:
+ Before in development.rb:
+ ActionController::Base.reload_dependencies = true  
+ ActiveRecord::Base.reload_associations     = true
+ Now in development.rb:
+ Dependencies.mechanism = :load
+ Before in production.rb and test.rb:
+ ActionController::Base.reload_dependencies = false
+ ActiveRecord::Base.reload_associations     = false
+ Now in production.rb and test.rb:
+ Dependencies.mechanism = :require
+* Fixed problems with dependency caching and controller hierarchies on Ruby 1.8.2 in development mode #351
+* Fixed that generated action_mailers doesnt need to require the action_mailer since thats already done in the environment #382 *Lucas Carlson*
+* Upgraded to Action Pack 1.2.0 and Active Record 1.4.0
+## 0.9.2 ##
+* Fixed CTRL-C exists from the Breakpointer to be a clean affair without error dumping *Kent Sibilev*
+* Fixed "rake stats" to work with sub-directories in models and controllers and to report the code to test ration *Scott Baron*
+* Added that Active Record associations are now reloaded instead of cleared to work with the new const_missing hook in Active Record.
+* Added graceful handling of an inaccessible log file by redirecting output to STDERR with a warning #330 *rainmkr*
+* Added support for a -h/--help parameter in the generator #331 *Ulysses*
+* Fixed that File.expand_path in config/environment.rb would fail when dealing with symlinked public directories *mjobin*
+* Upgraded to Action Pack 1.1.0 and Active Record 1.3.0
+## 0.9.1 ##
+* Upgraded to Action Pack 1.0.1 for important bug fix
+* Updated gem dependencies
+## 0.9.0 ##
+* Renamed public/dispatch.servlet to script/server -- it wasn't really dispatching anyway as its delegating calls to public/dispatch.rb
+* Renamed AbstractApplicationController and abstract_application.rb to ApplicationController and application.rb, so that it will be possible
+ for the framework to automatically pick up on app/views/layouts/application.rhtml and app/helpers/application.rb
+* Added script/console that makes it even easier to start an IRB session for interacting with the domain model. Run with no-args to
+ see help.
+* Added breakpoint support through the script/breakpointer client. This means that you can break out of execution at any point in
+ the code, investigate and change the model, AND then resume execution! Example:
+ class WeblogController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ @posts = Post.find_all
+ breakpoint "Breaking out from the list"
+ end
+ end
+ So the controller will accept the action, run the first line, then present you with a IRB prompt in the breakpointer window.
+ Here you can do things like:
+ Executing breakpoint "Breaking out from the list" at .../webrick_server.rb:16 in 'breakpoint'
+ >> @posts.inspect
+ => "[#<Post:0x14a6be8 @attributes={\"title\"=>nil, \"body\"=>nil, \"id\"=>\"1\"}>,
+ #<Post:0x14a6620 @attributes={\"title\"=>\"Rails you know!\", \"body\"=>\"Only ten..\", \"id\"=>\"2\"}>]"
+ >> @posts.first.title = "hello from a breakpoint"
+ => "hello from a breakpoint"
+ ...and even better is that you can examine how your runtime objects actually work:
+ >> f = @posts.first
+ => #<Post:0x13630c4 @attributes={"title"=>nil, "body"=>nil, "id"=>"1"}>
+ >> f.
+ Display all 152 possibilities? (y or n)
+ Finally, when you're ready to resume execution, you press CTRL-D
+* Changed environments to be configurable through an environment variable. By default, the environment is "development", but you
+ can change that and set your own by configuring the Apache vhost with a string like (mod_env must be available on the server):
+ SetEnv RAILS_ENV production
+ ...if you're using WEBrick, you can pick the environment to use with the command-line parameters -e/--environment, like this:
+ ruby public/dispatcher.servlet -e production
+* Added a new default environment called "development", which leaves the production environment to be tuned exclusively for that.
+* Added a start_server in the root of the Rails application to make it even easier to get started
+* Fixed public/.htaccess to use RewriteBase and share the same rewrite rules for all the dispatch methods
+* Fixed webrick_server to handle requests in a serialized manner (the Rails reloading infrastructure is not thread-safe)
+* Added support for controllers in directories. So you can have:
+ app/controllers/account_controller.rb # URL: /account/
+ app/controllers/admin/account_controller.rb # URL: /admin/account/
+ NOTE: You need to update your public/.htaccess with the new rules to pick it up
+* Added reloading for associations and dependencies under cached environments like FastCGI and mod_ruby. This makes it possible to use
+ those environments for development. This is turned on by default, but can be turned off with
+ ActiveRecord::Base.reload_associations = false and ActionController::Base.reload_dependencies = false in production environments.
+* Added support for sub-directories in app/models. So now you can have something like Basecamp with:
+ app/models/accounting
+ app/models/project
+ app/models/participants
+ app/models/settings
+ It's poor man's namespacing, but only for file-system organization. You still require files just like before.
+ Nothing changes inside the files themselves.
+* Fixed a few references in the tests generated by new_mailer *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Added support for mocks in testing with test/mocks
+* Cleaned up the environments a bit and added global constant RAILS_ROOT
+## 0.8.5 (9) ##
+* Made dev-util available to all tests, so you can insert breakpoints in any test case to get an IRB prompt at that point [Jeremy Kemper]:
+ def test_complex_stuff
+ @david.projects << @new_project
+ breakpoint "Let's have a closer look at @david"
+ end
+ You need to install dev-utils yourself for this to work ("gem install dev-util").
+* Added shared generator behavior so future upgrades should be possible without manually copying over files *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Added the new helper style to both controller and helper templates *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Added new_crud generator for creating a model and controller at the same time with explicit scaffolding *Jeremy Kemper*
+* Added configuration of Test::Unit::TestCase.fixture_path to test_helper to concide with the new AR fixtures style
+* Fixed that new_model was generating singular table/fixture names
+* Upgraded to Action Mailer 0.4.0
+* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.9.5
+* Upgraded to Active Record 1.1.0
+## 0.8.0 (15) ##
+* Removed custom_table_name option for new_model now that the Inflector is as powerful as it is
+* Changed the default rake action to just do testing and separate API generation and coding statistics into a "doc" task.
+* Fixed WEBrick dispatcher to handle missing slashes in the URLs gracefully *alexey*
+* Added user option for all postgresql tool calls in the rakefile *elvstone*
+* Fixed problem with running "ruby public/dispatch.servlet" instead of "cd public; ruby dispatch.servlet" *alexey*
+* Fixed WEBrick server so that it no longer hardcodes the ruby interpreter used to "ruby" but will get the one used based
+ on the Ruby runtime configuration. *Marcel Molina Jr.*
+* Fixed Dispatcher so it'll route requests to magic_beans to MagicBeansController/magic_beans_controller.rb *Caio Chassot*
+* "new_controller MagicBeans" and "new_model SubscriptionPayments" will now both behave properly as they use the new Inflector.
+* Fixed problem with MySQL foreign key constraint checks in Rake :clone_production_structure_to_test target *Andreas Schwarz*
+* Changed WEBrick server to by default be auto-reloading, which is slower but makes source changes instant.
+ Class compilation cache can be turned on with "-c" or "--cache-classes".
+* Added "-b/--binding" option to WEBrick dispatcher to bind the server to a specific IP address (default: *Kevin Temp*
+* dispatch.fcgi now DOESN'T set FCGI_PURE_RUBY as it was slowing things down for now reason *Andreas Schwarz*
+* Added new_mailer generator to work with Action Mailer
+* Included new framework: Action Mailer 0.3
+* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.9.0
+* Upgraded to Active Record 1.0.0
+## 0.7.0 ##
+* Added an optional second argument to the new_model script that allows the programmer to specify the table name,
+ which will used to generate a custom table_name method in the model and will also be used in the creation of fixtures.
+ *Kevin Radloff*
+* script/new_model now turns AccountHolder into account_holder instead of accountholder *Kevin Radloff*
+* Fixed the faulty handleing of static files with WEBrick *Andreas Schwarz*
+* Unified function_test_helper and unit_test_helper into test_helper
+* Fixed bug with the automated production => test database dropping on PostgreSQL *dhawkins*
+* create_fixtures in both the functional and unit test helper now turns off the log during fixture generation
+ and can generate more than one fixture at a time. Which makes it possible for assignments like:
+ @people, @projects, @project_access, @companies, @accounts =
+ create_fixtures "people", "projects", "project_access", "companies", "accounts"
+* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.8.5 (locally-scoped variables, partials, advanced send_file)
+* Upgraded to Active Record 0.9.5 (better table_name guessing, cloning, find_all_in_collection)
+## 0.6.5 ##
+* No longer specifies a template for rdoc, so it'll use whatever is default (you can change it in the rakefile)
+* The new_model generator will now use the same rules for plural wordings as Active Record
+ (so Category will give categories, not categorys) *Kevin Radloff*
+* dispatch.fcgi now sets FCGI_PURE_RUBY to true to ensure that it's the Ruby version that's loaded *danp*
+* Made the GEM work with Windows
+* Fixed bug where mod_ruby would "forget" the load paths added when switching between controllers
+* PostgreSQL are now supported for the automated production => test database dropping *Kevin Radloff*
+* Errors thrown by the dispatcher are now properly handled in FCGI.
+* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.8.0 (lots and lots and lots of fixes)
+* Upgraded to Active Record 0.9.4 (a bunch of fixes)
+## 0.6.0 ##
+* Added AbstractionApplicationController as a superclass for all controllers generated. This class can be used
+ to carry filters and methods that are to be shared by all. It has an accompanying ApplicationHelper that all
+ controllers will also automatically have available.
+* Added environments that can be included from any script to get the full Active Record and Action Controller
+ context running. This can be used by maintenance scripts or to interact with the model through IRB. Example:
+ require 'config/environments/production'
+ for account in Account.find_all
+ account.recalculate_interests
+ end
+ A short migration script for an account model that had it's interest calculation strategy changed.
+* Accessing the index of a controller with "/weblog" will now redirect to "/weblog/" (only on Apache, not WEBrick)
+* Simplified the default Apache config so even remote requests are served off CGI as a default.
+ You'll now have to do something specific to activate mod_ruby and FCGI (like using the force urls).
+ This should make it easier for new comers that start on an external server.
+* Added more of the necessary Apache options to .htaccess to make it easier to setup
+* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.7.9 (lots of fixes)
+* Upgraded to Active Record 0.9.3 (lots of fixes)
+## 0.5.7 ##
+* Fixed bug in the WEBrick dispatcher that prevented it from getting parameters from the URL
+ (through GET requests or otherwise)
+* Added lib in root as a place to store app specific libraries
+* Added lib and vendor to load_path, so anything store within can be loaded directly.
+ Hence lib/redcloth.rb can be loaded with require "redcloth"
+* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.7.8 (lots of fixes)
+* Upgraded to Active Record 0.9.2 (minor upgrade)
+## 0.5.6 ##
+* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.7.7 (multipart form fix)
+* Updated the generated template stubs to valid XHTML files
+* Ensure that controllers generated are capitalized, so "new_controller TodoLists"
+ gives the same as "new_controller Todolists" and "new_controller todolists".
+## 0.5.5 ##
+* Works on Windows out of the box! (Dropped symlinks)
+* Added webrick dispatcher: Try "ruby public/dispatch.servlet --help" *Florian Gross*
+* Report errors about initialization to browser (instead of attempting to use uninitialized logger)
+* Upgraded to Action Pack 0.7.6
+* Upgraded to Active Record 0.9.1
+* Added distinct 500.html instead of reusing 404.html
+* Added MIT license
+## 0.5.0 ##
+* First public release
diff --git a/railties/README.rdoc b/railties/README.rdoc
index 95c43045b0..ae40600401 100644
--- a/railties/README.rdoc
+++ b/railties/README.rdoc
@@ -15,12 +15,21 @@ The latest version of Railties can be installed with RubyGems:
* gem install railties
-Documentation can be found at
-* http://api.rubyonrails.org
+Source code can be downloaded as part of the Rails project on GitHub
+* https://github.com/rails/rails/tree/master/railties
== License
Railties is released under the MIT license.
+== Support
+API documentation is at
+* http://api.rubyonrails.org
+Bug reports and feature requests can be filed with the rest for the Ruby on Rails project here:
+* https://github.com/rails/rails/issues
diff --git a/railties/guides/code/getting_started/Gemfile b/railties/guides/code/getting_started/Gemfile
index 51774934cd..898510dcaa 100644
--- a/railties/guides/code/getting_started/Gemfile
+++ b/railties/guides/code/getting_started/Gemfile
@@ -25,8 +25,3 @@ gem 'jquery-rails'
# To use debugger
# gem 'ruby-debug19', :require => 'ruby-debug'
-group :test do
- # Pretty printed test output
- gem 'turn', :require => false
diff --git a/railties/guides/code/getting_started/app/controllers/posts_controller.rb b/railties/guides/code/getting_started/app/controllers/posts_controller.rb
index 7e903c984c..1581d4eb16 100644
--- a/railties/guides/code/getting_started/app/controllers/posts_controller.rb
+++ b/railties/guides/code/getting_started/app/controllers/posts_controller.rb
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class PostsController < ApplicationController
respond_to do |format|
if @post.update_attributes(params[:post])
format.html { redirect_to @post, notice: 'Post was successfully updated.' }
- format.json { head :ok }
+ format.json { head :no_content }
format.html { render action: "edit" }
format.json { render json: @post.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class PostsController < ApplicationController
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to posts_url }
- format.json { head :ok }
+ format.json { head :no_content }
diff --git a/railties/guides/code/getting_started/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb b/railties/guides/code/getting_started/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
index 1e1e4b9a99..7fd6b4f516 100644
--- a/railties/guides/code/getting_started/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
+++ b/railties/guides/code/getting_started/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
- <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application" %>
+ <%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
<%= csrf_meta_tags %>
diff --git a/railties/guides/code/getting_started/config/application.rb b/railties/guides/code/getting_started/config/application.rb
index e914b5a80e..e16da30f72 100644
--- a/railties/guides/code/getting_started/config/application.rb
+++ b/railties/guides/code/getting_started/config/application.rb
@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@ module Blog
# Configure sensitive parameters which will be filtered from the log file.
config.filter_parameters += [:password]
+ # Use SQL instead of Active Record's schema dumper when creating the database.
+ # This is necessary if your schema can't be completely dumped by the schema dumper,
+ # like if you have constraints or database-specific column types
+ # config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
# Enable the asset pipeline
config.assets.enabled = true
diff --git a/railties/guides/code/getting_started/config/environments/production.rb b/railties/guides/code/getting_started/config/environments/production.rb
index 6ab63d30a6..dee8acfdfe 100644
--- a/railties/guides/code/getting_started/config/environments/production.rb
+++ b/railties/guides/code/getting_started/config/environments/production.rb
@@ -33,8 +33,11 @@ Blog::Application.configure do
# See everything in the log (default is :info)
# config.log_level = :debug
+ # Prepend all log lines with the following tags
+ # config.log_tags = [ :subdomain, :uuid ]
# Use a different logger for distributed setups
- # config.logger = SyslogLogger.new
+ # config.logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(SyslogLogger.new)
# Use a different cache store in production
# config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store
diff --git a/railties/guides/code/getting_started/config/environments/test.rb b/railties/guides/code/getting_started/config/environments/test.rb
index 833241ace3..08697cbbc9 100644
--- a/railties/guides/code/getting_started/config/environments/test.rb
+++ b/railties/guides/code/getting_started/config/environments/test.rb
@@ -29,11 +29,6 @@ Blog::Application.configure do
# ActionMailer::Base.deliveries array.
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test
- # Use SQL instead of Active Record's schema dumper when creating the test database.
- # This is necessary if your schema can't be completely dumped by the schema dumper,
- # like if you have constraints or database-specific column types
- # config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
# Print deprecation notices to the stderr
config.active_support.deprecation = :stderr
diff --git a/railties/guides/rails_guides/generator.rb b/railties/guides/rails_guides/generator.rb
index 4682ead66e..6f6d3bda80 100644
--- a/railties/guides/rails_guides/generator.rb
+++ b/railties/guides/rails_guides/generator.rb
@@ -137,7 +137,8 @@ module RailsGuides
if guide =~ /\.html\.erb$/
# Generate the special pages like the home.
- result = view.render(:layout => 'layout', :file => guide)
+ # Passing a template handler in the template name is deprecated. So pass the file name without the extension.
+ result = view.render(:layout => 'layout', :file => $`)
body = File.read(File.join(source_dir, guide))
body = set_header_section(body, view)
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/action_controller_overview.textile b/railties/guides/source/action_controller_overview.textile
index 5019d49686..b34c223b31 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/action_controller_overview.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/action_controller_overview.textile
@@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ h3. Session
Your application has a session for each user in which you can store small amounts of data that will be persisted between requests. The session is only available in the controller and the view and can use one of a number of different storage mechanisms:
-* CookieStore - Stores everything on the client.
-* DRbStore - Stores the data on a DRb server.
-* MemCacheStore - Stores the data in a memcache.
-* ActiveRecordStore - Stores the data in a database using Active Record.
+* ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore - Stores everything on the client.
+* ActiveRecord::SessionStore - Stores the data in a database using Active Record.
+* ActionDispatch::Session::CacheStore - Stores the data in the Rails cache.
+* ActionDispatch::Session::MemCacheStore - Stores the data in a memcached cluster (this is a legacy implementation; consider using CacheStore instead).
All session stores use a cookie to store a unique ID for each session (you must use a cookie, Rails will not allow you to pass the session ID in the URL as this is less secure).
@@ -177,6 +177,8 @@ For most stores this ID is used to look up the session data on the server, e.g.
The CookieStore can store around 4kB of data -- much less than the others -- but this is usually enough. Storing large amounts of data in the session is discouraged no matter which session store your application uses. You should especially avoid storing complex objects (anything other than basic Ruby objects, the most common example being model instances) in the session, as the server might not be able to reassemble them between requests, which will result in an error.
+If your user sessions don't store critical data or don't need to be around for long periods (for instance if you just use the flash for messaging), you can consider using ActionDispatch::Session::CacheStore. This will store sessions using the cache implementation you have configured for your application. The advantage of this is that you can use your existing cache infrastructure for storing sessions without requiring any additional setup or administration. The downside, of course, is that the sessions will be ephemeral and could disappear at any time.
Read more about session storage in the "Security Guide":security.html.
If you need a different session storage mechanism, you can change it in the +config/initializers/session_store.rb+ file:
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/action_mailer_basics.textile b/railties/guides/source/action_mailer_basics.textile
index ad5b848d2c..26c95be031 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/action_mailer_basics.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/action_mailer_basics.textile
@@ -362,21 +362,14 @@ When using named routes you only need to supply the +:host+:
Email clients have no web context and so paths have no base URL to form complete web addresses. Thus, when using named routes only the "_url" variant makes sense.
-It is also possible to set a default host that will be used in all mailers by setting the +:host+ option in the +ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options+ hash as follows:
+It is also possible to set a default host that will be used in all mailers by setting the <tt>:host</tt> option as a configuration option in <tt>config/application.rb</tt>:
-class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
- default_url_options[:host] = "example.com"
- def welcome_email(user)
- @user = user
- @url = user_url(@user)
- mail(:to => user.email,
- :subject => "Welcome to My Awesome Site")
- end
+config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => "example.com" }
+If you use this setting, you should pass the <tt>:only_path => false</tt> option when using +url_for+. This will ensure that absolute URLs are generated because the +url_for+ view helper will, by default, generate relative URLs when a <tt>:host</tt> option isn't explicitly provided.
h4. Sending Multipart Emails
Action Mailer will automatically send multipart emails if you have different templates for the same action. So, for our UserMailer example, if you have +welcome_email.text.erb+ and +welcome_email.html.erb+ in +app/views/user_mailer+, Action Mailer will automatically send a multipart email with the HTML and text versions setup as different parts.
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/action_view_overview.textile b/railties/guides/source/action_view_overview.textile
index 40cde6ad84..e2b69fa0d5 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/action_view_overview.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/action_view_overview.textile
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ Action View and Action Controller are the two major components of Action Pack. I
Action View templates are written using embedded Ruby in tags mingled with HTML. To avoid cluttering the templates with boilerplate code, a number of helper classes provide common behavior for forms, dates, and strings. It's also easy to add new helpers to your application as it evolves.
-Note: Some features of Action View are tied to Active Record, but that doesn't mean that Action View depends on Active Record. Action View is an independent package that can be used with any sort of backend.
+NOTE. Some features of Action View are tied to Active Record, but that doesn't mean that Action View depends on Active Record. Action View is an independent package that can be used with any sort of backend.
h3. Using Action View with Rails
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/active_record_querying.textile b/railties/guides/source/active_record_querying.textile
index 2e1f89cb78..ad12dca7e8 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/active_record_querying.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/active_record_querying.textile
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ This guide covers different ways to retrieve data from the database using Active
* Use dynamic finders methods
* Check for the existence of particular records
* Perform various calculations on Active Record models
+* Run EXPLAIN on relations
@@ -201,7 +202,7 @@ end
But this approach becomes increasingly impractical as the table size increases, since +User.all.each+ instructs Active Record to fetch _the entire table_ in a single pass, build a model object per row, and then keep the entire array of model objects in memory. Indeed, if we have a large number of records, the entire collection may exceed the amount of memory available.
-Rails provides two methods that address this problem by dividing records into memory-friendly batches for processing. The first method, +find_each+, retrieves a batch of records and then yields _each_ record to the block individually as a model. The second method, +find_in_batches+, retrieves a batch of records and then yields _the entire batch_ to the block as an array of models.
+Rails provides two methods that address this problem by dividing records into memory-friendly batches for processing. The first method, +find_each+, retrieves a batch of records and then yields _each_ record to the block individually as a model. The second method, +find_in_batches+, retrieves a batch of records and then yields _the entire batch_ to the block as an array of models.
TIP: The +find_each+ and +find_in_batches+ methods are intended for use in the batch processing of a large number of records that wouldn't fit in memory all at once. If you just need to loop over a thousand records the regular find methods are the preferred option.
@@ -435,10 +436,26 @@ ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError: missing attribute: <attribute>
Where +&lt;attribute&gt;+ is the attribute you asked for. The +id+ method will not raise the +ActiveRecord::MissingAttributeError+, so just be careful when working with associations because they need the +id+ method to function properly.
-You can also call SQL functions within the select option. For example, if you would like to only grab a single record per unique value in a certain field by using the +DISTINCT+ function you can do it like this:
+If you would like to only grab a single record per unique value in a certain field, you can use +uniq+:
+This would generate SQL like:
+You can also remove the uniqueness constraint:
+query = Client.select(:name).uniq
+# => Returns unique names
+# => Returns all names, even if there are duplicates
h3. Limit and Offset
@@ -741,7 +758,7 @@ SELECT categories.* FROM categories
INNER JOIN posts ON posts.category_id = categories.id
-Or, in English: "return a Category object for all categories with posts". Note that you will see duplicate categories if more than one post has the same category. If you want unique categories, you can use Category.joins(:post).select("distinct(categories.id)").
+Or, in English: "return a Category object for all categories with posts". Note that you will see duplicate categories if more than one post has the same category. If you want unique categories, you can use Category.joins(:post).select("distinct(categories.id)").
h5. Joining Multiple Associations
@@ -1258,3 +1275,67 @@ Client.sum("orders_count")
For options, please see the parent section, "Calculations":#calculations.
+h3. Running EXPLAIN
+You can run EXPLAIN on the queries triggered by relations. For example,
+User.where(:id => 1).joins(:posts).explain
+may yield
+| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
+| 1 | SIMPLE | users | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | const | 1 | |
+| 1 | SIMPLE | posts | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1 | Using where |
+2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
+under MySQL.
+Active Record performs a pretty printing that emulates the one of the database
+shells. So, the same query running with the PostgreSQL adapter would yield instead
+ Nested Loop Left Join (cost=0.00..37.24 rows=8 width=0)
+ Join Filter: (posts.user_id = users.id)
+ -> Index Scan using users_pkey on users (cost=0.00..8.27 rows=1 width=4)
+ Index Cond: (id = 1)
+ -> Seq Scan on posts (cost=0.00..28.88 rows=8 width=4)
+ Filter: (posts.user_id = 1)
+(6 rows)
+Eager loading may trigger more than one query under the hood, and some queries
+may need the results of previous ones. Because of that, +explain+ actually
+executes the query, and then asks for the query plans. For example,
+User.where(:id => 1).includes(:posts).explain
+| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
+| 1 | SIMPLE | users | const | PRIMARY | PRIMARY | 4 | const | 1 | |
+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+| id | select_type | table | type | possible_keys | key | key_len | ref | rows | Extra |
+| 1 | SIMPLE | posts | ALL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | 1 | Using where |
+1 row in set (0.00 sec)
+under MySQL.
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile b/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile
index 665e7f9ccc..a27c292a4c 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/active_record_validations_callbacks.textile
@@ -796,17 +796,9 @@ person.errors.size # => 0
h3. Displaying Validation Errors in the View
-Rails maintains an official plugin, DynamicForm, that provides helpers to display the error messages of your models in your view templates. You can install it as a plugin or as a Gem.
+"DynamicForm":https://github.com/joelmoss/dynamic_form provides helpers to display the error messages of your models in your view templates.
-h4. Installing as a plugin
-$ rails plugin install git://github.com/joelmoss/dynamic_form.git
-h4. Installing as a Gem
-Add this line in your Gemfile:
+You can install it as a gem by adding this line to your Gemfile:
gem "dynamic_form"
@@ -986,15 +978,15 @@ The +after_initialize+ callback will be called whenever an Active Record object
The +after_find+ callback will be called whenever Active Record loads a record from the database. +after_find+ is called before +after_initialize+ if both are defined.
-The +after_initialize+ and +after_find+ callbacks are a bit different from the others. They have no +before_*+ counterparts, and they are registered simply by defining them as regular methods with predefined names. If you try to register +after_initialize+ or +after_find+ using macro-style class methods, they will just be ignored. This behavior is due to performance reasons, since +after_initialize+ and +after_find+ will both be called for each record found in the database, which would otherwise significantly slow down the queries.
+The +after_initialize+ and +after_find+ callbacks have no +before_*+ counterparts, but they can be registered just like the other Active Record callbacks.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
- def after_initialize
+ after_initialize do |user|
puts "You have initialized an object!"
- def after_find
+ after_find do |user|
puts "You have found an object!"
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile b/railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile
index ecc25c4f1c..ff6c5f967f 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/active_support_core_extensions.textile
@@ -725,6 +725,64 @@ WARNING: This method returns precise results in Ruby 1.9. In older versions of R
NOTE: Defined in +active_support/core_ext/module/introspection.rb+.
+h5. Qualified Constant Names
+The standard methods +const_defined?+, +const_get+ , and +const_set+ accept
+bare constant names. Active Support extends this API to be able to pass
+relative qualified constant names.
+The new methods are +qualified_const_defined?+, +qualified_const_get+, and
++qualified_const_set+. Their arguments are assumed to be qualified constant
+names relative to their receiver:
+Object.qualified_const_defined?("Math::PI") # => true
+Object.qualified_const_get("Math::PI") # => 3.141592653589793
+Object.qualified_const_set("Math::Phi", 1.618034) # => 1.618034
+Arguments may be bare constant names:
+Math.qualified_const_get("E") # => 2.718281828459045
+These methods are analogous to their builtin counterparts. In particular,
++qualified_constant_defined?+ accepts an optional second argument in 1.9
+to be able to say whether you want the predicate to look in the ancestors.
+This flag is taken into account for each constant in the expression while
+walking down the path.
+For example, given
+module M
+ X = 1
+module N
+ class C
+ include M
+ end
++qualified_const_defined?+ behaves this way:
+N.qualified_const_defined?("C::X", false) # => false (1.9 only)
+N.qualified_const_defined?("C::X", true) # => true (1.9 only)
+N.qualified_const_defined?("C::X") # => false in 1.8, true in 1.9
+As the last example implies, in 1.9 the second argument defaults to true,
+as in +const_defined?+.
+For coherence with the builtin methods only relative paths are accepted.
+Absolute qualified constant names like +::Math::PI+ raise +NameError+.
+NOTE: Defined in +active_support/core_ext/module/qualified_const.rb+.
h4. Synchronization
The +synchronize+ macro declares a method to be synchronized:
@@ -1426,6 +1484,14 @@ The method +pluralize+ returns the plural of its receiver:
As the previous example shows, Active Support knows some irregular plurals and uncountable nouns. Built-in rules can be extended in +config/initializers/inflections.rb+. That file is generated by the +rails+ command and has instructions in comments.
++pluralize+ can also take an optional +count+ parameter. If <tt>count == 1</tt> the singular form will be returned. For any other value of +count+ the plural form will be returned:
+"dude".pluralize(0) # => "dudes"
+"dude".pluralize(1) # => "dude"
+"dude".pluralize(2) # => "dudes"
Active Record uses this method to compute the default table name that corresponds to a model:
@@ -1589,7 +1655,7 @@ NOTE: Defined in +active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb+.
h5. +demodulize+
-Given a string with a qualified constant reference expression, +demodulize+ returns the very constant name, that is, the rightmost part of it:
+Given a string with a qualified constant name, +demodulize+ returns the very constant name, that is, the rightmost part of it:
"Product".demodulize # => "Product"
@@ -1612,6 +1678,31 @@ end
NOTE: Defined in +active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb+.
+h5. +deconstantize+
+Given a string with a qualified constant reference expression, +deconstantize+ removes the rightmost segment, generally leaving the name of the constant's container:
+"Product".deconstantize # => ""
+"Backoffice::UsersController".deconstantize # => "Backoffice"
+"Admin::Hotel::ReservationUtils".deconstantize # => "Admin::Hotel"
+Active Support for example uses this method in +Module#qualified_const_set+:
+def qualified_const_set(path, value)
+ QualifiedConstUtils.raise_if_absolute(path)
+ const_name = path.demodulize
+ mod_name = path.deconstantize
+ mod = mod_name.empty? ? self : qualified_const_get(mod_name)
+ mod.const_set(const_name, value)
+NOTE: Defined in +active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb+.
h5. +parameterize+
The method +parameterize+ normalizes its receiver in a way that can be used in pretty URLs.
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/asset_pipeline.textile b/railties/guides/source/asset_pipeline.textile
index afaf0f6fe3..3681501293 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/asset_pipeline.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/asset_pipeline.textile
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ bundle exec rake assets:precompile
For faster asset precompiles, you can partially load your application by setting
-+config.assets.initialize_on_precompile+ to false, though in that case templates
++config.assets.initialize_on_precompile+ to false in +config/application.rb+, though in that case templates
cannot see application objects or methods. *Heroku requires this to be false.*
WARNING: If you set +config.assets.initialize_on_precompile+ to false, be sure to
@@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ location ~ ^/assets/ {
-When files are precompiled, Sprockets also creates a "gzipped":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gzip (.gz) version of your assets. Web servers are typically configured to use a moderate compression ratio as a compromise, but since precompilation happens once Sprockets uses the maximum compression ratio, thus reducing the size of the data transfer to the minimum. One the other hand, web servers can be configured to serve compressed content directly from disk, rather than deflating non-compressed files themselves.
+When files are precompiled, Sprockets also creates a "gzipped":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gzip (.gz) version of your assets. Web servers are typically configured to use a moderate compression ratio as a compromise, but since precompilation happens once, Sprockets uses the maximum compression ratio, thus reducing the size of the data transfer to the minimum. On the other hand, web servers can be configured to serve compressed content directly from disk, rather than deflating non-compressed files themselves.
Nginx is able to do this automatically enabling +gzip_static+:
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/association_basics.textile b/railties/guides/source/association_basics.textile
index 6829eb8ef4..451653655f 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/association_basics.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/association_basics.textile
@@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ If you need to evaluate conditions dynamically at runtime, use a proc:
class Customer < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :latest_orders, :class_name => "Order",
- :conditions => proc { "orders.created_at > #{10.hours.ago.to_s(:db).inspect}" }
+ :conditions => proc { ["orders.created_at > ?, 10.hours.ago] }
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/caching_with_rails.textile b/railties/guides/source/caching_with_rails.textile
index 4273d0dd64..0ef6f51190 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/caching_with_rails.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/caching_with_rails.textile
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ end
If you want a more complicated expiration scheme, you can use cache sweepers to expire cached objects when things change. This is covered in the section on Sweepers.
-NOTE: Page caching ignores all parameters. For example +/products?page=1+ will be written out to the filesystem as +products.html+ with no reference to the +page+ parameter. Thus, if someone requests +/products?page=2+ later, they will get the cached first page. Be careful when page caching GET parameters in the URL!
+NOTE: Page caching ignores all parameters. For example +/products?page=1+ will be written out to the filesystem as +products.html+ with no reference to the +page+ parameter. Thus, if someone requests +/products?page=2+ later, they will get the cached first page. A workaround for this limitation is to include the parameters in the page's path, e.g. +/productions/page/1+.
INFO: Page caching runs in an after filter. Thus, invalid requests won't generate spurious cache entries as long as you halt them. Typically, a redirection in some before filter that checks request preconditions does the job.
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ h4. Action Caching
One of the issues with Page Caching is that you cannot use it for pages that require to restrict access somehow. This is where Action Caching comes in. Action Caching works like Page Caching except for the fact that the incoming web request does go from the webserver to the Rails stack and Action Pack so that before filters can be run on it before the cache is served. This allows authentication and other restriction to be run while still serving the result of the output from a cached copy.
-Clearing the cache works in the exact same way as with Page Caching.
+Clearing the cache works in a similar way to Page Caching, except you use +expire_action+ instead of +expire_page+.
Let's say you only wanted authenticated users to call actions on +ProductsController+.
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ Note that the cache will grow until the disk is full unless you periodically cle
h4. ActiveSupport::Cache::MemCacheStore
-This cache store uses Danga's +memcached+ server to provide a centralized cache for your application. Rails uses the bundled +memcached-client+ gem by default. This is currently the most popular cache store for production websites. It can be used to provide a single, shared cache cluster with very a high performance and redundancy.
+This cache store uses Danga's +memcached+ server to provide a centralized cache for your application. Rails uses the bundled +memcache-client+ gem by default. This is currently the most popular cache store for production websites. It can be used to provide a single, shared cache cluster with very a high performance and redundancy.
When initializing the cache, you need to specify the addresses for all memcached servers in your cluster. If none is specified, it will assume memcached is running on the local host on the default port, but this is not an ideal set up for larger sites.
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/command_line.textile b/railties/guides/source/command_line.textile
index f6b33d283c..3f8643eca3 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/command_line.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/command_line.textile
@@ -381,15 +381,15 @@ $ rake about
About your application's environment
Ruby version 1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
RubyGems version 1.3.6
-Rack version 1.1
-Rails version 3.1.0
+Rack version 1.3
+Rails version 3.2.0.beta
JavaScript Runtime Node.js (V8)
-Active Record version 3.1.0
-Action Pack version 3.1.0
-Active Resource version 3.1.0
-Action Mailer version 3.1.0
-Active Support version 3.1.0
-Middleware ActionDispatch::Static, Rack::Lock, Rack::Runtime, Rails::Rack::Logger, ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions, ActionDispatch::RemoteIp, ActionDispatch::Callbacks, ActionDispatch::Cookies, ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore, ActionDispatch::Flash, ActionDispatch::ParamsParser, Rack::MethodOverride, ActionDispatch::Head
+Active Record version 3.2.0.beta
+Action Pack version 3.2.0.beta
+Active Resource version 3.2.0.beta
+Action Mailer version 3.2.0.beta
+Active Support version 3.2.0.beta
+Middleware ActionDispatch::Static, Rack::Lock, Rack::Runtime, Rack::MethodOverride, ActionDispatch::RequestId, Rails::Rack::Logger, ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions, ActionDispatch::RemoteIp, ActionDispatch::Reloader, ActionDispatch::Callbacks, ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement, ActiveRecord::QueryCache, ActionDispatch::Cookies, ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore, ActionDispatch::Flash, ActionDispatch::ParamsParser, ActionDispatch::Head, Rack::ConditionalGet, Rack::ETag, ActionDispatch::BestStandardsSupport
Application root /home/foobar/commandsapp
Environment development
Database adapter sqlite3
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile b/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile
index baf944cf8d..cd6e7d116e 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile
@@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ Rails will use that particular setting to configure Active Record.
h4. Rails General Configuration
-* +config.after_initialize+ takes a block which will be ran _after_ Rails has finished initializing the application. That includes the initialization of the framework itself, plugins, engines, and all the application's initializers in +config/initializers+. Useful for configuring values set up by other initializers:
+These configuration methods are to be called on a +Rails::Railtie+ object, such as a subclass of +Rails::Engine+ or +Rails::Application+.
+* +config.after_initialize+ takes a block which will be run _after_ Rails has finished initializing the application. That includes the initialization of the framework itself, plugins, engines, and all the application's initializers in +config/initializers+. Note that this block _will_ be run for rake tasks. Useful for configuring values set up by other initializers:
config.after_initialize do
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ NOTE. The +config.asset_path+ configuration is ignored if the asset pipeline is
* +config.autoload_paths+ accepts an array of paths from which Rails will autoload constants. Default is all directories under +app+.
-* +config.cache_classes+ controls whether or not application classes and modules should be reloaded on each request. Defaults to true in development mode, and false in test and production modes. Can also be enabled with +threadsafe!+.
+* +config.cache_classes+ controls whether or not application classes and modules should be reloaded on each request. Defaults to false in development mode, and true in test and production modes. Can also be enabled with +threadsafe!+.
* +config.action_view.cache_template_loading+ controls whether or not templates should be reloaded on each request. Defaults to whatever is set for +config.cache_classes+.
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.textile b/railties/guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.textile
index 5848172510..37ead2bff2 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/contributing_to_ruby_on_rails.textile
@@ -87,21 +87,21 @@ $ bundle install --without db
This command will install all dependencies except the MySQL and PostgreSQL Ruby drivers. We will come back at these soon. With dependencies installed, you can run the test suite with:
-$ rake test
+$ bundle exec rake test
You can also run tests for a specific framework, like Action Pack, by going into its directory and executing the same command:
$ cd actionpack
-$ rake test
+$ bundle exec rake test
If you want to run tests from the specific directory use the +TEST_DIR+ environment variable. For example, this will run tests inside +railties/test/generators+ directory only:
$ cd railties
-$ TEST_DIR=generators rake test
+$ TEST_DIR=generators bundle exec rake test
h4. Warnings
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ The test suite runs with warnings enabled. Ideally Ruby on Rails should issue no
As of this writing they are specially noisy with Ruby 1.9. If you are sure about what you are doing and would like to have a more clear output, there's a way to override the flag:
-$ RUBYOPT=-W0 rake test
+$ RUBYOPT=-W0 bundle exec rake test
h4. Testing Active Record
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ The gem +sqlite3-ruby+ does not belong to the "db" group indeed, if you followed
$ cd activerecord
-$ rake test_sqlite3
+$ bundle exec rake test_sqlite3
h5. MySQL and PostgreSQL
@@ -195,12 +195,12 @@ test_postgresql
respectively. As we mentioned before
-$ rake test
+$ bundle exec rake test
will now run the four of them in turn.
-You can also invoke +test_jdbcmysql+, +test_jdbcsqlite3+ or +test_jdbcpostgresql+. Check out the file +activerecord/RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS+ for information on running more targeted database tests, or the file +ci/ci_build.rb+ to see the test suite that the continuous integration server runs.
+You can also invoke +test_jdbcmysql+, +test_jdbcsqlite3+ or +test_jdbcpostgresql+. Check out the file +activerecord/RUNNING_UNIT_TESTS+ for information on running more targeted database tests, or the file +ci/travis.rb+ to see the test suite that the continuous integration server runs.
h4. Older versions of Ruby on Rails
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ TIP: You may want to "put your git branch name in your shell prompt":http://qugs
h3. Helping to Resolve Existing Issues
-As a next step beyond reporting issues, you can help the core team resolve existing issues. If you check the "Everyone's Issues":https://github.com/rails/rails/issues?sort=created&direction=desc&state=open&page=1 list in GitHub Issues, you'll find lots of issues already requiring attention. What can you do for these? Quite a bit, actually:
+As a next step beyond reporting issues, you can help the core team resolve existing issues. If you check the "Everyone's Issues":https://github.com/rails/rails/issues list in GitHub Issues, you'll find lots of issues already requiring attention. What can you do for these? Quite a bit, actually:
h4. Verifying Bug Reports
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/engines.textile b/railties/guides/source/engines.textile
index 126d09ab87..694b36bea1 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/engines.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/engines.textile
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Also in the test directory is the +test/integration+ directory, where integratio
h3. Providing engine functionality
-The engine that this guide covers will provide posting and commenting functionality.
+The engine that this guide covers will provide posting and commenting functionality and follows a similar thread to the "Getting Started Guide":getting-started.html, with some new twists.
h4. Generating a post resource
@@ -343,9 +343,13 @@ The +comment_counter+ local variable is given to us by the +<%= render @post.com
That completes the comment function of the blogging engine. Now it's time to use it within an application.
-h3. Hooking into application
+h3. Hooking into an application
-Using an engine within an application is very easy. First, the engine needs to be specified inside the application's +Gemfile+. If there isn't an application handy to test this out in, generate one using the +rails new+ command outside of the engine directory like this:
+Using an engine within an application is very easy. This section covers how to mount the engine into an application and the initial setup required for it, as well as linking the engine to a +User+ class provided by the application to provide ownership for posts and comments within the engine.
+h4. Mounting the engine
+First, the engine needs to be specified inside the application's +Gemfile+. If there isn't an application handy to test this out in, generate one using the +rails new+ command outside of the engine directory like this:
$ rails new unicorn
@@ -374,20 +378,241 @@ As described earlier, by placing the gem in the +Gemfile+ it will be loaded when
To make the engine's functionality accessible from within an application, it needs to be mounted in that application's +config/routes.rb+ file:
- mount Blorgh::Engine, :at => "blog"
+mount Blorgh::Engine, :at => "blog"
+This line will mount the engine at +blog+ in the application. Making it accessible at +http://localhost:3000/blog+ when the application runs with +rails s+.
NOTE: Other engines, such as Devise, handle this a little differently by making you specify custom helpers such as +devise_for+ in the routes. These helpers do exactly the same thing, mounting pieces of the engines's functionality at a pre-defined path which may be customizable.
+h4. Engine setup
+The engine contains migrations for the +blorgh_posts+ and +blorgh_comments+ table which need to be created in the application's database so that the engine's models can query them correctly. To copy these migrations into the application use this command:
+$ rake blorgh:install:migrations
+This command, when run for the first time will copy over all the migrations from the engine. When run the next time, it will only copy over migrations that haven't been copied over already. The first run for this command will output something such as this:
+Copied migration [timestamp_1]_create_blorgh_posts.rb from blorgh
+Copied migration [timestamp_2]_create_blorgh_comments.rb from blorgh
+The first timestamp (+\[timestamp_1\]+) will be the current time and the second timestamp (+\[timestamp_2\]+) will be the current time plus a second. The reason for this is so that the migrations for the engine are run after any existing migrations in the application.
+To run these migrations within the context of the application, simply run +rake db:migrate+. When accessing the engine through +http://localhost:3000/blog+, the posts will be empty. This is because the table created inside the application is different from the one created within the engine. Go ahead, play around with the newly mounted engine. You'll find that it's the same as when it was only an engine.
+h4. Using a class provided by the application
+When an engine is created, it may want to use specific classes from an application to provide links between the pieces of the engine and the pieces of the application. In the case of the +blorgh+ engine, making posts and comments have authors would make a lot of sense.
+Usually, an application would have a +User+ class that would provide the objects that would represent the posts' and comments' authors, but there could be a case where the application calls this class something different, such as +Person+. It's because of this reason that the engine should not hardcode the associations to be exactly for a +User+ class, but should allow for some flexibility around what the class is called.
+To keep it simple in this case, the application will have a class called +User+ which will represent the users of the application. It can be generated using this command:
+rails g model user name:string
+The +rake db:migrate+ command needs to be run here to ensure that our application has the +users+ table for future use.
+Also to keep it simple, the posts form will have a new text field called +author_name_+ where users can elect to put their name. The engine will then take this name and create a new +User+ object from it or find one that already has that name, and then associate the post with it.
+First, the +author_name+ text field needs to be added to the +app/views/blorgh/posts/_form.html.erb+ partial inside the engine. This can be added above the +title+ field with this code:
+<div class="field">
+ <%= f.label :author_name %><br />
+ <%= f.text_field :author_name %>
+The +Blorgh::Post+ model should then have some code to convert the +author_name+ field into an actual +User+ object and associate it as that post's +author+ before the post is saved. It will also need to have an +attr_accessor+ setup for this field so that the setter and getter methods are defined for it.
+To do all this, you'll need to add the +attr_accessor+ for +author_name+, the association for the author and the +before_save+ call into +app/models/blorgh/post.rb+. The +author+ association will be hard-coded to the +User+ class for the time being.
+attr_accessor :author_name
+belongs_to :author, :class_name => "User"
+before_save :set_author
+ def set_author
+ self.author = User.find_or_create_by_name(author_name)
+ end
+By defining that the +author+ association's object is represented by the +User+ class a link is established between the engine and the application. There needs to be a way of associating the records in the +blorgh_posts+ table with the records in the +users+ table. Because the association is called +author+, there should be an +author_id+ column added to the +blorgh_posts+ table.
+To generate this new column, run this command within the engine:
+$ rails g migration add_author_id_to_blorgh_posts author_id:integer
+NOTE: Due to the migration's name and the column specification after it, Rails will automatically know that you want to add a column to a specific table and write that into the migration for you. You don't need to tell it any more than this.
+This migration will need to be run on the application. To do that, it must first be copied using this command:
+$ rake blorgh:install:migrations
+Notice here that only _one_ migration was copied over here. This is because the first two migrations were copied over the first time this command was run.
+ NOTE: Migration [timestamp]_create_blorgh_posts.rb from blorgh has been skipped. Migration with the same name already exists.
+ NOTE: Migration [timestamp]_create_blorgh_comments.rb from blorgh has been skipped. Migration with the same name already exists.
+ Copied migration [timestamp]_add_author_id_to_blorgh_posts.rb from blorgh
+Run this migration using this command:
+$ rake db:migrate
+Now with all the pieces in place, an action will take place that will associate an author -- represented by a record in the +users+ table -- with a post, represented by the +blorgh_posts+ table from the engine.
+Finally, the author's name should be displayed on the post's page. Add this code above the "Title" output inside +app/views/blorgh/posts/show.html.erb+:
+ <b>Author:</b>
+ <%= @post.author %>
+WARNING: For posts created previously, this will break the +show+ page for them. We recommend deleting these posts and starting again, or manually assigning an author using +rails c+.
+By outputting +@post.author+ using the +<%=+ tag the +to_s+ method will be called on the object. By default, this will look quite ugly:
+This is undesirable and it would be much better to have the user's name there. To do this, add a +to_s+ method to the +User+ class within the application:
+def to_s
+ name
+Now instead of the ugly Ruby object output the author's name will be displayed.
+h4. Configuring an engine
+This section covers firstly how you can make the +user_class+ setting of the Blorgh engine configurable, followed by general configuration tips for the engine.
+h5. Setting configuration settings in the application
+The next step is to make the class that represents a +User+ in the application customizable for the engine. This is because, as explained before, that class may not always be +User+. To make this customizable, the engine will have a configuration setting called +user_class+ that will be used to specify what the class representing users is inside the application.
+To define this configuration setting, you should use a +mattr_accessor+ inside the +Blorgh+ module for the engine, located at +lib/blorgh.rb+ inside the engine. Inside this module, put this line:
+mattr_accessor :user_class
+This method works like its brothers +attr_accessor+ and +cattr_accessor+, but provides a setter and getter method on the module with the specified name. To use it, it must be referenced using +Blorgh.user_class+.
+The next step is switching the +Blorgh::Post+ model over to this new setting. For the +belongs_to+ association inside this model (+app/models/blorgh/post.rb+), it will now become this:
+belongs_to :author, :class_name => Blorgh.user_class
+The +set_author+ method also located in this class should also use this class:
+self.author = Blorgh.user_class.constantize.find_or_create_by_name(author_name)
+To set this configuration setting within the application, an initializer should be used. By using an initializer, the configuration will be set up before the application starts and makes references to the classes of the engine which may depend on this configuration setting existing.
+Create a new initializer at +config/initializers/blorgh.rb+ inside the application where the +blorgh+ engine is installed and put this content in it:
+Blorgh.user_class = "User"
+WARNING: It's very important here to use the +String+ version of the class, rather than the class itself. If you were to use the class, Rails would attempt to load that class and then reference the related table, which could lead to problems if the table wasn't already existing. Therefore, a +String+ should be used and then converted to a class using +constantize+ in the engine later on.
+Go ahead and try to create a new post. You will see that it works exactly in the same way as before, except this time the engine is using the configuration setting in +config/initializers/blorgh.rb+ to learn what the class is.
+There are now no strict dependencies on what the class is, only what the class's API must be. The engine simply requires this class to define a +find_or_create_by_name+ method which returns an object of that class to be associated with a post when it's created.
+h5. General engine configuration
-This line will mount the engine
-TODO: Application will provide a User foundation class which the engine hooks into through a configuration setting, configurable in the application's initializers. The engine will be mounted at the +/blog+ path in the application.
+Within an engine, there may come a time where you wish to use things such as initializers, internationalization or other configuration options. The great news is that these things are entirely possible because a Rails engine shares much the same functionality as a Rails application. In fact, a Rails application's functionality is actually a superset of what is provided by engines!
-h3. Overriding engine functionality
+If you wish to use initializers (code that should run before the engine is loaded), the best place for them is the +config/initializers+ folder. This directory's functionality is explained in the "Initializers section":http://guides.rubyonrails.org/configuring.html#initializers of the Configuring guide.
-TODO: Cover how to override engine functionality in the engine, such as controllers and views.
+For locales, simply place the locale files in the +config/locales+ directory, just like you would in an application.
+h3. Extending engine functionality
+This section looks at overriding or adding functionality to the views, controllers and models provided by an engine.
+h4. Overriding views
+When Rails looks for a view to render, it will first look in the +app/views+ directory of the application. If it cannot find the view there, then it will check in the +app/views+ directories of all engines which have this directory.
+In the +blorgh+ engine, there is a currently a file at +app/views/blorgh/posts/index.html.erb+. When the engine is asked to render the view for +Blorgh::PostsController+'s +index+ action, it will first see if it can find it at +app/views/blorgh/posts/index.html.erb+ within the application and then if it cannot it will look inside the engine.
+By overriding this view in the application, by simply creating a new file at +app/views/blorgh/posts/index.html.erb+, you can completely change what this view would normally output.
+Try this now by creating a new file at +app/views/blorgh/posts/index.html.erb+ and put this content in it:
+<%= link_to "New Post", new_post_path %>
+<% @posts.each do |post| %>
+ <h2><%= post.title %></h2>
+ <small>By <%= post.author %></small>
+ <%= simple_format(post.text) %>
+ <hr>
+<% end %>
+Rather than looking like the default scaffold, the page will now look like this:
+!images/engines_post_override.png(Engine scaffold overriden)!
+h4. Controllers
+TODO: Explain how to extend a controller.
IDEA: I like Devise's +devise :controllers => { "sessions" => "sessions" }+ idea. Perhaps we could incorporate that into the guide?
+h4. Models
+TODO: Explain how to extend models provided by an engine.
+h4. Routes
+Within the application, you may wish to link to some area within the engine. Due to the fact that the engine's routes are isolated (by the +isolate_namespace+ call within the +lib/blorgh/engine.rb+ file), you will need to prefix these routes with the engine name. This means rather than having something such as:
+<%= link_to "Blog posts", posts_path %>
+It needs to be written as:
+<%= link_to "Blog posts", blorgh.posts_path %>
+This allows for the engine _and_ the application to both have a +posts_path+ routing helper and to not interfere with each other. You may also reference another engine's routes from inside an engine using this same syntax.
+If you wish to reference the application inside the engine in a similar way, use the +main_app+ helper:
+<%= link_to "Home", main_app.root_path %>
TODO: Mention how to use assets within an engine?
TODO: Mention how to depend on external gems, like RedCarpet.
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile b/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile
index bf6104b96b..fde83ae730 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/getting_started.textile
@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ in rails/railties/guides/code/getting_started.
h3. What is Rails?
+TIP: This section goes into the background and philosophy of the Rails framework
+in detail. You can safely skip this section and come back to it at a later time.
+Section 3 starts you on the path to creating your first Rails application.
Rails is a web application development framework written in the Ruby language.
It is designed to make programming web applications easier by making assumptions
about what every developer needs to get started. It allows you to write less
@@ -215,7 +219,11 @@ Ian Robinson
h3. Creating a New Rails Project
-If you follow this guide, you'll create a Rails project called <tt>blog</tt>, a
+The best way to use this guide is to follow each step as it happens, no code or
+step needed to make this example application has been left out, so you can
+literally follow along step by step. You can get the complete code "here":https://github.com/lifo/docrails/tree/master/railties/guides/code/getting_started.
+By following along with this guide, you'll create a Rails project called <tt>blog</tt>, a
(very) simple weblog. Before you can start building the application, you need to
make sure that you have Rails itself installed.
@@ -233,13 +241,16 @@ Usually run this as the root user:
TIP. If you're working on Windows, you can quickly install Ruby and Rails with
"Rails Installer":http://railsinstaller.org.
-h4. Creating the Blog Application
+To verify that you have everything installed correctly, you should be able to run
+the following:
-The best way to use this guide is to follow each step as it happens, no code or
-step needed to make this example application has been left out, so you can
-literally follow along step by step. If you need to see the completed code, you
-can download it from "Getting Started
+$ rails --version
+If it says something like "Rails 3.1.1" you are ready to continue.
+h4. Creating the Blog Application
To begin, open a terminal, navigate to a folder where you have rights to create
files, and type:
@@ -261,41 +272,50 @@ directly in that application:
$ cd blog
-In any case, Rails will create a folder in your working directory called
-<tt>blog</tt>. Open up that folder and explore its contents. Most of the work in
+The 'rails new blog' command we ran above created a folder in your working directory
+called <tt>blog</tt>. The <tt>blog</tt> folder has a number of auto-generated folders
+that make up the structure of a Rails application. Most of the work in
this tutorial will happen in the <tt>app/</tt> folder, but here's a basic
-rundown on the function of each folder that Rails creates in a new application
-by default:
+rundown on the function of each of the files and folders that Rails created by default:
-|Gemfile|This file allows you to specify what gem dependencies are needed for your Rails application. See section on Bundler, below.|
-|README|This is a brief instruction manual for your application. You should edit this file to tell others what your application does, how to set it up, and so on.|
-|Rakefile|This file locates and loads tasks that can be run from the command line. The task definitions are defined throughout the components of Rails. Rather than changing Rakefile, you should add your own tasks by adding files to the lib/tasks directory of your application.|
|app/|Contains the controllers, models, views and assets for your application. You'll focus on this folder for the remainder of this guide.|
-|config/|Configure your application's runtime rules, routes, database, and more.|
+|config/|Configure your application's runtime rules, routes, database, and more. This is covered in more detail in "Configuring Rails Applications":configuring.html|
|config.ru|Rack configuration for Rack based servers used to start the application.|
-|db/|Shows your current database schema, as well as the database migrations. You'll learn about migrations shortly.|
+|db/|Contains your current database schema, as well as the database migrations.|
|doc/|In-depth documentation for your application.|
-|lib/|Extended modules for your application (not covered in this guide).|
+|Gemfile<BR />Gemfile.lock|These files allow you to specify what gem dependencies are needed for your Rails application.|
+|lib/|Extended modules for your application.|
|log/|Application log files.|
|public/|The only folder seen to the world as-is. Contains the static files and compiled assets.|
+|Rakefile|This file locates and loads tasks that can be run from the command line. The task definitions are defined throughout the components of Rails. Rather than changing Rakefile, you should add your own tasks by adding files to the lib/tasks directory of your application.|
+|README|This is a brief instruction manual for your application. You should edit this file to tell others what your application does, how to set it up, and so on.|
|script/|Contains the rails script that starts your app and can contain other scripts you use to deploy or run your application.|
|test/|Unit tests, fixtures, and other test apparatus. These are covered in "Testing Rails Applications":testing.html|
|tmp/|Temporary files|
-|vendor/|A place for all third-party code. In a typical Rails application, this includes Ruby Gems, the Rails source code (if you install it into your project) and plugins containing additional prepackaged functionality.|
+|vendor/|A place for all third-party code. In a typical Rails application, this includes Ruby Gems, the Rails source code (if you optionally install it into your project) and plugins containing additional prepackaged functionality.|
h4. Configuring a Database
Just about every Rails application will interact with a database. The database
to use is specified in a configuration file, +config/database.yml+. If you open
this file in a new Rails application, you'll see a default database
-configuration using SQLite3. The file contains sections for three different
+configured to use SQLite3. The file contains sections for three different
environments in which Rails can run by default:
-* The +development+ environment is used on your development computer as you interact manually with the application.
-* The +test+ environment is used to run automated tests.
+* The +development+ environment is used on your development/local computer as you interact
+manually with the application.
+* The +test+ environment is used when running automated tests.
* The +production+ environment is used when you deploy your application for the world to use.
+TIP: You don't have to update the database configurations manually. If you look at the
+options of the application generator, you will see that one of the options
+is named <tt>--database</tt>. This option allows you to choose an adapter from a
+list of the most used relational databases. You can even run the generator
+repeatedly: <tt>cd .. && rails new blog --database=mysql</tt>. When you confirm the overwriting
+ of the +config/database.yml+ file, your application will be configured for MySQL
+instead of SQLite. Detailed examples of the common database connections are below.
h5. Configuring an SQLite3 Database
Rails comes with built-in support for "SQLite3":http://www.sqlite.org, which is
@@ -399,14 +419,6 @@ development:
Change the username and password in the +development+ section as appropriate.
-TIP: You don't have to update the database configurations manually. If you look at the
-options of the application generator, you will see that one of the options
-is named <tt>--database</tt>. This option allows you to choose an adapter from a
-list of the most used relational databases. You can even run the generator
-repeatedly: <tt>cd .. && rails new blog --database=mysql</tt>. When you confirm the overwriting
- of the +config/database.yml+ file, your application will be configured for MySQL
-instead of SQLite.
h4. Creating the Database
Now that you have your database configured, it's time to have Rails create an
@@ -480,7 +492,7 @@ Open this file in your text editor and edit it to contain a single line of code:
h4. Setting the Application Home Page
Now that we have made the controller and view, we need to tell Rails when we
-want "Hello Rails" to show up. In our case, we want it to show up when we
+want "Hello Rails!" to show up. In our case, we want it to show up when we
navigate to the root URL of our site,
"http://localhost:3000":http://localhost:3000, instead of the "Welcome Aboard"
smoke test.
@@ -501,8 +513,7 @@ file_ which holds entries in a special DSL (domain-specific language) that tells
Rails how to connect incoming requests to controllers and actions. This file
contains many sample routes on commented lines, and one of them actually shows
you how to connect the root of your site to a specific controller and action.
-Find the line beginning with +root :to+, uncomment it and change it like the
+Find the line beginning with +root :to+ and uncomment it. It should look something like the following:
Blog::Application.routes.draw do
@@ -530,7 +541,7 @@ resource in a single operation, scaffolding is the tool for the job.
h3. Creating a Resource
-In the case of the blog application, you can start by generating a scaffolded
+In the case of the blog application, you can start by generating a scaffold for the
Post resource: this will represent a single blog posting. To do this, enter this
command in your terminal:
@@ -544,21 +555,21 @@ folders, and edit <tt>config/routes.rb</tt>. Here's a quick overview of what it
|_.File |_.Purpose|
|db/migrate/20100207214725_create_posts.rb |Migration to create the posts table in your database (your name will include a different timestamp)|
|app/models/post.rb |The Post model|
-|test/fixtures/posts.yml |Dummy posts for use in testing|
+|test/unit/post_test.rb |Unit testing harness for the posts model|
+|test/fixtures/posts.yml |Sample posts for use in testing|
+|config/routes.rb |Edited to include routing information for posts|
|app/controllers/posts_controller.rb |The Posts controller|
|app/views/posts/index.html.erb |A view to display an index of all posts |
|app/views/posts/edit.html.erb |A view to edit an existing post|
|app/views/posts/show.html.erb |A view to display a single post|
|app/views/posts/new.html.erb |A view to create a new post|
|app/views/posts/_form.html.erb |A partial to control the overall look and feel of the form used in edit and new views|
-|app/helpers/posts_helper.rb |Helper functions to be used from the post views|
-|app/assets/stylesheets/scaffolds.css.scss |Cascading style sheet to make the scaffolded views look better|
-|app/assets/stylesheets/posts.css.scss |Cascading style sheet for the posts controller|
-|app/assets/javascripts/posts.js.coffee |CoffeeScript for the posts controller|
-|test/unit/post_test.rb |Unit testing harness for the posts model|
|test/functional/posts_controller_test.rb |Functional testing harness for the posts controller|
+|app/helpers/posts_helper.rb |Helper functions to be used from the post views|
|test/unit/helpers/posts_helper_test.rb |Unit testing harness for the posts helper|
-|config/routes.rb |Edited to include routing information for posts|
+|app/assets/javascripts/posts.js.coffee |CoffeeScript for the posts controller|
+|app/assets/stylesheets/posts.css.scss |Cascading style sheet for the posts controller|
+|app/assets/stylesheets/scaffolds.css.scss |Cascading style sheet to make the scaffolded views look better|
NOTE. While scaffolding will get you up and running quickly, the code it
generates is unlikely to be a perfect fit for your application. You'll most
@@ -596,11 +607,11 @@ end
The above migration creates a method named +change+ which will be called when you
-run this migration. The action defined in that method is also reversible, which
+run this migration. The action defined in this method is also reversible, which
means Rails knows how to reverse the change made by this migration, in case you
-want to reverse it at later date. By default, when you run this migration it
-creates a +posts+ table with two string columns and a text column. It also
-creates two timestamp fields to track record creation and updating. More
+want to reverse it later. When you run this migration it will create a
++posts+ table with two string columns and a text column. It also creates two
+timestamp fields to allow Rails to track post creation and update times. More
information about Rails migrations can be found in the "Rails Database
Migrations":migrations.html guide.
@@ -620,7 +631,7 @@ table.
== CreatePosts: migrated (0.0020s) ===========================================
-NOTE. Because by default you're working in the development environment, this
+NOTE. Because you're working in the development environment by default, this
command will apply to the database defined in the +development+ section of your
+config/database.yml+ file. If you would like to execute migrations in another
environment, for instance in production, you must explicitly pass it when
@@ -691,7 +702,8 @@ end
These changes will ensure that all posts have a name and a title, and that the
title is at least five characters long. Rails can validate a variety of
conditions in a model, including the presence or uniqueness of columns, their
-format, and the existence of associated objects.
+format, and the existence of associated objects. Validations are covered in detail
+in "Active Record Validations and Callbacks":active_record_validations_callbacks.html#validations-overview
h4. Using the Console
@@ -716,10 +728,8 @@ After the console loads, you can use it to work with your application's models:
updated_at: nil>
>> p.save
=> false
->> p.errors
-=> #<OrderedHash { :title=>["can't be blank",
- "is too short (minimum is 5 characters)"],
- :name=>["can't be blank"] }>
+>> p.errors.full_messages
+=> ["Name can't be blank", "Title can't be blank", "Title is too short (minimum is 5 characters)"]
This code shows creating a new +Post+ instance, attempting to save it and
@@ -729,13 +739,14 @@ inspecting the +errors+ of the post.
When you're finished, type +exit+ and hit +return+ to exit the console.
TIP: Unlike the development web server, the console does not automatically load
-your code afresh for each line. If you make changes to your models while the
-console is open, type +reload!+ at the console prompt to load them.
+your code afresh for each line. If you make changes to your models (in your editor)
+while the console is open, type +reload!+ at the console prompt to load them.
h4. Listing All Posts
-The easiest place to start looking at functionality is with the code that lists
-all posts. Open the file +app/controllers/posts_controller.rb+ and look at the
+Let's dive into the Rails code a little deeper to see how the application is
+showing us the list of Posts. Open the file
++app/controllers/posts_controller.rb+ and look at the
+index+ action:
@@ -749,9 +760,8 @@ def index
-+Post.all+ calls the +Post+ model to return all of the posts currently in the
-database. The result of this call is an array of posts that we store in an
-instance variable called +@posts+.
++Post.all+ returns all of the posts currently in the database as an array
+of +Post+ records that we store in an instance variable called +@posts+.
TIP: For more information on finding records with Active Record, see "Active
Record Query Interface":active_record_querying.html.
@@ -802,7 +812,7 @@ and links. A few things to note in the view:
NOTE. In previous versions of Rails, you had to use +&lt;%=h post.name %&gt;+ so
that any HTML would be escaped before being inserted into the page. In Rails
-3.0, this is now the default. To get unescaped HTML, you now use +&lt;%= raw
+3.0+, this is now the default. To get unescaped HTML, you now use +&lt;%= raw
post.name %&gt;+.
TIP: For more details on the rendering process, see "Layouts and Rendering in
@@ -816,9 +826,10 @@ Rails renders a view to the browser, it does so by putting the view's HTML into
a layout's HTML. In previous versions of Rails, the +rails generate scaffold+
command would automatically create a controller specific layout, like
+app/views/layouts/posts.html.erb+, for the posts controller. However this has
-been changed in Rails 3.0. An application specific +layout+ is used for all the
+been changed in Rails 3.0+. An application specific +layout+ is used for all the
controllers and can be found in +app/views/layouts/application.html.erb+. Open
-this layout in your editor and modify the +body+ tag:
+this layout in your editor and modify the +body+ tag to include the style directive
<!DOCTYPE html>
@@ -996,7 +1007,7 @@ end
The +show+ action uses +Post.find+ to search for a single record in the database
by its id value. After finding the record, Rails displays it by using
<p class="notice"><%= notice %></p>
@@ -1060,7 +1071,7 @@ def update
if @post.update_attributes(params[:post])
format.html { redirect_to(@post,
:notice => 'Post was successfully updated.') }
- format.json { render :json => {}, :status => :ok }
+ format.json { head :no_content }
format.html { render :action => "edit" }
format.json { render :json => @post.errors,
@@ -1089,7 +1100,7 @@ def destroy
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to posts_url }
- format.json { head :ok }
+ format.json { head :no_content }
@@ -1101,7 +1112,7 @@ the controller.
h3. Adding a Second Model
-Now that you've seen how a model built with scaffolding looks like, it's time to
+Now that you've seen what a model built with scaffolding looks like, it's time to
add a second model to the application. The second model will handle comments on
blog posts.
@@ -1120,9 +1131,11 @@ $ rails generate model Comment commenter:string body:text post:references
This command will generate four files:
-* +app/models/comment.rb+ - The model.
-* +db/migrate/20100207235629_create_comments.rb+ - The migration.
-* +test/unit/comment_test.rb+ and +test/fixtures/comments.yml+ - The test harness.
+|_.File |_.Purpose|
+|db/migrate/20100207235629_create_comments.rb | Migration to create the comments table in your database (your name will include a different timestamp) |
+| app/models/comment.rb | The Comment model |
+| test/unit/comment_test.rb | Unit testing harness for the comments model |
+| test/fixtures/comments.yml | Sample comments for use in testing |
First, take a look at +comment.rb+:
@@ -1169,8 +1182,10 @@ run against the current database, so in this case you will just see:
== CreateComments: migrating =================================================
-- create_table(:comments)
- -> 0.0017s
-== CreateComments: migrated (0.0018s) ========================================
+ -> 0.0008s
+-- add_index(:comments, :post_id)
+ -> 0.0003s
+== CreateComments: migrated (0.0012s) ========================================
h4. Associating Models
@@ -1243,13 +1258,14 @@ $ rails generate controller Comments
This creates six files and one empty directory:
-* +app/controllers/comments_controller.rb+ - The controller.
-* +app/helpers/comments_helper.rb+ - A view helper file.
-* +test/functional/comments_controller_test.rb+ - The functional tests for the controller.
-* +test/unit/helpers/comments_helper_test.rb+ - The unit tests for the helper.
-* +app/views/comments/+ - Views of the controller are stored here.
-* +app/assets/stylesheets/comment.css.scss+ - Cascading style sheet for the controller.
-* +app/assets/javascripts/comment.js.coffee+ - CoffeeScript for the controller.
+|_.File/Directory |_.Purpose |
+| app/controllers/comments_controller.rb | The Comments controller |
+| app/views/comments/ | Views of the controller are stored here |
+| test/functional/comments_controller_test.rb | The functional tests for the controller |
+| app/helpers/comments_helper.rb | A view helper file |
+| test/unit/helpers/comments_helper_test.rb | The unit tests for the helper |
+| app/assets/javascripts/comment.js.coffee | CoffeeScript for the controller |
+| app/assets/stylesheets/comment.css.scss | Cascading style sheet for the controller |
Like with any blog, our readers will create their comments directly after
reading the post, and once they have added their comment, will be sent back to
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/i18n.textile b/railties/guides/source/i18n.textile
index 2d4cc13571..e9477e84cf 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/i18n.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/i18n.textile
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ end
Now, when you call the +books_path+ method you should get +"/en/books"+ (for the default locale). An URL like +http://localhost:3001/nl/books+ should load the Netherlands locale, then, and following calls to +books_path+ should return +"/nl/books"+ (because the locale changed).
-If you don't want to force the use of a locale in your routes you can use an optional path scope (donated by the use brackets) like so:
+If you don't want to force the use of a locale in your routes you can use an optional path scope (denoted by the parentheses) like so:
# config/routes.rb
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/initialization.textile b/railties/guides/source/initialization.textile
index 32b41fdd2c..036b356a37 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/initialization.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/initialization.textile
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ This guide explains the internals of the initialization process in Rails as of R
-This guide goes through every single file, class and method call that is required to boot up the Ruby on Rails stack for a default Rails 3.1 application, explaining each part in detail a long the way. For this guide, we will be focusing on how the two most common methods (+rails server+ and Passenger) boot a Rails application.
+This guide goes through every single file, class and method call that is required to boot up the Ruby on Rails stack for a default Rails 3.1 application, explaining each part in detail along the way. For this guide, we will be focusing on how the two most common methods (+rails server+ and Passenger) boot a Rails application.
NOTE: Paths in this guide are relative to Rails or a Rails application unless otherwise specified.
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ In this file there are a lot of lines such as this inside the +ActiveSupport+ mo
autoload :Inflector
-Due to the overriding of the +autoload+ method, Ruby will know to look for this file at +activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector.rb+ when the +Inflector+ class is first referenced.
+Due to the overriding of the +autoload+ method, Ruby will know how to look for this file at +activesupport/lib/active_support/inflector.rb+ when the +Inflector+ class is first referenced.
The +active_support/lib/active_support/version.rb+ that is also required here simply defines an +ActiveSupport::VERSION+ constant which defines a couple of constants inside this module, the main constant of this is +ActiveSupport::VERSION::STRING+ which returns the current version of ActiveSupport.
@@ -525,19 +525,19 @@ silence_warnings do
-These methods can be used to silence STDERR responses and the +silence_stream+ allows you to also silence other streams. Additionally, this mixin allows you to suppress exceptions and capture streams. For more information see the "Silencing Warnings, Streams, and Exceptions":http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_support_core_extensions.html#silencing-warnings-streams-and-exceptions section from the Active Support Core Extensions Guide.
+These methods can be used to silence STDERR responses and the +silence_stream+ allows you to also silence other streams. Additionally, this mixin allows you to suppress exceptions and capture streams. For more information see the "Silencing Warnings, Streams, and Exceptions":active_support_core_extensions.html#silencing-warnings-streams-and-exceptions section from the Active Support Core Extensions Guide.
h4. +active_support/core_ext/logger.rb+
The next file that is required is another Active Support core extension, this time to the +Logger+ class. This begins by defining the +around_[level]+ helpers for the +Logger+ class as well as other methods such as a +datetime_format+ getter and setter for the +formatter+ object tied to a +Logger+ object.
-For more information see the "Extensions to Logger":http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_support_core_extensions.html#extensions-to-logger section from the Active Support Core Extensions Guide.
+For more information see the "Extensions to Logger":active_support_core_extensions.html#extensions-to-logger section from the Active Support Core Extensions Guide.
h4. +railties/lib/rails/application.rb+
The next file required by +railties/lib/rails.rb+ is +application.rb+. This file defines the +Rails::Application+ constant which the application's class defined in +config/application.rb+ in a standard Rails application depends on. Before the +Rails::Application+ class is defined however, there's some other files that get required first.
-The first of these is +active_support/core_ext/hash/reverse_merge+ which can be "read about in the Active Support Core Extensions guide":http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_support_core_extensions.html#merging under the "Merging" section.
+The first of these is +active_support/core_ext/hash/reverse_merge+ which can be "read about in the Active Support Core Extensions guide":active_support_core_extensions.html#merging under the "Merging" section.
h4. +active_support/file_update_checker.rb+
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ Now that +rails/initializable.rb+ has finished being required from +rails/railti
h4. +railties/lib/rails/configuration.rb+
-This file defines the +Rails::Configuration+ module, containing the +MiddlewareStackProxy+ class as well as the +Generators+ class. The +MiddlewareStackProxy+ class is used for managing the middleware stack for an application, which we'll see later on. The +Generators+ class provides the functionality used for configuring what generators an application uses through the "+config.generators+ option":http://guides.rubyonrails.org/configuring.html#configuring-generators.
+This file defines the +Rails::Configuration+ module, containing the +MiddlewareStackProxy+ class as well as the +Generators+ class. The +MiddlewareStackProxy+ class is used for managing the middleware stack for an application, which we'll see later on. The +Generators+ class provides the functionality used for configuring what generators an application uses through the "+config.generators+ option":configuring.html#configuring-generators.
The first file required in this file is +activesupport/deprecation+.
@@ -598,11 +598,11 @@ This file defines the +ActiveSupport::Notifications+ module. Notifications provi
The "API documentation":http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/Notifications.html for +ActiveSupport::Notifications+ explains the usage of this module, including the methods that it defines.
-The file required in +active_support/notifications.rb+ is +active_support/core_ext/module/delegation+ which is documented in the "Active Support Core Extensions Guide":http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_support_core_extensions.html#method-delegation.
+The file required in +active_support/notifications.rb+ is +active_support/core_ext/module/delegation+ which is documented in the "Active Support Core Extensions Guide":active_support_core_extensions.html#method-delegation.
h4. +activesupport/core_ext/array/wrap+
-As this file comprises of a core extension, it is covered exclusively in "the Active Support Core Extensions guide":http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_support_core_extensions.html#wrapping
+As this file comprises of a core extension, it is covered exclusively in "the Active Support Core Extensions guide":active_support_core_extensions.html#wrapping
h4. +activesupport/lib/active_support/deprecation/reporting.rb+
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ h4. +active_support/ordered_options+
This file is the next file required from +rails/configuration.rb+ is the file that defines +ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions+ which is used for configuration options such as +config.active_support+ and the like.
-The next file required is +active_support/core_ext/hash/deep_dup+ which is covered in "Active Support Core Extensions guide":http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_support_core_extensions.html#deep_dup
+The next file required is +active_support/core_ext/hash/deep_dup+ which is covered in "Active Support Core Extensions guide":active_support_core_extensions.html#deep_dup
The file that is required next from is +rails/paths+
@@ -682,7 +682,7 @@ When the module from this file (+Rails::Initializable+) is included, it extends
h4. +railties/lib/rails/engine.rb+
-The next file required in +rails/engine.rb+ is +active_support/core_ext/module/delegation+ which is documented in the "Active Support Core Extensions Guide":http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_support_core_extensions.html#method-delegation.
+The next file required in +rails/engine.rb+ is +active_support/core_ext/module/delegation+ which is documented in the "Active Support Core Extensions Guide":active_support_core_extensions.html#method-delegation.
The next two files after this are Ruby standard library files: +pathname+ and +rbconfig+. The file after these is +rails/engine/railties+.
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ Once this file has finished loading we jump back to +railties/lib/rails/plugin.r
h4. Back to +railties/lib/rails/plugin.rb+
-The next file required in this is a core extension from Active Support called +array/conversions+ which is covered in "this section":http://guides.rubyonrails.org/active_support_core_extensions.html#array-conversions of the Active Support Core Extensions Guide.
+The next file required in this is a core extension from Active Support called +array/conversions+ which is covered in "this section":active_support_core_extensions.html#array-conversions of the Active Support Core Extensions Guide.
Once that file has finished loading, the +Rails::Plugin+ class is defined.
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ def initializer(name, opts = {}, &blk)
-An initializer can be configured to run before or after another initializer, which we'll see a couple of times throughout this initialization process. Anything that inherits from +Rails::Railtie+ may also make use of the +initializer+ method, something which is covered in the "Configuration guide":[http://ryanbigg.com/guides/configuring.html#rails-railtie-initializer].
+An initializer can be configured to run before or after another initializer, which we'll see a couple of times throughout this initialization process. Anything that inherits from +Rails::Railtie+ may also make use of the +initializer+ method, something which is covered in the "Configuration guide":configuring.html#rails-railtie-initializer.
The +Initializer+ class here is defined within the +Rails::Initializable+ module and its +initialize+ method is defined to just set up a couple of variables:
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/layouts_and_rendering.textile b/railties/guides/source/layouts_and_rendering.textile
index 69ef05104c..df7b9b364c 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/layouts_and_rendering.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/layouts_and_rendering.textile
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ render :status => 500
render :status => :forbidden
-Rails understands both numeric status codes and symbols for status codes.
+Rails understands both numeric and symbolic status codes.
h6. The +:location+ Option
@@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ h5. Finding Layouts
To find the current layout, Rails first looks for a file in +app/views/layouts+ with the same base name as the controller. For example, rendering actions from the +PhotosController+ class will use +app/views/layouts/photos.html.erb+ (or +app/views/layouts/photos.builder+). If there is no such controller-specific layout, Rails will use +app/views/layouts/application.html.erb+ or +app/views/layouts/application.builder+. If there is no +.erb+ layout, Rails will use a +.builder+ layout if one exists. Rails also provides several ways to more precisely assign specific layouts to individual controllers and actions.
-h6. Specifying Layouts on a per-Controller Basis
+h6. Specifying Layouts for Controllers
-You can override the automatic layout conventions in your controllers by using the +layout+ declaration in the controller. For example:
+You can override the default layout conventions in your controllers by using the +layout+ declaration. For example:
class ProductsController < ApplicationController
@@ -359,9 +359,9 @@ class ProductsController < ApplicationController
-With this declaration, all methods within +ProductsController+ will use +app/views/layouts/inventory.html.erb+ for their layout.
+With this declaration, all of the methods within +ProductsController+ will use +app/views/layouts/inventory.html.erb+ for their layout.
-To assign a specific layout for the entire application, use a declaration in your +ApplicationController+ class:
+To assign a specific layout for the entire application, use a +layout+ declaration in your +ApplicationController+ class:
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
-With this declaration, all views in the entire application will use +app/views/layouts/main.html.erb+ for their layout.
+With this declaration, all of the views in the entire application will use +app/views/layouts/main.html.erb+ for their layout.
h6. Choosing Layouts at Runtime
@@ -392,9 +392,9 @@ class ProductsController < ApplicationController
-Now, if the current user is a special user, they'll get a special layout when viewing a product. You can even use an inline method to determine the layout:
+Now, if the current user is a special user, they'll get a special layout when viewing a product.
-You can also decide the layout by passing a Proc object, the block you give the Proc will be given the +controller+ instance, so you can make decisions based on the current request. For example:
+You can even use an inline method, such as a Proc, to determine the layout. For example, if you pass a Proc object, the block you give the Proc will be given the +controller+ instance, so the layout can be determined based on the current request:
class ProductsController < ApplicationController
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ end
h6. Conditional Layouts
-Layouts specified at the controller level support +:only+ and +:except+ options that take either a method name or an array of method names which correspond to method names within the controller:
+Layouts specified at the controller level support the +:only+ and +:except+ options. These options take either a method name, or an array of method names, corresponding to method names within the controller:
class ProductsController < ApplicationController
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ With this declaration, the +product+ layout would be used for everything but the
h6. Layout Inheritance
-Layouts are shared downwards in the hierarchy, and more specific layouts always override more general ones. For example:
+Layout declarations cascade downward in the hierarchy, and more specific layout declarations always override more general ones. For example:
* +application_controller.rb+
@@ -495,9 +495,9 @@ def show
-Make sure you use +and return+ and not +&amp;&amp; return+ because while the former will work, the latter will not due to operator precedence in the Ruby Language.
+Make sure to use +and return+ and not +&amp;&amp; return+, since +&amp;&amp; return+ will not work due to the operator precedence in the Ruby Language.
-Note that the implicit render done by ActionController detects if +render+ has been called, and thus avoids this error. Therefore, the following will work without errors:
+Note that the implicit render done by ActionController detects if +render+ has been called, so the following will work without errors:
def show
@@ -518,7 +518,7 @@ Another way to handle returning responses to an HTTP request is with +redirect_t
redirect_to photos_url
-You can use +redirect_to+ with any arguments that you could use with +link_to+ or +url_for+. In addition, there's a special redirect that sends the user back to the page they just came from:
+You can use +redirect_to+ with any arguments that you could use with +link_to+ or +url_for+. There's also a special redirect that sends the user back to the page they just came from:
redirect_to :back
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ redirect_to :back
h5. Getting a Different Redirect Status Code
-Rails uses HTTP status code 302 (temporary redirect) when you call +redirect_to+. If you'd like to use a different status code (perhaps 301, permanent redirect), you can do so by using the +:status+ option:
+Rails uses HTTP status code 302, a temporary redirect, when you call +redirect_to+. If you'd like to use a different status code, perhaps 301, a permanent redirect, you can use the +:status+ option:
redirect_to photos_path, :status => 301
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ Just like the +:status+ option for +render+, +:status+ for +redirect_to+ accepts
h5. The Difference Between +render+ and +redirect_to+
-Sometimes inexperienced developers conceive of +redirect_to+ as a sort of +goto+ command, moving execution from one place to another in your Rails code. This is _not_ correct. Your code stops running and waits for a new request for the browser. It just happens that you've told the browser what request it should make next, by sending back an HTTP 302 status code.
+Sometimes inexperienced developers think of +redirect_to+ as a sort of +goto+ command, moving execution from one place to another in your Rails code. This is _not_ correct. Your code stops running and waits for a new request for the browser. It just happens that you've told the browser what request it should make next, by sending back an HTTP 302 status code.
Consider these actions to see the difference:
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@ def show
-With the code in this form, there will likely be a problem if the +@book+ variable is +nil+. Remember, a +render :action+ doesn't run any code in the target action, so nothing will set up the +@books+ variable that the +index+ view is presumably depending on. One way to fix this is to redirect instead of rendering:
+With the code in this form, there will likely be a problem if the +@book+ variable is +nil+. Remember, a +render :action+ doesn't run any code in the target action, so nothing will set up the +@books+ variable that the +index+ view will probably require. One way to fix this is to redirect instead of rendering:
def index
@@ -570,9 +570,9 @@ end
With this code, the browser will make a fresh request for the index page, the code in the +index+ method will run, and all will be well.
-The only downside to this code, is that it requires a round trip to the browser, the browser requested the show action with +/books/1+ and the controller finds that there are no books, so the controller sends out a 302 redirect response to the browser telling it to go to +/books/+, the browser complies and sends a new request back to the controller asking now for the +index+ action, the controller then gets all the books in the database and renders the index template, sending it back down to the browser which then shows it on your screen.
+The only downside to this code is that it requires a round trip to the browser: the browser requested the show action with +/books/1+ and the controller finds that there are no books, so the controller sends out a 302 redirect response to the browser telling it to go to +/books/+, the browser complies and sends a new request back to the controller asking now for the +index+ action, the controller then gets all the books in the database and renders the index template, sending it back down to the browser which then shows it on your screen.
-While in a small app, this added latency might not be a problem, it is something to think about when speed of response is of the essence. One way to handle this double request (though a contrived example) could be:
+While in a small application, this added latency might not be a problem, it is something to think about if response time is a concern. We can demonstrate one way to handle this with a contrived example:
def index
@@ -588,7 +588,7 @@ def show
-Which would detect that there are no books, populate the +@books+ instance variable with all the books in the database and then directly render the +index.html.erb+ template returning it to the browser with a flash alert message telling the user what happened.
+This would detect that there are no books with the specified ID, populate the +@books+ instance variable with all the books in the model, and then directly render the +index.html.erb+ template, returning it to the browser with a flash alert message to tell the user what happened.
h4. Using +head+ To Build Header-Only Responses
@@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ The +head+ method can be used to send responses with only headers to the browser
head :bad_request
-Which would produce the following header:
+This would produce the following header:
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ Set-Cookie: _blog_session=...snip...; path=/; HttpOnly
Cache-Control: no-cache
-Or you can use other HTTP headers to convey additional information:
+Or you can use other HTTP headers to convey other information:
head :created, :location => photo_path(@photo)
@@ -633,15 +633,15 @@ Cache-Control: no-cache
h3. Structuring Layouts
-When Rails renders a view as a response, it does so by combining the view with the current layout (using the rules for finding the current layout that were covered earlier in this guide). Within a layout, you have access to three tools for combining different bits of output to form the overall response:
+When Rails renders a view as a response, it does so by combining the view with the current layout, using the rules for finding the current layout that were covered earlier in this guide. Within a layout, you have access to three tools for combining different bits of output to form the overall response:
* Asset tags
* +yield+ and +content_for+
* Partials
-h4. Asset Tags
+h4. Asset Tag Helpers
-Asset tags provide methods for generating HTML that links views to feeds, JavaScript, stylesheets, images, videos and audios. These are the six asset tags available in Rails:
+Asset tag helpers provide methods for generating HTML that link views to feeds, JavaScript, stylesheets, images, videos and audios. There are six asset tag helpers available in Rails:
* +auto_discovery_link_tag+
* +javascript_include_tag+
@@ -650,11 +650,11 @@ Asset tags provide methods for generating HTML that links views to feeds, JavaSc
* +video_tag+
* +audio_tag+
-You can use these tags in layouts or other views, although the tags other than +image_tag+ are most commonly used in the +&lt;head&gt;+ section of a layout.
+You can use these tags in layouts or other views, although the +auto_discovery_link_tag+, +javascript_include_tag+, and +stylesheet_link_tag+, are most commonly used in the +&lt;head&gt;+ section of a layout.
-WARNING: The asset tags do _not_ verify the existence of the assets at the specified locations; they simply assume that you know what you're doing and generate the link.
+WARNING: The asset tag helpers do _not_ verify the existence of the assets at the specified locations; they simply assume that you know what you're doing and generate the link.
-h5. Linking to Feeds with +auto_discovery_link_tag+
+h5. Linking to Feeds with the +auto_discovery_link_tag+
The +auto_discovery_link_tag+ helper builds HTML that most browsers and newsreaders can use to detect the presences of RSS or ATOM feeds. It takes the type of the link (+:rss+ or +:atom+), a hash of options that are passed through to url_for, and a hash of options for the tag:
@@ -663,13 +663,13 @@ The +auto_discovery_link_tag+ helper builds HTML that most browsers and newsread
{:title => "RSS Feed"}) %>
-There are three tag options available for +auto_discovery_link_tag+:
+There are three tag options available for the +auto_discovery_link_tag+:
-* +:rel+ specifies the +rel+ value in the link (defaults to "alternate")
+* +:rel+ specifies the +rel+ value in the link. The default value is "alternate".
* +:type+ specifies an explicit MIME type. Rails will generate an appropriate MIME type automatically.
-* +:title+ specifies the title of the link
+* +:title+ specifies the title of the link. The default value is the upshifted +:type+ value, for example, "ATOM" or "RSS".
-h5. Linking to JavaScript Files with +javascript_include_tag+
+h5. Linking to JavaScript Files with the +javascript_include_tag+
The +javascript_include_tag+ helper returns an HTML +script+ tag for each source provided. Rails looks in +public/javascripts+ for these files by default, but you can specify a full path relative to the document root, or a URL, if you prefer. For example, to include +public/javascripts/main.js+:
@@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ By default, the combined file will be delivered as +javascripts/all.js+. You can
You can even use dynamic paths such as +cache/#{current_site}/main/display+.
-h5. Linking to CSS Files with +stylesheet_link_tag+
+h5. Linking to CSS Files with the +stylesheet_link_tag+
The +stylesheet_link_tag+ helper returns an HTML +&lt;link&gt;+ tag for each source provided. Rails looks in +public/stylesheets+ for these files by default, but you can specify a full path relative to the document root, or a URL, if you prefer. For example, to include +public/stylesheets/main.css+:
@@ -764,7 +764,7 @@ To include +http://example.com/main.css+:
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "http://example.com/main.css" %>
-By default, +stylesheet_link_tag+ creates links with +media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"+. You can override any of these defaults by specifying an appropriate option (+:media+, +:rel+, or +:type+):
+By default, the +stylesheet_link_tag+ creates links with +media="screen" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"+. You can override any of these defaults by specifying an appropriate option (+:media+, +:rel+, or +:type+):
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "main_print", :media => "print" %>
@@ -797,7 +797,7 @@ By default, the combined file will be delivered as +stylesheets/all.css+. You ca
You can even use dynamic paths such as +cache/#{current_site}/main/display+.
-h5. Linking to Images with +image_tag+
+h5. Linking to Images with the +image_tag+
The +image_tag+ helper builds an HTML +&lt;img /&gt;+ tag to the specified file. By default, files are loaded from +public/images+.
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ In addition to the above special tags, you can supply a final hash of standard H
:class => 'nav_bar' %>
-h5. Linking to Videos with +video_tag+
+h5. Linking to Videos with the +video_tag+
The +video_tag+ helper builds an HTML 5 +&lt;video&gt;+ tag to the specified file. By default, files are loaded from +public/videos+.
@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ This will produce:
<video><source src="trailer.ogg" /><source src="movie.ogg" /></video>
-h5. Linking to Audio files with +audio_tag+
+h5. Linking to Audio Files with the +audio_tag+
The +audio_tag+ helper builds an HTML 5 +&lt;audio&gt;+ tag to the specified file. By default, files are loaded from +public/audios+.
@@ -933,7 +933,7 @@ You can also create a layout with multiple yielding regions:
The main body of the view will always render into the unnamed +yield+. To render content into a named +yield+, you use the +content_for+ method.
-h4. Using +content_for+
+h4. Using the +content_for+ Method
The +content_for+ method allows you to insert content into a named +yield+ block in your layout. For example, this view would work with the layout that you just saw:
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/migrations.textile b/railties/guides/source/migrations.textile
index 23e36b39f9..5b52a93853 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/migrations.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/migrations.textile
@@ -658,7 +658,7 @@ In many ways this is exactly what it is. This file is created by inspecting the
There is however a trade-off: +db/schema.rb+ cannot express database specific items such as foreign key constraints, triggers, or stored procedures. While in a migration you can execute custom SQL statements, the schema dumper cannot reconstitute those statements from the database. If you are using features like this, then you should set the schema format to +:sql+.
-Instead of using Active Record's schema dumper, the database's structure will be dumped using a tool specific to the database (via the +db:structure:dump+ Rake task) into +db/#{Rails.env}_structure.sql+. For example, for the PostgreSQL RDBMS, the +pg_dump+ utility is used. For MySQL, this file will contain the output of +SHOW CREATE TABLE+ for the various tables. Loading these schemas is simply a question of executing the SQL statements they contain. By definition, this will create a perfect copy of the database's structure. Using the +:sql+ schema format will, however, prevent loading the schema into a RDBMS other than the one used to create it.
+Instead of using Active Record's schema dumper, the database's structure will be dumped using a tool specific to the database (via the +db:structure:dump+ Rake task) into +db/structure.sql+. For example, for the PostgreSQL RDBMS, the +pg_dump+ utility is used. For MySQL, this file will contain the output of +SHOW CREATE TABLE+ for the various tables. Loading these schemas is simply a question of executing the SQL statements they contain. By definition, this will create a perfect copy of the database's structure. Using the +:sql+ schema format will, however, prevent loading the schema into a RDBMS other than the one used to create it.
h4. Schema Dumps and Source Control
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/performance_testing.textile b/railties/guides/source/performance_testing.textile
index f3ea7e38bc..2440927542 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/performance_testing.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/performance_testing.textile
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ h4. Using Ruby-Prof on MRI and REE
Add Ruby-Prof to your applications' Gemfile if you want to benchmark/profile under MRI or REE:
-gem 'ruby-prof', :path => 'git://github.com/wycats/ruby-prof.git'
+gem 'ruby-prof', :git => 'git://github.com/wycats/ruby-prof.git'
Now run +bundle install+ and you're ready to go.
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/rails_on_rack.textile b/railties/guides/source/rails_on_rack.textile
index 57c03b54dc..d6cbd84b1f 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/rails_on_rack.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/rails_on_rack.textile
@@ -166,8 +166,9 @@ Much of Action Controller's functionality is implemented as Middlewares. The fol
|+Rack::Lock+|Sets <tt>env["rack.multithread"]</tt> flag to +true+ and wraps the application within a Mutex.|
|+ActionController::Failsafe+|Returns HTTP Status +500+ to the client if an exception gets raised while dispatching.|
|+ActiveRecord::QueryCache+|Enables the Active Record query cache.|
-|+ActionController::Session::CookieStore+|Uses the cookie based session store.|
-|+ActionController::Session::MemCacheStore+|Uses the memcached based session store.|
+|+ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore+|Uses the cookie based session store.|
+|+ActionDispatch::Session::CacheStore+|Uses the Rails cache based session store.|
+|+ActionDispatch::Session::MemCacheStore+|Uses the memcached based session store.|
|+ActiveRecord::SessionStore+|Uses the database based session store.|
|+Rack::MethodOverride+|Sets HTTP method based on +_method+ parameter or <tt>env["HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE"]</tt>.|
|+Rack::Head+|Discards the response body if the client sends a +HEAD+ request.|
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/routing.textile b/railties/guides/source/routing.textile
index f281009fee..29c729592b 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/routing.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/routing.textile
@@ -620,7 +620,7 @@ You can specify what Rails should route +"/"+ to with the +root+ method:
root :to => 'pages#main'
-You should put the +root+ route at the end of the file. You also need to delete the +public/index.html+ file for the root route to take effect.
+You should put the +root+ route at the top of the file, because it is the most popular route and should be matched first. You also need to delete the +public/index.html+ file for the root route to take effect.
h3. Customizing Resourceful Routes
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/security.textile b/railties/guides/source/security.textile
index 8837e06de5..c2ef7bf9b5 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/security.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/security.textile
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@ This will also be a good idea, if you modify the structure of an object and old
h4. Session Storage
--- _Rails provides several storage mechanisms for the session hashes. The most important are SessionStore and CookieStore._
+-- _Rails provides several storage mechanisms for the session hashes. The most important are ActiveRecord::SessionStore and ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore._
-There are a number of session storages, i.e. where Rails saves the session hash and session id. Most real-live applications choose SessionStore (or one of its derivatives) over file storage due to performance and maintenance reasons. SessionStore keeps the session id and hash in a database table and saves and retrieves the hash on every request.
+There are a number of session storages, i.e. where Rails saves the session hash and session id. Most real-live applications choose ActiveRecord::SessionStore (or one of its derivatives) over file storage due to performance and maintenance reasons. ActiveRecord::SessionStore keeps the session id and hash in a database table and saves and retrieves the hash on every request.
Rails 2 introduced a new default session storage, CookieStore. CookieStore saves the session hash directly in a cookie on the client-side. The server retrieves the session hash from the cookie and eliminates the need for a session id. That will greatly increase the speed of the application, but it is a controversial storage option and you have to think about the security implications of it:
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ h3. User Management
-- _Almost every web application has to deal with authorization and authentication. Instead of rolling your own, it is advisable to use common plug-ins. But keep them up-to-date, too. A few additional precautions can make your application even more secure._
-There are some authorization and authentication plug-ins for Rails available. A good one saves only encrypted passwords, not plain-text passwords. The most popular plug-in is +restful_authentication+ which protects from session fixation, too. However, earlier versions allowed you to login without user name and password in certain circumstances.
+There are a number of authentication plug-ins for Rails available. Good ones, such as the popular "devise":https://github.com/plataformatec/devise and "authlogic":https://github.com/binarylogic/authlogic, store only encrypted passwords, not plain-text passwords. In Rails 3.1 you can use the built-in +has_secure_password+ method which has similar features.
Every new user gets an activation code to activate his account when he gets an e-mail with a link in it. After activating the account, the activation_code columns will be set to NULL in the database. If someone requested an URL like these, he would be logged in as the first activated user found in the database (and chances are that this is the administrator):
diff --git a/railties/guides/source/testing.textile b/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
index 2341a3522c..5dbbe2c0f0 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ class UserControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
assert_difference 'ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.size', +1 do
post :invite_friend, :email => 'friend@example.com'
- invite_email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first
+ invite_email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.last
assert_equal "You have been invited by me@example.com", invite_email.subject
assert_equal 'friend@example.com', invite_email.to[0]
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/application.rb b/railties/lib/rails/application.rb
index cbb2d23238..0b72a7ed84 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/application.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/application.rb
@@ -141,6 +141,10 @@ module Rails
+ def helpers_paths
+ config.helpers_paths
+ end
alias :build_middleware_stack :app
@@ -164,8 +168,9 @@ module Rails
middleware.use ::Rack::Lock unless config.allow_concurrency
middleware.use ::Rack::Runtime
middleware.use ::Rack::MethodOverride
- middleware.use ::Rails::Rack::Logger # must come after Rack::MethodOverride to properly log overridden methods
- middleware.use ::ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions, config.consider_all_requests_local
+ middleware.use ::ActionDispatch::RequestId
+ middleware.use ::Rails::Rack::Logger, config.log_tags # must come after Rack::MethodOverride to properly log overridden methods
+ middleware.use ::ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions
middleware.use ::ActionDispatch::RemoteIp, config.action_dispatch.ip_spoofing_check, config.action_dispatch.trusted_proxies
if config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header.present?
middleware.use ::Rack::Sendfile, config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/application/bootstrap.rb b/railties/lib/rails/application/bootstrap.rb
index 0aff05b681..c2cb121e42 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/application/bootstrap.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/application/bootstrap.rb
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ module Rails
initializer :initialize_logger, :group => :all do
Rails.logger ||= config.logger || begin
path = config.paths["log"].first
- logger = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new(path)
+ logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new(path))
logger.level = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.const_get(config.log_level.to_s.upcase)
logger.auto_flushing = false if Rails.env.production?
rescue StandardError
- logger = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new(STDERR)
+ logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger.new(STDERR))
logger.level = ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger::WARN
"Rails Error: Unable to access log file. Please ensure that #{path} exists and is chmod 0666. " +
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/application/configuration.rb b/railties/lib/rails/application/configuration.rb
index 448521d2f0..8f5b28faf8 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/application/configuration.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/application/configuration.rb
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ module Rails
attr_accessor :allow_concurrency, :asset_host, :asset_path, :assets,
:cache_classes, :cache_store, :consider_all_requests_local,
:dependency_loading, :filter_parameters,
- :force_ssl, :helpers_paths, :logger, :preload_frameworks,
+ :force_ssl, :helpers_paths, :logger, :log_tags, :preload_frameworks,
:reload_plugins, :secret_token, :serve_static_assets,
:ssl_options, :static_cache_control, :session_options,
:time_zone, :whiny_nils
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/application/route_inspector.rb b/railties/lib/rails/application/route_inspector.rb
index 8c6911e6bb..8252f21aa7 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/application/route_inspector.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/application/route_inspector.rb
@@ -10,20 +10,21 @@ module Rails
routes = all_routes.collect do |route|
+ route_reqs = route.requirements
- reqs = route.requirements.dup
rack_app = route.app unless route.app.class.name.to_s =~ /^ActionDispatch::Routing/
- endpoint = rack_app ? rack_app.inspect : "#{reqs[:controller]}##{reqs[:action]}"
- constraints = reqs.except(:controller, :action)
+ controller = route_reqs[:controller] || ':controller'
+ action = route_reqs[:action] || ':action'
- reqs = endpoint == '#' ? '' : endpoint
+ endpoint = rack_app ? rack_app.inspect : "#{controller}##{action}"
+ constraints = route_reqs.except(:controller, :action)
- unless constraints.empty?
- reqs = reqs.empty? ? constraints.inspect : "#{reqs} #{constraints.inspect}"
- end
+ reqs = endpoint
+ reqs += " #{constraints.inspect}" unless constraints.empty?
verb = route.verb.source.gsub(/[$^]/, '')
{:name => route.name.to_s, :verb => verb, :path => route.path.spec.to_s, :reqs => reqs}
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/commands/console.rb b/railties/lib/rails/commands/console.rb
index 32e361d421..7733a8f116 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/commands/console.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/commands/console.rb
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ module Rails
puts "Loading #{Rails.env} environment (Rails #{Rails.version})"
+ IRB::ExtendCommandBundle.send :include, Rails::ConsoleMethods
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/commands/dbconsole.rb b/railties/lib/rails/commands/dbconsole.rb
index b0ba76217a..4b0acc9d88 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/commands/dbconsole.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/commands/dbconsole.rb
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module Rails
options['mode'] = mode
- opt.on("-h", "--header") do |h|
+ opt.on("--header") do |h|
options['header'] = h
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/commands/plugin.rb b/railties/lib/rails/commands/plugin.rb
index 4df849447d..c99a2e6685 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/commands/plugin.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/commands/plugin.rb
@@ -274,198 +274,200 @@ end
# load default environment and parse arguments
require 'optparse'
-module Commands
- class Plugin
- attr_reader :environment, :script_name
- def initialize
- @environment = RailsEnvironment.default
- @rails_root = RailsEnvironment.default.root
- @script_name = File.basename($0)
- end
+module Rails
+ module Commands
+ class Plugin
+ attr_reader :environment, :script_name
+ def initialize
+ @environment = RailsEnvironment.default
+ @rails_root = RailsEnvironment.default.root
+ @script_name = File.basename($0)
+ end
- def environment=(value)
- @environment = value
- RailsEnvironment.default = value
- end
+ def environment=(value)
+ @environment = value
+ RailsEnvironment.default = value
+ end
- def options
- OptionParser.new do |o|
- o.set_summary_indent(' ')
- o.banner = "Usage: plugin [OPTIONS] command"
- o.define_head "Rails plugin manager."
+ def options
+ OptionParser.new do |o|
+ o.set_summary_indent(' ')
+ o.banner = "Usage: plugin [OPTIONS] command"
+ o.define_head "Rails plugin manager."
- o.separator ""
- o.separator "GENERAL OPTIONS"
+ o.separator ""
+ o.separator "GENERAL OPTIONS"
- o.on("-r", "--root=DIR", String,
- "Set an explicit rails app directory.",
- "Default: #{@rails_root}") { |rails_root| @rails_root = rails_root; self.environment = RailsEnvironment.new(@rails_root) }
+ o.on("-r", "--root=DIR", String,
+ "Set an explicit rails app directory.",
+ "Default: #{@rails_root}") { |rails_root| @rails_root = rails_root; self.environment = RailsEnvironment.new(@rails_root) }
- o.on("-v", "--verbose", "Turn on verbose output.") { |verbose| $verbose = verbose }
- o.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") { puts o; exit }
+ o.on("-v", "--verbose", "Turn on verbose output.") { |verbose| $verbose = verbose }
+ o.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") { puts o; exit }
- o.separator ""
- o.separator "COMMANDS"
+ o.separator ""
+ o.separator "COMMANDS"
- o.separator " install Install plugin(s) from known repositories or URLs."
- o.separator " remove Uninstall plugins."
+ o.separator " install Install plugin(s) from known repositories or URLs."
+ o.separator " remove Uninstall plugins."
- o.separator ""
- o.separator "EXAMPLES"
- o.separator " Install a plugin from a subversion URL:"
- o.separator " #{@script_name} plugin install http://example.com/my_svn_plugin\n"
- o.separator " Install a plugin from a git URL:"
- o.separator " #{@script_name} plugin install git://github.com/SomeGuy/my_awesome_plugin.git\n"
- o.separator " Install a plugin and add a svn:externals entry to vendor/plugins"
- o.separator " #{@script_name} plugin install -x my_svn_plugin\n"
+ o.separator ""
+ o.separator "EXAMPLES"
+ o.separator " Install a plugin from a subversion URL:"
+ o.separator " #{@script_name} plugin install http://example.com/my_svn_plugin\n"
+ o.separator " Install a plugin from a git URL:"
+ o.separator " #{@script_name} plugin install git://github.com/SomeGuy/my_awesome_plugin.git\n"
+ o.separator " Install a plugin and add a svn:externals entry to vendor/plugins"
+ o.separator " #{@script_name} plugin install -x my_svn_plugin\n"
+ end
- end
- def parse!(args=ARGV)
- general, sub = split_args(args)
- options.parse!(general)
+ def parse!(args=ARGV)
+ general, sub = split_args(args)
+ options.parse!(general)
- command = general.shift
- if command =~ /^(install|remove)$/
- command = Commands.const_get(command.capitalize).new(self)
- command.parse!(sub)
- else
- puts "Unknown command: #{command}" unless command.blank?
- puts options
- exit 1
+ command = general.shift
+ if command =~ /^(install|remove)$/
+ command = Commands.const_get(command.capitalize).new(self)
+ command.parse!(sub)
+ else
+ puts "Unknown command: #{command}" unless command.blank?
+ puts options
+ exit 1
+ end
- end
- def split_args(args)
- left = []
- left << args.shift while args[0] and args[0] =~ /^-/
- left << args.shift if args[0]
- [left, args]
- end
- def self.parse!(args=ARGV)
- Plugin.new.parse!(args)
- end
- end
+ def split_args(args)
+ left = []
+ left << args.shift while args[0] and args[0] =~ /^-/
+ left << args.shift if args[0]
+ [left, args]
+ end
- class Install
- def initialize(base_command)
- @base_command = base_command
- @method = :http
- @options = { :quiet => false, :revision => nil, :force => false }
+ def self.parse!(args=ARGV)
+ Plugin.new.parse!(args)
+ end
- def options
- OptionParser.new do |o|
- o.set_summary_indent(' ')
- o.banner = "Usage: #{@base_command.script_name} install PLUGIN [PLUGIN [PLUGIN] ...]"
- o.define_head "Install one or more plugins."
- o.separator ""
- o.separator "Options:"
- o.on( "-x", "--externals",
- "Use svn:externals to grab the plugin.",
- "Enables plugin updates and plugin versioning.") { |v| @method = :externals }
- o.on( "-o", "--checkout",
- "Use svn checkout to grab the plugin.",
- "Enables updating but does not add a svn:externals entry.") { |v| @method = :checkout }
- o.on( "-e", "--export",
- "Use svn export to grab the plugin.",
- "Exports the plugin, allowing you to check it into your local repository. Does not enable updates or add an svn:externals entry.") { |v| @method = :export }
- o.on( "-q", "--quiet",
- "Suppresses the output from installation.",
- "Ignored if -v is passed (rails plugin -v install ...)") { |v| @options[:quiet] = true }
- o.on( "-r REVISION", "--revision REVISION",
- "Checks out the given revision from subversion or git.",
- "Ignored if subversion/git is not used.") { |v| @options[:revision] = v }
- o.on( "-f", "--force",
- "Reinstalls a plugin if it's already installed.") { |v| @options[:force] = true }
- o.separator ""
- o.separator "You can specify plugin names as given in 'plugin list' output or absolute URLs to "
- o.separator "a plugin repository."
+ class Install
+ def initialize(base_command)
+ @base_command = base_command
+ @method = :http
+ @options = { :quiet => false, :revision => nil, :force => false }
- end
- def determine_install_method
- best = @base_command.environment.best_install_method
- @method = :http if best == :http and @method == :export
- case
- when (best == :http and @method != :http)
- msg = "Cannot install using subversion because `svn' cannot be found in your PATH"
- when (best == :export and (@method != :export and @method != :http))
- msg = "Cannot install using #{@method} because this project is not under subversion."
- when (best != :externals and @method == :externals)
- msg = "Cannot install using externals because vendor/plugins is not under subversion."
+ def options
+ OptionParser.new do |o|
+ o.set_summary_indent(' ')
+ o.banner = "Usage: #{@base_command.script_name} install PLUGIN [PLUGIN [PLUGIN] ...]"
+ o.define_head "Install one or more plugins."
+ o.separator ""
+ o.separator "Options:"
+ o.on( "-x", "--externals",
+ "Use svn:externals to grab the plugin.",
+ "Enables plugin updates and plugin versioning.") { |v| @method = :externals }
+ o.on( "-o", "--checkout",
+ "Use svn checkout to grab the plugin.",
+ "Enables updating but does not add a svn:externals entry.") { |v| @method = :checkout }
+ o.on( "-e", "--export",
+ "Use svn export to grab the plugin.",
+ "Exports the plugin, allowing you to check it into your local repository. Does not enable updates or add an svn:externals entry.") { |v| @method = :export }
+ o.on( "-q", "--quiet",
+ "Suppresses the output from installation.",
+ "Ignored if -v is passed (rails plugin -v install ...)") { |v| @options[:quiet] = true }
+ o.on( "-r REVISION", "--revision REVISION",
+ "Checks out the given revision from subversion or git.",
+ "Ignored if subversion/git is not used.") { |v| @options[:revision] = v }
+ o.on( "-f", "--force",
+ "Reinstalls a plugin if it's already installed.") { |v| @options[:force] = true }
+ o.separator ""
+ o.separator "You can specify plugin names as given in 'plugin list' output or absolute URLs to "
+ o.separator "a plugin repository."
+ end
- if msg
- puts msg
- exit 1
+ def determine_install_method
+ best = @base_command.environment.best_install_method
+ @method = :http if best == :http and @method == :export
+ case
+ when (best == :http and @method != :http)
+ msg = "Cannot install using subversion because `svn' cannot be found in your PATH"
+ when (best == :export and (@method != :export and @method != :http))
+ msg = "Cannot install using #{@method} because this project is not under subversion."
+ when (best != :externals and @method == :externals)
+ msg = "Cannot install using externals because vendor/plugins is not under subversion."
+ end
+ if msg
+ puts msg
+ exit 1
+ end
+ @method
- @method
- end
- def parse!(args)
- options.parse!(args)
- if args.blank?
- puts options
+ def parse!(args)
+ options.parse!(args)
+ if args.blank?
+ puts options
+ exit 1
+ end
+ environment = @base_command.environment
+ install_method = determine_install_method
+ puts "Plugins will be installed using #{install_method}" if $verbose
+ args.each do |name|
+ ::Plugin.find(name).install(install_method, @options)
+ end
+ rescue StandardError => e
+ puts "Plugin not found: #{args.inspect}"
+ puts e.inspect if $verbose
exit 1
- environment = @base_command.environment
- install_method = determine_install_method
- puts "Plugins will be installed using #{install_method}" if $verbose
- args.each do |name|
- ::Plugin.find(name).install(install_method, @options)
- end
- rescue StandardError => e
- puts "Plugin not found: #{args.inspect}"
- puts e.inspect if $verbose
- exit 1
- end
- end
- class Remove
- def initialize(base_command)
- @base_command = base_command
- def options
- OptionParser.new do |o|
- o.set_summary_indent(' ')
- o.banner = "Usage: #{@base_command.script_name} remove name [name]..."
- o.define_head "Remove plugins."
+ class Remove
+ def initialize(base_command)
+ @base_command = base_command
- end
- def parse!(args)
- options.parse!(args)
- if args.blank?
- puts options
- exit 1
+ def options
+ OptionParser.new do |o|
+ o.set_summary_indent(' ')
+ o.banner = "Usage: #{@base_command.script_name} remove name [name]..."
+ o.define_head "Remove plugins."
+ end
- root = @base_command.environment.root
- args.each do |name|
- ::Plugin.new(name).uninstall
+ def parse!(args)
+ options.parse!(args)
+ if args.blank?
+ puts options
+ exit 1
+ end
+ root = @base_command.environment.root
+ args.each do |name|
+ ::Plugin.new(name).uninstall
+ end
- end
- class Info
- def initialize(base_command)
- @base_command = base_command
- end
+ class Info
+ def initialize(base_command)
+ @base_command = base_command
+ end
- def options
- OptionParser.new do |o|
- o.set_summary_indent(' ')
- o.banner = "Usage: #{@base_command.script_name} info name [name]..."
- o.define_head "Shows plugin info at {url}/about.yml."
+ def options
+ OptionParser.new do |o|
+ o.set_summary_indent(' ')
+ o.banner = "Usage: #{@base_command.script_name} info name [name]..."
+ o.define_head "Shows plugin info at {url}/about.yml."
+ end
- end
- def parse!(args)
- options.parse!(args)
- args.each do |name|
- puts ::Plugin.find(name).info
- puts
+ def parse!(args)
+ options.parse!(args)
+ args.each do |name|
+ puts ::Plugin.find(name).info
+ puts
+ end
@@ -539,4 +541,4 @@ class RecursiveHTTPFetcher
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/commands/server.rb b/railties/lib/rails/commands/server.rb
index 23392276d5..20484a10c8 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/commands/server.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/commands/server.rb
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ module Rails
middlewares = []
middlewares << [Rails::Rack::LogTailer, log_path] unless options[:daemonize]
middlewares << [Rails::Rack::Debugger] if options[:debugger]
- middlewares << [Rails::Rack::ContentLength]
+ middlewares << [::Rack::ContentLength]
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/console/app.rb b/railties/lib/rails/console/app.rb
index 95c74baae2..23d57379ba 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/console/app.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/console/app.rb
@@ -5,28 +5,32 @@ require 'action_controller'
# work around the at_exit hook in test/unit, which kills IRB
Test::Unit.run = true if Test::Unit.respond_to?(:run=)
-# reference the global "app" instance, created on demand. To recreate the
-# instance, pass a non-false value as the parameter.
-def app(create=false)
- @app_integration_instance = nil if create
- @app_integration_instance ||= new_session do |sess|
- sess.host! "www.example.com"
- end
+module Rails
+ module ConsoleMethods
+ # reference the global "app" instance, created on demand. To recreate the
+ # instance, pass a non-false value as the parameter.
+ def app(create=false)
+ @app_integration_instance = nil if create
+ @app_integration_instance ||= new_session do |sess|
+ sess.host! "www.example.com"
+ end
+ end
-# create a new session. If a block is given, the new session will be yielded
-# to the block before being returned.
-def new_session
- app = Rails.application
- session = ActionDispatch::Integration::Session.new(app)
- yield session if block_given?
- session
+ # create a new session. If a block is given, the new session will be yielded
+ # to the block before being returned.
+ def new_session
+ app = Rails.application
+ session = ActionDispatch::Integration::Session.new(app)
+ yield session if block_given?
+ session
+ end
-# reloads the environment
-def reload!(print=true)
- puts "Reloading..." if print
- ActionDispatch::Reloader.cleanup!
- ActionDispatch::Reloader.prepare!
- true
+ # reloads the environment
+ def reload!(print=true)
+ puts "Reloading..." if print
+ ActionDispatch::Reloader.cleanup!
+ ActionDispatch::Reloader.prepare!
+ true
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/console/helpers.rb b/railties/lib/rails/console/helpers.rb
index 212fc6125a..230d3d9d04 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/console/helpers.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/console/helpers.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
-def helper
- @helper ||= ApplicationController.helpers
+module Rails
+ module ConsoleMethods
+ def helper
+ @helper ||= ApplicationController.helpers
+ end
-def controller
- @controller ||= ApplicationController.new
+ def controller
+ @controller ||= ApplicationController.new
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/engine.rb b/railties/lib/rails/engine.rb
index 2d25273050..335a0fb1b5 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/engine.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/engine.rb
@@ -296,16 +296,16 @@ module Rails
# If you want to share just a few specific helpers you can add them to application's
# helpers in ApplicationController:
- # class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
- # helper MyEngine::SharedEngineHelper
- # end
+ # class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
+ # helper MyEngine::SharedEngineHelper
+ # end
# If you want to include all of the engine's helpers, you can use #helpers method on an engine's
# instance:
- # class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
- # helper MyEngine::Engine.helpers
- # end
+ # class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
+ # helper MyEngine::Engine.helpers
+ # end
# It will include all of the helpers from engine's directory. Take into account that this does
# not include helpers defined in controllers with helper_method or other similar solutions,
@@ -371,20 +371,28 @@ module Rails
self.routes.default_scope = { :module => ActiveSupport::Inflector.underscore(mod.name) }
self.isolated = true
- unless mod.respond_to?(:_railtie)
- name = engine_name
- _railtie = self
+ unless mod.respond_to?(:railtie_namespace)
+ name, railtie = engine_name, self
mod.singleton_class.instance_eval do
- define_method(:_railtie) do
- _railtie
- end
+ define_method(:railtie_namespace) { railtie }
unless mod.respond_to?(:table_name_prefix)
- define_method(:table_name_prefix) do
- "#{name}_"
- end
+ define_method(:table_name_prefix) { "#{name}_" }
+ end
+ unless mod.respond_to?(:use_relative_model_naming?)
+ class_eval "def use_relative_model_naming?; true; end", __FILE__, __LINE__
+ end
+ unless mod.respond_to?(:railtie_helpers_paths)
+ define_method(:railtie_helpers_paths) { railtie.helpers_paths }
+ end
+ unless mod.respond_to?(:railtie_routes_url_helpers)
+ define_method(:railtie_routes_url_helpers) { railtie.routes_url_helpers }
- end
+ end
@@ -429,13 +437,6 @@ module Rails
def helpers
@helpers ||= begin
helpers = Module.new
- helpers_paths = if config.respond_to?(:helpers_paths)
- config.helpers_paths
- else
- paths["app/helpers"].existent
- end
all = ActionController::Base.all_helpers_from_path(helpers_paths)
ActionController::Base.modules_for_helpers(all).each do |mod|
helpers.send(:include, mod)
@@ -444,6 +445,14 @@ module Rails
+ def helpers_paths
+ paths["app/helpers"].existent
+ end
+ def routes_url_helpers
+ routes.url_helpers
+ end
def app
@app ||= begin
config.middleware = config.middleware.merge_into(default_middleware_stack)
@@ -488,7 +497,7 @@ module Rails
# Blog::Engine.load_seed
def load_seed
seed_file = paths["db/seeds"].existent.first
- load(seed_file) if File.exist?(seed_file)
+ load(seed_file) if seed_file && File.exist?(seed_file)
# Add configured load paths to ruby load paths and remove duplicates.
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/app_base.rb b/railties/lib/rails/generators/app_base.rb
index 134d86fab0..3fbde0d989 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/app_base.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/app_base.rb
@@ -138,12 +138,14 @@ module Rails
if options.dev?
gem 'rails', :path => '#{Rails::Generators::RAILS_DEV_PATH}'
- gem 'journey', :path => '#{Rails::Generators::JOURNEY_DEV_PATH}'
+ gem 'journey', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/journey.git'
+ gem 'arel', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/arel.git'
elsif options.edge?
gem 'rails', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/rails.git'
gem 'journey', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/journey.git'
+ gem 'arel', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/arel.git'
@@ -190,17 +192,6 @@ module Rails
- def turn_gemfile_entry
- unless RUBY_VERSION < "1.9.2" || options[:skip_test_unit]
- <<-GEMFILE.strip_heredoc
- group :test do
- # Pretty printed test output
- gem 'turn', :require => false
- end
- end
- end
def assets_gemfile_entry
# Gems used only for assets and not required
@@ -208,6 +199,7 @@ module Rails
group :assets do
gem 'sass-rails', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/sass-rails.git'
gem 'coffee-rails', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/coffee-rails.git'
+ #{"gem 'therubyrhino'\n" if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)}
gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3'
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/base.rb b/railties/lib/rails/generators/base.rb
index 911f80cf3a..f38a487a4e 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/base.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/base.rb
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module Rails
usage = source_root && File.expand_path("../USAGE", source_root)
@desc ||= if usage && File.exist?(usage)
- File.read(usage)
+ ERB.new(File.read(usage)).result(binding)
"Description:\n Create #{base_name.humanize.downcase} files for #{generator_name} generator."
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator.rb b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator.rb
index c8648d19f8..3e32f758a4 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/app_generator.rb
@@ -144,8 +144,6 @@ module Rails
# We need to store the RAILS_DEV_PATH in a constant, otherwise the path
# can change in Ruby 1.8.7 when we FileUtils.cd.
RAILS_DEV_PATH = File.expand_path("../../../../../..", File.dirname(__FILE__))
- JOURNEY_DEV_PATH = File.expand_path("../../../../../../../journey", File.dirname(__FILE__))
RESERVED_NAMES = %w[application destroy benchmarker profiler plugin runner test]
class AppGenerator < AppBase
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/Gemfile b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/Gemfile
index 910cd16950..d3b8f4d595 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/Gemfile
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/Gemfile
@@ -21,5 +21,3 @@ source 'http://rubygems.org'
# To use debugger
# <%= ruby_debugger_gemfile_entry %>
-<%= turn_gemfile_entry -%>
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb.tt b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb.tt
index c63d1b6ac5..bba96a7431 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb.tt
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/app/views/layouts/application.html.erb.tt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<title><%= camelized %></title>
- <%%= stylesheet_link_tag "application" %>
+ <%%= stylesheet_link_tag "application", :media => "all" %>
<%%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
<%%= csrf_meta_tags %>
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/application.rb b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/application.rb
index 13fbe9e526..40fd843b1b 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/application.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/application.rb
@@ -49,6 +49,11 @@ module <%= app_const_base %>
# Configure sensitive parameters which will be filtered from the log file.
config.filter_parameters += [:password]
+ # Use SQL instead of Active Record's schema dumper when creating the database.
+ # This is necessary if your schema can't be completely dumped by the schema dumper,
+ # like if you have constraints or database-specific column types
+ # config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
<% unless options.skip_sprockets? -%>
# Enable the asset pipeline
config.assets.enabled = true
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/environments/production.rb.tt b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/environments/production.rb.tt
index 64e2c09467..50f2df3d35 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/environments/production.rb.tt
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/environments/production.rb.tt
@@ -33,8 +33,11 @@
# See everything in the log (default is :info)
# config.log_level = :debug
+ # Prepend all log lines with the following tags
+ # config.log_tags = [ :subdomain, :uuid ]
# Use a different logger for distributed setups
- # config.logger = SyslogLogger.new
+ # config.logger = ActiveSupport::TaggedLogging.new(SyslogLogger.new)
# Use a different cache store in production
# config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/environments/test.rb.tt b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/environments/test.rb.tt
index 80198cc21e..37a8b81dad 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/environments/test.rb.tt
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/app/templates/config/environments/test.rb.tt
@@ -29,11 +29,6 @@
# ActionMailer::Base.deliveries array.
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :test
- # Use SQL instead of Active Record's schema dumper when creating the test database.
- # This is necessary if your schema can't be completely dumped by the schema dumper,
- # like if you have constraints or database-specific column types
- # config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
<%- unless options.skip_active_record? -%>
# Raise exception on mass assignment protection for ActiveRecord models
config.active_record.mass_assignment_sanitizer = :strict
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/controller/templates/controller.rb b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/controller/templates/controller.rb
index 8f5f78556f..52243f4a2f 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/controller/templates/controller.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/controller/templates/controller.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ class <%= class_name %>Controller < ApplicationController
<% actions.each do |action| -%>
def <%= action %>
+<%= "\n" unless action == actions.last -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb
index 4baa2110e7..cd7d51e628 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/plugin_new_generator.rb
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ module Rails
def gitignore
- copy_file "gitignore", ".gitignore"
+ template "gitignore", ".gitignore"
def lib
@@ -246,8 +246,20 @@ task :default => :test
"rails plugin new #{self.arguments.map(&:usage).join(' ')} [options]"
+ def original_name
+ @original_name ||= File.basename(destination_root)
+ end
def name
- @name ||= File.basename(destination_root)
+ @name ||= begin
+ # same as ActiveSupport::Inflector#underscore except not replacing '-'
+ underscored = original_name.dup
+ underscored.gsub!(/([A-Z]+)([A-Z][a-z])/,'\1_\2')
+ underscored.gsub!(/([a-z\d])([A-Z])/,'\1_\2')
+ underscored.downcase!
+ underscored
+ end
def camelized
@@ -256,11 +268,11 @@ task :default => :test
def valid_const?
if camelized =~ /^\d/
- raise Error, "Invalid plugin name #{name}. Please give a name which does not start with numbers."
+ raise Error, "Invalid plugin name #{original_name}. Please give a name which does not start with numbers."
elsif RESERVED_NAMES.include?(name)
- raise Error, "Invalid plugin name #{name}. Please give a name which does not match one of the reserved rails words."
+ raise Error, "Invalid plugin name #{original_name}. Please give a name which does not match one of the reserved rails words."
elsif Object.const_defined?(camelized)
- raise Error, "Invalid plugin name #{name}, constant #{camelized} is already in use. Please choose another plugin name."
+ raise Error, "Invalid plugin name #{original_name}, constant #{camelized} is already in use. Please choose another plugin name."
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/templates/app/views/layouts/%name%/application.html.erb.tt b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/templates/app/views/layouts/%name%/application.html.erb.tt
index 01550dec2f..bd983fb90f 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/templates/app/views/layouts/%name%/application.html.erb.tt
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/templates/app/views/layouts/%name%/application.html.erb.tt
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<title><%= camelized %></title>
- <%%= stylesheet_link_tag "<%= name %>/application" %>
+ <%%= stylesheet_link_tag "<%= name %>/application", :media => "all" %>
<%%= javascript_include_tag "<%= name %>/application" %>
<%%= csrf_meta_tags %>
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/templates/gitignore b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/templates/gitignore
index 1463de6dfb..92bd3c614b 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/templates/gitignore
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/plugin_new/templates/gitignore
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-test/dummy/tmp/ \ No newline at end of file
+<%= dummy_path %>/db/*.sqlite3
+<%= dummy_path %>/log/*.log
+<%= dummy_path %>/tmp/ \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/scaffold_controller/templates/controller.rb b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/scaffold_controller/templates/controller.rb
index 32b961d9fc..4ff15fd288 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/scaffold_controller/templates/controller.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/rails/scaffold_controller/templates/controller.rb
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class <%= controller_class_name %>Controller < ApplicationController
respond_to do |format|
if @<%= orm_instance.update_attributes("params[:#{singular_table_name}]") %>
format.html { redirect_to @<%= singular_table_name %>, <%= key_value :notice, "'#{human_name} was successfully updated.'" %> }
- format.json { head :ok }
+ format.json { head :no_content }
format.html { render <%= key_value :action, '"edit"' %> }
format.json { render <%= key_value :json, "@#{orm_instance.errors}" %>, <%= key_value :status, ':unprocessable_entity' %> }
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class <%= controller_class_name %>Controller < ApplicationController
respond_to do |format|
format.html { redirect_to <%= index_helper %>_url }
- format.json { head :ok }
+ format.json { head :no_content }
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/generators/test_unit/scaffold/templates/functional_test.rb b/railties/lib/rails/generators/test_unit/scaffold/templates/functional_test.rb
index 01fe6dda7a..9ec2e34545 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/generators/test_unit/scaffold/templates/functional_test.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/generators/test_unit/scaffold/templates/functional_test.rb
@@ -26,23 +26,23 @@ class <%= controller_class_name %>ControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase
test "should show <%= singular_table_name %>" do
- get :show, <%= key_value :id, "@#{singular_table_name}.to_param" %>
+ get :show, <%= key_value :id, "@#{singular_table_name}" %>
assert_response :success
test "should get edit" do
- get :edit, <%= key_value :id, "@#{singular_table_name}.to_param" %>
+ get :edit, <%= key_value :id, "@#{singular_table_name}" %>
assert_response :success
test "should update <%= singular_table_name %>" do
- put :update, <%= key_value :id, "@#{singular_table_name}.to_param" %>, <%= key_value singular_table_name, "@#{singular_table_name}.attributes" %>
+ put :update, <%= key_value :id, "@#{singular_table_name}" %>, <%= key_value singular_table_name, "@#{singular_table_name}.attributes" %>
assert_redirected_to <%= singular_table_name %>_path(assigns(:<%= singular_table_name %>))
test "should destroy <%= singular_table_name %>" do
assert_difference('<%= class_name %>.count', -1) do
- delete :destroy, <%= key_value :id, "@#{singular_table_name}.to_param" %>
+ delete :destroy, <%= key_value :id, "@#{singular_table_name}" %>
assert_redirected_to <%= index_helper %>_path
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/rack.rb b/railties/lib/rails/rack.rb
index d4a41b217e..d1ee96f7fd 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/rack.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/rack.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
module Rails
module Rack
- autoload :ContentLength, "rails/rack/content_length"
autoload :Debugger, "rails/rack/debugger"
autoload :Logger, "rails/rack/logger"
autoload :LogTailer, "rails/rack/log_tailer"
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/rack/content_length.rb b/railties/lib/rails/rack/content_length.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6839af4152..0000000000
--- a/railties/lib/rails/rack/content_length.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-require 'action_dispatch'
-require 'rack/utils'
-module Rails
- module Rack
- # Sets the Content-Length header on responses with fixed-length bodies.
- class ContentLength
- include ::Rack::Utils
- def initialize(app, sendfile=nil)
- @app = app
- @sendfile = sendfile
- end
- def call(env)
- status, headers, body = @app.call(env)
- headers = HeaderHash.new(headers)
- if !STATUS_WITH_NO_ENTITY_BODY.include?(status.to_i) &&
- !headers['Content-Length'] &&
- !headers['Transfer-Encoding'] &&
- !(@sendfile && headers[@sendfile])
- old_body = body
- body, length = [], 0
- old_body.each do |part|
- body << part
- length += bytesize(part)
- end
- old_body.close if old_body.respond_to?(:close)
- headers['Content-Length'] = length.to_s
- end
- [status, headers, body]
- end
- end
- end
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/rack/logger.rb b/railties/lib/rails/rack/logger.rb
index 3be262de08..89de10c83d 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/rack/logger.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/rack/logger.rb
@@ -1,32 +1,46 @@
require 'active_support/core_ext/time/conversions'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank'
module Rails
module Rack
# Log the request started and flush all loggers after it.
class Logger < ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber
- def initialize(app)
- @app = app
+ def initialize(app, tags=nil)
+ @app, @tags = app, tags.presence
def call(env)
- before_dispatch(env)
- @app.call(env)
- ensure
- after_dispatch(env)
+ if @tags
+ Rails.logger.tagged(compute_tags(env)) { call_app(env) }
+ else
+ call_app(env)
+ end
- def before_dispatch(env)
+ def call_app(env)
request = ActionDispatch::Request.new(env)
path = request.filtered_path
- info "\n\nStarted #{request.request_method} \"#{path}\" " \
- "for #{request.ip} at #{Time.now.to_default_s}"
+ Rails.logger.info "\n\nStarted #{request.request_method} \"#{path}\" for #{request.ip} at #{Time.now.to_default_s}"
+ @app.call(env)
+ ensure
+ ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.flush_all!
- def after_dispatch(env)
- ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber.flush_all!
+ def compute_tags(env)
+ request = ActionDispatch::Request.new(env)
+ @tags.collect do |tag|
+ case tag
+ when Proc
+ tag.call(request)
+ when Symbol
+ request.send(tag)
+ else
+ tag
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/railtie.rb b/railties/lib/rails/railtie.rb
index e8fb1f3d98..f0991b99af 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/railtie.rb
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/railtie.rb
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ module Rails
def railtie_namespace
- @railtie_namespace ||= self.class.parents.detect { |n| n.respond_to?(:_railtie) }
+ @railtie_namespace ||= self.class.parents.detect { |n| n.respond_to?(:railtie_namespace) }
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/tasks/documentation.rake b/railties/lib/rails/tasks/documentation.rake
index ca8875ad9b..1e7da5ccae 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/tasks/documentation.rake
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/tasks/documentation.rake
@@ -66,43 +66,43 @@ namespace :doc do
gem_path('actionmailer') do |actionmailer|
- %w(README.rdoc CHANGELOG MIT-LICENSE lib/action_mailer/base.rb).each do |file|
+ %w(README.rdoc CHANGELOG.md MIT-LICENSE lib/action_mailer/base.rb).each do |file|
gem_path('actionpack') do |actionpack|
- %w(README.rdoc CHANGELOG MIT-LICENSE lib/action_controller/**/*.rb lib/action_view/**/*.rb).each do |file|
+ %w(README.rdoc CHANGELOG.md MIT-LICENSE lib/action_controller/**/*.rb lib/action_view/**/*.rb).each do |file|
gem_path('activemodel') do |activemodel|
- %w(README.rdoc CHANGELOG MIT-LICENSE lib/active_model/**/*.rb).each do |file|
+ %w(README.rdoc CHANGELOG.md MIT-LICENSE lib/active_model/**/*.rb).each do |file|
gem_path('activerecord') do |activerecord|
- %w(README.rdoc CHANGELOG lib/active_record/**/*.rb).each do |file|
+ %w(README.rdoc CHANGELOG.md lib/active_record/**/*.rb).each do |file|
gem_path('activeresource') do |activeresource|
- %w(README.rdoc CHANGELOG lib/active_resource.rb lib/active_resource/*).each do |file|
+ %w(README.rdoc CHANGELOG.md lib/active_resource.rb lib/active_resource/*).each do |file|
gem_path('activesupport') do |activesupport|
- %w(README.rdoc CHANGELOG lib/active_support/**/*.rb).each do |file|
+ %w(README.rdoc CHANGELOG.md lib/active_support/**/*.rb).each do |file|
gem_path('railties') do |railties|
- %w(README.rdoc CHANGELOG lib/{*.rb,commands/*.rb,generators/*.rb}).each do |file|
+ %w(README.rdoc CHANGELOG.md lib/{*.rb,commands/*.rb,generators/*.rb}).each do |file|
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/tasks/engine.rake b/railties/lib/rails/tasks/engine.rake
index 2152e811f5..eea8abe7d2 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/tasks/engine.rake
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/tasks/engine.rake
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ task "load_app" do
namespace :app do
+ task :environment => "app:environment"
if !defined?(ENGINE_PATH) || !ENGINE_PATH
ENGINE_PATH = find_engine_path(APP_RAKEFILE)
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/test_unit/testing.rake b/railties/lib/rails/test_unit/testing.rake
index fa01f42c5b..52d92cdd96 100644
--- a/railties/lib/rails/test_unit/testing.rake
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/test_unit/testing.rake
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ end
# Recreated here from Active Support because :uncommitted needs it before Rails is available
module Kernel
+ remove_method :silence_stderr # Removing old method to prevent method redefined warning
def silence_stderr
old_stderr = STDERR.dup
STDERR.reopen(RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/ ? 'NUL:' : '/dev/null')
@@ -122,8 +123,7 @@ namespace :test do
unit_tests = models.map { |model| "test/unit/#{File.basename(model, '.rb')}_test.rb" }
functional_tests = controllers.map { |controller| "test/functional/#{File.basename(controller, '.rb')}_test.rb" }
- unit_tests.uniq + functional_tests.uniq
+ (unit_tests + functional_tests).uniq.select { |file| File.exist?(file) }
t.libs << 'test'
diff --git a/railties/railties.gemspec b/railties/railties.gemspec
index b917128885..a7b9407daf 100644
--- a/railties/railties.gemspec
+++ b/railties/railties.gemspec
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
s.email = 'david@loudthinking.com'
s.homepage = 'http://www.rubyonrails.org'
- s.files = Dir['CHANGELOG', 'README.rdoc', 'bin/**/*', 'guides/**/*', 'lib/**/{*,.[a-z]*}']
+ s.files = Dir['CHANGELOG.md', 'README.rdoc', 'bin/**/*', 'guides/**/*', 'lib/**/{*,.[a-z]*}']
s.require_path = 'lib'
s.bindir = 'bin'
diff --git a/railties/test/application/configuration_test.rb b/railties/test/application/configuration_test.rb
index 97ad47ac14..f356805d6e 100644
--- a/railties/test/application/configuration_test.rb
+++ b/railties/test/application/configuration_test.rb
@@ -476,7 +476,7 @@ module ApplicationTests
app_file 'app/controllers/posts_controller.rb', <<-RUBY
class PostsController < ApplicationController
- def index
+ def create
render :text => params[:post].inspect
diff --git a/railties/test/application/console_test.rb b/railties/test/application/console_test.rb
index 1528d5dd87..2073c780bf 100644
--- a/railties/test/application/console_test.rb
+++ b/railties/test/application/console_test.rb
@@ -18,16 +18,20 @@ class ConsoleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
+ def irb_context
+ Object.new.extend(Rails::ConsoleMethods)
+ end
def test_app_method_should_return_integration_session
TestHelpers::Rack.send :remove_method, :app
- console_session = app
+ console_session = irb_context.app
assert_instance_of ActionDispatch::Integration::Session, console_session
def test_new_session_should_return_integration_session
- session = new_session
+ session = irb_context.new_session
assert_instance_of ActionDispatch::Integration::Session, session
@@ -41,7 +45,7 @@ class ConsoleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
ActionDispatch::Reloader.to_prepare { c = 3 }
# Hide Reloading... output
- silence_stream(STDOUT) { reload! }
+ silence_stream(STDOUT) { irb_context.reload! }
assert_equal 1, a
assert_equal 2, b
@@ -66,12 +70,13 @@ class ConsoleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
assert !User.new.respond_to?(:age)
- silence_stream(STDOUT) { reload! }
+ silence_stream(STDOUT) { irb_context.reload! }
assert User.new.respond_to?(:age)
def test_access_to_helpers
+ helper = irb_context.helper
assert_not_nil helper
assert_instance_of ActionView::Base, helper
assert_equal 'Once upon a time in a world...',
diff --git a/railties/test/application/middleware_test.rb b/railties/test/application/middleware_test.rb
index 093cb6ca2a..4703a59326 100644
--- a/railties/test/application/middleware_test.rb
+++ b/railties/test/application/middleware_test.rb
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ module ApplicationTests
+ "ActionDispatch::RequestId",
"Rails::Rack::Logger", # must come after Rack::MethodOverride to properly log overridden methods
diff --git a/railties/test/application/rack/logger_test.rb b/railties/test/application/rack/logger_test.rb
index 8b2b2f1802..387eb25525 100644
--- a/railties/test/application/rack/logger_test.rb
+++ b/railties/test/application/rack/logger_test.rb
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ module ApplicationTests
require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ @logger = MockLogger.new
+ Rails.stubs(:logger).returns(@logger)
def teardown
diff --git a/railties/test/application/rackup_test.rb b/railties/test/application/rackup_test.rb
index ff9cdcadc7..86e1995def 100644
--- a/railties/test/application/rackup_test.rb
+++ b/railties/test/application/rackup_test.rb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ module ApplicationTests
def rackup
require "rack"
- app, options = Rack::Builder.parse_file("#{app_path}/config.ru")
+ app, _ = Rack::Builder.parse_file("#{app_path}/config.ru")
diff --git a/railties/test/application/route_inspect_test.rb b/railties/test/application/route_inspect_test.rb
index add8256b5d..78980705ed 100644
--- a/railties/test/application/route_inspect_test.rb
+++ b/railties/test/application/route_inspect_test.rb
@@ -49,12 +49,20 @@ module ApplicationTests
assert_equal ["root / pages#main"], output
+ def test_inspect_routes_shows_dynamic_action_route
+ @set.draw do
+ match 'api/:action' => 'api'
+ end
+ output = @inspector.format @set.routes
+ assert_equal [" /api/:action(.:format) api#:action"], output
+ end
def test_inspect_routes_shows_controller_and_action_only_route
@set.draw do
match ':controller/:action'
output = @inspector.format @set.routes
- assert_equal [" /:controller/:action(.:format) "], output
+ assert_equal [" /:controller/:action(.:format) :controller#:action"], output
def test_inspect_routes_shows_controller_and_action_route_with_constraints
@@ -62,7 +70,7 @@ module ApplicationTests
match ':controller(/:action(/:id))', :id => /\d+/
output = @inspector.format @set.routes
- assert_equal [" /:controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format) {:id=>/\\d+/}"], output
+ assert_equal [" /:controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format) :controller#:action {:id=>/\\d+/}"], output
def test_rake_routes_shows_route_with_defaults
diff --git a/railties/test/fixtures/lib/generators/usage_template/USAGE b/railties/test/fixtures/lib/generators/usage_template/USAGE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcd63c52e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/fixtures/lib/generators/usage_template/USAGE
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+:: <%= 1 + 1 %> :: \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/railties/test/fixtures/lib/generators/usage_template/usage_template_generator.rb b/railties/test/fixtures/lib/generators/usage_template/usage_template_generator.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..078b0f9412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/fixtures/lib/generators/usage_template/usage_template_generator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+require 'rails/generators'
+class UsageTemplateGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base
+ source_root File.expand_path("templates", File.dirname(__FILE__))
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/app_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/app_generator_test.rb
index 133efb872f..a1bd2fbaa5 100644
--- a/railties/test/generators/app_generator_test.rb
+++ b/railties/test/generators/app_generator_test.rb
@@ -143,6 +143,16 @@ class AppGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
+ def test_config_postgresql_database
+ run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "postgresql"])
+ assert_file "config/database.yml", /postgresql/
+ unless defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem\s+["']pg["']$/
+ else
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /^gem\s+["']activerecord-jdbcpostgresql-adapter["']$/
+ end
+ end
def test_config_jdbcmysql_database
run_generator([destination_root, "-d", "jdbcmysql"])
assert_file "config/database.yml", /mysql/
@@ -198,6 +208,13 @@ class AppGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
assert_file "test/performance/browsing_test.rb"
+ def test_inclusion_of_therubyrhino_under_jruby
+ if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION)
+ run_generator([destination_root])
+ assert_file "Gemfile", /gem\s+["']therubyrhino["']$/
+ end
+ end
def test_creation_of_a_test_directory
assert_file 'test'
@@ -242,21 +259,6 @@ class AppGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
- def test_inclusion_of_turn_gem_in_gemfile
- run_generator
- assert_file "Gemfile" do |contents|
- assert_match(/gem 'turn'/, contents) unless RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.2'
- assert_no_match(/gem 'turn'/, contents) if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.2'
- end
- end
- def test_turn_gem_is_not_included_in_gemfile_if_skipping_test_unit
- run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-test-unit"]
- assert_file "Gemfile" do |contents|
- assert_no_match(/gem 'turn'/, contents) unless RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.2'
- end
- end
def test_inclusion_of_ruby_debug
assert_file "Gemfile" do |contents|
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/plugin_new_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/plugin_new_generator_test.rb
index 9183945619..826eac904e 100644
--- a/railties/test/generators/plugin_new_generator_test.rb
+++ b/railties/test/generators/plugin_new_generator_test.rb
@@ -37,6 +37,12 @@ class PluginNewGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
assert_file "things-43/lib/things-43.rb", /module Things43/
+ def test_camelcase_plugin_name_underscores_filenames
+ run_generator [File.join(destination_root, "CamelCasedName")]
+ assert_no_file "CamelCasedName/lib/CamelCasedName.rb"
+ assert_file "CamelCasedName/lib/camel_cased_name.rb", /module CamelCasedName/
+ end
def test_generating_without_options
assert_file "README.rdoc", /Bukkits/
@@ -236,6 +242,14 @@ class PluginNewGeneratorTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
assert_file "spec/dummy/config/application.rb"
assert_no_file "test"
+ def test_ensure_that_gitignore_can_be_generated_from_a_template_for_dummy_path
+ FileUtils.cd(Rails.root)
+ run_generator([destination_root, "--dummy_path", "spec/dummy" "--skip-test-unit"])
+ assert_file ".gitignore" do |contents|
+ assert_match(/spec\/dummy/, contents)
+ end
+ end
def test_skipping_test_unit
run_generator [destination_root, "--skip-test-unit"]
diff --git a/railties/test/generators_test.rb b/railties/test/generators_test.rb
index 56329f3183..5f9ee220dc 100644
--- a/railties/test/generators_test.rb
+++ b/railties/test/generators_test.rb
@@ -201,4 +201,10 @@ class GeneratorsTest < Rails::Generators::TestCase
mspec = Rails::Generators.find_by_namespace :fixjour
assert mspec.source_paths.include?(File.join(Rails.root, "lib", "templates", "fixjour"))
+ def test_usage_with_embedded_ruby
+ require File.expand_path("fixtures/lib/generators/usage_template/usage_template_generator", File.dirname(__FILE__))
+ output = capture(:stdout) { Rails::Generators.invoke :usage_template, ['--help'] }
+ assert_match /:: 2 ::/, output
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/railties/engine_test.rb b/railties/test/railties/engine_test.rb
index 06a60cd858..e8081c977f 100644
--- a/railties/test/railties/engine_test.rb
+++ b/railties/test/railties/engine_test.rb
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ module RailtiesTest
assert_equal "bukkits_", Bukkits.table_name_prefix
assert_equal "bukkits", Bukkits::Engine.engine_name
- assert_equal Bukkits._railtie, Bukkits::Engine
+ assert_equal Bukkits.railtie_namespace, Bukkits::Engine
assert ::Bukkits::MyMailer.method_defined?(:foo_path)
assert !::Bukkits::MyMailer.method_defined?(:bar_path)
@@ -455,13 +455,19 @@ module RailtiesTest
assert Rails.application.config.app_seeds_loaded
- assert_raise(NoMethodError) do Bukkits::Engine.config.bukkits_seeds_loaded end
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { Bukkits::Engine.config.bukkits_seeds_loaded }
assert Bukkits::Engine.config.bukkits_seeds_loaded
- test "using namespace more than once on one module should not overwrite _railtie method" do
+ test "skips nonexistent seed data" do
+ FileUtils.rm "#{app_path}/db/seeds.rb"
+ boot_rails
+ assert_nil Rails.application.load_seed
+ end
+ test "using namespace more than once on one module should not overwrite railtie_namespace method" do
@plugin.write "lib/bukkits.rb", <<-RUBY
module AppTemplate
class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
@@ -478,7 +484,7 @@ module RailtiesTest
- assert_equal AppTemplate._railtie, AppTemplate::Engine
+ assert_equal AppTemplate.railtie_namespace, AppTemplate::Engine
test "properly reload routes" do
diff --git a/railties/test/railties/shared_tests.rb b/railties/test/railties/shared_tests.rb
index 21fde49ff7..7653e52d26 100644
--- a/railties/test/railties/shared_tests.rb
+++ b/railties/test/railties/shared_tests.rb
@@ -21,6 +21,23 @@ module RailtiesTest
assert_match "alert()", last_response.body
+ def test_rake_environment_can_be_called_in_the_engine_or_plugin
+ boot_rails
+ @plugin.write "Rakefile", <<-RUBY
+ APP_RAKEFILE = '#{app_path}/Rakefile'
+ load 'rails/tasks/engine.rake'
+ task :foo => :environment do
+ puts "Task ran"
+ end
+ Dir.chdir(@plugin.path) do
+ output = `bundle exec rake foo`
+ assert_match "Task ran", output
+ end
+ end
def test_copying_migrations
@plugin.write "db/migrate/1_create_users.rb", <<-RUBY
class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration