path: root/railties/test/generators/app_generator_test.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'railties/test/generators/app_generator_test.rb')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/railties/test/generators/app_generator_test.rb b/railties/test/generators/app_generator_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..98994f6ad2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/generators/app_generator_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+require 'abstract_unit'
+require 'generators/generators_test_helper'
+require 'generators/rails/app/app_generator'
+class AppGeneratorTest < GeneratorsTestCase
+ def setup
+ super
+ Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.instance_variable_set('@desc', nil)
+ end
+ def teardown
+ super
+ Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.instance_variable_set('@desc', nil)
+ end
+ def test_application_skeleton_is_created
+ run_generator
+ %w(
+ app/controllers
+ app/helpers
+ app/models
+ app/views/layouts
+ config/environments
+ config/initializers
+ config/locales
+ db
+ doc
+ lib
+ lib/tasks
+ log
+ public/images
+ public/javascripts
+ public/stylesheets
+ script/performance
+ test/fixtures
+ test/functional
+ test/integration
+ test/performance
+ test/unit
+ vendor
+ vendor/plugins
+ tmp/sessions
+ tmp/sockets
+ tmp/cache
+ tmp/pids
+ ).each{ |path| assert_file path }
+ end
+ def test_invalid_database_option_raises_an_error
+ content = capture(:stderr){ run_generator(["-d", "unknown"]) }
+ assert_match /Invalid value for \-\-database option/, content
+ end
+ def test_dispatchers_are_not_added_by_default
+ run_generator
+ assert_no_file "config.ru"
+ assert_no_file "public/dispatch.cgi"
+ assert_no_file "public/dispatch.fcgi"
+ end
+ def test_dispatchers_are_added_if_required
+ run_generator ["--with-dispatchers"]
+ assert_file "config.ru"
+ assert_file "public/dispatch.cgi"
+ assert_file "public/dispatch.fcgi"
+ end
+ def test_config_database_is_added_by_default
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "config/database.yml", /sqlite3/
+ end
+ def test_config_database_is_not_added_if_skip_activerecord_is_given
+ run_generator ["--skip-activerecord"]
+ assert_no_file "config/database.yml"
+ end
+ def test_activerecord_is_removed_from_frameworks_if_skip_activerecord_is_given
+ run_generator ["--skip-activerecord"]
+ assert_file "config/environment.rb", /config\.frameworks \-= \[ :active_record \]/
+ end
+ def test_prototype_and_test_unit_are_added_by_default
+ run_generator
+ assert_file "public/javascripts/prototype.js"
+ assert_file "test"
+ end
+ def test_prototype_and_test_unit_are_skipped_if_required
+ run_generator ["--skip-prototype", "--skip-testunit"]
+ assert_no_file "public/javascripts/prototype.js"
+ assert_no_file "test"
+ end
+ def test_shebang_is_added_to_files
+ run_generator ["--ruby", "foo/bar/baz"]
+ %w(
+ about
+ console
+ dbconsole
+ destroy
+ generate
+ plugin
+ runner
+ server
+ ).each { |path| assert_file "script/#{path}", /#!foo\/bar\/baz/ }
+ end
+ def test_rails_is_frozen
+ generator(:freeze => true, :database => "sqlite3").expects(:run).with("rake rails:freeze:edge", false)
+ silence(:stdout){ generator.invoke }
+ assert_file 'config/environment.rb', /# RAILS_GEM_VERSION/
+ end
+ def test_template_raises_an_error_with_invalid_path
+ content = capture(:stderr){ run_generator(["-m", "non/existant/path"]) }
+ assert_match /The template \[.*\] could not be loaded/, content
+ assert_match /non\/existant\/path/, content
+ end
+ def test_template_is_executed_when_supplied
+ path = "http://gist.github.com/103208.txt"
+ template = %{ say "It works!" }
+ template.instance_eval "def read; self; end" # Make the string respond to read
+ generator(:template => path, :database => "sqlite3").expects(:open).with(path).returns(template)
+ assert_match /It works!/, silence(:stdout){ generator.invoke }
+ end
+ def test_usage_read_from_file
+ File.expects(:read).returns("USAGE FROM FILE")
+ assert_equal "USAGE FROM FILE", Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.desc
+ end
+ def test_default_usage
+ File.expects(:exist?).returns(false)
+ assert_match /Create rails files for app generator/, Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.desc
+ end
+ def test_default_namespace
+ assert_match "rails:generators:app", Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.namespace
+ end
+ def test_file_is_added_for_backwards_compatibility
+ action :file, 'lib/test_file.rb', 'heres test data'
+ assert_file 'lib/test_file.rb', 'heres test data'
+ end
+ protected
+ def run_generator(args=[])
+ silence(:stdout) { Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.start [destination_root].concat(args) }
+ end
+ def generator(options={})
+ @generator ||= Rails::Generators::AppGenerator.new([destination_root], options, :root => destination_root)
+ end
+ def action(*args, &block)
+ silence(:stdout){ generator.send(*args, &block) }
+ end