path: root/railties/test/application
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'railties/test/application')
39 files changed, 8505 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/railties/test/application/asset_debugging_test.rb b/railties/test/application/asset_debugging_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8b83784ed6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/asset_debugging_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+require 'rack/test'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class AssetDebuggingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ include Rack::Test::Methods
+ def setup
+ # FIXME: shush Sass warning spam, not relevant to testing Railties
+ Kernel.silence_warnings do
+ build_app(initializers: true)
+ end
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "//= require_tree ."
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/xmlhr.js", "function f1() { alert(); }"
+ app_file "app/views/posts/index.html.erb", "<%= javascript_include_tag 'application' %>"
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/posts', to: "posts#index"
+ end
+ app_file "app/controllers/posts_controller.rb", <<-RUBY
+ class PostsController < ActionController::Base
+ end
+ ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "production"
+ boot_rails
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ # FIXME: shush Sass warning spam, not relevant to testing Railties
+ def get(*)
+ Kernel.silence_warnings { super }
+ end
+ test "assets are concatenated when debug is off and compile is off either if debug_assets param is provided" do
+ # config.assets.debug and config.assets.compile are false for production environment
+ ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = "production"
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path){ `bin/rake assets:precompile --trace 2>&1` }
+ assert $?.success?, output
+ # Load app env
+ app "production"
+ class ::PostsController < ActionController::Base ; end
+ # the debug_assets params isn't used if compile is off
+ get '/posts?debug_assets=true'
+ assert_match(/<script src="\/assets\/application-([0-z]+)\.js"><\/script>/, last_response.body)
+ assert_no_match(/<script src="\/assets\/xmlhr-([0-z]+)\.js"><\/script>/, last_response.body)
+ end
+ test "assets are served with sourcemaps when compile is true and debug_assets params is true" do
+ add_to_env_config "production", "config.assets.compile = true"
+ # Load app env
+ app "production"
+ class ::PostsController < ActionController::Base ; end
+ get '/posts?debug_assets=true'
+ assert_match(/<script src="\/assets\/application(\.debug)?-([0-z]+)\.js"><\/script>/, last_response.body)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/assets_test.rb b/railties/test/application/assets_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..18882e1855
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/assets_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,504 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+require 'rack/test'
+require 'active_support/json'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class AssetsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ include Rack::Test::Methods
+ def setup
+ build_app(initializers: true)
+ boot_rails
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def precompile!(env = nil)
+ with_env env.to_h do
+ quietly do
+ precompile_task = "bin/rake assets:precompile --trace 2>&1"
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path) { %x[ #{precompile_task} ] }
+ assert $?.success?, output
+ output
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def with_env(env)
+ env.each { |k, v| ENV[k.to_s] = v }
+ yield
+ ensure
+ env.each_key { |k| ENV.delete k.to_s }
+ end
+ def clean_assets!
+ quietly do
+ assert Dir.chdir(app_path) { system('bin/rake assets:clobber') }
+ end
+ end
+ def assert_file_exists(filename)
+ globbed = Dir[filename]
+ assert globbed.one?, "Found #{globbed.size} files matching #{filename}. All files in the directory: #{Dir.entries(File.dirname(filename)).inspect}"
+ end
+ def assert_no_file_exists(filename)
+ assert !File.exist?(filename), "#{filename} does exist"
+ end
+ test "assets routes have higher priority" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notactuallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/demo.js.erb", "a = <%= image_path('rails.png').inspect %>;"
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '*path', to: lambda { |env| [200, { "Content-Type" => "text/html" }, ["Not an asset"]] }
+ end
+ add_to_env_config "development", "config.assets.digest = false"
+ # FIXME: shush Sass warning spam, not relevant to testing Railties
+ Kernel.silence_warnings do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ end
+ get "/assets/demo.js"
+ assert_equal 'a = "/assets/rails.png";', last_response.body.strip
+ end
+ test "assets do not require compressors until it is used" do
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/demo.js.erb", "<%= :alert %>();"
+ add_to_env_config "production", "config.assets.compile = true"
+ add_to_env_config "production", "config.assets.precompile = []"
+ # Load app env
+ app "production"
+ assert !defined?(Uglifier)
+ get "/assets/demo.js"
+ assert_match "alert()", last_response.body
+ assert defined?(Uglifier)
+ end
+ test "precompile creates the file, gives it the original asset's content and run in production as default" do
+ app_file "app/assets/config/manifest.js", "//= link_tree ../javascripts"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/foo/application.js", "alert();"
+ precompile!
+ files = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.js"]
+ files << Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/foo/application-*.js"].first
+ files.each do |file|
+ assert_not_nil file, "Expected application.js asset to be generated, but none found"
+ assert_equal "alert();\n", File.read(file)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_precompile_does_not_hit_the_database
+ app_file "app/assets/config/manifest.js", "//= link_tree ../javascripts"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/foo/application.js", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/controllers/users_controller.rb", <<-eoruby
+ class UsersController < ApplicationController; end
+ eoruby
+ app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-eoruby
+ class User < ActiveRecord::Base; raise 'should not be reached'; end
+ eoruby
+ precompile! \
+ RAILS_ENV: 'production',
+ DATABASE_URL: 'postgresql://baduser:badpass@'
+ files = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.js"]
+ files << Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/foo/application-*.js"].first
+ files.each do |file|
+ assert_not_nil file, "Expected application.js asset to be generated, but none found"
+ assert_equal "alert();".strip, File.read(file).strip
+ end
+ end
+ test "precompile application.js and application.css and all other non JS/CSS files" do
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css", "body{}"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/someapplication.js", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/someapplication.css", "body{}"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/something.min.js", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/something.min.css", "body{}"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/something.else.js.erb", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/something.else.css.erb", "body{}"
+ images_should_compile = ["a.png", "happyface.png", "happy_face.png", "happy.face.png",
+ "happy-face.png", "happy.happy_face.png", "happy_happy.face.png",
+ "happy.happy.face.png", "-happy.png", "-happy.face.png",
+ "_happy.face.png", "_happy.png"]
+ images_should_compile.each do |filename|
+ app_file "app/assets/images/#{filename}", "happy"
+ end
+ precompile!
+ images_should_compile = ["a-*.png", "happyface-*.png", "happy_face-*.png", "happy.face-*.png",
+ "happy-face-*.png", "happy.happy_face-*.png", "happy_happy.face-*.png",
+ "happy.happy.face-*.png", "-happy-*.png", "-happy.face-*.png",
+ "_happy.face-*.png", "_happy-*.png"]
+ images_should_compile.each do |filename|
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/#{filename}")
+ end
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.js")
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.css")
+ assert_no_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/someapplication-*.js")
+ assert_no_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/someapplication-*.css")
+ assert_no_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something.min-*.js")
+ assert_no_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something.min-*.css")
+ assert_no_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something.else-*.js")
+ assert_no_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something.else-*.css")
+ end
+ test "precompile something.js for directory containing index file" do
+ add_to_config "config.assets.precompile = [ 'something.js' ]"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/something/index.js.erb", "alert();"
+ precompile!
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something-*.js")
+ end
+ test 'precompile use assets defined in app env config' do
+ add_to_env_config 'production', 'config.assets.precompile = [ "something.js" ]'
+ app_file 'app/assets/javascripts/something.js.erb', 'alert();'
+ precompile! RAILS_ENV: 'production'
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something-*.js")
+ end
+ test 'precompile use assets defined in app config and reassigned in app env config' do
+ add_to_config 'config.assets.precompile = [ "something_manifest.js" ]'
+ add_to_env_config 'production', 'config.assets.precompile += [ "another_manifest.js" ]'
+ app_file 'app/assets/config/something_manifest.js', '//= link something.js'
+ app_file 'app/assets/config/another_manifest.js', '//= link another.js'
+ app_file 'app/assets/javascripts/something.js.erb', 'alert();'
+ app_file 'app/assets/javascripts/another.js.erb', 'alert();'
+ precompile! RAILS_ENV: 'production'
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something_manifest-*.js")
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something-*.js")
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/another_manifest-*.js")
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/another-*.js")
+ end
+ test "asset pipeline should use a Sprockets::CachedEnvironment when config.assets.digest is true" do
+ add_to_config "config.action_controller.perform_caching = false"
+ add_to_env_config "production", "config.assets.compile = true"
+ # Load app env
+ app "production"
+ assert_equal Sprockets::CachedEnvironment, Rails.application.assets.class
+ end
+ test "precompile creates a manifest file with all the assets listed" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notactuallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.erb", "<%= asset_path('rails.png') %>"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "alert();"
+ precompile!
+ manifest = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/.sprockets-manifest-*.json"].first
+ assets = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(File.read(manifest))
+ assert_match(/application-([0-z]+)\.js/, assets["assets"]["application.js"])
+ assert_match(/application-([0-z]+)\.css/, assets["assets"]["application.css"])
+ end
+ test "the manifest file should be saved by default in the same assets folder" do
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "alert();"
+ add_to_config "config.assets.prefix = '/x'"
+ precompile!
+ manifest = Dir["#{app_path}/public/x/.sprockets-manifest-*.json"].first
+ assets = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(File.read(manifest))
+ assert_match(/application-([0-z]+)\.js/, assets["assets"]["application.js"])
+ end
+ test "assets do not require any assets group gem when manifest file is present" do
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "alert();"
+ add_to_env_config "production", "config.public_file_server.enabled = true"
+ precompile! RAILS_ENV: 'production'
+ manifest = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/.sprockets-manifest-*.json"].first
+ assets = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(File.read(manifest))
+ asset_path = assets["assets"]["application.js"]
+ # Load app env
+ app "production"
+ # Checking if Uglifier is defined we can know if Sprockets was reached or not
+ assert !defined?(Uglifier)
+ get "/assets/#{asset_path}"
+ assert_match "alert()", last_response.body
+ assert !defined?(Uglifier)
+ end
+ test "precompile properly refers files referenced with asset_path" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notactuallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.erb", "p { background-image: url(<%= asset_path('rails.png') %>) }"
+ precompile!
+ file = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.css"].first
+ assert_match(/\/assets\/rails-([0-z]+)\.png/, File.read(file))
+ end
+ test "precompile shouldn't use the digests present in manifest.json" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notactuallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.erb", "p { background-image: url(<%= asset_path('rails.png') %>) }"
+ precompile! RAILS_ENV: 'production'
+ manifest = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/.sprockets-manifest-*.json"].first
+ assets = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(File.read(manifest))
+ asset_path = assets["assets"]["application.css"]
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "p { url: change }"
+ precompile!
+ assets = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(File.read(manifest))
+ assert_not_equal asset_path, assets["assets"]["application.css"]
+ end
+ test "precompile appends the md5 hash to files referenced with asset_path and run in production with digest true" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notactuallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.erb", "p { background-image: url(<%= asset_path('rails.png') %>) }"
+ precompile! RAILS_ENV: 'production'
+ file = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.css"].first
+ assert_match(/\/assets\/rails-([0-z]+)\.png/, File.read(file))
+ end
+ test "precompile should handle utf8 filenames" do
+ filename = "レイルズ.png"
+ app_file "app/assets/images/#{filename}", "not an image really"
+ app_file "app/assets/config/manifest.js", "//= link_tree ../images"
+ add_to_config "config.assets.precompile = %w(manifest.js)"
+ precompile!
+ manifest = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/.sprockets-manifest-*.json"].first
+ assets = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(File.read(manifest))
+ assert asset_path = assets["assets"].find { |(k, _)| k && k =~ /.png/ }[1]
+ # Load app env
+ app "development"
+ get "/assets/#{URI.parser.escape(asset_path)}"
+ assert_match "not an image really", last_response.body
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/#{asset_path}")
+ end
+ test "assets are cleaned up properly" do
+ app_file "public/assets/application.js", "alert();"
+ app_file "public/assets/application.css", "a { color: green; }"
+ app_file "public/assets/subdir/broken.png", "not really an image file"
+ clean_assets!
+ files = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/**/*", "#{app_path}/tmp/cache/assets/development/*",
+ "#{app_path}/tmp/cache/assets/test/*", "#{app_path}/tmp/cache/assets/production/*"]
+ assert_equal 0, files.length, "Expected no assets, but found #{files.join(', ')}"
+ end
+ test "assets routes are not drawn when compilation is disabled" do
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/demo.js.erb", "<%= :alert %>();"
+ add_to_config "config.assets.compile = false"
+ # Load app env
+ app "production"
+ get "/assets/demo.js"
+ assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "does not stream session cookies back" do
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/demo.js.erb", "<%= :alert %>();"
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/omg', :to => "omg#index"
+ end
+ add_to_env_config "development", "config.assets.digest = false"
+ # Load app env
+ app "development"
+ class ::OmgController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ flash[:cool_story] = true
+ render text: "ok"
+ end
+ end
+ get "/omg"
+ assert_equal 'ok', last_response.body
+ get "/assets/demo.js"
+ assert_match "alert()", last_response.body
+ assert_equal nil, last_response.headers["Set-Cookie"]
+ end
+ test "files in any assets/ directories are not added to Sprockets" do
+ %w[app lib vendor].each do |dir|
+ app_file "#{dir}/assets/#{dir}_test.erb", "testing"
+ end
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/demo.js", "alert();"
+ add_to_env_config "development", "config.assets.digest = false"
+ # Load app env
+ app "development"
+ get "/assets/demo.js"
+ assert_match "alert();", last_response.body
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "assets are concatenated when debug is off and compile is off either if debug_assets param is provided" do
+ app_with_assets_in_view
+ # config.assets.debug and config.assets.compile are false for production environment
+ precompile! RAILS_ENV: 'production'
+ # Load app env
+ app "production"
+ class ::PostsController < ActionController::Base ; end
+ # the debug_assets params isn't used if compile is off
+ get '/posts?debug_assets=true'
+ assert_match(/<script src="\/assets\/application-([0-z]+)\.js"><\/script>/, last_response.body)
+ assert_no_match(/<script src="\/assets\/xmlhr-([0-z]+)\.js"><\/script>/, last_response.body)
+ end
+ test "assets can access model information when precompiling" do
+ app_file "app/models/post.rb", "class Post; end"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "//= require_tree ."
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/xmlhr.js.erb", "<%= Post.name %>"
+ precompile!
+ assert_equal "Post\n;\n", File.read(Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.js"].first)
+ end
+ test "initialization on the assets group should set assets_dir" do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/application"
+ Rails.application.initialize!(:assets)
+ assert_not_nil Rails.application.config.action_controller.assets_dir
+ end
+ test "enhancements to assets:precompile should only run once" do
+ app_file "lib/tasks/enhance.rake", "Rake::Task['assets:precompile'].enhance { puts 'enhancement' }"
+ output = precompile!
+ assert_equal 1, output.scan("enhancement").size
+ end
+ test "digested assets are not mistakenly removed" do
+ app_file "app/assets/application.js", "alert();"
+ add_to_config "config.assets.compile = true"
+ precompile!
+ files = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.js"]
+ assert_equal 1, files.length, "Expected digested application.js asset to be generated, but none found"
+ end
+ test "digested assets are removed from configured path" do
+ app_file "public/production_assets/application.js", "alert();"
+ add_to_env_config "production", "config.assets.prefix = 'production_assets'"
+ ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = nil
+ clean_assets!
+ files = Dir["#{app_path}/public/production_assets/application-*.js"]
+ assert_equal 0, files.length, "Expected application.js asset to be removed, but still exists"
+ end
+ test "asset urls should use the request's protocol by default" do
+ app_with_assets_in_view
+ add_to_config "config.asset_host = 'example.com'"
+ add_to_env_config "development", "config.assets.digest = false"
+ # Load app env
+ app "development"
+ class ::PostsController < ActionController::Base; end
+ get '/posts', {}, {'HTTPS'=>'off'}
+ assert_match('src="http://example.com/assets/application.debug.js', last_response.body)
+ get '/posts', {}, {'HTTPS'=>'on'}
+ assert_match('src="https://example.com/assets/application.debug.js', last_response.body)
+ end
+ test "asset urls should be protocol-relative if no request is in scope" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notreallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/image_loader.js.erb", "var src='<%= image_path('rails.png') %>';"
+ add_to_config "config.assets.precompile = %w{rails.png image_loader.js}"
+ add_to_config "config.asset_host = 'example.com'"
+ add_to_env_config "development", "config.assets.digest = false"
+ precompile!
+ assert_match "src='//example.com/assets/rails.png'", File.read(Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/image_loader-*.js"].first)
+ end
+ test "asset paths should use RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT by default" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notreallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/app.js.erb", "var src='<%= image_path('rails.png') %>';"
+ add_to_config "config.assets.precompile = %w{rails.png app.js}"
+ add_to_env_config "development", "config.assets.digest = false"
+ precompile!
+ assert_match "src='/sub/uri/assets/rails.png'", File.read(Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/app-*.js"].first)
+ end
+ private
+ def app_with_assets_in_view
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "//= require_tree ."
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/xmlhr.js", "function f1() { alert(); }"
+ app_file "app/views/posts/index.html.erb", "<%= javascript_include_tag 'application' %>"
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/posts', :to => "posts#index"
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/bin_setup_test.rb b/railties/test/application/bin_setup_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bdced02e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/bin_setup_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class BinSetupTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def test_bin_setup
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ app_file 'db/schema.rb', <<-RUBY
+ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20140423102712) do
+ create_table(:articles) {}
+ end
+ list_tables = lambda { `bin/rails runner 'p ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables'`.strip }
+ File.write("log/my.log", "zomg!")
+ assert_equal '[]', list_tables.call
+ assert_equal 5, File.size("log/my.log")
+ assert_not File.exist?("tmp/restart.txt")
+ `bin/setup 2>&1`
+ assert_equal 0, File.size("log/my.log")
+ assert_equal '["articles", "schema_migrations"]', list_tables.call
+ assert File.exist?("tmp/restart.txt")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_bin_setup_output
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ app_file 'db/schema.rb', ""
+ output = `bin/setup 2>&1`
+ assert_equal(<<-OUTPUT, output)
+== Installing dependencies ==
+The Gemfile's dependencies are satisfied
+== Preparing database ==
+== Removing old logs and tempfiles ==
+== Restarting application server ==
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/configuration/custom_test.rb b/railties/test/application/configuration/custom_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28b3b2f2d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/configuration/custom_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+module ApplicationTests
+ module ConfigurationTests
+ class CustomTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("#{app_path}/config/environments")
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(new_app) if File.directory?(new_app)
+ end
+ test 'access custom configuration point' do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.x.payment_processing.schedule = :daily
+ config.x.payment_processing.retries = 3
+ config.x.super_debugger = true
+ config.x.hyper_debugger = false
+ config.x.nil_debugger = nil
+ require_environment
+ x = Rails.configuration.x
+ assert_equal :daily, x.payment_processing.schedule
+ assert_equal 3, x.payment_processing.retries
+ assert_equal true, x.super_debugger
+ assert_equal false, x.hyper_debugger
+ assert_equal nil, x.nil_debugger
+ assert_nil x.i_do_not_exist.zomg
+ end
+ private
+ def new_app
+ File.expand_path("#{app_path}/../new_app")
+ end
+ def copy_app
+ FileUtils.cp_r(app_path, new_app)
+ end
+ def app
+ @app ||= Rails.application
+ end
+ def require_environment
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/configuration_test.rb b/railties/test/application/configuration_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49f63d5d31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/configuration_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1437 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+require 'rack/test'
+require 'env_helpers'
+class ::MyMailInterceptor
+ def self.delivering_email(email); email; end
+class ::MyOtherMailInterceptor < ::MyMailInterceptor; end
+class ::MyPreviewMailInterceptor
+ def self.previewing_email(email); email; end
+class ::MyOtherPreviewMailInterceptor < ::MyPreviewMailInterceptor; end
+class ::MyMailObserver
+ def self.delivered_email(email); email; end
+class ::MyOtherMailObserver < ::MyMailObserver; end
+module ApplicationTests
+ class ConfigurationTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ include Rack::Test::Methods
+ include EnvHelpers
+ def new_app
+ File.expand_path("#{app_path}/../new_app")
+ end
+ def copy_app
+ FileUtils.cp_r(app_path, new_app)
+ end
+ def app(env = 'development')
+ @app ||= begin
+ ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = env
+ # FIXME: shush Sass warning spam, not relevant to testing Railties
+ Kernel.silence_warnings do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ end
+ Rails.application
+ ensure
+ ENV.delete 'RAILS_ENV'
+ end
+ end
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ supress_default_config
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(new_app) if File.directory?(new_app)
+ end
+ def supress_default_config
+ FileUtils.mv("#{app_path}/config/environments", "#{app_path}/config/__environments__")
+ end
+ def restore_default_config
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("#{app_path}/config/environments")
+ FileUtils.mv("#{app_path}/config/__environments__", "#{app_path}/config/environments")
+ end
+ test "Rails.env does not set the RAILS_ENV environment variable which would leak out into rake tasks" do
+ require "rails"
+ switch_env "RAILS_ENV", nil do
+ Rails.env = "development"
+ assert_equal "development", Rails.env
+ assert_nil ENV['RAILS_ENV']
+ end
+ end
+ test "lib dir is on LOAD_PATH during config" do
+ app_file 'lib/my_logger.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require "logger"
+ class MyLogger < ::Logger
+ end
+ add_to_top_of_config <<-RUBY
+ require 'my_logger'
+ config.logger = MyLogger.new STDOUT
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal 'MyLogger', Rails.application.config.logger.class.name
+ end
+ test "a renders exception on pending migration" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.active_record.migration_error = :page_load
+ config.consider_all_requests_local = true
+ config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = true
+ app_file 'db/migrate/20140708012246_create_user.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class CreateUser < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def change
+ create_table :users
+ end
+ end
+ app 'development'
+ ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths = ["#{app_path}/db/migrate"]
+ begin
+ get "/foo"
+ assert_equal 500, last_response.status
+ assert_match "ActiveRecord::PendingMigrationError", last_response.body
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths = nil
+ end
+ end
+ test "Rails.groups returns available groups" do
+ require "rails"
+ Rails.env = "development"
+ assert_equal [:default, "development"], Rails.groups
+ assert_equal [:default, "development", :assets], Rails.groups(assets: [:development])
+ assert_equal [:default, "development", :another, :assets], Rails.groups(:another, assets: %w(development))
+ Rails.env = "test"
+ assert_equal [:default, "test"], Rails.groups(assets: [:development])
+ ENV["RAILS_GROUPS"] = "javascripts,stylesheets"
+ assert_equal [:default, "test", "javascripts", "stylesheets"], Rails.groups
+ end
+ test "Rails.application is nil until app is initialized" do
+ require 'rails'
+ assert_nil Rails.application
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal AppTemplate::Application.instance, Rails.application
+ end
+ test "Rails.application responds to all instance methods" do
+ app 'development'
+ assert_respond_to Rails.application, :routes_reloader
+ assert_equal Rails.application.routes_reloader, AppTemplate::Application.routes_reloader
+ end
+ test "Rails::Application responds to paths" do
+ app 'development'
+ assert_respond_to AppTemplate::Application, :paths
+ assert_equal ["#{app_path}/app/views"], AppTemplate::Application.paths["app/views"].expanded
+ end
+ test "the application root is set correctly" do
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal Pathname.new(app_path), Rails.application.root
+ end
+ test "the application root can be seen from the application singleton" do
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal Pathname.new(app_path), AppTemplate::Application.root
+ end
+ test "the application root can be set" do
+ copy_app
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.root = '#{new_app}'
+ use_frameworks []
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal Pathname.new(new_app), Rails.application.root
+ end
+ test "the application root is Dir.pwd if there is no config.ru" do
+ File.delete("#{app_path}/config.ru")
+ use_frameworks []
+ Dir.chdir("#{app_path}") do
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal Pathname.new("#{app_path}"), Rails.application.root
+ end
+ end
+ test "Rails.root should be a Pathname" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.root = "#{app_path}"
+ app 'development'
+ assert_instance_of Pathname, Rails.root
+ end
+ test "Rails.public_path should be a Pathname" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.paths["public"] = "somewhere"
+ app 'development'
+ assert_instance_of Pathname, Rails.public_path
+ end
+ test "initialize an eager loaded, cache classes app" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.eager_load = true
+ config.cache_classes = true
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal :require, ActiveSupport::Dependencies.mechanism
+ end
+ test "application is always added to eager_load namespaces" do
+ app 'development'
+ assert_includes Rails.application.config.eager_load_namespaces, AppTemplate::Application
+ end
+ test "the application can be eager loaded even when there are no frameworks" do
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("#{app_path}/config/environments")
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.eager_load = true
+ config.cache_classes = true
+ use_frameworks []
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ app 'development'
+ end
+ end
+ test "filter_parameters should be able to set via config.filter_parameters" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.filter_parameters += [ :foo, 'bar', lambda { |key, value|
+ value = value.reverse if key =~ /baz/
+ }]
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ app 'development'
+ end
+ end
+ test "filter_parameters should be able to set via config.filter_parameters in an initializer" do
+ app_file 'config/initializers/filter_parameters_logging.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.config.filter_parameters += [ :password, :foo, 'bar' ]
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal [:password, :foo, 'bar'], Rails.application.env_config['action_dispatch.parameter_filter']
+ end
+ test "config.to_prepare is forwarded to ActionDispatch" do
+ $prepared = false
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.to_prepare do
+ $prepared = true
+ end
+ assert !$prepared
+ app 'development'
+ get "/"
+ assert $prepared
+ end
+ def assert_utf8
+ assert_equal Encoding::UTF_8, Encoding.default_external
+ assert_equal Encoding::UTF_8, Encoding.default_internal
+ end
+ test "skipping config.encoding still results in 'utf-8' as the default" do
+ app 'development'
+ assert_utf8
+ end
+ test "config.encoding sets the default encoding" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.encoding = "utf-8"
+ app 'development'
+ assert_utf8
+ end
+ test "config.paths.public sets Rails.public_path" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.paths["public"] = "somewhere"
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal Pathname.new(app_path).join("somewhere"), Rails.public_path
+ end
+ test "In production mode, config.public_file_server.enabled is off by default" do
+ restore_default_config
+ with_rails_env "production" do
+ app 'production'
+ assert_not app.config.public_file_server.enabled
+ end
+ end
+ test "In production mode, config.public_file_server.enabled is enabled when RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES is set" do
+ restore_default_config
+ with_rails_env "production" do
+ switch_env "RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES", "1" do
+ app 'production'
+ assert app.config.public_file_server.enabled
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "In production mode, config.public_file_server.enabled is disabled when RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES is blank" do
+ restore_default_config
+ with_rails_env "production" do
+ switch_env "RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES", " " do
+ app 'production'
+ assert_not app.config.public_file_server.enabled
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "config.serve_static_files is deprecated" do
+ make_basic_app do |application|
+ assert_deprecated do
+ application.config.serve_static_files = true
+ end
+ assert application.config.public_file_server.enabled
+ end
+ end
+ test "config.static_cache_control is deprecated" do
+ make_basic_app do |application|
+ assert_deprecated do
+ application.config.static_cache_control = "public, max-age=60"
+ end
+ assert_equal application.config.static_cache_control, "public, max-age=60"
+ end
+ end
+ test "Use key_generator when secret_key_base is set" do
+ make_basic_app do |application|
+ application.secrets.secret_key_base = 'b3c631c314c0bbca50c1b2843150fe33'
+ application.config.session_store :disabled
+ end
+ class ::OmgController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ cookies.signed[:some_key] = "some_value"
+ render text: cookies[:some_key]
+ end
+ end
+ get "/"
+ secret = app.key_generator.generate_key('signed cookie')
+ verifier = ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier.new(secret)
+ assert_equal 'some_value', verifier.verify(last_response.body)
+ end
+ test "application verifier can be used in the entire application" do
+ make_basic_app do |application|
+ application.secrets.secret_key_base = 'b3c631c314c0bbca50c1b2843150fe33'
+ application.config.session_store :disabled
+ end
+ message = app.message_verifier(:sensitive_value).generate("some_value")
+ assert_equal 'some_value', Rails.application.message_verifier(:sensitive_value).verify(message)
+ secret = app.key_generator.generate_key('sensitive_value')
+ verifier = ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier.new(secret)
+ assert_equal 'some_value', verifier.verify(message)
+ end
+ test "application message verifier can be used when the key_generator is ActiveSupport::LegacyKeyGenerator" do
+ app_file 'config/initializers/secret_token.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.config.secret_token = "b3c631c314c0bbca50c1b2843150fe33"
+ app_file 'config/secrets.yml', <<-YAML
+ development:
+ secret_key_base:
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal app.env_config['action_dispatch.key_generator'], Rails.application.key_generator
+ assert_equal app.env_config['action_dispatch.key_generator'].class, ActiveSupport::LegacyKeyGenerator
+ message = app.message_verifier(:sensitive_value).generate("some_value")
+ assert_equal 'some_value', Rails.application.message_verifier(:sensitive_value).verify(message)
+ end
+ test "warns when secrets.secret_key_base is blank and config.secret_token is set" do
+ app_file 'config/initializers/secret_token.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.config.secret_token = "b3c631c314c0bbca50c1b2843150fe33"
+ app_file 'config/secrets.yml', <<-YAML
+ development:
+ secret_key_base:
+ app 'development'
+ assert_deprecated(/You didn't set `secret_key_base`./) do
+ app.env_config
+ end
+ end
+ test "raise when secrets.secret_key_base is not a type of string" do
+ app_file 'config/secrets.yml', <<-YAML
+ development:
+ secret_key_base: 123
+ app 'development'
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
+ app.key_generator
+ end
+ end
+ test "prefer secrets.secret_token over config.secret_token" do
+ app_file 'config/initializers/secret_token.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.config.secret_token = ""
+ app_file 'config/secrets.yml', <<-YAML
+ development:
+ secret_token: 3b7cd727ee24e8444053437c36cc66c3
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal '3b7cd727ee24e8444053437c36cc66c3', app.secrets.secret_token
+ end
+ test "application verifier can build different verifiers" do
+ make_basic_app do |application|
+ application.secrets.secret_key_base = 'b3c631c314c0bbca50c1b2843150fe33'
+ application.config.session_store :disabled
+ end
+ default_verifier = app.message_verifier(:sensitive_value)
+ text_verifier = app.message_verifier(:text)
+ message = text_verifier.generate('some_value')
+ assert_equal 'some_value', text_verifier.verify(message)
+ assert_raises ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier::InvalidSignature do
+ default_verifier.verify(message)
+ end
+ assert_equal default_verifier.object_id, app.message_verifier(:sensitive_value).object_id
+ assert_not_equal default_verifier.object_id, text_verifier.object_id
+ end
+ test "secrets.secret_key_base is used when config/secrets.yml is present" do
+ app_file 'config/secrets.yml', <<-YAML
+ development:
+ secret_key_base: 3b7cd727ee24e8444053437c36cc66c3
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal '3b7cd727ee24e8444053437c36cc66c3', app.secrets.secret_key_base
+ end
+ test "secret_key_base is copied from config to secrets when not set" do
+ remove_file "config/secrets.yml"
+ app_file 'config/initializers/secret_token.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.config.secret_key_base = "3b7cd727ee24e8444053437c36cc66c3"
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal '3b7cd727ee24e8444053437c36cc66c3', app.secrets.secret_key_base
+ end
+ test "config.secret_token over-writes a blank secrets.secret_token" do
+ app_file 'config/initializers/secret_token.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.config.secret_token = "b3c631c314c0bbca50c1b2843150fe33"
+ app_file 'config/secrets.yml', <<-YAML
+ development:
+ secret_key_base:
+ secret_token:
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal 'b3c631c314c0bbca50c1b2843150fe33', app.secrets.secret_token
+ assert_equal 'b3c631c314c0bbca50c1b2843150fe33', app.config.secret_token
+ end
+ test "custom secrets saved in config/secrets.yml are loaded in app secrets" do
+ app_file 'config/secrets.yml', <<-YAML
+ development:
+ secret_key_base: 3b7cd727ee24e8444053437c36cc66c3
+ aws_access_key_id: myamazonaccesskeyid
+ aws_secret_access_key: myamazonsecretaccesskey
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal 'myamazonaccesskeyid', app.secrets.aws_access_key_id
+ assert_equal 'myamazonsecretaccesskey', app.secrets.aws_secret_access_key
+ end
+ test "blank config/secrets.yml does not crash the loading process" do
+ app_file 'config/secrets.yml', <<-YAML
+ app 'development'
+ assert_nil app.secrets.not_defined
+ end
+ test "config.secret_key_base over-writes a blank secrets.secret_key_base" do
+ app_file 'config/initializers/secret_token.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.config.secret_key_base = "iaminallyoursecretkeybase"
+ app_file 'config/secrets.yml', <<-YAML
+ development:
+ secret_key_base:
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal "iaminallyoursecretkeybase", app.secrets.secret_key_base
+ end
+ test "uses ActiveSupport::LegacyKeyGenerator as app.key_generator when secrets.secret_key_base is blank" do
+ app_file 'config/initializers/secret_token.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.config.secret_token = "b3c631c314c0bbca50c1b2843150fe33"
+ app_file 'config/secrets.yml', <<-YAML
+ development:
+ secret_key_base:
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal 'b3c631c314c0bbca50c1b2843150fe33', app.config.secret_token
+ assert_equal nil, app.secrets.secret_key_base
+ assert_equal app.key_generator.class, ActiveSupport::LegacyKeyGenerator
+ end
+ test "uses ActiveSupport::LegacyKeyGenerator with config.secret_token as app.key_generator when secrets.secret_key_base is blank" do
+ app_file 'config/initializers/secret_token.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.config.secret_token = ""
+ app_file 'config/secrets.yml', <<-YAML
+ development:
+ secret_key_base:
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal '', app.config.secret_token
+ assert_equal nil, app.secrets.secret_key_base
+ assert_raise ArgumentError, /\AA secret is required/ do
+ app.key_generator
+ end
+ end
+ test "protect from forgery is the default in a new app" do
+ make_basic_app
+ class ::OmgController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ render inline: "<%= csrf_meta_tags %>"
+ end
+ end
+ get "/"
+ assert last_response.body =~ /csrf\-param/
+ end
+ test "default form builder specified as a string" do
+ app_file 'config/initializers/form_builder.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class CustomFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
+ def text_field(attribute, *args)
+ label(attribute) + super(attribute, *args)
+ end
+ end
+ Rails.configuration.action_view.default_form_builder = "CustomFormBuilder"
+ app_file 'app/models/post.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class Post
+ include ActiveModel::Model
+ attr_accessor :name
+ end
+ app_file 'app/controllers/posts_controller.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class PostsController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render inline: "<%= begin; form_for(Post.new) {|f| f.text_field(:name)}; rescue => e; e.to_s; end %>"
+ end
+ end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ routes.prepend do
+ resources :posts
+ end
+ app 'development'
+ get "/posts"
+ assert_match(/label/, last_response.body)
+ end
+ test "default method for update can be changed" do
+ app_file 'app/models/post.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class Post
+ include ActiveModel::Model
+ def to_key; [1]; end
+ def persisted?; true; end
+ end
+ token = "cf50faa3fe97702ca1ae"
+ app_file 'app/controllers/posts_controller.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class PostsController < ApplicationController
+ def show
+ render inline: "<%= begin; form_for(Post.new) {}; rescue => e; e.to_s; end %>"
+ end
+ def update
+ render text: "update"
+ end
+ private
+ def form_authenticity_token; token; end # stub the authenticy token
+ end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ routes.prepend do
+ resources :posts
+ end
+ app 'development'
+ params = { authenticity_token: token }
+ get "/posts/1"
+ assert_match(/patch/, last_response.body)
+ patch "/posts/1", params
+ assert_match(/update/, last_response.body)
+ patch "/posts/1", params
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ put "/posts/1", params
+ assert_match(/update/, last_response.body)
+ put "/posts/1", params
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "request forgery token param can be changed" do
+ make_basic_app do |application|
+ application.config.action_controller.request_forgery_protection_token = '_xsrf_token_here'
+ end
+ class ::OmgController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ render inline: "<%= csrf_meta_tags %>"
+ end
+ end
+ get "/"
+ assert_match "_xsrf_token_here", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "sets ActionDispatch.test_app" do
+ make_basic_app
+ assert_equal Rails.application, ActionDispatch.test_app
+ end
+ test "sets ActionDispatch::Response.default_charset" do
+ make_basic_app do |application|
+ application.config.action_dispatch.default_charset = "utf-16"
+ end
+ assert_equal "utf-16", ActionDispatch::Response.default_charset
+ end
+ test "registers interceptors with ActionMailer" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.action_mailer.interceptors = MyMailInterceptor
+ app 'development'
+ require "mail"
+ _ = ActionMailer::Base
+ assert_equal [::MyMailInterceptor], ::Mail.send(:class_variable_get, "@@delivery_interceptors")
+ end
+ test "registers multiple interceptors with ActionMailer" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.action_mailer.interceptors = [MyMailInterceptor, "MyOtherMailInterceptor"]
+ app 'development'
+ require "mail"
+ _ = ActionMailer::Base
+ assert_equal [::MyMailInterceptor, ::MyOtherMailInterceptor], ::Mail.send(:class_variable_get, "@@delivery_interceptors")
+ end
+ test "registers preview interceptors with ActionMailer" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.action_mailer.preview_interceptors = MyPreviewMailInterceptor
+ app 'development'
+ require "mail"
+ _ = ActionMailer::Base
+ assert_equal [ActionMailer::InlinePreviewInterceptor, ::MyPreviewMailInterceptor], ActionMailer::Base.preview_interceptors
+ end
+ test "registers multiple preview interceptors with ActionMailer" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.action_mailer.preview_interceptors = [MyPreviewMailInterceptor, "MyOtherPreviewMailInterceptor"]
+ app 'development'
+ require "mail"
+ _ = ActionMailer::Base
+ assert_equal [ActionMailer::InlinePreviewInterceptor, MyPreviewMailInterceptor, MyOtherPreviewMailInterceptor], ActionMailer::Base.preview_interceptors
+ end
+ test "default preview interceptor can be removed" do
+ app_file 'config/initializers/preview_interceptors.rb', <<-RUBY
+ ActionMailer::Base.preview_interceptors.delete(ActionMailer::InlinePreviewInterceptor)
+ app 'development'
+ require "mail"
+ _ = ActionMailer::Base
+ assert_equal [], ActionMailer::Base.preview_interceptors
+ end
+ test "registers observers with ActionMailer" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.action_mailer.observers = MyMailObserver
+ app 'development'
+ require "mail"
+ _ = ActionMailer::Base
+ assert_equal [::MyMailObserver], ::Mail.send(:class_variable_get, "@@delivery_notification_observers")
+ end
+ test "registers multiple observers with ActionMailer" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.action_mailer.observers = [MyMailObserver, "MyOtherMailObserver"]
+ app 'development'
+ require "mail"
+ _ = ActionMailer::Base
+ assert_equal [::MyMailObserver, ::MyOtherMailObserver], ::Mail.send(:class_variable_get, "@@delivery_notification_observers")
+ end
+ test "allows setting the queue name for the ActionMailer::DeliveryJob" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.action_mailer.deliver_later_queue_name = 'test_default'
+ app 'development'
+ require "mail"
+ _ = ActionMailer::Base
+ assert_equal 'test_default', ActionMailer::Base.send(:class_variable_get, "@@deliver_later_queue_name")
+ end
+ test "valid timezone is setup correctly" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.root = "#{app_path}"
+ config.time_zone = "Wellington"
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal "Wellington", Rails.application.config.time_zone
+ end
+ test "raises when an invalid timezone is defined in the config" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.root = "#{app_path}"
+ config.time_zone = "That big hill over yonder hill"
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
+ app 'development'
+ end
+ end
+ test "valid beginning of week is setup correctly" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.root = "#{app_path}"
+ config.beginning_of_week = :wednesday
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal :wednesday, Rails.application.config.beginning_of_week
+ end
+ test "raises when an invalid beginning of week is defined in the config" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.root = "#{app_path}"
+ config.beginning_of_week = :invalid
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
+ app 'development'
+ end
+ end
+ test "config.action_view.cache_template_loading with cache_classes default" do
+ add_to_config "config.cache_classes = true"
+ app 'development'
+ require 'action_view/base'
+ assert_equal true, ActionView::Resolver.caching?
+ end
+ test "config.action_view.cache_template_loading without cache_classes default" do
+ add_to_config "config.cache_classes = false"
+ app 'development'
+ require 'action_view/base'
+ assert_equal false, ActionView::Resolver.caching?
+ end
+ test "config.action_view.cache_template_loading = false" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.cache_classes = true
+ config.action_view.cache_template_loading = false
+ app 'development'
+ require 'action_view/base'
+ assert_equal false, ActionView::Resolver.caching?
+ end
+ test "config.action_view.cache_template_loading = true" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.cache_classes = false
+ config.action_view.cache_template_loading = true
+ app 'development'
+ require 'action_view/base'
+ assert_equal true, ActionView::Resolver.caching?
+ end
+ test "config.action_view.cache_template_loading with cache_classes in an environment" do
+ build_app(initializers: true)
+ add_to_env_config "development", "config.cache_classes = false"
+ # These requires are to emulate an engine loading Action View before the application
+ require 'action_view'
+ require 'action_view/railtie'
+ require 'action_view/base'
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal false, ActionView::Resolver.caching?
+ end
+ test "config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions is sent in env" do
+ make_basic_app do |application|
+ application.config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = true
+ end
+ class ::OmgController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ render text: env["action_dispatch.show_exceptions"]
+ end
+ end
+ get "/"
+ assert_equal 'true', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "config.action_controller.wrap_parameters is set in ActionController::Base" do
+ app_file 'config/initializers/wrap_parameters.rb', <<-RUBY
+ ActionController::Base.wrap_parameters format: [:json]
+ app_file 'app/models/post.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class Post
+ def self.attribute_names
+ %w(title)
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'app/controllers/application_controller.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
+ protect_from_forgery with: :reset_session # as we are testing API here
+ end
+ app_file 'app/controllers/posts_controller.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class PostsController < ApplicationController
+ def create
+ render text: params[:post].inspect
+ end
+ end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ routes.prepend do
+ resources :posts
+ end
+ app 'development'
+ post "/posts.json", '{ "title": "foo", "name": "bar" }', "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/json"
+ assert_equal '{"title"=>"foo"}', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "config.action_controller.permit_all_parameters = true" do
+ app_file 'app/controllers/posts_controller.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class PostsController < ActionController::Base
+ def create
+ render text: params[:post].permitted? ? "permitted" : "forbidden"
+ end
+ end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ routes.prepend do
+ resources :posts
+ end
+ config.action_controller.permit_all_parameters = true
+ app 'development'
+ post "/posts", {post: {"title" =>"zomg"}}
+ assert_equal 'permitted', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise" do
+ app_file 'app/controllers/posts_controller.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class PostsController < ActionController::Base
+ def create
+ render text: params.require(:post).permit(:name)
+ end
+ end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ routes.prepend do
+ resources :posts
+ end
+ config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal :raise, ActionController::Parameters.action_on_unpermitted_parameters
+ post "/posts", {post: {"title" =>"zomg"}}
+ assert_match "We're sorry, but something went wrong", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "config.action_controller.always_permitted_parameters are: controller, action by default" do
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal %w(controller action), ActionController::Parameters.always_permitted_parameters
+ end
+ test "config.action_controller.always_permitted_parameters = ['controller', 'action', 'format']" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.action_controller.always_permitted_parameters = %w( controller action format )
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal %w( controller action format ), ActionController::Parameters.always_permitted_parameters
+ end
+ test "config.action_controller.always_permitted_parameters = ['controller','action','format'] does not raise exeception" do
+ app_file 'app/controllers/posts_controller.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class PostsController < ActionController::Base
+ def create
+ render text: params.permit(post: [:title])
+ end
+ end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ routes.prepend do
+ resources :posts
+ end
+ config.action_controller.always_permitted_parameters = %w( controller action format )
+ config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters = :raise
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal :raise, ActionController::Parameters.action_on_unpermitted_parameters
+ post "/posts", {post: {"title" =>"zomg"}, format: "json"}
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters is :log by default on development" do
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal :log, ActionController::Parameters.action_on_unpermitted_parameters
+ end
+ test "config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters is :log by default on test" do
+ app 'test'
+ assert_equal :log, ActionController::Parameters.action_on_unpermitted_parameters
+ end
+ test "config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters is false by default on production" do
+ app 'production'
+ assert_equal false, ActionController::Parameters.action_on_unpermitted_parameters
+ end
+ test "config.action_dispatch.ignore_accept_header" do
+ make_basic_app do |application|
+ application.config.action_dispatch.ignore_accept_header = true
+ end
+ class ::OmgController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ respond_to do |format|
+ format.html { render text: "HTML" }
+ format.xml { render text: "XML" }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ get "/", {}, "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/xml"
+ assert_equal 'HTML', last_response.body
+ get "/", { format: :xml }, "HTTP_ACCEPT" => "application/xml"
+ assert_equal 'XML', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "Rails.application#env_config exists and include some existing parameters" do
+ make_basic_app
+ assert_respond_to app, :env_config
+ assert_equal app.env_config['action_dispatch.parameter_filter'], app.config.filter_parameters
+ assert_equal app.env_config['action_dispatch.show_exceptions'], app.config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions
+ assert_equal app.env_config['action_dispatch.logger'], Rails.logger
+ assert_equal app.env_config['action_dispatch.backtrace_cleaner'], Rails.backtrace_cleaner
+ assert_equal app.env_config['action_dispatch.key_generator'], Rails.application.key_generator
+ end
+ test "config.colorize_logging default is true" do
+ make_basic_app
+ assert app.config.colorize_logging
+ end
+ test "config.session_store with :active_record_store with activerecord-session_store gem" do
+ begin
+ make_basic_app do |application|
+ ActionDispatch::Session::ActiveRecordStore = Class.new(ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore)
+ application.config.session_store :active_record_store
+ end
+ ensure
+ ActionDispatch::Session.send :remove_const, :ActiveRecordStore
+ end
+ end
+ test "config.session_store with :active_record_store without activerecord-session_store gem" do
+ assert_raise RuntimeError, /activerecord-session_store/ do
+ make_basic_app do |application|
+ application.config.session_store :active_record_store
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "config.log_level with custom logger" do
+ make_basic_app do |application|
+ application.config.logger = Logger.new(STDOUT)
+ application.config.log_level = :info
+ end
+ assert_equal Logger::INFO, Rails.logger.level
+ end
+ test "respond_to? accepts include_private" do
+ make_basic_app
+ assert_not Rails.configuration.respond_to?(:method_missing)
+ assert Rails.configuration.respond_to?(:method_missing, true)
+ end
+ test "config.active_record.dump_schema_after_migration is false on production" do
+ build_app
+ app 'production'
+ assert_not ActiveRecord::Base.dump_schema_after_migration
+ end
+ test "config.active_record.dump_schema_after_migration is true by default on development" do
+ app 'development'
+ assert ActiveRecord::Base.dump_schema_after_migration
+ end
+ test "config.annotations wrapping SourceAnnotationExtractor::Annotation class" do
+ make_basic_app do |application|
+ application.config.annotations.register_extensions("coffee") do |tag|
+ /#\s*(#{tag}):?\s*(.*)$/
+ end
+ end
+ assert_not_nil SourceAnnotationExtractor::Annotation.extensions[/\.(coffee)$/]
+ end
+ test "rake_tasks block works at instance level" do
+ app_file "config/environments/development.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.configure do
+ config.ran_block = false
+ rake_tasks do
+ config.ran_block = true
+ end
+ end
+ app 'development'
+ assert_not Rails.configuration.ran_block
+ require 'rake'
+ require 'rake/testtask'
+ require 'rdoc/task'
+ Rails.application.load_tasks
+ assert Rails.configuration.ran_block
+ end
+ test "generators block works at instance level" do
+ app_file "config/environments/development.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.configure do
+ config.ran_block = false
+ generators do
+ config.ran_block = true
+ end
+ end
+ app 'development'
+ assert_not Rails.configuration.ran_block
+ Rails.application.load_generators
+ assert Rails.configuration.ran_block
+ end
+ test "console block works at instance level" do
+ app_file "config/environments/development.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.configure do
+ config.ran_block = false
+ console do
+ config.ran_block = true
+ end
+ end
+ app 'development'
+ assert_not Rails.configuration.ran_block
+ Rails.application.load_console
+ assert Rails.configuration.ran_block
+ end
+ test "runner block works at instance level" do
+ app_file "config/environments/development.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.configure do
+ config.ran_block = false
+ runner do
+ config.ran_block = true
+ end
+ end
+ app 'development'
+ assert_not Rails.configuration.ran_block
+ Rails.application.load_runner
+ assert Rails.configuration.ran_block
+ end
+ test "loading the first existing database configuration available" do
+ app_file 'config/environments/development.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.configure do
+ config.paths.add 'config/database', with: 'config/nonexistent.yml'
+ config.paths['config/database'] << 'config/database.yml'
+ end
+ app 'development'
+ assert_kind_of Hash, Rails.application.config.database_configuration
+ end
+ test 'raises with proper error message if no database configuration found' do
+ FileUtils.rm("#{app_path}/config/database.yml")
+ app 'development'
+ err = assert_raises RuntimeError do
+ Rails.application.config.database_configuration
+ end
+ assert_match 'config/database', err.message
+ end
+ test 'config.action_mailer.show_previews defaults to true in development' do
+ app 'development'
+ assert Rails.application.config.action_mailer.show_previews
+ end
+ test 'config.action_mailer.show_previews defaults to false in production' do
+ app 'production'
+ assert_equal false, Rails.application.config.action_mailer.show_previews
+ end
+ test 'config.action_mailer.show_previews can be set in the configuration file' do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.action_mailer.show_previews = true
+ app 'production'
+ assert_equal true, Rails.application.config.action_mailer.show_previews
+ end
+ test "config_for loads custom configuration from yaml files" do
+ app_file 'config/custom.yml', <<-RUBY
+ development:
+ key: 'custom key'
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.my_custom_config = config_for('custom')
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal 'custom key', Rails.application.config.my_custom_config['key']
+ end
+ test "config_for raises an exception if the file does not exist" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.my_custom_config = config_for('custom')
+ exception = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do
+ app 'development'
+ end
+ assert_equal "Could not load configuration. No such file - #{app_path}/config/custom.yml", exception.message
+ end
+ test "config_for without the environment configured returns an empty hash" do
+ app_file 'config/custom.yml', <<-RUBY
+ test:
+ key: 'custom key'
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.my_custom_config = config_for('custom')
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal({}, Rails.application.config.my_custom_config)
+ end
+ test "config_for with empty file returns an empty hash" do
+ app_file 'config/custom.yml', <<-RUBY
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.my_custom_config = config_for('custom')
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal({}, Rails.application.config.my_custom_config)
+ end
+ test "config_for containing ERB tags should evaluate" do
+ app_file 'config/custom.yml', <<-RUBY
+ development:
+ key: <%= 'custom key' %>
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.my_custom_config = config_for('custom')
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal 'custom key', Rails.application.config.my_custom_config['key']
+ end
+ test "config_for with syntax error show a more descriptive exception" do
+ app_file 'config/custom.yml', <<-RUBY
+ development:
+ key: foo:
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.my_custom_config = config_for('custom')
+ exception = assert_raises(RuntimeError) do
+ app 'development'
+ end
+ assert_match 'YAML syntax error occurred while parsing', exception.message
+ end
+ test "config_for allows overriding the environment" do
+ app_file 'config/custom.yml', <<-RUBY
+ test:
+ key: 'walrus'
+ production:
+ key: 'unicorn'
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.my_custom_config = config_for('custom', env: 'production')
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal 'unicorn', Rails.application.config.my_custom_config['key']
+ end
+ test "api_only is false by default" do
+ app 'development'
+ refute Rails.application.config.api_only
+ end
+ test "api_only generator config is set when api_only is set" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.api_only = true
+ app 'development'
+ Rails.application.load_generators
+ assert Rails.configuration.api_only
+ end
+ test "debug_exception_response_format is :api by default if only_api is enabled" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.api_only = true
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal :api, Rails.configuration.debug_exception_response_format
+ end
+ test "debug_exception_response_format can be override" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.api_only = true
+ app_file 'config/environments/development.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.configure do
+ config.debug_exception_response_format = :default
+ end
+ app 'development'
+ assert_equal :default, Rails.configuration.debug_exception_response_format
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/console_test.rb b/railties/test/application/console_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7bf123d12b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/console_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+class ConsoleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def load_environment(sandbox = false)
+ require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+ Rails.application.sandbox = sandbox
+ Rails.application.load_console
+ end
+ def irb_context
+ Object.new.extend(Rails::ConsoleMethods)
+ end
+ def test_app_method_should_return_integration_session
+ TestHelpers::Rack.send :remove_method, :app
+ load_environment
+ console_session = irb_context.app
+ assert_instance_of ActionDispatch::Integration::Session, console_session
+ end
+ def test_app_can_access_path_helper_method
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get 'foo', to: 'foo#index'
+ end
+ load_environment
+ console_session = irb_context.app
+ assert_equal '/foo', console_session.foo_path
+ end
+ def test_new_session_should_return_integration_session
+ load_environment
+ session = irb_context.new_session
+ assert_instance_of ActionDispatch::Integration::Session, session
+ end
+ def test_reload_should_fire_preparation_and_cleanup_callbacks
+ load_environment
+ a = b = c = nil
+ # TODO: These should be defined on the initializer
+ ActionDispatch::Reloader.to_cleanup { a = b = c = 1 }
+ ActionDispatch::Reloader.to_cleanup { b = c = 2 }
+ ActionDispatch::Reloader.to_prepare { c = 3 }
+ # Hide Reloading... output
+ silence_stream(STDOUT) { irb_context.reload! }
+ assert_equal 1, a
+ assert_equal 2, b
+ assert_equal 3, c
+ end
+ def test_reload_should_reload_constants
+ app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL
+ class User
+ attr_accessor :name
+ end
+ load_environment
+ assert User.new.respond_to?(:name)
+ app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL
+ class User
+ attr_accessor :name, :age
+ end
+ assert !User.new.respond_to?(:age)
+ silence_stream(STDOUT) { irb_context.reload! }
+ assert User.new.respond_to?(:age)
+ end
+ def test_access_to_helpers
+ load_environment
+ helper = irb_context.helper
+ assert_not_nil helper
+ assert_instance_of ActionView::Base, helper
+ assert_equal 'Once upon a time in a world...',
+ helper.truncate('Once upon a time in a world far far away')
+ end
+ require "pty"
+rescue LoadError
+class FullStackConsoleTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def setup
+ skip "PTY unavailable" unless defined?(PTY) && PTY.respond_to?(:open)
+ build_app
+ app_file 'app/models/post.rb', <<-CODE
+ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+ end
+ system "#{app_path}/bin/rails runner 'Post.connection.create_table :posts'"
+ @master, @slave = PTY.open
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def assert_output(expected, timeout = 1)
+ timeout = Time.now + timeout
+ output = ""
+ until output.include?(expected) || Time.now > timeout
+ if IO.select([@master], [], [], 0.1)
+ output << @master.read(1)
+ end
+ end
+ assert output.include?(expected), "#{expected.inspect} expected, but got:\n\n#{output}"
+ end
+ def write_prompt(command, expected_output = nil)
+ @master.puts command
+ assert_output command
+ assert_output expected_output if expected_output
+ assert_output "> "
+ end
+ def spawn_console
+ Process.spawn(
+ "#{app_path}/bin/rails console --sandbox",
+ in: @slave, out: @slave, err: @slave
+ )
+ assert_output "> ", 30
+ end
+ def test_sandbox
+ spawn_console
+ write_prompt "Post.count", "=> 0"
+ write_prompt "Post.create"
+ write_prompt "Post.count", "=> 1"
+ @master.puts "quit"
+ spawn_console
+ write_prompt "Post.count", "=> 0"
+ write_prompt "Post.transaction { Post.create; raise }"
+ write_prompt "Post.count", "=> 0"
+ @master.puts "quit"
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/generators_test.rb b/railties/test/application/generators_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..84cc6e120b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/generators_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+module ApplicationTests
+ class GeneratorsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def app_const
+ @app_const ||= Class.new(Rails::Application)
+ end
+ def with_config
+ require "rails/all"
+ require "rails/generators"
+ yield app_const.config
+ end
+ def with_bare_config
+ require "rails"
+ require "rails/generators"
+ yield app_const.config
+ end
+ test "allow running plugin new generator inside Rails app directory" do
+ FileUtils.cd(rails_root){ `ruby bin/rails plugin new vendor/plugins/bukkits` }
+ assert File.exist?(File.join(rails_root, "vendor/plugins/bukkits/test/dummy/config/application.rb"))
+ end
+ test "generators default values" do
+ with_bare_config do |c|
+ assert_equal(true, c.generators.colorize_logging)
+ assert_equal({}, c.generators.aliases)
+ assert_equal({}, c.generators.options)
+ assert_equal({}, c.generators.fallbacks)
+ end
+ end
+ test "generators set rails options" do
+ with_bare_config do |c|
+ c.generators.orm = :data_mapper
+ c.generators.test_framework = :rspec
+ c.generators.helper = false
+ expected = { rails: { orm: :data_mapper, test_framework: :rspec, helper: false } }
+ assert_equal(expected, c.generators.options)
+ end
+ end
+ test "generators set rails aliases" do
+ with_config do |c|
+ c.generators.aliases = { rails: { test_framework: "-w" } }
+ expected = { rails: { test_framework: "-w" } }
+ assert_equal expected, c.generators.aliases
+ end
+ end
+ test "generators aliases, options, templates and fallbacks on initialization" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.generators.rails aliases: { test_framework: "-w" }
+ config.generators.orm :data_mapper
+ config.generators.test_framework :rspec
+ config.generators.fallbacks[:shoulda] = :test_unit
+ config.generators.templates << "some/where"
+ # Initialize the application
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ Rails.application.load_generators
+ assert_equal :rspec, Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:test_framework]
+ assert_equal "-w", Rails::Generators.aliases[:rails][:test_framework]
+ assert_equal Hash[shoulda: :test_unit], Rails::Generators.fallbacks
+ assert_equal ["some/where"], Rails::Generators.templates_path
+ end
+ test "generators no color on initialization" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.generators.colorize_logging = false
+ # Initialize the application
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ Rails.application.load_generators
+ assert_equal Thor::Base.shell, Thor::Shell::Basic
+ end
+ test "generators with hashes for options and aliases" do
+ with_bare_config do |c|
+ c.generators do |g|
+ g.orm :data_mapper, migration: false
+ g.plugin aliases: { generator: "-g" },
+ generator: true
+ end
+ expected = {
+ rails: { orm: :data_mapper },
+ plugin: { generator: true },
+ data_mapper: { migration: false }
+ }
+ assert_equal expected, c.generators.options
+ assert_equal({ plugin: { generator: "-g" } }, c.generators.aliases)
+ end
+ end
+ test "generators with string and hash for options should generate symbol keys" do
+ with_bare_config do |c|
+ c.generators do |g|
+ g.orm 'data_mapper', migration: false
+ end
+ expected = {
+ rails: { orm: :data_mapper },
+ data_mapper: { migration: false }
+ }
+ assert_equal expected, c.generators.options
+ end
+ end
+ test "api only generators hide assets, helper, js and css namespaces and set api option" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.api_only = true
+ # Initialize the application
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ Rails.application.load_generators
+ assert Rails::Generators.hidden_namespaces.include?("assets")
+ assert Rails::Generators.hidden_namespaces.include?("helper")
+ assert Rails::Generators.hidden_namespaces.include?("js")
+ assert Rails::Generators.hidden_namespaces.include?("css")
+ assert Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:api]
+ assert_equal false, Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:assets]
+ assert_equal false, Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:helper]
+ assert_nil Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:template_engine]
+ end
+ test "api only generators allow overriding generator options" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.generators.helper = true
+ config.api_only = true
+ config.generators.template_engine = :my_template
+ # Initialize the application
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ Rails.application.load_generators
+ assert Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:api]
+ assert Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:helper]
+ assert_equal :my_template, Rails::Generators.options[:rails][:template_engine]
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/initializers/frameworks_test.rb b/railties/test/application/initializers/frameworks_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13f3250f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/initializers/frameworks_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+module ApplicationTests
+ class FrameworksTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ FileUtils.rm_rf "#{app_path}/config/environments"
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ # AC & AM
+ test "set load paths set only if action controller or action mailer are in use" do
+ assert_nothing_raised NameError do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.root = "#{app_path}"
+ use_frameworks []
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ end
+ end
+ test "sets action_controller and action_mailer load paths" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.root = "#{app_path}"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ expanded_path = File.expand_path("app/views", app_path)
+ assert_equal expanded_path, ActionController::Base.view_paths[0].to_s
+ assert_equal expanded_path, ActionMailer::Base.view_paths[0].to_s
+ end
+ test "allows me to configure default url options for ActionMailer" do
+ app_file "config/environments/development.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.configure do
+ config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => "test.rails" }
+ end
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal "test.rails", ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:host]
+ end
+ test "Default to HTTPS for ActionMailer URLs when force_ssl is on" do
+ app_file "config/environments/development.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.configure do
+ config.force_ssl = true
+ end
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal "https", ActionMailer::Base.default_url_options[:protocol]
+ end
+ test "includes url helpers as action methods" do
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get "/foo", :to => lambda { |env| [200, {}, []] }, :as => :foo
+ end
+ app_file "app/mailers/foo.rb", <<-RUBY
+ class Foo < ActionMailer::Base
+ def notify
+ end
+ end
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert Foo.method_defined?(:foo_url)
+ assert Foo.method_defined?(:main_app)
+ end
+ test "allows to not load all helpers for controllers" do
+ add_to_config "config.action_controller.include_all_helpers = false"
+ app_file "app/controllers/application_controller.rb", <<-RUBY
+ class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
+ end
+ app_file "app/controllers/foo_controller.rb", <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ApplicationController
+ def included_helpers
+ render :inline => "<%= from_app_helper -%> <%= from_foo_helper %>"
+ end
+ def not_included_helper
+ render :inline => "<%= respond_to?(:from_bar_helper) -%>"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file "app/helpers/application_helper.rb", <<-RUBY
+ module ApplicationHelper
+ def from_app_helper
+ "from_app_helper"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file "app/helpers/foo_helper.rb", <<-RUBY
+ module FooHelper
+ def from_foo_helper
+ "from_foo_helper"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file "app/helpers/bar_helper.rb", <<-RUBY
+ module BarHelper
+ def from_bar_helper
+ "from_bar_helper"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get "/:controller(/:action)"
+ end
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ get "/foo/included_helpers"
+ assert_equal "from_app_helper from_foo_helper", last_response.body
+ get "/foo/not_included_helper"
+ assert_equal "false", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "action_controller api executes using all the middleware stack" do
+ add_to_config "config.api_only = true"
+ app_file "app/controllers/application_controller.rb", <<-RUBY
+ class ApplicationController < ActionController::API
+ end
+ app_file "app/controllers/omg_controller.rb", <<-RUBY
+ class OmgController < ApplicationController
+ def show
+ render json: { omg: 'omg' }
+ end
+ end
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get "/:controller(/:action)"
+ end
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ get 'omg/show'
+ assert_equal '{"omg":"omg"}', last_response.body
+ end
+ # AD
+ test "action_dispatch extensions are applied to ActionDispatch" do
+ add_to_config "config.action_dispatch.tld_length = 2"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal 2, ActionDispatch::Http::URL.tld_length
+ end
+ test "assignment config.encoding to default_charset" do
+ charset = 'Shift_JIS'
+ add_to_config "config.encoding = '#{charset}'"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal charset, ActionDispatch::Response.default_charset
+ end
+ # AS
+ test "if there's no config.active_support.bare, all of ActiveSupport is required" do
+ use_frameworks []
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_nothing_raised { [1,2,3].sample }
+ end
+ test "config.active_support.bare does not require all of ActiveSupport" do
+ add_to_config "config.active_support.bare = true"
+ use_frameworks []
+ Dir.chdir("#{app_path}/app") do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_raises(NoMethodError) { "hello".exclude? "lo" }
+ end
+ end
+ # AR
+ test "active_record extensions are applied to ActiveRecord" do
+ add_to_config "config.active_record.table_name_prefix = 'tbl_'"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal 'tbl_', ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix
+ end
+ test "database middleware doesn't initialize when activerecord is not in frameworks" do
+ use_frameworks []
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_nil defined?(ActiveRecord::Base)
+ end
+ test "use schema cache dump" do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `rails generate model post title:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate db:schema:cache:dump`
+ end
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.drop_table("posts") # force drop posts table for test.
+ assert ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_cache.tables("posts")
+ end
+ test "expire schema cache dump" do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `rails generate model post title:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate db:schema:cache:dump db:rollback`
+ end
+ silence_warnings {
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert !ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_cache.tables("posts")
+ }
+ end
+ test "active record establish_connection uses Rails.env if DATABASE_URL is not set" do
+ begin
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ orig_database_url = ENV.delete("DATABASE_URL")
+ orig_rails_env, Rails.env = Rails.env, 'development'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection
+ assert ActiveRecord::Base.connection
+ assert_match(/#{ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env]['database']}/, ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config[:database])
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection
+ ENV["DATABASE_URL"] = orig_database_url if orig_database_url
+ Rails.env = orig_rails_env if orig_rails_env
+ end
+ end
+ test "active record establish_connection uses DATABASE_URL even if Rails.env is set" do
+ begin
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ orig_database_url = ENV.delete("DATABASE_URL")
+ orig_rails_env, Rails.env = Rails.env, 'development'
+ database_url_db_name = "db/database_url_db.sqlite3"
+ ENV["DATABASE_URL"] = "sqlite3:#{database_url_db_name}"
+ ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection
+ assert ActiveRecord::Base.connection
+ assert_match(/#{database_url_db_name}/, ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config[:database])
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.remove_connection
+ ENV["DATABASE_URL"] = orig_database_url if orig_database_url
+ Rails.env = orig_rails_env if orig_rails_env
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/initializers/hooks_test.rb b/railties/test/application/initializers/hooks_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b2cea0a8e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/initializers/hooks_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+module ApplicationTests
+ class HooksTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ FileUtils.rm_rf "#{app_path}/config/environments"
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ test "load initializers" do
+ app_file "config/initializers/foo.rb", "$foo = true"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert $foo
+ end
+ test "hooks block works correctly without eager_load (before_eager_load is not called)" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ $initialization_callbacks = []
+ config.root = "#{app_path}"
+ config.eager_load = false
+ config.before_configuration { $initialization_callbacks << 1 }
+ config.before_initialize { $initialization_callbacks << 2 }
+ config.before_eager_load { Boom }
+ config.after_initialize { $initialization_callbacks << 3 }
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal [1,2,3], $initialization_callbacks
+ end
+ test "hooks block works correctly with eager_load" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ $initialization_callbacks = []
+ config.root = "#{app_path}"
+ config.eager_load = true
+ config.before_configuration { $initialization_callbacks << 1 }
+ config.before_initialize { $initialization_callbacks << 2 }
+ config.before_eager_load { $initialization_callbacks << 3 }
+ config.after_initialize { $initialization_callbacks << 4 }
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal [1,2,3,4], $initialization_callbacks
+ end
+ test "after_initialize runs after frameworks have been initialized" do
+ $activerecord_configurations = nil
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.after_initialize { $activerecord_configurations = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations }
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert $activerecord_configurations
+ assert $activerecord_configurations['development']
+ end
+ test "after_initialize happens after to_prepare in development" do
+ $order = []
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.cache_classes = false
+ config.after_initialize { $order << :after_initialize }
+ config.to_prepare { $order << :to_prepare }
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal [:to_prepare, :after_initialize], $order
+ end
+ test "after_initialize happens after to_prepare in production" do
+ $order = []
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.cache_classes = true
+ config.after_initialize { $order << :after_initialize }
+ config.to_prepare { $order << :to_prepare }
+ require "#{app_path}/config/application"
+ Rails.env.replace "production"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal [:to_prepare, :after_initialize], $order
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/initializers/i18n_test.rb b/railties/test/application/initializers/i18n_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab7f29b0f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/initializers/i18n_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+module ApplicationTests
+ class I18nTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ FileUtils.rm_rf "#{app_path}/config/environments"
+ require "rails/all"
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def load_app
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ end
+ def app
+ @app ||= Rails.application
+ end
+ def assert_fallbacks(fallbacks)
+ fallbacks.each do |locale, expected|
+ actual = I18n.fallbacks[locale]
+ assert_equal expected, actual, "expected fallbacks for #{locale.inspect} to be #{expected.inspect}, but were #{actual.inspect}"
+ end
+ end
+ def assert_no_fallbacks
+ assert !I18n.backend.class.included_modules.include?(I18n::Backend::Fallbacks)
+ end
+ # Locales
+ test "setting another default locale" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.i18n.default_locale = :de
+ load_app
+ assert_equal :de, I18n.default_locale
+ end
+ # Load paths
+ test "no config locales directory present should return empty load path" do
+ FileUtils.rm_rf "#{app_path}/config/locales"
+ load_app
+ assert_equal [], Rails.application.config.i18n.load_path
+ end
+ test "locale files should be added to the load path" do
+ app_file "config/another_locale.yml", "en:\nfoo: ~"
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.i18n.load_path << config.root.join("config/another_locale.yml").to_s
+ load_app
+ assert_equal [
+ "#{app_path}/config/locales/en.yml", "#{app_path}/config/another_locale.yml"
+ ], Rails.application.config.i18n.load_path
+ assert I18n.load_path.include?("#{app_path}/config/locales/en.yml")
+ assert I18n.load_path.include?("#{app_path}/config/another_locale.yml")
+ end
+ test "load_path is populated before eager loaded models" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.cache_classes = true
+ app_file "config/locales/en.yml", <<-YAML
+ foo: "1"
+ app_file 'app/models/foo.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
+ @foo = I18n.t(:foo)
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/i18n', :to => lambda { |env| [200, {}, [Foo.instance_variable_get('@foo')]] }
+ end
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ load_app
+ get "/i18n"
+ assert_equal "1", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "locales are reloaded if they change between requests" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.cache_classes = false
+ app_file "config/locales/en.yml", <<-YAML
+ foo: "1"
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/i18n', :to => lambda { |env| [200, {}, [I18n.t(:foo)]] }
+ end
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ load_app
+ get "/i18n"
+ assert_equal "1", last_response.body
+ # Wait a full second so we have time for changes to propagate
+ sleep(1)
+ app_file "config/locales/en.yml", <<-YAML
+ foo: "2"
+ get "/i18n"
+ assert_equal "2", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "new locale files are loaded" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.cache_classes = false
+ app_file "config/locales/en.yml", <<-YAML
+ foo: "1"
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/i18n', :to => lambda { |env| [200, {}, [I18n.t(:foo)]] }
+ end
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ load_app
+ get "/i18n"
+ assert_equal "1", last_response.body
+ # Wait a full second so we have time for changes to propagate
+ sleep(1)
+ remove_file "config/locales/en.yml"
+ app_file "config/locales/custom.en.yml", <<-YAML
+ foo: "2"
+ get "/i18n"
+ assert_equal "2", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "I18n.load_path is reloaded" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.cache_classes = false
+ app_file "config/locales/en.yml", <<-YAML
+ foo: "1"
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/i18n', :to => lambda { |env| [200, {}, [I18n.load_path.inspect]] }
+ end
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ load_app
+ get "/i18n"
+ assert_match "en.yml", last_response.body
+ # Wait a full second so we have time for changes to propagate
+ sleep(1)
+ app_file "config/locales/fr.yml", <<-YAML
+ foo: "2"
+ get "/i18n"
+ assert_match "fr.yml", last_response.body
+ assert_match "en.yml", last_response.body
+ end
+ # Fallbacks
+ test "not using config.i18n.fallbacks does not initialize I18n.fallbacks" do
+ I18n.backend = Class.new(I18n::Backend::Simple).new
+ load_app
+ assert_no_fallbacks
+ end
+ test "config.i18n.fallbacks = true initializes I18n.fallbacks with default settings" do
+ I18n::Railtie.config.i18n.fallbacks = true
+ load_app
+ assert I18n.backend.class.included_modules.include?(I18n::Backend::Fallbacks)
+ assert_fallbacks de: [:de, :en]
+ end
+ test "config.i18n.fallbacks = true initializes I18n.fallbacks with default settings even when backend changes" do
+ I18n::Railtie.config.i18n.fallbacks = true
+ I18n::Railtie.config.i18n.backend = Class.new(I18n::Backend::Simple).new
+ load_app
+ assert I18n.backend.class.included_modules.include?(I18n::Backend::Fallbacks)
+ assert_fallbacks de: [:de, :en]
+ end
+ test "config.i18n.fallbacks.defaults = [:'en-US'] initializes fallbacks with en-US as a fallback default" do
+ I18n::Railtie.config.i18n.fallbacks.defaults = [:'en-US']
+ load_app
+ assert_fallbacks de: [:de, :'en-US', :en]
+ end
+ test "config.i18n.fallbacks.map = { :ca => :'es-ES' } initializes fallbacks with a mapping ca => es-ES" do
+ I18n::Railtie.config.i18n.fallbacks.map = { :ca => :'es-ES' }
+ load_app
+ assert_fallbacks ca: [:ca, :"es-ES", :es, :en]
+ end
+ test "[shortcut] config.i18n.fallbacks = [:'en-US'] initializes fallbacks with en-US as a fallback default" do
+ I18n::Railtie.config.i18n.fallbacks = [:'en-US']
+ load_app
+ assert_fallbacks de: [:de, :'en-US', :en]
+ end
+ test "[shortcut] config.i18n.fallbacks = [{ :ca => :'es-ES' }] initializes fallbacks with a mapping de-AT => de-DE" do
+ I18n::Railtie.config.i18n.fallbacks.map = { :ca => :'es-ES' }
+ load_app
+ assert_fallbacks ca: [:ca, :"es-ES", :es, :en]
+ end
+ test "[shortcut] config.i18n.fallbacks = [:'en-US', { :ca => :'es-ES' }] initializes fallbacks with the given arguments" do
+ I18n::Railtie.config.i18n.fallbacks = [:'en-US', { :ca => :'es-ES' }]
+ load_app
+ assert_fallbacks ca: [:ca, :"es-ES", :es, :'en-US', :en]
+ end
+ test "disable config.i18n.enforce_available_locales" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.i18n.enforce_available_locales = false
+ config.i18n.default_locale = :fr
+ load_app
+ assert_equal false, I18n.enforce_available_locales
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ I18n.locale = :es
+ end
+ end
+ test "default config.i18n.enforce_available_locales does not override I18n.enforce_available_locales" do
+ I18n.enforce_available_locales = false
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.i18n.default_locale = :fr
+ load_app
+ assert_equal false, I18n.enforce_available_locales
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ I18n.locale = :es
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/initializers/load_path_test.rb b/railties/test/application/initializers/load_path_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd05956356
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/initializers/load_path_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+module ApplicationTests
+ class LoadPathTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ FileUtils.rm_rf "#{app_path}/config/environments"
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ test "initializing an application adds the application paths to the load path" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.root = "#{app_path}"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert $:.include?("#{app_path}/app/models")
+ end
+ test "initializing an application allows to load code on lib path inside application class definition" do
+ app_file "lib/foo.rb", <<-RUBY
+ module Foo; end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ require "foo"
+ raise "Expected Foo to be defined" unless defined?(Foo)
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ end
+ assert $:.include?("#{app_path}/lib")
+ end
+ test "initializing an application eager load any path under app" do
+ app_file "app/anything/foo.rb", <<-RUBY
+ module Foo; end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.root = "#{app_path}"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert Foo
+ end
+ test "eager loading loads parent classes before children" do
+ app_file "lib/zoo.rb", <<-ZOO
+ class Zoo ; include ReptileHouse ; end
+ app_file "lib/zoo/reptile_house.rb", <<-ZOO
+ module Zoo::ReptileHouse ; end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.root = "#{app_path}"
+ config.eager_load_paths << "#{app_path}/lib"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert Zoo
+ end
+ test "eager loading accepts Pathnames" do
+ app_file "lib/foo.rb", <<-RUBY
+ module Foo; end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.eager_load = true
+ config.eager_load_paths << Pathname.new("#{app_path}/lib")
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert Foo
+ end
+ test "load environment with global" do
+ $initialize_test_set_from_env = nil
+ app_file "config/environments/development.rb", <<-RUBY
+ $initialize_test_set_from_env = 'success'
+ Rails.application.configure do
+ config.cache_classes = true
+ config.time_zone = "Brasilia"
+ end
+ assert_nil $initialize_test_set_from_env
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.root = "#{app_path}"
+ config.time_zone = "UTC"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal "success", $initialize_test_set_from_env
+ assert Rails.application.config.cache_classes
+ assert_equal "Brasilia", Rails.application.config.time_zone
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/initializers/notifications_test.rb b/railties/test/application/initializers/notifications_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..95655b74cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/initializers/notifications_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+module ApplicationTests
+ class NotificationsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def instrument(*args, &block)
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument(*args, &block)
+ end
+ def wait
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.notifier.wait
+ end
+ test "rails log_subscribers are added" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.colorize_logging = false
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ require "active_support/log_subscriber/test_helper"
+ logger = ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::TestHelper::MockLogger.new
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = logger
+ # Mimic Active Record notifications
+ instrument "sql.active_record", name: "SQL", sql: "SHOW tables"
+ wait
+ assert_equal 1, logger.logged(:debug).size
+ assert_match(/SHOW tables/, logger.logged(:debug).last)
+ end
+ test 'rails load_config_initializer event is instrumented' do
+ app_file 'config/initializers/foo.rb', ''
+ events = []
+ callback = ->(*_) { events << _ }
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribed(callback, 'load_config_initializer.railties') do
+ app
+ end
+ assert_equal %w[load_config_initializer.railties], events.map(&:first)
+ assert_includes events.first.last[:initializer], 'config/initializers/foo.rb'
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/loading_test.rb b/railties/test/application/loading_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2106708c98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/loading_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+class LoadingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def app
+ @app ||= Rails.application
+ end
+ test "constants in app are autoloaded" do
+ app_file "app/models/post.rb", <<-MODEL
+ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+ validates_acceptance_of :title, accept: "omg"
+ end
+ require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+ setup_ar!
+ p = Post.create(title: 'omg')
+ assert_equal 1, Post.count
+ assert_equal 'omg', p.title
+ p = Post.first
+ assert_equal 'omg', p.title
+ end
+ test "concerns in app are autoloaded" do
+ app_file "app/controllers/concerns/trackable.rb", <<-CONCERN
+ module Trackable
+ end
+ app_file "app/mailers/concerns/email_loggable.rb", <<-CONCERN
+ module EmailLoggable
+ end
+ app_file "app/models/concerns/orderable.rb", <<-CONCERN
+ module Orderable
+ end
+ app_file "app/validators/concerns/matchable.rb", <<-CONCERN
+ module Matchable
+ end
+ require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+ assert_nothing_raised(NameError) { Trackable }
+ assert_nothing_raised(NameError) { EmailLoggable }
+ assert_nothing_raised(NameError) { Orderable }
+ assert_nothing_raised(NameError) { Matchable }
+ end
+ test "models without table do not panic on scope definitions when loaded" do
+ app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL
+ class User < ActiveRecord::Base
+ default_scope { where(published: true) }
+ end
+ require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+ setup_ar!
+ User
+ end
+ test "load config/environments/environment before Bootstrap initializers" do
+ app_file "config/environments/development.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.configure do
+ config.development_environment_loaded = true
+ end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.before_initialize do
+ config.loaded = config.development_environment_loaded
+ end
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert ::Rails.application.config.loaded
+ end
+ test "descendants loaded after framework initialization are cleaned on each request without cache classes" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.cache_classes = false
+ config.reload_classes_only_on_change = false
+ app_file "app/models/post.rb", <<-MODEL
+ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/load', to: lambda { |env| [200, {}, Post.all] }
+ get '/unload', to: lambda { |env| [200, {}, []] }
+ end
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+ setup_ar!
+ assert_equal [ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration], ActiveRecord::Base.descendants
+ get "/load"
+ assert_equal [ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration, Post], ActiveRecord::Base.descendants
+ get "/unload"
+ assert_equal [ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration], ActiveRecord::Base.descendants
+ end
+ test "initialize cant be called twice" do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { Rails.application.initialize! }
+ end
+ test "reload constants on development" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.cache_classes = false
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/c', to: lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [User.counter.to_s]] }
+ end
+ app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL
+ class User
+ def self.counter; 1; end
+ end
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+ get "/c"
+ assert_equal "1", last_response.body
+ app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL
+ class User
+ def self.counter; 2; end
+ end
+ get "/c"
+ assert_equal "2", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "does not reload constants on development if custom file watcher always returns false" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.cache_classes = false
+ config.file_watcher = Class.new do
+ def initialize(*); end
+ def updated?; false; end
+ def execute; end
+ def execute_if_updated; false; end
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/c', to: lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [User.counter.to_s]] }
+ end
+ app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL
+ class User
+ def self.counter; 1; end
+ end
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+ get "/c"
+ assert_equal "1", last_response.body
+ app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL
+ class User
+ def self.counter; 2; end
+ end
+ get "/c"
+ assert_equal "1", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "added files (like db/schema.rb) also trigger reloading" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.cache_classes = false
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ $counter ||= 0
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/c', to: lambda { |env| User.name; [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [$counter.to_s]] }
+ end
+ app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL
+ class User
+ $counter += 1
+ end
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+ get "/c"
+ assert_equal "1", last_response.body
+ app_file "db/schema.rb", ""
+ get "/c"
+ assert_equal "2", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "dependencies reloading is followed by routes reloading" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.cache_classes = false
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ $counter ||= 1
+ $counter *= 2
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/c', to: lambda { |env| User.name; [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [$counter.to_s]] }
+ end
+ app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL
+ class User
+ $counter += 1
+ end
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+ get "/c"
+ assert_equal "3", last_response.body
+ app_file "db/schema.rb", ""
+ get "/c"
+ assert_equal "7", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "columns migrations also trigger reloading" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.cache_classes = false
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/title', to: lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [Post.new.title]] }
+ get '/body', to: lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, [Post.new.body]] }
+ end
+ app_file "app/models/post.rb", <<-MODEL
+ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+ end
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ app_file "db/migrate/1_create_posts.rb", <<-MIGRATION
+ class CreatePosts < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def change
+ create_table :posts do |t|
+ t.string :title, default: "TITLE"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) { `rake db:migrate`}
+ require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+ get "/title"
+ assert_equal "TITLE", last_response.body
+ app_file "db/migrate/2_add_body_to_posts.rb", <<-MIGRATION
+ class AddBodyToPosts < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ def change
+ add_column :posts, :body, :text, default: "BODY"
+ end
+ end
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) { `rake db:migrate` }
+ get "/body"
+ assert_equal "BODY", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "AC load hooks can be used with metal" do
+ app_file "app/controllers/omg_controller.rb", <<-RUBY
+ begin
+ class OmgController < ActionController::Metal
+ ActiveSupport.run_load_hooks(:action_controller, self)
+ def show
+ self.response_body = ["OK"]
+ end
+ end
+ rescue => e
+ puts "Error loading metal: \#{e.class} \#{e.message}"
+ end
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get "/:controller(/:action)"
+ end
+ require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ get '/omg/show'
+ assert_equal 'OK', last_response.body
+ end
+ def test_initialize_can_be_called_at_any_time
+ require "#{app_path}/config/application"
+ assert !Rails.initialized?
+ assert !Rails.application.initialized?
+ Rails.initialize!
+ assert Rails.initialized?
+ assert Rails.application.initialized?
+ end
+ protected
+ def setup_ar!
+ ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(adapter: "sqlite3", database: ":memory:")
+ ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false
+ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 1) do
+ create_table :posts do |t|
+ t.string :title
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/mailer_previews_test.rb b/railties/test/application/mailer_previews_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..643d876a26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/mailer_previews_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+require 'rack/test'
+require 'base64'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class MailerPreviewsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ include Rack::Test::Methods
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ test "/rails/mailers is accessible in development" do
+ app("development")
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "/rails/mailers is not accessible in production" do
+ app("production")
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "/rails/mailers is accessible with correct configuraiton" do
+ add_to_config "config.action_mailer.show_previews = true"
+ app("production")
+ get "/rails/mailers", {}, {"REMOTE_ADDR" => ""}
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "/rails/mailers is not accessible with show_previews = false" do
+ add_to_config "config.action_mailer.show_previews = false"
+ app("development")
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "/rails/mailers is accessible with globbing route present" do
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '*foo', to: 'foo#index'
+ end
+ app("development")
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "mailer previews are loaded from the default preview_path" do
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ end
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_match '<h3><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier">Notifier</a></h3>', last_response.body
+ assert_match '<li><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier/foo">foo</a></li>', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "mailer previews are loaded from a custom preview_path" do
+ add_to_config "config.action_mailer.preview_path = '#{app_path}/lib/mailer_previews'"
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ end
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ app_file 'lib/mailer_previews/notifier_preview.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_match '<h3><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier">Notifier</a></h3>', last_response.body
+ assert_match '<li><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier/foo">foo</a></li>', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "mailer previews are reloaded across requests" do
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_no_match '<h3><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier">Notifier</a></h3>', last_response.body
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ end
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_match '<h3><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier">Notifier</a></h3>', last_response.body
+ remove_file 'test/mailers/previews/notifier_preview.rb'
+ sleep(1)
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_no_match '<h3><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier">Notifier</a></h3>', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "mailer preview actions are added and removed" do
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ end
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_match '<h3><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier">Notifier</a></h3>', last_response.body
+ assert_match '<li><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier/foo">foo</a></li>', last_response.body
+ assert_no_match '<li><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier/bar">bar</a></li>', last_response.body
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ def bar
+ mail to: "to@example.net"
+ end
+ end
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ text_template 'notifier/bar', <<-RUBY
+ Goodbye, World!
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ def bar
+ Notifier.bar
+ end
+ end
+ sleep(1)
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_match '<h3><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier">Notifier</a></h3>', last_response.body
+ assert_match '<li><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier/foo">foo</a></li>', last_response.body
+ assert_match '<li><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier/bar">bar</a></li>', last_response.body
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ end
+ remove_file 'app/views/notifier/bar.text.erb'
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ sleep(1)
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_match '<h3><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier">Notifier</a></h3>', last_response.body
+ assert_match '<li><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier/foo">foo</a></li>', last_response.body
+ assert_no_match '<li><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier/bar">bar</a></li>', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "mailer previews are reloaded from a custom preview_path" do
+ add_to_config "config.action_mailer.preview_path = '#{app_path}/lib/mailer_previews'"
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_no_match '<h3><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier">Notifier</a></h3>', last_response.body
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ end
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ app_file 'lib/mailer_previews/notifier_preview.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_match '<h3><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier">Notifier</a></h3>', last_response.body
+ remove_file 'lib/mailer_previews/notifier_preview.rb'
+ sleep(1)
+ get "/rails/mailers"
+ assert_no_match '<h3><a href="/rails/mailers/notifier">Notifier</a></h3>', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "mailer preview not found" do
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier"
+ assert last_response.not_found?
+ assert_match "Mailer preview &#39;notifier&#39; not found", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "mailer preview email not found" do
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ end
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/bar"
+ assert last_response.not_found?
+ assert_match "Email &#39;bar&#39; not found in NotifierPreview", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "mailer preview NullMail" do
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ # does not call +mail+
+ end
+ end
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo"
+ assert_match "You are trying to preview an email that does not have any content.", last_response.body
+ assert_match "notifier#foo", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "mailer preview email part not found" do
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ end
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo?part=text%2Fhtml"
+ assert last_response.not_found?
+ assert_match "Email part &#39;text/html&#39; not found in NotifierPreview#foo", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "message header uses full display names" do
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "Ruby on Rails <core@rubyonrails.org>"
+ def foo
+ mail to: "Andrew White <andyw@pixeltrix.co.uk>",
+ cc: "David Heinemeier Hansson <david@heinemeierhansson.com>"
+ end
+ end
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_match "Ruby on Rails &lt;core@rubyonrails.org&gt;", last_response.body
+ assert_match "Andrew White &lt;andyw@pixeltrix.co.uk&gt;", last_response.body
+ assert_match "David Heinemeier Hansson &lt;david@heinemeierhansson.com&gt;", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "part menu selects correct option" do
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ end
+ html_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ <p>Hello, World!</p>
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo.html"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_match '<option selected value="?part=text%2Fhtml">View as HTML email</option>', last_response.body
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo.txt"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_match '<option selected value="?part=text%2Fplain">View as plain-text email</option>', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "mailer previews create correct links when loaded on a subdirectory" do
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ end
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers", {}, 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/my_app'
+ assert_match '<h3><a href="/my_app/rails/mailers/notifier">Notifier</a></h3>', last_response.body
+ assert_match '<li><a href="/my_app/rails/mailers/notifier/foo">foo</a></li>', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "plain text mailer preview with attachment" do
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ attachments['pixel.png'] = File.read("#{app_path}/public/images/pixel.png", mode: 'rb')
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ end
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_match %r[<iframe seamless name="messageBody"], last_response.body
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo?part=text/plain"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_match %r[Hello, World!], last_response.body
+ end
+ test "multipart mailer preview with attachment" do
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ attachments['pixel.png'] = File.read("#{app_path}/public/images/pixel.png", mode: 'rb')
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ end
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ html_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ <p>Hello, World!</p>
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_match %r[<iframe seamless name="messageBody"], last_response.body
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo?part=text/plain"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_match %r[Hello, World!], last_response.body
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo?part=text/html"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_match %r[<p>Hello, World!</p>], last_response.body
+ end
+ test "multipart mailer preview with inline attachment" do
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ attachments['pixel.png'] = File.read("#{app_path}/public/images/pixel.png", mode: 'rb')
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ end
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ html_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ <p>Hello, World!</p>
+ <%= image_tag attachments['pixel.png'].url %>
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_match %r[<iframe seamless name="messageBody"], last_response.body
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo?part=text/plain"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_match %r[Hello, World!], last_response.body
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo?part=text/html"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_match %r[<p>Hello, World!</p>], last_response.body
+ assert_match %r[src=""], last_response.body
+ end
+ test "multipart mailer preview with attached email" do
+ mailer 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class Notifier < ActionMailer::Base
+ default from: "from@example.com"
+ def foo
+ message = ::Mail.new do
+ from 'foo@example.com'
+ to 'bar@example.com'
+ subject 'Important Message'
+ text_part do
+ body 'Goodbye, World!'
+ end
+ html_part do
+ body '<p>Goodbye, World!</p>'
+ end
+ end
+ attachments['message.eml'] = message.to_s
+ mail to: "to@example.org"
+ end
+ end
+ text_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ Hello, World!
+ html_template 'notifier/foo', <<-RUBY
+ <p>Hello, World!</p>
+ mailer_preview 'notifier', <<-RUBY
+ class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
+ def foo
+ Notifier.foo
+ end
+ end
+ app('development')
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_match %r[<iframe seamless name="messageBody"], last_response.body
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo?part=text/plain"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_match %r[Hello, World!], last_response.body
+ get "/rails/mailers/notifier/foo?part=text/html"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_match %r[<p>Hello, World!</p>], last_response.body
+ end
+ private
+ def build_app
+ super
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", "Rails.application.routes.draw do; end"
+ end
+ def mailer(name, contents)
+ app_file("app/mailers/#{name}.rb", contents)
+ end
+ def mailer_preview(name, contents)
+ app_file("test/mailers/previews/#{name}_preview.rb", contents)
+ end
+ def html_template(name, contents)
+ app_file("app/views/#{name}.html.erb", contents)
+ end
+ def text_template(name, contents)
+ app_file("app/views/#{name}.text.erb", contents)
+ end
+ def image_file(name, contents)
+ app_file("public/images/#{name}", Base64.strict_decode64(contents), 'wb')
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/middleware/cache_test.rb b/railties/test/application/middleware/cache_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c951dabd6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/middleware/cache_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class CacheTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def simple_controller
+ controller :expires, <<-RUBY
+ class ExpiresController < ApplicationController
+ def expires_header
+ expires_in 10, public: !params[:private]
+ render text: SecureRandom.hex(16)
+ end
+ def expires_etag
+ render_conditionally(etag: "1")
+ end
+ def expires_last_modified
+ $last_modified ||= Time.now.utc
+ render_conditionally(last_modified: $last_modified)
+ end
+ def keeps_if_modified_since
+ render :text => request.headers['If-Modified-Since']
+ end
+ private
+ def render_conditionally(headers)
+ if stale?(headers.merge(public: !params[:private]))
+ render text: SecureRandom.hex(16)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get ':controller(/:action)'
+ end
+ end
+ def test_cache_keeps_if_modified_since
+ simple_controller
+ expected = "Wed, 30 May 1984 19:43:31 GMT"
+ get "/expires/keeps_if_modified_since", {}, "HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE" => expected
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_equal expected, last_response.body, "cache should have kept If-Modified-Since"
+ end
+ def test_cache_is_disabled_in_dev_mode
+ simple_controller
+ app("development")
+ get "/expires/expires_header"
+ assert_nil last_response.headers['X-Rack-Cache']
+ body = last_response.body
+ get "/expires/expires_header"
+ assert_nil last_response.headers['X-Rack-Cache']
+ assert_not_equal body, last_response.body
+ end
+ def test_cache_works_with_expires
+ simple_controller
+ add_to_config "config.action_dispatch.rack_cache = true"
+ get "/expires/expires_header"
+ assert_equal "miss, store", last_response.headers["X-Rack-Cache"]
+ assert_equal "max-age=10, public", last_response.headers["Cache-Control"]
+ body = last_response.body
+ get "/expires/expires_header"
+ assert_equal "fresh", last_response.headers["X-Rack-Cache"]
+ assert_equal body, last_response.body
+ end
+ def test_cache_works_with_expires_private
+ simple_controller
+ add_to_config "config.action_dispatch.rack_cache = true"
+ get "/expires/expires_header", private: true
+ assert_equal "miss", last_response.headers["X-Rack-Cache"]
+ assert_equal "private, max-age=10", last_response.headers["Cache-Control"]
+ body = last_response.body
+ get "/expires/expires_header", private: true
+ assert_equal "miss", last_response.headers["X-Rack-Cache"]
+ assert_not_equal body, last_response.body
+ end
+ def test_cache_works_with_etags
+ simple_controller
+ add_to_config "config.action_dispatch.rack_cache = true"
+ get "/expires/expires_etag"
+ assert_equal "miss, store", last_response.headers["X-Rack-Cache"]
+ assert_equal "public", last_response.headers["Cache-Control"]
+ body = last_response.body
+ etag = last_response.headers["ETag"]
+ get "/expires/expires_etag", {}, "If-None-Match" => etag
+ assert_equal "stale, valid, store", last_response.headers["X-Rack-Cache"]
+ assert_equal body, last_response.body
+ end
+ def test_cache_works_with_etags_private
+ simple_controller
+ add_to_config "config.action_dispatch.rack_cache = true"
+ get "/expires/expires_etag", private: true
+ assert_equal "miss", last_response.headers["X-Rack-Cache"]
+ assert_equal "must-revalidate, private, max-age=0", last_response.headers["Cache-Control"]
+ body = last_response.body
+ etag = last_response.headers["ETag"]
+ get "/expires/expires_etag", {private: true}, "If-None-Match" => etag
+ assert_equal "miss", last_response.headers["X-Rack-Cache"]
+ assert_not_equal body, last_response.body
+ end
+ def test_cache_works_with_last_modified
+ simple_controller
+ add_to_config "config.action_dispatch.rack_cache = true"
+ get "/expires/expires_last_modified"
+ assert_equal "miss, store", last_response.headers["X-Rack-Cache"]
+ assert_equal "public", last_response.headers["Cache-Control"]
+ body = last_response.body
+ last = last_response.headers["Last-Modified"]
+ get "/expires/expires_last_modified", {}, "If-Modified-Since" => last
+ assert_equal "stale, valid, store", last_response.headers["X-Rack-Cache"]
+ assert_equal body, last_response.body
+ end
+ def test_cache_works_with_last_modified_private
+ simple_controller
+ add_to_config "config.action_dispatch.rack_cache = true"
+ get "/expires/expires_last_modified", private: true
+ assert_equal "miss", last_response.headers["X-Rack-Cache"]
+ assert_equal "must-revalidate, private, max-age=0", last_response.headers["Cache-Control"]
+ body = last_response.body
+ last = last_response.headers["Last-Modified"]
+ get "/expires/expires_last_modified", {private: true}, "If-Modified-Since" => last
+ assert_equal "miss", last_response.headers["X-Rack-Cache"]
+ assert_not_equal body, last_response.body
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/middleware/cookies_test.rb b/railties/test/application/middleware/cookies_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bbb7627be9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/middleware/cookies_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class CookiesTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def new_app
+ File.expand_path("#{app_path}/../new_app")
+ end
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("#{app_path}/config/environments")
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ FileUtils.rm_rf(new_app) if File.directory?(new_app)
+ end
+ test 'always_write_cookie is true by default in development' do
+ require 'rails'
+ Rails.env = 'development'
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal true, ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar.always_write_cookie
+ end
+ test 'always_write_cookie is false by default in production' do
+ require 'rails'
+ Rails.env = 'production'
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal false, ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar.always_write_cookie
+ end
+ test 'always_write_cookie can be overridden' do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.action_dispatch.always_write_cookie = false
+ require 'rails'
+ Rails.env = 'development'
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal false, ActionDispatch::Cookies::CookieJar.always_write_cookie
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/middleware/exceptions_test.rb b/railties/test/application/middleware/exceptions_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b4babb13b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/middleware/exceptions_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+require 'rack/test'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class MiddlewareExceptionsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ include Rack::Test::Methods
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ test "show exceptions middleware filter backtrace before logging" do
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ raise 'oops'
+ end
+ end
+ get "/foo"
+ assert_equal 500, last_response.status
+ log = File.read(Rails.application.config.paths["log"].first)
+ assert_no_match(/action_dispatch/, log, log)
+ assert_match(/oops/, log, log)
+ end
+ test "renders active record exceptions as 404" do
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+ end
+ end
+ get "/foo"
+ assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "uses custom exceptions app" do
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.exceptions_app = lambda do |env|
+ [404, { "Content-Type" => "text/plain" }, ["YOU FAILED"]]
+ end
+ app.config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = true
+ get "/foo"
+ assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+ assert_equal "YOU FAILED", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "url generation error when action_dispatch.show_exceptions is set raises an exception" do
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ raise ActionController::UrlGenerationError
+ end
+ end
+ app.config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = true
+ get '/foo'
+ assert_equal 500, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "unspecified route when action_dispatch.show_exceptions is not set raises an exception" do
+ app.config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false
+ assert_raise(ActionController::RoutingError) do
+ get '/foo'
+ end
+ end
+ test "unspecified route when action_dispatch.show_exceptions is set shows 404" do
+ app.config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = true
+ assert_nothing_raised(ActionController::RoutingError) do
+ get '/foo'
+ assert_match "The page you were looking for doesn't exist.", last_response.body
+ end
+ end
+ test "unspecified route when action_dispatch.show_exceptions and consider_all_requests_local are set shows diagnostics" do
+ app.config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = true
+ app.config.consider_all_requests_local = true
+ assert_nothing_raised(ActionController::RoutingError) do
+ get '/foo'
+ assert_match "No route matches", last_response.body
+ end
+ end
+ test "displays diagnostics message when exception raised in template that contains UTF-8" do
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ end
+ end
+ app.config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = true
+ app.config.consider_all_requests_local = true
+ app_file 'app/views/foo/index.html.erb', <<-ERB
+ <% raise 'boooom' %>
+ ✓測試テスト시험
+ get '/foo', :utf8 => '✓'
+ assert_match(/boooom/, last_response.body)
+ assert_match(/測試テスト시험/, last_response.body)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/middleware/remote_ip_test.rb b/railties/test/application/middleware/remote_ip_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..97d5b5c698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/middleware/remote_ip_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+require 'ipaddr'
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+require 'active_support/key_generator'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class RemoteIpTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def remote_ip(env = {})
+ remote_ip = nil
+ env = Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/").merge(env).merge!(
+ 'action_dispatch.show_exceptions' => false,
+ 'action_dispatch.key_generator' => ActiveSupport::LegacyKeyGenerator.new('b3c631c314c0bbca50c1b2843150fe33')
+ )
+ endpoint = Proc.new do |e|
+ remote_ip = ActionDispatch::Request.new(e).remote_ip
+ [200, {}, ["Hello"]]
+ end
+ Rails.application.middleware.build(endpoint).call(env)
+ remote_ip
+ end
+ test "remote_ip works" do
+ make_basic_app
+ assert_equal "", remote_ip("REMOTE_ADDR" => "")
+ end
+ test "checks IP spoofing by default" do
+ make_basic_app
+ assert_raises(ActionDispatch::RemoteIp::IpSpoofAttackError) do
+ remote_ip("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" => "", "HTTP_CLIENT_IP" => "")
+ end
+ end
+ test "works with both headers individually" do
+ make_basic_app
+ assert_nothing_raised(ActionDispatch::RemoteIp::IpSpoofAttackError) do
+ assert_equal "", remote_ip("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" => "")
+ end
+ assert_nothing_raised(ActionDispatch::RemoteIp::IpSpoofAttackError) do
+ assert_equal "", remote_ip("HTTP_CLIENT_IP" => "")
+ end
+ end
+ test "can disable IP spoofing check" do
+ make_basic_app do |app|
+ app.config.action_dispatch.ip_spoofing_check = false
+ end
+ assert_nothing_raised(ActionDispatch::RemoteIp::IpSpoofAttackError) do
+ assert_equal "", remote_ip("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" => "", "HTTP_CLIENT_IP" => "")
+ end
+ end
+ test "remote_ip works with HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" do
+ make_basic_app
+ assert_equal "", remote_ip("REMOTE_ADDR" => "", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" => "")
+ end
+ test "the user can set trusted proxies" do
+ make_basic_app do |app|
+ app.config.action_dispatch.trusted_proxies = /^4\.2\.42\.42$/
+ end
+ assert_equal "", remote_ip("REMOTE_ADDR" => "", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" => "")
+ end
+ test "the user can set trusted proxies with an IPAddr argument" do
+ make_basic_app do |app|
+ app.config.action_dispatch.trusted_proxies = IPAddr.new('')
+ end
+ assert_equal "", remote_ip("REMOTE_ADDR" => "", "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR" => ",")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/middleware/sendfile_test.rb b/railties/test/application/middleware/sendfile_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be86f1a3b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/middleware/sendfile_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class SendfileTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ FileUtils.rm_rf "#{app_path}/config/environments"
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def app
+ @app ||= Rails.application
+ end
+ define_method :simple_controller do
+ class ::OmgController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ send_file __FILE__
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # x_sendfile_header middleware
+ test "config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header defaults to nil" do
+ make_basic_app
+ simple_controller
+ get "/"
+ assert !last_response.headers["X-Sendfile"]
+ assert_equal File.read(__FILE__), last_response.body
+ end
+ test "config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header can be set" do
+ make_basic_app do |app|
+ app.config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = "X-Sendfile"
+ end
+ simple_controller
+ get "/"
+ assert_equal File.expand_path(__FILE__), last_response.headers["X-Sendfile"]
+ end
+ test "config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header is sent to Rack::Sendfile" do
+ make_basic_app do |app|
+ app.config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Lighttpd-Send-File'
+ end
+ simple_controller
+ get "/"
+ assert_equal File.expand_path(__FILE__), last_response.headers["X-Lighttpd-Send-File"]
+ end
+ test "files handled by ActionDispatch::Static are handled by Rack::Sendfile" do
+ make_basic_app do |app|
+ app.config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header = 'X-Sendfile'
+ app.config.public_file_server.enabled = true
+ app.paths["public"] = File.join(rails_root, "public")
+ end
+ app_file "public/foo.txt", "foo"
+ get "/foo.txt", "HTTP_X_SENDFILE_TYPE" => "X-Sendfile"
+ assert_equal File.join(rails_root, "public/foo.txt"), last_response.headers["X-Sendfile"]
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/middleware/session_test.rb b/railties/test/application/middleware/session_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25eadfc387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/middleware/session_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+require 'rack/test'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class MiddlewareSessionTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ include Rack::Test::Methods
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ FileUtils.rm_rf "#{app_path}/config/environments"
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def app
+ @app ||= Rails.application
+ end
+ test "config.force_ssl sets cookie to secure only" do
+ add_to_config "config.force_ssl = true"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert app.config.session_options[:secure], "Expected session to be marked as secure"
+ end
+ test "session is not loaded if it's not used" do
+ make_basic_app
+ class ::OmgController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ if params[:flash]
+ flash[:notice] = "notice"
+ end
+ head :ok
+ end
+ end
+ get "/?flash=true"
+ get "/"
+ assert last_request.env["HTTP_COOKIE"]
+ assert !last_response.headers["Set-Cookie"]
+ end
+ test "session is empty and isn't saved on unverified request when using :null_session protect method" do
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get ':controller(/:action)'
+ post ':controller(/:action)'
+ end
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ActionController::Base
+ protect_from_forgery with: :null_session
+ def write_session
+ session[:foo] = 1
+ head :ok
+ end
+ def read_session
+ render text: session[:foo].inspect
+ end
+ end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = true
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ get '/foo/write_session'
+ get '/foo/read_session'
+ assert_equal '1', last_response.body
+ post '/foo/read_session' # Read session using POST request without CSRF token
+ assert_equal 'nil', last_response.body # Stored value shouldn't be accessible
+ post '/foo/write_session' # Write session using POST request without CSRF token
+ get '/foo/read_session' # Session shouldn't be changed
+ assert_equal '1', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "cookie jar is empty and isn't saved on unverified request when using :null_session protect method" do
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get ':controller(/:action)'
+ post ':controller(/:action)'
+ end
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ActionController::Base
+ protect_from_forgery with: :null_session
+ def write_cookie
+ cookies[:foo] = '1'
+ head :ok
+ end
+ def read_cookie
+ render text: cookies[:foo].inspect
+ end
+ end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection = true
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ get '/foo/write_cookie'
+ get '/foo/read_cookie'
+ assert_equal '"1"', last_response.body
+ post '/foo/read_cookie' # Read cookie using POST request without CSRF token
+ assert_equal 'nil', last_response.body # Stored value shouldn't be accessible
+ post '/foo/write_cookie' # Write cookie using POST request without CSRF token
+ get '/foo/read_cookie' # Cookie shouldn't be changed
+ assert_equal '"1"', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "session using encrypted cookie store" do
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get ':controller(/:action)'
+ end
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ActionController::Base
+ def write_session
+ session[:foo] = 1
+ head :ok
+ end
+ def read_session
+ render text: session[:foo]
+ end
+ def read_encrypted_cookie
+ render text: cookies.encrypted[:_myapp_session]['foo']
+ end
+ def read_raw_cookie
+ render text: cookies[:_myapp_session]
+ end
+ end
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ get '/foo/write_session'
+ get '/foo/read_session'
+ assert_equal '1', last_response.body
+ get '/foo/read_encrypted_cookie'
+ assert_equal '1', last_response.body
+ secret = app.key_generator.generate_key('encrypted cookie')
+ sign_secret = app.key_generator.generate_key('signed encrypted cookie')
+ encryptor = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.new(secret, sign_secret)
+ get '/foo/read_raw_cookie'
+ assert_equal 1, encryptor.decrypt_and_verify(last_response.body)['foo']
+ end
+ test "session upgrading signature to encryption cookie store works the same way as encrypted cookie store" do
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get ':controller(/:action)'
+ end
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ActionController::Base
+ def write_session
+ session[:foo] = 1
+ head :ok
+ end
+ def read_session
+ render text: session[:foo]
+ end
+ def read_encrypted_cookie
+ render text: cookies.encrypted[:_myapp_session]['foo']
+ end
+ def read_raw_cookie
+ render text: cookies[:_myapp_session]
+ end
+ end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ secrets.secret_token = "3b7cd727ee24e8444053437c36cc66c4"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ get '/foo/write_session'
+ get '/foo/read_session'
+ assert_equal '1', last_response.body
+ get '/foo/read_encrypted_cookie'
+ assert_equal '1', last_response.body
+ secret = app.key_generator.generate_key('encrypted cookie')
+ sign_secret = app.key_generator.generate_key('signed encrypted cookie')
+ encryptor = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.new(secret, sign_secret)
+ get '/foo/read_raw_cookie'
+ assert_equal 1, encryptor.decrypt_and_verify(last_response.body)['foo']
+ end
+ test "session upgrading signature to encryption cookie store upgrades session to encrypted mode" do
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get ':controller(/:action)'
+ end
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ActionController::Base
+ def write_raw_session
+ # {"session_id"=>"1965d95720fffc123941bdfb7d2e6870", "foo"=>1}
+ cookies[:_myapp_session] = "BAh7B0kiD3Nlc3Npb25faWQGOgZFRkkiJTE5NjVkOTU3MjBmZmZjMTIzOTQxYmRmYjdkMmU2ODcwBjsAVEkiCGZvbwY7AEZpBg==--315fb9931921a87ae7421aec96382f0294119749"
+ head :ok
+ end
+ def write_session
+ session[:foo] = session[:foo] + 1
+ head :ok
+ end
+ def read_session
+ render text: session[:foo]
+ end
+ def read_encrypted_cookie
+ render text: cookies.encrypted[:_myapp_session]['foo']
+ end
+ def read_raw_cookie
+ render text: cookies[:_myapp_session]
+ end
+ end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ secrets.secret_token = "3b7cd727ee24e8444053437c36cc66c4"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ get '/foo/write_raw_session'
+ get '/foo/read_session'
+ assert_equal '1', last_response.body
+ get '/foo/write_session'
+ get '/foo/read_session'
+ assert_equal '2', last_response.body
+ get '/foo/read_encrypted_cookie'
+ assert_equal '2', last_response.body
+ secret = app.key_generator.generate_key('encrypted cookie')
+ sign_secret = app.key_generator.generate_key('signed encrypted cookie')
+ encryptor = ActiveSupport::MessageEncryptor.new(secret, sign_secret)
+ get '/foo/read_raw_cookie'
+ assert_equal 2, encryptor.decrypt_and_verify(last_response.body)['foo']
+ end
+ test "session upgrading legacy signed cookies to new signed cookies" do
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get ':controller(/:action)'
+ end
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ActionController::Base
+ def write_raw_session
+ # {"session_id"=>"1965d95720fffc123941bdfb7d2e6870", "foo"=>1}
+ cookies[:_myapp_session] = "BAh7B0kiD3Nlc3Npb25faWQGOgZFRkkiJTE5NjVkOTU3MjBmZmZjMTIzOTQxYmRmYjdkMmU2ODcwBjsAVEkiCGZvbwY7AEZpBg==--315fb9931921a87ae7421aec96382f0294119749"
+ head :ok
+ end
+ def write_session
+ session[:foo] = session[:foo] + 1
+ head :ok
+ end
+ def read_session
+ render text: session[:foo]
+ end
+ def read_signed_cookie
+ render text: cookies.signed[:_myapp_session]['foo']
+ end
+ def read_raw_cookie
+ render text: cookies[:_myapp_session]
+ end
+ end
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ secrets.secret_token = "3b7cd727ee24e8444053437c36cc66c4"
+ secrets.secret_key_base = nil
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ get '/foo/write_raw_session'
+ get '/foo/read_session'
+ assert_equal '1', last_response.body
+ get '/foo/write_session'
+ get '/foo/read_session'
+ assert_equal '2', last_response.body
+ get '/foo/read_signed_cookie'
+ assert_equal '2', last_response.body
+ verifier = ActiveSupport::MessageVerifier.new(app.secrets.secret_token)
+ get '/foo/read_raw_cookie'
+ assert_equal 2, verifier.verify(last_response.body)['foo']
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/middleware/static_test.rb b/railties/test/application/middleware/static_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1246e20d94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/middleware/static_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+require 'rack/test'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class MiddlewareStaticTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ include Rack::Test::Methods
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ FileUtils.rm_rf "#{app_path}/config/environments"
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ # Regression test to #8907
+ # See https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/9cc82b77196d21a5c7021f6dca59ab9b2b158a45#commitcomment-2416514
+ test "doesn't set Cache-Control header when it is nil" do
+ app_file "public/foo.html", 'static'
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ get 'foo'
+ assert_not last_response.headers.has_key?('Cache-Control'), "Cache-Control should not be set"
+ end
+ test "headers for static files are configurable" do
+ app_file "public/about.html", 'static'
+ add_to_config <<-CONFIG
+ config.public_file_server.headers = {
+ "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => "http://rubyonrails.org",
+ "Cache-Control" => "public, max-age=60"
+ }
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ get '/about.html'
+ assert_equal 'http://rubyonrails.org', last_response.headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"]
+ assert_equal 'public, max-age=60', last_response.headers["Cache-Control"]
+ end
+ test "public_file_server.index_name defaults to 'index'" do
+ app_file "public/index.html", "/index.html"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ get '/'
+ assert_equal "/index.html\n", last_response.body
+ end
+ test "public_file_server.index_name configurable" do
+ app_file "public/other-index.html", "/other-index.html"
+ add_to_config "config.public_file_server.index_name = 'other-index'"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ get '/'
+ assert_equal "/other-index.html\n", last_response.body
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/middleware_test.rb b/railties/test/application/middleware_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1434522cce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/middleware_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class MiddlewareTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ FileUtils.rm_rf "#{app_path}/config/environments"
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def app
+ @app ||= Rails.application
+ end
+ test "default middleware stack" do
+ add_to_config "config.active_record.migration_error = :page_load"
+ boot!
+ assert_equal [
+ "Rack::Sendfile",
+ "ActionDispatch::Static",
+ "ActionDispatch::LoadInterlock",
+ "ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache",
+ "Rack::Runtime",
+ "Rack::MethodOverride",
+ "ActionDispatch::RequestId",
+ "Rails::Rack::Logger", # must come after Rack::MethodOverride to properly log overridden methods
+ "ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions",
+ "ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions",
+ "ActionDispatch::RemoteIp",
+ "ActionDispatch::Reloader",
+ "ActionDispatch::Callbacks",
+ "ActiveRecord::Migration::CheckPending",
+ "ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement",
+ "ActiveRecord::QueryCache",
+ "ActionDispatch::Cookies",
+ "ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore",
+ "ActionDispatch::Flash",
+ "Rack::Head",
+ "Rack::ConditionalGet",
+ "Rack::ETag"
+ ], middleware
+ end
+ test "api middleware stack" do
+ add_to_config "config.api_only = true"
+ boot!
+ assert_equal [
+ "Rack::Sendfile",
+ "ActionDispatch::Static",
+ "ActionDispatch::LoadInterlock",
+ "ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache",
+ "Rack::Runtime",
+ "ActionDispatch::RequestId",
+ "Rails::Rack::Logger", # must come after Rack::MethodOverride to properly log overridden methods
+ "ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions",
+ "ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions",
+ "ActionDispatch::RemoteIp",
+ "ActionDispatch::Reloader",
+ "ActionDispatch::Callbacks",
+ "ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement",
+ "ActiveRecord::QueryCache",
+ "Rack::Head",
+ "Rack::ConditionalGet",
+ "Rack::ETag"
+ ], middleware
+ end
+ test "Rack::Cache is not included by default" do
+ boot!
+ assert !middleware.include?("Rack::Cache"), "Rack::Cache is not included in the default stack unless you set config.action_dispatch.rack_cache"
+ end
+ test "Rack::Cache is present when action_dispatch.rack_cache is set" do
+ add_to_config "config.action_dispatch.rack_cache = true"
+ boot!
+ assert middleware.include?("Rack::Cache")
+ end
+ test "ActiveRecord::Migration::CheckPending is present when active_record.migration_error is set to :page_load" do
+ add_to_config "config.active_record.migration_error = :page_load"
+ boot!
+ assert middleware.include?("ActiveRecord::Migration::CheckPending")
+ end
+ test "ActionDispatch::SSL is present when force_ssl is set" do
+ add_to_config "config.force_ssl = true"
+ boot!
+ assert middleware.include?("ActionDispatch::SSL")
+ end
+ test "ActionDispatch::SSL is configured with options when given" do
+ add_to_config "config.force_ssl = true"
+ add_to_config "config.ssl_options = { host: 'example.com' }"
+ boot!
+ assert_equal [{host: 'example.com'}], Rails.application.middleware.first.args
+ end
+ test "removing Active Record omits its middleware" do
+ use_frameworks []
+ boot!
+ assert !middleware.include?("ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement")
+ assert !middleware.include?("ActiveRecord::QueryCache")
+ assert !middleware.include?("ActiveRecord::Migration::CheckPending")
+ end
+ test "includes interlock if cache_classes is set but eager_load is not" do
+ add_to_config "config.cache_classes = true"
+ boot!
+ assert_not_includes middleware, "Rack::Lock"
+ assert_includes middleware, "ActionDispatch::LoadInterlock"
+ end
+ test "includes interlock if cache_classes is off" do
+ add_to_config "config.cache_classes = false"
+ boot!
+ assert_not_includes middleware, "Rack::Lock"
+ assert_includes middleware, "ActionDispatch::LoadInterlock"
+ end
+ test "does not include lock if cache_classes is set and so is eager_load" do
+ add_to_config "config.cache_classes = true"
+ add_to_config "config.eager_load = true"
+ boot!
+ assert_not_includes middleware, "Rack::Lock"
+ assert_not_includes middleware, "ActionDispatch::LoadInterlock"
+ end
+ test "does not include lock if allow_concurrency is set to :unsafe" do
+ add_to_config "config.allow_concurrency = :unsafe"
+ boot!
+ assert_not_includes middleware, "Rack::Lock"
+ assert_not_includes middleware, "ActionDispatch::LoadInterlock"
+ end
+ test "includes lock if allow_concurrency is disabled" do
+ add_to_config "config.allow_concurrency = false"
+ boot!
+ assert_includes middleware, "Rack::Lock"
+ assert_not_includes middleware, "ActionDispatch::LoadInterlock"
+ end
+ test "removes static asset server if public_file_server.enabled is disabled" do
+ add_to_config "config.public_file_server.enabled = false"
+ boot!
+ assert !middleware.include?("ActionDispatch::Static")
+ end
+ test "can delete a middleware from the stack" do
+ add_to_config "config.middleware.delete ActionDispatch::Static"
+ boot!
+ assert !middleware.include?("ActionDispatch::Static")
+ end
+ test "can delete a middleware from the stack even if insert_before is added after delete" do
+ add_to_config "config.middleware.delete Rack::Runtime"
+ add_to_config "config.middleware.insert_before(Rack::Runtime, Rack::Config)"
+ boot!
+ assert middleware.include?("Rack::Config")
+ assert_not middleware.include?("Rack::Runtime")
+ end
+ test "can delete a middleware from the stack even if insert_after is added after delete" do
+ add_to_config "config.middleware.delete Rack::Runtime"
+ add_to_config "config.middleware.insert_after(Rack::Runtime, Rack::Config)"
+ boot!
+ assert middleware.include?("Rack::Config")
+ assert_not middleware.include?("Rack::Runtime")
+ end
+ test "includes exceptions middlewares even if action_dispatch.show_exceptions is disabled" do
+ add_to_config "config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions = false"
+ boot!
+ assert middleware.include?("ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions")
+ assert middleware.include?("ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions")
+ end
+ test "removes ActionDispatch::Reloader if cache_classes is true" do
+ add_to_config "config.cache_classes = true"
+ boot!
+ assert !middleware.include?("ActionDispatch::Reloader")
+ end
+ test "use middleware" do
+ use_frameworks []
+ add_to_config "config.middleware.use Rack::Config"
+ boot!
+ assert_equal "Rack::Config", middleware.last
+ end
+ test "insert middleware after" do
+ add_to_config "config.middleware.insert_after Rack::Sendfile, Rack::Config"
+ boot!
+ assert_equal "Rack::Config", middleware.second
+ end
+ test 'unshift middleware' do
+ add_to_config 'config.middleware.unshift Rack::Config'
+ boot!
+ assert_equal 'Rack::Config', middleware.first
+ end
+ test "Rails.cache does not respond to middleware" do
+ add_to_config "config.cache_store = :memory_store"
+ boot!
+ assert_equal "Rack::Runtime", middleware.fourth
+ end
+ test "Rails.cache does respond to middleware" do
+ boot!
+ assert_equal "Rack::Runtime", middleware.fifth
+ end
+ test "insert middleware before" do
+ add_to_config "config.middleware.insert_before Rack::Sendfile, Rack::Config"
+ boot!
+ assert_equal "Rack::Config", middleware.first
+ end
+ test "can't change middleware after it's built" do
+ boot!
+ assert_raise RuntimeError do
+ app.config.middleware.use Rack::Config
+ end
+ end
+ # ConditionalGet + Etag
+ test "conditional get + etag middlewares handle http caching based on body" do
+ make_basic_app
+ class ::OmgController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ if params[:nothing]
+ render text: ""
+ else
+ render text: "OMG"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ etag = "W/" + "5af83e3196bf99f440f31f2e1a6c9afe".inspect
+ get "/"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_equal "OMG", last_response.body
+ assert_equal "text/html; charset=utf-8", last_response.headers["Content-Type"]
+ assert_equal "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate", last_response.headers["Cache-Control"]
+ assert_equal etag, last_response.headers["Etag"]
+ get "/", {}, "HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH" => etag
+ assert_equal 304, last_response.status
+ assert_equal "", last_response.body
+ assert_equal nil, last_response.headers["Content-Type"]
+ assert_equal "max-age=0, private, must-revalidate", last_response.headers["Cache-Control"]
+ assert_equal etag, last_response.headers["Etag"]
+ get "/?nothing=true"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_equal "", last_response.body
+ assert_equal "text/html; charset=utf-8", last_response.headers["Content-Type"]
+ assert_equal "no-cache", last_response.headers["Cache-Control"]
+ assert_equal nil, last_response.headers["Etag"]
+ end
+ test "ORIGINAL_FULLPATH is passed to env" do
+ boot!
+ env = ::Rack::MockRequest.env_for("/foo/?something")
+ Rails.application.call(env)
+ assert_equal "/foo/?something", env["ORIGINAL_FULLPATH"]
+ end
+ private
+ def boot!
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ end
+ def middleware
+ Rails.application.middleware.map(&:klass).map(&:name)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/multiple_applications_test.rb b/railties/test/application/multiple_applications_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2770a9cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/multiple_applications_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class MultipleApplicationsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app(initializers: true)
+ boot_rails
+ require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+ Rails.application.config.some_setting = 'something_or_other'
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def test_cloning_an_application_makes_a_shallow_copy_of_config
+ clone = Rails.application.clone
+ assert_equal Rails.application.config, clone.config, "The cloned application should get a copy of the config"
+ assert_equal Rails.application.config.some_setting, clone.config.some_setting, "The some_setting on the config should be the same"
+ end
+ def test_inheriting_multiple_times_from_application
+ new_application_class = Class.new(Rails::Application)
+ assert_not_equal Rails.application.object_id, new_application_class.instance.object_id
+ end
+ def test_initialization_of_multiple_copies_of_same_application
+ application1 = AppTemplate::Application.new
+ application2 = AppTemplate::Application.new
+ assert_not_equal Rails.application.object_id, application1.object_id, "New applications should not be the same as the original application"
+ assert_not_equal Rails.application.object_id, application2.object_id, "New applications should not be the same as the original application"
+ end
+ def test_initialization_of_application_with_previous_config
+ application1 = AppTemplate::Application.create(config: Rails.application.config)
+ application2 = AppTemplate::Application.create
+ assert_equal Rails.application.config, application1.config, "Creating a new application while setting an initial config should result in the same config"
+ assert_not_equal Rails.application.config, application2.config, "New applications without setting an initial config should not have the same config"
+ end
+ def test_initialization_of_application_with_previous_railties
+ application1 = AppTemplate::Application.create(railties: Rails.application.railties)
+ application2 = AppTemplate::Application.create
+ assert_equal Rails.application.railties, application1.railties
+ assert_not_equal Rails.application.railties, application2.railties
+ end
+ def test_initialize_new_application_with_all_previous_initialization_variables
+ application1 = AppTemplate::Application.create(
+ config: Rails.application.config,
+ railties: Rails.application.railties,
+ routes_reloader: Rails.application.routes_reloader,
+ reloaders: Rails.application.reloaders,
+ routes: Rails.application.routes,
+ helpers: Rails.application.helpers,
+ app_env_config: Rails.application.env_config
+ )
+ assert_equal Rails.application.config, application1.config
+ assert_equal Rails.application.railties, application1.railties
+ assert_equal Rails.application.routes_reloader, application1.routes_reloader
+ assert_equal Rails.application.reloaders, application1.reloaders
+ assert_equal Rails.application.routes, application1.routes
+ assert_equal Rails.application.helpers, application1.helpers
+ assert_equal Rails.application.env_config, application1.env_config
+ end
+ def test_rake_tasks_defined_on_different_applications_go_to_the_same_class
+ run_count = 0
+ application1 = AppTemplate::Application.new
+ application1.rake_tasks do
+ run_count += 1
+ end
+ application2 = AppTemplate::Application.new
+ application2.rake_tasks do
+ run_count += 1
+ end
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ assert_equal 0, run_count, "The count should stay at zero without any calls to the rake tasks"
+ require 'rake'
+ require 'rake/testtask'
+ require 'rdoc/task'
+ Rails.application.load_tasks
+ assert_equal 2, run_count, "Calling a rake task should result in two increments to the count"
+ end
+ def test_multiple_applications_can_be_initialized
+ assert_nothing_raised { AppTemplate::Application.new }
+ end
+ def test_initializers_run_on_different_applications_go_to_the_same_class
+ application1 = AppTemplate::Application.new
+ run_count = 0
+ AppTemplate::Application.initializer :init0 do
+ run_count += 1
+ end
+ application1.initializer :init1 do
+ run_count += 1
+ end
+ AppTemplate::Application.new.initializer :init2 do
+ run_count += 1
+ end
+ assert_equal 0, run_count, "Without loading the initializers, the count should be 0"
+ # Set config.eager_load to false so that an eager_load warning doesn't pop up
+ AppTemplate::Application.create { config.eager_load = false }.initialize!
+ assert_equal 3, run_count, "There should have been three initializers that incremented the count"
+ end
+ def test_consoles_run_on_different_applications_go_to_the_same_class
+ run_count = 0
+ AppTemplate::Application.console { run_count += 1 }
+ AppTemplate::Application.new.console { run_count += 1 }
+ assert_equal 0, run_count, "Without loading the consoles, the count should be 0"
+ Rails.application.load_console
+ assert_equal 2, run_count, "There should have been two consoles that increment the count"
+ end
+ def test_generators_run_on_different_applications_go_to_the_same_class
+ run_count = 0
+ AppTemplate::Application.generators { run_count += 1 }
+ AppTemplate::Application.new.generators { run_count += 1 }
+ assert_equal 0, run_count, "Without loading the generators, the count should be 0"
+ Rails.application.load_generators
+ assert_equal 2, run_count, "There should have been two generators that increment the count"
+ end
+ def test_runners_run_on_different_applications_go_to_the_same_class
+ run_count = 0
+ AppTemplate::Application.runner { run_count += 1 }
+ AppTemplate::Application.new.runner { run_count += 1 }
+ assert_equal 0, run_count, "Without loading the runners, the count should be 0"
+ Rails.application.load_runner
+ assert_equal 2, run_count, "There should have been two runners that increment the count"
+ end
+ def test_isolate_namespace_on_an_application
+ assert_nil Rails.application.railtie_namespace, "Before isolating namespace, the railtie namespace should be nil"
+ Rails.application.isolate_namespace(AppTemplate)
+ assert_equal Rails.application.railtie_namespace, AppTemplate, "After isolating namespace, we should have a namespace"
+ end
+ def test_inserting_configuration_into_application
+ app = AppTemplate::Application.new(config: Rails.application.config)
+ app.config.some_setting = "a_different_setting"
+ assert_equal "a_different_setting", app.config.some_setting, "The configuration's some_setting should be set."
+ new_config = Rails::Application::Configuration.new("root_of_application")
+ new_config.some_setting = "some_setting_dude"
+ app.config = new_config
+ assert_equal "some_setting_dude", app.config.some_setting, "The configuration's some_setting should have changed."
+ assert_equal "root_of_application", app.config.root, "The root should have changed to the new config's root."
+ assert_equal new_config, app.config, "The application's config should have changed to the new config."
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/paths_test.rb b/railties/test/application/paths_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4029984ce9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/paths_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+module ApplicationTests
+ class PathsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("#{app_path}/config/environments")
+ app_file "config/environments/development.rb", ""
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.root = "#{app_path}"
+ config.after_initialize do |app|
+ app.config.session_store nil
+ end
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ @paths = Rails.application.config.paths
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def root(*path)
+ app_path(*path).to_s
+ end
+ def assert_path(paths, *dir)
+ assert_equal [root(*dir)], paths.expanded
+ end
+ def assert_in_load_path(*path)
+ assert $:.any? { |p| File.expand_path(p) == root(*path) }, "Load path does not include '#{root(*path)}'. They are:\n-----\n #{$:.join("\n")}\n-----"
+ end
+ def assert_not_in_load_path(*path)
+ assert !$:.any? { |p| File.expand_path(p) == root(*path) }, "Load path includes '#{root(*path)}'. They are:\n-----\n #{$:.join("\n")}\n-----"
+ end
+ test "booting up Rails yields a valid paths object" do
+ assert_path @paths["app/models"], "app/models"
+ assert_path @paths["app/helpers"], "app/helpers"
+ assert_path @paths["app/views"], "app/views"
+ assert_path @paths["lib"], "lib"
+ assert_path @paths["vendor"], "vendor"
+ assert_path @paths["tmp"], "tmp"
+ assert_path @paths["config"], "config"
+ assert_path @paths["config/locales"], "config/locales/en.yml"
+ assert_path @paths["config/environment"], "config/environment.rb"
+ assert_path @paths["config/environments"], "config/environments/development.rb"
+ assert_equal root("app", "controllers"), @paths["app/controllers"].expanded.first
+ end
+ test "booting up Rails yields a list of paths that are eager" do
+ eager_load = @paths.eager_load
+ assert eager_load.include?(root("app/controllers"))
+ assert eager_load.include?(root("app/helpers"))
+ assert eager_load.include?(root("app/models"))
+ end
+ test "environments has a glob equal to the current environment" do
+ assert_equal "#{Rails.env}.rb", @paths["config/environments"].glob
+ end
+ test "load path includes each of the paths in config.paths as long as the directories exist" do
+ assert_in_load_path "app", "controllers"
+ assert_in_load_path "app", "models"
+ assert_in_load_path "app", "helpers"
+ assert_in_load_path "lib"
+ assert_in_load_path "vendor"
+ assert_not_in_load_path "app", "views"
+ assert_not_in_load_path "config"
+ assert_not_in_load_path "config", "locales"
+ assert_not_in_load_path "config", "environments"
+ assert_not_in_load_path "tmp"
+ assert_not_in_load_path "tmp", "cache"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/per_request_digest_cache_test.rb b/railties/test/application/per_request_digest_cache_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3198e12662
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/per_request_digest_cache_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+require 'rack/test'
+require 'minitest/mock'
+require 'action_view'
+require 'active_support/testing/method_call_assertions'
+class PerRequestDigestCacheTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::MethodCallAssertions
+ include Rack::Test::Methods
+ setup do
+ build_app
+ add_to_config 'config.consider_all_requests_local = true'
+ app_file 'app/models/customer.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class Customer < Struct.new(:name, :id)
+ extend ActiveModel::Naming
+ include ActiveModel::Conversion
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ resources :customers, only: :index
+ end
+ app_file 'app/controllers/customers_controller.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class CustomersController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render [ Customer.new('david', 1), Customer.new('dingus', 2) ]
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'app/views/customers/_customer.html.erb', <<-RUBY
+ <% cache customer do %>
+ <%= customer.name %>
+ <% end %>
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ end
+ teardown :teardown_app
+ test "digests are reused when rendering the same template twice" do
+ get '/customers'
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ assert_equal [ '8ba099b7749542fe765ff34a6824d548' ], ActionView::Digestor.cache.values
+ assert_equal %w(david dingus), last_response.body.split.map(&:strip)
+ end
+ test "template digests are cleared before a request" do
+ assert_called(ActionView::Digestor.cache, :clear) do
+ get '/customers'
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/rack/logger_test.rb b/railties/test/application/rack/logger_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0082ec9cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/rack/logger_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+require "active_support/log_subscriber/test_helper"
+require "rack/test"
+module ApplicationTests
+ module RackTests
+ class LoggerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ include ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::TestHelper
+ include Rack::Test::Methods
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.logger = ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber::TestHelper::MockLogger.new
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ super
+ end
+ def teardown
+ super
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def logs
+ @logs ||= Rails.logger.logged(:info).join("\n")
+ end
+ test "logger logs proper HTTP GET verb and path" do
+ get "/blah"
+ wait
+ assert_match 'Started GET "/blah"', logs
+ end
+ test "logger logs proper HTTP HEAD verb and path" do
+ head "/blah"
+ wait
+ assert_match 'Started HEAD "/blah"', logs
+ end
+ test "logger logs HTTP verb override" do
+ post "/", _method: 'put'
+ wait
+ assert_match 'Started PUT "/"', logs
+ end
+ test "logger logs HEAD requests" do
+ post "/", _method: 'head'
+ wait
+ assert_match 'Started HEAD "/"', logs
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/rackup_test.rb b/railties/test/application/rackup_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49ac9fc66c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/rackup_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+module ApplicationTests
+ class RackupTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def rackup
+ require "rack"
+ app, _ = Rack::Builder.parse_file("#{app_path}/config.ru")
+ app
+ end
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ test "rails app is present" do
+ assert File.exist?(app_path("config"))
+ end
+ test "config.ru can be racked up" do
+ Dir.chdir app_path do
+ @app = rackup
+ assert_welcome get("/")
+ end
+ end
+ test "Rails.application is available after config.ru has been racked up" do
+ rackup
+ assert_kind_of Rails::Application, Rails.application
+ end
+ test "the config object is available on the application object" do
+ rackup
+ assert_equal 'UTC', Rails.application.config.time_zone
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/rake/dbs_test.rb b/railties/test/application/rake/dbs_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b0fb50fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/rake/dbs_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+require "active_support/core_ext/string/strip"
+module ApplicationTests
+ module RakeTests
+ class RakeDbsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("#{app_path}/config/environments")
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def database_url_db_name
+ "db/database_url_db.sqlite3"
+ end
+ def set_database_url
+ ENV['DATABASE_URL'] = "sqlite3:#{database_url_db_name}"
+ # ensure it's using the DATABASE_URL
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("#{app_path}/config/database.yml")
+ end
+ def db_create_and_drop(expected_database)
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ output = `bin/rake db:create`
+ assert_empty output
+ assert File.exist?(expected_database)
+ assert_equal expected_database, ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config[:database]
+ output = `bin/rake db:drop`
+ assert_empty output
+ assert !File.exist?(expected_database)
+ end
+ end
+ test 'db:create and db:drop without database url' do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ db_create_and_drop ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env]['database']
+ end
+ test 'db:create and db:drop with database url' do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ set_database_url
+ db_create_and_drop database_url_db_name
+ end
+ def with_database_existing
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ set_database_url
+ `bin/rake db:create`
+ yield
+ `bin/rake db:drop`
+ end
+ end
+ test 'db:create failure because database exists' do
+ with_database_existing do
+ output = `bin/rake db:create 2>&1`
+ assert_match(/already exists/, output)
+ assert_equal 0, $?.exitstatus
+ end
+ end
+ def with_bad_permissions
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ set_database_url
+ FileUtils.chmod("-w", "db")
+ yield
+ FileUtils.chmod("+w", "db")
+ end
+ end
+ test 'db:create failure because bad permissions' do
+ with_bad_permissions do
+ output = `bin/rake db:create 2>&1`
+ assert_match(/Couldn't create database/, output)
+ assert_equal 1, $?.exitstatus
+ end
+ end
+ test 'db:drop failure because database does not exist' do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ output = `bin/rake db:drop 2>&1`
+ assert_match(/does not exist/, output)
+ assert_equal 0, $?.exitstatus
+ end
+ end
+ test 'db:drop failure because bad permissions' do
+ with_database_existing do
+ with_bad_permissions do
+ output = `bin/rake db:drop 2>&1`
+ assert_match(/Couldn't drop/, output)
+ assert_equal 1, $?.exitstatus
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def db_migrate_and_status(expected_database)
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model book title:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate`
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate:status`
+ assert_match(%r{database:\s+\S*#{Regexp.escape(expected_database)}}, output)
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{14}\s+Create books/, output)
+ end
+ end
+ test 'db:migrate and db:migrate:status without database_url' do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ db_migrate_and_status ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env]['database']
+ end
+ test 'db:migrate and db:migrate:status with database_url' do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ set_database_url
+ db_migrate_and_status database_url_db_name
+ end
+ def db_schema_dump
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model book title:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate db:schema:dump`
+ schema_dump = File.read("db/schema.rb")
+ assert_match(/create_table \"books\"/, schema_dump)
+ end
+ end
+ test 'db:schema:dump without database_url' do
+ db_schema_dump
+ end
+ test 'db:schema:dump with database_url' do
+ set_database_url
+ db_schema_dump
+ end
+ def db_fixtures_load(expected_database)
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model book title:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate db:fixtures:load`
+ assert_match expected_database, ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config[:database]
+ require "#{app_path}/app/models/book"
+ assert_equal 2, Book.count
+ end
+ end
+ test 'db:fixtures:load without database_url' do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ db_fixtures_load ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env]['database']
+ end
+ test 'db:fixtures:load with database_url' do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ set_database_url
+ db_fixtures_load database_url_db_name
+ end
+ test 'db:fixtures:load with namespaced fixture' do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model admin::book title:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate db:fixtures:load`
+ require "#{app_path}/app/models/admin/book"
+ assert_equal 2, Admin::Book.count
+ end
+ end
+ def db_structure_dump_and_load(expected_database)
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model book title:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate db:structure:dump`
+ structure_dump = File.read("db/structure.sql")
+ assert_match(/CREATE TABLE \"books\"/, structure_dump)
+ `bin/rake environment db:drop db:structure:load`
+ assert_match expected_database, ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config[:database]
+ require "#{app_path}/app/models/book"
+ #if structure is not loaded correctly, exception would be raised
+ assert_equal 0, Book.count
+ end
+ end
+ test 'db:structure:dump and db:structure:load without database_url' do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ db_structure_dump_and_load ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env]['database']
+ end
+ test 'db:structure:dump and db:structure:load with database_url' do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ set_database_url
+ db_structure_dump_and_load database_url_db_name
+ end
+ test 'db:structure:dump does not dump schema information when no migrations are used' do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ # create table without migrations
+ `bin/rails runner 'ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_table(:posts) {|t| t.string :title }'`
+ stderr_output = capture(:stderr) { `bin/rake db:structure:dump` }
+ assert_empty stderr_output
+ structure_dump = File.read("db/structure.sql")
+ assert_match(/CREATE TABLE \"posts\"/, structure_dump)
+ end
+ end
+ test 'db:schema:load and db:structure:load do not purge the existing database' do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails runner 'ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_table(:posts) {|t| t.string :title }'`
+ app_file 'db/schema.rb', <<-RUBY
+ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20140423102712) do
+ create_table(:comments) {}
+ end
+ list_tables = lambda { `bin/rails runner 'p ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables'`.strip }
+ assert_equal '["posts"]', list_tables[]
+ `bin/rake db:schema:load`
+ assert_equal '["posts", "comments", "schema_migrations"]', list_tables[]
+ app_file 'db/structure.sql', <<-SQL
+ `bin/rake db:structure:load`
+ assert_equal '["posts", "comments", "schema_migrations", "users"]', list_tables[]
+ end
+ end
+ test "db:schema:load with inflections" do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ app_file 'config/initializers/inflection.rb', <<-RUBY
+ ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
+ inflect.irregular 'goose', 'geese'
+ end
+ app_file 'config/initializers/primary_key_table_name.rb', <<-RUBY
+ ActiveRecord::Base.primary_key_prefix_type = :table_name
+ app_file 'db/schema.rb', <<-RUBY
+ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: 20140423102712) do
+ create_table("goose".pluralize) do |t|
+ t.string :name
+ end
+ end
+ `bin/rake db:schema:load`
+ tables = `bin/rails runner 'p ActiveRecord::Base.connection.tables'`.strip
+ assert_match(/"geese"/, tables)
+ columns = `bin/rails runner 'p ActiveRecord::Base.connection.columns("geese").map(&:name)'`.strip
+ assert_equal columns, '["gooseid", "name"]'
+ end
+ end
+ def db_test_load_structure
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model book title:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate db:structure:dump db:test:load_structure`
+ ActiveRecord::Base.configurations = Rails.application.config.database_configuration
+ ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection :test
+ require "#{app_path}/app/models/book"
+ #if structure is not loaded correctly, exception would be raised
+ assert_equal 0, Book.count
+ assert_match ActiveRecord::Base.configurations['test']['database'],
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config[:database]
+ end
+ end
+ test 'db:test:load_structure without database_url' do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ db_test_load_structure
+ end
+ test 'db:setup loads schema and seeds database' do
+ begin
+ @old_rails_env = ENV["RAILS_ENV"]
+ @old_rack_env = ENV["RACK_ENV"]
+ ENV.delete "RAILS_ENV"
+ ENV.delete "RACK_ENV"
+ app_file 'db/schema.rb', <<-RUBY
+ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: "1") do
+ create_table :users do |t|
+ t.string :name
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'db/seeds.rb', <<-RUBY
+ puts ActiveRecord::Base.connection_config[:database]
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ database_path = `bin/rake db:setup`
+ assert_equal "development.sqlite3", File.basename(database_path.strip)
+ end
+ ensure
+ ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = @old_rails_env
+ ENV["RACK_ENV"] = @old_rack_env
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/rake/framework_test.rb b/railties/test/application/rake/framework_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ec57af79f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/rake/framework_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+require "active_support/core_ext/string/strip"
+module ApplicationTests
+ module RakeTests
+ class FrameworkTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("#{app_path}/config/environments")
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def load_tasks
+ require 'rake'
+ require 'rdoc/task'
+ require 'rake/testtask'
+ Rails.application.load_tasks
+ end
+ test 'requiring the rake task should not define method .app_generator on Object' do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ load_tasks
+ assert_raise NameError do
+ Object.method(:app_generator)
+ end
+ end
+ test 'requiring the rake task should not define method .invoke_from_app_generator on Object' do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ load_tasks
+ assert_raise NameError do
+ Object.method(:invoke_from_app_generator)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/rake/migrations_test.rb b/railties/test/application/rake/migrations_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b74707959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/rake/migrations_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+module ApplicationTests
+ module RakeTests
+ class RakeMigrationsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("#{app_path}/config/environments")
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ test 'running migrations with given scope' do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model user username:string password:string`
+ app_file "db/migrate/01_a_migration.bukkits.rb", <<-MIGRATION
+ class AMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ end
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate SCOPE=bukkits`
+ assert_no_match(/create_table\(:users\)/, output)
+ assert_no_match(/CreateUsers/, output)
+ assert_no_match(/add_column\(:users, :email, :string\)/, output)
+ assert_match(/AMigration: migrated/, output)
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate SCOPE=bukkits VERSION=0`
+ assert_no_match(/drop_table\(:users\)/, output)
+ assert_no_match(/CreateUsers/, output)
+ assert_no_match(/remove_column\(:users, :email\)/, output)
+ assert_match(/AMigration: reverted/, output)
+ end
+ end
+ test 'model and migration generator with change syntax' do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model user username:string password:string;
+ bin/rails generate migration add_email_to_users email:string`
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate`
+ assert_match(/create_table\(:users\)/, output)
+ assert_match(/CreateUsers: migrated/, output)
+ assert_match(/add_column\(:users, :email, :string\)/, output)
+ assert_match(/AddEmailToUsers: migrated/, output)
+ output = `bin/rake db:rollback STEP=2`
+ assert_match(/drop_table\(:users\)/, output)
+ assert_match(/CreateUsers: reverted/, output)
+ assert_match(/remove_column\(:users, :email, :string\)/, output)
+ assert_match(/AddEmailToUsers: reverted/, output)
+ end
+ end
+ test 'migration status when schema migrations table is not present' do
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path){ `bin/rake db:migrate:status 2>&1` }
+ assert_equal "Schema migrations table does not exist yet.\n", output
+ end
+ test 'test migration status' do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model user username:string password:string;
+ bin/rails generate migration add_email_to_users email:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate`
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate:status`
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{14}\s+Create users/, output)
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{14}\s+Add email to users/, output)
+ `bin/rake db:rollback STEP=1`
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate:status`
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{14}\s+Create users/, output)
+ assert_match(/down\s+\d{14}\s+Add email to users/, output)
+ end
+ end
+ test 'migration status without timestamps' do
+ add_to_config('config.active_record.timestamped_migrations = false')
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model user username:string password:string;
+ bin/rails generate migration add_email_to_users email:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate`
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate:status`
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{3,}\s+Create users/, output)
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{3,}\s+Add email to users/, output)
+ `bin/rake db:rollback STEP=1`
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate:status`
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{3,}\s+Create users/, output)
+ assert_match(/down\s+\d{3,}\s+Add email to users/, output)
+ end
+ end
+ test 'test migration status after rollback and redo' do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model user username:string password:string;
+ bin/rails generate migration add_email_to_users email:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate`
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate:status`
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{14}\s+Create users/, output)
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{14}\s+Add email to users/, output)
+ `bin/rake db:rollback STEP=2`
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate:status`
+ assert_match(/down\s+\d{14}\s+Create users/, output)
+ assert_match(/down\s+\d{14}\s+Add email to users/, output)
+ `bin/rake db:migrate:redo`
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate:status`
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{14}\s+Create users/, output)
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{14}\s+Add email to users/, output)
+ end
+ end
+ test 'migration status after rollback and redo without timestamps' do
+ add_to_config('config.active_record.timestamped_migrations = false')
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model user username:string password:string;
+ bin/rails generate migration add_email_to_users email:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate`
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate:status`
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{3,}\s+Create users/, output)
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{3,}\s+Add email to users/, output)
+ `bin/rake db:rollback STEP=2`
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate:status`
+ assert_match(/down\s+\d{3,}\s+Create users/, output)
+ assert_match(/down\s+\d{3,}\s+Add email to users/, output)
+ `bin/rake db:migrate:redo`
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate:status`
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{3,}\s+Create users/, output)
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{3,}\s+Add email to users/, output)
+ end
+ end
+ test 'running migrations with not timestamp head migration files' do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ app_file "db/migrate/1_one_migration.rb", <<-MIGRATION
+ class OneMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ end
+ app_file "db/migrate/02_two_migration.rb", <<-MIGRATION
+ class TwoMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration
+ end
+ `bin/rake db:migrate`
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate:status`
+ assert_match(/up\s+001\s+One migration/, output)
+ assert_match(/up\s+002\s+Two migration/, output)
+ end
+ end
+ test 'schema generation when dump_schema_after_migration is set' do
+ add_to_config('config.active_record.dump_schema_after_migration = false')
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model book title:string`
+ output = `bin/rails generate model author name:string`
+ version = output =~ %r{[^/]+db/migrate/(\d+)_create_authors\.rb} && $1
+ `bin/rake db:migrate db:rollback db:forward db:migrate:up db:migrate:down VERSION=#{version}`
+ assert !File.exist?("db/schema.rb"), "should not dump schema when configured not to"
+ end
+ add_to_config('config.active_record.dump_schema_after_migration = true')
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model reviews book_id:integer`
+ `bin/rake db:migrate`
+ structure_dump = File.read("db/schema.rb")
+ assert_match(/create_table "reviews"/, structure_dump)
+ end
+ end
+ test 'default schema generation after migration' do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model book title:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate`
+ structure_dump = File.read("db/schema.rb")
+ assert_match(/create_table "books"/, structure_dump)
+ end
+ end
+ test 'test migration status migrated file is deleted' do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model user username:string password:string;
+ bin/rails generate migration add_email_to_users email:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate
+ rm db/migrate/*email*.rb`
+ output = `bin/rake db:migrate:status`
+ File.write('test.txt', output)
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{14}\s+Create users/, output)
+ assert_match(/up\s+\d{14}\s+\** NO FILE \**/, output)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/rake/notes_test.rb b/railties/test/application/rake/notes_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c87515f00f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/rake/notes_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+require 'rails/source_annotation_extractor'
+module ApplicationTests
+ module RakeTests
+ class RakeNotesTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ require "rails/all"
+ super
+ end
+ def teardown
+ super
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ test 'notes finds notes for certain file_types' do
+ app_file "app/views/home/index.html.erb", "<% # TODO: note in erb %>"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "// TODO: note in js"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css", "// TODO: note in css"
+ app_file "app/controllers/application_controller.rb", 1000.times.map { "" }.join("\n") << "# TODO: note in ruby"
+ app_file "lib/tasks/task.rake", "# TODO: note in rake"
+ app_file 'app/views/home/index.html.builder', '# TODO: note in builder'
+ app_file 'config/locales/en.yml', '# TODO: note in yml'
+ app_file 'config/locales/en.yaml', '# TODO: note in yaml'
+ app_file "app/views/home/index.ruby", "# TODO: note in ruby"
+ run_rake_notes do |output, lines|
+ assert_match(/note in erb/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in js/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in css/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in rake/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in builder/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in yml/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in yaml/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in ruby/, output)
+ assert_equal 9, lines.size
+ assert_equal [4], lines.map(&:size).uniq
+ end
+ end
+ test 'notes finds notes in default directories' do
+ app_file "app/controllers/some_controller.rb", "# TODO: note in app directory"
+ app_file "config/initializers/some_initializer.rb", "# TODO: note in config directory"
+ app_file "db/some_seeds.rb", "# TODO: note in db directory"
+ app_file "lib/some_file.rb", "# TODO: note in lib directory"
+ app_file "test/some_test.rb", 1000.times.map { "" }.join("\n") << "# TODO: note in test directory"
+ app_file "some_other_dir/blah.rb", "# TODO: note in some_other directory"
+ run_rake_notes do |output, lines|
+ assert_match(/note in app directory/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in config directory/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in db directory/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in lib directory/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in test directory/, output)
+ assert_no_match(/note in some_other directory/, output)
+ assert_equal 5, lines.size
+ assert_equal [4], lines.map(&:size).uniq
+ end
+ end
+ test 'notes finds notes in custom directories' do
+ app_file "app/controllers/some_controller.rb", "# TODO: note in app directory"
+ app_file "config/initializers/some_initializer.rb", "# TODO: note in config directory"
+ app_file "db/some_seeds.rb", "# TODO: note in db directory"
+ app_file "lib/some_file.rb", "# TODO: note in lib directory"
+ app_file "test/some_test.rb", 1000.times.map { "" }.join("\n") << "# TODO: note in test directory"
+ app_file "some_other_dir/blah.rb", "# TODO: note in some_other directory"
+ run_rake_notes "SOURCE_ANNOTATION_DIRECTORIES='some_other_dir' bin/rake notes" do |output, lines|
+ assert_match(/note in app directory/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in config directory/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in db directory/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in lib directory/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in test directory/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in some_other directory/, output)
+ assert_equal 6, lines.size
+ assert_equal [4], lines.map(&:size).uniq
+ end
+ end
+ test 'custom rake task finds specific notes in specific directories' do
+ app_file "app/controllers/some_controller.rb", "# TODO: note in app directory"
+ app_file "lib/some_file.rb", "# OPTIMIZE: note in lib directory\n" << "# FIXME: note in lib directory"
+ app_file "test/some_test.rb", 1000.times.map { "" }.join("\n") << "# TODO: note in test directory"
+ app_file "lib/tasks/notes_custom.rake", <<-EOS
+ require 'rails/source_annotation_extractor'
+ task :notes_custom do
+ tags = 'TODO|FIXME'
+ opts = { dirs: %w(lib test), tag: true }
+ SourceAnnotationExtractor.enumerate(tags, opts)
+ end
+ run_rake_notes "bin/rake notes_custom" do |output, lines|
+ assert_match(/\[FIXME\] note in lib directory/, output)
+ assert_match(/\[TODO\] note in test directory/, output)
+ assert_no_match(/OPTIMIZE/, output)
+ assert_no_match(/note in app directory/, output)
+ assert_equal 2, lines.size
+ assert_equal [4], lines.map(&:size).uniq
+ end
+ end
+ test 'register a new extension' do
+ add_to_config "config.assets.precompile = []"
+ add_to_config %q{ config.annotations.register_extensions("scss", "sass") { |annotation| /\/\/\s*(#{annotation}):?\s*(.*)$/ } }
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.scss", "// TODO: note in scss"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.sass", "// TODO: note in sass"
+ run_rake_notes do |output, lines|
+ assert_match(/note in scss/, output)
+ assert_match(/note in sass/, output)
+ assert_equal 2, lines.size
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def run_rake_notes(command = 'bin/rake notes')
+ boot_rails
+ load_tasks
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ output = `#{command}`
+ lines = output.scan(/\[([0-9\s]+)\]\s/).flatten
+ yield output, lines
+ end
+ end
+ def load_tasks
+ require 'rake'
+ require 'rdoc/task'
+ require 'rake/testtask'
+ Rails.application.load_tasks
+ end
+ def boot_rails
+ super
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/rake/restart_test.rb b/railties/test/application/rake/restart_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cae199e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/rake/restart_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+module ApplicationTests
+ module RakeTests
+ class RakeRestartTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ test 'rake restart touches tmp/restart.txt' do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `rake restart`
+ assert File.exist?("tmp/restart.txt")
+ prev_mtime = File.mtime("tmp/restart.txt")
+ sleep(1)
+ `rake restart`
+ curr_mtime = File.mtime("tmp/restart.txt")
+ assert_not_equal prev_mtime, curr_mtime
+ end
+ end
+ test 'rake restart should work even if tmp folder does not exist' do
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ FileUtils.remove_dir('tmp')
+ `rake restart`
+ assert File.exist?('tmp/restart.txt')
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/rake_test.rb b/railties/test/application/rake_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0da0928b48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/rake_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+require "active_support/core_ext/string/strip"
+module ApplicationTests
+ class RakeTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def test_gems_tasks_are_loaded_first_than_application_ones
+ app_file "lib/tasks/app.rake", <<-RUBY
+ $task_loaded = Rake::Task.task_defined?("db:create:all")
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ ::Rails.application.load_tasks
+ assert $task_loaded
+ end
+ def test_environment_is_required_in_rake_tasks
+ app_file "config/environment.rb", <<-RUBY
+ SuperMiddleware = Struct.new(:app)
+ Rails.application.configure do
+ config.middleware.use SuperMiddleware
+ end
+ Rails.application.initialize!
+ assert_match("SuperMiddleware", Dir.chdir(app_path){ `bin/rake middleware` })
+ end
+ def test_initializers_are_executed_in_rake_tasks
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ initializer "do_something" do
+ puts "Doing something..."
+ end
+ rake_tasks do
+ task do_nothing: :environment do
+ end
+ end
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path){ `bin/rake do_nothing` }
+ assert_match "Doing something...", output
+ end
+ def test_does_not_explode_when_accessing_a_model
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ rake_tasks do
+ task do_nothing: :environment do
+ Hello.new.world
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'app/models/hello.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class Hello
+ def world
+ puts 'Hello world'
+ end
+ end
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rake do_nothing` }
+ assert_match 'Hello world', output
+ end
+ def test_should_not_eager_load_model_for_rake
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ rake_tasks do
+ task do_nothing: :environment do
+ end
+ end
+ add_to_env_config 'production', <<-RUBY
+ config.eager_load = true
+ app_file 'app/models/hello.rb', <<-RUBY
+ raise 'should not be pre-required for rake even eager_load=true'
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ assert system('bin/rake do_nothing RAILS_ENV=production'),
+ 'should not be pre-required for rake even eager_load=true'
+ end
+ end
+ def test_code_statistics_sanity
+ assert_match "Code LOC: 7 Test LOC: 0 Code to Test Ratio: 1:0.0",
+ Dir.chdir(app_path){ `bin/rake stats` }
+ end
+ def test_rake_routes_calls_the_route_inspector
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/cart', to: 'cart#show'
+ end
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path){ `bin/rake routes` }
+ assert_equal "Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action\n cart GET /cart(.:format) cart#show\n", output
+ end
+ def test_rake_routes_with_controller_environment
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/cart', to: 'cart#show'
+ get '/basketball', to: 'basketball#index'
+ end
+ ENV['CONTROLLER'] = 'cart'
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path){ `bin/rake routes` }
+ assert_equal "Prefix Verb URI Pattern Controller#Action\n cart GET /cart(.:format) cart#show\n", output
+ end
+ def test_rake_routes_displays_message_when_no_routes_are_defined
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ end
+ assert_equal <<-MESSAGE.strip_heredoc, Dir.chdir(app_path){ `bin/rake routes` }
+ You don't have any routes defined!
+ Please add some routes in config/routes.rb.
+ For more information about routes, see the Rails guide: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html.
+ end
+ def test_logger_is_flushed_when_exiting_production_rake_tasks
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ rake_tasks do
+ task log_something: :environment do
+ Rails.logger.error("Sample log message")
+ end
+ end
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path){ `bin/rake log_something RAILS_ENV=production && cat log/production.log` }
+ assert_match "Sample log message", output
+ end
+ def test_loading_specific_fixtures
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model user username:string password:string;
+ bin/rails generate model product name:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate`
+ end
+ require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+ # loading a specific fixture
+ errormsg = Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rake db:fixtures:load FIXTURES=products` }
+ assert $?.success?, errormsg
+ assert_equal 2, ::AppTemplate::Application::Product.count
+ assert_equal 0, ::AppTemplate::Application::User.count
+ end
+ def test_loading_only_yml_fixtures
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rake db:migrate`
+ end
+ app_file "test/fixtures/products.csv", ""
+ require "#{rails_root}/config/environment"
+ errormsg = Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rake db:fixtures:load` }
+ assert $?.success?, errormsg
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_tests_pass_by_default
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate scaffold user username:string password:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate test`
+ end
+ assert_match(/7 runs, 12 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, output)
+ assert_no_match(/Errors running/, output)
+ end
+ def test_api_scaffold_tests_pass_by_default
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ config.api_only = true
+ app_file "app/controllers/application_controller.rb", <<-RUBY
+ class ApplicationController < ActionController::API
+ end
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate scaffold user username:string password:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate test`
+ end
+ assert_match(/5 runs, 7 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, output)
+ assert_no_match(/Errors running/, output)
+ end
+ def test_scaffold_with_references_columns_tests_pass_when_belongs_to_is_optional
+ app_file "config/initializers/active_record_belongs_to_required_by_default.rb",
+ "Rails.application.config.active_record.belongs_to_required_by_default = false"
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate scaffold LineItems product:references cart:belongs_to;
+ bin/rake db:migrate test`
+ end
+ assert_match(/7 runs, 12 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors/, output)
+ assert_no_match(/Errors running/, output)
+ end
+ def test_db_test_clone_when_using_sql_format
+ add_to_config "config.active_record.schema_format = :sql"
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate scaffold user username:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate;
+ bin/rake db:test:clone 2>&1 --trace`
+ end
+ assert_match(/Execute db:test:clone_structure/, output)
+ end
+ def test_db_test_prepare_when_using_sql_format
+ add_to_config "config.active_record.schema_format = :sql"
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate scaffold user username:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate;
+ bin/rake db:test:prepare 2>&1 --trace`
+ end
+ assert_match(/Execute db:test:load_structure/, output)
+ end
+ def test_rake_dump_structure_should_respect_db_structure_env_variable
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ # ensure we have a schema_migrations table to dump
+ `bin/rake db:migrate db:structure:dump SCHEMA=db/my_structure.sql`
+ end
+ assert File.exist?(File.join(app_path, 'db', 'my_structure.sql'))
+ end
+ def test_rake_dump_structure_should_be_called_twice_when_migrate_redo
+ add_to_config "config.active_record.schema_format = :sql"
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails g model post title:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate:redo 2>&1 --trace;`
+ end
+ # expect only Invoke db:structure:dump (first_time)
+ assert_no_match(/^\*\* Invoke db:structure:dump\s+$/, output)
+ end
+ def test_rake_dump_schema_cache
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rails generate model post title:string;
+ bin/rails generate model product name:string;
+ bin/rake db:migrate db:schema:cache:dump`
+ end
+ assert File.exist?(File.join(app_path, 'db', 'schema_cache.dump'))
+ end
+ def test_rake_clear_schema_cache
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rake db:schema:cache:dump db:schema:cache:clear`
+ end
+ assert !File.exist?(File.join(app_path, 'db', 'schema_cache.dump'))
+ end
+ def test_copy_templates
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rake rails:templates:copy`
+ %w(controller mailer scaffold).each do |dir|
+ assert File.exist?(File.join(app_path, 'lib', 'templates', 'erb', dir))
+ end
+ %w(controller helper scaffold_controller assets).each do |dir|
+ assert File.exist?(File.join(app_path, 'lib', 'templates', 'rails', dir))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_template_load_initializers
+ app_file "config/initializers/dummy.rb", "puts 'Hello, World!'"
+ app_file "template.rb", ""
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `bin/rake rails:template LOCATION=template.rb`
+ end
+ assert_match(/Hello, World!/, output)
+ end
+ def test_tmp_clear_should_work_if_folder_missing
+ FileUtils.remove_dir("#{app_path}/tmp")
+ errormsg = Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rake tmp:clear` }
+ assert_predicate $?, :success?
+ assert_empty errormsg
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/rendering_test.rb b/railties/test/application/rendering_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b01febd768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/rendering_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+require 'rack/test'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class RoutingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ include Rack::Test::Methods
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ test "Unknown format falls back to HTML template" do
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get 'pages/:id', to: 'pages#show'
+ end
+ app_file 'app/controllers/pages_controller.rb', <<-RUBY
+ class PagesController < ApplicationController
+ layout false
+ def show
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'app/views/pages/show.html.erb', <<-RUBY
+ <%= params[:id] %>
+ get '/pages/foo'
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ get '/pages/foo.bar'
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/routing_test.rb b/railties/test/application/routing_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0777714d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/routing_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+require 'rack/test'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class RoutingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ include Rack::Test::Methods
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ test "rails/welcome in development" do
+ app("development")
+ get "/"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "rails/info in development" do
+ app("development")
+ get "/rails/info"
+ assert_equal 302, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "rails/info/routes in development" do
+ app("development")
+ get "/rails/info/routes"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "rails/info/properties in development" do
+ app("development")
+ get "/rails/info/properties"
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "root takes precedence over internal welcome controller" do
+ app("development")
+ get '/'
+ assert_match %r{<h1>Getting started</h1>} , last_response.body
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render text: "foo"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ root to: "foo#index"
+ end
+ get '/'
+ assert_equal 'foo', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "rails/welcome in production" do
+ app("production")
+ get "/"
+ assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "rails/info in production" do
+ app("production")
+ get "/rails/info"
+ assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "rails/info/routes in production" do
+ app("production")
+ get "/rails/info/routes"
+ assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "rails/info/properties in production" do
+ app("production")
+ get "/rails/info/properties"
+ assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "simple controller" do
+ simple_controller
+ get '/foo'
+ assert_equal 'foo', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "simple controller with helper" do
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render inline: "<%= foo_or_bar? %>"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'app/helpers/bar_helper.rb', <<-RUBY
+ module BarHelper
+ def foo_or_bar?
+ "bar"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get ':controller(/:action)'
+ end
+ get '/foo'
+ assert_equal 'bar', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "mount rack app" do
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ mount lambda { |env| [200, {}, [env["PATH_INFO"]]] }, at: "/blog"
+ # The line below is required because mount sometimes
+ # fails when a resource route is added.
+ resource :user
+ end
+ get '/blog/archives'
+ assert_equal '/archives', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "mount named rack app" do
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render text: my_blog_path
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ mount lambda { |env| [200, {}, [env["PATH_INFO"]]] }, at: "/blog", as: "my_blog"
+ get '/foo' => 'foo#index'
+ end
+ get '/foo'
+ assert_equal '/blog', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "multiple controllers" do
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render text: "foo"
+ end
+ end
+ controller :bar, <<-RUBY
+ class BarController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ render text: "bar"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get ':controller(/:action)'
+ end
+ get '/foo'
+ assert_equal 'foo', last_response.body
+ get '/bar'
+ assert_equal 'bar', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "nested controller" do
+ controller 'foo', <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render text: "foo"
+ end
+ end
+ controller 'admin/foo', <<-RUBY
+ module Admin
+ class FooController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render text: "admin::foo"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get 'admin/foo', to: 'admin/foo#index'
+ get 'foo', to: 'foo#index'
+ end
+ get '/foo'
+ assert_equal 'foo', last_response.body
+ get '/admin/foo'
+ assert_equal 'admin::foo', last_response.body
+ end
+ test "routes appending blocks" do
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get ':controller/:action'
+ end
+ add_to_config <<-R
+ routes.append do
+ get '/win' => lambda { |e| [200, {'Content-Type'=>'text/plain'}, ['WIN']] }
+ end
+ R
+ app 'development'
+ get '/win'
+ assert_equal 'WIN', last_response.body
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-R
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get 'lol' => 'hello#index'
+ end
+ R
+ get '/win'
+ assert_equal 'WIN', last_response.body
+ end
+ {"development" => "baz", "production" => "bar"}.each do |mode, expected|
+ test "reloads routes when configuration is changed in #{mode}" do
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ApplicationController
+ def bar
+ render text: "bar"
+ end
+ def baz
+ render text: "baz"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get 'foo', to: 'foo#bar'
+ end
+ app(mode)
+ get '/foo'
+ assert_equal 'bar', last_response.body
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get 'foo', to: 'foo#baz'
+ end
+ sleep 0.1
+ get '/foo'
+ assert_equal expected, last_response.body
+ end
+ end
+ test 'routes are loaded just after initialization' do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/application"
+ # Create the rack app just inside after initialize callback
+ ActiveSupport.on_load(:after_initialize) do
+ ::InitializeRackApp = lambda { |env| [200, {}, ["InitializeRackApp"]] }
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get 'foo', to: ::InitializeRackApp
+ end
+ get '/foo'
+ assert_equal "InitializeRackApp", last_response.body
+ end
+ test 'reload_routes! is part of Rails.application API' do
+ app("development")
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Rails.application.reload_routes!
+ end
+ end
+ def test_root_path
+ app('development')
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render :text => "foo"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get 'foo', :to => 'foo#index'
+ root :to => 'foo#index'
+ end
+ remove_file 'public/index.html'
+ get '/'
+ assert_equal 'foo', last_response.body
+ end
+ test 'routes are added and removed when reloading' do
+ app('development')
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render text: "foo"
+ end
+ end
+ controller :bar, <<-RUBY
+ class BarController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render text: "bar"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get 'foo', to: 'foo#index'
+ end
+ get '/foo'
+ assert_equal 'foo', last_response.body
+ assert_equal '/foo', Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.foo_path
+ get '/bar'
+ assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+ assert_raises NoMethodError do
+ assert_equal '/bar', Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.bar_path
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get 'foo', to: 'foo#index'
+ get 'bar', to: 'bar#index'
+ end
+ Rails.application.reload_routes!
+ get '/foo'
+ assert_equal 'foo', last_response.body
+ assert_equal '/foo', Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.foo_path
+ get '/bar'
+ assert_equal 'bar', last_response.body
+ assert_equal '/bar', Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.bar_path
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get 'foo', to: 'foo#index'
+ end
+ Rails.application.reload_routes!
+ get '/foo'
+ assert_equal 'foo', last_response.body
+ assert_equal '/foo', Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.foo_path
+ get '/bar'
+ assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+ assert_raises NoMethodError do
+ assert_equal '/bar', Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.bar_path
+ end
+ end
+ test 'named routes are cleared when reloading' do
+ app('development')
+ controller :foo, <<-RUBY
+ class FooController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render text: "foo"
+ end
+ end
+ controller :bar, <<-RUBY
+ class BarController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render text: "bar"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get ':locale/foo', to: 'foo#index', as: 'foo'
+ end
+ get '/en/foo'
+ assert_equal 'foo', last_response.body
+ assert_equal '/en/foo', Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.foo_path(:locale => 'en')
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get ':locale/bar', to: 'bar#index', as: 'foo'
+ end
+ Rails.application.reload_routes!
+ get '/en/foo'
+ assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+ get '/en/bar'
+ assert_equal 'bar', last_response.body
+ assert_equal '/en/bar', Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.foo_path(:locale => 'en')
+ end
+ test 'resource routing with irregular inflection' do
+ app_file 'config/initializers/inflection.rb', <<-RUBY
+ ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections do |inflect|
+ inflect.irregular 'yazi', 'yazilar'
+ end
+ app_file 'config/routes.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ resources :yazilar
+ end
+ controller 'yazilar', <<-RUBY
+ class YazilarController < ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render text: 'yazilar#index'
+ end
+ end
+ get '/yazilars'
+ assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+ get '/yazilar'
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/runner_test.rb b/railties/test/application/runner_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0c180339b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/runner_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+require 'env_helpers'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class RunnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ include EnvHelpers
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ # Lets create a model so we have something to play with
+ app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-MODEL
+ class User
+ def self.count
+ 42
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def test_should_include_runner_in_shebang_line_in_help_without_option
+ assert_match "/rails runner", Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails runner` }
+ end
+ def test_should_include_runner_in_shebang_line_in_help
+ assert_match "/rails runner", Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails runner --help` }
+ end
+ def test_should_run_ruby_statement
+ assert_match "42", Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails runner "puts User.count"` }
+ end
+ def test_should_run_file
+ app_file "bin/count_users.rb", <<-SCRIPT
+ puts User.count
+ assert_match "42", Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails runner "bin/count_users.rb"` }
+ end
+ def test_should_set_dollar_0_to_file
+ app_file "bin/dollar0.rb", <<-SCRIPT
+ puts $0
+ assert_match "bin/dollar0.rb", Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails runner "bin/dollar0.rb"` }
+ end
+ def test_should_set_dollar_program_name_to_file
+ app_file "bin/program_name.rb", <<-SCRIPT
+ assert_match "bin/program_name.rb", Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails runner "bin/program_name.rb"` }
+ end
+ def test_with_hook
+ add_to_config <<-RUBY
+ runner do |app|
+ app.config.ran = true
+ end
+ assert_match "true", Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails runner "puts Rails.application.config.ran"` }
+ end
+ def test_default_environment
+ assert_match "development", Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails runner "puts Rails.env"` }
+ end
+ def test_environment_with_rails_env
+ with_rails_env "production" do
+ assert_match "production", Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails runner "puts Rails.env"` }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_environment_with_rack_env
+ with_rack_env "production" do
+ assert_match "production", Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails runner "puts Rails.env"` }
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/test_runner_test.rb b/railties/test/application/test_runner_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4965ab7da0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/test_runner_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/string/strip'
+require 'env_helpers'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class TestRunnerTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation, EnvHelpers
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ create_schema
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def test_run_single_file
+ create_test_file :models, 'foo'
+ create_test_file :models, 'bar'
+ assert_match "1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures", run_test_command("test/models/foo_test.rb")
+ end
+ def test_run_multiple_files
+ create_test_file :models, 'foo'
+ create_test_file :models, 'bar'
+ assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures", run_test_command("test/models/foo_test.rb test/models/bar_test.rb")
+ end
+ def test_run_file_with_syntax_error
+ app_file 'test/models/error_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ def; end
+ error = capture(:stderr) { run_test_command('test/models/error_test.rb') }
+ assert_match "syntax error", error
+ end
+ def test_run_models
+ create_test_file :models, 'foo'
+ create_test_file :models, 'bar'
+ create_test_file :controllers, 'foobar_controller'
+ run_test_command("test/models").tap do |output|
+ assert_match "FooTest", output
+ assert_match "BarTest", output
+ assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures", output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_run_helpers
+ create_test_file :helpers, 'foo_helper'
+ create_test_file :helpers, 'bar_helper'
+ create_test_file :controllers, 'foobar_controller'
+ run_test_command("test/helpers").tap do |output|
+ assert_match "FooHelperTest", output
+ assert_match "BarHelperTest", output
+ assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures", output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_run_units
+ skip "we no longer have the concept of unit tests. Just different directories..."
+ create_test_file :models, 'foo'
+ create_test_file :helpers, 'bar_helper'
+ create_test_file :unit, 'baz_unit'
+ create_test_file :controllers, 'foobar_controller'
+ run_test_units_command.tap do |output|
+ assert_match "FooTest", output
+ assert_match "BarHelperTest", output
+ assert_match "BazUnitTest", output
+ assert_match "3 runs, 3 assertions, 0 failures", output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_run_controllers
+ create_test_file :controllers, 'foo_controller'
+ create_test_file :controllers, 'bar_controller'
+ create_test_file :models, 'foo'
+ run_test_command("test/controllers").tap do |output|
+ assert_match "FooControllerTest", output
+ assert_match "BarControllerTest", output
+ assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures", output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_run_mailers
+ create_test_file :mailers, 'foo_mailer'
+ create_test_file :mailers, 'bar_mailer'
+ create_test_file :models, 'foo'
+ run_test_command("test/mailers").tap do |output|
+ assert_match "FooMailerTest", output
+ assert_match "BarMailerTest", output
+ assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures", output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_run_jobs
+ create_test_file :jobs, 'foo_job'
+ create_test_file :jobs, 'bar_job'
+ create_test_file :models, 'foo'
+ run_test_command("test/jobs").tap do |output|
+ assert_match "FooJobTest", output
+ assert_match "BarJobTest", output
+ assert_match "2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures", output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_run_functionals
+ skip "we no longer have the concept of functional tests. Just different directories..."
+ create_test_file :mailers, 'foo_mailer'
+ create_test_file :controllers, 'bar_controller'
+ create_test_file :functional, 'baz_functional'
+ create_test_file :models, 'foo'
+ run_test_functionals_command.tap do |output|
+ assert_match "FooMailerTest", output
+ assert_match "BarControllerTest", output
+ assert_match "BazFunctionalTest", output
+ assert_match "3 runs, 3 assertions, 0 failures", output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_run_integration
+ create_test_file :integration, 'foo_integration'
+ create_test_file :models, 'foo'
+ run_test_command("test/integration").tap do |output|
+ assert_match "FooIntegration", output
+ assert_match "1 runs, 1 assertions, 0 failures", output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_run_all_suites
+ suites = [:models, :helpers, :unit, :controllers, :mailers, :functional, :integration, :jobs]
+ suites.each { |suite| create_test_file suite, "foo_#{suite}" }
+ run_test_command('') .tap do |output|
+ suites.each { |suite| assert_match "Foo#{suite.to_s.camelize}Test", output }
+ assert_match "8 runs, 8 assertions, 0 failures", output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_run_named_test
+ app_file 'test/unit/chu_2_koi_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class Chu2KoiTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def test_rikka
+ puts 'Rikka'
+ end
+ def test_sanae
+ puts 'Sanae'
+ end
+ end
+ run_test_command('-n test_rikka test/unit/chu_2_koi_test.rb').tap do |output|
+ assert_match "Rikka", output
+ assert_no_match "Sanae", output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_run_matched_test
+ app_file 'test/unit/chu_2_koi_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class Chu2KoiTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def test_rikka
+ puts 'Rikka'
+ end
+ def test_sanae
+ puts 'Sanae'
+ end
+ end
+ run_test_command('-n /rikka/ test/unit/chu_2_koi_test.rb').tap do |output|
+ assert_match "Rikka", output
+ assert_no_match "Sanae", output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_load_fixtures_when_running_test_suites
+ create_model_with_fixture
+ suites = [:models, :helpers, :controllers, :mailers, :integration]
+ suites.each do |suite, directory|
+ directory ||= suite
+ create_fixture_test directory
+ assert_match "3 users", run_test_command("test/#{suite}")
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) { FileUtils.rm_f "test/#{directory}" }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_run_with_model
+ skip "These feel a bit odd. Not sure we should keep supporting them."
+ create_model_with_fixture
+ create_fixture_test 'models', 'user'
+ assert_match "3 users", run_task(["test models/user"])
+ assert_match "3 users", run_task(["test app/models/user.rb"])
+ end
+ def test_run_different_environment_using_env_var
+ skip "no longer possible. Running tests in a different environment should be explicit"
+ app_file 'test/unit/env_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class EnvTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def test_env
+ puts Rails.env
+ end
+ end
+ ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'development'
+ assert_match "development", run_test_command('test/unit/env_test.rb')
+ end
+ def test_run_in_test_environment_by_default
+ create_env_test
+ assert_match "Current Environment: test", run_test_command('test/unit/env_test.rb')
+ end
+ def test_run_different_environment
+ create_env_test
+ assert_match "Current Environment: development",
+ run_test_command("-e development test/unit/env_test.rb")
+ end
+ def test_generated_scaffold_works_with_rails_test
+ create_scaffold
+ assert_match "0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips", run_test_command('')
+ end
+ def test_run_multiple_folders
+ create_test_file :models, 'account'
+ create_test_file :controllers, 'accounts_controller'
+ run_test_command('test/models test/controllers').tap do |output|
+ assert_match 'AccountTest', output
+ assert_match 'AccountsControllerTest', output
+ assert_match '2 runs, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips', output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_run_with_ruby_command
+ app_file 'test/models/post_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class PostTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ test 'declarative syntax works' do
+ puts 'PostTest'
+ assert true
+ end
+ end
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) do
+ `ruby -Itest test/models/post_test.rb`.tap do |output|
+ assert_match 'PostTest', output
+ assert_no_match 'is already defined in', output
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_mix_files_and_line_filters
+ create_test_file :models, 'account'
+ app_file 'test/models/post_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class PostTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def test_post
+ puts 'PostTest'
+ assert true
+ end
+ def test_line_filter_does_not_run_this
+ assert true
+ end
+ end
+ run_test_command('test/models/account_test.rb test/models/post_test.rb:4').tap do |output|
+ assert_match 'AccountTest', output
+ assert_match 'PostTest', output
+ assert_match '2 runs, 2 assertions', output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_multiple_line_filters
+ create_test_file :models, 'account'
+ create_test_file :models, 'post'
+ run_test_command('test/models/account_test.rb:4 test/models/post_test.rb:4').tap do |output|
+ assert_match 'AccountTest', output
+ assert_match 'PostTest', output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_line_filter_without_line_runs_all_tests
+ create_test_file :models, 'account'
+ run_test_command('test/models/account_test.rb:').tap do |output|
+ assert_match 'AccountTest', output
+ end
+ end
+ def test_shows_filtered_backtrace_by_default
+ create_backtrace_test
+ assert_match 'Rails::BacktraceCleaner', run_test_command('test/unit/backtrace_test.rb')
+ end
+ def test_backtrace_option
+ create_backtrace_test
+ assert_match 'Minitest::BacktraceFilter', run_test_command('test/unit/backtrace_test.rb -b')
+ assert_match 'Minitest::BacktraceFilter',
+ run_test_command('test/unit/backtrace_test.rb --backtrace')
+ end
+ def test_show_full_backtrace_using_backtrace_environment_variable
+ create_backtrace_test
+ switch_env 'BACKTRACE', 'true' do
+ assert_match 'Minitest::BacktraceFilter', run_test_command('test/unit/backtrace_test.rb')
+ end
+ end
+ def test_run_app_without_rails_loaded
+ # Simulate a real Rails app boot.
+ app_file 'config/boot.rb', <<-RUBY
+ ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path('../../Gemfile', __FILE__)
+ require 'bundler/setup' # Set up gems listed in the Gemfile.
+ assert_match '0 runs, 0 assertions', run_test_command('')
+ end
+ def test_output_inline_by_default
+ create_test_file :models, 'post', pass: false
+ output = run_test_command('test/models/post_test.rb')
+ assert_match %r{Running:\n\nPostTest\nF\n\nwups!\n\nbin/rails test test/models/post_test.rb:6}, output
+ end
+ def test_only_inline_failure_output
+ create_test_file :models, 'post', pass: false
+ output = run_test_command('test/models/post_test.rb')
+ assert_match %r{Finished in.*\n\n1 runs, 1 assertions}, output
+ end
+ def test_fail_fast
+ create_test_file :models, 'post', pass: false
+ assert_match(/Interrupt/,
+ capture(:stderr) { run_test_command('test/models/post_test.rb --fail-fast') })
+ end
+ def test_raise_error_when_specified_file_does_not_exist
+ error = capture(:stderr) { run_test_command('test/not_exists.rb') }
+ assert_match(%r{cannot load such file.+test/not_exists\.rb}, error)
+ end
+ private
+ def run_test_command(arguments = 'test/unit/test_test.rb')
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails t #{arguments}` }
+ end
+ def create_model_with_fixture
+ script 'generate model user name:string'
+ app_file 'test/fixtures/users.yml', <<-YAML.strip_heredoc
+ vampire:
+ id: 1
+ name: Koyomi Araragi
+ crab:
+ id: 2
+ name: Senjougahara Hitagi
+ cat:
+ id: 3
+ name: Tsubasa Hanekawa
+ run_migration
+ end
+ def create_fixture_test(path = :unit, name = 'test')
+ app_file "test/#{path}/#{name}_test.rb", <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class #{name.camelize}Test < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def test_fixture
+ puts "\#{User.count} users (\#{__FILE__})"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def create_backtrace_test
+ app_file 'test/unit/backtrace_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class BacktraceTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def test_backtrace
+ puts Minitest.backtrace_filter
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def create_schema
+ app_file 'db/schema.rb', ''
+ end
+ def create_test_file(path = :unit, name = 'test', pass: true)
+ app_file "test/#{path}/#{name}_test.rb", <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class #{name.camelize}Test < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def test_truth
+ puts "#{name.camelize}Test"
+ assert #{pass}, 'wups!'
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def create_env_test
+ app_file 'test/unit/env_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class EnvTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def test_env
+ puts "Current Environment: \#{Rails.env}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def create_scaffold
+ script 'generate scaffold user name:string'
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) { File.exist?('app/models/user.rb') }
+ run_migration
+ end
+ def run_migration
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rake db:migrate` }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/test_test.rb b/railties/test/application/test_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e997f4ba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/test_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class TestTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def setup
+ build_app
+ boot_rails
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ test "truth" do
+ app_file 'test/unit/foo_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class FooTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def test_truth
+ assert true
+ end
+ end
+ assert_successful_test_run 'unit/foo_test.rb'
+ end
+ test "integration test" do
+ controller 'posts', <<-RUBY
+ class PostsController < ActionController::Base
+ end
+ app_file 'app/views/posts/index.html.erb', <<-HTML
+ Posts#index
+ app_file 'test/integration/posts_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class PostsTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ def test_index
+ get '/posts'
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_includes @response.body, 'Posts#index'
+ end
+ end
+ assert_successful_test_run 'integration/posts_test.rb'
+ end
+ test "enable full backtraces on test failures" do
+ app_file 'test/unit/failing_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class FailingTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def test_failure
+ raise "fail"
+ end
+ end
+ output = run_test_file('unit/failing_test.rb', env: { "BACKTRACE" => "1" })
+ assert_match %r{test/unit/failing_test\.rb}, output
+ assert_match %r{test/unit/failing_test\.rb:4}, output
+ end
+ test "ruby schema migrations" do
+ output = script('generate model user name:string')
+ version = output.match(/(\d+)_create_users\.rb/)[1]
+ app_file 'test/models/user_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ test "user" do
+ User.create! name: "Jon"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'db/schema.rb', ''
+ assert_unsuccessful_run "models/user_test.rb", "Migrations are pending"
+ app_file 'db/schema.rb', <<-RUBY
+ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: #{version}) do
+ create_table :users do |t|
+ t.string :name
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'config/initializers/disable_maintain_test_schema.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.config.active_record.maintain_test_schema = false
+ assert_unsuccessful_run "models/user_test.rb", "Could not find table 'users'"
+ File.delete "#{app_path}/config/initializers/disable_maintain_test_schema.rb"
+ result = assert_successful_test_run('models/user_test.rb')
+ assert !result.include?("create_table(:users)")
+ end
+ test "sql structure migrations" do
+ output = script('generate model user name:string')
+ version = output.match(/(\d+)_create_users\.rb/)[1]
+ app_file 'test/models/user_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ test "user" do
+ User.create! name: "Jon"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'db/structure.sql', ''
+ app_file 'config/initializers/enable_sql_schema_format.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
+ assert_unsuccessful_run "models/user_test.rb", "Migrations are pending"
+ app_file 'db/structure.sql', <<-SQL
+ CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar(255) NOT NULL);
+ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_schema_migrations" ON "schema_migrations" ("version");
+ INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('#{version}');
+ app_file 'config/initializers/disable_maintain_test_schema.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.config.active_record.maintain_test_schema = false
+ assert_unsuccessful_run "models/user_test.rb", "Could not find table 'users'"
+ File.delete "#{app_path}/config/initializers/disable_maintain_test_schema.rb"
+ assert_successful_test_run('models/user_test.rb')
+ end
+ test "sql structure migrations when adding column to existing table" do
+ output_1 = script('generate model user name:string')
+ version_1 = output_1.match(/(\d+)_create_users\.rb/)[1]
+ app_file 'test/models/user_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ test "user" do
+ User.create! name: "Jon"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'config/initializers/enable_sql_schema_format.rb', <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.config.active_record.schema_format = :sql
+ app_file 'db/structure.sql', <<-SQL
+ CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar(255) NOT NULL);
+ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_schema_migrations" ON "schema_migrations" ("version");
+ INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('#{version_1}');
+ assert_successful_test_run('models/user_test.rb')
+ output_2 = script('generate migration add_email_to_users')
+ version_2 = output_2.match(/(\d+)_add_email_to_users\.rb/)[1]
+ app_file 'test/models/user_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ test "user" do
+ User.create! name: "Jon", email: "jon@doe.com"
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'db/structure.sql', <<-SQL
+ CREATE TABLE "schema_migrations" ("version" varchar(255) NOT NULL);
+ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX "unique_schema_migrations" ON "schema_migrations" ("version");
+ CREATE TABLE "users" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, "name" varchar(255), "email" varchar(255));
+ INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('#{version_1}');
+ INSERT INTO schema_migrations (version) VALUES ('#{version_2}');
+ assert_successful_test_run('models/user_test.rb')
+ end
+ # TODO: would be nice if we could detect the schema change automatically.
+ # For now, the user has to synchronize the schema manually.
+ # This test-case serves as a reminder for this use-case.
+ test "manually synchronize test schema after rollback" do
+ output = script('generate model user name:string')
+ version = output.match(/(\d+)_create_users\.rb/)[1]
+ app_file 'test/models/user_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ test "user" do
+ assert_equal ["id", "name"], User.columns_hash.keys
+ end
+ end
+ app_file 'db/schema.rb', <<-RUBY
+ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: #{version}) do
+ create_table :users do |t|
+ t.string :name
+ end
+ end
+ assert_successful_test_run "models/user_test.rb"
+ # Simulate `db:rollback` + edit of the migration file + `db:migrate`
+ app_file 'db/schema.rb', <<-RUBY
+ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: #{version}) do
+ create_table :users do |t|
+ t.string :name
+ t.integer :age
+ end
+ end
+ assert_successful_test_run "models/user_test.rb"
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rake db:test:prepare` }
+ assert_unsuccessful_run "models/user_test.rb", <<-ASSERTION
+Expected: ["id", "name"]
+ Actual: ["id", "name", "age"]
+ end
+ test "hooks for plugins" do
+ output = script('generate model user name:string')
+ version = output.match(/(\d+)_create_users\.rb/)[1]
+ app_file 'lib/tasks/hooks.rake', <<-RUBY
+ task :before_hook do
+ has_user_table = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?('users')
+ puts "before: " + has_user_table.to_s
+ end
+ task :after_hook do
+ has_user_table = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.table_exists?('users')
+ puts "after: " + has_user_table.to_s
+ end
+ Rake::Task["db:test:prepare"].enhance [:before_hook] do
+ Rake::Task[:after_hook].invoke
+ end
+ app_file 'test/models/user_test.rb', <<-RUBY
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class UserTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ test "user" do
+ User.create! name: "Jon"
+ end
+ end
+ # Simulate `db:migrate`
+ app_file 'db/schema.rb', <<-RUBY
+ ActiveRecord::Schema.define(version: #{version}) do
+ create_table :users do |t|
+ t.string :name
+ end
+ end
+ output = assert_successful_test_run "models/user_test.rb"
+ assert_includes output, "before: false\nafter: true"
+ # running tests again won't trigger a schema update
+ output = assert_successful_test_run "models/user_test.rb"
+ assert_not_includes output, "before:"
+ assert_not_includes output, "after:"
+ end
+ private
+ def assert_unsuccessful_run(name, message)
+ result = run_test_file(name)
+ assert_not_equal 0, $?.to_i
+ assert result.include?(message)
+ result
+ end
+ def assert_successful_test_run(name)
+ result = run_test_file(name)
+ assert_equal 0, $?.to_i, result
+ result
+ end
+ def run_test_file(name, options = {})
+ Dir.chdir(app_path) { `bin/rails test "#{app_path}/test/#{name}" 2>&1` }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/railties/test/application/url_generation_test.rb b/railties/test/application/url_generation_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..894e18cb39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/url_generation_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+require 'isolation/abstract_unit'
+module ApplicationTests
+ class UrlGenerationTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ def app
+ Rails.application
+ end
+ test "it works" do
+ boot_rails
+ require "rails"
+ require "action_controller/railtie"
+ require "action_view/railtie"
+ class MyApp < Rails::Application
+ secrets.secret_key_base = "3b7cd727ee24e8444053437c36cc66c4"
+ config.session_store :cookie_store, key: "_myapp_session"
+ config.active_support.deprecation = :log
+ config.eager_load = false
+ end
+ Rails.application.initialize!
+ class ::ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
+ end
+ class ::OmgController < ::ApplicationController
+ def index
+ render text: omg_path
+ end
+ end
+ MyApp.routes.draw do
+ get "/" => "omg#index", as: :omg
+ end
+ require 'rack/test'
+ extend Rack::Test::Methods
+ get "/"
+ assert_equal "/", last_response.body
+ end
+ def test_routes_know_the_relative_root
+ boot_rails
+ require "rails"
+ require "action_controller/railtie"
+ require "action_view/railtie"
+ relative_url = '/hello'
+ ENV["RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT"] = relative_url
+ app = Class.new(Rails::Application)
+ assert_equal relative_url, app.routes.relative_url_root
+ end
+ end