path: root/railties/test/application/assets_test.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'railties/test/application/assets_test.rb')
1 files changed, 507 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/railties/test/application/assets_test.rb b/railties/test/application/assets_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46ee0d670e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/test/application/assets_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,507 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "isolation/abstract_unit"
+require "rack/test"
+require "active_support/json"
+module ApplicationTests
+ class AssetsTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Isolation
+ include Rack::Test::Methods
+ def setup
+ build_app(initializers: true)
+ end
+ def teardown
+ teardown_app
+ end
+ def precompile!(env = nil)
+ with_env env.to_h do
+ quietly do
+ precompile_task = "bin/rails assets:precompile --trace 2>&1"
+ output = Dir.chdir(app_path) { %x[ #{precompile_task} ] }
+ assert $?.success?, output
+ output
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def with_env(env)
+ env.each { |k, v| ENV[k.to_s] = v }
+ yield
+ ensure
+ env.each_key { |k| ENV.delete k.to_s }
+ end
+ def clean_assets!
+ quietly do
+ assert Dir.chdir(app_path) { system("bin/rails assets:clobber") }
+ end
+ end
+ def assert_file_exists(filename)
+ globbed = Dir[filename]
+ assert globbed.one?, "Found #{globbed.size} files matching #{filename}. All files in the directory: #{Dir.entries(File.dirname(filename)).inspect}"
+ end
+ def assert_no_file_exists(filename)
+ assert_not File.exist?(filename), "#{filename} does exist"
+ end
+ test "assets routes have higher priority" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notactuallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/demo.js.erb", "a = <%= image_path('rails.png').inspect %>;"
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '*path', to: lambda { |env| [200, { "Content-Type" => "text/html" }, ["Not an asset"]] }
+ end
+ add_to_env_config "development", "config.assets.digest = false"
+ require "#{app_path}/config/environment"
+ get "/assets/demo.js"
+ assert_equal 'a = "/assets/rails.png";', last_response.body.strip
+ end
+ test "precompile creates the file, gives it the original asset's content and run in production as default" do
+ app_file "app/assets/config/manifest.js", "//= link_tree ../javascripts"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/foo/application.js", "alert();"
+ precompile!
+ files = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.js"]
+ files << Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/foo/application-*.js"].first
+ files.each do |file|
+ assert_not_nil file, "Expected application.js asset to be generated, but none found"
+ assert_equal "alert();\n", File.read(file)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_precompile_does_not_hit_the_database
+ app_file "app/assets/config/manifest.js", "//= link_tree ../javascripts"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/foo/application.js", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/controllers/users_controller.rb", <<-eoruby
+ class UsersController < ApplicationController; end
+ eoruby
+ app_file "app/models/user.rb", <<-eoruby
+ class User < ActiveRecord::Base; raise 'should not be reached'; end
+ eoruby
+ precompile! \
+ RAILS_ENV: "production",
+ DATABASE_URL: "postgresql://baduser:badpass@"
+ files = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.js"]
+ files << Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/foo/application-*.js"].first
+ files.each do |file|
+ assert_not_nil file, "Expected application.js asset to be generated, but none found"
+ assert_equal "alert();".strip, File.read(file).strip
+ end
+ end
+ test "precompile application.js and application.css and all other non JS/CSS files" do
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css", "body{}"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/someapplication.js", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/someapplication.css", "body{}"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/something.min.js", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/something.min.css", "body{}"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/something.else.js.erb", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/something.else.css.erb", "body{}"
+ images_should_compile = ["a.png", "happyface.png", "happy_face.png", "happy.face.png",
+ "happy-face.png", "happy.happy_face.png", "happy_happy.face.png",
+ "happy.happy.face.png", "-happy.png", "-happy.face.png",
+ "_happy.face.png", "_happy.png"]
+ images_should_compile.each do |filename|
+ app_file "app/assets/images/#{filename}", "happy"
+ end
+ precompile!
+ images_should_compile = ["a-*.png", "happyface-*.png", "happy_face-*.png", "happy.face-*.png",
+ "happy-face-*.png", "happy.happy_face-*.png", "happy_happy.face-*.png",
+ "happy.happy.face-*.png", "-happy-*.png", "-happy.face-*.png",
+ "_happy.face-*.png", "_happy-*.png"]
+ images_should_compile.each do |filename|
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/#{filename}")
+ end
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.js")
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.css")
+ assert_no_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/someapplication-*.js")
+ assert_no_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/someapplication-*.css")
+ assert_no_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something.min-*.js")
+ assert_no_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something.min-*.css")
+ assert_no_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something.else-*.js")
+ assert_no_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something.else-*.css")
+ end
+ test "precompile something.js for directory containing index file" do
+ add_to_config "config.assets.precompile = [ 'something.js' ]"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/something/index.js.erb", "alert();"
+ precompile!
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something/index-*.js")
+ end
+ test "precompile use assets defined in app env config" do
+ add_to_env_config "production", 'config.assets.precompile = [ "something.js" ]'
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/something.js.erb", "alert();"
+ precompile! RAILS_ENV: "production"
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something-*.js")
+ end
+ test "sprockets cache is not shared between environments" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notactuallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.erb", "body { background: '<%= asset_path('rails.png') %>'; }"
+ add_to_env_config "production", 'config.assets.prefix = "production_assets"'
+ precompile!
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.css")
+ file = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.css"].first
+ assert_match(/assets\/rails-([0-z]+)\.png/, File.read(file))
+ precompile! RAILS_ENV: "production"
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/production_assets/application-*.css")
+ file = Dir["#{app_path}/public/production_assets/application-*.css"].first
+ assert_match(/production_assets\/rails-([0-z]+)\.png/, File.read(file))
+ end
+ test "precompile use assets defined in app config and reassigned in app env config" do
+ add_to_config 'config.assets.precompile = [ "something_manifest.js" ]'
+ add_to_env_config "production", 'config.assets.precompile += [ "another_manifest.js" ]'
+ app_file "app/assets/config/something_manifest.js", "//= link something.js"
+ app_file "app/assets/config/another_manifest.js", "//= link another.js"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/something.js.erb", "alert();"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/another.js.erb", "alert();"
+ precompile! RAILS_ENV: "production"
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something_manifest-*.js")
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/something-*.js")
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/another_manifest-*.js")
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/another-*.js")
+ end
+ test "asset pipeline should use a Sprockets::CachedEnvironment when config.assets.digest is true" do
+ add_to_config "config.action_controller.perform_caching = false"
+ add_to_env_config "production", "config.assets.compile = true"
+ # Load app env
+ app "production"
+ assert_equal Sprockets::CachedEnvironment, Rails.application.assets.class
+ end
+ test "precompile creates a manifest file with all the assets listed" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notactuallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.erb", "<%= asset_path('rails.png') %>"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "alert();"
+ precompile!
+ manifest = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/.sprockets-manifest-*.json"].first
+ assets = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(File.read(manifest))
+ assert_match(/application-([0-z]+)\.js/, assets["assets"]["application.js"])
+ assert_match(/application-([0-z]+)\.css/, assets["assets"]["application.css"])
+ end
+ test "the manifest file should be saved by default in the same assets folder" do
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "alert();"
+ add_to_config "config.assets.prefix = '/x'"
+ precompile!
+ manifest = Dir["#{app_path}/public/x/.sprockets-manifest-*.json"].first
+ assets = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(File.read(manifest))
+ assert_match(/application-([0-z]+)\.js/, assets["assets"]["application.js"])
+ end
+ test "assets do not require any assets group gem when manifest file is present" do
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "alert();"
+ add_to_env_config "production", "config.public_file_server.enabled = true"
+ precompile! RAILS_ENV: "production"
+ manifest = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/.sprockets-manifest-*.json"].first
+ assets = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(File.read(manifest))
+ asset_path = assets["assets"]["application.js"]
+ # Load app env
+ app "production"
+ # Checking if Uglifier is defined we can know if Sprockets was reached or not
+ assert_not defined?(Uglifier)
+ get "/assets/#{asset_path}"
+ assert_match "alert()", last_response.body
+ assert_not defined?(Uglifier)
+ end
+ test "precompile properly refers files referenced with asset_path" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notactuallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.erb", "p { background-image: url(<%= asset_path('rails.png') %>) }"
+ precompile!
+ file = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.css"].first
+ assert_match(/\/assets\/rails-([0-z]+)\.png/, File.read(file))
+ end
+ test "precompile shouldn't use the digests present in manifest.json" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notactuallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.erb", "p { background-image: url(<%= asset_path('rails.png') %>) }"
+ precompile! RAILS_ENV: "production"
+ manifest = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/.sprockets-manifest-*.json"].first
+ assets = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(File.read(manifest))
+ asset_path = assets["assets"]["application.css"]
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "p { url: change }"
+ precompile!
+ assets = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(File.read(manifest))
+ assert_not_equal asset_path, assets["assets"]["application.css"]
+ end
+ test "precompile appends the MD5 hash to files referenced with asset_path and run in production with digest true" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notactuallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/stylesheets/application.css.erb", "p { background-image: url(<%= asset_path('rails.png') %>) }"
+ precompile! RAILS_ENV: "production"
+ file = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.css"].first
+ assert_match(/\/assets\/rails-([0-z]+)\.png/, File.read(file))
+ end
+ test "precompile should handle utf8 filenames" do
+ filename = "レイルズ.png"
+ app_file "app/assets/images/#{filename}", "not an image really"
+ app_file "app/assets/config/manifest.js", "//= link_tree ../images"
+ add_to_config "config.assets.precompile = %w(manifest.js)"
+ precompile!
+ manifest = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/.sprockets-manifest-*.json"].first
+ assets = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(File.read(manifest))
+ assert asset_path = assets["assets"].find { |(k, _)| k && k =~ /.png/ }[1]
+ # Load app env
+ app "development"
+ get "/assets/#{URI.parser.escape(asset_path)}"
+ assert_match "not an image really", last_response.body
+ assert_file_exists("#{app_path}/public/assets/#{asset_path}")
+ end
+ test "assets are cleaned up properly" do
+ app_file "public/assets/application.js", "alert();"
+ app_file "public/assets/application.css", "a { color: green; }"
+ app_file "public/assets/subdir/broken.png", "not really an image file"
+ clean_assets!
+ files = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/**/*"]
+ assert_equal 0, files.length, "Expected no assets, but found #{files.join(', ')}"
+ end
+ test "assets routes are not drawn when compilation is disabled" do
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/demo.js.erb", "<%= :alert %>();"
+ add_to_config "config.assets.compile = false"
+ # Load app env
+ app "production"
+ get "/assets/demo.js"
+ assert_equal 404, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "does not stream session cookies back" do
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/demo.js.erb", "<%= :alert %>();"
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/omg', :to => "omg#index"
+ end
+ add_to_env_config "development", "config.assets.digest = false"
+ # Load app env
+ app "development"
+ class ::OmgController < ActionController::Base
+ def index
+ flash[:cool_story] = true
+ render plain: "ok"
+ end
+ end
+ get "/omg"
+ assert_equal "ok", last_response.body
+ get "/assets/demo.js"
+ assert_match "alert()", last_response.body
+ assert_nil last_response.headers["Set-Cookie"]
+ end
+ test "files in any assets/ directories are not added to Sprockets" do
+ %w[app lib vendor].each do |dir|
+ app_file "#{dir}/assets/#{dir}_test.erb", "testing"
+ end
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/demo.js", "alert();"
+ add_to_env_config "development", "config.assets.digest = false"
+ # Load app env
+ app "development"
+ get "/assets/demo.js"
+ assert_match "alert();", last_response.body
+ assert_equal 200, last_response.status
+ end
+ test "assets are concatenated when debug is off and compile is off either if debug_assets param is provided" do
+ app_with_assets_in_view
+ # config.assets.debug and config.assets.compile are false for production environment
+ precompile! RAILS_ENV: "production"
+ # Load app env
+ app "production"
+ class ::PostsController < ActionController::Base ; end
+ # the debug_assets params isn't used if compile is off
+ get "/posts?debug_assets=true"
+ assert_match(/<script src="\/assets\/application-([0-z]+)\.js"><\/script>/, last_response.body)
+ assert_no_match(/<script src="\/assets\/xmlhr-([0-z]+)\.js"><\/script>/, last_response.body)
+ end
+ test "assets can access model information when precompiling" do
+ app_file "app/models/post.rb", "class Post; end"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "//= require_tree ."
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/xmlhr.js.erb", "<%= Post.name %>"
+ precompile!
+ assert_match(/Post;/, File.read(Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.js"].first))
+ end
+ test "initialization on the assets group should set assets_dir" do
+ require "#{app_path}/config/application"
+ Rails.application.initialize!(:assets)
+ assert_not_nil Rails.application.config.action_controller.assets_dir
+ end
+ test "enhancements to assets:precompile should only run once" do
+ app_file "lib/tasks/enhance.rake", "Rake::Task['assets:precompile'].enhance { puts 'enhancement' }"
+ output = precompile!
+ assert_equal 1, output.scan("enhancement").size
+ end
+ test "digested assets are not mistakenly removed" do
+ app_file "app/assets/application.css", "div { font-weight: bold }"
+ add_to_config "config.assets.compile = true"
+ precompile!
+ files = Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/application-*.css"]
+ assert_equal 1, files.length, "Expected digested application.css asset to be generated, but none found"
+ end
+ test "digested assets are removed from configured path" do
+ app_file "public/production_assets/application.js", "alert();"
+ add_to_env_config "production", "config.assets.prefix = 'production_assets'"
+ ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = nil
+ clean_assets!
+ files = Dir["#{app_path}/public/production_assets/application-*.js"]
+ assert_equal 0, files.length, "Expected application.js asset to be removed, but still exists"
+ end
+ test "asset urls should use the request's protocol by default" do
+ app_with_assets_in_view
+ add_to_config "config.asset_host = 'example.com'"
+ add_to_env_config "development", "config.assets.digest = false"
+ # Load app env
+ app "development"
+ class ::PostsController < ActionController::Base; end
+ get "/posts", {}, { "HTTPS" => "off" }
+ assert_match('src="http://example.com/assets/application.self.js', last_response.body)
+ get "/posts", {}, { "HTTPS" => "on" }
+ assert_match('src="https://example.com/assets/application.self.js', last_response.body)
+ end
+ test "asset urls should be protocol-relative if no request is in scope" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notreallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/image_loader.js.erb", "var src='<%= image_path('rails.png') %>';"
+ add_to_config "config.assets.precompile = %w{rails.png image_loader.js}"
+ add_to_config "config.asset_host = 'example.com'"
+ add_to_env_config "development", "config.assets.digest = false"
+ precompile!
+ assert_match "src='//example.com/assets/rails.png'", File.read(Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/image_loader-*.js"].first)
+ end
+ test "asset paths should use RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT by default" do
+ app_file "app/assets/images/rails.png", "notreallyapng"
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/app.js.erb", "var src='<%= image_path('rails.png') %>';"
+ add_to_config "config.assets.precompile = %w{rails.png app.js}"
+ add_to_env_config "development", "config.assets.digest = false"
+ precompile!
+ assert_match "src='/sub/uri/assets/rails.png'", File.read(Dir["#{app_path}/public/assets/app-*.js"].first)
+ end
+ private
+ def app_with_assets_in_view
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/application.js", "//= require_tree ."
+ app_file "app/assets/javascripts/xmlhr.js", "function f1() { alert(); }"
+ app_file "app/views/posts/index.html.erb", "<%= javascript_include_tag 'application' %>"
+ app_file "config/routes.rb", <<-RUBY
+ Rails.application.routes.draw do
+ get '/posts', :to => "posts#index"
+ end
+ end
+ end