path: root/railties/lib/rails/paths.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'railties/lib/rails/paths.rb')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/paths.rb b/railties/lib/rails/paths.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8367ac8980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/paths.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Rails
+ module Paths
+ # This object is an extended hash that behaves as root of the <tt>Rails::Paths</tt> system.
+ # It allows you to collect information about how you want to structure your application
+ # paths through a Hash-like API. It requires you to give a physical path on initialization.
+ #
+ # root = Root.new "/rails"
+ # root.add "app/controllers", eager_load: true
+ #
+ # The above command creates a new root object and adds "app/controllers" as a path.
+ # This means we can get a <tt>Rails::Paths::Path</tt> object back like below:
+ #
+ # path = root["app/controllers"]
+ # path.eager_load? # => true
+ # path.is_a?(Rails::Paths::Path) # => true
+ #
+ # The +Path+ object is simply an enumerable and allows you to easily add extra paths:
+ #
+ # path.is_a?(Enumerable) # => true
+ # path.to_ary.inspect # => ["app/controllers"]
+ #
+ # path << "lib/controllers"
+ # path.to_ary.inspect # => ["app/controllers", "lib/controllers"]
+ #
+ # Notice that when you add a path using +add+, the path object created already
+ # contains the path with the same path value given to +add+. In some situations,
+ # you may not want this behavior, so you can give <tt>:with</tt> as option.
+ #
+ # root.add "config/routes", with: "config/routes.rb"
+ # root["config/routes"].inspect # => ["config/routes.rb"]
+ #
+ # The +add+ method accepts the following options as arguments:
+ # eager_load, autoload, autoload_once, and glob.
+ #
+ # Finally, the +Path+ object also provides a few helpers:
+ #
+ # root = Root.new "/rails"
+ # root.add "app/controllers"
+ #
+ # root["app/controllers"].expanded # => ["/rails/app/controllers"]
+ # root["app/controllers"].existent # => ["/rails/app/controllers"]
+ #
+ # Check the <tt>Rails::Paths::Path</tt> documentation for more information.
+ class Root
+ attr_accessor :path
+ def initialize(path)
+ @path = path
+ @root = {}
+ end
+ def []=(path, value)
+ glob = self[path] ? self[path].glob : nil
+ add(path, with: value, glob: glob)
+ end
+ def add(path, options = {})
+ with = Array(options.fetch(:with, path))
+ @root[path] = Path.new(self, path, with, options)
+ end
+ def [](path)
+ @root[path]
+ end
+ def values
+ @root.values
+ end
+ def keys
+ @root.keys
+ end
+ def values_at(*list)
+ @root.values_at(*list)
+ end
+ def all_paths
+ values.tap(&:uniq!)
+ end
+ def autoload_once
+ filter_by(&:autoload_once?)
+ end
+ def eager_load
+ filter_by(&:eager_load?)
+ end
+ def autoload_paths
+ filter_by(&:autoload?)
+ end
+ def load_paths
+ filter_by(&:load_path?)
+ end
+ private
+ def filter_by(&block)
+ all_paths.find_all(&block).flat_map { |path|
+ paths = path.existent
+ paths - path.children.flat_map { |p| yield(p) ? [] : p.existent }
+ }.uniq
+ end
+ end
+ class Path
+ include Enumerable
+ attr_accessor :glob
+ def initialize(root, current, paths, options = {})
+ @paths = paths
+ @current = current
+ @root = root
+ @glob = options[:glob]
+ @exclude = options[:exclude]
+ options[:autoload_once] ? autoload_once! : skip_autoload_once!
+ options[:eager_load] ? eager_load! : skip_eager_load!
+ options[:autoload] ? autoload! : skip_autoload!
+ options[:load_path] ? load_path! : skip_load_path!
+ end
+ def absolute_current # :nodoc:
+ File.expand_path(@current, @root.path)
+ end
+ def children
+ keys = @root.keys.find_all { |k|
+ k.start_with?(@current) && k != @current
+ }
+ @root.values_at(*keys.sort)
+ end
+ def first
+ expanded.first
+ end
+ def last
+ expanded.last
+ end
+ %w(autoload_once eager_load autoload load_path).each do |m|
+ class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ def #{m}! # def eager_load!
+ @#{m} = true # @eager_load = true
+ end # end
+ #
+ def skip_#{m}! # def skip_eager_load!
+ @#{m} = false # @eager_load = false
+ end # end
+ #
+ def #{m}? # def eager_load?
+ @#{m} # @eager_load
+ end # end
+ end
+ def each(&block)
+ @paths.each(&block)
+ end
+ def <<(path)
+ @paths << path
+ end
+ alias :push :<<
+ def concat(paths)
+ @paths.concat paths
+ end
+ def unshift(*paths)
+ @paths.unshift(*paths)
+ end
+ def to_ary
+ @paths
+ end
+ def extensions # :nodoc:
+ $1.split(",") if @glob =~ /\{([\S]+)\}/
+ end
+ # Expands all paths against the root and return all unique values.
+ def expanded
+ raise "You need to set a path root" unless @root.path
+ result = []
+ each do |path|
+ path = File.expand_path(path, @root.path)
+ if @glob && File.directory?(path)
+ result.concat files_in(path)
+ else
+ result << path
+ end
+ end
+ result.uniq!
+ result
+ end
+ # Returns all expanded paths but only if they exist in the filesystem.
+ def existent
+ expanded.select do |f|
+ does_exist = File.exist?(f)
+ if !does_exist && File.symlink?(f)
+ raise "File #{f.inspect} is a symlink that does not point to a valid file"
+ end
+ does_exist
+ end
+ end
+ def existent_directories
+ expanded.select { |d| File.directory?(d) }
+ end
+ alias to_a expanded
+ private
+ def files_in(path)
+ Dir.chdir(path) do
+ files = Dir.glob(@glob)
+ files -= @exclude if @exclude
+ files.map! { |file| File.join(path, file) }
+ files.sort
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end