path: root/railties/lib/rails/configuration.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'railties/lib/rails/configuration.rb')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/railties/lib/rails/configuration.rb b/railties/lib/rails/configuration.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30eafd59f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/railties/lib/rails/configuration.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+require 'active_support/ordered_options'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/object'
+require 'rails/paths'
+require 'rails/rack'
+module Rails
+ module Configuration
+ # MiddlewareStackProxy is a proxy for the Rails middleware stack that allows
+ # you to configure middlewares in your application. It works basically as a
+ # command recorder, saving each command to be applied after initialization
+ # over the default middleware stack, so you can add, swap, or remove any
+ # middleware in Rails.
+ #
+ # You can add your own middlewares by using the +config.middleware.use+ method:
+ #
+ # config.middleware.use Magical::Unicorns
+ #
+ # This will put the <tt>Magical::Unicorns</tt> middleware on the end of the stack.
+ # You can use +insert_before+ if you wish to add a middleware before another:
+ #
+ # config.middleware.insert_before Rack::Head, Magical::Unicorns
+ #
+ # There's also +insert_after+ which will insert a middleware after another:
+ #
+ # config.middleware.insert_after Rack::Head, Magical::Unicorns
+ #
+ # Middlewares can also be completely swapped out and replaced with others:
+ #
+ # config.middleware.swap ActionDispatch::Flash, Magical::Unicorns
+ #
+ # And finally they can also be removed from the stack completely:
+ #
+ # config.middleware.delete ActionDispatch::Flash
+ #
+ class MiddlewareStackProxy
+ def initialize(operations = [], delete_operations = [])
+ @operations = operations
+ @delete_operations = delete_operations
+ end
+ def insert_before(*args, &block)
+ @operations << [__method__, args, block]
+ end
+ alias :insert :insert_before
+ def insert_after(*args, &block)
+ @operations << [__method__, args, block]
+ end
+ def swap(*args, &block)
+ @operations << [__method__, args, block]
+ end
+ def use(*args, &block)
+ @operations << [__method__, args, block]
+ end
+ def delete(*args, &block)
+ @delete_operations << [__method__, args, block]
+ end
+ def unshift(*args, &block)
+ @operations << [__method__, args, block]
+ end
+ def merge_into(other) #:nodoc:
+ (@operations + @delete_operations).each do |operation, args, block|
+ other.send(operation, *args, &block)
+ end
+ other
+ end
+ def +(other) # :nodoc:
+ MiddlewareStackProxy.new(@operations + other.operations, @delete_operations + other.delete_operations)
+ end
+ protected
+ def operations
+ @operations
+ end
+ def delete_operations
+ @delete_operations
+ end
+ end
+ class Generators #:nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :aliases, :options, :templates, :fallbacks, :colorize_logging, :api_only
+ attr_reader :hidden_namespaces
+ def initialize
+ @aliases = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = {} }
+ @options = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = {} }
+ @fallbacks = {}
+ @templates = []
+ @colorize_logging = true
+ @api_only = false
+ @hidden_namespaces = []
+ end
+ def initialize_copy(source)
+ @aliases = @aliases.deep_dup
+ @options = @options.deep_dup
+ @fallbacks = @fallbacks.deep_dup
+ @templates = @templates.dup
+ end
+ def hide_namespace(namespace)
+ @hidden_namespaces << namespace
+ end
+ def method_missing(method, *args)
+ method = method.to_s.sub(/=$/, '').to_sym
+ return @options[method] if args.empty?
+ if method == :rails || args.first.is_a?(Hash)
+ namespace, configuration = method, args.shift
+ else
+ namespace, configuration = args.shift, args.shift
+ namespace = namespace.to_sym if namespace.respond_to?(:to_sym)
+ @options[:rails][method] = namespace
+ end
+ if configuration
+ aliases = configuration.delete(:aliases)
+ @aliases[namespace].merge!(aliases) if aliases
+ @options[namespace].merge!(configuration)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end