path: root/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
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diff --git a/railties/guides/source/testing.textile b/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
index 043a2462b4..733c8a755e 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/testing.textile
@@ -182,21 +182,27 @@ class PostTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
The +PostTest+ class defines a _test case_ because it inherits from +ActiveSupport::TestCase+. +PostTest+ thus has all the methods available from +ActiveSupport::TestCase+. You'll see those methods a little later in this guide.
-def test_truth
Any method defined within a +Test::Unit+ test case that begins with +test+ (case sensitive) is simply called a test. So, +test_password+, +test_valid_password+ and +testValidPassword+ all are legal test names and are run automatically when the test case is run.
-Rails adds a +test+ method that takes a test name and a block. It generates a normal +Test::Unit+ test with method names prefixed with +test_+.
+Rails adds a +test+ method that takes a test name and a block. It generates a normal +Test::Unit+ test with method names prefixed with +test_+. So,
test "the truth" do
- # ...
+ assert true
+acts as if you had written
+def test_the_truth
+ assert true
-This makes test names more readable by replacing underscores with regular language.
+only the +test+ macro allows a more readable test name. You can still use regular method definitions though.
+NOTE: The method name is generated by replacing spaces with underscores. The result does not need to be a valid Ruby identifier though, the name may contain punctuation characters etc. That's because in Ruby technically any string may be a method name. Odd ones need +define_method+ and +send+ calls, but formally there's no restriction.
assert true
@@ -256,7 +262,7 @@ This will run all the test methods from the test case. Note that +test_helper.rb
You can also run a particular test method from the test case by using the +-n+ switch with the +test method name+.
-$ ruby -Itest test/unit/post_test.rb -n test_truth
+$ ruby -Itest test/unit/post_test.rb -n test_the_truth
Loaded suite unit/post_test
@@ -315,7 +321,7 @@ Now to get this test to pass we can add a model level validation for the _title_
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
- validates_presence_of :title
+ validates :title, :presence => true
@@ -380,7 +386,7 @@ There are a bunch of different types of assertions you can use. Here's the compl
|+assert( boolean, [msg] )+ |Ensures that the object/expression is true.|
|+assert_equal( obj1, obj2, [msg] )+ |Ensures that +obj1 == obj2+ is true.|
|+assert_not_equal( obj1, obj2, [msg] )+ |Ensures that +obj1 == obj2+ is false.|
-|+assert_same( obj1, obj2, [msg] )+ |Ensures that +obj1.equal?(obj2)+ is true.|
+|+assert_same( obj1, obj2, [msg] )+ |Ensures that +obj1.equal?(obj2)+ is true.|
|+assert_not_same( obj1, obj2, [msg] )+ |Ensures that +obj1.equal?(obj2)+ is false.|
|+assert_nil( obj, [msg] )+ |Ensures that +obj.nil?+ is true.|
|+assert_not_nil( obj, [msg] )+ |Ensures that +obj.nil?+ is false.|
@@ -388,7 +394,7 @@ There are a bunch of different types of assertions you can use. Here's the compl
|+assert_no_match( regexp, string, [msg] )+ |Ensures that a string doesn't matches the regular expression.|
|+assert_in_delta( expecting, actual, delta, [msg] )+ |Ensures that the numbers +expecting+ and +actual+ are within +delta+ of each other.|
|+assert_throws( symbol, [msg] ) { block }+ |Ensures that the given block throws the symbol.|
-|+assert_raise( exception1, exception2, ... ) { block }+ |Ensures that the given block raises one of the given exceptions.|
+|+assert_raise( exception1, exception2, ... ) { block }+ |Ensures that the given block raises one of the given exceptions.|
|+assert_nothing_raised( exception1, exception2, ... ) { block }+ |Ensures that the given block doesn't raise one of the given exceptions.|
|+assert_instance_of( class, obj, [msg] )+ |Ensures that +obj+ is of the +class+ type.|
|+assert_kind_of( class, obj, [msg] )+ |Ensures that +obj+ is or descends from +class+.|
@@ -940,8 +946,6 @@ The built-in +test/unit+ based testing is not the only way to test Rails applica
h3. Changelog
-"Lighthouse ticket":http://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/16213-rails-guides/tickets/8
* April 4, 2010: Fixed document to validate XHTML 1.0 Strict. "Jaime Iniesta":http://jaimeiniesta.com
* November 13, 2008: Revised based on feedback from Pratik Naik by "Akshay Surve":credits.html#asurve (not yet approved for publication)
* October 14, 2008: Edit and formatting pass by "Mike Gunderloy":credits.html#mgunderloy (not yet approved for publication)