path: root/railties/guides/source/routing.textile
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diff --git a/railties/guides/source/routing.textile b/railties/guides/source/routing.textile
index f48ae9c7f7..f60d72352d 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/routing.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/routing.textile
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ h2. Rails Routing from the Outside In
This guide covers the user-facing features of Rails routing. By referring to this guide, you will be able to:
* Understand the code in +routes.rb+
-* Construct your own routes, using either the preferred resourceful style or with the <tt>match</tt> method
+* Construct your own routes, using either the preferred resourceful style or the <tt>match</tt> method
* Identify what parameters to expect an action to receive
* Automatically create paths and URLs using route helpers
* Use advanced techniques such as constraints and Rack endpoints
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ Resource routing allows you to quickly declare all of the common routes for a gi
h4. Resources on the Web
-Browsers request pages from Rails by making a request for a URL using a specific HTTP method, such as +GET+, +POST+, +PUT+ and +DELETE+. Each method is a request to perform an operation on the resource. A resource route maps a number of related request to the actions in a single controller.
+Browsers request pages from Rails by making a request for a URL using a specific HTTP method, such as +GET+, +POST+, +PUT+ and +DELETE+. Each method is a request to perform an operation on the resource. A resource route maps a number of related requests to actions in a single controller.
When your Rails application receives an incoming request for
@@ -76,14 +76,17 @@ resources :photos
creates seven different routes in your application, all mapping to the +Photos+ controller:
-|_. Verb |_.Path |_.action |_.used for|
-|GET |/photos |index |display a list of all photos|
-|GET |/photos/new |new |return an HTML form for creating a new photo|
-|POST |/photos |create |create a new photo|
-|GET |/photos/:id |show |display a specific photo|
-|GET |/photos/:id/edit |edit |return an HTML form for editing a photo|
-|PUT |/photos/:id |update |update a specific photo|
-|DELETE |/photos/:id |destroy |delete a specific photo|
+|_. HTTP Verb |_.Path |_.action |_.used for |
+|GET |/photos |index |display a list of all photos |
+|GET |/photos/new |new |return an HTML form for creating a new photo |
+|POST |/photos |create |create a new photo |
+|GET |/photos/:id |show |display a specific photo |
+|GET |/photos/:id/edit |edit |return an HTML form for editing a photo |
+|PUT |/photos/:id |update |update a specific photo |
+|DELETE |/photos/:id |destroy |delete a specific photo |
+NOTE: Rails routes are matched in the order they are specified, so if you have a +resources :photos+ above a +get 'photos/poll'+ the +show+ action's route for the +resources+ line will be matched before the +get+ line. To fix this, move the +get+ line *above* the +resources+ line so that it is matched first.
h4. Paths and URLs
@@ -130,13 +133,13 @@ resource :geocoder
creates six different routes in your application, all mapping to the +Geocoders+ controller:
-|_. Verb |_.Path |_.action |_.used for|
-|GET |/geocoder/new |new |return an HTML form for creating the geocoder|
-|POST |/geocoder |create |create the new geocoder|
-|GET |/geocoder |show |display the one and only geocoder resource|
-|GET |/geocoder/edit |edit |return an HTML form for editing the geocoder|
-|PUT |/geocoder |update |update the one and only geocoder resource|
-|DELETE |/geocoder |destroy |delete the geocoder resource|
+|_.HTTP Verb |_.Path |_.action |_.used for |
+|GET |/geocoder/new |new |return an HTML form for creating the geocoder |
+|POST |/geocoder |create |create the new geocoder |
+|GET |/geocoder |show |display the one and only geocoder resource |
+|GET |/geocoder/edit |edit |return an HTML form for editing the geocoder |
+|PUT |/geocoder |update |update the one and only geocoder resource |
+|DELETE |/geocoder |destroy |delete the geocoder resource |
NOTE: Because you might want to use the same controller for a singular route (+/account+) and a plural route (+/accounts/45+), singular resources map to plural controllers.
@@ -160,14 +163,14 @@ end
This will create a number of routes for each of the +posts+ and +comments+ controller. For +Admin::PostsController+, Rails will create:
-|_. Verb |_.Path |_.action |_. helper |
-|GET |/admin/posts |index | admin_posts_path |
-|GET |/admin/posts/new |new | new_admin_posts_path |
-|POST |/admin/posts |create | admin_posts_path |
-|GET |/admin/posts/1 |show | admin_post_path(id) |
-|GET |/admin/posts/1/edit |edit | edit_admin_post_path(id) |
-|PUT |/admin/posts/1 |update | admin_post_path(id) |
-|DELETE |/admin/posts/1 |destroy | admin_post_path(id) |
+|_.HTTP Verb |_.Path |_.action |_.named helper |
+|GET |/admin/posts |index | admin_posts_path |
+|GET |/admin/posts/new |new | new_admin_posts_path |
+|POST |/admin/posts |create | admin_posts_path |
+|GET |/admin/posts/1 |show | admin_post_path(id) |
+|GET |/admin/posts/1/edit |edit | edit_admin_post_path(id) |
+|PUT |/admin/posts/1 |update | admin_post_path(id) |
+|DELETE |/admin/posts/1 |destroy | admin_post_path(id) |
If you want to route +/posts+ (without the prefix +/admin+) to +Admin::PostsController+, you could use
@@ -194,19 +197,19 @@ end
or, for a single case
-resources :posts, :path => "/admin"
+resources :posts, :path => "/admin/posts"
In each of these cases, the named routes remain the same as if you did not use +scope+. In the last case, the following paths map to +PostsController+:
-|_. Verb |_.Path |_.action |_. helper |
-|GET |/admin/posts |index | posts_path |
-|GET |/admin/posts/new |new | posts_path |
-|POST |/admin/posts |create | posts_path |
-|GET |/admin/posts/1 |show | post_path(id) |
-|GET |/admin/posts/1/edit |edit | edit_post_path(id) |
-|PUT |/admin/posts/1 |update | post_path(id) |
-|DELETE |/admin/posts/1 |destroy | post_path(id) |
+|_.HTTP Verb |_.Path |_.action |_.named helper |
+|GET |/admin/posts |index | posts_path |
+|GET |/admin/posts/new |new | posts_path |
+|POST |/admin/posts |create | posts_path |
+|GET |/admin/posts/1 |show | post_path(id) |
+|GET |/admin/posts/1/edit |edit | edit_post_path(id) |
+|PUT |/admin/posts/1 |update | post_path(id) |
+|DELETE |/admin/posts/1 |destroy | post_path(id) |
h4. Nested Resources
@@ -232,14 +235,14 @@ end
In addition to the routes for magazines, this declaration will also route ads to an +AdsController+. The ad URLs require a magazine:
-|_.Verb |_.Path |_.action |_.used for|
-|GET |/magazines/1/ads |index |display a list of all ads for a specific magazine|
-|GET |/magazines/1/ads/new |new |return an HTML form for creating a new ad belonging to a specific magazine|
-|POST |/magazines/1/ads |create |create a new ad belonging to a specific magazine|
-|GET |/magazines/1/ads/1 |show |display a specific ad belonging to a specific magazine|
-|GET |/magazines/1/ads/1/edit |edit |return an HTML form for editing an ad belonging to a specific magazine|
-|PUT |/magazines/1/ads/1 |update |update a specific ad belonging to a specific magazine|
-|DELETE |/magazines/1/ads/1 |destroy |delete a specific ad belonging to a specific magazine|
+|_.HTTP Verb |_.Path |_.action |_.used for |
+|GET |/magazines/1/ads |index |display a list of all ads for a specific magazine |
+|GET |/magazines/1/ads/new |new |return an HTML form for creating a new ad belonging to a specific magazine |
+|POST |/magazines/1/ads |create |create a new ad belonging to a specific magazine |
+|GET |/magazines/1/ads/1 |show |display a specific ad belonging to a specific magazine |
+|GET |/magazines/1/ads/1/edit |edit |return an HTML form for editing an ad belonging to a specific magazine |
+|PUT |/magazines/1/ads/1 |update |update a specific ad belonging to a specific magazine |
+|DELETE |/magazines/1/ads/1 |destroy |delete a specific ad belonging to a specific magazine |
This will also create routing helpers such as +magazine_ads_url+ and +edit_magazine_ad_path+. These helpers take an instance of Magazine as the first parameter (+magazine_ads_url(@magazine)+).
@@ -436,6 +439,26 @@ match 'exit' => 'sessions#destroy', :as => :logout
This will create +logout_path+ and +logout_url+ as named helpers in your application. Calling +logout_path+ will return +/exit+
+h4. HTTP Verb Constraints
+You can use the +:via+ option to constrain the request to one or more HTTP methods:
+match 'photos/show' => 'photos#show', :via => :get
+There is a shorthand version of this as well:
+get 'photos/show'
+You can also permit more than one verb to a single route:
+match 'photos/show' => 'photos#show', :via => [:get, :post]
h4. Segment Constraints
You can use the +:constraints+ option to enforce a format for a dynamic segment:
@@ -450,7 +473,7 @@ This route would match paths such as +/photos/A12345+. You can more succinctly e
match 'photos/:id' => 'photos#show', :id => /[A-Z]\d{5}/
-+:constraints+ takes regular expression. However note that regexp anchors can't be used within constraints. For example following route will not work:
++:constraints+ takes regular expressions with the restriction that regexp anchors can't be used. For example, the following route will not work:
match '/:id' => 'posts#show', :constraints => {:id => /^\d/}
@@ -516,7 +539,7 @@ match 'photos/*other' => 'photos#unknown'
This route would match +photos/12+ or +/photos/long/path/to/12+, setting +params[:other]+ to +"12"+ or +"long/path/to/12"+.
-Wildcard segments do not need to be last in a route. For example
+Wildcard segments can occur anywhere in a route. For example,
match 'books/*section/:title' => 'books#show'
@@ -524,7 +547,7 @@ match 'books/*section/:title' => 'books#show'
would match +books/some/section/last-words-a-memoir+ with +params[:section]+ equals +"some/section"+, and +params[:title]+ equals +"last-words-a-memoir"+.
-Techincally a route can have even more than one wildard segment indeed, the matcher assigns segments to parameters in an intuitive way. For instance
+Technically a route can have even more than one wildcard segment. The matcher assigns segments to parameters in an intuitive way. For example,
match '*a/foo/*b' => 'test#index'
@@ -575,7 +598,7 @@ You can specify what Rails should route +"/"+ to with the +root+ method:
root :to => 'pages#main'
-You should put the +root+ route at the end of the file.
+You should put the +root+ route at the end of the file. You also need to delete the public/index.html.erb file for the root route to take effect.
h3. Customizing Resourceful Routes
@@ -591,14 +614,14 @@ resources :photos, :controller => "images"
will recognize incoming paths beginning with +/photos+ but route to the +Images+ controller:
-|_. Verb |_.Path |_.action |
-|GET |/photos |index |
-|GET |/photos/new |new |
-|POST |/photos |create |
-|GET |/photos/1 |show |
-|GET |/photos/1/edit |edit |
-|PUT |/photos/1 |update |
-|DELETE |/photos/1 |destroy |
+|_.HTTP Verb |_.Path |_.action |_.named helper |
+|GET |/photos |index | photos_path |
+|GET |/photos/new |new | new_photo_path |
+|POST |/photos |create | photos_path |
+|GET |/photos/1 |show | photo_path(id) |
+|GET |/photos/1/edit |edit | edit_photo_path(id) |
+|PUT |/photos/1 |update | photo_path(id) |
+|DELETE |/photos/1 |destroy | photo_path(id) |
NOTE: Use +photos_path+, +new_photos_path+, etc. to generate paths for this resource.
@@ -621,7 +644,7 @@ constraints(:id => /[A-Z][A-Z][0-9]+/) do
-NOTE: Of course, you can use the more advanced constraints available in non-resourceful routes in this context
+NOTE: Of course, you can use the more advanced constraints available in non-resourceful routes in this context.
h4. Overriding the Named Helpers
@@ -631,16 +654,16 @@ The +:as+ option lets you override the normal naming for the named route helpers
resources :photos, :as => "images"
-will recognize incoming paths beginning with +/photos+ and route the requests to +PhotosController+:
+will recognize incoming paths beginning with +/photos+ and route the requests to +PhotosController+, but use the value of the :as option to name the helpers.
-|_.HTTP verb|_.Path |_.action |_.named helper |
-|GET |/photos |index | images_path |
-|GET |/photos/new |new | new_image_path |
-|POST |/photos |create | images_path |
-|GET |/photos/1 |show | image_path |
-|GET |/photos/1/edit |edit | edit_image_path |
-|PUT |/photos/1 |update | image_path |
-|DELETE |/photos/1 |destroy | image_path |
+|_.HTTP verb|_.Path |_.action |_.named helper |
+|GET |/photos |index | images_path |
+|GET |/photos/new |new | new_image_path |
+|POST |/photos |create | images_path |
+|GET |/photos/1 |show | image_path(id) |
+|GET |/photos/1/edit |edit | edit_image_path(id) |
+|PUT |/photos/1 |update | image_path(id) |
+|DELETE |/photos/1 |destroy | image_path(id) |
h4. Overriding the +new+ and +edit+ Segments
@@ -659,7 +682,7 @@ This would cause the routing to recognize paths such as
NOTE: The actual action names aren't changed by this option. The two paths shown would still route to the +new+ and +edit+ actions.
-TIP: If you find yourself wanting to change this option uniformly for all of your routes, you can use a scope:
+TIP: If you find yourself wanting to change this option uniformly for all of your routes, you can use a scope.
scope :path_names => { :new => "make" } do
@@ -681,7 +704,7 @@ resources :photos
This will provide route helpers such as +admin_photos_path+, +new_admin_photo_path+ etc.
-To prefix a group of routes, use +:as+ with +scope+:
+To prefix a group of route helpers, use +:as+ with +scope+:
scope "admin", :as => "admin" do
@@ -691,11 +714,23 @@ end
resources :photos, :accounts
+This will generate routes such as +admin_photos_path+ and +admin_accounts_path+ which map to +/admin/photos+ and +/admin/accounts+ respectively.
NOTE: The +namespace+ scope will automatically add +:as+ as well as +:module+ and +:path+ prefixes.
+You can prefix routes with a named parameter also:
+scope ":username" do
+ resources :posts
+This will provide you with URLs such as +/bob/posts/1+ and will allow you to reference the +username+ part of the path as +params[:username]+ in controllers, helpers and views.
h4. Restricting the Routes Created
-By default, Rails creates routes for all seven of the default actions (index, show, new, create, edit, update, and destroy) for every RESTful route in your application. You can use the +:only+ and +:except+ options to fine-tune this behavior. The +:only+ option tells Rails to create only the specified routes:
+By default, Rails creates routes for the seven default actions (index, show, new, create, edit, update, and destroy) for every RESTful route in your application. You can use the +:only+ and +:except+ options to fine-tune this behavior. The +:only+ option tells Rails to create only the specified routes:
resources :photos, :only => [:index, :show]
@@ -725,14 +760,14 @@ end
Rails now creates routes to the +CategoriesController+.
-|_.HTTP verb|_.Path |_.action |
-|GET |/kategorien |index |
-|GET |/kategorien/neu |new |
-|POST |/kategorien |create |
-|GET |/kategorien/1 |show |
-|GET |/kategorien/:id/bearbeiten |edit |
-|PUT |/kategorien/1 |update |
-|DELETE |/kategorien/1 |destroy |
+|_.HTTP verb|_.Path |_.action |_.named helper |
+|GET |/kategorien |index | categories_path |
+|GET |/kategorien/neu |new | new_category_path |
+|POST |/kategorien |create | categories_path |
+|GET |/kategorien/1 |show | category_path(id) |
+|GET |/kategorien/1/bearbeiten |edit | edit_category_path(id) |
+|PUT |/kategorien/1 |update | category_path(id) |
+|DELETE |/kategorien/1 |destroy | category_path(id) |
h4. Overriding the Singular Form
@@ -796,7 +831,7 @@ Routes should be included in your testing strategy (just like the rest of your a
h5. The +assert_generates+ Assertion
-Use +assert_generates+ to assert that a particular set of options generate a particular path. You can use this with default routes or custom routes
++assert_generates+ asserts that a particular set of options generate a particular path and can be used with default routes or custom routes.
assert_generates "/photos/1", { :controller => "photos", :action => "show", :id => "1" }
@@ -805,7 +840,7 @@ assert_generates "/about", :controller => "pages", :action => "about"
h5. The +assert_recognizes+ Assertion
-The +assert_recognizes+ assertion is the inverse of +assert_generates+. It asserts that Rails recognizes the given path and routes it to a particular spot in your application.
++assert_recognizes+ is the inverse of +assert_generates+. It asserts that a given path is recognized and routes it to a particular spot in your application.
assert_recognizes({ :controller => "photos", :action => "show", :id => "1" }, "/photos/1")
@@ -833,8 +868,6 @@ assert_routing({ :path => "photos", :method => :post }, { :controller => "photos
h3. Changelog
-"Lighthouse ticket":http://rails.lighthouseapp.com/projects/16213-rails-guides/tickets/3
* April 10, 2010: Updated guide to remove outdated and superfluous information, and to provide information about new features, by "Yehuda Katz":http://www.yehudakatz.com
* April 2, 2010: Updated guide to match new Routing DSL in Rails 3, by "Rizwan Reza":http://www.rizwanreza.com/
* Febuary 1, 2010: Modifies the routing documentation to match new routing DSL in Rails 3, by Prem Sichanugrist