path: root/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile
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diff --git a/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile b/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile
index ce1d759d5b..09ef308665 100644
--- a/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile
+++ b/railties/guides/source/configuring.textile
@@ -40,7 +40,9 @@ Rails will use that particular setting to configure Active Record.
h4. Rails General Configuration
-* +config.after_initialize+ takes a block which will be ran _after_ Rails has finished initializing the application. That includes the initialization of the framework itself, plugins, engines, and all the application's initializers in +config/initializers+. Useful for configuring values set up by other initializers:
+These configuration methods are to be called on a +Rails::Railtie+ object, such as a subclass of +Rails::Engine+ or +Rails::Application+.
+* +config.after_initialize+ takes a block which will be run _after_ Rails has finished initializing the application. That includes the initialization of the framework itself, plugins, engines, and all the application's initializers in +config/initializers+. Note that this block _will_ be run for rake tasks. Useful for configuring values set up by other initializers:
config.after_initialize do
@@ -64,7 +66,7 @@ NOTE. The +config.asset_path+ configuration is ignored if the asset pipeline is
* +config.autoload_paths+ accepts an array of paths from which Rails will autoload constants. Default is all directories under +app+.
-* +config.cache_classes+ controls whether or not application classes and modules should be reloaded on each request. Defaults to true in development mode, and false in test and production modes. Can also be enabled with +threadsafe!+.
+* +config.cache_classes+ controls whether or not application classes and modules should be reloaded on each request. Defaults to false in development mode, and true in test and production modes. Can also be enabled with +threadsafe!+.
* +config.action_view.cache_template_loading+ controls whether or not templates should be reloaded on each request. Defaults to whatever is set for +config.cache_classes+.
@@ -80,12 +82,18 @@ NOTE. The +config.asset_path+ configuration is ignored if the asset pipeline is
* +config.encoding+ sets up the application-wide encoding. Defaults to UTF-8.
+* +config.exceptions_app+ sets the exceptions application invoked by the ShowException middleware when an exception happens. Defaults to +ActionDispatch::PublicExceptions.new(Rails.public_path)+.
+* +config.file_watcher+ the class used to detect file updates in the filesystem when +config.reload_classes_only_on_change+ is true. Must conform to +ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker+ API.
* +config.filter_parameters+ used for filtering out the parameters that you don't want shown in the logs, such as passwords or credit card numbers.
* +config.force_ssl+ forces all requests to be under HTTPS protocol by using +Rack::SSL+ middleware.
* +config.log_level+ defines the verbosity of the Rails logger. This option defaults to +:debug+ for all modes except production, where it defaults to +:info+.
+* +config.log_tags+ accepts a list of methods that respond to +request+ object. This makes it easy to tag log lines with debug information like subdomain and request id -- both very helpful in debugging multi-user production applications.
* +config.logger+ accepts a logger conforming to the interface of Log4r or the default Ruby +Logger+ class. Defaults to an instance of +ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger+, with auto flushing off in production mode.
* +config.middleware+ allows you to configure the application's middleware. This is covered in depth in the "Configuring Middleware":#configuring-middleware section below.
@@ -94,6 +102,8 @@ NOTE. The +config.asset_path+ configuration is ignored if the asset pipeline is
* +config.preload_frameworks+ enables or disables preloading all frameworks at startup. Enabled by +config.threadsafe!+. Defaults to +nil+, so is disabled.
+* +config.reload_classes_only_on_change+ enables or disables reloading of classes only when tracked files change. By default tracks everything on autoload paths and is set to true. If +config.cache_classes+ is true, this option is ignored.
* +config.reload_plugins+ enables or disables plugin reloading. Defaults to false.
* +config.secret_token+ used for specifying a key which allows sessions for the application to be verified against a known secure key to prevent tampering. Applications get +config.secret_token+ initialized to a random key in +config/initializers/secret_token.rb+.
@@ -186,6 +196,7 @@ Every Rails application comes with a standard set of middleware which it uses in
* +Rack::Runtime+ sets an +X-Runtime+ header, containing the time (in seconds) taken to execute the request.
* +Rails::Rack::Logger+ notifies the logs that the request has began. After request is complete, flushes all the logs.
* +ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions+ rescues any exception returned by the application and renders nice exception pages if the request is local or if +config.consider_all_requests_local+ is set to +true+. If +config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions+ is set to +false+, exceptions will be raised regardless.
+* +ActionDispatch::RequestId+ makes a unique X-Request-Id header available to the response and enables the +ActionDispatch::Request#uuid+ method.
* +ActionDispatch::RemoteIp+ checks for IP spoofing attacks. Configurable with the +config.action_dispatch.ip_spoofing_check+ and +config.action_dispatch.trusted_proxies+ settings.
* +Rack::Sendfile+ intercepts responses whose body is being served from a file and replaces it with a server specific X-Sendfile header. Configurable with +config.action_dispatch.x_sendfile_header+.
* +ActionDispatch::Callbacks+ runs the prepare callbacks before serving the request.
@@ -261,6 +272,10 @@ h4. Configuring Active Record
* +config.active_record.whitelist_attributes+ will create an empty whitelist of attributes available for mass-assignment security for all models in your app.
+* +config.active_record.identity_map+ controls whether the identity map is enabled, and is false by default.
+* +config.active_record.auto_explain_threshold_in_seconds+ configures the threshold for automatic EXPLAINs (+nil+ disables this feature). Queries exceeding the threshold get their query plan logged. Default is 0.5 in development mode.
The MySQL adapter adds one additional configuration option:
* +ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::MysqlAdapter.emulate_booleans+ controls whether Active Record will consider all +tinyint(1)+ columns in a MySQL database to be booleans and is true by default.
@@ -461,12 +476,31 @@ Rails has 5 initialization events which can be hooked into (listed in the order
* +before_initialize+: This is run directly before the initialization process of the application occurs with the +:bootstrap_hook+ initializer near the beginning of the Rails initialization process.
-* +to_prepare+: Run after the initializers are ran for all Railties (including the application itself), but before eager loading and the middleware stack is built.
+* +to_prepare+: Run after the initializers are ran for all Railties (including the application itself), but before eager loading and the middleware stack is built. More importantly, will run upon every request in +development+, but only once (during boot-up) in +production+ and +test+.
* +before_eager_load+: This is run directly before eager loading occurs, which is the default behaviour for the _production_ environment and not for the +development+ environment.
* +after_initialize+: Run directly after the initialization of the application, but before the application initializers are run.
+To define an event for these hooks, use the block syntax within a +Rails::Aplication+, +Rails::Railtie+ or +Rails::Engine+ subclass:
+module YourApp
+ class Application < Rails::Application
+ config.before_initialize do
+ # initialization code goes here
+ end
+ end
+Alternatively, you can also do it through the +config+ method on the +Rails.application+ object:
+Rails.application.config.before_initialize do
+ # initialization code goes here
WARNING: Some parts of your application, notably observers and routing, are not yet set up at the point where the +after_initialize+ block is called.