path: root/guides/source/rails_on_rack.textile
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1 files changed, 84 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/guides/source/rails_on_rack.textile b/guides/source/rails_on_rack.textile
index 9526526bc7..ff862273fd 100644
--- a/guides/source/rails_on_rack.textile
+++ b/guides/source/rails_on_rack.textile
@@ -91,13 +91,15 @@ For a freshly generated Rails application, this might produce something like:
use ActionDispatch::Static
use Rack::Lock
-use ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache
+use #<ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::Middleware:0x000000029a0838>
use Rack::Runtime
+use Rack::MethodOverride
+use ActionDispatch::RequestId
use Rails::Rack::Logger
use ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions
use ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions
use ActionDispatch::RemoteIp
-use Rack::Sendfile
+use ActionDispatch::Reloader
use ActionDispatch::Callbacks
use ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement
use ActiveRecord::QueryCache
@@ -105,8 +107,9 @@ use ActionDispatch::Cookies
use ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore
use ActionDispatch::Flash
use ActionDispatch::ParamsParser
-use Rack::MethodOverride
use ActionDispatch::Head
+use Rack::ConditionalGet
+use Rack::ETag
use ActionDispatch::BestStandardsSupport
run Blog::Application.routes
@@ -145,62 +148,104 @@ You can swap an existing middleware in the middleware stack using +config.middle
# config/application.rb
-# Replace ActionController::Failsafe with Lifo::Failsafe
-config.middleware.swap ActionController::Failsafe, Lifo::Failsafe
+# Replace ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions with Lifo::ShowExceptions
+config.middleware.swap ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions, Lifo::ShowExceptions
h5. Middleware Stack is an Array
The middleware stack behaves just like a normal +Array+. You can use any +Array+ methods to insert, reorder, or remove items from the stack. Methods described in the section above are just convenience methods.
-For example, the following removes the middleware matching the supplied class name:
+Append following lines to your application configuration:
+# config/application.rb
+config.middleware.delete "Rack::Lock"
+And now if you inspect the middleware stack, you'll find that +Rack::Lock+ will not be part of it.
+$ rake middleware
+(in /Users/lifo/Rails/blog)
+use ActionDispatch::Static
+use #<ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::Middleware:0x00000001c304c8>
+use Rack::Runtime
+run Myapp::Application.routes
h4. Internal Middleware Stack
-Much of Action Controller's functionality is implemented as Middlewares. The following table explains the purpose of each of them:
+Much of Action Controller's functionality is implemented as Middlewares. The following list explains the purpose of each of them:
-|+Rack::Lock+|Sets <tt>env["rack.multithread"]</tt> flag to +true+ and wraps the application within a Mutex.|
-|+ActionController::Failsafe+|Returns HTTP Status +500+ to the client if an exception gets raised while dispatching.|
-|+ActiveRecord::QueryCache+|Enables the Active Record query cache.|
-|+ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore+|Uses the cookie based session store.|
-|+ActionDispatch::Session::CacheStore+|Uses the Rails cache based session store.|
-|+ActionDispatch::Session::MemCacheStore+|Uses the memcached based session store.|
-|+ActiveRecord::SessionStore+|Uses the database based session store.|
-|+Rack::MethodOverride+|Sets HTTP method based on +_method+ parameter or <tt>env["HTTP_X_HTTP_METHOD_OVERRIDE"]</tt>.|
-|+Rack::Head+|Discards the response body if the client sends a +HEAD+ request.|
+ *+ActionDispatch::Static+*
+* Used to serve static assets. Disabled if <tt>config.serve_static_assets</tt> is true.
-TIP: It's possible to use any of the above middlewares in your custom Rack stack.
+ *+Rack::Lock+*
+* Sets <tt>env["rack.multithread"]</tt> flag to +true+ and wraps the application within a Mutex.
-h4. Customizing Internal Middleware Stack
+ *+ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache::Middleware+*
+* Used for memory caching. This cache is not thread safe.
-It's possible to replace the entire middleware stack with a custom stack using <tt>ActionController::Dispatcher.middleware=</tt>.
+ *+Rack::Runtime+*
+* Sets an X-Runtime header, containing the time (in seconds) taken to execute the request.
-Put the following in an initializer:
+ *+Rack::MethodOverride+*
+* Allows the method to be overridden if <tt>params[:_method]</tt> is set. This is the middleware which supports the PUT and DELETE HTTP method types.
-# config/initializers/stack.rb
-ActionController::Dispatcher.middleware = ActionController::MiddlewareStack.new do |m|
- m.use ActionController::Failsafe
- m.use ActiveRecord::QueryCache
- m.use Rack::Head
+ *+ActionDispatch::RequestId+*
+* Makes a unique +X-Request-Id+ header available to the response and enables the <tt>ActionDispatch::Request#uuid</tt> method.
-And now inspecting the middleware stack:
+ *+Rails::Rack::Logger+*
+* Notifies the logs that the request has began. After request is complete, flushes all the logs.
-$ rake middleware
-(in /Users/lifo/Rails/blog)
-use ActionController::Failsafe
-use ActiveRecord::QueryCache
-use Rack::Head
-run ActionController::Dispatcher.new
+ *+ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions+*
+* Rescues any exception returned by the application and calls an exceptions app that will wrap it in a format for the end user.
+ *+ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions+*
+* Responsible for logging exceptions and showing a debugging page in case the request is local.
+ *+ActionDispatch::RemoteIp+*
+* Checks for IP spoofing attacks.
+ *+ActionDispatch::Reloader+*
+* Provides prepare and cleanup callbacks, intended to assist with code reloading during development.
+ *+ActionDispatch::Callbacks+*
+* Runs the prepare callbacks before serving the request.
+ *+ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::ConnectionManagement+*
+* Cleans active connections after each request, unless the <tt>rack.test</tt> key in the request environment is set to +true+.
+ *+ActiveRecord::QueryCache+*
+* Enables the Active Record query cache.
+ *+ActionDispatch::Cookies+*
+* Sets cookies for the request.
+ *+ActionDispatch::Session::CookieStore+*
+* Responsible for storing the session in cookies.
+ *+ActionDispatch::Flash+*
+* Sets up the flash keys. Only available if <tt>config.action_controller.session_store</tt> is set to a value.
+ *+ActionDispatch::ParamsParser+*
+* Parses out parameters from the request into <tt>params</tt>.
+ *+ActionDispatch::Head+*
+* Converts HEAD requests to +GET+ requests and serves them as so.
+ *+Rack::ConditionalGet+*
+* Adds support for "Conditional +GET+" so that server responds with nothing if page wasn't changed.
+ *+Rack::ETag+*
+* Adds ETag header on all String bodies. ETags are used to validate cache.
+ *+ActionDispatch::BestStandardsSupport+*
+* Enables “best standards support” so that IE8 renders some elements correctly.
+TIP: It's possible to use any of the above middlewares in your custom Rack stack.
h4. Using Rack Builder