path: root/guides/source/configuring.textile
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diff --git a/guides/source/configuring.textile b/guides/source/configuring.textile
index 5ed3ad4a6b..27eaf1cbc5 100644
--- a/guides/source/configuring.textile
+++ b/guides/source/configuring.textile
@@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ config.after_initialize do
-* +config.allow_concurrency+ should be true to allow concurrent (threadsafe) action processing. False by default. You probably don't want to call this one directly, though, because a series of other adjustments need to be made for threadsafe mode to work properly. Can also be enabled with +threadsafe!+.
* +config.asset_host+ sets the host for the assets. Useful when CDNs are used for hosting assets, or when you want to work around the concurrency constraints builtin in browsers using different domain aliases. Shorter version of +config.action_controller.asset_host+.
* +config.asset_path+ lets you decorate asset paths. This can be a callable, a string, or be +nil+ which is the default. For example, the normal path for +blog.js+ would be +/javascripts/blog.js+, let that absolute path be +path+. If +config.asset_path+ is a callable, Rails calls it when generating asset paths passing +path+ as argument. If +config.asset_path+ is a string, it is expected to be a +sprintf+ format string with a +%s+ where +path+ will get inserted. In either case, Rails outputs the decorated path. Shorter version of +config.action_controller.asset_path+.
@@ -89,6 +87,10 @@ end
* +config.dependency_loading+ is a flag that allows you to disable constant autoloading setting it to false. It only has effect if +config.cache_classes+ is true, which it is by default in production mode. This flag is set to false by +config.threadsafe!+.
+* +config.eager_load+ when true, eager loads all registered `config.eager_load_namespaces`. This includes your application, engines, Rails frameworks and any other registered namespace.
+* +config.eager_load_namespaces+ registers namespaces that are eager loaded when +config.eager_load+ is true. All namespaces in the list must respond to the +eager_load!+ method.
* +config.eager_load_paths+ accepts an array of paths from which Rails will eager load on boot if cache classes is enabled. Defaults to every folder in the +app+ directory of the application.
* +config.encoding+ sets up the application-wide encoding. Defaults to UTF-8.
@@ -109,8 +111,6 @@ end
* +config.middleware+ allows you to configure the application's middleware. This is covered in depth in the "Configuring Middleware":#configuring-middleware section below.
-* +config.preload_frameworks+ enables or disables preloading all frameworks at startup. Enabled by +config.threadsafe!+. Defaults to +nil+, so is disabled.
* +config.queue+ configures a different queue implementation for the application. Defaults to +Rails::Queueing::Queue+. Note that, if the default queue is changed, the default +queue_consumer+ is not going to be initialized, it is up to the new queue implementation to handle starting and shutting down its own consumer(s).
* +config.queue_consumer+ configures a different consumer implementation for the default queue. Defaults to +Rails::Queueing::ThreadedConsumer+.
@@ -129,10 +129,6 @@ config.session_store :my_custom_store
This custom store must be defined as +ActionDispatch::Session::MyCustomStore+. In addition to symbols, they can also be objects implementing a certain API, like +ActiveRecord::SessionStore+, in which case no special namespace is required.
-* +config.threadsafe!+ enables +allow_concurrency+, +cache_classes+, +dependency_loading+ and +preload_frameworks+ to make the application threadsafe.
-WARNING: Threadsafe operation is incompatible with the normal workings of development mode Rails. In particular, automatic dependency loading and class reloading are automatically disabled when you call +config.threadsafe!+.
* +config.time_zone+ sets the default time zone for the application and enables time zone awareness for Active Record.
* +config.whiny_nils+ enables or disables warnings when a certain set of methods are invoked on +nil+ and it does not respond to them. Defaults to true in development and test environments.
@@ -203,7 +199,7 @@ Every Rails application comes with a standard set of middleware which it uses in
* +ActionDispatch::SSL+ forces every request to be under HTTPS protocol. Will be available if +config.force_ssl+ is set to +true+. Options passed to this can be configured by using +config.ssl_options+.
* +ActionDispatch::Static+ is used to serve static assets. Disabled if +config.serve_static_assets+ is +true+.
-* +Rack::Lock+ wraps the app in mutex so it can only be called by a single thread at a time. Only enabled if +config.action_controller.allow_concurrency+ is set to +false+, which it is by default.
+* +Rack::Lock+ wraps the app in mutex so it can only be called by a single thread at a time. Only enabled when +config.cache_classes_+ is +false+.
* +ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache+ serves as a basic memory backed cache. This cache is not thread safe and is intended only for serving as a temporary memory cache for a single thread.
* +Rack::Runtime+ sets an +X-Runtime+ header, containing the time (in seconds) taken to execute the request.
* +Rails::Rack::Logger+ notifies the logs that the request has began. After request is complete, flushes all the logs.
@@ -341,7 +337,7 @@ h4. Configuring Action Dispatch
* +config.action_dispatch.default_headers+ is a hash with HTTP headers that are set by default in each response. By default, this is defined as:
-config.action_dispatch.default_headers = { 'X-Frame-Options' => 'SAMEORIGIN', 'X-XSS-Protection' => '1; mode=block' }
+config.action_dispatch.default_headers = { 'X-Frame-Options' => 'SAMEORIGIN', 'X-XSS-Protection' => '1; mode=block', 'X-Content-Type-Options' => 'nosniff' }
* +config.action_dispatch.tld_length+ sets the TLD (top-level domain) length for the application. Defaults to +1+.
@@ -656,8 +652,6 @@ Serves as a placeholder so that +:load_environment_config+ can be defined to run
*+load_active_support+* Requires +active_support/dependencies+ which sets up the basis for Active Support. Optionally requires +active_support/all+ if +config.active_support.bare+ is un-truthful, which is the default.
-*+preload_frameworks+* Loads all autoload dependencies of Rails automatically if +config.preload_frameworks+ is +true+ or "truthful". By default this configuration option is disabled. In Rails, when internal classes are referenced for the first time they are autoloaded. +:preload_frameworks+ loads all of this at once on initialization.
*+initialize_logger+* Initializes the logger (an +ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger+ object) for the application and makes it accessible at +Rails.logger+, provided that no initializer inserted before this point has defined +Rails.logger+.
*+initialize_cache+* If +Rails.cache+ isn't set yet, initializes the cache by referencing the value in +config.cache_store+ and stores the outcome as +Rails.cache+. If this object responds to the +middleware+ method, its middleware is inserted before +Rack::Runtime+ in the middleware stack.
@@ -752,13 +746,13 @@ The error occurred while evaluating nil.each
*+build_middleware_stack+* Builds the middleware stack for the application, returning an object which has a +call+ method which takes a Rack environment object for the request.
-*+eager_load!+* If +config.cache_classes+ is true, runs the +config.before_eager_load+ hooks and then calls +eager_load!+ which will load all the Ruby files from +config.eager_load_paths+.
+*+eager_load!+* If +config.eager_load+ is true, runs the +config.before_eager_load+ hooks and then calls +eager_load!+ which will load all +config.eager_load_namespaces+.
*+finisher_hook+* Provides a hook for after the initialization of process of the application is complete, as well as running all the +config.after_initialize+ blocks for the application, railties and engines.
*+set_routes_reloader+* Configures Action Dispatch to reload the routes file using +ActionDispatch::Callbacks.to_prepare+.
-*+disable_dependency_loading+* Disables the automatic dependency loading if the +config.cache_classes+ is set to true and +config.dependency_loading+ is set to false.
+*+disable_dependency_loading+* Disables the automatic dependency loading if the +config.eager_load+ is set to true.
h3. Database pooling