path: root/guides/source/configuring.md
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diff --git a/guides/source/configuring.md b/guides/source/configuring.md
index dbbeec7126..8ac34c9716 100644
--- a/guides/source/configuring.md
+++ b/guides/source/configuring.md
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ Configuring Rails Components
In general, the work of configuring Rails means configuring the components of Rails, as well as configuring Rails itself. The configuration file `config/application.rb` and environment-specific configuration files (such as `config/environments/production.rb`) allow you to specify the various settings that you want to pass down to all of the components.
-For example, the default `config/application.rb` file includes this setting:
+For example, the `config/application.rb` file includes this setting:
-config.filter_parameters += [:password]
+config.autoload_paths += %W(#{config.root}/extras)
This is a setting for Rails itself. If you want to pass settings to individual Rails components, you can do so via the same `config` object in `config/application.rb`:
@@ -97,13 +97,17 @@ These configuration methods are to be called on a `Rails::Railtie` object, such
* `config.file_watcher` the class used to detect file updates in the filesystem when `config.reload_classes_only_on_change` is true. Must conform to `ActiveSupport::FileUpdateChecker` API.
-* `config.filter_parameters` used for filtering out the parameters that you don't want shown in the logs, such as passwords or credit card numbers.
+* `config.filter_parameters` used for filtering out the parameters that
+you don't want shown in the logs, such as passwords or credit card
+numbers. New applications filter out passwords by adding the following `config.filter_parameters+=[:password]` in `config/initializers/filter_parameter_logging.rb`.
* `config.force_ssl` forces all requests to be under HTTPS protocol by using `ActionDispatch::SSL` middleware.
+* `config.log_formatter` defines the formatter of the Rails logger. This option defaults to an instance of `ActiveSupport::Logger::SimpleFormatter` for all modes except production, where it defaults to `Logger::Formatter`.
* `config.log_level` defines the verbosity of the Rails logger. This option defaults to `:debug` for all modes except production, where it defaults to `:info`.
-* `config.log_tags` accepts a list of methods that respond to `request` object. This makes it easy to tag log lines with debug information like subdomain and request id — both very helpful in debugging multi-user production applications.
+* `config.log_tags` accepts a list of methods that respond to `request` object. This makes it easy to tag log lines with debug information like subdomain and request id - both very helpful in debugging multi-user production applications.
* `config.logger` accepts a logger conforming to the interface of Log4r or the default Ruby `Logger` class. Defaults to an instance of `ActiveSupport::Logger`, with auto flushing off in production mode.
@@ -113,7 +117,7 @@ These configuration methods are to be called on a `Rails::Railtie` object, such
* `config.secret_key_base` used for specifying a key which allows sessions for the application to be verified against a known secure key to prevent tampering. Applications get `config.secret_key_base` initialized to a random key in `config/initializers/secret_token.rb`.
-* `config.serve_static_assets` configures Rails itself to serve static assets. Defaults to true, but in the production environment is turned off as the server software (e.g. Nginx or Apache) used to run the application should serve static assets instead. Unlike the default setting set this to true when running (absolutely not recommended!) or testing your app in production mode using WEBrick. Otherwise you won´t be able use page caching and requests for files that exist regularly under the public directory will anyway hit your Rails app.
+* `config.serve_static_assets` configures Rails itself to serve static assets. Defaults to true, but in the production environment is turned off as the server software (e.g. Nginx or Apache) used to run the application should serve static assets instead. Unlike the default setting set this to true when running (absolutely not recommended!) or testing your app in production mode using WEBrick. Otherwise you won't be able use page caching and requests for files that exist regularly under the public directory will anyway hit your Rails app.
* `config.session_store` is usually set up in `config/initializers/session_store.rb` and specifies what class to use to store the session. Possible values are `:cookie_store` which is the default, `:mem_cache_store`, and `:disabled`. The last one tells Rails not to deal with sessions. Custom session stores can also be specified:
@@ -127,11 +131,10 @@ These configuration methods are to be called on a `Rails::Railtie` object, such
* `config.beginning_of_week` sets the default beginning of week for the application. Accepts a valid week day symbol (e.g. `:monday`).
-* `config.whiny_nils` enables or disables warnings when a certain set of methods are invoked on `nil` and it does not respond to them. Defaults to true in development and test environments.
### Configuring Assets
-* `config.assets.enabled` a flag that controls whether the asset pipeline is enabled. It is explicitly initialized in `config/application.rb`.
+* `config.assets.enabled` a flag that controls whether the asset
+pipeline is enabled. It is set to true by default.
* `config.assets.compress` a flag that enables the compression of compiled assets. It is explicitly set to true in `config/production.rb`.
@@ -193,7 +196,7 @@ Every Rails application comes with a standard set of middleware which it uses in
* `Rack::Lock` wraps the app in mutex so it can only be called by a single thread at a time. Only enabled when `config.cache_classes` is `false`.
* `ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache` serves as a basic memory backed cache. This cache is not thread safe and is intended only for serving as a temporary memory cache for a single thread.
* `Rack::Runtime` sets an `X-Runtime` header, containing the time (in seconds) taken to execute the request.
-* `Rails::Rack::Logger` notifies the logs that the request has began. After request is complete, flushes all the logs.
+* `Rails::Rack::Logger` notifies the logs that the request has begun. After request is complete, flushes all the logs.
* `ActionDispatch::ShowExceptions` rescues any exception returned by the application and renders nice exception pages if the request is local or if `config.consider_all_requests_local` is set to `true`. If `config.action_dispatch.show_exceptions` is set to `false`, exceptions will be raised regardless.
* `ActionDispatch::RequestId` makes a unique X-Request-Id header available to the response and enables the `ActionDispatch::Request#uuid` method.
* `ActionDispatch::RemoteIp` checks for IP spoofing attacks and gets valid `client_ip` from request headers. Configurable with the `config.action_dispatch.ip_spoofing_check`, and `config.action_dispatch.trusted_proxies` options.
@@ -258,6 +261,8 @@ config.middleware.delete "Rack::MethodOverride"
* `config.active_record.table_name_suffix` lets you set a global string to be appended to table names. If you set this to `_northwest`, then the Customer class will look for `customers_northwest` as its table. The default is an empty string.
+* `config.active_record.schema_migrations_table_name` lets you set a string to be used as the name of the schema migrations table.
* `config.active_record.pluralize_table_names` specifies whether Rails will look for singular or plural table names in the database. If set to true (the default), then the Customer class will use the `customers` table. If set to false, then the Customer class will use the `customer` table.
* `config.active_record.default_timezone` determines whether to use `Time.local` (if set to `:local`) or `Time.utc` (if set to `:utc`) when pulling dates and times from the database. The default is `:utc` for Rails, although Active Record defaults to `:local` when used outside of Rails.
@@ -268,7 +273,13 @@ config.middleware.delete "Rack::MethodOverride"
* `config.active_record.lock_optimistically` controls whether Active Record will use optimistic locking and is true by default.
-* +config.active_record.cache_timestamp_format+ controls the format of the timestamp value in the cache key. Default is +:number+.
+* `config.active_record.cache_timestamp_format` controls the format of the timestamp value in the cache key. Default is `:number`.
+* `config.active_record.record_timestamps` is a boolean value which controls whether or not timestamping of `create` and `update` operations on a model occur. The default value is `true`.
+* `config.active_record.partial_writes` is a boolean value and controls whether or not partial writes are used (i.e. whether updates only set attributes that are dirty). Note that when using partial writes, you should also use optimistic locking `config.active_record.lock_optimistically` since concurrent updates may write attributes based on a possibly stale read state. The default value is `true`.
+* `config.active_record.attribute_types_cached_by_default` sets the attribute types that `ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods` will cache by default on reads. The default is `[:datetime, :timestamp, :time, :date]`.
The MySQL adapter adds one additional configuration option:
@@ -296,11 +307,11 @@ The schema dumper adds one additional configuration option:
* `config.action_controller.allow_forgery_protection` enables or disables CSRF protection. By default this is `false` in test mode and `true` in all other modes.
-* `config.action_controller.relative_url_root` can be used to tell Rails that you are deploying to a subdirectory. The default is `ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT']`.
+* `config.action_controller.relative_url_root` can be used to tell Rails that you are [deploying to a subdirectory](configuring.html#deploy-to-a-subdirectory-relative-url-root). The default is `ENV['RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT']`.
* `config.action_controller.permit_all_parameters` sets all the parameters for mass assignment to be permitted by default. The default value is `false`.
-* `config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_params` enables logging or raising an exception if parameters that are not explicitly permitted are found. Set to `:log` or `:raise` to enable. The default value is `:log` in development and test environments, and `false` in all other environments.
+* `config.action_controller.action_on_unpermitted_parameters` enables logging or raising an exception if parameters that are not explicitly permitted are found. Set to `:log` or `:raise` to enable. The default value is `:log` in development and test environments, and `false` in all other environments.
### Configuring Action Dispatch
@@ -421,13 +432,13 @@ There are a few configuration options available in Active Support:
### Configuring a Database
-Just about every Rails application will interact with a database. The database to use is specified in a configuration file called `config/database.yml`. If you open this file in a new Rails application, you'll see a default database configured to use SQLite3. The file contains sections for three different environments in which Rails can run by default:
+Just about every Rails application will interact with a database. The database to use is specified in a configuration file called `config/database.yml`. If you open this file in a new Rails application, you'll see a default database configured to use SQLite3. The file contains sections for three different environments in which Rails can run by default:
* The `development` environment is used on your development/local computer as you interact manually with the application.
* The `test` environment is used when running automated tests.
* The `production` environment is used when you deploy your application for the world to use.
-TIP: You don't have to update the database configurations manually. If you look at the options of the application generator, you will see that one of the options is named `--database`. This option allows you to choose an adapter from a list of the most used relational databases. You can even run the generator repeatedly: `cd .. && rails new blog --database=mysql`. When you confirm the overwriting of the `config/database.yml` file, your application will be configured for MySQL instead of SQLite. Detailed examples of the common database connections are below.
+TIP: You don't have to update the database configurations manually. If you look at the options of the application generator, you will see that one of the options is named `--database`. This option allows you to choose an adapter from a list of the most used relational databases. You can even run the generator repeatedly: `cd .. && rails new blog --database=mysql`. When you confirm the overwriting of the `config/database.yml` file, your application will be configured for MySQL instead of SQLite. Detailed examples of the common database connections are below.
#### Configuring an SQLite3 Database
@@ -525,10 +536,47 @@ Change the username and password in the `development` section as appropriate.
By default Rails ships with three environments: "development", "test", and "production". While these are sufficient for most use cases, there are circumstances when you want more environments.
-Imagine you have a server which mirrors the production environment but is only used for testing. Such a server is commonly called a "staging server". To define an environment called "staging" for this server just by create a file called `config/environments/staging.rb`. Please use the contents of any existing file in `config/environments` as a starting point and make the necessary changes from there.
+Imagine you have a server which mirrors the production environment but is only used for testing. Such a server is commonly called a "staging server". To define an environment called "staging" for this server, just create a file called `config/environments/staging.rb`. Please use the contents of any existing file in `config/environments` as a starting point and make the necessary changes from there.
+That environment is no different than the default ones, start a server with `rails server -e staging`, a console with `rails console staging`, `Rails.env.staging?` works, etc.
+### Deploy to a subdirectory (relative url root)
+By default Rails expects that your application is running at the root
+(eg. `/`). This section explains how to run your application inside a directory.
+Let's assume we want to deploy our application to "/app1". Rails needs to know
+this directory to generate the appropriate routes:
+config.relative_url_root = "/app1"
+alternatively you can set the `RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT` environment
+Rails will now prepend "/app1" when generating links.
+#### Using Passenger
-That environment is no different than the default ones, start a server with `rails server -e staging`, a console with `rails console staging`, `Rails.env.staging?` works, etc.
+Passenger makes it easiy to run your application in a subdirectory. You can find
+the relevant configuration in the
+[passenger manual](http://www.modrails.com/documentation/Users%20guide%20Apache.html#deploying_rails_to_sub_uri).
+#### Using a Reverse Proxy
+#### Considerations when deploying to a subdirectory
+Deploying to a subdirectory in production has implications on various parts of
+* development environment:
+* testing environment:
+* serving static assets:
+* asset pipeline:
Rails Environment Settings
@@ -537,7 +585,7 @@ Some parts of Rails can also be configured externally by supplying environment v
* `ENV["RAILS_ENV"]` defines the Rails environment (production, development, test, and so on) that Rails will run under.
-* `ENV["RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT"]` is used by the routing code to recognize URLs when you deploy your application to a subdirectory.
+* `ENV["RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT"]` is used by the routing code to recognize URLs when you [deploy your application to a subdirectory](configuring.html#deploy-to-a-subdirectory-relative-url-root).
* `ENV["RAILS_CACHE_ID"]` and `ENV["RAILS_APP_VERSION"]` are used to generate expanded cache keys in Rails' caching code. This allows you to have multiple separate caches from the same application.
@@ -564,7 +612,7 @@ Rails has 5 initialization events which can be hooked into (listed in the order
* `before_eager_load`: This is run directly before eager loading occurs, which is the default behavior for the `production` environment and not for the `development` environment.
-* `after_initialize`: Run directly after the initialization of the application, but before the application initializers are run.
+* `after_initialize`: Run directly after the initialization of the application, after the application initializers in `config/initializers` are run.
To define an event for these hooks, use the block syntax within a `Rails::Application`, `Rails::Railtie` or `Rails::Engine` subclass:
@@ -590,17 +638,17 @@ WARNING: Some parts of your application, notably routing, are not yet set up at
### `Rails::Railtie#initializer`
-Rails has several initializers that run on startup that are all defined by using the `initializer` method from `Rails::Railtie`. Here's an example of the `initialize_whiny_nils` initializer from Active Support:
+Rails has several initializers that run on startup that are all defined by using the `initializer` method from `Rails::Railtie`. Here's an example of the `set_helpers_path` initializer from Action Controller:
-initializer "active_support.initialize_whiny_nils" do |app|
- require 'active_support/whiny_nil' if app.config.whiny_nils
+initializer "action_controller.set_helpers_path" do |app|
+ ActionController::Helpers.helpers_path = app.helpers_paths
The `initializer` method takes three arguments with the first being the name for the initializer and the second being an options hash (not shown here) and the third being a block. The `:before` key in the options hash can be specified to specify which initializer this new initializer must run before, and the `:after` key will specify which initializer to run this initializer _after_.
-Initializers defined using the `initializer` method will be ran in the order they are defined in, with the exception of ones that use the `:before` or `:after` methods.
+Initializers defined using the `initializer` method will be run in the order they are defined in, with the exception of ones that use the `:before` or `:after` methods.
WARNING: You may put your initializer before or after any other initializer in the chain, as long as it is logical. Say you have 4 initializers called "one" through "four" (defined in that order) and you define "four" to go _before_ "four" but _after_ "three", that just isn't logical and Rails will not be able to determine your initializer order.
@@ -620,7 +668,7 @@ Below is a comprehensive list of all the initializers found in Rails in the orde
* `initialize_cache` If `Rails.cache` isn't set yet, initializes the cache by referencing the value in `config.cache_store` and stores the outcome as `Rails.cache`. If this object responds to the `middleware` method, its middleware is inserted before `Rack::Runtime` in the middleware stack.
-* `set_clear_dependencies_hook` Provides a hook for `active_record.set_dispatch_hooks` to use, which will run before this initializer. This initializer — which runs only if `cache_classes` is set to `false` — uses `ActionDispatch::Callbacks.after` to remove the constants which have been referenced during the request from the object space so that they will be reloaded during the following request.
+* `set_clear_dependencies_hook` Provides a hook for `active_record.set_dispatch_hooks` to use, which will run before this initializer. This initializer - which runs only if `cache_classes` is set to `false` - uses `ActionDispatch::Callbacks.after` to remove the constants which have been referenced during the request from the object space so that they will be reloaded during the following request.
* `initialize_dependency_mechanism` If `config.cache_classes` is true, configures `ActiveSupport::Dependencies.mechanism` to `require` dependencies rather than `load` them.
@@ -628,33 +676,19 @@ Below is a comprehensive list of all the initializers found in Rails in the orde
* `i18n.callbacks` In the development environment, sets up a `to_prepare` callback which will call `I18n.reload!` if any of the locales have changed since the last request. In production mode this callback will only run on the first request.
-* `active_support.initialize_whiny_nils` Requires `active_support/whiny_nil` if `config.whiny_nils` is true. This file will output errors such as:
- ```
- Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 — if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id
- ```
- And:
- ```
- You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
- You might have expected an instance of Array.
- The error occurred while evaluating nil.each
- ```
* `active_support.deprecation_behavior` Sets up deprecation reporting for environments, defaulting to `:log` for development, `:notify` for production and `:stderr` for test. If a value isn't set for `config.active_support.deprecation` then this initializer will prompt the user to configure this line in the current environment's `config/environments` file. Can be set to an array of values.
* `active_support.initialize_time_zone` Sets the default time zone for the application based on the `config.time_zone` setting, which defaults to "UTC".
-* `active_support.initialize_beginning_of_week` Sets the default beginnig of week for the application based on `config.beginning_of_week` setting, which defaults to `:monday`.
+* `active_support.initialize_beginning_of_week` Sets the default beginning of week for the application based on `config.beginning_of_week` setting, which defaults to `:monday`.
* `action_dispatch.configure` Configures the `ActionDispatch::Http::URL.tld_length` to be set to the value of `config.action_dispatch.tld_length`.
* `action_view.set_configs` Sets up Action View by using the settings in `config.action_view` by `send`'ing the method names as setters to `ActionView::Base` and passing the values through.
-* `action_controller.logger` Sets `ActionController::Base.logger` — if it's not already set — to `Rails.logger`.
+* `action_controller.logger` Sets `ActionController::Base.logger` - if it's not already set - to `Rails.logger`.
-* `action_controller.initialize_framework_caches` Sets `ActionController::Base.cache_store` — if it's not already set — to `Rails.cache`.
+* `action_controller.initialize_framework_caches` Sets `ActionController::Base.cache_store` - if it's not already set - to `Rails.cache`.
* `action_controller.set_configs` Sets up Action Controller by using the settings in `config.action_controller` by `send`'ing the method names as setters to `ActionController::Base` and passing the values through.
@@ -662,7 +696,7 @@ Below is a comprehensive list of all the initializers found in Rails in the orde
* `active_record.initialize_timezone` Sets `ActiveRecord::Base.time_zone_aware_attributes` to true, as well as setting `ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone` to UTC. When attributes are read from the database, they will be converted into the time zone specified by `Time.zone`.
-* `active_record.logger` Sets `ActiveRecord::Base.logger` — if it's not already set — to `Rails.logger`.
+* `active_record.logger` Sets `ActiveRecord::Base.logger` - if it's not already set - to `Rails.logger`.
* `active_record.set_configs` Sets up Active Record by using the settings in `config.active_record` by `send`'ing the method names as setters to `ActiveRecord::Base` and passing the values through.
@@ -672,7 +706,7 @@ Below is a comprehensive list of all the initializers found in Rails in the orde
* `active_record.set_dispatch_hooks` Resets all reloadable connections to the database if `config.cache_classes` is set to `false`.
-* `action_mailer.logger` Sets `ActionMailer::Base.logger` — if it's not already set — to `Rails.logger`.
+* `action_mailer.logger` Sets `ActionMailer::Base.logger` - if it's not already set - to `Rails.logger`.
* `action_mailer.set_configs` Sets up Action Mailer by using the settings in `config.action_mailer` by `send`'ing the method names as setters to `ActionMailer::Base` and passing the values through.
@@ -698,11 +732,11 @@ Below is a comprehensive list of all the initializers found in Rails in the orde
* `engines_blank_point` Provides a point-in-initialization to hook into if you wish to do anything before engines are loaded. After this point, all railtie and engine initializers are run.
-* `add_generator_templates` Finds templates for generators at `lib/templates` for the application, railities and engines and adds these to the `config.generators.templates` setting, which will make the templates available for all generators to reference.
+* `add_generator_templates` Finds templates for generators at `lib/templates` for the application, railties and engines and adds these to the `config.generators.templates` setting, which will make the templates available for all generators to reference.
* `ensure_autoload_once_paths_as_subset` Ensures that the `config.autoload_once_paths` only contains paths from `config.autoload_paths`. If it contains extra paths, then an exception will be raised.
-* `add_to_prepare_blocks` The block for every `config.to_prepare` call in the application, a railtie or engine is added to the `to_prepare` callbacks for Action Dispatch which will be ran per request in development, or before the first request in production.
+* `add_to_prepare_blocks` The block for every `config.to_prepare` call in the application, a railtie or engine is added to the `to_prepare` callbacks for Action Dispatch which will be run per request in development, or before the first request in production.
* `add_builtin_route` If the application is running under the development environment then this will append the route for `rails/info/properties` to the application routes. This route provides the detailed information such as Rails and Ruby version for `public/index.html` in a default Rails application.
@@ -729,8 +763,19 @@ development:
timeout: 5000
-Since the connection pooling is handled inside of ActiveRecord by default, all application servers (Thin, mongrel, Unicorn etc.) should behave the same. Initially, the database connection pool is empty and it will create additional connections as the demand for them increases, until it reaches the connection pool limit.
+Since the connection pooling is handled inside of Active Record by default, all application servers (Thin, mongrel, Unicorn etc.) should behave the same. Initially, the database connection pool is empty and it will create additional connections as the demand for them increases, until it reaches the connection pool limit.
Any one request will check out a connection the first time it requires access to the database, after which it will check the connection back in, at the end of the request, meaning that the additional connection slot will be available again for the next request in the queue.
+If you try to use more connections than are available, Active Record will block
+and wait for a connection from the pool. When it cannot get connection, a timeout
+error similar to given below will be thrown.
+ActiveRecord::ConnectionTimeoutError - could not obtain a database connection within 5 seconds. The max pool size is currently 5; consider increasing it:
+If you get the above error, you might want to increase the size of connection
+pool by incrementing the `pool` option in `database.yml`
NOTE. If you have enabled `Rails.threadsafe!` mode then there could be a chance that several threads may be accessing multiple connections simultaneously. So depending on your current request load, you could very well have multiple threads contending for a limited amount of connections.