path: root/guides/source/configuring.md
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diff --git a/guides/source/configuring.md b/guides/source/configuring.md
index 1bba422740..a2c8d70095 100644
--- a/guides/source/configuring.md
+++ b/guides/source/configuring.md
@@ -48,19 +48,19 @@ These configuration methods are to be called on a `Rails::Railtie` object, such
* `config.after_initialize` takes a block which will be run _after_ Rails has finished initializing the application. That includes the initialization of the framework itself, engines, and all the application's initializers in `config/initializers`. Note that this block _will_ be run for rake tasks. Useful for configuring values set up by other initializers:
-config.after_initialize do
- ActionView::Base.sanitized_allowed_tags.delete 'div'
+ ```ruby
+ config.after_initialize do
+ ActionView::Base.sanitized_allowed_tags.delete 'div'
+ end
+ ```
* `config.asset_host` sets the host for the assets. Useful when CDNs are used for hosting assets, or when you want to work around the concurrency constraints builtin in browsers using different domain aliases. Shorter version of `config.action_controller.asset_host`.
* `config.asset_path` lets you decorate asset paths. This can be a callable, a string, or be `nil` which is the default. For example, the normal path for `blog.js` would be `/javascripts/blog.js`, let that absolute path be `path`. If `config.asset_path` is a callable, Rails calls it when generating asset paths passing `path` as argument. If `config.asset_path` is a string, it is expected to be a `sprintf` format string with a `%s` where `path` will get inserted. In either case, Rails outputs the decorated path. Shorter version of `config.action_controller.asset_path`.
-config.asset_path = proc { |path| "/blog/public#{path}" }
+ ```ruby
+ config.asset_path = proc { |path| "/blog/public#{path}" }
+ ```
NOTE. The `config.asset_path` configuration is ignored if the asset pipeline is enabled, which is the default.
@@ -80,14 +80,14 @@ NOTE. The `config.asset_path` configuration is ignored if the asset pipeline is
* `config.console` allows you to set class that will be used as console you run `rails console`. It's best to run it in `console` block:
-console do
- # this block is called only when running console,
- # so we can safely require pry here
- require "pry"
- config.console = Pry
+ ```ruby
+ console do
+ # this block is called only when running console,
+ # so we can safely require pry here
+ require "pry"
+ config.console = Pry
+ end
+ ```
* `config.dependency_loading` is a flag that allows you to disable constant autoloading setting it to false. It only has effect if `config.cache_classes` is true, which it is by default in production mode. This flag is set to false by `config.threadsafe!`.
@@ -127,11 +127,11 @@ end
* `config.session_store` is usually set up in `config/initializers/session_store.rb` and specifies what class to use to store the session. Possible values are `:cookie_store` which is the default, `:mem_cache_store`, and `:disabled`. The last one tells Rails not to deal with sessions. Custom session stores can also be specified:
-config.session_store :my_custom_store
+ ```ruby
+ config.session_store :my_custom_store
+ ```
-This custom store must be defined as `ActionDispatch::Session::MyCustomStore`.
+ This custom store must be defined as `ActionDispatch::Session::MyCustomStore`.
* `config.time_zone` sets the default time zone for the application and enables time zone awareness for Active Record.
@@ -202,8 +202,8 @@ The full set of methods that can be used in this block are as follows:
Every Rails application comes with a standard set of middleware which it uses in this order in the development environment:
* `ActionDispatch::SSL` forces every request to be under HTTPS protocol. Will be available if `config.force_ssl` is set to `true`. Options passed to this can be configured by using `config.ssl_options`.
-* `ActionDispatch::Static` is used to serve static assets. Disabled if `config.serve_static_assets` is `true`.
-* `Rack::Lock` wraps the app in mutex so it can only be called by a single thread at a time. Only enabled when `config.cache_classes_` is `false`.
+* `ActionDispatch::Static` is used to serve static assets. Disabled if `config.serve_static_assets` is `false`.
+* `Rack::Lock` wraps the app in mutex so it can only be called by a single thread at a time. Only enabled when `config.cache_classes` is `false`.
* `ActiveSupport::Cache::Strategy::LocalCache` serves as a basic memory backed cache. This cache is not thread safe and is intended only for serving as a temporary memory cache for a single thread.
* `Rack::Runtime` sets an `X-Runtime` header, containing the time (in seconds) taken to execute the request.
* `Rails::Rack::Logger` notifies the logs that the request has began. After request is complete, flushes all the logs.
@@ -332,9 +332,13 @@ The caching code adds two additional settings:
* `config.action_dispatch.default_headers` is a hash with HTTP headers that are set by default in each response. By default, this is defined as:
-config.action_dispatch.default_headers = { 'X-Frame-Options' => 'SAMEORIGIN', 'X-XSS-Protection' => '1; mode=block', 'X-Content-Type-Options' => 'nosniff' }
+ ```ruby
+ config.action_dispatch.default_headers = {
+ 'X-Frame-Options' => 'SAMEORIGIN',
+ 'X-XSS-Protection' => '1; mode=block',
+ 'X-Content-Type-Options' => 'nosniff'
+ }
+ ```
* `config.action_dispatch.tld_length` sets the TLD (top-level domain) length for the application. Defaults to `1`.
@@ -350,9 +354,11 @@ config.action_dispatch.default_headers = { 'X-Frame-Options' => 'SAMEORIGIN', 'X
* `config.action_view.field_error_proc` provides an HTML generator for displaying errors that come from Active Record. The default is
-Proc.new { |html_tag, instance| %Q(<div class="field_with_errors">#{html_tag}</div>).html_safe }
+ ```ruby
+ Proc.new do |html_tag, instance|
+ %Q(<div class="field_with_errors">#{html_tag}</div>).html_safe
+ end
+ ```
* `config.action_view.default_form_builder` tells Rails which form builder to use by default. The default is `ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder`. If you want your form builder class to be loaded after initialization (so it's reloaded on each request in development), you can pass it as a `String`
@@ -362,27 +368,29 @@ Proc.new { |html_tag, instance| %Q(<div class="field_with_errors">#{html_tag}</d
* `config.action_view.javascript_expansions` is a hash containing expansions that can be used for the JavaScript include tag. By default, this is defined as:
-config.action_view.javascript_expansions = { :defaults => %w(jquery jquery_ujs) }
+ ```ruby
+ config.action_view.javascript_expansions = { :defaults => %w(jquery jquery_ujs) }
+ ```
-However, you may add to this by defining others:
+ However, you may add to this by defining others:
-config.action_view.javascript_expansions[:prototype] = ['prototype', 'effects', 'dragdrop', 'controls']
+ ```ruby
+ config.action_view.javascript_expansions[:prototype] = [
+ 'prototype', 'effects', 'dragdrop', 'controls'
+ ]
+ ```
-And can reference in the view with the following code:
+ And can reference in the view with the following code:
-<%= javascript_include_tag :prototype %>
+ ```ruby
+ <%= javascript_include_tag :prototype %>
+ ```
* `config.action_view.stylesheet_expansions` works in much the same way as `javascript_expansions`, but has no default key. Keys defined for this hash can be referenced in the view like such:
-<%= stylesheet_link_tag :special %>
+ ```ruby
+ <%= stylesheet_link_tag :special %>
+ ```
* `config.action_view.cache_asset_ids` With the cache enabled, the asset tag helper methods will make fewer expensive file system calls (the default implementation checks the file system timestamp). However this prevents you from modifying any asset files while the server is running.
@@ -390,11 +398,11 @@ And can reference in the view with the following code:
* `config.action_view.prefix_partial_path_with_controller_namespace` determines whether or not partials are looked up from a subdirectory in templates rendered from namespaced controllers. For example, consider a controller named `Admin::PostsController` which renders this template:
-<%= render @post %>
+ ```erb
+ <%= render @post %>
+ ```
-The default setting is `true`, which uses the partial at `/admin/posts/_post.erb`. Setting the value to `false` would render `/posts/_post.erb`, which is the same behavior as rendering from a non-namespaced controller such as `PostsController`.
+ The default setting is `true`, which uses the partial at `/admin/posts/_post.erb`. Setting the value to `false` would render `/posts/_post.erb`, which is the same behavior as rendering from a non-namespaced controller such as `PostsController`.
### Configuring Action Mailer
@@ -403,16 +411,16 @@ There are a number of settings available on `config.action_mailer`:
* `config.action_mailer.logger` accepts a logger conforming to the interface of Log4r or the default Ruby Logger class, which is then used to log information from Action Mailer. Set to `nil` to disable logging.
* `config.action_mailer.smtp_settings` allows detailed configuration for the `:smtp` delivery method. It accepts a hash of options, which can include any of these options:
-** `:address` - Allows you to use a remote mail server. Just change it from its default "localhost" setting.
-** `:port` - On the off chance that your mail server doesn't run on port 25, you can change it.
-** `:domain` - If you need to specify a HELO domain, you can do it here.
-** `:user_name` - If your mail server requires authentication, set the username in this setting.
-** `:password` - If your mail server requires authentication, set the password in this setting.
-** `:authentication` - If your mail server requires authentication, you need to specify the authentication type here. This is a symbol and one of `:plain`, `:login`, `:cram_md5`.
+ * `:address` - Allows you to use a remote mail server. Just change it from its default "localhost" setting.
+ * `:port` - On the off chance that your mail server doesn't run on port 25, you can change it.
+ * `:domain` - If you need to specify a HELO domain, you can do it here.
+ * `:user_name` - If your mail server requires authentication, set the username in this setting.
+ * `:password` - If your mail server requires authentication, set the password in this setting.
+ * `:authentication` - If your mail server requires authentication, you need to specify the authentication type here. This is a symbol and one of `:plain`, `:login`, `:cram_md5`.
* `config.action_mailer.sendmail_settings` allows detailed configuration for the `sendmail` delivery method. It accepts a hash of options, which can include any of these options:
-** `:location` - The location of the sendmail executable. Defaults to `/usr/sbin/sendmail`.
-** `:arguments` - The command line arguments. Defaults to `-i -t`.
+ * `:location` - The location of the sendmail executable. Defaults to `/usr/sbin/sendmail`.
+ * `:arguments` - The command line arguments. Defaults to `-i -t`.
* `config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors` specifies whether to raise an error if email delivery cannot be completed. It defaults to true.
@@ -421,22 +429,25 @@ There are a number of settings available on `config.action_mailer`:
* `config.action_mailer.perform_deliveries` specifies whether mail will actually be delivered and is true by default. It can be convenient to set it to false for testing.
* `config.action_mailer.default_options` configures Action Mailer defaults. Use to set options like `from` or `reply_to` for every mailer. These default to:
-:mime_version => "1.0",
-:charset => "UTF-8",
-:content_type => "text/plain",
-:parts_order => [ "text/plain", "text/enriched", "text/html" ]
+ ```ruby
+ :mime_version => "1.0",
+ :charset => "UTF-8",
+ :content_type => "text/plain",
+ :parts_order => [ "text/plain", "text/enriched", "text/html" ]
+ ```
* `config.action_mailer.observers` registers observers which will be notified when mail is delivered.
-config.action_mailer.observers = ["MailObserver"]
+ ```ruby
+ config.action_mailer.observers = ["MailObserver"]
+ ```
* `config.action_mailer.interceptors` registers interceptors which will be called before mail is sent.
-config.action_mailer.interceptors = ["MailInterceptor"]
+ ```ruby
+ config.action_mailer.interceptors = ["MailInterceptor"]
+ ```
* `config.action_mailer.queue` registers the queue that will be used to deliver the mail.
@@ -651,112 +662,111 @@ Because `Rails::Application` inherits from `Rails::Railtie` (indirectly), you ca
Below is a comprehensive list of all the initializers found in Rails in the order that they are defined (and therefore run in, unless otherwise stated).
-Serves as a placeholder so that `:load_environment_config` can be defined to run before it.
+* `load_environment_hook` Serves as a placeholder so that `:load_environment_config` can be defined to run before it.
-*`load_active_support`* Requires `active_support/dependencies` which sets up the basis for Active Support. Optionally requires `active_support/all` if `config.active_support.bare` is un-truthful, which is the default.
+* `load_active_support` Requires `active_support/dependencies` which sets up the basis for Active Support. Optionally requires `active_support/all` if `config.active_support.bare` is un-truthful, which is the default.
-*`initialize_logger`* Initializes the logger (an `ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger` object) for the application and makes it accessible at `Rails.logger`, provided that no initializer inserted before this point has defined `Rails.logger`.
+* `initialize_logger` Initializes the logger (an `ActiveSupport::BufferedLogger` object) for the application and makes it accessible at `Rails.logger`, provided that no initializer inserted before this point has defined `Rails.logger`.
-*`initialize_cache`* If `Rails.cache` isn't set yet, initializes the cache by referencing the value in `config.cache_store` and stores the outcome as `Rails.cache`. If this object responds to the `middleware` method, its middleware is inserted before `Rack::Runtime` in the middleware stack.
+* `initialize_cache` If `Rails.cache` isn't set yet, initializes the cache by referencing the value in `config.cache_store` and stores the outcome as `Rails.cache`. If this object responds to the `middleware` method, its middleware is inserted before `Rack::Runtime` in the middleware stack.
-*`set_clear_dependencies_hook`* Provides a hook for `active_record.set_dispatch_hooks` to use, which will run before this initializer. This initializer -- which runs only if `cache_classes` is set to `false` -- uses `ActionDispatch::Callbacks.after` to remove the constants which have been referenced during the request from the object space so that they will be reloaded during the following request.
+* `set_clear_dependencies_hook` Provides a hook for `active_record.set_dispatch_hooks` to use, which will run before this initializer. This initializer -- which runs only if `cache_classes` is set to `false` -- uses `ActionDispatch::Callbacks.after` to remove the constants which have been referenced during the request from the object space so that they will be reloaded during the following request.
-*`initialize_dependency_mechanism`* If `config.cache_classes` is true, configures `ActiveSupport::Dependencies.mechanism` to `require` dependencies rather than `load` them.
+* `initialize_dependency_mechanism` If `config.cache_classes` is true, configures `ActiveSupport::Dependencies.mechanism` to `require` dependencies rather than `load` them.
-*`bootstrap_hook`* Runs all configured `before_initialize` blocks.
+* `bootstrap_hook` Runs all configured `before_initialize` blocks.
-*`i18n.callbacks`* In the development environment, sets up a `to_prepare` callback which will call `I18n.reload!` if any of the locales have changed since the last request. In production mode this callback will only run on the first request.
+* `i18n.callbacks` In the development environment, sets up a `to_prepare` callback which will call `I18n.reload!` if any of the locales have changed since the last request. In production mode this callback will only run on the first request.
-*`active_support.initialize_whiny_nils`* Requires `active_support/whiny_nil` if `config.whiny_nils` is true. This file will output errors such as:
+* `active_support.initialize_whiny_nils` Requires `active_support/whiny_nil` if `config.whiny_nils` is true. This file will output errors such as:
- Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id
+ ```
+ Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id
+ ```
+ And:
-You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
-You might have expected an instance of Array.
-The error occurred while evaluating nil.each
+ ```
+ You have a nil object when you didn't expect it!
+ You might have expected an instance of Array.
+ The error occurred while evaluating nil.each
+ ```
-*`active_support.deprecation_behavior`* Sets up deprecation reporting for environments, defaulting to `:log` for development, `:notify` for production and `:stderr` for test. If a value isn't set for `config.active_support.deprecation` then this initializer will prompt the user to configure this line in the current environment's `config/environments` file. Can be set to an array of values.
+* `active_support.deprecation_behavior` Sets up deprecation reporting for environments, defaulting to `:log` for development, `:notify` for production and `:stderr` for test. If a value isn't set for `config.active_support.deprecation` then this initializer will prompt the user to configure this line in the current environment's `config/environments` file. Can be set to an array of values.
-*`active_support.initialize_time_zone`* Sets the default time zone for the application based on the `config.time_zone` setting, which defaults to "UTC".
+* `active_support.initialize_time_zone` Sets the default time zone for the application based on the `config.time_zone` setting, which defaults to "UTC".
-*`action_dispatch.configure`* Configures the `ActionDispatch::Http::URL.tld_length` to be set to the value of `config.action_dispatch.tld_length`.
+* `action_dispatch.configure` Configures the `ActionDispatch::Http::URL.tld_length` to be set to the value of `config.action_dispatch.tld_length`.
-*`action_view.cache_asset_ids`* Sets `ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper::AssetPaths.cache_asset_ids` to `false` when Active Support loads, but only if `config.cache_classes` is too.
+* `action_view.cache_asset_ids` Sets `ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper::AssetPaths.cache_asset_ids` to `false` when Active Support loads, but only if `config.cache_classes` is too.
-*`action_view.javascript_expansions`* Registers the expansions set up by `config.action_view.javascript_expansions` and `config.action_view.stylesheet_expansions` to be recognized by Action View and therefore usable in the views.
+* `action_view.javascript_expansions` Registers the expansions set up by `config.action_view.javascript_expansions` and `config.action_view.stylesheet_expansions` to be recognized by Action View and therefore usable in the views.
-*`action_view.set_configs`* Sets up Action View by using the settings in `config.action_view` by `send`'ing the method names as setters to `ActionView::Base` and passing the values through.
+* `action_view.set_configs` Sets up Action View by using the settings in `config.action_view` by `send`'ing the method names as setters to `ActionView::Base` and passing the values through.
-*`action_controller.logger`* Sets `ActionController::Base.logger` -- if it's not already set -- to `Rails.logger`.
+* `action_controller.logger` Sets `ActionController::Base.logger` -- if it's not already set -- to `Rails.logger`.
-*`action_controller.initialize_framework_caches`* Sets `ActionController::Base.cache_store` -- if it's not already set -- to `Rails.cache`.
+* `action_controller.initialize_framework_caches` Sets `ActionController::Base.cache_store` -- if it's not already set -- to `Rails.cache`.
-*`action_controller.set_configs`* Sets up Action Controller by using the settings in `config.action_controller` by `send`'ing the method names as setters to `ActionController::Base` and passing the values through.
+* `action_controller.set_configs` Sets up Action Controller by using the settings in `config.action_controller` by `send`'ing the method names as setters to `ActionController::Base` and passing the values through.
-*`action_controller.compile_config_methods`* Initializes methods for the config settings specified so that they are quicker to access.
+* `action_controller.compile_config_methods` Initializes methods for the config settings specified so that they are quicker to access.
-*`active_record.initialize_timezone`* Sets `ActiveRecord::Base.time_zone_aware_attributes` to true, as well as setting `ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone` to UTC. When attributes are read from the database, they will be converted into the time zone specified by `Time.zone`.
+* `active_record.initialize_timezone` Sets `ActiveRecord::Base.time_zone_aware_attributes` to true, as well as setting `ActiveRecord::Base.default_timezone` to UTC. When attributes are read from the database, they will be converted into the time zone specified by `Time.zone`.
-*`active_record.logger`* Sets `ActiveRecord::Base.logger` -- if it's not already set -- to `Rails.logger`.
+* `active_record.logger` Sets `ActiveRecord::Base.logger` -- if it's not already set -- to `Rails.logger`.
-*`active_record.set_configs`* Sets up Active Record by using the settings in `config.active_record` by `send`'ing the method names as setters to `ActiveRecord::Base` and passing the values through.
+* `active_record.set_configs` Sets up Active Record by using the settings in `config.active_record` by `send`'ing the method names as setters to `ActiveRecord::Base` and passing the values through.
-*`active_record.initialize_database`* Loads the database configuration (by default) from `config/database.yml` and establishes a connection for the current environment.
+* `active_record.initialize_database` Loads the database configuration (by default) from `config/database.yml` and establishes a connection for the current environment.
-*`active_record.log_runtime`* Includes `ActiveRecord::Railties::ControllerRuntime` which is responsible for reporting the time taken by Active Record calls for the request back to the logger.
+* `active_record.log_runtime` Includes `ActiveRecord::Railties::ControllerRuntime` which is responsible for reporting the time taken by Active Record calls for the request back to the logger.
-*`active_record.set_dispatch_hooks`* Resets all reloadable connections to the database if `config.cache_classes` is set to `false`.
+* `active_record.set_dispatch_hooks` Resets all reloadable connections to the database if `config.cache_classes` is set to `false`.
-*`action_mailer.logger`* Sets `ActionMailer::Base.logger` -- if it's not already set -- to `Rails.logger`.
+* `action_mailer.logger` Sets `ActionMailer::Base.logger` -- if it's not already set -- to `Rails.logger`.
-*`action_mailer.set_configs`* Sets up Action Mailer by using the settings in `config.action_mailer` by `send`'ing the method names as setters to `ActionMailer::Base` and passing the values through.
+* `action_mailer.set_configs` Sets up Action Mailer by using the settings in `config.action_mailer` by `send`'ing the method names as setters to `ActionMailer::Base` and passing the values through.
-*`action_mailer.compile_config_methods`* Initializes methods for the config settings specified so that they are quicker to access.
+* `action_mailer.compile_config_methods` Initializes methods for the config settings specified so that they are quicker to access.
-*`set_load_path`* This initializer runs before `bootstrap_hook`. Adds the `vendor`, `lib`, all directories of `app` and any paths specified by `config.load_paths` to `$LOAD_PATH`.
+* `set_load_path` This initializer runs before `bootstrap_hook`. Adds the `vendor`, `lib`, all directories of `app` and any paths specified by `config.load_paths` to `$LOAD_PATH`.
-*`set_autoload_paths`* This initializer runs before `bootstrap_hook`. Adds all sub-directories of `app` and paths specified by `config.autoload_paths` to `ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths`.
+* `set_autoload_paths` This initializer runs before `bootstrap_hook`. Adds all sub-directories of `app` and paths specified by `config.autoload_paths` to `ActiveSupport::Dependencies.autoload_paths`.
-*`add_routing_paths`* Loads (by default) all `config/routes.rb` files (in the application and railties, including engines) and sets up the routes for the application.
+* `add_routing_paths` Loads (by default) all `config/routes.rb` files (in the application and railties, including engines) and sets up the routes for the application.
-*`add_locales`* Adds the files in `config/locales` (from the application, railties and engines) to `I18n.load_path`, making available the translations in these files.
+* `add_locales` Adds the files in `config/locales` (from the application, railties and engines) to `I18n.load_path`, making available the translations in these files.
-*`add_view_paths`* Adds the directory `app/views` from the application, railties and engines to the lookup path for view files for the application.
+* `add_view_paths` Adds the directory `app/views` from the application, railties and engines to the lookup path for view files for the application.
-*`load_environment_config`* Loads the `config/environments` file for the current environment.
+* `load_environment_config` Loads the `config/environments` file for the current environment.
-*`append_asset_paths`* Finds asset paths for the application and all attached railties and keeps a track of the available directories in `config.static_asset_paths`.
+* `append_asset_paths` Finds asset paths for the application and all attached railties and keeps a track of the available directories in `config.static_asset_paths`.
-*`prepend_helpers_path`* Adds the directory `app/helpers` from the application, railties and engines to the lookup path for helpers for the application.
+* `prepend_helpers_path` Adds the directory `app/helpers` from the application, railties and engines to the lookup path for helpers for the application.
-*`load_config_initializers`* Loads all Ruby files from `config/initializers` in the application, railties and engines. The files in this directory can be used to hold configuration settings that should be made after all of the frameworks are loaded.
+* `load_config_initializers` Loads all Ruby files from `config/initializers` in the application, railties and engines. The files in this directory can be used to hold configuration settings that should be made after all of the frameworks are loaded.
-*`engines_blank_point`* Provides a point-in-initialization to hook into if you wish to do anything before engines are loaded. After this point, all railtie and engine initializers are run.
+* `engines_blank_point` Provides a point-in-initialization to hook into if you wish to do anything before engines are loaded. After this point, all railtie and engine initializers are run.
-*`add_generator_templates`* Finds templates for generators at `lib/templates` for the application, railities and engines and adds these to the `config.generators.templates` setting, which will make the templates available for all generators to reference.
+* `add_generator_templates` Finds templates for generators at `lib/templates` for the application, railities and engines and adds these to the `config.generators.templates` setting, which will make the templates available for all generators to reference.
-*`ensure_autoload_once_paths_as_subset`* Ensures that the `config.autoload_once_paths` only contains paths from `config.autoload_paths`. If it contains extra paths, then an exception will be raised.
+* `ensure_autoload_once_paths_as_subset` Ensures that the `config.autoload_once_paths` only contains paths from `config.autoload_paths`. If it contains extra paths, then an exception will be raised.
-*`add_to_prepare_blocks`* The block for every `config.to_prepare` call in the application, a railtie or engine is added to the `to_prepare` callbacks for Action Dispatch which will be ran per request in development, or before the first request in production.
+* `add_to_prepare_blocks` The block for every `config.to_prepare` call in the application, a railtie or engine is added to the `to_prepare` callbacks for Action Dispatch which will be ran per request in development, or before the first request in production.
-*`add_builtin_route`* If the application is running under the development environment then this will append the route for `rails/info/properties` to the application routes. This route provides the detailed information such as Rails and Ruby version for `public/index.html` in a default Rails application.
+* `add_builtin_route` If the application is running under the development environment then this will append the route for `rails/info/properties` to the application routes. This route provides the detailed information such as Rails and Ruby version for `public/index.html` in a default Rails application.
-*`build_middleware_stack`* Builds the middleware stack for the application, returning an object which has a `call` method which takes a Rack environment object for the request.
+* `build_middleware_stack` Builds the middleware stack for the application, returning an object which has a `call` method which takes a Rack environment object for the request.
-*`eager_load!`* If `config.eager_load` is true, runs the `config.before_eager_load` hooks and then calls `eager_load!` which will load all `config.eager_load_namespaces`.
+* `eager_load!` If `config.eager_load` is true, runs the `config.before_eager_load` hooks and then calls `eager_load!` which will load all `config.eager_load_namespaces`.
-*`finisher_hook`* Provides a hook for after the initialization of process of the application is complete, as well as running all the `config.after_initialize` blocks for the application, railties and engines.
+* `finisher_hook` Provides a hook for after the initialization of process of the application is complete, as well as running all the `config.after_initialize` blocks for the application, railties and engines.
-*`set_routes_reloader`* Configures Action Dispatch to reload the routes file using `ActionDispatch::Callbacks.to_prepare`.
+* `set_routes_reloader` Configures Action Dispatch to reload the routes file using `ActionDispatch::Callbacks.to_prepare`.
-*`disable_dependency_loading`* Disables the automatic dependency loading if the `config.eager_load` is set to true.
+* `disable_dependency_loading` Disables the automatic dependency loading if the `config.eager_load` is set to true.
Database pooling