path: root/guides/source/active_model_basics.md
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+**DO NOT READ THIS FILE ON GITHUB, GUIDES ARE PUBLISHED ON https://guides.rubyonrails.org.**
+Active Model Basics
+This guide should provide you with all you need to get started using model
+classes. Active Model allows for Action Pack helpers to interact with
+plain Ruby objects. Active Model also helps build custom ORMs for use
+outside of the Rails framework.
+After reading this guide, you will know:
+* How an Active Record model behaves.
+* How Callbacks and validations work.
+* How serializers work.
+* How Active Model integrates with the Rails internationalization (i18n) framework.
+Active Model is a library containing various modules used in developing
+classes that need some features present on Active Record.
+Some of these modules are explained below.
+### Attribute Methods
+The `ActiveModel::AttributeMethods` module can add custom prefixes and suffixes
+on methods of a class. It is used by defining the prefixes and suffixes and
+which methods on the object will use them.
+class Person
+ include ActiveModel::AttributeMethods
+ attribute_method_prefix 'reset_'
+ attribute_method_suffix '_highest?'
+ define_attribute_methods 'age'
+ attr_accessor :age
+ private
+ def reset_attribute(attribute)
+ send("#{attribute}=", 0)
+ end
+ def attribute_highest?(attribute)
+ send(attribute) > 100
+ end
+person = Person.new
+person.age = 110
+person.age_highest? # => true
+person.reset_age # => 0
+person.age_highest? # => false
+### Callbacks
+`ActiveModel::Callbacks` gives Active Record style callbacks. This provides an
+ability to define callbacks which run at appropriate times.
+After defining callbacks, you can wrap them with before, after, and around
+custom methods.
+class Person
+ extend ActiveModel::Callbacks
+ define_model_callbacks :update
+ before_update :reset_me
+ def update
+ run_callbacks(:update) do
+ # This method is called when update is called on an object.
+ end
+ end
+ def reset_me
+ # This method is called when update is called on an object as a before_update callback is defined.
+ end
+### Conversion
+If a class defines `persisted?` and `id` methods, then you can include the
+`ActiveModel::Conversion` module in that class, and call the Rails conversion
+methods on objects of that class.
+class Person
+ include ActiveModel::Conversion
+ def persisted?
+ false
+ end
+ def id
+ nil
+ end
+person = Person.new
+person.to_model == person # => true
+person.to_key # => nil
+person.to_param # => nil
+### Dirty
+An object becomes dirty when it has gone through one or more changes to its
+attributes and has not been saved. `ActiveModel::Dirty` gives the ability to
+check whether an object has been changed or not. It also has attribute based
+accessor methods. Let's consider a Person class with attributes `first_name`
+and `last_name`:
+class Person
+ include ActiveModel::Dirty
+ define_attribute_methods :first_name, :last_name
+ def first_name
+ @first_name
+ end
+ def first_name=(value)
+ first_name_will_change!
+ @first_name = value
+ end
+ def last_name
+ @last_name
+ end
+ def last_name=(value)
+ last_name_will_change!
+ @last_name = value
+ end
+ def save
+ # do save work...
+ changes_applied
+ end
+#### Querying object directly for its list of all changed attributes.
+person = Person.new
+person.changed? # => false
+person.first_name = "First Name"
+person.first_name # => "First Name"
+# returns true if any of the attributes have unsaved changes.
+person.changed? # => true
+# returns a list of attributes that have changed before saving.
+person.changed # => ["first_name"]
+# returns a Hash of the attributes that have changed with their original values.
+person.changed_attributes # => {"first_name"=>nil}
+# returns a Hash of changes, with the attribute names as the keys, and the
+# values as an array of the old and new values for that field.
+person.changes # => {"first_name"=>[nil, "First Name"]}
+#### Attribute based accessor methods
+Track whether the particular attribute has been changed or not.
+# attr_name_changed?
+person.first_name # => "First Name"
+person.first_name_changed? # => true
+Track the previous value of the attribute.
+# attr_name_was accessor
+person.first_name_was # => nil
+Track both previous and current value of the changed attribute. Returns an array
+if changed, otherwise returns nil.
+# attr_name_change
+person.first_name_change # => [nil, "First Name"]
+person.last_name_change # => nil
+### Validations
+The `ActiveModel::Validations` module adds the ability to validate objects
+like in Active Record.
+class Person
+ include ActiveModel::Validations
+ attr_accessor :name, :email, :token
+ validates :name, presence: true
+ validates_format_of :email, with: /\A([^\s]+)((?:[-a-z0-9]\.)[a-z]{2,})\z/i
+ validates! :token, presence: true
+person = Person.new
+person.token = "2b1f325"
+person.valid? # => false
+person.name = 'vishnu'
+person.email = 'me'
+person.valid? # => false
+person.email = 'me@vishnuatrai.com'
+person.valid? # => true
+person.token = nil
+person.valid? # => raises ActiveModel::StrictValidationFailed
+### Naming
+`ActiveModel::Naming` adds a number of class methods which make naming and routing
+easier to manage. The module defines the `model_name` class method which
+will define a number of accessors using some `ActiveSupport::Inflector` methods.
+class Person
+ extend ActiveModel::Naming
+Person.model_name.name # => "Person"
+Person.model_name.singular # => "person"
+Person.model_name.plural # => "people"
+Person.model_name.element # => "person"
+Person.model_name.human # => "Person"
+Person.model_name.collection # => "people"
+Person.model_name.param_key # => "person"
+Person.model_name.i18n_key # => :person
+Person.model_name.route_key # => "people"
+Person.model_name.singular_route_key # => "person"
+### Model
+`ActiveModel::Model` adds the ability for a class to work with Action Pack and
+Action View right out of the box.
+class EmailContact
+ include ActiveModel::Model
+ attr_accessor :name, :email, :message
+ validates :name, :email, :message, presence: true
+ def deliver
+ if valid?
+ # deliver email
+ end
+ end
+When including `ActiveModel::Model` you get some features like:
+- model name introspection
+- conversions
+- translations
+- validations
+It also gives you the ability to initialize an object with a hash of attributes,
+much like any Active Record object.
+email_contact = EmailContact.new(name: 'David',
+ email: 'david@example.com',
+ message: 'Hello World')
+email_contact.name # => 'David'
+email_contact.email # => 'david@example.com'
+email_contact.valid? # => true
+email_contact.persisted? # => false
+Any class that includes `ActiveModel::Model` can be used with `form_for`,
+`render` and any other Action View helper methods, just like Active Record
+### Serialization
+`ActiveModel::Serialization` provides basic serialization for your object.
+You need to declare an attributes Hash which contains the attributes you want to
+serialize. Attributes must be strings, not symbols.
+class Person
+ include ActiveModel::Serialization
+ attr_accessor :name
+ def attributes
+ {'name' => nil}
+ end
+Now you can access a serialized Hash of your object using the `serializable_hash` method.
+person = Person.new
+person.serializable_hash # => {"name"=>nil}
+person.name = "Bob"
+person.serializable_hash # => {"name"=>"Bob"}
+#### ActiveModel::Serializers
+Active Model also provides the `ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON` module
+for JSON serializing / deserializing. This module automatically includes the
+previously discussed `ActiveModel::Serialization` module.
+##### ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
+To use `ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON` you only need to change the
+module you are including from `ActiveModel::Serialization` to `ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON`.
+class Person
+ include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
+ attr_accessor :name
+ def attributes
+ {'name' => nil}
+ end
+The `as_json` method, similar to `serializable_hash`, provides a Hash representing
+the model.
+person = Person.new
+person.as_json # => {"name"=>nil}
+person.name = "Bob"
+person.as_json # => {"name"=>"Bob"}
+You can also define the attributes for a model from a JSON string.
+However, you need to define the `attributes=` method on your class:
+class Person
+ include ActiveModel::Serializers::JSON
+ attr_accessor :name
+ def attributes=(hash)
+ hash.each do |key, value|
+ send("#{key}=", value)
+ end
+ end
+ def attributes
+ {'name' => nil}
+ end
+Now it is possible to create an instance of `Person` and set attributes using `from_json`.
+json = { name: 'Bob' }.to_json
+person = Person.new
+person.from_json(json) # => #<Person:0x00000100c773f0 @name="Bob">
+person.name # => "Bob"
+### Translation
+`ActiveModel::Translation` provides integration between your object and the Rails
+internationalization (i18n) framework.
+class Person
+ extend ActiveModel::Translation
+With the `human_attribute_name` method, you can transform attribute names into a
+more human-readable format. The human-readable format is defined in your locale file(s).
+* config/locales/app.pt-BR.yml
+ ```yml
+ pt-BR:
+ activemodel:
+ attributes:
+ person:
+ name: 'Nome'
+ ```
+Person.human_attribute_name('name') # => "Nome"
+### Lint Tests
+`ActiveModel::Lint::Tests` allows you to test whether an object is compliant with
+the Active Model API.
+* `app/models/person.rb`
+ ```ruby
+ class Person
+ include ActiveModel::Model
+ end
+ ```
+* `test/models/person_test.rb`
+ ```ruby
+ require 'test_helper'
+ class PersonTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveModel::Lint::Tests
+ setup do
+ @model = Person.new
+ end
+ end
+ ```
+$ rails test
+Run options: --seed 14596
+# Running:
+Finished in 0.024899s, 240.9735 runs/s, 1204.8677 assertions/s.
+6 runs, 30 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
+An object is not required to implement all APIs in order to work with
+Action Pack. This module only intends to provide guidance in case you want all
+features out of the box.
+### SecurePassword
+`ActiveModel::SecurePassword` provides a way to securely store any
+password in an encrypted form. When you include this module, a
+`has_secure_password` class method is provided which defines
+a `password` accessor with certain validations on it by default.
+#### Requirements
+`ActiveModel::SecurePassword` depends on [`bcrypt`](https://github.com/codahale/bcrypt-ruby 'BCrypt'),
+so include this gem in your `Gemfile` to use `ActiveModel::SecurePassword` correctly.
+In order to make this work, the model must have an accessor named `XXX_digest`.
+Where `XXX` is the attribute name of your desired password.
+The following validations are added automatically:
+1. Password should be present.
+2. Password should be equal to its confirmation (provided `XXX_confirmation` is passed along).
+3. The maximum length of a password is 72 (required by `bcrypt` on which ActiveModel::SecurePassword depends)
+#### Examples
+class Person
+ include ActiveModel::SecurePassword
+ has_secure_password
+ has_secure_password :recovery_password, validations: false
+ attr_accessor :password_digest, :recovery_password_digest
+person = Person.new
+# When password is blank.
+person.valid? # => false
+# When the confirmation doesn't match the password.
+person.password = 'aditya'
+person.password_confirmation = 'nomatch'
+person.valid? # => false
+# When the length of password exceeds 72.
+person.password = person.password_confirmation = 'a' * 100
+person.valid? # => false
+# When only password is supplied with no password_confirmation.
+person.password = 'aditya'
+person.valid? # => true
+# When all validations are passed.
+person.password = person.password_confirmation = 'aditya'
+person.valid? # => true
+person.recovery_password = "42password"
+person.authenticate('aditya') # => person
+person.authenticate('notright') # => false
+person.authenticate_password('aditya') # => person
+person.authenticate_password('notright') # => false
+person.authenticate_recovery_password('42password') # => person
+person.authenticate_recovery_password('notright') # => false
+person.password_digest # => "$2a$04$gF8RfZdoXHvyTjHhiU4ZsO.kQqV9oonYZu31PRE4hLQn3xM2qkpIy"
+person.recovery_password_digest # => "$2a$04$iOfhwahFymCs5weB3BNH/uXkTG65HR.qpW.bNhEjFP3ftli3o5DQC"