path: root/guides/rails_guides/kindle.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'guides/rails_guides/kindle.rb')
1 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/guides/rails_guides/kindle.rb b/guides/rails_guides/kindle.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a0361ff4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/guides/rails_guides/kindle.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "kindlerb"
+require "nokogiri"
+require "fileutils"
+require "yaml"
+require "date"
+module Kindle
+ extend self
+ def generate(output_dir, mobi_outfile, logfile)
+ output_dir = File.absolute_path(output_dir)
+ Dir.chdir output_dir do
+ puts "=> Using output dir: #{output_dir}"
+ puts "=> Arranging html pages in document order"
+ toc = File.read("toc.ncx")
+ doc = Nokogiri::XML(toc).xpath("//ncx:content", "ncx" => "http://www.daisy.org/z3986/2005/ncx/")
+ html_pages = doc.select { |c| c[:src] }.map { |c| c[:src] }.uniq
+ generate_front_matter(html_pages)
+ generate_sections(html_pages)
+ generate_document_metadata(mobi_outfile)
+ puts "Creating MOBI document with kindlegen. This may take a while."
+ if Kindlerb.run(output_dir)
+ puts "MOBI document generated at #{File.expand_path(mobi_outfile, output_dir)}"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_front_matter(html_pages)
+ frontmatter = []
+ html_pages.delete_if { |x|
+ if /(toc|welcome|copyright).html/.match?(x)
+ frontmatter << x unless x =~ /toc/
+ true
+ end
+ }
+ html = frontmatter.map { |x|
+ Nokogiri::HTML(File.open(x)).at("body").inner_html
+ }.join("\n")
+ fdoc = Nokogiri::HTML(html)
+ fdoc.search("h3").each do |h3|
+ h3.name = "h4"
+ end
+ fdoc.search("h2").each do |h2|
+ h2.name = "h3"
+ h2["id"] = h2.inner_text.gsub(/\s/, "-")
+ end
+ add_head_section fdoc, "Front Matter"
+ File.open("frontmatter.html", "w") { |f| f.puts fdoc.to_html }
+ html_pages.unshift "frontmatter.html"
+ end
+ def generate_sections(html_pages)
+ FileUtils.rm_rf("sections/")
+ html_pages.each_with_index do |page, section_idx|
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p("sections/%03d" % section_idx)
+ doc = Nokogiri::HTML(File.open(page))
+ title = doc.at("title").inner_text.gsub("Ruby on Rails Guides: ", "")
+ title = page.capitalize.gsub(".html", "") if title.strip == ""
+ File.open("sections/%03d/_section.txt" % section_idx, "w") { |f| f.puts title }
+ doc.xpath("//h3[@id]").each_with_index do |h3, item_idx|
+ subsection = h3.inner_text
+ content = h3.xpath("./following-sibling::*").take_while { |x| x.name != "h3" }.map(&:to_html)
+ item = Nokogiri::HTML(h3.to_html + content.join("\n"))
+ item_path = "sections/%03d/%03d.html" % [section_idx, item_idx]
+ add_head_section(item, subsection)
+ item.search("img").each do |img|
+ img["src"] = "#{Dir.pwd}/#{img['src']}"
+ end
+ item.xpath("//li/p").each { |p| p.swap(p.children); p.remove }
+ File.open(item_path, "w") { |f| f.puts item.to_html }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def generate_document_metadata(mobi_outfile)
+ puts "=> Generating _document.yml"
+ x = Nokogiri::XML(File.open("rails_guides.opf")).remove_namespaces!
+ cover_jpg = "#{Dir.pwd}/images/rails_guides_kindle_cover.jpg"
+ cover_gif = cover_jpg.sub(/jpg$/, "gif")
+ puts `convert #{cover_jpg} #{cover_gif}`
+ document = {
+ "doc_uuid" => x.at("package")["unique-identifier"],
+ "title" => x.at("title").inner_text.gsub(/\(.*$/, " v2"),
+ "publisher" => x.at("publisher").inner_text,
+ "author" => x.at("creator").inner_text,
+ "subject" => x.at("subject").inner_text,
+ "date" => x.at("date").inner_text,
+ "cover" => cover_gif,
+ "masthead" => nil,
+ "mobi_outfile" => mobi_outfile
+ }
+ puts document.to_yaml
+ File.open("_document.yml", "w") { |f| f.puts document.to_yaml }
+ end
+ def add_head_section(doc, title)
+ head = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new "head", doc
+ title_node = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new "title", doc
+ title_node.content = title
+ title_node.parent = head
+ css = Nokogiri::XML::Node.new "link", doc
+ css["rel"] = "stylesheet"
+ css["type"] = "text/css"
+ css["href"] = "#{Dir.pwd}/stylesheets/kindle.css"
+ css.parent = head
+ doc.at("body").before head
+ end