path: root/ci
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ci')
10 files changed, 293 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/ci/custom_cops/bin/test b/ci/custom_cops/bin/test
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..495ffec83a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/custom_cops/bin/test
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+COMPONENT_ROOT = File.expand_path("..", __dir__)
+require_relative "../../../tools/test"
diff --git a/ci/custom_cops/lib/custom_cops.rb b/ci/custom_cops/lib/custom_cops.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..157b8247e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/custom_cops/lib/custom_cops.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "custom_cops/refute_not"
+require_relative "custom_cops/assert_not"
diff --git a/ci/custom_cops/lib/custom_cops/assert_not.rb b/ci/custom_cops/lib/custom_cops/assert_not.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e722448e21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/custom_cops/lib/custom_cops/assert_not.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module CustomCops
+ # Enforces the use of `assert_not` over `assert !`.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # # bad
+ # assert !x
+ # assert ! x
+ #
+ # # good
+ # assert_not x
+ #
+ class AssertNot < RuboCop::Cop::Cop
+ MSG = "Prefer `assert_not` over `assert !`"
+ def_node_matcher :offensive?, "(send nil? :assert (send ... :!))"
+ def on_send(node)
+ add_offense(node) if offensive?(node)
+ end
+ def autocorrect(node)
+ expression = node.loc.expression
+ ->(corrector) do
+ corrector.replace(
+ expression,
+ corrected_source(expression.source)
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def corrected_source(source)
+ source.gsub(/^assert(\(| ) *! */, "assert_not\\1")
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ci/custom_cops/lib/custom_cops/refute_not.rb b/ci/custom_cops/lib/custom_cops/refute_not.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3e89e0fd32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/custom_cops/lib/custom_cops/refute_not.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module CustomCops
+ # Enforces the use of `#assert_not` methods over `#refute` methods.
+ #
+ # @example
+ # # bad
+ # refute false
+ # refute_empty [1, 2, 3]
+ # refute_equal true, false
+ #
+ # # good
+ # assert_not false
+ # assert_not_empty [1, 2, 3]
+ # assert_not_equal true, false
+ #
+ class RefuteNot < RuboCop::Cop::Cop
+ MSG = "Prefer `%<assert_method>s` over `%<refute_method>s`"
+ refute: "assert_not",
+ refute_empty: "assert_not_empty",
+ refute_equal: "assert_not_equal",
+ refute_in_delta: "assert_not_in_delta",
+ refute_in_epsilon: "assert_not_in_epsilon",
+ refute_includes: "assert_not_includes",
+ refute_instance_of: "assert_not_instance_of",
+ refute_kind_of: "assert_not_kind_of",
+ refute_nil: "assert_not_nil",
+ refute_operator: "assert_not_operator",
+ refute_predicate: "assert_not_predicate",
+ refute_respond_to: "assert_not_respond_to",
+ refute_same: "assert_not_same",
+ refute_match: "assert_no_match"
+ }.freeze
+ def_node_matcher :offensive?, "(send nil? #offensive_method? ...)"
+ def on_send(node)
+ return unless offensive?(node)
+ message = offense_message(node.method_name)
+ add_offense(node, location: :selector, message: message)
+ end
+ def autocorrect(node)
+ ->(corrector) do
+ corrector.replace(
+ node.loc.selector,
+ CORRECTIONS[node.method_name]
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def offensive_method?(method_name)
+ OFFENSIVE_METHODS.include?(method_name)
+ end
+ def offense_message(method_name)
+ format(
+ MSG,
+ refute_method: method_name,
+ assert_method: CORRECTIONS[method_name]
+ )
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/ci/custom_cops/test/custom_cops/assert_not_test.rb b/ci/custom_cops/test/custom_cops/assert_not_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..abb151aeb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/custom_cops/test/custom_cops/assert_not_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "support/cop_helper"
+require_relative "../../lib/custom_cops/assert_not"
+class AssertNotTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include CopHelper
+ setup do
+ @cop = CustomCops::AssertNot.new
+ end
+ test "rejects 'assert !'" do
+ inspect_source @cop, "assert !x"
+ assert_offense @cop, "^^^^^^^^^ Prefer `assert_not` over `assert !`"
+ end
+ test "rejects 'assert !' with a complex value" do
+ inspect_source @cop, "assert !a.b(c)"
+ assert_offense @cop, "^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prefer `assert_not` over `assert !`"
+ end
+ test "autocorrects `assert !`" do
+ corrected = autocorrect_source(@cop, "assert !false")
+ assert_equal "assert_not false", corrected
+ end
+ test "autocorrects `assert !` with extra spaces" do
+ corrected = autocorrect_source(@cop, "assert ! false")
+ assert_equal "assert_not false", corrected
+ end
+ test "autocorrects `assert !` with parentheses" do
+ corrected = autocorrect_source(@cop, "assert(!false)")
+ assert_equal "assert_not(false)", corrected
+ end
+ test "accepts `assert_not`" do
+ inspect_source @cop, "assert_not x"
+ assert_empty @cop.offenses
+ end
diff --git a/ci/custom_cops/test/custom_cops/refute_not_test.rb b/ci/custom_cops/test/custom_cops/refute_not_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0f6eaeda0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/custom_cops/test/custom_cops/refute_not_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "support/cop_helper"
+require_relative "../../lib/custom_cops/refute_not"
+class RefuteNotTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include CopHelper
+ setup do
+ @cop = CustomCops::RefuteNot.new
+ end
+ {
+ refute: :assert_not,
+ refute_empty: :assert_not_empty,
+ refute_equal: :assert_not_equal,
+ refute_in_delta: :assert_not_in_delta,
+ refute_in_epsilon: :assert_not_in_epsilon,
+ refute_includes: :assert_not_includes,
+ refute_instance_of: :assert_not_instance_of,
+ refute_kind_of: :assert_not_kind_of,
+ refute_nil: :assert_not_nil,
+ refute_operator: :assert_not_operator,
+ refute_predicate: :assert_not_predicate,
+ refute_respond_to: :assert_not_respond_to,
+ refute_same: :assert_not_same,
+ refute_match: :assert_no_match
+ }.each do |refute_method, assert_method|
+ test "rejects `#{refute_method}` with a single argument" do
+ inspect_source(@cop, "#{refute_method} a")
+ assert_offense @cop, offense_message(refute_method, assert_method)
+ end
+ test "rejects `#{refute_method}` with multiple arguments" do
+ inspect_source(@cop, "#{refute_method} a, b, c")
+ assert_offense @cop, offense_message(refute_method, assert_method)
+ end
+ test "autocorrects `#{refute_method}` with a single argument" do
+ corrected = autocorrect_source(@cop, "#{refute_method} a")
+ assert_equal "#{assert_method} a", corrected
+ end
+ test "autocorrects `#{refute_method}` with multiple arguments" do
+ corrected = autocorrect_source(@cop, "#{refute_method} a, b, c")
+ assert_equal "#{assert_method} a, b, c", corrected
+ end
+ test "accepts `#{assert_method}` with a single argument" do
+ inspect_source(@cop, "#{assert_method} a")
+ assert_empty @cop.offenses
+ end
+ test "accepts `#{assert_method}` with multiple arguments" do
+ inspect_source(@cop, "#{assert_method} a, b, c")
+ assert_empty @cop.offenses
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def offense_message(refute_method, assert_method)
+ carets = "^" * refute_method.to_s.length
+ "#{carets} Prefer `#{assert_method}` over `#{refute_method}`"
+ end
diff --git a/ci/custom_cops/test/support/cop_helper.rb b/ci/custom_cops/test/support/cop_helper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2c6b969dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/custom_cops/test/support/cop_helper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "rubocop"
+module CopHelper
+ def inspect_source(cop, source)
+ processed_source = parse_source(source)
+ raise "Error parsing example code" unless processed_source.valid_syntax?
+ investigate(cop, processed_source)
+ processed_source
+ end
+ def autocorrect_source(cop, source)
+ cop.instance_variable_get(:@options)[:auto_correct] = true
+ processed_source = inspect_source(cop, source)
+ rewrite(cop, processed_source)
+ end
+ def assert_offense(cop, expected_message)
+ assert_not_empty(
+ cop.offenses,
+ "Expected offense with message \"#{expected_message}\", but got no offense"
+ )
+ offense = cop.offenses.first
+ carets = "^" * offense.column_length
+ assert_equal expected_message, "#{carets} #{offense.message}"
+ end
+ private
+ def parse_source(source)
+ RuboCop::ProcessedSource.new(source, TARGET_RUBY_VERSION)
+ end
+ def rewrite(cop, processed_source)
+ RuboCop::Cop::Corrector.new(processed_source.buffer, cop.corrections)
+ .rewrite
+ end
+ def investigate(cop, processed_source)
+ RuboCop::Cop::Commissioner.new([cop], [], raise_error: true)
+ .investigate(processed_source)
+ end
diff --git a/ci/phantomjs.js b/ci/phantomjs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a33fb14a3..0000000000
--- a/ci/phantomjs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
- * PhantomJS Runner QUnit Plugin 1.2.0
- *
- * PhantomJS binaries: http://phantomjs.org/download.html
- * Requires PhantomJS 1.6+ (1.7+ recommended)
- *
- * Run with:
- * phantomjs runner.js [url-of-your-qunit-testsuite]
- *
- * e.g.
- * phantomjs runner.js http://localhost/qunit/test/index.html
- */
-/*global phantom:false, require:false, console:false, window:false, QUnit:false */
-(function() {
- 'use strict';
- var url, page, timeout,
- args = require('system').args;
- // arg[0]: scriptName, args[1...]: arguments
- if (args.length < 2 || args.length > 3) {
- console.error('Usage:\n phantomjs runner.js [url-of-your-qunit-testsuite] [timeout-in-seconds]');
- phantom.exit(1);
- }
- url = args[1];
- page = require('webpage').create();
- if (args[2] !== undefined) {
- timeout = parseInt(args[2], 10);
- }
- // Route `console.log()` calls from within the Page context to the main Phantom context (i.e. current `this`)
- page.onConsoleMessage = function(msg) {
- console.log(msg);
- };
- page.onInitialized = function() {
- page.evaluate(addLogging);
- };
- page.onCallback = function(message) {
- var result,
- failed;
- if (message) {
- if (message.name === 'QUnit.done') {
- result = message.data;
- failed = !result || !result.total || result.failed;
- if (!result.total) {
- console.error('No tests were executed. Are you loading tests asynchronously?');
- }
- phantom.exit(failed ? 1 : 0);
- }
- }
- };
- page.open(url, function(status) {
- if (status !== 'success') {
- console.error('Unable to access network: ' + status);
- phantom.exit(1);
- } else {
- // Cannot do this verification with the 'DOMContentLoaded' handler because it
- // will be too late to attach it if a page does not have any script tags.
- var qunitMissing = page.evaluate(function() { return (typeof QUnit === 'undefined' || !QUnit); });
- if (qunitMissing) {
- console.error('The `QUnit` object is not present on this page.');
- phantom.exit(1);
- }
- // Set a timeout on the test running, otherwise tests with async problems will hang forever
- if (typeof timeout === 'number') {
- setTimeout(function() {
- console.error('The specified timeout of ' + timeout + ' seconds has expired. Aborting...');
- phantom.exit(1);
- }, timeout * 1000);
- }
- // Do nothing... the callback mechanism will handle everything!
- }
- });
- function addLogging() {
- window.document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
- var currentTestAssertions = [];
- QUnit.log(function(details) {
- var response;
- // Ignore passing assertions
- if (details.result) {
- return;
- }
- response = details.message || '';
- if (typeof details.expected !== 'undefined') {
- if (response) {
- response += ', ';
- }
- response += 'expected: ' + details.expected + ', but was: ' + details.actual;
- }
- if (details.source) {
- response += "\n" + details.source;
- }
- currentTestAssertions.push('Failed assertion: ' + response);
- });
- QUnit.testDone(function(result) {
- var i,
- len,
- name = '';
- if (result.module) {
- name += result.module + ': ';
- }
- name += result.name;
- if (result.failed) {
- console.log('\n' + 'Test failed: ' + name);
- for (i = 0, len = currentTestAssertions.length; i < len; i++) {
- console.log(' ' + currentTestAssertions[i]);
- }
- }
- currentTestAssertions.length = 0;
- });
- QUnit.done(function(result) {
- console.log('\n' + 'Took ' + result.runtime + 'ms to run ' + result.total + ' tests. ' + result.passed + ' passed, ' + result.failed + ' failed.');
- if (typeof window.callPhantom === 'function') {
- window.callPhantom({
- 'name': 'QUnit.done',
- 'data': result
- });
- }
- });
- }, false);
- }
diff --git a/ci/qunit-selenium-runner.rb b/ci/qunit-selenium-runner.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05bcab8cdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/qunit-selenium-runner.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "qunit/selenium/test_runner"
+require "chromedriver/helper"
+driver_options = Selenium::WebDriver::Chrome::Options.new
+driver = ::Selenium::WebDriver.for(:chrome, options: driver_options)
+result = QUnit::Selenium::TestRunner.new(driver).open(ARGV[0], timeout: 60)
+puts "Time: #{result.duration} seconds, Total: #{result.assertions[:total]}, Passed: #{result.assertions[:passed]}, Failed: #{result.assertions[:failed]}"
+exit(result.tests[:failed] > 0 ? 1 : 0)
diff --git a/ci/travis.rb b/ci/travis.rb
index b124358789..861063afa5 100755
--- a/ci/travis.rb
+++ b/ci/travis.rb
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ class Build
if activesupport? && !isolated?
# There is a known issue with the listen tests that causes files to be
# incorrectly GC'ed even when they are still in-use. The current solution
- # is to only run them in isolation to avoid randomly failing our test suite.
+ # is to only run them in isolation to avoid random failures of our test suite.
{ "LISTEN" => "0" }
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ results = {}
ENV["GEM"].split(",").each do |gem|
[false, true].each do |isolated|
next if ENV["TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST"] && ENV["TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST"] != "false" && isolated
- next if RUBY_VERSION < "2.4" && isolated
+ next if RUBY_VERSION < "2.5" && isolated
next if gem == "railties" && isolated
next if gem == "ac" && isolated
next if gem == "ac:integration" && isolated