path: root/ci/travis.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ci/travis.rb')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ci/travis.rb b/ci/travis.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6e002d4a5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/travis.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "fileutils"
+include FileUtils
+commands = [
+ 'mysql -e "create user rails@localhost;"',
+ 'mysql -e "grant all privileges on activerecord_unittest.* to rails@localhost;"',
+ 'mysql -e "grant all privileges on activerecord_unittest2.* to rails@localhost;"',
+ 'mysql -e "grant all privileges on inexistent_activerecord_unittest.* to rails@localhost;"',
+ 'mysql -e "create database activerecord_unittest;"',
+ 'mysql -e "create database activerecord_unittest2;"',
+ 'psql -c "create database activerecord_unittest;" -U postgres',
+ 'psql -c "create database activerecord_unittest2;" -U postgres'
+commands.each do |command|
+ system("#{command} > /dev/null 2>&1")
+class Build
+ MAP = {
+ "railties" => "railties",
+ "ap" => "actionpack",
+ "am" => "actionmailer",
+ "amo" => "activemodel",
+ "as" => "activesupport",
+ "ar" => "activerecord",
+ "av" => "actionview",
+ "aj" => "activejob",
+ "ac" => "actioncable",
+ "guides" => "guides"
+ }
+ attr_reader :component, :options
+ def initialize(component, options = {})
+ @component = component
+ @options = options
+ end
+ def run!(options = {})
+ self.options.update(options)
+ Dir.chdir(dir) do
+ announce(heading)
+ if guides?
+ run_bug_report_templates
+ else
+ rake(*tasks)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def announce(heading)
+ puts "\n\e[1;33m[Travis CI] #{heading}\e[m\n"
+ end
+ def heading
+ heading = [gem]
+ heading << "with #{adapter}" if activerecord?
+ heading << "in isolation" if isolated?
+ heading << "integration" if integration?
+ heading.join(" ")
+ end
+ def tasks
+ if activerecord?
+ tasks = ["#{adapter}:#{'isolated_' if isolated?}test"]
+ case adapter
+ when "mysql2"
+ tasks.unshift "db:mysql:rebuild"
+ when "postgresql"
+ tasks.unshift "db:postgresql:rebuild"
+ end
+ tasks
+ else
+ ["test", ("isolated" if isolated?), ("integration" if integration?), ("ujs" if ujs?)].compact.join(":")
+ end
+ end
+ def key
+ key = [gem]
+ key << adapter if activerecord?
+ key << "isolated" if isolated?
+ key.join(":")
+ end
+ def activesupport?
+ gem == "activesupport"
+ end
+ def activerecord?
+ gem == "activerecord"
+ end
+ def guides?
+ gem == "guides"
+ end
+ def ujs?
+ component.split(":").last == "ujs"
+ end
+ def isolated?
+ options[:isolated]
+ end
+ def integration?
+ component.split(":").last == "integration"
+ end
+ def gem
+ MAP[component.split(":").first]
+ end
+ alias :dir :gem
+ def adapter
+ component.split(":").last
+ end
+ def rake(*tasks)
+ tasks.each do |task|
+ cmd = "bundle exec rake #{task}"
+ puts "Running command: #{cmd}"
+ return false unless system(env, cmd)
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ def env
+ if activesupport? && !isolated?
+ # There is a known issue with the listen tests that causes files to be
+ # incorrectly GC'ed even when they are still in-use. The current solution
+ # is to only run them in isolation to avoid randomly failing our test suite.
+ { "LISTEN" => "0" }
+ else
+ {}
+ end
+ end
+ def run_bug_report_templates
+ Dir.glob("bug_report_templates/*.rb").all? do |file|
+ system(Gem.ruby, "-w", file)
+ end
+ end
+if ENV["GEM"] == "aj:integration"
+ ENV["QC_DATABASE_URL"] = "postgres://postgres@localhost/active_jobs_qc_int_test"
+ ENV["QUE_DATABASE_URL"] = "postgres://postgres@localhost/active_jobs_que_int_test"
+results = {}
+ENV["GEM"].split(",").each do |gem|
+ [false, true].each do |isolated|
+ next if ENV["TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST"] && ENV["TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST"] != "false" && isolated
+ next if RUBY_VERSION < "2.4" && isolated
+ next if gem == "railties" && isolated
+ next if gem == "ac" && isolated
+ next if gem == "ac:integration" && isolated
+ next if gem == "aj:integration" && isolated
+ next if gem == "guides" && isolated
+ next if gem == "av:ujs" && isolated
+ build = Build.new(gem, isolated: isolated)
+ results[build.key] = build.run!
+ end
+failures = results.select { |key, value| !value }
+if failures.empty?
+ puts
+ puts "Rails build finished successfully"
+ exit(true)
+ puts
+ puts "Rails build FAILED"
+ puts "Failed components: #{failures.map(&:first).join(', ')}"
+ exit(false)