path: root/activesupport/lib/active_support/duration
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Diffstat (limited to 'activesupport/lib/active_support/duration')
2 files changed, 176 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/duration/iso8601_parser.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/duration/iso8601_parser.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e96cb8e883
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/duration/iso8601_parser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+require "strscan"
+require "active_support/core_ext/regexp"
+module ActiveSupport
+ class Duration
+ # Parses a string formatted according to ISO 8601 Duration into the hash.
+ #
+ # See {ISO 8601}[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601#Durations] for more information.
+ #
+ # This parser allows negative parts to be present in pattern.
+ class ISO8601Parser # :nodoc:
+ class ParsingError < ::ArgumentError; end
+ PERIOD_OR_COMMA = /\.|,/
+ PERIOD = ".".freeze
+ COMMA = ",".freeze
+ SIGN_MARKER = /\A\-|\+|/
+ DATE_COMPONENT = /(\-?\d+(?:[.,]\d+)?)(Y|M|D|W)/
+ TIME_COMPONENT = /(\-?\d+(?:[.,]\d+)?)(H|M|S)/
+ DATE_TO_PART = { "Y" => :years, "M" => :months, "W" => :weeks, "D" => :days }
+ TIME_TO_PART = { "H" => :hours, "M" => :minutes, "S" => :seconds }
+ DATE_COMPONENTS = [:years, :months, :days]
+ TIME_COMPONENTS = [:hours, :minutes, :seconds]
+ attr_reader :parts, :scanner
+ attr_accessor :mode, :sign
+ def initialize(string)
+ @scanner = StringScanner.new(string)
+ @parts = {}
+ @mode = :start
+ @sign = 1
+ end
+ def parse!
+ while !finished?
+ case mode
+ when :start
+ if scan(SIGN_MARKER)
+ self.sign = (scanner.matched == "-") ? -1 : 1
+ self.mode = :sign
+ else
+ raise_parsing_error
+ end
+ when :sign
+ if scan(DATE_MARKER)
+ self.mode = :date
+ else
+ raise_parsing_error
+ end
+ when :date
+ if scan(TIME_MARKER)
+ self.mode = :time
+ elsif scan(DATE_COMPONENT)
+ parts[DATE_TO_PART[scanner[2]]] = number * sign
+ else
+ raise_parsing_error
+ end
+ when :time
+ parts[TIME_TO_PART[scanner[2]]] = number * sign
+ else
+ raise_parsing_error
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ validate!
+ parts
+ end
+ private
+ def finished?
+ scanner.eos?
+ end
+ # Parses number which can be a float with either comma or period.
+ def number
+ PERIOD_OR_COMMA.match?(scanner[1]) ? scanner[1].tr(COMMA, PERIOD).to_f : scanner[1].to_i
+ end
+ def scan(pattern)
+ scanner.scan(pattern)
+ end
+ def raise_parsing_error(reason = nil)
+ raise ParsingError, "Invalid ISO 8601 duration: #{scanner.string.inspect} #{reason}".strip
+ end
+ # Checks for various semantic errors as stated in ISO 8601 standard.
+ def validate!
+ raise_parsing_error("is empty duration") if parts.empty?
+ # Mixing any of Y, M, D with W is invalid.
+ if parts.key?(:weeks) && (parts.keys & DATE_COMPONENTS).any?
+ raise_parsing_error("mixing weeks with other date parts not allowed")
+ end
+ # Specifying an empty T part is invalid.
+ if mode == :time && (parts.keys & TIME_COMPONENTS).empty?
+ raise_parsing_error("time part marker is present but time part is empty")
+ end
+ fractions = parts.values.reject(&:zero?).select { |a| (a % 1) != 0 }
+ unless fractions.empty? || (fractions.size == 1 && fractions.last == @parts.values.reject(&:zero?).last)
+ raise_parsing_error "(only last part can be fractional)"
+ end
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activesupport/lib/active_support/duration/iso8601_serializer.rb b/activesupport/lib/active_support/duration/iso8601_serializer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..542630b950
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activesupport/lib/active_support/duration/iso8601_serializer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+require "active_support/core_ext/object/blank"
+require "active_support/core_ext/hash/transform_values"
+module ActiveSupport
+ class Duration
+ # Serializes duration to string according to ISO 8601 Duration format.
+ class ISO8601Serializer
+ def initialize(duration, precision: nil)
+ @duration = duration
+ @precision = precision
+ end
+ # Builds and returns output string.
+ def serialize
+ parts, sign = normalize
+ return "PT0S".freeze if parts.empty?
+ output = "P"
+ output << "#{parts[:years]}Y" if parts.key?(:years)
+ output << "#{parts[:months]}M" if parts.key?(:months)
+ output << "#{parts[:weeks]}W" if parts.key?(:weeks)
+ output << "#{parts[:days]}D" if parts.key?(:days)
+ time = ""
+ time << "#{parts[:hours]}H" if parts.key?(:hours)
+ time << "#{parts[:minutes]}M" if parts.key?(:minutes)
+ if parts.key?(:seconds)
+ time << "#{sprintf(@precision ? "%0.0#{@precision}f" : '%g', parts[:seconds])}S"
+ end
+ output << "T#{time}" if time.present?
+ "#{sign}#{output}"
+ end
+ private
+ # Return pair of duration's parts and whole duration sign.
+ # Parts are summarized (as they can become repetitive due to addition, etc).
+ # Zero parts are removed as not significant.
+ # If all parts are negative it will negate all of them and return minus as a sign.
+ def normalize
+ parts = @duration.parts.each_with_object(Hash.new(0)) do |(k,v),p|
+ p[k] += v unless v.zero?
+ end
+ # If all parts are negative - let's make a negative duration
+ sign = ""
+ if parts.values.all? { |v| v < 0 }
+ sign = "-"
+ parts.transform_values!(&:-@)
+ end
+ [parts, sign]
+ end
+ end
+ end