path: root/activestorage/test/models/blob_test.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activestorage/test/models/blob_test.rb')
1 files changed, 208 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activestorage/test/models/blob_test.rb b/activestorage/test/models/blob_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54cf9e2b8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activestorage/test/models/blob_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "test_helper"
+require "database/setup"
+require "active_support/testing/method_call_assertions"
+class ActiveStorage::BlobTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::MethodCallAssertions
+ test "unattached scope" do
+ [ create_blob(filename: "funky.jpg"), create_blob(filename: "town.jpg") ].tap do |blobs|
+ User.create! name: "DHH", avatar: blobs.first
+ assert_includes ActiveStorage::Blob.unattached, blobs.second
+ assert_not_includes ActiveStorage::Blob.unattached, blobs.first
+ User.create! name: "Jason", avatar: blobs.second
+ assert_not_includes ActiveStorage::Blob.unattached, blobs.second
+ end
+ end
+ test "create after upload sets byte size and checksum" do
+ data = "Hello world!"
+ blob = create_blob data: data
+ assert_equal data, blob.download
+ assert_equal data.length, blob.byte_size
+ assert_equal Digest::MD5.base64digest(data), blob.checksum
+ end
+ test "create after upload extracts content type from data" do
+ blob = create_file_blob content_type: "application/octet-stream"
+ assert_equal "image/jpeg", blob.content_type
+ end
+ test "create after upload extracts content type from filename" do
+ blob = create_blob content_type: "application/octet-stream"
+ assert_equal "text/plain", blob.content_type
+ end
+ test "create after upload extracts content_type from io when no content_type given and identify: false" do
+ blob = create_blob content_type: nil, identify: false
+ assert_equal "text/plain", blob.content_type
+ end
+ test "create after upload uses content_type when identify: false" do
+ blob = create_blob data: "Article,dates,analysis\n1, 2, 3", filename: "table.csv", content_type: "text/csv", identify: false
+ assert_equal "text/csv", blob.content_type
+ end
+ test "create after upload generates a 28-character base36 key" do
+ assert_match(/^[a-z0-9]{28}$/, create_blob.key)
+ end
+ test "image?" do
+ blob = create_file_blob filename: "racecar.jpg"
+ assert_predicate blob, :image?
+ assert_not_predicate blob, :audio?
+ end
+ test "video?" do
+ blob = create_file_blob(filename: "video.mp4", content_type: "video/mp4")
+ assert_predicate blob, :video?
+ assert_not_predicate blob, :audio?
+ end
+ test "text?" do
+ blob = create_blob data: "Hello world!"
+ assert_predicate blob, :text?
+ assert_not_predicate blob, :audio?
+ end
+ test "download yields chunks" do
+ blob = create_blob data: "a" * 5.0625.megabytes
+ chunks = []
+ blob.download do |chunk|
+ chunks << chunk
+ end
+ assert_equal 2, chunks.size
+ assert_equal "a" * 5.megabytes, chunks.first
+ assert_equal "a" * 64.kilobytes, chunks.second
+ end
+ test "open with integrity" do
+ create_file_blob(filename: "racecar.jpg").tap do |blob|
+ blob.open do |file|
+ assert file.binmode?
+ assert_equal 0, file.pos
+ assert File.basename(file.path).starts_with?("ActiveStorage-#{blob.id}-")
+ assert file.path.ends_with?(".jpg")
+ assert_equal file_fixture("racecar.jpg").binread, file.read, "Expected downloaded file to match fixture file"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "open without integrity" do
+ create_blob(data: "Hello, world!").tap do |blob|
+ blob.update! checksum: Digest::MD5.base64digest("Goodbye, world!")
+ assert_raises ActiveStorage::IntegrityError do
+ blob.open { |file| flunk "Expected integrity check to fail" }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ test "open in a custom tempdir" do
+ tempdir = Dir.mktmpdir
+ create_file_blob(filename: "racecar.jpg").open(tempdir: tempdir) do |file|
+ assert file.binmode?
+ assert_equal 0, file.pos
+ assert_match(/\.jpg\z/, file.path)
+ assert file.path.starts_with?(tempdir)
+ assert_equal file_fixture("racecar.jpg").binread, file.read, "Expected downloaded file to match fixture file"
+ end
+ end
+ test "urls expiring in 5 minutes" do
+ blob = create_blob
+ freeze_time do
+ assert_equal expected_url_for(blob), blob.service_url
+ assert_equal expected_url_for(blob, disposition: :attachment), blob.service_url(disposition: :attachment)
+ end
+ end
+ test "urls force content_type to binary and attachment as content disposition for content types served as binary" do
+ blob = create_blob(content_type: "text/html")
+ freeze_time do
+ assert_equal expected_url_for(blob, disposition: :attachment, content_type: "application/octet-stream"), blob.service_url
+ assert_equal expected_url_for(blob, disposition: :attachment, content_type: "application/octet-stream"), blob.service_url(disposition: :inline)
+ end
+ end
+ test "urls force attachment as content disposition when the content type is not allowed inline" do
+ blob = create_blob(content_type: "application/zip")
+ freeze_time do
+ assert_equal expected_url_for(blob, disposition: :attachment, content_type: "application/zip"), blob.service_url
+ assert_equal expected_url_for(blob, disposition: :attachment, content_type: "application/zip"), blob.service_url(disposition: :inline)
+ end
+ end
+ test "urls allow for custom filename" do
+ blob = create_blob(filename: "original.txt")
+ new_filename = ActiveStorage::Filename.new("new.txt")
+ freeze_time do
+ assert_equal expected_url_for(blob), blob.service_url
+ assert_equal expected_url_for(blob, filename: new_filename), blob.service_url(filename: new_filename)
+ assert_equal expected_url_for(blob, filename: new_filename), blob.service_url(filename: "new.txt")
+ assert_equal expected_url_for(blob, filename: blob.filename), blob.service_url(filename: nil)
+ end
+ end
+ test "urls allow for custom options" do
+ blob = create_blob(filename: "original.txt")
+ arguments = [
+ blob.key,
+ expires_in: ActiveStorage.service_urls_expire_in,
+ disposition: :attachment,
+ content_type: blob.content_type,
+ filename: blob.filename,
+ thumb_size: "300x300",
+ thumb_mode: "crop"
+ ]
+ assert_called_with(blob.service, :url, arguments) do
+ blob.service_url(thumb_size: "300x300", thumb_mode: "crop")
+ end
+ end
+ test "purge deletes file from external service" do
+ blob = create_blob
+ blob.purge
+ assert_not ActiveStorage::Blob.service.exist?(blob.key)
+ end
+ test "purge deletes variants from external service" do
+ blob = create_file_blob
+ variant = blob.variant(resize: "100>").processed
+ blob.purge
+ assert_not ActiveStorage::Blob.service.exist?(variant.key)
+ end
+ test "purge does nothing when attachments exist" do
+ create_blob.tap do |blob|
+ User.create! name: "DHH", avatar: blob
+ assert_no_difference(-> { ActiveStorage::Blob.count }) { blob.purge }
+ assert ActiveStorage::Blob.service.exist?(blob.key)
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def expected_url_for(blob, disposition: :attachment, filename: nil, content_type: nil)
+ filename ||= blob.filename
+ content_type ||= blob.content_type
+ query = { disposition: ActionDispatch::Http::ContentDisposition.format(disposition: disposition, filename: filename.sanitized), content_type: content_type }
+ key_params = { key: blob.key }.merge(query)
+ "https://example.com/rails/active_storage/disk/#{ActiveStorage.verifier.generate(key_params, expires_in: 5.minutes, purpose: :blob_key)}/#{filename}?#{query.to_param}"
+ end