path: root/activeresource
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7 files changed, 336 insertions, 25 deletions
diff --git a/activeresource/CHANGELOG b/activeresource/CHANGELOG
index 44108fb8ce..1f30c14f6f 100644
--- a/activeresource/CHANGELOG
+++ b/activeresource/CHANGELOG
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
+* Mega documentation patches. #7025, #7069 [rwdaigle]
* Base.exists?(id, options) and Base#exists? check whether the resource is found. #6970 [rwdaigle]
* Query string support. [untext, Jeremy Kemper]
diff --git a/activeresource/README b/activeresource/README
index f1013b54e0..a657e3a471 100644
--- a/activeresource/README
+++ b/activeresource/README
@@ -1 +1,230 @@
-= Active Resource -- Object-oriented REST services \ No newline at end of file
+= Active Resource -- Object-oriented REST services
+Active Resource (ARes) connects business objects and REST web services. It is a library
+intended to provide transparent proxying capabilities between a client and a RESTful
+service (for which Rails provides the {Simply RESTful routing}[http://dev.rubyonrails.org/browser/trunk/actionpack/lib/action_controller/resources.rb] implementation).
+=== Configuration & Usage
+Configuration is as simple as inheriting from ActiveResource::Base and providing a site
+class variable:
+ class Person < ActiveResource::Base
+ self.site = "http://api.people.com:3000/"
+ end
+Person is now REST enable and can invoke REST services very similarly to how ActiveRecord invokes
+lifecycle methods that operate against a persistent store.
+ # Find a person with id = 1
+ # This will invoke the following Http call:
+ # GET http://api.people.com:3000/people/1.xml
+ # and will load up the XML response into a new
+ # Person object
+ #
+ ryan = Person.find(1)
+ Person.exists?(1) #=> true
+ # To create a new person - instantiate the object and call 'save',
+ # which will invoke this Http call:
+ # POST http://api.people.com:3000/people.xml
+ # (and will submit the XML format of the person object in the request)
+ #
+ ryan = Person.new(:first => 'Ryan', :last => 'Daigle')
+ ryan.save #=> true
+ ryan.id #=> 2
+ Person.exists?(ryan.id) #=> true
+ ryan.exists? #=> true
+ # Updating is done with 'save' as well
+ # PUT http://api.people.com:3000/people/1.xml
+ #
+ ryan = Person.find(1)
+ ryan.first = 'Rizzle'
+ ryan.save #=> true
+ # And destruction
+ # DELETE http://api.people.com:3000/people/1.xml
+ #
+ ryan = Person.find(1)
+ ryan.destroy #=> true # Or Person.delete(ryan.id)
+=== Protocol
+ARes is built on a standard XML format for requesting and submitting resources. It mirrors the
+RESTful routing built into ActionController, though it's useful to discuss what ARes expects
+outside the context of ActionController as it is not dependent on a Rails-based RESTful implementation.
+==== Find
+GET Http requests expect the XML form of whatever resource/resources is/are being requested. So,
+for a request for a single element - the XML of that item is expected in response:
+ # Expects a response of
+ #
+ # <person><id>1</id><attribute1>value1</attribute1><attribute2>..</attribute2></person>
+ #
+ # for GET http://api.people.com:3000/people/1.xml
+ #
+ ryan = Person.find(1)
+The XML document that is received is used to build a new object of type Person, with each
+XML element becoming an attribute on the object.
+ ryan.is_a? Person #=> true
+ ryan.attribute1 #=> 'value1'
+Any complex element (one that contains other elements) becomes its own object:
+ # With this response:
+ #
+ # <person><id>1</id><attribute1>value1</attribute1><complex><attribute2>value2</attribute2></complex></person>
+ #
+ # for GET http://api.people.com:3000/people/1.xml
+ #
+ ryan = Person.find(1)
+ ryan.complex #=> <Person::Complex::xxxxx>
+ ryan.complex.attribute2 #=> 'value2'
+Collections can also be requested in a similar fashion
+ # Expects a response of
+ #
+ # <people>
+ # <person><id>1</id><first>Ryan</first></person>
+ # <person><id>2</id><first>Jim</first></person>
+ # </people>
+ #
+ # for GET http://api.people.com:3000/people.xml
+ #
+ people = Person.find(:all)
+ people.first #=> <Person::xxx 'first' => 'Ryan' ...>
+ people.last #=> <Person::xxx 'first' => 'Jim' ...>
+==== Create
+Creating a new resource submits the xml form of the resource as the body of the request and expects
+a 'Location' header in the response with the RESTful URL location of the newly created resource. The
+id of the newly created resource is parsed out of the Location response header and automatically set
+as the id of the ARes object.
+ # <person><first>Ryan</first></person>
+ #
+ # is submitted as the body on
+ #
+ # POST http://api.people.com:3000/people.xml
+ #
+ # when save is called on a new Person object. An empty response is
+ # is expected with a 'Location' header value:
+ #
+ # Response (200): Location: http://api.people.com:3000/people/2
+ #
+ ryan = Person.new(:first => 'Ryan')
+ ryan.new? #=> true
+ ryan.save #=> true
+ ryan.new? #=> false
+ ryan.id #=> 2
+==== Update
+'save' is also used to update an existing resource - and follows the same protocol as creating a resource
+with the exception that no response headers are needed - just an empty response when the update on the
+server side was successful.
+ # <person><first>Ryan</first></person>
+ #
+ # is submitted as the body on
+ #
+ # PUT http://api.people.com:3000/people/1.xml
+ #
+ # when save is called on an existing Person object. An empty response is
+ # is expected with code (204)
+ #
+ ryan = Person.find(1)
+ ryan.first #=> 'Ryan'
+ ryan.first = 'Rizzle'
+ ryan.save #=> true
+==== Delete
+Destruction of a resource can be invoked as a class and instance method of the resource.
+ # A request is made to
+ #
+ # DELETE http://api.people.com:3000/people/1.xml
+ #
+ # for both of these forms. An empty response with
+ # is expected with response code (200)
+ #
+ ryan = Person.find(1)
+ ryan.destroy #=> true
+ ryan.exists? #=> false
+ Person.delete(2) #=> true
+ Person.exists?(2) #=> false
+=== Errors & Validation
+Error handling and validation is handled in much the same manner as you're used to seeing in
+ActiveRecord. Both the response code in the Http response and the body of the response are used to
+indicate that an error occurred.
+==== Resource errors
+When a get is requested for a resource that does not exist, the Http '404' (resource not found)
+response code will be returned from the server which will raise an ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound
+ # GET http://api.people.com:3000/people/1.xml
+ # #=> Response (404)
+ #
+ ryan = Person.find(1) #=> Raises ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound
+==== Validation errors
+Creating and updating resources can lead to validation errors - i.e. 'First name cannot be empty' etc...
+These types of errors are denoted in the response by a response code of 400 and the xml representation
+of the validation errors. The save operation will then fail (with a 'false' return value) and the
+validation errors can be accessed on the resource in question.
+ # When
+ #
+ # PUT http://api.people.com:3000/people/1.xml
+ #
+ # is requested with invalid values, the expected response is:
+ #
+ # Response (400):
+ # <errors><error>First cannot be empty</error></errors>
+ #
+ ryan = Person.find(1)
+ ryan.first #=> ''
+ ryan.save #=> false
+ ryan.errors.invalid?(:first) #=> true
+ ryan.errors.full_messages #=> ['First cannot be empty']
+==== Response errors
+If the underlying Http request for an ARes operation results in an error response code, an
+exception will be raised. The following Http response codes will result in these exceptions:
+ 200 - 399: Valid response, no exception
+ 400: ActiveResource::ResourceInvalid (automatically caught by ARes validation)
+ 404: ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound
+ 409: ActiveResource::ResourceConflict
+ 401 - 499: ActiveResource::ClientError
+ 500 - 599: ActiveResource::ServerError
+=== Authentication
+Many REST apis will require username/password authentication, usually in the form of
+Http authentication. This can easily be specified by putting the username and password
+in the Url of the ARes site:
+ class Person < ActiveResource::Base
+ self.site = "http://ryan:password@api.people.com:3000/"
+ end
+For obvious reasons it is best if such services are available over https. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/base.rb b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/base.rb
index 8babc18507..f530923224 100644
--- a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/base.rb
+++ b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/base.rb
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module ActiveResource
cattr_accessor :logger
class << self
+ # Gets the URI of the resource's site
def site
if defined?(@site)
@@ -16,20 +17,24 @@ module ActiveResource
+ # Set the URI for the REST resources
def site=(site)
@connection = nil
@site = create_site_uri_from(site)
+ # Base connection to remote service
def connection(refresh = false)
@connection = Connection.new(site) if refresh || @connection.nil?
- attr_accessor_with_default(:element_name) { to_s.underscore }
- attr_accessor_with_default(:collection_name) { element_name.pluralize }
- attr_accessor_with_default(:primary_key, 'id')
+ attr_accessor_with_default(:element_name) { to_s.underscore } #:nodoc:
+ attr_accessor_with_default(:collection_name) { element_name.pluralize } #:nodoc:
+ attr_accessor_with_default(:primary_key, 'id') #:nodoc:
+ # Gets the resource prefix
+ # prefix/collectionname/1.xml
def prefix(options={})
default = site.path
default << '/' unless default[-1..-1] == '/'
@@ -37,6 +42,8 @@ module ActiveResource
+ # Sets the resource prefix
+ # prefix/collectionname/1.xml
def prefix=(value = '/')
prefix_call = value.gsub(/:\w+/) { |key| "\#{options[#{key}]}" }
instance_eval <<-end_eval, __FILE__, __LINE__
@@ -48,23 +55,24 @@ module ActiveResource
- alias_method :set_prefix, :prefix=
+ alias_method :set_prefix, :prefix= #:nodoc:
- alias_method :set_element_name, :element_name=
- alias_method :set_collection_name, :collection_name=
+ alias_method :set_element_name, :element_name= #:nodoc:
+ alias_method :set_collection_name, :collection_name= #:nodoc:
def element_path(id, options = {})
- def collection_path(options = {})
+ def collection_path(options = {})
- alias_method :set_primary_key, :primary_key=
+ alias_method :set_primary_key, :primary_key= #:nodoc:
- # Person.find(1) # => GET /people/1.xml
- # StreetAddress.find(1, :person_id => 1) # => GET /people/1/street_addresses/1.xml
+ # Core method for finding resources. Used similarly to ActiveRecord's find method.
+ # Person.find(1) # => GET /people/1.xml
+ # StreetAddress.find(1, :person_id => 1) # => GET /people/1/street_addresses/1.xml
def find(*arguments)
scope = arguments.slice!(0)
options = arguments.slice!(0) || {}
@@ -80,7 +88,7 @@ module ActiveResource
- # True if the resource is found.
+ # Evalutes to <tt>true</tt> if the resource is found.
def exists?(id, options = {})
id && !find_single(id, options).nil?
rescue ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound
@@ -88,16 +96,19 @@ module ActiveResource
+ # Find every resource.
def find_every(options)
collection = connection.get(collection_path(options)) || []
collection.collect! { |element| new(element, options) }
- # { :person => person1 }
+ # Find a single resource.
+ # { :person => person1 }
def find_single(scope, options)
new(connection.get(element_path(scope, options)), options)
+ # Accepts a URI and creates the site URI from that.
def create_site_uri_from(site)
site.is_a?(URI) ? site.dup : URI.parse(site)
@@ -106,6 +117,7 @@ module ActiveResource
@prefix_parameters ||= prefix_source.scan(/:\w+/).map { |key| key[1..-1].to_sym }.to_set
+ # Builds the query string for the request.
def query_string(options)
# Omit parameters which appear in the URI path.
query_params = options.reject { |key, value| prefix_parameters.include?(key) }
@@ -129,8 +141,8 @@ module ActiveResource
- attr_accessor :attributes
- attr_accessor :prefix_options
+ attr_accessor :attributes #:nodoc:
+ attr_accessor :prefix_options #:nodoc:
def initialize(attributes = {}, prefix_options = {})
@attributes = {}
@@ -138,19 +150,22 @@ module ActiveResource
@prefix_options = prefix_options
+ # Is the resource a new object?
def new?
+ # Get the id of the object.
def id
+ # Set the id of the object.
def id=(id)
attributes[self.class.primary_key] = id
- # True if and only if +other+ is the same object or is an instance of the same class, is not new?, and has the same id.
+ # True if and only if +other+ is the same object or is an instance of the same class, is not +new?+, and has the same +id+.
def ==(other)
other.equal?(self) || (other.instance_of?(self.class) && !other.new? && other.id == id)
@@ -166,19 +181,22 @@ module ActiveResource
+ # Delegates to +create+ if a new object, +update+ if its old.
def save
new? ? create : update
+ # Delete the resource.
def destroy
- # True if this resource is found.
+ # Evaluates to <tt>true</tt> if this resource is found.
def exists?
!new? && self.class.exists?(id, prefix_options)
+ # Convert the resource to an XML string
def to_xml(options={})
attributes.to_xml({:root => self.class.element_name}.merge(options))
@@ -215,17 +233,19 @@ module ActiveResource
+ # Update the resource on the remote service.
def update
connection.put(element_path, to_xml)
+ # Create (i.e., save to the remote service) the new resource.
def create
returning connection.post(collection_path, to_xml) do |response|
self.id = id_from_response(response)
- # takes a response from a typical create post and pulls the ID out
+ # Takes a response from a typical create post and pulls the ID out
def id_from_response(response)
response['Location'][/\/([^\/]*?)(\.\w+)?$/, 1]
@@ -239,10 +259,12 @@ module ActiveResource
+ # Tries to find a resource for a given collection name; if it fails, then the resource is created
def find_or_create_resource_for_collection(name)
+ # Tries to find a resource for a given name; if it fails, then the resource is created
def find_or_create_resource_for(name)
resource_name = name.to_s.camelize
@@ -253,7 +275,7 @@ module ActiveResource
- def method_missing(method_symbol, *arguments)
+ def method_missing(method_symbol, *arguments) #:nodoc:
method_name = method_symbol.to_s
case method_name.last
diff --git a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/connection.rb b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/connection.rb
index c52d4d4839..528a7cc678 100644
--- a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/connection.rb
+++ b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/connection.rb
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module ActiveResource
class ServerError < ConnectionError; end # 5xx Server Error
+ # Class to handle connections to remote services.
class Connection
attr_reader :site
@@ -44,27 +44,37 @@ module ActiveResource
self.site = site
+ # Set URI for remote service.
def site=(site)
@site = site.is_a?(URI) ? site : URI.parse(site)
+ # Execute a GET request.
+ # Used to get (find) resources.
def get(path)
from_xml_data(Hash.from_xml(request(:get, path, build_request_headers).body).values.first)
+ # Execute a DELETE request (see HTTP protocol documentation if unfamiliar).
+ # Used to delete resources.
def delete(path)
request(:delete, path, build_request_headers)
+ # Execute a PUT request (see HTTP protocol documentation if unfamiliar).
+ # Used to update resources.
def put(path, body = '')
request(:put, path, body, build_request_headers)
+ # Execute a POST request.
+ # Used to create new resources.
def post(path, body = '')
request(:post, path, body, build_request_headers)
+ # Makes request to remote service.
def request(method, path, *arguments)
logger.info "#{method.to_s.upcase} #{site.scheme}://#{site.host}:#{site.port}#{path}" if logger
result = nil
@@ -73,6 +83,7 @@ module ActiveResource
+ # Handles response and error codes from remote service.
def handle_response(response)
case response.code.to_i
when 200...400
@@ -92,6 +103,8 @@ module ActiveResource
+ # Creates new (or uses currently instantiated) Net::HTTP instance for communication with
+ # remote service and resources.
def http
unless @http
@http = Net::HTTP.new(@site.host, @site.port)
@@ -102,15 +115,17 @@ module ActiveResource
+ # Builds headers for request to remote service.
def build_request_headers
+ # Sets authorization header; authentication information is pulled from credentials provided with site URI.
def authorization_header
(@site.user || @site.password ? { 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' + ["#{@site.user}:#{ @site.password}"].pack('m').delete("\r\n") } : {})
- def logger
+ def logger #:nodoc:
diff --git a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/http_mock.rb b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/http_mock.rb
index f37bc7d2ad..3ce31a50ea 100644
--- a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/http_mock.rb
+++ b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/http_mock.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
require 'active_resource/connection'
module ActiveResource
- class InvalidRequestError < StandardError; end
+ class InvalidRequestError < StandardError; end #:nodoc:
class HttpMock
class Responder
diff --git a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/struct.rb b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/struct.rb
index 6f4ffecc20..ee1f15d781 100644
--- a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/struct.rb
+++ b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/struct.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
module ActiveResource
+ # Class that allows a connection to a remote resource.
+ # Person = ActiveResource::Struct.new do |p|
+ # p.uri "http://www.mypeople.com/people"
+ # p.credentials :username => "mycreds", :password => "wordofpassage"
+ # end
+ #
+ # person = Person.find(1)
+ # person.name = "David"
+ # person.save!
class Struct
def self.create
diff --git a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/validations.rb b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/validations.rb
index c45655d1ea..76aa7d2f00 100644
--- a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/validations.rb
+++ b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/validations.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
module ActiveResource
- class ResourceInvalid < ClientError
+ class ResourceInvalid < ClientError #:nodoc:
+ # Active Resource validation is reported to and from this object, which is used by Base#save
+ # to determine whether the object in a valid state to be saved. See usage example in Validations.
class Errors
include Enumerable
attr_reader :errors
@@ -100,6 +102,38 @@ module ActiveResource
+ # Module to allow validation of ActiveResource objects, which are implemented by overriding +Base#validate+ or its variants.
+ # Each of these methods can inspect the state of the object, which usually means ensuring that a number of
+ # attributes have a certain value (such as not empty, within a given range, matching a certain regular expression). For example:
+ #
+ # class Person < ActiveResource::Base
+ # self.site = "http://www.localhost.com:3000/"
+ # protected
+ # def validate
+ # errors.add_on_empty %w( first_name last_name )
+ # errors.add("phone_number", "has invalid format") unless phone_number =~ /[0-9]*/
+ # end
+ #
+ # def validate_on_create # is only run the first time a new object is saved
+ # unless valid_member?(self)
+ # errors.add("membership_discount", "has expired")
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # def validate_on_update
+ # errors.add_to_base("No changes have occurred") if unchanged_attributes?
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # person = Person.new("first_name" => "Jim", "phone_number" => "I will not tell you.")
+ # person.save # => false (and doesn't do the save)
+ # person.errors.empty? # => false
+ # person.errors.count # => 2
+ # person.errors.on "last_name" # => "can't be empty"
+ # person.attributes = { "last_name" => "Halpert", "phone_number" => "555-5555" }
+ # person.save # => true (and person is now saved to the remote service)
+ #
+ # An Errors object is automatically created for every resource.
module Validations
def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
base.class_eval do