path: root/activeresource/lib/active_resource/http_mock.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'activeresource/lib/active_resource/http_mock.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 332 deletions
diff --git a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/http_mock.rb b/activeresource/lib/active_resource/http_mock.rb
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--- a/activeresource/lib/active_resource/http_mock.rb
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-require 'active_support/core_ext/kernel/reporting'
-require 'active_support/core_ext/object/inclusion'
-module ActiveResource
- class InvalidRequestError < StandardError; end #:nodoc:
- # One thing that has always been a pain with remote web services is testing. The HttpMock
- # class makes it easy to test your Active Resource models by creating a set of mock responses to specific
- # requests.
- #
- # To test your Active Resource model, you simply call the ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to
- # method with an attached block. The block declares a set of URIs with expected input, and the output
- # each request should return. The passed in block has any number of entries in the following generalized
- # format:
- #
- # mock.http_method(path, request_headers = {}, body = nil, status = 200, response_headers = {})
- #
- # * <tt>http_method</tt> - The HTTP method to listen for. This can be +get+, +post+, +patch+, +put+, +delete+ or
- # +head+.
- # * <tt>path</tt> - A string, starting with a "/", defining the URI that is expected to be
- # called.
- # * <tt>request_headers</tt> - Headers that are expected along with the request. This argument uses a
- # hash format, such as <tt>{ "Content-Type" => "application/json" }</tt>. This mock will only trigger
- # if your tests sends a request with identical headers.
- # * <tt>body</tt> - The data to be returned. This should be a string of Active Resource parseable content,
- # such as Json.
- # * <tt>status</tt> - The HTTP response code, as an integer, to return with the response.
- # * <tt>response_headers</tt> - Headers to be returned with the response. Uses the same hash format as
- # <tt>request_headers</tt> listed above.
- #
- # In order for a mock to deliver its content, the incoming request must match by the <tt>http_method</tt>,
- # +path+ and <tt>request_headers</tt>. If no match is found an +InvalidRequestError+ exception
- # will be raised showing you what request it could not find a response for and also what requests and response
- # pairs have been recorded so you can create a new mock for that request.
- #
- # ==== Example
- # def setup
- # @matz = { :person => { :id => 1, :name => "Matz" } }.to_json
- # ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to do |mock|
- # mock.post "/people.json", {}, @matz, 201, "Location" => "/people/1.json"
- # mock.get "/people/1.json", {}, @matz
- # mock.put "/people/1.json", {}, nil, 204
- # mock.delete "/people/1.json", {}, nil, 200
- # end
- # end
- #
- # def test_get_matz
- # person = Person.find(1)
- # assert_equal "Matz", person.name
- # end
- #
- class HttpMock
- class Responder #:nodoc:
- def initialize(responses)
- @responses = responses
- end
- [ :post, :put, :patch, :get, :delete, :head ].each do |method|
- # def post(path, request_headers = {}, body = nil, status = 200, response_headers = {})
- # @responses[Request.new(:post, path, nil, request_headers)] = Response.new(body || "", status, response_headers)
- # end
- module_eval <<-EOE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
- def #{method}(path, request_headers = {}, body = nil, status = 200, response_headers = {})
- request = Request.new(:#{method}, path, nil, request_headers)
- response = Response.new(body || "", status, response_headers)
- delete_duplicate_responses(request)
- @responses << [request, response]
- end
- end
- private
- def delete_duplicate_responses(request)
- @responses.delete_if {|r| r[0] == request }
- end
- end
- class << self
- # Returns an array of all request objects that have been sent to the mock. You can use this to check
- # if your model actually sent an HTTP request.
- #
- # ==== Example
- # def setup
- # @matz = { :person => { :id => 1, :name => "Matz" } }.to_json
- # ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to do |mock|
- # mock.get "/people/1.json", {}, @matz
- # end
- # end
- #
- # def test_should_request_remote_service
- # person = Person.find(1) # Call the remote service
- #
- # # This request object has the same HTTP method and path as declared by the mock
- # expected_request = ActiveResource::Request.new(:get, "/people/1.json")
- #
- # # Assert that the mock received, and responded to, the expected request from the model
- # assert ActiveResource::HttpMock.requests.include?(expected_request)
- # end
- def requests
- @@requests ||= []
- end
- # Returns the list of requests and their mocked responses. Look up a
- # response for a request using <tt>responses.assoc(request)</tt>.
- def responses
- @@responses ||= []
- end
- # Accepts a block which declares a set of requests and responses for the HttpMock to respond to in
- # the following format:
- #
- # mock.http_method(path, request_headers = {}, body = nil, status = 200, response_headers = {})
- #
- # === Example
- #
- # @matz = { :person => { :id => 1, :name => "Matz" } }.to_json
- # ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to do |mock|
- # mock.post "/people.json", {}, @matz, 201, "Location" => "/people/1.json"
- # mock.get "/people/1.json", {}, @matz
- # mock.put "/people/1.json", {}, nil, 204
- # mock.delete "/people/1.json", {}, nil, 200
- # end
- #
- # Alternatively, accepts a hash of <tt>{Request => Response}</tt> pairs allowing you to generate
- # these the following format:
- #
- # ActiveResource::Request.new(method, path, body, request_headers)
- # ActiveResource::Response.new(body, status, response_headers)
- #
- # === Example
- #
- # Request.new(:#{method}, path, nil, request_headers)
- #
- # @matz = { :person => { :id => 1, :name => "Matz" } }.to_json
- #
- # create_matz = ActiveResource::Request.new(:post, '/people.json', @matz, {})
- # created_response = ActiveResource::Response.new("", 201, {"Location" => "/people/1.json"})
- # get_matz = ActiveResource::Request.new(:get, '/people/1.json', nil)
- # ok_response = ActiveResource::Response.new("", 200, {})
- #
- # pairs = {create_matz => created_response, get_matz => ok_response}
- #
- # ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to(pairs)
- #
- # Note, by default, every time you call +respond_to+, any previous request and response pairs stored
- # in HttpMock will be deleted giving you a clean slate to work on.
- #
- # If you want to override this behavior, pass in +false+ as the last argument to +respond_to+
- #
- # === Example
- #
- # ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to do |mock|
- # mock.send(:get, "/people/1", {}, "JSON1")
- # end
- # ActiveResource::HttpMock.responses.length #=> 1
- #
- # ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to(false) do |mock|
- # mock.send(:get, "/people/2", {}, "JSON2")
- # end
- # ActiveResource::HttpMock.responses.length #=> 2
- #
- # This also works with passing in generated pairs of requests and responses, again, just pass in false
- # as the last argument:
- #
- # === Example
- #
- # ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to do |mock|
- # mock.send(:get, "/people/1", {}, "JSON1")
- # end
- # ActiveResource::HttpMock.responses.length #=> 1
- #
- # get_matz = ActiveResource::Request.new(:get, '/people/1.json', nil)
- # ok_response = ActiveResource::Response.new("", 200, {})
- #
- # pairs = {get_matz => ok_response}
- #
- # ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to(pairs, false)
- # ActiveResource::HttpMock.responses.length #=> 2
- #
- # # If you add a response with an existing request, it will be replaced
- #
- # fail_response = ActiveResource::Response.new("", 404, {})
- # pairs = {get_matz => fail_response}
- #
- # ActiveResource::HttpMock.respond_to(pairs, false)
- # ActiveResource::HttpMock.responses.length #=> 2
- #
- def respond_to(*args) #:yields: mock
- pairs = args.first || {}
- reset! if args.last.class != FalseClass
- if block_given?
- yield Responder.new(responses)
- else
- delete_responses_to_replace pairs.to_a
- responses.concat pairs.to_a
- Responder.new(responses)
- end
- end
- def delete_responses_to_replace(new_responses)
- new_responses.each{|nr|
- request_to_remove = nr[0]
- @@responses = responses.delete_if{|r| r[0] == request_to_remove}
- }
- end
- # Deletes all logged requests and responses.
- def reset!
- requests.clear
- responses.clear
- end
- end
- # body? methods
- { true => %w(post patch put),
- false => %w(get delete head) }.each do |has_body, methods|
- methods.each do |method|
- # def post(path, body, headers)
- # request = ActiveResource::Request.new(:post, path, body, headers)
- # self.class.requests << request
- # if response = self.class.responses.assoc(request)
- # response[1]
- # else
- # raise InvalidRequestError.new("Could not find a response recorded for #{request.to_s} - Responses recorded are: - #{inspect_responses}")
- # end
- # end
- module_eval <<-EOE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
- def #{method}(path, #{'body, ' if has_body}headers)
- request = ActiveResource::Request.new(:#{method}, path, #{has_body ? 'body, ' : 'nil, '}headers)
- self.class.requests << request
- if response = self.class.responses.assoc(request)
- response[1]
- else
- raise InvalidRequestError.new("Could not find a response recorded for \#{request.to_s} - Responses recorded are: \#{inspect_responses}")
- end
- end
- end
- end
- def initialize(site) #:nodoc:
- @site = site
- end
- def inspect_responses #:nodoc:
- self.class.responses.map { |r| r[0].to_s }.inspect
- end
- end
- class Request
- attr_accessor :path, :method, :body, :headers
- def initialize(method, path, body = nil, headers = {})
- @method, @path, @body, @headers = method, path, body, headers
- end
- def ==(req)
- path == req.path && method == req.method && headers_match?(req)
- end
- def to_s
- "<#{method.to_s.upcase}: #{path} [#{headers}] (#{body})>"
- end
- private
- def headers_match?(req)
- # Ignore format header on equality if it's not defined
- format_header = ActiveResource::Connection::HTTP_FORMAT_HEADER_NAMES[method]
- if headers[format_header].present? || req.headers[format_header].blank?
- headers == req.headers
- else
- headers.dup.merge(format_header => req.headers[format_header]) == req.headers
- end
- end
- end
- class Response
- attr_accessor :body, :message, :code, :headers
- def initialize(body, message = 200, headers = {})
- @body, @message, @headers = body, message.to_s, headers
- @code = @message[0,3].to_i
- resp_cls = Net::HTTPResponse::CODE_TO_OBJ[@code.to_s]
- if resp_cls && !resp_cls.body_permitted?
- @body = nil
- end
- self['Content-Length'] = @body.nil? ? "0" : body.size.to_s
- end
- # Returns true if code is 2xx,
- # false otherwise.
- def success?
- code.in?(200..299)
- end
- def [](key)
- headers[key]
- end
- def []=(key, value)
- headers[key] = value
- end
- # Returns true if the other is a Response with an equal body, equal message
- # and equal headers. Otherwise it returns false.
- def ==(other)
- if (other.is_a?(Response))
- other.body == body && other.message == message && other.headers == headers
- else
- false
- end
- end
- end
- class Connection
- private
- silence_warnings do
- def http
- @http ||= HttpMock.new(@site)
- end
- end
- end