path: root/activerecord
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord')
24 files changed, 287 insertions, 382 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md b/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
index a99d7fdde8..e6237ef437 100644
--- a/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/activerecord/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -486,24 +486,13 @@
* Added the `ActiveRecord::NullRelation` class implementing the null
object pattern for the Relation class. *Juanjo Bazán*
-* Added deprecation for the `:dependent => :restrict` association option.
+* Added new `:dependent => :restrict_with_error` option. This will add
+ an error to the model, rather than raising an exception.
- Please note:
- * Up until now `has_many` and `has_one`, `:dependent => :restrict`
- option raised a `DeleteRestrictionError` at the time of destroying
- the object. Instead, it will add an error on the model.
- * To fix this warning, make sure your code isn't relying on a
- `DeleteRestrictionError` and then add
- `config.active_record.dependent_restrict_raises = false` to your
- application config.
- * New rails application would be generated with the
- `config.active_record.dependent_restrict_raises = false` in the
- application config.
+ The `:restrict` option is renamed to `:restrict_with_exception` to
+ make this distinction explicit.
- *Manoj Kumar*
+ *Manoj Kumar & Jon Leighton*
* Added `create_join_table` migration helper to create HABTM join tables
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations.rb
index f5ee4f3ebe..9ba3323bc7 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations.rb
@@ -1094,12 +1094,14 @@ module ActiveRecord
# [:primary_key]
# Specify the method that returns the primary key used for the association. By default this is +id+.
# [:dependent]
- # If set to <tt>:destroy</tt> all the associated objects are destroyed
- # alongside this object by calling their +destroy+ method. If set to <tt>:delete_all</tt> all associated
- # objects are deleted *without* calling their +destroy+ method. If set to <tt>:nullify</tt> all associated
- # objects' foreign keys are set to +NULL+ *without* calling their +save+ callbacks. If set to
- # <tt>:restrict</tt> an error will be added to the object, preventing its deletion, if any associated
- # objects are present.
+ # Controls what happens to the associated objects when
+ # their owner is destroyed:
+ #
+ # * <tt>:destroy</tt> causes all the associated objects to also be destroyed
+ # * <tt>:delete_all</tt> causes all the asssociated objects to be deleted directly from the database (so callbacks will not execute)
+ # * <tt>:nullify</tt> causes the foreign keys to be set to +NULL+. Callbacks are not executed.
+ # * <tt>:restrict_with_exception</tt> causes an exception to be raised if there are any associated records
+ # * <tt>:restrict_with_error</tt> causes an error to be added to the owner if there are any associated objects
# If using with the <tt>:through</tt> option, the association on the join model must be
# a +belongs_to+, and the records which get deleted are the join records, rather than
@@ -1203,11 +1205,14 @@ module ActiveRecord
# from the association name. So <tt>has_one :manager</tt> will by default be linked to the Manager class, but
# if the real class name is Person, you'll have to specify it with this option.
# [:dependent]
- # If set to <tt>:destroy</tt>, the associated object is destroyed when this object is. If set to
- # <tt>:delete</tt>, the associated object is deleted *without* calling its destroy method.
- # If set to <tt>:nullify</tt>, the associated object's foreign key is set to +NULL+.
- # If set to <tt>:restrict</tt>, an error will be added to the object, preventing its deletion, if an
- # associated object is present.
+ # Controls what happens to the associated object when
+ # its owner is destroyed:
+ #
+ # * <tt>:destroy</tt> causes the associated object to also be destroyed
+ # * <tt>:delete</tt> causes the asssociated object to be deleted directly from the database (so callbacks will not execute)
+ # * <tt>:nullify</tt> causes the foreign key to be set to +NULL+. Callbacks are not executed.
+ # * <tt>:restrict_with_exception</tt> causes an exception to be raised if there is an associated record
+ # * <tt>:restrict_with_error</tt> causes an error to be added to the owner if there is an associated object
# [:foreign_key]
# Specify the foreign key used for the association. By default this is guessed to be the name
# of this class in lower-case and "_id" suffixed. So a Person class that makes a +has_one+ association
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/belongs_to_association.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/belongs_to_association.rb
index ddfc6f6c05..75f72c1a46 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/belongs_to_association.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/belongs_to_association.rb
@@ -2,6 +2,11 @@ module ActiveRecord
# = Active Record Belongs To Associations
module Associations
class BelongsToAssociation < SingularAssociation #:nodoc:
+ def handle_dependency
+ target.send(options[:dependent]) if load_target
+ end
def replace(record)
raise_on_type_mismatch(record) if record
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/association.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/association.rb
index c3f32b5ed9..1df876bf62 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/association.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/association.rb
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder
def build
+ configure_dependency if options[:dependent]
@reflection = model.create_reflection(macro, name, scope, options, model)
super # provides an extension point
@@ -52,70 +53,54 @@ module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder
- private
- def validate_options
- options.assert_valid_keys(valid_options)
- end
+ def validate_options
+ options.assert_valid_keys(valid_options)
+ end
- def define_accessors
- define_readers
- define_writers
- end
+ def define_accessors
+ define_readers
+ define_writers
+ end
- def define_readers
- name = self.name
- mixin.redefine_method(name) do |*params|
- association(name).reader(*params)
+ def define_readers
+ mixin.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ def #{name}(*args)
+ association(:#{name}).reader(*args)
- end
+ end
- def define_writers
- name = self.name
- mixin.redefine_method("#{name}=") do |value|
- association(name).writer(value)
+ def define_writers
+ mixin.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ def #{name}=(value)
+ association(:#{name}).writer(value)
- end
- def check_valid_dependent!(dependent, valid_options)
- unless valid_options.include?(dependent)
- valid_options_message = valid_options.map(&:inspect).to_sentence(
- words_connector: ', ', two_words_connector: ' or ', last_word_connector: ' or ')
+ end
- raise ArgumentError, "The :dependent option expects either " \
- "#{valid_options_message} (#{dependent.inspect})"
- end
+ def configure_dependency
+ unless valid_dependent_options.include? options[:dependent]
+ raise ArgumentError, "The :dependent option must be one of #{valid_dependent_options}, but is :#{options[:dependent]}"
- def dependent_restrict_raises?
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises == true
+ if options[:dependent] == :restrict
+ ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(
+ "The :restrict option is deprecated. Please use :restrict_with_exception instead, which " \
+ "provides the same functionality."
+ )
- def dependent_restrict_deprecation_warning
- if dependent_restrict_raises?
- msg = "In the next release, `:dependent => :restrict` will not raise a `DeleteRestrictionError`. "\
- "Instead, it will add an error on the model. To fix this warning, make sure your code " \
- "isn't relying on a `DeleteRestrictionError` and then add " \
- "`config.active_record.dependent_restrict_raises = false` to your application config."
- ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn msg
+ mixin.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ def #{macro}_dependent_for_#{name}
+ association(:#{name}).handle_dependency
- end
- def define_restrict_dependency_method
- name = self.name
- mixin.redefine_method(dependency_method_name) do
- has_one_macro = association(name).reflection.macro == :has_one
- if has_one_macro ? !send(name).nil? : send(name).exists?
- if dependent_restrict_raises?
- raise ActiveRecord::DeleteRestrictionError.new(name)
- else
- key = has_one_macro ? "one" : "many"
- errors.add(:base, :"restrict_dependent_destroy.#{key}",
- :record => self.class.human_attribute_name(name).downcase)
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- end
+ model.before_destroy "#{macro}_dependent_for_#{name}"
+ end
+ def valid_dependent_options
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/belongs_to.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/belongs_to.rb
index f205a456f7..2f2600b7fb 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/belongs_to.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/belongs_to.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder
class BelongsTo < SingularAssociation #:nodoc:
def macro
@@ -17,72 +16,51 @@ module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder
reflection = super
add_counter_cache_callbacks(reflection) if options[:counter_cache]
add_touch_callbacks(reflection) if options[:touch]
- configure_dependency
- private
- def add_counter_cache_callbacks(reflection)
- cache_column = reflection.counter_cache_column
- name = self.name
+ def add_counter_cache_callbacks(reflection)
+ cache_column = reflection.counter_cache_column
- method_name = "belongs_to_counter_cache_after_create_for_#{name}"
- mixin.redefine_method(method_name) do
- record = send(name)
- record.class.increment_counter(cache_column, record.id) unless record.nil?
+ mixin.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ def belongs_to_counter_cache_after_create_for_#{name}
+ record = #{name}
+ record.class.increment_counter(:#{cache_column}, record.id) unless record.nil?
- model.after_create(method_name)
- method_name = "belongs_to_counter_cache_before_destroy_for_#{name}"
- mixin.redefine_method(method_name) do
+ def belongs_to_counter_cache_before_destroy_for_#{name}
unless marked_for_destruction?
- record = send(name)
- record.class.decrement_counter(cache_column, record.id) unless record.nil?
+ record = #{name}
+ record.class.decrement_counter(:#{cache_column}, record.id) unless record.nil?
- model.before_destroy(method_name)
- model.send(:module_eval,
- "#{reflection.class_name}.send(:attr_readonly,\"#{cache_column}\".intern) if defined?(#{reflection.class_name}) && #{reflection.class_name}.respond_to?(:attr_readonly)", __FILE__, __LINE__
- )
- end
+ model.after_create "belongs_to_counter_cache_after_create_for_#{name}"
+ model.before_destroy "belongs_to_counter_cache_before_destroy_for_#{name}"
- def add_touch_callbacks(reflection)
- name = self.name
- method_name = "belongs_to_touch_after_save_or_destroy_for_#{name}"
- touch = options[:touch]
+ klass = reflection.class_name.safe_constantize
+ klass.attr_readonly cache_column if klass && klass.respond_to?(:attr_readonly)
+ end
- mixin.redefine_method(method_name) do
- record = send(name)
+ def add_touch_callbacks(reflection)
+ mixin.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ def belongs_to_touch_after_save_or_destroy_for_#{name}
+ record = #{name}
unless record.nil?
- if touch == true
- record.touch
- else
- record.touch(touch)
- end
+ record.touch #{options[:touch].inspect if options[:touch] != true}
- model.after_save(method_name)
- model.after_touch(method_name)
- model.after_destroy(method_name)
- end
- def configure_dependency
- if dependent = options[:dependent]
- check_valid_dependent! dependent, [:destroy, :delete]
+ model.after_save "belongs_to_touch_after_save_or_destroy_for_#{name}"
+ model.after_touch "belongs_to_touch_after_save_or_destroy_for_#{name}"
+ model.after_destroy "belongs_to_touch_after_save_or_destroy_for_#{name}"
+ end
- method_name = "belongs_to_dependent_#{dependent}_for_#{name}"
- model.send(:class_eval, <<-eoruby, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1)
- def #{method_name}
- association = #{name}
- association.#{dependent} if association
- end
- eoruby
- model.after_destroy method_name
- end
- end
+ def valid_dependent_options
+ [:destroy, :delete]
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/collection_association.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/collection_association.rb
index 3fb0a57450..1b382f7285 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/collection_association.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/collection_association.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder
class CollectionAssociation < Association #:nodoc:
CALLBACKS = [:before_add, :after_add, :before_remove, :after_remove]
@@ -34,53 +33,53 @@ module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder
- private
- def wrap_block_extension
- if block_extension
- @extension_module = mod = Module.new(&block_extension)
- silence_warnings do
- model.parent.const_set(extension_module_name, mod)
- end
+ def wrap_block_extension
+ if block_extension
+ @extension_module = mod = Module.new(&block_extension)
+ silence_warnings do
+ model.parent.const_set(extension_module_name, mod)
+ end
- prev_scope = @scope
+ prev_scope = @scope
- if prev_scope
- @scope = proc { |owner| instance_exec(owner, &prev_scope).extending(mod) }
- else
- @scope = proc { extending(mod) }
- end
+ if prev_scope
+ @scope = proc { |owner| instance_exec(owner, &prev_scope).extending(mod) }
+ else
+ @scope = proc { extending(mod) }
+ end
- def extension_module_name
- @extension_module_name ||= "#{model.name.demodulize}#{name.to_s.camelize}AssociationExtension"
- end
+ def extension_module_name
+ @extension_module_name ||= "#{model.name.demodulize}#{name.to_s.camelize}AssociationExtension"
+ end
- def define_callback(callback_name)
- full_callback_name = "#{callback_name}_for_#{name}"
+ def define_callback(callback_name)
+ full_callback_name = "#{callback_name}_for_#{name}"
- # TODO : why do i need method_defined? I think its because of the inheritance chain
- model.class_attribute full_callback_name.to_sym unless model.method_defined?(full_callback_name)
- model.send("#{full_callback_name}=", Array(options[callback_name.to_sym]))
- end
+ # TODO : why do i need method_defined? I think its because of the inheritance chain
+ model.class_attribute full_callback_name.to_sym unless model.method_defined?(full_callback_name)
+ model.send("#{full_callback_name}=", Array(options[callback_name.to_sym]))
+ end
- def define_readers
- super
+ def define_readers
+ super
- name = self.name
- mixin.redefine_method("#{name.to_s.singularize}_ids") do
- association(name).ids_reader
+ mixin.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ def #{name.to_s.singularize}_ids
+ association(:#{name}).ids_reader
- end
+ end
- def define_writers
- super
+ def define_writers
+ super
- name = self.name
- mixin.redefine_method("#{name.to_s.singularize}_ids=") do |ids|
- association(name).ids_writer(ids)
+ mixin.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ def #{name.to_s.singularize}_ids=(ids)
+ association(:#{name}).ids_writer(ids)
- end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/has_and_belongs_to_many.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/has_and_belongs_to_many.rb
index 8df28ad876..bdac02b5bf 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/has_and_belongs_to_many.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/has_and_belongs_to_many.rb
@@ -24,18 +24,16 @@ module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder
- private
- def define_destroy_hook
- name = self.name
- model.send(:include, Module.new {
- class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
- def destroy_associations
- association(#{name.to_sym.inspect}).delete_all
- super
- end
- })
- end
+ def define_destroy_hook
+ name = self.name
+ model.send(:include, Module.new {
+ class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ def destroy_associations
+ association(:#{name}).delete_all
+ super
+ end
+ })
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/has_many.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/has_many.rb
index 9e60dbc30b..ab8225460a 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/has_many.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/has_many.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder
class HasMany < CollectionAssociation #:nodoc:
def macro
@@ -9,52 +8,8 @@ module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder
super + [:primary_key, :dependent, :as, :through, :source, :source_type, :inverse_of]
- def build
- reflection = super
- configure_dependency
- reflection
+ def valid_dependent_options
+ [:destroy, :delete_all, :nullify, :restrict, :restrict_with_error, :restrict_with_exception]
- private
- def configure_dependency
- if dependent = options[:dependent]
- check_valid_dependent! dependent, [:destroy, :delete_all, :nullify, :restrict]
- dependent_restrict_deprecation_warning if dependent == :restrict
- send("define_#{dependent}_dependency_method")
- model.before_destroy dependency_method_name
- end
- end
- def define_destroy_dependency_method
- name = self.name
- mixin.redefine_method(dependency_method_name) do
- send(name).each do |o|
- # No point in executing the counter update since we're going to destroy the parent anyway
- o.mark_for_destruction
- end
- send(name).delete_all
- end
- end
- def define_delete_all_dependency_method
- name = self.name
- mixin.redefine_method(dependency_method_name) do
- association(name).delete_all
- end
- end
- def define_nullify_dependency_method
- name = self.name
- mixin.redefine_method(dependency_method_name) do
- send(name).delete_all
- end
- end
- def dependency_method_name
- "has_many_dependent_for_#{name}"
- end
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/has_one.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/has_one.rb
index 9c84f1913a..0da564f402 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/has_one.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/has_one.rb
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder
class HasOne < SingularAssociation #:nodoc:
def macro
@@ -15,35 +14,12 @@ module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder
- def build
- reflection = super
- configure_dependency unless options[:through]
- reflection
+ def configure_dependency
+ super unless options[:through]
- private
- def configure_dependency
- if dependent = options[:dependent]
- check_valid_dependent! dependent, [:destroy, :delete, :nullify, :restrict]
- dependent_restrict_deprecation_warning if dependent == :restrict
- send("define_#{dependent}_dependency_method")
- model.before_destroy dependency_method_name
- end
- end
- def define_destroy_dependency_method
- name = self.name
- mixin.redefine_method(dependency_method_name) do
- association(name).delete
- end
- end
- alias :define_delete_dependency_method :define_destroy_dependency_method
- alias :define_nullify_dependency_method :define_destroy_dependency_method
- def dependency_method_name
- "has_one_dependent_#{options[:dependent]}_for_#{name}"
- end
+ def valid_dependent_options
+ [:destroy, :delete, :nullify, :restrict, :restrict_with_error, :restrict_with_exception]
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/singular_association.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/singular_association.rb
index 90a4b7c2ef..6a5830e57f 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/singular_association.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/builder/singular_association.rb
@@ -13,22 +13,20 @@ module ActiveRecord::Associations::Builder
define_constructors if constructable?
- private
- def define_constructors
- name = self.name
- mixin.redefine_method("build_#{name}") do |*params, &block|
- association(name).build(*params, &block)
+ def define_constructors
+ mixin.class_eval <<-CODE, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
+ def build_#{name}(*args, &block)
+ association(:#{name}).build(*args, &block)
- mixin.redefine_method("create_#{name}") do |*params, &block|
- association(name).create(*params, &block)
+ def create_#{name}(*args, &block)
+ association(:#{name}).create(*args, &block)
- mixin.redefine_method("create_#{name}!") do |*params, &block|
- association(name).create!(*params, &block)
+ def create_#{name}!(*args, &block)
+ association(:#{name}).create!(*args, &block)
- end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_many_association.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_many_association.rb
index 7a363c896e..74864d271f 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_many_association.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_many_association.rb
@@ -7,6 +7,28 @@ module ActiveRecord
# is provided by its child HasManyThroughAssociation.
class HasManyAssociation < CollectionAssociation #:nodoc:
+ def handle_dependency
+ case options[:dependent]
+ when :restrict, :restrict_with_exception
+ raise ActiveRecord::DeleteRestrictionError.new(reflection.name) unless empty?
+ when :restrict_with_error
+ unless empty?
+ record = klass.human_attribute_name(reflection.name).downcase
+ owner.errors.add(:base, :"restrict_dependent_destroy.many", record: record)
+ false
+ end
+ else
+ if options[:dependent] == :destroy
+ # No point in executing the counter update since we're going to destroy the parent anyway
+ load_target.each(&:mark_for_destruction)
+ end
+ delete_all
+ end
+ end
def insert_record(record, validate = true, raise = false)
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_one_association.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_one_association.rb
index 191c4e8e39..dd7da59a86 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_one_association.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/associations/has_one_association.rb
@@ -3,23 +3,43 @@ module ActiveRecord
# = Active Record Belongs To Has One Association
module Associations
class HasOneAssociation < SingularAssociation #:nodoc:
- def replace(record, save = true)
- raise_on_type_mismatch(record) if record
- load_target
- reflection.klass.transaction do
- if target && target != record
- remove_target!(options[:dependent]) unless target.destroyed?
+ def handle_dependency
+ case options[:dependent]
+ when :restrict, :restrict_with_exception
+ raise ActiveRecord::DeleteRestrictionError.new(reflection.name) if load_target
+ when :restrict_with_error
+ if load_target
+ record = klass.human_attribute_name(reflection.name).downcase
+ owner.errors.add(:base, :"restrict_dependent_destroy.one", record: record)
+ false
- if record
- set_owner_attributes(record)
- set_inverse_instance(record)
+ else
+ delete
+ end
+ end
- if owner.persisted? && save && !record.save
- nullify_owner_attributes(record)
- set_owner_attributes(target) if target
- raise RecordNotSaved, "Failed to save the new associated #{reflection.name}."
+ def replace(record, save = true)
+ raise_on_type_mismatch(record) if record
+ load_target
+ # If target and record are nil, or target is equal to record,
+ # we don't need to have transaction.
+ if (target || record) && target != record
+ reflection.klass.transaction do
+ remove_target!(options[:dependent]) if target && !target.destroyed?
+ if record
+ set_owner_attributes(record)
+ set_inverse_instance(record)
+ if owner.persisted? && save && !record.save
+ nullify_owner_attributes(record)
+ set_owner_attributes(target) if target
+ raise RecordNotSaved, "Failed to save the new associated #{reflection.name}."
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/lib/active_record/core.rb b/activerecord/lib/active_record/core.rb
index 1145d2138c..0fddfdf0cb 100644
--- a/activerecord/lib/active_record/core.rb
+++ b/activerecord/lib/active_record/core.rb
@@ -82,15 +82,6 @@ module ActiveRecord
# The connection handler
config_attribute :connection_handler
- ##
- # :singleton-method:
- # Specifies whether or not has_many or has_one association option
- # :dependent => :restrict raises an exception. If set to true, the
- # ActiveRecord::DeleteRestrictionError exception will be raised
- # along with a DEPRECATION WARNING. If set to false, an error would
- # be added to the model instead.
- config_attribute :dependent_restrict_raises
%w(logger configurations default_timezone schema_format timestamped_migrations).each do |name|
config_attribute name, global: true
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/belongs_to_associations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/belongs_to_associations_test.rb
index ec7e4f5fb7..5f7825783b 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/belongs_to_associations_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/belongs_to_associations_test.rb
@@ -524,13 +524,13 @@ class BelongsToAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_invalid_belongs_to_dependent_option_nullify_raises_exception
assert_raise ArgumentError do
- Author.belongs_to :special_author_address, :dependent => :nullify
+ Class.new(Author).belongs_to :special_author_address, :dependent => :nullify
def test_invalid_belongs_to_dependent_option_restrict_raises_exception
assert_raise ArgumentError do
- Author.belongs_to :special_author_address, :dependent => :restrict
+ Class.new(Author).belongs_to :special_author_address, :dependent => :restrict
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb
index 43440c1146..04714f42e9 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_associations_test.rb
@@ -1091,9 +1091,6 @@ class HasManyAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_restrict
- option_before = ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = true
firm = RestrictedFirm.create!(:name => 'restrict')
firm.companies.create(:name => 'child')
@@ -1101,15 +1098,25 @@ class HasManyAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_raise(ActiveRecord::DeleteRestrictionError) { firm.destroy }
assert RestrictedFirm.exists?(:name => 'restrict')
assert firm.companies.exists?(:name => 'child')
- ensure
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = option_before
- def test_restrict_when_dependent_restrict_raises_config_set_to_false
- option_before = ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = false
+ def test_restrict_is_deprecated
+ klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)
+ assert_deprecated { klass.has_many :posts, dependent: :restrict }
+ end
- firm = RestrictedFirm.create!(:name => 'restrict')
+ def test_restrict_with_exception
+ firm = RestrictedWithExceptionFirm.create!(:name => 'restrict')
+ firm.companies.create(:name => 'child')
+ assert !firm.companies.empty?
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::DeleteRestrictionError) { firm.destroy }
+ assert RestrictedWithExceptionFirm.exists?(:name => 'restrict')
+ assert firm.companies.exists?(:name => 'child')
+ end
+ def test_restrict_with_error
+ firm = RestrictedWithErrorFirm.create!(:name => 'restrict')
firm.companies.create(:name => 'child')
assert !firm.companies.empty?
@@ -1119,10 +1126,8 @@ class HasManyAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert !firm.errors.empty?
assert_equal "Cannot delete record because dependent companies exist", firm.errors[:base].first
- assert RestrictedFirm.exists?(:name => 'restrict')
+ assert RestrictedWithErrorFirm.exists?(:name => 'restrict')
assert firm.companies.exists?(:name => 'child')
- ensure
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = option_before
def test_included_in_collection
@@ -1602,18 +1607,6 @@ class HasManyAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal [bulb1, bulb3], result
- def test_building_has_many_association_with_restrict_dependency
- option_before = ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = true
- klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)
- assert_deprecated { klass.has_many :companies, :dependent => :restrict }
- assert_not_deprecated { klass.has_many :companies }
- ensure
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = option_before
- end
def test_collection_association_with_private_kernel_method
firm = companies(:first_firm)
assert_equal [accounts(:signals37)], firm.accounts.open
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_one_associations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_one_associations_test.rb
index 112735839f..8bc633f2b5 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_one_associations_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_one_associations_test.rb
@@ -156,10 +156,7 @@ class HasOneAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_nothing_raised { firm.destroy }
- def test_dependence_with_restrict
- option_before = ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = true
+ def test_restrict
firm = RestrictedFirm.create!(:name => 'restrict')
firm.create_account(:credit_limit => 10)
@@ -168,38 +165,26 @@ class HasOneAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_raise(ActiveRecord::DeleteRestrictionError) { firm.destroy }
assert RestrictedFirm.exists?(:name => 'restrict')
assert firm.account.present?
- ensure
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = option_before
- def test_dependence_with_restrict_with_dependent_restrict_raises_config_set_to_false
- option_before = ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = false
+ def test_restrict_is_deprecated
+ klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)
+ assert_deprecated { klass.has_one :post, dependent: :restrict }
+ end
- firm = RestrictedFirm.create!(:name => 'restrict')
+ def test_restrict_with_exception
+ firm = RestrictedWithExceptionFirm.create!(:name => 'restrict')
firm.create_account(:credit_limit => 10)
assert_not_nil firm.account
- firm.destroy
- assert !firm.errors.empty?
- assert_equal "Cannot delete record because a dependent account exists", firm.errors[:base].first
- assert RestrictedFirm.exists?(:name => 'restrict')
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::DeleteRestrictionError) { firm.destroy }
+ assert RestrictedWithExceptionFirm.exists?(:name => 'restrict')
assert firm.account.present?
- ensure
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = option_before
- def test_dependence_with_restrict_with_dependent_restrict_raises_config_set_to_false_and_attribute_name
- old_backend = I18n.backend
- I18n.backend = I18n::Backend::Simple.new
- I18n.backend.store_translations 'en', :activerecord => {:attributes => {:restricted_firm => {:account => "account model"}}}
- option_before = ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = false
- firm = RestrictedFirm.create!(:name => 'restrict')
+ def test_restrict_with_error
+ firm = RestrictedWithErrorFirm.create!(:name => 'restrict')
firm.create_account(:credit_limit => 10)
assert_not_nil firm.account
@@ -207,12 +192,9 @@ class HasOneAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert !firm.errors.empty?
- assert_equal "Cannot delete record because a dependent account model exists", firm.errors[:base].first
- assert RestrictedFirm.exists?(:name => 'restrict')
+ assert_equal "Cannot delete record because a dependent account exists", firm.errors[:base].first
+ assert RestrictedWithErrorFirm.exists?(:name => 'restrict')
assert firm.account.present?
- ensure
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = option_before
- I18n.backend = old_backend
def test_successful_build_association
@@ -524,15 +506,16 @@ class HasOneAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_equal car.id, bulb.attributes_after_initialize['car_id']
- def test_building_has_one_association_with_dependent_restrict
- option_before = ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = true
+ def test_has_one_transaction
+ company = companies(:first_firm)
+ account = Account.find(1)
- klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)
+ company.account # force loading
+ assert_no_queries { company.account = account }
- assert_deprecated { klass.has_one :account, :dependent => :restrict }
- assert_not_deprecated { klass.has_one :account }
- ensure
- ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = option_before
+ company.account = nil
+ assert_no_queries { company.account = nil }
+ account = Account.find(2)
+ assert_queries { company.account = account }
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/join_model_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/join_model_test.rb
index 3cea20527e..86893ec4b3 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/join_model_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/join_model_test.rb
@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ class AssociationsJoinModelTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_has_many_through_polymorphic_has_one
- assert_equal Tagging.find(1,2).sort_by { |t| t.id }, authors(:david).tagging
+ assert_equal Tagging.find(1,2).sort_by { |t| t.id }, authors(:david).taggings_2
def test_has_many_through_polymorphic_has_many
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/helper.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/helper.rb
index 018064233a..4c6d4666ed 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/helper.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/helper.rb
@@ -19,9 +19,6 @@ require 'support/connection'
# Show backtraces for deprecated behavior for quicker cleanup.
ActiveSupport::Deprecation.debug = true
-# Avoid deprecation warning setting dependent_restrict_raises to false. The default is true
-ActiveRecord::Base.dependent_restrict_raises = false
# Connect to the database
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/multiple_db_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/multiple_db_test.rb
index 06d6596725..42461e8ecb 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/multiple_db_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/multiple_db_test.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
require "cases/helper"
require 'models/entrant'
require 'models/bird'
-# So we can test whether Course.connection survives a reload.
-require_dependency 'models/course'
+require 'models/course'
class MultipleDbTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/timestamp_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/timestamp_test.rb
index 7444dc5de1..bb034848e1 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/timestamp_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/timestamp_test.rb
@@ -114,9 +114,12 @@ class TimestampTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
def test_saving_a_record_with_a_belongs_to_that_specifies_touching_a_specific_attribute_the_parent_should_update_that_attribute
- Pet.belongs_to :owner, :touch => :happy_at
+ klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ def self.name; 'Pet'; end
+ belongs_to :owner, :touch => :happy_at
+ end
- pet = Pet.first
+ pet = klass.first
owner = pet.owner
previously_owner_happy_at = owner.happy_at
@@ -124,14 +127,15 @@ class TimestampTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_not_equal previously_owner_happy_at, pet.owner.happy_at
- ensure
- Pet.belongs_to :owner, :touch => true
def test_touching_a_record_with_a_belongs_to_that_uses_a_counter_cache_should_update_the_parent
- Pet.belongs_to :owner, :counter_cache => :use_count, :touch => true
+ klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ def self.name; 'Pet'; end
+ belongs_to :owner, :counter_cache => :use_count, :touch => true
+ end
- pet = Pet.first
+ pet = klass.first
owner = pet.owner
owner.update_columns(happy_at: 3.days.ago)
previously_owner_updated_at = owner.updated_at
@@ -140,15 +144,15 @@ class TimestampTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_not_equal previously_owner_updated_at, pet.owner.updated_at
- ensure
- Pet.belongs_to :owner, :touch => true
def test_touching_a_record_touches_parent_record_and_grandparent_record
- Toy.belongs_to :pet, :touch => true
- Pet.belongs_to :owner, :touch => true
+ klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ def self.name; 'Toy'; end
+ belongs_to :pet, :touch => true
+ end
- toy = Toy.first
+ toy = klass.first
pet = toy.pet
owner = pet.owner
time = 3.days.ago
@@ -158,8 +162,6 @@ class TimestampTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
assert_not_equal time, owner.updated_at
- ensure
- Toy.belongs_to :pet
def test_timestamp_attributes_for_create
diff --git a/activerecord/test/models/author.rb b/activerecord/test/models/author.rb
index 3157d8fe7f..77f4a2ec87 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/models/author.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/models/author.rb
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@ class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :author_favorites
has_many :favorite_authors, -> { order('name') }, :through => :author_favorites
- has_many :tagging, :through => :posts
has_many :taggings, :through => :posts
+ has_many :taggings_2, :through => :posts, :source => :tagging
has_many :tags, :through => :posts
has_many :post_categories, :through => :posts, :source => :categories
has_many :tagging_tags, :through => :taggings, :source => :tag
diff --git a/activerecord/test/models/company.rb b/activerecord/test/models/company.rb
index 5bfbb5e855..75f38d275c 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/models/company.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/models/company.rb
@@ -115,8 +115,20 @@ class DependentFirm < Company
class RestrictedFirm < Company
- has_one :account, -> { order("id") }, :foreign_key => "firm_id", :dependent => :restrict
- has_many :companies, -> { order("id") }, :foreign_key => 'client_of', :dependent => :restrict
+ ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do
+ has_one :account, -> { order("id") }, :foreign_key => "firm_id", :dependent => :restrict
+ has_many :companies, -> { order("id") }, :foreign_key => 'client_of', :dependent => :restrict
+ end
+class RestrictedWithExceptionFirm < Company
+ has_one :account, -> { order("id") }, :foreign_key => "firm_id", :dependent => :restrict_with_exception
+ has_many :companies, -> { order("id") }, :foreign_key => 'client_of', :dependent => :restrict_with_exception
+class RestrictedWithErrorFirm < Company
+ has_one :account, -> { order("id") }, :foreign_key => "firm_id", :dependent => :restrict_with_error
+ has_many :companies, -> { order("id") }, :foreign_key => 'client_of', :dependent => :restrict_with_error
class Client < Company
diff --git a/activerecord/test/models/member.rb b/activerecord/test/models/member.rb
index 359b29fac3..1134b09d8b 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/models/member.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/models/member.rb
@@ -24,11 +24,10 @@ class Member < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :club_category, :through => :club, :source => :category
- has_many :current_memberships
- has_one :club_through_many, :through => :current_memberships, :source => :club
has_many :current_memberships, -> { where :favourite => true }
has_many :clubs, :through => :current_memberships
+ has_one :club_through_many, :through => :current_memberships, :source => :club
class SelfMember < ActiveRecord::Base
diff --git a/activerecord/test/support/connection.rb b/activerecord/test/support/connection.rb
index c176316a05..92736e0ca9 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/support/connection.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/support/connection.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
require 'active_support/logger'
-require_dependency 'models/college'
-require_dependency 'models/course'
+require 'models/college'
+require 'models/course'
module ARTest
def self.connection_name