path: root/activerecord/test/cases
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Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases')
5 files changed, 19 insertions, 536 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/attribute_set_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/attribute_set_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8be77ed88f..0000000000
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/attribute_set_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "cases/helper"
-module ActiveRecord
- class AttributeSetTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
- test "building a new set from raw attributes" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: Type::Integer.new, bar: Type::Float.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: "1.1", bar: "2.2")
- assert_equal 1, attributes[:foo].value
- assert_equal 2.2, attributes[:bar].value
- assert_equal :foo, attributes[:foo].name
- assert_equal :bar, attributes[:bar].name
- end
- test "building with custom types" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: Type::Float.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database({ foo: "3.3", bar: "4.4" }, { bar: Type::Integer.new })
- assert_equal 3.3, attributes[:foo].value
- assert_equal 4, attributes[:bar].value
- end
- test "[] returns a null object" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: Type::Float.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: "3.3")
- assert_equal "3.3", attributes[:foo].value_before_type_cast
- assert_nil attributes[:bar].value_before_type_cast
- assert_equal :bar, attributes[:bar].name
- end
- test "duping creates a new hash, but does not dup the attributes" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: Type::Integer.new, bar: Type::String.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: 1, bar: "foo")
- # Ensure the type cast value is cached
- attributes[:foo].value
- attributes[:bar].value
- duped = attributes.dup
- duped.write_from_database(:foo, 2)
- duped[:bar].value << "bar"
- assert_equal 1, attributes[:foo].value
- assert_equal 2, duped[:foo].value
- assert_equal "foobar", attributes[:bar].value
- assert_equal "foobar", duped[:bar].value
- end
- test "deep_duping creates a new hash and dups each attribute" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: Type::Integer.new, bar: Type::String.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: 1, bar: "foo")
- # Ensure the type cast value is cached
- attributes[:foo].value
- attributes[:bar].value
- duped = attributes.deep_dup
- duped.write_from_database(:foo, 2)
- duped[:bar].value << "bar"
- assert_equal 1, attributes[:foo].value
- assert_equal 2, duped[:foo].value
- assert_equal "foo", attributes[:bar].value
- assert_equal "foobar", duped[:bar].value
- end
- test "freezing cloned set does not freeze original" do
- attributes = AttributeSet.new({})
- clone = attributes.clone
- clone.freeze
- assert clone.frozen?
- assert_not attributes.frozen?
- end
- test "to_hash returns a hash of the type cast values" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: Type::Integer.new, bar: Type::Float.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: "1.1", bar: "2.2")
- assert_equal({ foo: 1, bar: 2.2 }, attributes.to_hash)
- assert_equal({ foo: 1, bar: 2.2 }, attributes.to_h)
- end
- test "to_hash maintains order" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: Type::Integer.new, bar: Type::Float.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: "2.2", bar: "3.3")
- attributes[:bar]
- hash = attributes.to_h
- assert_equal [[:foo, 2], [:bar, 3.3]], hash.to_a
- end
- test "values_before_type_cast" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: Type::Integer.new, bar: Type::Integer.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: "1.1", bar: "2.2")
- assert_equal({ foo: "1.1", bar: "2.2" }, attributes.values_before_type_cast)
- end
- test "known columns are built with uninitialized attributes" do
- attributes = attributes_with_uninitialized_key
- assert attributes[:foo].initialized?
- assert_not attributes[:bar].initialized?
- end
- test "uninitialized attributes are not included in the attributes hash" do
- attributes = attributes_with_uninitialized_key
- assert_equal({ foo: 1 }, attributes.to_hash)
- end
- test "uninitialized attributes are not included in keys" do
- attributes = attributes_with_uninitialized_key
- assert_equal [:foo], attributes.keys
- end
- test "uninitialized attributes return false for key?" do
- attributes = attributes_with_uninitialized_key
- assert attributes.key?(:foo)
- assert_not attributes.key?(:bar)
- end
- test "unknown attributes return false for key?" do
- attributes = attributes_with_uninitialized_key
- assert_not attributes.key?(:wibble)
- end
- test "fetch_value returns the value for the given initialized attribute" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: Type::Integer.new, bar: Type::Float.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: "1.1", bar: "2.2")
- assert_equal 1, attributes.fetch_value(:foo)
- assert_equal 2.2, attributes.fetch_value(:bar)
- end
- test "fetch_value returns nil for unknown attributes" do
- attributes = attributes_with_uninitialized_key
- assert_nil attributes.fetch_value(:wibble) { "hello" }
- end
- test "fetch_value returns nil for unknown attributes when types has a default" do
- types = Hash.new(Type::Value.new)
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(types)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database
- assert_nil attributes.fetch_value(:wibble) { "hello" }
- end
- test "fetch_value uses the given block for uninitialized attributes" do
- attributes = attributes_with_uninitialized_key
- value = attributes.fetch_value(:bar) { |n| n.to_s + "!" }
- assert_equal "bar!", value
- end
- test "fetch_value returns nil for uninitialized attributes if no block is given" do
- attributes = attributes_with_uninitialized_key
- assert_nil attributes.fetch_value(:bar)
- end
- test "the primary_key is always initialized" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new({ foo: Type::Integer.new }, :foo)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database
- assert attributes.key?(:foo)
- assert_equal [:foo], attributes.keys
- assert attributes[:foo].initialized?
- end
- class MyType
- def cast(value)
- return if value.nil?
- value + " from user"
- end
- def deserialize(value)
- return if value.nil?
- value + " from database"
- end
- def assert_valid_value(*)
- end
- end
- test "write_from_database sets the attribute with database typecasting" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: MyType.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database
- assert_nil attributes.fetch_value(:foo)
- attributes.write_from_database(:foo, "value")
- assert_equal "value from database", attributes.fetch_value(:foo)
- end
- test "write_from_user sets the attribute with user typecasting" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: MyType.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database
- assert_nil attributes.fetch_value(:foo)
- attributes.write_from_user(:foo, "value")
- assert_equal "value from user", attributes.fetch_value(:foo)
- end
- def attributes_with_uninitialized_key
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: Type::Integer.new, bar: Type::Float.new)
- builder.build_from_database(foo: "1.1")
- end
- test "freezing doesn't prevent the set from materializing" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: Type::String.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: "1")
- attributes.freeze
- assert_equal({ foo: "1" }, attributes.to_hash)
- end
- test "#accessed_attributes returns only attributes which have been read" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: Type::Value.new, bar: Type::Value.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: "1", bar: "2")
- assert_equal [], attributes.accessed
- attributes.fetch_value(:foo)
- assert_equal [:foo], attributes.accessed
- end
- test "#map returns a new attribute set with the changes applied" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: Type::Integer.new, bar: Type::Integer.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: "1", bar: "2")
- new_attributes = attributes.map do |attr|
- attr.with_cast_value(attr.value + 1)
- end
- assert_equal 2, new_attributes.fetch_value(:foo)
- assert_equal 3, new_attributes.fetch_value(:bar)
- end
- test "comparison for equality is correctly implemented" do
- builder = AttributeSet::Builder.new(foo: Type::Integer.new, bar: Type::Integer.new)
- attributes = builder.build_from_database(foo: "1", bar: "2")
- attributes2 = builder.build_from_database(foo: "1", bar: "2")
- attributes3 = builder.build_from_database(foo: "2", bar: "2")
- assert_equal attributes, attributes2
- assert_not_equal attributes2, attributes3
- end
- end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/attribute_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/attribute_test.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 1731e7926e..0000000000
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/attribute_test.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-# frozen_string_literal: true
-require "cases/helper"
-module ActiveRecord
- class AttributeTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
- setup do
- @type = Minitest::Mock.new
- end
- teardown do
- assert @type.verify
- end
- test "from_database + read type casts from database" do
- @type.expect(:deserialize, "type cast from database", ["a value"])
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(nil, "a value", @type)
- type_cast_value = attribute.value
- assert_equal "type cast from database", type_cast_value
- end
- test "from_user + read type casts from user" do
- @type.expect(:cast, "type cast from user", ["a value"])
- attribute = Attribute.from_user(nil, "a value", @type)
- type_cast_value = attribute.value
- assert_equal "type cast from user", type_cast_value
- end
- test "reading memoizes the value" do
- @type.expect(:deserialize, "from the database", ["whatever"])
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(nil, "whatever", @type)
- type_cast_value = attribute.value
- second_read = attribute.value
- assert_equal "from the database", type_cast_value
- assert_same type_cast_value, second_read
- end
- test "reading memoizes falsy values" do
- @type.expect(:deserialize, false, ["whatever"])
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(nil, "whatever", @type)
- attribute.value
- attribute.value
- end
- test "read_before_typecast returns the given value" do
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(nil, "raw value", @type)
- raw_value = attribute.value_before_type_cast
- assert_equal "raw value", raw_value
- end
- test "from_database + read_for_database type casts to and from database" do
- @type.expect(:deserialize, "read from database", ["whatever"])
- @type.expect(:serialize, "ready for database", ["read from database"])
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(nil, "whatever", @type)
- serialize = attribute.value_for_database
- assert_equal "ready for database", serialize
- end
- test "from_user + read_for_database type casts from the user to the database" do
- @type.expect(:cast, "read from user", ["whatever"])
- @type.expect(:serialize, "ready for database", ["read from user"])
- attribute = Attribute.from_user(nil, "whatever", @type)
- serialize = attribute.value_for_database
- assert_equal "ready for database", serialize
- end
- test "duping dups the value" do
- @type.expect(:deserialize, "type cast".dup, ["a value"])
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(nil, "a value", @type)
- value_from_orig = attribute.value
- value_from_clone = attribute.dup.value
- value_from_orig << " foo"
- assert_equal "type cast foo", value_from_orig
- assert_equal "type cast", value_from_clone
- end
- test "duping does not dup the value if it is not dupable" do
- @type.expect(:deserialize, false, ["a value"])
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(nil, "a value", @type)
- assert_same attribute.value, attribute.dup.value
- end
- test "duping does not eagerly type cast if we have not yet type cast" do
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(nil, "a value", @type)
- attribute.dup
- end
- class MyType
- def cast(value)
- value + " from user"
- end
- def deserialize(value)
- value + " from database"
- end
- def assert_valid_value(*)
- end
- end
- test "with_value_from_user returns a new attribute with the value from the user" do
- old = Attribute.from_database(nil, "old", MyType.new)
- new = old.with_value_from_user("new")
- assert_equal "old from database", old.value
- assert_equal "new from user", new.value
- end
- test "with_value_from_database returns a new attribute with the value from the database" do
- old = Attribute.from_user(nil, "old", MyType.new)
- new = old.with_value_from_database("new")
- assert_equal "old from user", old.value
- assert_equal "new from database", new.value
- end
- test "uninitialized attributes yield their name if a block is given to value" do
- block = proc { |name| name.to_s + "!" }
- foo = Attribute.uninitialized(:foo, nil)
- bar = Attribute.uninitialized(:bar, nil)
- assert_equal "foo!", foo.value(&block)
- assert_equal "bar!", bar.value(&block)
- end
- test "uninitialized attributes have no value" do
- assert_nil Attribute.uninitialized(:foo, nil).value
- end
- test "attributes equal other attributes with the same constructor arguments" do
- first = Attribute.from_database(:foo, 1, Type::Integer.new)
- second = Attribute.from_database(:foo, 1, Type::Integer.new)
- assert_equal first, second
- end
- test "attributes do not equal attributes with different names" do
- first = Attribute.from_database(:foo, 1, Type::Integer.new)
- second = Attribute.from_database(:bar, 1, Type::Integer.new)
- assert_not_equal first, second
- end
- test "attributes do not equal attributes with different types" do
- first = Attribute.from_database(:foo, 1, Type::Integer.new)
- second = Attribute.from_database(:foo, 1, Type::Float.new)
- assert_not_equal first, second
- end
- test "attributes do not equal attributes with different values" do
- first = Attribute.from_database(:foo, 1, Type::Integer.new)
- second = Attribute.from_database(:foo, 2, Type::Integer.new)
- assert_not_equal first, second
- end
- test "attributes do not equal attributes of other classes" do
- first = Attribute.from_database(:foo, 1, Type::Integer.new)
- second = Attribute.from_user(:foo, 1, Type::Integer.new)
- assert_not_equal first, second
- end
- test "an attribute has not been read by default" do
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(:foo, 1, Type::Value.new)
- assert_not attribute.has_been_read?
- end
- test "an attribute has been read when its value is calculated" do
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(:foo, 1, Type::Value.new)
- attribute.value
- assert attribute.has_been_read?
- end
- test "an attribute is not changed if it hasn't been assigned or mutated" do
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(:foo, 1, Type::Value.new)
- refute attribute.changed?
- end
- test "an attribute is changed if it's been assigned a new value" do
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(:foo, 1, Type::Value.new)
- changed = attribute.with_value_from_user(2)
- assert changed.changed?
- end
- test "an attribute is not changed if it's assigned the same value" do
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(:foo, 1, Type::Value.new)
- unchanged = attribute.with_value_from_user(1)
- refute unchanged.changed?
- end
- test "an attribute can not be mutated if it has not been read,
- and skips expensive calculations" do
- type_which_raises_from_all_methods = Object.new
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(:foo, "bar", type_which_raises_from_all_methods)
- assert_not attribute.changed_in_place?
- end
- test "an attribute is changed if it has been mutated" do
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(:foo, "bar", Type::String.new)
- attribute.value << "!"
- assert attribute.changed_in_place?
- assert attribute.changed?
- end
- test "an attribute can forget its changes" do
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(:foo, "bar", Type::String.new)
- changed = attribute.with_value_from_user("foo")
- forgotten = changed.forgetting_assignment
- assert changed.changed? # sanity check
- refute forgotten.changed?
- end
- test "with_value_from_user validates the value" do
- type = Type::Value.new
- type.define_singleton_method(:assert_valid_value) do |value|
- if value == 1
- raise ArgumentError
- end
- end
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(:foo, 1, type)
- assert_equal 1, attribute.value
- assert_equal 2, attribute.with_value_from_user(2).value
- assert_raises ArgumentError do
- attribute.with_value_from_user(1)
- end
- end
- test "with_type preserves mutations" do
- attribute = Attribute.from_database(:foo, "".dup, Type::Value.new)
- attribute.value << "1"
- assert_equal 1, attribute.with_type(Type::Integer.new).value
- end
- end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/locking_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/locking_test.rb
index 6791d50940..e857180bd1 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/locking_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/locking_test.rb
@@ -611,14 +611,12 @@ unless in_memory_db?
- if current_adapter?(:PostgreSQLAdapter, :OracleAdapter)
- def test_no_locks_no_wait
- first, second = duel { Person.find 1 }
- assert first.end > second.end
- end
- private
+ def test_no_locks_no_wait
+ first, second = duel { Person.find 1 }
+ assert first.end > second.end
+ end
+ private
def duel(zzz = 5)
t0, t1, t2, t3 = nil, nil, nil, nil
@@ -646,6 +644,5 @@ unless in_memory_db?
assert t3 > t2
[t0.to_f..t1.to_f, t2.to_f..t3.to_f]
- end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/transaction_isolation_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/transaction_isolation_test.rb
index b1ebccdcc3..eaafd13360 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/transaction_isolation_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/transaction_isolation_test.rb
@@ -15,9 +15,7 @@ unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.supports_transaction_isolation?
-if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.supports_transaction_isolation?
class TransactionIsolationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
self.use_transactional_tests = false
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/transactions_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/transactions_test.rb
index 7fd125ab74..5c8ae4d3cb 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/transactions_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/transactions_test.rb
@@ -954,27 +954,25 @@ class TransactionsWithTransactionalFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
end if Topic.connection.supports_savepoints?
-if current_adapter?(:PostgreSQLAdapter)
+if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.supports_transaction_isolation?
class ConcurrentTransactionTest < TransactionTest
# This will cause transactions to overlap and fail unless they are performed on
# separate database connections.
- unless in_memory_db?
- def test_transaction_per_thread
- threads = 3.times.map do
- Thread.new do
- Topic.transaction do
- topic = Topic.find(1)
- topic.approved = !topic.approved?
- assert topic.save!
- topic.approved = !topic.approved?
- assert topic.save!
- end
- Topic.connection.close
+ def test_transaction_per_thread
+ threads = 3.times.map do
+ Thread.new do
+ Topic.transaction do
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ topic.approved = !topic.approved?
+ assert topic.save!
+ topic.approved = !topic.approved?
+ assert topic.save!
+ Topic.connection.close
- threads.each(&:join)
+ threads.each(&:join)
# Test for dirty reads among simultaneous transactions.