path: root/activerecord/test/cases/transaction_callbacks_test.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/transaction_callbacks_test.rb')
1 files changed, 595 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/transaction_callbacks_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/transaction_callbacks_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c7cec4dad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/transaction_callbacks_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,595 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/owner"
+require "models/pet"
+require "models/topic"
+class TransactionCallbacksTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :topics, :owners, :pets
+ class ReplyWithCallbacks < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = :topics
+ belongs_to :topic, foreign_key: "parent_id"
+ validates_presence_of :content
+ after_commit :do_after_commit, on: :create
+ attr_accessor :save_on_after_create
+ after_create do
+ save! if save_on_after_create
+ end
+ def history
+ @history ||= []
+ end
+ def do_after_commit
+ history << :commit_on_create
+ end
+ end
+ class TopicWithCallbacks < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = :topics
+ has_many :replies, class_name: "ReplyWithCallbacks", foreign_key: "parent_id"
+ before_commit { |record| record.do_before_commit(nil) }
+ after_commit { |record| record.do_after_commit(nil) }
+ after_create_commit { |record| record.do_after_commit(:create) }
+ after_update_commit { |record| record.do_after_commit(:update) }
+ after_destroy_commit { |record| record.do_after_commit(:destroy) }
+ after_rollback { |record| record.do_after_rollback(nil) }
+ after_rollback(on: :create) { |record| record.do_after_rollback(:create) }
+ after_rollback(on: :update) { |record| record.do_after_rollback(:update) }
+ after_rollback(on: :destroy) { |record| record.do_after_rollback(:destroy) }
+ def history
+ @history ||= []
+ end
+ def before_commit_block(on = nil, &block)
+ @before_commit ||= {}
+ @before_commit[on] ||= []
+ @before_commit[on] << block
+ end
+ def after_commit_block(on = nil, &block)
+ @after_commit ||= {}
+ @after_commit[on] ||= []
+ @after_commit[on] << block
+ end
+ def after_rollback_block(on = nil, &block)
+ @after_rollback ||= {}
+ @after_rollback[on] ||= []
+ @after_rollback[on] << block
+ end
+ def do_before_commit(on)
+ blocks = @before_commit[on] if defined?(@before_commit)
+ blocks.each { |b| b.call(self) } if blocks
+ end
+ def do_after_commit(on)
+ blocks = @after_commit[on] if defined?(@after_commit)
+ blocks.each { |b| b.call(self) } if blocks
+ end
+ def do_after_rollback(on)
+ blocks = @after_rollback[on] if defined?(@after_rollback)
+ blocks.each { |b| b.call(self) } if blocks
+ end
+ end
+ def setup
+ @first = TopicWithCallbacks.find(1)
+ end
+ # FIXME: Test behavior, not implementation.
+ def test_before_commit_exception_should_pop_transaction_stack
+ @first.before_commit_block { raise "better pop this txn from the stack!" }
+ original_txn = @first.class.connection.current_transaction
+ begin
+ @first.save!
+ fail
+ rescue
+ assert_equal original_txn, @first.class.connection.current_transaction
+ end
+ end
+ def test_call_after_commit_after_transaction_commits
+ @first.after_commit_block { |r| r.history << :after_commit }
+ @first.after_rollback_block { |r| r.history << :after_rollback }
+ @first.save!
+ assert_equal [:after_commit], @first.history
+ end
+ def test_only_call_after_commit_on_update_after_transaction_commits_for_existing_record
+ add_transaction_execution_blocks @first
+ @first.save!
+ assert_equal [:commit_on_update], @first.history
+ end
+ def test_only_call_after_commit_on_destroy_after_transaction_commits_for_destroyed_record
+ add_transaction_execution_blocks @first
+ @first.destroy
+ assert_equal [:commit_on_destroy], @first.history
+ end
+ def test_only_call_after_commit_on_create_after_transaction_commits_for_new_record
+ new_record = TopicWithCallbacks.new(title: "New topic", written_on: Date.today)
+ add_transaction_execution_blocks new_record
+ new_record.save!
+ assert_equal [:commit_on_create], new_record.history
+ end
+ def test_only_call_after_commit_on_create_after_transaction_commits_for_new_record_if_create_succeeds_creating_through_association
+ topic = TopicWithCallbacks.create!(title: "New topic", written_on: Date.today)
+ reply = topic.replies.create
+ assert_equal [], reply.history
+ end
+ def test_only_call_after_commit_on_create_and_doesnt_leaky
+ r = ReplyWithCallbacks.new(content: "foo")
+ r.save_on_after_create = true
+ r.save!
+ r.content = "bar"
+ r.save!
+ r.save!
+ assert_equal [:commit_on_create], r.history
+ end
+ def test_only_call_after_commit_on_update_after_transaction_commits_for_existing_record_on_touch
+ add_transaction_execution_blocks @first
+ @first.touch
+ assert_equal [:commit_on_update], @first.history
+ end
+ def test_only_call_after_commit_on_top_level_transactions
+ @first.after_commit_block { |r| r.history << :after_commit }
+ assert_empty @first.history
+ @first.transaction do
+ @first.transaction(requires_new: true) do
+ @first.touch
+ end
+ assert_empty @first.history
+ end
+ assert_equal [:after_commit], @first.history
+ end
+ def test_call_after_rollback_after_transaction_rollsback
+ @first.after_commit_block { |r| r.history << :after_commit }
+ @first.after_rollback_block { |r| r.history << :after_rollback }
+ Topic.transaction do
+ @first.save!
+ raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
+ end
+ assert_equal [:after_rollback], @first.history
+ end
+ def test_only_call_after_rollback_on_update_after_transaction_rollsback_for_existing_record
+ add_transaction_execution_blocks @first
+ Topic.transaction do
+ @first.save!
+ raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
+ end
+ assert_equal [:rollback_on_update], @first.history
+ end
+ def test_only_call_after_rollback_on_update_after_transaction_rollsback_for_existing_record_on_touch
+ add_transaction_execution_blocks @first
+ Topic.transaction do
+ @first.touch
+ raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
+ end
+ assert_equal [:rollback_on_update], @first.history
+ end
+ def test_only_call_after_rollback_on_destroy_after_transaction_rollsback_for_destroyed_record
+ add_transaction_execution_blocks @first
+ Topic.transaction do
+ @first.destroy
+ raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
+ end
+ assert_equal [:rollback_on_destroy], @first.history
+ end
+ def test_only_call_after_rollback_on_create_after_transaction_rollsback_for_new_record
+ new_record = TopicWithCallbacks.new(title: "New topic", written_on: Date.today)
+ add_transaction_execution_blocks new_record
+ Topic.transaction do
+ new_record.save!
+ raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
+ end
+ assert_equal [:rollback_on_create], new_record.history
+ end
+ def test_call_after_rollback_when_commit_fails
+ @first.after_commit_block { |r| r.history << :after_commit }
+ @first.after_rollback_block { |r| r.history << :after_rollback }
+ assert_raises RuntimeError do
+ @first.transaction do
+ tx = @first.class.connection.transaction_manager.current_transaction
+ def tx.commit
+ raise
+ end
+ @first.save
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal [:after_rollback], @first.history
+ end
+ def test_only_call_after_rollback_on_records_rolled_back_to_a_savepoint
+ def @first.rollbacks(i = 0); @rollbacks ||= 0; @rollbacks += i if i; end
+ def @first.commits(i = 0); @commits ||= 0; @commits += i if i; end
+ @first.after_rollback_block { |r| r.rollbacks(1) }
+ @first.after_commit_block { |r| r.commits(1) }
+ second = TopicWithCallbacks.find(3)
+ def second.rollbacks(i = 0); @rollbacks ||= 0; @rollbacks += i if i; end
+ def second.commits(i = 0); @commits ||= 0; @commits += i if i; end
+ second.after_rollback_block { |r| r.rollbacks(1) }
+ second.after_commit_block { |r| r.commits(1) }
+ Topic.transaction do
+ @first.save!
+ Topic.transaction(requires_new: true) do
+ second.save!
+ raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal 1, @first.commits
+ assert_equal 0, @first.rollbacks
+ assert_equal 0, second.commits
+ assert_equal 1, second.rollbacks
+ end
+ def test_only_call_after_rollback_on_records_rolled_back_to_a_savepoint_when_release_savepoint_fails
+ def @first.rollbacks(i = 0); @rollbacks ||= 0; @rollbacks += i if i; end
+ def @first.commits(i = 0); @commits ||= 0; @commits += i if i; end
+ @first.after_rollback_block { |r| r.rollbacks(1) }
+ @first.after_commit_block { |r| r.commits(1) }
+ Topic.transaction do
+ @first.save
+ Topic.transaction(requires_new: true) do
+ @first.save!
+ raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
+ end
+ Topic.transaction(requires_new: true) do
+ @first.save!
+ raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal 1, @first.commits
+ assert_equal 2, @first.rollbacks
+ end
+ def test_after_commit_callback_should_not_swallow_errors
+ @first.after_commit_block { fail "boom" }
+ assert_raises(RuntimeError) do
+ Topic.transaction do
+ @first.save!
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_after_commit_callback_when_raise_should_not_restore_state
+ first = TopicWithCallbacks.new
+ second = TopicWithCallbacks.new
+ first.after_commit_block { fail "boom" }
+ second.after_commit_block { fail "boom" }
+ begin
+ Topic.transaction do
+ first.save!
+ assert_not_nil first.id
+ second.save!
+ assert_not_nil second.id
+ end
+ rescue
+ end
+ assert_not_nil first.id
+ assert_not_nil second.id
+ assert first.reload
+ end
+ def test_after_rollback_callback_should_not_swallow_errors_when_set_to_raise
+ error_class = Class.new(StandardError)
+ @first.after_rollback_block { raise error_class }
+ assert_raises(error_class) do
+ Topic.transaction do
+ @first.save!
+ raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_after_rollback_callback_when_raise_should_restore_state
+ error_class = Class.new(StandardError)
+ first = TopicWithCallbacks.new
+ second = TopicWithCallbacks.new
+ first.after_rollback_block { raise error_class }
+ second.after_rollback_block { raise error_class }
+ begin
+ Topic.transaction do
+ first.save!
+ assert_not_nil first.id
+ second.save!
+ assert_not_nil second.id
+ raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
+ end
+ rescue error_class
+ end
+ assert_nil first.id
+ assert_nil second.id
+ end
+ def test_after_rollback_callbacks_should_validate_on_condition
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.after_rollback(on: :save) }
+ e = assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.after_rollback(on: "create") }
+ assert_match(/:on conditions for after_commit and after_rollback callbacks have to be one of \[:create, :destroy, :update\]/, e.message)
+ end
+ def test_after_commit_callbacks_should_validate_on_condition
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.after_commit(on: :save) }
+ e = assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Topic.after_commit(on: "create") }
+ assert_match(/:on conditions for after_commit and after_rollback callbacks have to be one of \[:create, :destroy, :update\]/, e.message)
+ end
+ def test_saving_a_record_with_a_belongs_to_that_specifies_touching_the_parent_should_call_callbacks_on_the_parent_object
+ pet = Pet.first
+ owner = pet.owner
+ flag = false
+ owner.on_after_commit do
+ flag = true
+ end
+ pet.name = "Fluffy the Third"
+ pet.save
+ assert flag
+ end
+ private
+ def add_transaction_execution_blocks(record)
+ record.after_commit_block(:create) { |r| r.history << :commit_on_create }
+ record.after_commit_block(:update) { |r| r.history << :commit_on_update }
+ record.after_commit_block(:destroy) { |r| r.history << :commit_on_destroy }
+ record.after_rollback_block(:create) { |r| r.history << :rollback_on_create }
+ record.after_rollback_block(:update) { |r| r.history << :rollback_on_update }
+ record.after_rollback_block(:destroy) { |r| r.history << :rollback_on_destroy }
+ end
+class CallbacksOnMultipleActionsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false
+ class TopicWithCallbacksOnMultipleActions < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = :topics
+ after_commit(on: [:create, :destroy]) { |record| record.history << :create_and_destroy }
+ after_commit(on: [:create, :update]) { |record| record.history << :create_and_update }
+ after_commit(on: [:update, :destroy]) { |record| record.history << :update_and_destroy }
+ before_commit(if: :save_before_commit_history) { |record| record.history << :before_commit }
+ before_commit(if: :update_title) { |record| record.update(title: "before commit title") }
+ def clear_history
+ @history = []
+ end
+ def history
+ @history ||= []
+ end
+ attr_accessor :save_before_commit_history, :update_title
+ end
+ def test_after_commit_on_multiple_actions
+ topic = TopicWithCallbacksOnMultipleActions.new
+ topic.save
+ assert_equal [:create_and_update, :create_and_destroy], topic.history
+ topic.clear_history
+ topic.approved = true
+ topic.save
+ assert_equal [:update_and_destroy, :create_and_update], topic.history
+ topic.clear_history
+ topic.destroy
+ assert_equal [:update_and_destroy, :create_and_destroy], topic.history
+ end
+ def test_before_commit_actions
+ topic = TopicWithCallbacksOnMultipleActions.new
+ topic.save_before_commit_history = true
+ topic.save
+ assert_equal [:before_commit, :create_and_update, :create_and_destroy], topic.history
+ end
+ def test_before_commit_update_in_same_transaction
+ topic = TopicWithCallbacksOnMultipleActions.new
+ topic.update_title = true
+ topic.save
+ assert_equal "before commit title", topic.title
+ assert_equal "before commit title", topic.reload.title
+ end
+class CallbacksOnDestroyUpdateActionRaceTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ class TopicWithHistory < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = :topics
+ def self.clear_history
+ @@history = []
+ end
+ def self.history
+ @@history ||= []
+ end
+ end
+ class TopicWithCallbacksOnDestroy < TopicWithHistory
+ after_commit(on: :destroy) { |record| record.class.history << :destroy }
+ end
+ class TopicWithCallbacksOnUpdate < TopicWithHistory
+ after_commit(on: :update) { |record| record.class.history << :update }
+ end
+ def test_trigger_once_on_multiple_deletions
+ TopicWithCallbacksOnDestroy.clear_history
+ topic = TopicWithCallbacksOnDestroy.new
+ topic.save
+ topic_clone = TopicWithCallbacksOnDestroy.find(topic.id)
+ topic.destroy
+ topic_clone.destroy
+ assert_equal [:destroy], TopicWithCallbacksOnDestroy.history
+ end
+ def test_trigger_on_update_where_row_was_deleted
+ TopicWithCallbacksOnUpdate.clear_history
+ topic = TopicWithCallbacksOnUpdate.new
+ topic.save
+ topic_clone = TopicWithCallbacksOnUpdate.find(topic.id)
+ topic.destroy
+ topic_clone.author_name = "Test Author"
+ topic_clone.save
+ assert_equal [], TopicWithCallbacksOnUpdate.history
+ end
+class TransactionEnrollmentCallbacksTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ class TopicWithoutTransactionalEnrollmentCallbacks < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = :topics
+ before_commit_without_transaction_enrollment { |r| r.history << :before_commit }
+ after_commit_without_transaction_enrollment { |r| r.history << :after_commit }
+ after_rollback_without_transaction_enrollment { |r| r.history << :rollback }
+ def history
+ @history ||= []
+ end
+ end
+ def setup
+ @topic = TopicWithoutTransactionalEnrollmentCallbacks.create!
+ end
+ def test_commit_does_not_run_transactions_callbacks_without_enrollment
+ @topic.transaction do
+ @topic.content = "foo"
+ @topic.save!
+ end
+ assert_empty @topic.history
+ end
+ def test_commit_run_transactions_callbacks_with_explicit_enrollment
+ @topic.transaction do
+ 2.times do
+ @topic.content = "foo"
+ @topic.save!
+ end
+ @topic.class.connection.add_transaction_record(@topic)
+ end
+ assert_equal [:before_commit, :after_commit], @topic.history
+ end
+ def test_rollback_does_not_run_transactions_callbacks_without_enrollment
+ @topic.transaction do
+ @topic.content = "foo"
+ @topic.save!
+ raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
+ end
+ assert_empty @topic.history
+ end
+ def test_rollback_run_transactions_callbacks_with_explicit_enrollment
+ @topic.transaction do
+ 2.times do
+ @topic.content = "foo"
+ @topic.save!
+ end
+ @topic.class.connection.add_transaction_record(@topic)
+ raise ActiveRecord::Rollback
+ end
+ assert_equal [:rollback], @topic.history
+ end
+class CallbacksOnActionAndConditionTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false
+ class TopicWithCallbacksOnActionAndCondition < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = :topics
+ after_commit(on: [:create, :update], if: :run_callback?) { |record| record.history << :create_or_update }
+ def clear_history
+ @history = []
+ end
+ def history
+ @history ||= []
+ end
+ def run_callback?
+ self.history << :run_callback?
+ true
+ end
+ attr_accessor :save_before_commit_history, :update_title
+ end
+ def test_callback_on_action_with_condition
+ topic = TopicWithCallbacksOnActionAndCondition.new
+ topic.save
+ assert_equal [:run_callback?, :create_or_update], topic.history
+ topic.clear_history
+ topic.approved = true
+ topic.save
+ assert_equal [:run_callback?, :create_or_update], topic.history
+ topic.clear_history
+ topic.destroy
+ assert_equal [], topic.history
+ end