path: root/activerecord/test/cases/store_test.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/store_test.rb')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/store_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/store_test.rb
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+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/store_test.rb
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+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/admin"
+require "models/admin/user"
+class StoreTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :'admin/users'
+ setup do
+ @john = Admin::User.create!(
+ name: "John Doe", color: "black", remember_login: true,
+ height: "tall", is_a_good_guy: true,
+ parent_name: "Quinn", partner_name: "Dallas",
+ partner_birthday: "1997-11-1"
+ )
+ end
+ test "reading store attributes through accessors" do
+ assert_equal "black", @john.color
+ assert_nil @john.homepage
+ end
+ test "writing store attributes through accessors" do
+ @john.color = "red"
+ @john.homepage = "37signals.com"
+ assert_equal "red", @john.color
+ assert_equal "37signals.com", @john.homepage
+ end
+ test "reading store attributes through accessors with prefix" do
+ assert_equal "Quinn", @john.parent_name
+ assert_nil @john.parent_birthday
+ assert_equal "Dallas", @john.partner_name
+ assert_equal "1997-11-1", @john.partner_birthday
+ end
+ test "writing store attributes through accessors with prefix" do
+ @john.partner_name = "River"
+ @john.partner_birthday = "1999-2-11"
+ assert_equal "River", @john.partner_name
+ assert_equal "1999-2-11", @john.partner_birthday
+ end
+ test "accessing attributes not exposed by accessors" do
+ @john.settings[:icecream] = "graeters"
+ @john.save
+ assert_equal "graeters", @john.reload.settings[:icecream]
+ end
+ test "overriding a read accessor" do
+ @john.settings[:phone_number] = "1234567890"
+ assert_equal "(123) 456-7890", @john.phone_number
+ end
+ test "overriding a read accessor using super" do
+ @john.settings[:color] = nil
+ assert_equal "red", @john.color
+ end
+ test "updating the store will mark it as changed" do
+ @john.color = "red"
+ assert_predicate @john, :settings_changed?
+ end
+ test "updating the store populates the changed array correctly" do
+ @john.color = "red"
+ assert_equal "black", @john.settings_change[0]["color"]
+ assert_equal "red", @john.settings_change[1]["color"]
+ end
+ test "updating the store won't mark it as changed if an attribute isn't changed" do
+ @john.color = @john.color
+ assert_not_predicate @john, :settings_changed?
+ end
+ test "object initialization with not nullable column" do
+ assert_equal true, @john.remember_login
+ end
+ test "writing with not nullable column" do
+ @john.remember_login = false
+ assert_equal false, @john.remember_login
+ end
+ test "overriding a write accessor" do
+ @john.phone_number = "(123) 456-7890"
+ assert_equal "1234567890", @john.settings[:phone_number]
+ end
+ test "overriding a write accessor using super" do
+ @john.color = "yellow"
+ assert_equal "blue", @john.color
+ end
+ test "preserve store attributes data in HashWithIndifferentAccess format without any conversion" do
+ @john.json_data = ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new(:height => "tall", "weight" => "heavy")
+ @john.height = "low"
+ assert_equal true, @john.json_data.instance_of?(ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess)
+ assert_equal "low", @john.json_data[:height]
+ assert_equal "low", @john.json_data["height"]
+ assert_equal "heavy", @john.json_data[:weight]
+ assert_equal "heavy", @john.json_data["weight"]
+ end
+ test "convert store attributes from Hash to HashWithIndifferentAccess saving the data and access attributes indifferently" do
+ user = Admin::User.find_by_name("Jamis")
+ assert_equal "symbol", user.settings[:symbol]
+ assert_equal "symbol", user.settings["symbol"]
+ assert_equal "string", user.settings[:string]
+ assert_equal "string", user.settings["string"]
+ assert_equal true, user.settings.instance_of?(ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess)
+ user.height = "low"
+ assert_equal "symbol", user.settings[:symbol]
+ assert_equal "symbol", user.settings["symbol"]
+ assert_equal "string", user.settings[:string]
+ assert_equal "string", user.settings["string"]
+ assert_equal true, user.settings.instance_of?(ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess)
+ end
+ test "convert store attributes from any format other than Hash or HashWithIndifferentAccess losing the data" do
+ @john.json_data = "somedata"
+ @john.height = "low"
+ assert_equal true, @john.json_data.instance_of?(ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess)
+ assert_equal "low", @john.json_data[:height]
+ assert_equal "low", @john.json_data["height"]
+ assert_equal false, @john.json_data.delete_if { |k, v| k == "height" }.any?
+ end
+ test "reading store attributes through accessors encoded with JSON" do
+ assert_equal "tall", @john.height
+ assert_nil @john.weight
+ end
+ test "writing store attributes through accessors encoded with JSON" do
+ @john.height = "short"
+ @john.weight = "heavy"
+ assert_equal "short", @john.height
+ assert_equal "heavy", @john.weight
+ end
+ test "accessing attributes not exposed by accessors encoded with JSON" do
+ @john.json_data["somestuff"] = "somecoolstuff"
+ @john.save
+ assert_equal "somecoolstuff", @john.reload.json_data["somestuff"]
+ end
+ test "updating the store will mark it as changed encoded with JSON" do
+ @john.height = "short"
+ assert_predicate @john, :json_data_changed?
+ end
+ test "object initialization with not nullable column encoded with JSON" do
+ assert_equal true, @john.is_a_good_guy
+ end
+ test "writing with not nullable column encoded with JSON" do
+ @john.is_a_good_guy = false
+ assert_equal false, @john.is_a_good_guy
+ end
+ test "all stored attributes are returned" do
+ assert_equal [:color, :homepage, :favorite_food], Admin::User.stored_attributes[:settings]
+ end
+ test "stored_attributes are tracked per class" do
+ first_model = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ store_accessor :data, :color
+ end
+ second_model = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ store_accessor :data, :width, :height
+ end
+ assert_equal [:color], first_model.stored_attributes[:data]
+ assert_equal [:width, :height], second_model.stored_attributes[:data]
+ end
+ test "stored_attributes are tracked per subclass" do
+ first_model = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ store_accessor :data, :color
+ end
+ second_model = Class.new(first_model) do
+ store_accessor :data, :width, :height
+ end
+ third_model = Class.new(first_model) do
+ store_accessor :data, :area, :volume
+ end
+ assert_equal [:color], first_model.stored_attributes[:data]
+ assert_equal [:color, :width, :height], second_model.stored_attributes[:data]
+ assert_equal [:color, :area, :volume], third_model.stored_attributes[:data]
+ assert_equal [:color], first_model.stored_attributes[:data]
+ end
+ test "YAML coder initializes the store when a Nil value is given" do
+ assert_equal({}, @john.params)
+ end
+ test "dump, load and dump again a model" do
+ dumped = YAML.dump(@john)
+ loaded = YAML.load(dumped)
+ assert_equal @john, loaded
+ second_dump = YAML.dump(loaded)
+ assert_equal @john, YAML.load(second_dump)
+ end
+ test "read store attributes through accessors with default suffix" do
+ @john.configs[:two_factor_auth] = true
+ assert_equal true, @john.two_factor_auth_configs
+ end
+ test "write store attributes through accessors with default suffix" do
+ @john.two_factor_auth_configs = false
+ assert_equal false, @john.configs[:two_factor_auth]
+ end
+ test "read store attributes through accessors with custom suffix" do
+ @john.configs[:login_retry] = 3
+ assert_equal 3, @john.login_retry_config
+ end
+ test "write store attributes through accessors with custom suffix" do
+ @john.login_retry_config = 5
+ assert_equal 5, @john.configs[:login_retry]
+ end
+ test "read accessor without pre/suffix in the same store as other pre/suffixed accessors still works" do
+ @john.configs[:secret_question] = "What is your high school?"
+ assert_equal "What is your high school?", @john.secret_question
+ end
+ test "write accessor without pre/suffix in the same store as other pre/suffixed accessors still works" do
+ @john.secret_question = "What was the Rails version when you first worked on it?"
+ assert_equal "What was the Rails version when you first worked on it?", @john.configs[:secret_question]
+ end
+ test "prefix/suffix do not affect stored attributes" do
+ assert_equal [:secret_question, :two_factor_auth, :login_retry], Admin::User.stored_attributes[:configs]
+ end