path: root/activerecord/test/cases/serialized_attribute_test.rb
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1 files changed, 400 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/serialized_attribute_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/serialized_attribute_test.rb
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index 0000000000..f6cd4f85ee
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+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/serialized_attribute_test.rb
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+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/topic"
+require "models/reply"
+require "models/person"
+require "models/traffic_light"
+require "models/post"
+require "bcrypt"
+class SerializedAttributeTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :topics, :posts
+ MyObject = Struct.new :attribute1, :attribute2
+ # NOTE: Use a duplicate of Topic so attribute
+ # changes don't bleed into other tests
+ Topic = ::Topic.dup
+ teardown do
+ Topic.serialize("content")
+ end
+ def test_serialize_does_not_eagerly_load_columns
+ Topic.reset_column_information
+ assert_no_queries do
+ Topic.serialize(:content)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_serialized_attribute
+ Topic.serialize("content", MyObject)
+ myobj = MyObject.new("value1", "value2")
+ topic = Topic.create("content" => myobj)
+ assert_equal(myobj, topic.content)
+ topic.reload
+ assert_equal(myobj, topic.content)
+ end
+ def test_serialized_attribute_in_base_class
+ Topic.serialize("content", Hash)
+ hash = { "content1" => "value1", "content2" => "value2" }
+ important_topic = ImportantTopic.create("content" => hash)
+ assert_equal(hash, important_topic.content)
+ important_topic.reload
+ assert_equal(hash, important_topic.content)
+ end
+ def test_serialized_attributes_from_database_on_subclass
+ Topic.serialize :content, Hash
+ t = Reply.new(content: { foo: :bar })
+ assert_equal({ foo: :bar }, t.content)
+ t.save!
+ t = Reply.last
+ assert_equal({ foo: :bar }, t.content)
+ end
+ def test_serialized_attribute_calling_dup_method
+ Topic.serialize :content, JSON
+ orig = Topic.new(content: { foo: :bar })
+ clone = orig.dup
+ assert_equal(orig.content, clone.content)
+ end
+ def test_serialized_json_attribute_returns_unserialized_value
+ Topic.serialize :content, JSON
+ my_post = posts(:welcome)
+ t = Topic.new(content: my_post)
+ t.save!
+ t.reload
+ assert_instance_of(Hash, t.content)
+ assert_equal(my_post.id, t.content["id"])
+ assert_equal(my_post.title, t.content["title"])
+ end
+ def test_json_read_legacy_null
+ Topic.serialize :content, JSON
+ # Force a row to have a JSON "null" instead of a database NULL (this is how
+ # null values are saved on 4.1 and before)
+ id = Topic.connection.insert "INSERT INTO topics (content) VALUES('null')"
+ t = Topic.find(id)
+ assert_nil t.content
+ end
+ def test_json_read_db_null
+ Topic.serialize :content, JSON
+ # Force a row to have a database NULL instead of a JSON "null"
+ id = Topic.connection.insert "INSERT INTO topics (content) VALUES(NULL)"
+ t = Topic.find(id)
+ assert_nil t.content
+ end
+ def test_serialized_attribute_declared_in_subclass
+ hash = { "important1" => "value1", "important2" => "value2" }
+ important_topic = ImportantTopic.create("important" => hash)
+ assert_equal(hash, important_topic.important)
+ important_topic.reload
+ assert_equal(hash, important_topic.important)
+ assert_equal(hash, important_topic.read_attribute(:important))
+ end
+ def test_serialized_time_attribute
+ myobj = Time.local(2008, 1, 1, 1, 0)
+ topic = Topic.create("content" => myobj).reload
+ assert_equal(myobj, topic.content)
+ end
+ def test_serialized_string_attribute
+ myobj = "Yes"
+ topic = Topic.create("content" => myobj).reload
+ assert_equal(myobj, topic.content)
+ end
+ def test_nil_serialized_attribute_without_class_constraint
+ topic = Topic.new
+ assert_nil topic.content
+ end
+ def test_nil_not_serialized_without_class_constraint
+ assert Topic.new(content: nil).save
+ assert_equal 1, Topic.where(content: nil).count
+ end
+ def test_nil_not_serialized_with_class_constraint
+ Topic.serialize :content, Hash
+ assert Topic.new(content: nil).save
+ assert_equal 1, Topic.where(content: nil).count
+ end
+ def test_serialized_attribute_should_raise_exception_on_assignment_with_wrong_type
+ Topic.serialize(:content, Hash)
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::SerializationTypeMismatch) do
+ Topic.new(content: "string")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_raise_exception_on_serialized_attribute_with_type_mismatch
+ myobj = MyObject.new("value1", "value2")
+ topic = Topic.new(content: myobj)
+ assert topic.save
+ Topic.serialize(:content, Hash)
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::SerializationTypeMismatch) { Topic.find(topic.id).content }
+ end
+ def test_serialized_attribute_with_class_constraint
+ settings = { "color" => "blue" }
+ Topic.serialize(:content, Hash)
+ topic = Topic.new(content: settings)
+ assert topic.save
+ assert_equal(settings, Topic.find(topic.id).content)
+ end
+ def test_where_by_serialized_attribute_with_array
+ settings = [ "color" => "green" ]
+ Topic.serialize(:content, Array)
+ topic = Topic.create!(content: settings)
+ assert_equal topic, Topic.where(content: settings).take
+ end
+ def test_where_by_serialized_attribute_with_hash
+ settings = { "color" => "green" }
+ Topic.serialize(:content, Hash)
+ topic = Topic.create!(content: settings)
+ assert_equal topic, Topic.where(content: settings).take
+ end
+ def test_where_by_serialized_attribute_with_hash_in_array
+ settings = { "color" => "green" }
+ Topic.serialize(:content, Hash)
+ topic = Topic.create!(content: settings)
+ assert_equal topic, Topic.where(content: [settings]).take
+ end
+ def test_serialized_default_class
+ Topic.serialize(:content, Hash)
+ topic = Topic.new
+ assert_equal Hash, topic.content.class
+ assert_equal Hash, topic.read_attribute(:content).class
+ topic.content["beer"] = "MadridRb"
+ assert topic.save
+ topic.reload
+ assert_equal Hash, topic.content.class
+ assert_equal "MadridRb", topic.content["beer"]
+ end
+ def test_serialized_no_default_class_for_object
+ topic = Topic.new
+ assert_nil topic.content
+ end
+ def test_serialized_boolean_value_true
+ topic = Topic.new(content: true)
+ assert topic.save
+ topic = topic.reload
+ assert_equal true, topic.content
+ end
+ def test_serialized_boolean_value_false
+ topic = Topic.new(content: false)
+ assert topic.save
+ topic = topic.reload
+ assert_equal false, topic.content
+ end
+ def test_serialize_with_coder
+ some_class = Struct.new(:foo) do
+ def self.dump(value)
+ value.foo
+ end
+ def self.load(value)
+ new(value)
+ end
+ end
+ Topic.serialize(:content, some_class)
+ topic = Topic.new(content: some_class.new("my value"))
+ topic.save!
+ topic.reload
+ assert_kind_of some_class, topic.content
+ assert_equal some_class.new("my value"), topic.content
+ end
+ def test_serialize_attribute_via_select_method_when_time_zone_available
+ with_timezone_config aware_attributes: true do
+ Topic.serialize(:content, MyObject)
+ myobj = MyObject.new("value1", "value2")
+ topic = Topic.create(content: myobj)
+ assert_equal(myobj, Topic.select(:content).find(topic.id).content)
+ assert_raise(ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError) { Topic.select(:id).find(topic.id).content }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_serialize_attribute_can_be_serialized_in_an_integer_column
+ insures = ["life"]
+ person = SerializedPerson.new(first_name: "David", insures: insures)
+ assert person.save
+ person = person.reload
+ assert_equal(insures, person.insures)
+ end
+ def test_regression_serialized_default_on_text_column_with_null_false
+ light = TrafficLight.new
+ assert_equal [], light.state
+ assert_equal [], light.long_state
+ end
+ def test_unexpected_serialized_type
+ Topic.serialize :content, Hash
+ topic = Topic.create!(content: { zomg: true })
+ Topic.serialize :content, Array
+ topic.reload
+ error = assert_raise(ActiveRecord::SerializationTypeMismatch) do
+ topic.content
+ end
+ expected = "can't load `content`: was supposed to be a Array, but was a Hash. -- {:zomg=>true}"
+ assert_equal expected, error.to_s
+ end
+ def test_serialized_column_should_unserialize_after_update_column
+ t = Topic.create(content: "first")
+ assert_equal("first", t.content)
+ t.update_column(:content, ["second"])
+ assert_equal(["second"], t.content)
+ assert_equal(["second"], t.reload.content)
+ end
+ def test_serialized_column_should_unserialize_after_update_attribute
+ t = Topic.create(content: "first")
+ assert_equal("first", t.content)
+ t.update_attribute(:content, "second")
+ assert_equal("second", t.content)
+ assert_equal("second", t.reload.content)
+ end
+ def test_nil_is_not_changed_when_serialized_with_a_class
+ Topic.serialize(:content, Array)
+ topic = Topic.new(content: nil)
+ assert_not_predicate topic, :content_changed?
+ end
+ def test_classes_without_no_arg_constructors_are_not_supported
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ Topic.serialize(:content, Regexp)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_newly_emptied_serialized_hash_is_changed
+ Topic.serialize(:content, Hash)
+ topic = Topic.create(content: { "things" => "stuff" })
+ topic.content.delete("things")
+ topic.save!
+ topic.reload
+ assert_equal({}, topic.content)
+ end
+ def test_values_cast_from_nil_are_persisted_as_nil
+ # This is required to fulfil the following contract, which must be universally
+ # true in Active Record:
+ #
+ # model.attribute = value
+ # assert_equal model.attribute, model.tap(&:save).reload.attribute
+ Topic.serialize(:content, Hash)
+ topic = Topic.create!(content: {})
+ topic2 = Topic.create!(content: nil)
+ assert_equal [topic, topic2], Topic.where(content: nil).sort_by(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_nil_is_always_persisted_as_null
+ Topic.serialize(:content, Hash)
+ topic = Topic.create!(content: { foo: "bar" })
+ topic.update_attribute :content, nil
+ assert_equal [topic], Topic.where(content: nil)
+ end
+ def test_mutation_detection_does_not_double_serialize
+ coder = Object.new
+ def coder.dump(value)
+ return if value.nil?
+ value + " encoded"
+ end
+ def coder.load(value)
+ return if value.nil?
+ value.gsub(" encoded", "")
+ end
+ type = Class.new(ActiveModel::Type::Value) do
+ include ActiveModel::Type::Helpers::Mutable
+ def serialize(value)
+ return if value.nil?
+ value + " serialized"
+ end
+ def deserialize(value)
+ return if value.nil?
+ value.gsub(" serialized", "")
+ end
+ end.new
+ model = Class.new(Topic) do
+ attribute :foo, type
+ serialize :foo, coder
+ end
+ topic = model.create!(foo: "bar")
+ topic.foo
+ assert_not_predicate topic, :changed?
+ end
+ def test_serialized_attribute_works_under_concurrent_initial_access
+ model = ::Topic.dup
+ topic = model.last
+ topic.update group: "1"
+ model.serialize :group, JSON
+ model.reset_column_information
+ # This isn't strictly necessary for the test, but a little bit of
+ # knowledge of internals allows us to make failures far more likely.
+ model.define_singleton_method(:define_attribute) do |*args|
+ Thread.pass
+ super(*args)
+ end
+ threads = 4.times.map do
+ Thread.new do
+ topic.reload.group
+ end
+ end
+ # All the threads should retrieve the value knowing it is JSON, and
+ # thus decode it. If this fails, some threads will instead see the
+ # raw string ("1"), or raise an exception.
+ assert_equal [1] * threads.size, threads.map(&:value)
+ end