path: root/activerecord/test/cases/relation
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/relation')
10 files changed, 1284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/relation/delegation_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/delegation_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2696d1bb00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/delegation_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/post"
+require "models/comment"
+module ActiveRecord
+ module DelegationWhitelistTests
+ :+, :-, :|, :&, :[], :shuffle,
+ :all?, :collect, :compact, :detect, :each, :each_cons, :each_with_index,
+ :exclude?, :find_all, :flat_map, :group_by, :include?, :length,
+ :map, :none?, :one?, :partition, :reject, :reverse, :rotate,
+ :sample, :second, :sort, :sort_by, :slice, :third, :index, :rindex,
+ :to_ary, :to_set, :to_xml, :to_yaml, :join,
+ :in_groups, :in_groups_of, :to_sentence, :to_formatted_s, :as_json
+ ]
+ ARRAY_DELEGATES.each do |method|
+ define_method "test_delegates_#{method}_to_Array" do
+ assert_respond_to target, method
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module DeprecatedArelDelegationTests
+ :with, :orders, :froms, :project, :projections, :taken, :constraints, :exists, :locked, :where_sql,
+ :ast, :source, :join_sources, :to_dot, :create_insert, :create_true, :create_false
+ ]
+ def test_deprecate_arel_delegation
+ AREL_METHODS.each do |method|
+ assert_deprecated { target.public_send(method) }
+ assert_deprecated { target.public_send(method) }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class DelegationAssociationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ include DelegationWhitelistTests
+ include DeprecatedArelDelegationTests
+ def target
+ Post.new.comments
+ end
+ end
+ class DelegationRelationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ include DelegationWhitelistTests
+ include DeprecatedArelDelegationTests
+ def target
+ Comment.all
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/relation/merging_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/merging_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..074ce9454f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/merging_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/author"
+require "models/comment"
+require "models/developer"
+require "models/computer"
+require "models/post"
+require "models/project"
+require "models/rating"
+class RelationMergingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :developers, :comments, :authors, :author_addresses, :posts
+ def test_relation_merging
+ devs = Developer.where("salary >= 80000").merge(Developer.limit(2)).merge(Developer.order("id ASC").where("id < 3"))
+ assert_equal [developers(:david), developers(:jamis)], devs.to_a
+ dev_with_count = Developer.limit(1).merge(Developer.order("id DESC")).merge(Developer.select("developers.*"))
+ assert_equal [developers(:poor_jamis)], dev_with_count.to_a
+ end
+ def test_relation_to_sql
+ post = Post.first
+ sql = post.comments.to_sql
+ assert_match(/.?post_id.? = #{post.id}\z/i, sql)
+ end
+ def test_relation_merging_with_arel_equalities_keeps_last_equality
+ devs = Developer.where(Developer.arel_table[:salary].eq(80000)).merge(
+ Developer.where(Developer.arel_table[:salary].eq(9000))
+ )
+ assert_equal [developers(:poor_jamis)], devs.to_a
+ end
+ def test_relation_merging_with_arel_equalities_keeps_last_equality_with_non_attribute_left_hand
+ salary_attr = Developer.arel_table[:salary]
+ devs = Developer.where(
+ Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new("abs", [salary_attr]).eq(80000)
+ ).merge(
+ Developer.where(
+ Arel::Nodes::NamedFunction.new("abs", [salary_attr]).eq(9000)
+ )
+ )
+ assert_equal [developers(:poor_jamis)], devs.to_a
+ end
+ def test_relation_merging_with_eager_load
+ relations = []
+ relations << Post.order("comments.id DESC").merge(Post.eager_load(:last_comment)).merge(Post.all)
+ relations << Post.eager_load(:last_comment).merge(Post.order("comments.id DESC")).merge(Post.all)
+ relations.each do |posts|
+ post = posts.find { |p| p.id == 1 }
+ assert_equal Post.find(1).last_comment, post.last_comment
+ end
+ end
+ def test_relation_merging_with_locks
+ devs = Developer.lock.where("salary >= 80000").order("id DESC").merge(Developer.limit(2))
+ assert_predicate devs, :locked?
+ end
+ def test_relation_merging_with_preload
+ [Post.all.merge(Post.preload(:author)), Post.preload(:author).merge(Post.all)].each do |posts|
+ assert_queries(2) { assert posts.first.author }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_relation_merging_with_joins
+ comments = Comment.joins(:post).where(body: "Thank you for the welcome").merge(Post.where(body: "Such a lovely day"))
+ assert_equal 1, comments.count
+ end
+ def test_relation_merging_with_left_outer_joins
+ comments = Comment.joins(:post).where(body: "Thank you for the welcome").merge(Post.left_outer_joins(:author).where(body: "Such a lovely day"))
+ assert_equal 1, comments.count
+ end
+ def test_relation_merging_with_association
+ assert_queries(2) do # one for loading post, and another one merged query
+ post = Post.where(body: "Such a lovely day").first
+ comments = Comment.where(body: "Thank you for the welcome").merge(post.comments)
+ assert_equal 1, comments.count
+ end
+ end
+ test "merge collapses wheres from the LHS only" do
+ left = Post.where(title: "omg").where(comments_count: 1)
+ right = Post.where(title: "wtf").where(title: "bbq")
+ merged = left.merge(right)
+ assert_not_includes merged.to_sql, "omg"
+ assert_includes merged.to_sql, "wtf"
+ assert_includes merged.to_sql, "bbq"
+ end
+ def test_merging_reorders_bind_params
+ post = Post.first
+ right = Post.where(id: 1)
+ left = Post.where(title: post.title)
+ merged = left.merge(right)
+ assert_equal post, merged.first
+ end
+ def test_merging_compares_symbols_and_strings_as_equal
+ post = PostThatLoadsCommentsInAnAfterSaveHook.create!(title: "First Post", body: "Blah blah blah.")
+ assert_equal "First comment!", post.comments.where(body: "First comment!").first_or_create.body
+ end
+ def test_merging_with_from_clause
+ relation = Post.all
+ assert_empty relation.from_clause
+ relation = relation.merge(Post.from("posts"))
+ assert_not_empty relation.from_clause
+ end
+class MergingDifferentRelationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :posts, :authors, :author_addresses, :developers
+ test "merging where relations" do
+ hello_by_bob = Post.where(body: "hello").joins(:author).
+ merge(Author.where(name: "Bob")).order("posts.id").pluck("posts.id")
+ assert_equal [posts(:misc_by_bob).id,
+ posts(:other_by_bob).id], hello_by_bob
+ end
+ test "merging order relations" do
+ posts_by_author_name = Post.limit(3).joins(:author).
+ merge(Author.order(:name)).pluck("authors.name")
+ assert_equal ["Bob", "Bob", "David"], posts_by_author_name
+ posts_by_author_name = Post.limit(3).joins(:author).
+ merge(Author.order("name")).pluck("authors.name")
+ assert_equal ["Bob", "Bob", "David"], posts_by_author_name
+ end
+ test "merging order relations (using a hash argument)" do
+ posts_by_author_name = Post.limit(4).joins(:author).
+ merge(Author.order(name: :desc)).pluck("authors.name")
+ assert_equal ["Mary", "Mary", "Mary", "David"], posts_by_author_name
+ end
+ test "relation merging (using a proc argument)" do
+ dev = Developer.where(name: "Jamis").first
+ comment_1 = dev.comments.create!(body: "I'm Jamis", post: Post.first)
+ rating_1 = comment_1.ratings.create!
+ comment_2 = dev.comments.create!(body: "I'm John", post: Post.first)
+ comment_2.ratings.create!
+ assert_equal dev.ratings, [rating_1]
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/relation/mutation_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/mutation_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1428b3e132
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/mutation_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/post"
+module ActiveRecord
+ class RelationMutationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ (Relation::MULTI_VALUE_METHODS - [:references, :extending, :order, :unscope, :select]).each do |method|
+ test "##{method}!" do
+ assert relation.public_send("#{method}!", :foo).equal?(relation)
+ assert_equal [:foo], relation.public_send("#{method}_values")
+ end
+ end
+ test "#_select!" do
+ assert relation._select!(:foo).equal?(relation)
+ assert_equal [:foo], relation.select_values
+ end
+ test "#order!" do
+ assert relation.order!("name ASC").equal?(relation)
+ assert_equal ["name ASC"], relation.order_values
+ end
+ test "#order! with symbol prepends the table name" do
+ assert relation.order!(:name).equal?(relation)
+ node = relation.order_values.first
+ assert_predicate node, :ascending?
+ assert_equal :name, node.expr.name
+ assert_equal "posts", node.expr.relation.name
+ end
+ test "#order! on non-string does not attempt regexp match for references" do
+ obj = Object.new
+ assert_not_called(obj, :=~) do
+ assert relation.order!(obj)
+ assert_equal [obj], relation.order_values
+ end
+ end
+ test "#references!" do
+ assert relation.references!(:foo).equal?(relation)
+ assert_includes relation.references_values, "foo"
+ end
+ test "extending!" do
+ mod, mod2 = Module.new, Module.new
+ assert relation.extending!(mod).equal?(relation)
+ assert_equal [mod], relation.extending_values
+ assert relation.is_a?(mod)
+ relation.extending!(mod2)
+ assert_equal [mod, mod2], relation.extending_values
+ end
+ test "extending! with empty args" do
+ relation.extending!
+ assert_equal [], relation.extending_values
+ end
+ (Relation::SINGLE_VALUE_METHODS - [:lock, :reordering, :reverse_order, :create_with, :skip_query_cache]).each do |method|
+ test "##{method}!" do
+ assert relation.public_send("#{method}!", :foo).equal?(relation)
+ assert_equal :foo, relation.public_send("#{method}_value")
+ end
+ end
+ test "#from!" do
+ assert relation.from!("foo").equal?(relation)
+ assert_equal "foo", relation.from_clause.value
+ end
+ test "#lock!" do
+ assert relation.lock!("foo").equal?(relation)
+ assert_equal "foo", relation.lock_value
+ end
+ test "#reorder!" do
+ @relation = relation.order("foo")
+ assert relation.reorder!("bar").equal?(relation)
+ assert_equal ["bar"], relation.order_values
+ assert relation.reordering_value
+ end
+ test "#reorder! with symbol prepends the table name" do
+ assert relation.reorder!(:name).equal?(relation)
+ node = relation.order_values.first
+ assert_predicate node, :ascending?
+ assert_equal :name, node.expr.name
+ assert_equal "posts", node.expr.relation.name
+ end
+ test "reverse_order!" do
+ @relation = Post.order("title ASC, comments_count DESC")
+ relation.reverse_order!
+ assert_equal "title DESC", relation.order_values.first
+ assert_equal "comments_count ASC", relation.order_values.last
+ relation.reverse_order!
+ assert_equal "title ASC", relation.order_values.first
+ assert_equal "comments_count DESC", relation.order_values.last
+ end
+ test "create_with!" do
+ assert relation.create_with!(foo: "bar").equal?(relation)
+ assert_equal({ foo: "bar" }, relation.create_with_value)
+ end
+ test "merge!" do
+ assert relation.merge!(select: :foo).equal?(relation)
+ assert_equal [:foo], relation.select_values
+ end
+ test "merge with a proc" do
+ assert_equal [:foo], relation.merge(-> { select(:foo) }).select_values
+ end
+ test "none!" do
+ assert relation.none!.equal?(relation)
+ assert_equal [NullRelation], relation.extending_values
+ assert relation.is_a?(NullRelation)
+ end
+ test "distinct!" do
+ relation.distinct! :foo
+ assert_equal :foo, relation.distinct_value
+ end
+ test "skip_query_cache!" do
+ relation.skip_query_cache!
+ assert relation.skip_query_cache_value
+ end
+ private
+ def relation
+ @relation ||= Relation.new(FakeKlass)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/relation/or_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/or_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e418f9c7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/or_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/author"
+require "models/categorization"
+require "models/post"
+module ActiveRecord
+ class OrTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :posts
+ fixtures :authors, :author_addresses
+ def test_or_with_relation
+ expected = Post.where("id = 1 or id = 2").to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.where("id = 1").or(Post.where("id = 2")).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_identity
+ expected = Post.where("id = 1").to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.where("id = 1").or(Post.where("id = 1")).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_with_null_left
+ expected = Post.where("id = 1").to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.none.or(Post.where("id = 1")).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_with_null_right
+ expected = Post.where("id = 1").to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.where("id = 1").or(Post.none).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_with_bind_params
+ assert_equal Post.find([1, 2]).sort_by(&:id), Post.where(id: 1).or(Post.where(id: 2)).sort_by(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_or_with_null_both
+ expected = Post.none.to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.none.or(Post.none).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_without_left_where
+ expected = Post.all
+ assert_equal expected, Post.or(Post.where("id = 1")).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_without_right_where
+ expected = Post.all
+ assert_equal expected, Post.where("id = 1").or(Post.all).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_preserves_other_querying_methods
+ expected = Post.where("id = 1 or id = 2 or id = 3").order("body asc").to_a
+ partial = Post.order("body asc")
+ assert_equal expected, partial.where("id = 1").or(partial.where(id: [2, 3])).to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.order("body asc").where("id = 1").or(Post.order("body asc").where(id: [2, 3])).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_with_incompatible_relations
+ error = assert_raises ArgumentError do
+ Post.order("body asc").where("id = 1").or(Post.order("id desc").where(id: [2, 3])).to_a
+ end
+ assert_equal "Relation passed to #or must be structurally compatible. Incompatible values: [:order]", error.message
+ end
+ def test_or_with_unscope_where
+ expected = Post.where("id = 1 or id = 2")
+ partial = Post.where("id = 1 and id != 2")
+ assert_equal expected, partial.or(partial.unscope(:where).where("id = 2")).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_with_unscope_where_column
+ expected = Post.where("id = 1 or id = 2")
+ partial = Post.where(id: 1).where.not(id: 2)
+ assert_equal expected, partial.or(partial.unscope(where: :id).where("id = 2")).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_with_unscope_order
+ expected = Post.where("id = 1 or id = 2")
+ assert_equal expected, Post.order("body asc").where("id = 1").unscope(:order).or(Post.where("id = 2")).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_with_incompatible_unscope
+ error = assert_raises ArgumentError do
+ Post.order("body asc").where("id = 1").or(Post.order("body asc").where("id = 2").unscope(:order)).to_a
+ end
+ assert_equal "Relation passed to #or must be structurally compatible. Incompatible values: [:order]", error.message
+ end
+ def test_or_when_grouping
+ groups = Post.where("id < 10").group("body").select("body, COUNT(*) AS c")
+ expected = groups.having("COUNT(*) > 1 OR body like 'Such%'").to_a.map { |o| [o.body, o.c] }
+ assert_equal expected, groups.having("COUNT(*) > 1").or(groups.having("body like 'Such%'")).to_a.map { |o| [o.body, o.c] }
+ end
+ def test_or_with_named_scope
+ expected = Post.where("id = 1 or body LIKE '\%a\%'").to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.where("id = 1").or(Post.containing_the_letter_a)
+ end
+ def test_or_inside_named_scope
+ expected = Post.where("body LIKE '\%a\%' OR title LIKE ?", "%'%").order("id DESC").to_a
+ assert_equal expected, Post.order(id: :desc).typographically_interesting
+ end
+ def test_or_on_loaded_relation
+ expected = Post.where("id = 1 or id = 2").to_a
+ p = Post.where("id = 1")
+ p.load
+ assert_equal true, p.loaded?
+ assert_equal expected, p.or(Post.where("id = 2")).to_a
+ end
+ def test_or_with_non_relation_object_raises_error
+ assert_raises ArgumentError do
+ Post.where(id: [1, 2, 3]).or(title: "Rails")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_or_with_references_inequality
+ joined = Post.includes(:author)
+ actual = joined.where(authors: { id: 1 })
+ .or(joined.where(title: "I don't have any comments"))
+ expected = Author.find(1).posts + Post.where(title: "I don't have any comments")
+ assert_equal expected.sort_by(&:id), actual.sort_by(&:id)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/relation/predicate_builder_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/predicate_builder_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b432330deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/predicate_builder_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/topic"
+module ActiveRecord
+ class PredicateBuilderTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_registering_new_handlers
+ Topic.predicate_builder.register_handler(Regexp, proc do |column, value|
+ Arel::Nodes::InfixOperation.new("~", column, Arel.sql(value.source))
+ end)
+ assert_match %r{["`]topics["`]\.["`]title["`] ~ rails}i, Topic.where(title: /rails/).to_sql
+ ensure
+ Topic.reset_column_information
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/relation/record_fetch_warning_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/record_fetch_warning_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..22d32d75bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/record_fetch_warning_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/post"
+require "active_record/relation/record_fetch_warning"
+module ActiveRecord
+ class RecordFetchWarningTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :posts
+ def setup
+ @original_logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger
+ @original_warn_on_records_fetched_greater_than = ActiveRecord::Base.warn_on_records_fetched_greater_than
+ @log = StringIO.new
+ end
+ def teardown
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = @original_logger
+ ActiveRecord::Base.warn_on_records_fetched_greater_than = @original_warn_on_records_fetched_greater_than
+ end
+ def test_warn_on_records_fetched_greater_than_allowed_limit
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(@log)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = Logger::WARN
+ ActiveRecord::Base.warn_on_records_fetched_greater_than = 1
+ Post.all.to_a
+ assert_match(/Query fetched/, @log.string)
+ end
+ def test_does_not_warn_on_records_fetched_less_than_allowed_limit
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = ActiveSupport::Logger.new(@log)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = Logger::WARN
+ ActiveRecord::Base.warn_on_records_fetched_greater_than = 100
+ Post.all.to_a
+ assert_no_match(/Query fetched/, @log.string)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/relation/select_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/select_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0577e6bfdb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/select_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/post"
+module ActiveRecord
+ class SelectTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :posts
+ def test_select_with_nil_agrument
+ expected = Post.select(:title).to_sql
+ assert_equal expected, Post.select(nil).select(:title).to_sql
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/relation/where_chain_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/where_chain_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a68eb2b446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/where_chain_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/post"
+require "models/comment"
+module ActiveRecord
+ class WhereChainTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :posts
+ def setup
+ super
+ @name = "title"
+ end
+ def test_not_inverts_where_clause
+ relation = Post.where.not(title: "hello")
+ expected_where_clause = Post.where(title: "hello").where_clause.invert
+ assert_equal expected_where_clause, relation.where_clause
+ end
+ def test_not_with_nil
+ assert_raise ArgumentError do
+ Post.where.not(nil)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_association_not_eq
+ expected = Comment.arel_table[@name].not_eq(Arel::Nodes::BindParam.new(1))
+ relation = Post.joins(:comments).where.not(comments: { title: "hello" })
+ assert_equal(expected.to_sql, relation.where_clause.ast.to_sql)
+ end
+ def test_not_eq_with_preceding_where
+ relation = Post.where(title: "hello").where.not(title: "world")
+ expected_where_clause =
+ Post.where(title: "hello").where_clause +
+ Post.where(title: "world").where_clause.invert
+ assert_equal expected_where_clause, relation.where_clause
+ end
+ def test_not_eq_with_succeeding_where
+ relation = Post.where.not(title: "hello").where(title: "world")
+ expected_where_clause =
+ Post.where(title: "hello").where_clause.invert +
+ Post.where(title: "world").where_clause
+ assert_equal expected_where_clause, relation.where_clause
+ end
+ def test_chaining_multiple
+ relation = Post.where.not(author_id: [1, 2]).where.not(title: "ruby on rails")
+ expected_where_clause =
+ Post.where(author_id: [1, 2]).where_clause.invert +
+ Post.where(title: "ruby on rails").where_clause.invert
+ assert_equal expected_where_clause, relation.where_clause
+ end
+ def test_rewhere_with_one_condition
+ relation = Post.where(title: "hello").where(title: "world").rewhere(title: "alone")
+ expected = Post.where(title: "alone")
+ assert_equal expected.where_clause, relation.where_clause
+ end
+ def test_rewhere_with_multiple_overwriting_conditions
+ relation = Post.where(title: "hello").where(body: "world").rewhere(title: "alone", body: "again")
+ expected = Post.where(title: "alone", body: "again")
+ assert_equal expected.where_clause, relation.where_clause
+ end
+ def test_rewhere_with_one_overwriting_condition_and_one_unrelated
+ relation = Post.where(title: "hello").where(body: "world").rewhere(title: "alone")
+ expected = Post.where(body: "world", title: "alone")
+ assert_equal expected.where_clause, relation.where_clause
+ end
+ def test_rewhere_with_range
+ relation = Post.where(comments_count: 1..3).rewhere(comments_count: 3..5)
+ assert_equal Post.where(comments_count: 3..5), relation
+ end
+ def test_rewhere_with_infinite_upper_bound_range
+ relation = Post.where(comments_count: 1..Float::INFINITY).rewhere(comments_count: 3..5)
+ assert_equal Post.where(comments_count: 3..5), relation
+ end
+ def test_rewhere_with_infinite_lower_bound_range
+ relation = Post.where(comments_count: -Float::INFINITY..1).rewhere(comments_count: 3..5)
+ assert_equal Post.where(comments_count: 3..5), relation
+ end
+ def test_rewhere_with_infinite_range
+ relation = Post.where(comments_count: -Float::INFINITY..Float::INFINITY).rewhere(comments_count: 3..5)
+ assert_equal Post.where(comments_count: 3..5), relation
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/relation/where_clause_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/where_clause_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8703d238a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/where_clause_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+class ActiveRecord::Relation
+ class WhereClauseTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ test "+ combines two where clauses" do
+ first_clause = WhereClause.new([table["id"].eq(bind_param(1))])
+ second_clause = WhereClause.new([table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean"))])
+ combined = WhereClause.new(
+ [table["id"].eq(bind_param(1)), table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean"))],
+ )
+ assert_equal combined, first_clause + second_clause
+ end
+ test "+ is associative, but not commutative" do
+ a = WhereClause.new(["a"])
+ b = WhereClause.new(["b"])
+ c = WhereClause.new(["c"])
+ assert_equal a + (b + c), (a + b) + c
+ assert_not_equal a + b, b + a
+ end
+ test "an empty where clause is the identity value for +" do
+ clause = WhereClause.new([table["id"].eq(bind_param(1))])
+ assert_equal clause, clause + WhereClause.empty
+ end
+ test "merge combines two where clauses" do
+ a = WhereClause.new([table["id"].eq(1)])
+ b = WhereClause.new([table["name"].eq("Sean")])
+ expected = WhereClause.new([table["id"].eq(1), table["name"].eq("Sean")])
+ assert_equal expected, a.merge(b)
+ end
+ test "merge keeps the right side, when two equality clauses reference the same column" do
+ a = WhereClause.new([table["id"].eq(1), table["name"].eq("Sean")])
+ b = WhereClause.new([table["name"].eq("Jim")])
+ expected = WhereClause.new([table["id"].eq(1), table["name"].eq("Jim")])
+ assert_equal expected, a.merge(b)
+ end
+ test "merge removes bind parameters matching overlapping equality clauses" do
+ a = WhereClause.new(
+ [table["id"].eq(bind_param(1)), table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean"))],
+ )
+ b = WhereClause.new(
+ [table["name"].eq(bind_param("Jim"))],
+ )
+ expected = WhereClause.new(
+ [table["id"].eq(bind_param(1)), table["name"].eq(bind_param("Jim"))],
+ )
+ assert_equal expected, a.merge(b)
+ end
+ test "merge allows for columns with the same name from different tables" do
+ table2 = Arel::Table.new("table2")
+ a = WhereClause.new(
+ [table["id"].eq(bind_param(1)), table2["id"].eq(bind_param(2))],
+ )
+ b = WhereClause.new(
+ [table["id"].eq(bind_param(3))],
+ )
+ expected = WhereClause.new(
+ [table2["id"].eq(bind_param(2)), table["id"].eq(bind_param(3))],
+ )
+ assert_equal expected, a.merge(b)
+ end
+ test "a clause knows if it is empty" do
+ assert_empty WhereClause.empty
+ assert_not_empty WhereClause.new(["anything"])
+ end
+ test "invert cannot handle nil" do
+ where_clause = WhereClause.new([nil])
+ assert_raises ArgumentError do
+ where_clause.invert
+ end
+ end
+ test "invert replaces each part of the predicate with its inverse" do
+ random_object = Object.new
+ original = WhereClause.new([
+ table["id"].in([1, 2, 3]),
+ table["id"].eq(1),
+ "sql literal",
+ random_object
+ ])
+ expected = WhereClause.new([
+ table["id"].not_in([1, 2, 3]),
+ table["id"].not_eq(1),
+ Arel::Nodes::Not.new(Arel::Nodes::SqlLiteral.new("sql literal")),
+ Arel::Nodes::Not.new(random_object)
+ ])
+ assert_equal expected, original.invert
+ end
+ test "except removes binary predicates referencing a given column" do
+ where_clause = WhereClause.new([
+ table["id"].in([1, 2, 3]),
+ table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean")),
+ table["age"].gteq(bind_param(30)),
+ ])
+ expected = WhereClause.new([table["age"].gteq(bind_param(30))])
+ assert_equal expected, where_clause.except("id", "name")
+ end
+ test "except jumps over unhandled binds (like with OR) correctly" do
+ wcs = (0..9).map do |i|
+ WhereClause.new([table["id#{i}"].eq(bind_param(i))])
+ end
+ wc = wcs[0] + wcs[1] + wcs[2].or(wcs[3]) + wcs[4] + wcs[5] + wcs[6].or(wcs[7]) + wcs[8] + wcs[9]
+ expected = wcs[0] + wcs[2].or(wcs[3]) + wcs[5] + wcs[6].or(wcs[7]) + wcs[9]
+ actual = wc.except("id1", "id2", "id4", "id7", "id8")
+ assert_equal expected, actual
+ end
+ test "ast groups its predicates with AND" do
+ predicates = [
+ table["id"].in([1, 2, 3]),
+ table["name"].eq(bind_param(nil)),
+ ]
+ where_clause = WhereClause.new(predicates)
+ expected = Arel::Nodes::And.new(predicates)
+ assert_equal expected, where_clause.ast
+ end
+ test "ast wraps any SQL literals in parenthesis" do
+ random_object = Object.new
+ where_clause = WhereClause.new([
+ table["id"].in([1, 2, 3]),
+ "foo = bar",
+ random_object,
+ ])
+ expected = Arel::Nodes::And.new([
+ table["id"].in([1, 2, 3]),
+ Arel::Nodes::Grouping.new(Arel.sql("foo = bar")),
+ random_object,
+ ])
+ assert_equal expected, where_clause.ast
+ end
+ test "ast removes any empty strings" do
+ where_clause = WhereClause.new([table["id"].in([1, 2, 3])])
+ where_clause_with_empty = WhereClause.new([table["id"].in([1, 2, 3]), ""])
+ assert_equal where_clause.ast, where_clause_with_empty.ast
+ end
+ test "or joins the two clauses using OR" do
+ where_clause = WhereClause.new([table["id"].eq(bind_param(1))])
+ other_clause = WhereClause.new([table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean"))])
+ expected_ast =
+ Arel::Nodes::Grouping.new(
+ Arel::Nodes::Or.new(table["id"].eq(bind_param(1)), table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean")))
+ )
+ assert_equal expected_ast.to_sql, where_clause.or(other_clause).ast.to_sql
+ end
+ test "or returns an empty where clause when either side is empty" do
+ where_clause = WhereClause.new([table["id"].eq(bind_param(1))])
+ assert_equal WhereClause.empty, where_clause.or(WhereClause.empty)
+ assert_equal WhereClause.empty, WhereClause.empty.or(where_clause)
+ end
+ test "or places common conditions before the OR" do
+ a = WhereClause.new(
+ [table["id"].eq(bind_param(1)), table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean"))],
+ )
+ b = WhereClause.new(
+ [table["id"].eq(bind_param(1)), table["hair_color"].eq(bind_param("black"))],
+ )
+ common = WhereClause.new(
+ [table["id"].eq(bind_param(1))],
+ )
+ or_clause = WhereClause.new([table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean"))])
+ .or(WhereClause.new([table["hair_color"].eq(bind_param("black"))]))
+ assert_equal common + or_clause, a.or(b)
+ end
+ test "or can detect identical or as being a common condition" do
+ common_or = WhereClause.new([table["name"].eq(bind_param("Sean"))])
+ .or(WhereClause.new([table["hair_color"].eq(bind_param("black"))]))
+ a = common_or + WhereClause.new([table["id"].eq(bind_param(1))])
+ b = common_or + WhereClause.new([table["foo"].eq(bind_param("bar"))])
+ new_or = WhereClause.new([table["id"].eq(bind_param(1))])
+ .or(WhereClause.new([table["foo"].eq(bind_param("bar"))]))
+ assert_equal common_or + new_or, a.or(b)
+ end
+ test "or will use only common conditions if one side only has common conditions" do
+ only_common = WhereClause.new([
+ table["id"].eq(bind_param(1)),
+ "foo = bar",
+ ])
+ common_with_extra = WhereClause.new([
+ table["id"].eq(bind_param(1)),
+ "foo = bar",
+ table["extra"].eq(bind_param("pluto")),
+ ])
+ assert_equal only_common, only_common.or(common_with_extra)
+ assert_equal only_common, common_with_extra.or(only_common)
+ end
+ private
+ def table
+ Arel::Table.new("table")
+ end
+ def bind_param(value)
+ Arel::Nodes::BindParam.new(value)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/relation/where_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/where_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99797528b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/relation/where_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/author"
+require "models/binary"
+require "models/cake_designer"
+require "models/car"
+require "models/chef"
+require "models/post"
+require "models/comment"
+require "models/edge"
+require "models/essay"
+require "models/price_estimate"
+require "models/topic"
+require "models/treasure"
+require "models/vertex"
+module ActiveRecord
+ class WhereTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :posts, :edges, :authors, :author_addresses, :binaries, :essays, :cars, :treasures, :price_estimates, :topics
+ def test_where_copies_bind_params
+ author = authors(:david)
+ posts = author.posts.where("posts.id != 1")
+ joined = Post.where(id: posts)
+ assert_operator joined.length, :>, 0
+ joined.each { |post|
+ assert_equal author, post.author
+ assert_not_equal 1, post.id
+ }
+ end
+ def test_where_copies_bind_params_in_the_right_order
+ author = authors(:david)
+ posts = author.posts.where.not(id: 1)
+ joined = Post.where(id: posts, title: posts.first.title)
+ assert_equal joined, [posts.first]
+ end
+ def test_where_copies_arel_bind_params
+ chef = Chef.create!
+ CakeDesigner.create!(chef: chef)
+ cake_designers = CakeDesigner.joins(:chef).where(chefs: { id: chef.id })
+ chefs = Chef.where(employable: cake_designers)
+ assert_equal [chef], chefs.to_a
+ end
+ def test_where_with_casted_value_is_nil
+ assert_equal 4, Topic.where(last_read: "").count
+ end
+ def test_rewhere_on_root
+ assert_equal posts(:welcome), Post.rewhere(title: "Welcome to the weblog").first
+ end
+ def test_belongs_to_shallow_where
+ author = Author.new
+ author.id = 1
+ assert_equal Post.where(author_id: 1).to_sql, Post.where(author: author).to_sql
+ end
+ def test_belongs_to_nil_where
+ assert_equal Post.where(author_id: nil).to_sql, Post.where(author: nil).to_sql
+ end
+ def test_belongs_to_array_value_where
+ assert_equal Post.where(author_id: [1, 2]).to_sql, Post.where(author: [1, 2]).to_sql
+ end
+ def test_belongs_to_nested_relation_where
+ expected = Post.where(author_id: Author.where(id: [1, 2])).to_sql
+ actual = Post.where(author: Author.where(id: [1, 2])).to_sql
+ assert_equal expected, actual
+ end
+ def test_belongs_to_nested_where
+ parent = Comment.new
+ parent.id = 1
+ expected = Post.where(comments: { parent_id: 1 }).joins(:comments)
+ actual = Post.where(comments: { parent: parent }).joins(:comments)
+ assert_equal expected.to_sql, actual.to_sql
+ end
+ def test_belongs_to_nested_where_with_relation
+ author = authors(:david)
+ expected = Author.where(id: author).joins(:posts)
+ actual = Author.where(posts: { author_id: Author.where(id: author.id) }).joins(:posts)
+ assert_equal expected.to_a, actual.to_a
+ end
+ def test_polymorphic_shallow_where
+ treasure = Treasure.new
+ treasure.id = 1
+ expected = PriceEstimate.where(estimate_of_type: "Treasure", estimate_of_id: 1)
+ actual = PriceEstimate.where(estimate_of: treasure)
+ assert_equal expected.to_sql, actual.to_sql
+ end
+ def test_polymorphic_shallow_where_not
+ treasure = treasures(:sapphire)
+ expected = [price_estimates(:diamond), price_estimates(:honda)]
+ actual = PriceEstimate.where.not(estimate_of: treasure)
+ assert_equal expected.sort_by(&:id), actual.sort_by(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_polymorphic_nested_array_where
+ treasure = Treasure.new
+ treasure.id = 1
+ hidden = HiddenTreasure.new
+ hidden.id = 2
+ expected = PriceEstimate.where(estimate_of_type: "Treasure", estimate_of_id: [treasure, hidden])
+ actual = PriceEstimate.where(estimate_of: [treasure, hidden])
+ assert_equal expected.to_sql, actual.to_sql
+ end
+ def test_polymorphic_nested_array_where_not
+ treasure = treasures(:diamond)
+ car = cars(:honda)
+ expected = [price_estimates(:sapphire_1), price_estimates(:sapphire_2)]
+ actual = PriceEstimate.where.not(estimate_of: [treasure, car])
+ assert_equal expected.sort_by(&:id), actual.sort_by(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_polymorphic_array_where_multiple_types
+ treasure_1 = treasures(:diamond)
+ treasure_2 = treasures(:sapphire)
+ car = cars(:honda)
+ expected = [price_estimates(:diamond), price_estimates(:sapphire_1), price_estimates(:sapphire_2), price_estimates(:honda)].sort
+ actual = PriceEstimate.where(estimate_of: [treasure_1, treasure_2, car]).to_a.sort
+ assert_equal expected, actual
+ end
+ def test_polymorphic_nested_relation_where
+ expected = PriceEstimate.where(estimate_of_type: "Treasure", estimate_of_id: Treasure.where(id: [1, 2]))
+ actual = PriceEstimate.where(estimate_of: Treasure.where(id: [1, 2]))
+ assert_equal expected.to_sql, actual.to_sql
+ end
+ def test_polymorphic_sti_shallow_where
+ treasure = HiddenTreasure.new
+ treasure.id = 1
+ expected = PriceEstimate.where(estimate_of_type: "Treasure", estimate_of_id: 1)
+ actual = PriceEstimate.where(estimate_of: treasure)
+ assert_equal expected.to_sql, actual.to_sql
+ end
+ def test_polymorphic_nested_where
+ thing = Post.new
+ thing.id = 1
+ expected = Treasure.where(price_estimates: { thing_type: "Post", thing_id: 1 }).joins(:price_estimates)
+ actual = Treasure.where(price_estimates: { thing: thing }).joins(:price_estimates)
+ assert_equal expected.to_sql, actual.to_sql
+ end
+ def test_polymorphic_sti_nested_where
+ treasure = HiddenTreasure.new
+ treasure.id = 1
+ expected = Treasure.where(price_estimates: { estimate_of_type: "Treasure", estimate_of_id: 1 }).joins(:price_estimates)
+ actual = Treasure.where(price_estimates: { estimate_of: treasure }).joins(:price_estimates)
+ assert_equal expected.to_sql, actual.to_sql
+ end
+ def test_decorated_polymorphic_where
+ treasure_decorator = Struct.new(:model) do
+ def self.method_missing(method, *args, &block)
+ Treasure.send(method, *args, &block)
+ end
+ def is_a?(klass)
+ model.is_a?(klass)
+ end
+ def method_missing(method, *args, &block)
+ model.send(method, *args, &block)
+ end
+ end
+ treasure = Treasure.new
+ treasure.id = 1
+ decorated_treasure = treasure_decorator.new(treasure)
+ expected = PriceEstimate.where(estimate_of_type: "Treasure", estimate_of_id: 1)
+ actual = PriceEstimate.where(estimate_of: decorated_treasure)
+ assert_equal expected.to_sql, actual.to_sql
+ end
+ def test_aliased_attribute
+ expected = Topic.where(heading: "The First Topic")
+ actual = Topic.where(title: "The First Topic")
+ assert_equal expected.to_sql, actual.to_sql
+ end
+ def test_where_error
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Post.where(id: { "posts.author_id" => 10 }).first
+ end
+ end
+ def test_where_with_table_name
+ post = Post.first
+ assert_equal post, Post.where(posts: { "id" => post.id }).first
+ end
+ def test_where_with_table_name_and_empty_hash
+ assert_equal 0, Post.where(posts: {}).count
+ end
+ def test_where_with_table_name_and_empty_array
+ assert_equal 0, Post.where(id: []).count
+ end
+ def test_where_with_empty_hash_and_no_foreign_key
+ assert_equal 0, Edge.where(sink: {}).count
+ end
+ def test_where_with_blank_conditions
+ [[], {}, nil, ""].each do |blank|
+ assert_equal 4, Edge.where(blank).order("sink_id").to_a.size
+ end
+ end
+ def test_where_with_integer_for_string_column
+ count = Post.where(title: 0).count
+ assert_equal 0, count
+ end
+ def test_where_with_float_for_string_column
+ count = Post.where(title: 0.0).count
+ assert_equal 0, count
+ end
+ def test_where_with_boolean_for_string_column
+ count = Post.where(title: false).count
+ assert_equal 0, count
+ end
+ def test_where_with_decimal_for_string_column
+ count = Post.where(title: BigDecimal(0)).count
+ assert_equal 0, count
+ end
+ def test_where_with_duration_for_string_column
+ count = Post.where(title: 0.seconds).count
+ assert_equal 0, count
+ end
+ def test_where_with_integer_for_binary_column
+ count = Binary.where(data: 0).count
+ assert_equal 0, count
+ end
+ def test_where_on_association_with_custom_primary_key
+ author = authors(:david)
+ essay = Essay.where(writer: author).first
+ assert_equal essays(:david_modest_proposal), essay
+ end
+ def test_where_on_association_with_custom_primary_key_with_relation
+ author = authors(:david)
+ essay = Essay.where(writer: Author.where(id: author.id)).first
+ assert_equal essays(:david_modest_proposal), essay
+ end
+ def test_where_on_association_with_relation_performs_subselect_not_two_queries
+ author = authors(:david)
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ Essay.where(writer: Author.where(id: author.id)).to_a
+ end
+ end
+ def test_where_on_association_with_custom_primary_key_with_array_of_base
+ author = authors(:david)
+ essay = Essay.where(writer: [author]).first
+ assert_equal essays(:david_modest_proposal), essay
+ end
+ def test_where_on_association_with_custom_primary_key_with_array_of_ids
+ essay = Essay.where(writer: ["David"]).first
+ assert_equal essays(:david_modest_proposal), essay
+ end
+ def test_where_with_relation_on_has_many_association
+ essay = essays(:david_modest_proposal)
+ author = Author.where(essays: Essay.where(id: essay.id)).first
+ assert_equal authors(:david), author
+ end
+ def test_where_with_relation_on_has_one_association
+ author = authors(:david)
+ author_address = AuthorAddress.where(author: Author.where(id: author.id)).first
+ assert_equal author_addresses(:david_address), author_address
+ end
+ def test_where_on_association_with_select_relation
+ essay = Essay.where(author: Author.where(name: "David").select(:name)).take
+ assert_equal essays(:david_modest_proposal), essay
+ end
+ def test_where_with_strong_parameters
+ protected_params = Class.new do
+ attr_reader :permitted
+ alias :permitted? :permitted
+ def initialize(parameters)
+ @parameters = parameters
+ @permitted = false
+ end
+ def to_h
+ @parameters
+ end
+ def permit!
+ @permitted = true
+ self
+ end
+ end
+ author = authors(:david)
+ params = protected_params.new(name: author.name)
+ assert_raises(ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError) { Author.where(params) }
+ assert_equal author, Author.where(params.permit!).first
+ end
+ def test_where_with_unsupported_arguments
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError) { Author.where(42) }
+ end
+ end