path: root/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb')
1 files changed, 1145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4b8664a85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/migration_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1145 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "cases/migration/helper"
+require "bigdecimal/util"
+require "concurrent/atomic/count_down_latch"
+require "models/person"
+require "models/topic"
+require "models/developer"
+require "models/computer"
+require MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid/2_we_need_reminders"
+require MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/rename/1_we_need_things"
+require MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/rename/2_rename_things"
+require MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/decimal/1_give_me_big_numbers"
+class BigNumber < ActiveRecord::Base
+ unless current_adapter?(:PostgreSQLAdapter, :SQLite3Adapter)
+ attribute :value_of_e, :integer
+ end
+ attribute :my_house_population, :integer
+class Reminder < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+class Thing < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+class MigrationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false
+ fixtures :people
+ def setup
+ super
+ %w(reminders people_reminders prefix_reminders_suffix p_things_s).each do |table|
+ Reminder.connection.drop_table(table) rescue nil
+ end
+ Reminder.reset_column_information
+ @verbose_was, ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose, false
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.schema_cache.clear!
+ end
+ teardown do
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = ""
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = ""
+ ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.create_table
+ ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.delete_all
+ %w(things awesome_things prefix_things_suffix p_awesome_things_s).each do |table|
+ Thing.connection.drop_table(table) rescue nil
+ end
+ Thing.reset_column_information
+ %w(reminders people_reminders prefix_reminders_suffix).each do |table|
+ Reminder.connection.drop_table(table) rescue nil
+ end
+ Reminder.reset_table_name
+ Reminder.reset_column_information
+ %w(last_name key bio age height wealth birthday favorite_day
+ moment_of_truth male administrator funny).each do |column|
+ Person.connection.remove_column("people", column) rescue nil
+ end
+ Person.connection.remove_column("people", "first_name") rescue nil
+ Person.connection.remove_column("people", "middle_name") rescue nil
+ Person.connection.add_column("people", "first_name", :string)
+ Person.reset_column_information
+ ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = @verbose_was
+ end
+ def test_migrator_migrations_path_is_deprecated
+ assert_deprecated do
+ ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_path = "/whatever"
+ end
+ ensure
+ assert_deprecated do
+ ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_path = "db/migrate"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_migration_version_matches_component_version
+ assert_equal ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING.to_f, ActiveRecord::Migration.current_version
+ end
+ def test_migrator_versions
+ migrations_path = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid"
+ old_path = ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::MigrationContext.new(migrations_path)
+ migrator.up
+ assert_equal 3, migrator.current_version
+ assert_equal false, migrator.needs_migration?
+ migrator.down
+ assert_equal 0, migrator.current_version
+ assert_equal true, migrator.needs_migration?
+ ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.create!(version: 3)
+ assert_equal true, migrator.needs_migration?
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::MigrationContext.new(old_path)
+ end
+ def test_migration_detection_without_schema_migration_table
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.drop_table "schema_migrations", if_exists: true
+ migrations_path = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid"
+ old_path = ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::MigrationContext.new(migrations_path)
+ assert_equal true, migrator.needs_migration?
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::MigrationContext.new(old_path)
+ end
+ def test_any_migrations
+ old_path = ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::MigrationContext.new(MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid")
+ assert_predicate migrator, :any_migrations?
+ migrator_empty = ActiveRecord::MigrationContext.new(MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/empty")
+ assert_not_predicate migrator_empty, :any_migrations?
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::MigrationContext.new(old_path)
+ end
+ def test_migration_version
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::MigrationContext.new(MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/version_check")
+ assert_equal 0, migrator.current_version
+ migrator.up(20131219224947)
+ assert_equal 20131219224947, migrator.current_version
+ end
+ def test_create_table_with_force_true_does_not_drop_nonexisting_table
+ # using a copy as we need the drop_table method to
+ # continue to work for the ensure block of the test
+ temp_conn = Person.connection.dup
+ assert_not_equal temp_conn, Person.connection
+ temp_conn.create_table :testings2, force: true do |t|
+ t.column :foo, :string
+ end
+ ensure
+ Person.connection.drop_table :testings2, if_exists: true
+ end
+ def test_migration_instance_has_connection
+ migration = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Migration::Current).new
+ assert_equal ActiveRecord::Base.connection, migration.connection
+ end
+ def test_method_missing_delegates_to_connection
+ migration = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Migration::Current) {
+ def connection
+ Class.new {
+ def create_table; "hi mom!"; end
+ }.new
+ end
+ }.new
+ assert_equal "hi mom!", migration.method_missing(:create_table)
+ end
+ def test_add_table_with_decimals
+ Person.connection.drop_table :big_numbers rescue nil
+ assert_not_predicate BigNumber, :table_exists?
+ GiveMeBigNumbers.up
+ BigNumber.reset_column_information
+ assert BigNumber.create(
+ bank_balance: 1586.43,
+ big_bank_balance: BigDecimal("1000234000567.95"),
+ world_population: 6000000000,
+ my_house_population: 3,
+ value_of_e: BigDecimal("2.7182818284590452353602875")
+ )
+ b = BigNumber.first
+ assert_not_nil b
+ assert_not_nil b.bank_balance
+ assert_not_nil b.big_bank_balance
+ assert_not_nil b.world_population
+ assert_not_nil b.my_house_population
+ assert_not_nil b.value_of_e
+ # TODO: set world_population >= 2**62 to cover 64-bit platforms and test
+ # is_a?(Bignum)
+ assert_kind_of Integer, b.world_population
+ assert_equal 6000000000, b.world_population
+ assert_kind_of Integer, b.my_house_population
+ assert_equal 3, b.my_house_population
+ assert_kind_of BigDecimal, b.bank_balance
+ assert_equal BigDecimal("1586.43"), b.bank_balance
+ assert_kind_of BigDecimal, b.big_bank_balance
+ assert_equal BigDecimal("1000234000567.95"), b.big_bank_balance
+ # This one is fun. The 'value_of_e' field is defined as 'DECIMAL' with
+ # precision/scale explicitly left out. By the SQL standard, numbers
+ # assigned to this field should be truncated but that's seldom respected.
+ if current_adapter?(:PostgreSQLAdapter)
+ # - PostgreSQL changes the SQL spec on columns declared simply as
+ # "decimal" to something more useful: instead of being given a scale
+ # of 0, they take on the compile-time limit for precision and scale,
+ # so the following should succeed unless you have used really wacky
+ # compilation options
+ assert_kind_of BigDecimal, b.value_of_e
+ assert_equal BigDecimal("2.7182818284590452353602875"), b.value_of_e
+ elsif current_adapter?(:SQLite3Adapter)
+ # - SQLite3 stores a float, in violation of SQL
+ assert_kind_of BigDecimal, b.value_of_e
+ assert_in_delta BigDecimal("2.71828182845905"), b.value_of_e, 0.00000000000001
+ else
+ # - SQL standard is an integer
+ assert_kind_of Integer, b.value_of_e
+ assert_equal 2, b.value_of_e
+ end
+ GiveMeBigNumbers.down
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) { BigNumber.first }
+ end
+ def test_filtering_migrations
+ assert_no_column Person, :last_name
+ assert_not_predicate Reminder, :table_exists?
+ name_filter = lambda { |migration| migration.name == "ValidPeopleHaveLastNames" }
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::MigrationContext.new(MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid")
+ migrator.up(&name_filter)
+ assert_column Person, :last_name
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) { Reminder.first }
+ migrator.down(&name_filter)
+ assert_no_column Person, :last_name
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) { Reminder.first }
+ end
+ class MockMigration < ActiveRecord::Migration::Current
+ attr_reader :went_up, :went_down
+ def initialize
+ @went_up = false
+ @went_down = false
+ end
+ def up
+ @went_up = true
+ super
+ end
+ def down
+ @went_down = true
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ def test_instance_based_migration_up
+ migration = MockMigration.new
+ assert !migration.went_up, "have not gone up"
+ assert !migration.went_down, "have not gone down"
+ migration.migrate :up
+ assert migration.went_up, "have gone up"
+ assert !migration.went_down, "have not gone down"
+ end
+ def test_instance_based_migration_down
+ migration = MockMigration.new
+ assert !migration.went_up, "have not gone up"
+ assert !migration.went_down, "have not gone down"
+ migration.migrate :down
+ assert !migration.went_up, "have gone up"
+ assert migration.went_down, "have not gone down"
+ end
+ if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.supports_ddl_transactions?
+ def test_migrator_one_up_with_exception_and_rollback
+ assert_no_column Person, :last_name
+ migration = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Migration::Current) {
+ def version; 100 end
+ def migrate(x)
+ add_column "people", "last_name", :string
+ raise "Something broke"
+ end
+ }.new
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::Migrator.new(:up, [migration], 100)
+ e = assert_raise(StandardError) { migrator.migrate }
+ assert_equal "An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:\n\nSomething broke", e.message
+ assert_no_column Person, :last_name,
+ "On error, the Migrator should revert schema changes but it did not."
+ end
+ def test_migrator_one_up_with_exception_and_rollback_using_run
+ assert_no_column Person, :last_name
+ migration = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Migration::Current) {
+ def version; 100 end
+ def migrate(x)
+ add_column "people", "last_name", :string
+ raise "Something broke"
+ end
+ }.new
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::Migrator.new(:up, [migration], 100)
+ e = assert_raise(StandardError) { migrator.run }
+ assert_equal "An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled:\n\nSomething broke", e.message
+ assert_no_column Person, :last_name,
+ "On error, the Migrator should revert schema changes but it did not."
+ end
+ def test_migration_without_transaction
+ assert_no_column Person, :last_name
+ migration = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Migration::Current) {
+ disable_ddl_transaction!
+ def version; 101 end
+ def migrate(x)
+ add_column "people", "last_name", :string
+ raise "Something broke"
+ end
+ }.new
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::Migrator.new(:up, [migration], 101)
+ e = assert_raise(StandardError) { migrator.migrate }
+ assert_equal "An error has occurred, all later migrations canceled:\n\nSomething broke", e.message
+ assert_column Person, :last_name,
+ "without ddl transactions, the Migrator should not rollback on error but it did."
+ ensure
+ Person.reset_column_information
+ if Person.column_names.include?("last_name")
+ Person.connection.remove_column("people", "last_name")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_schema_migrations_table_name
+ original_schema_migrations_table_name = ActiveRecord::Base.schema_migrations_table_name
+ assert_equal "schema_migrations", ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "prefix_"
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "_suffix"
+ Reminder.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "prefix_schema_migrations_suffix", ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.schema_migrations_table_name = "changed"
+ Reminder.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "prefix_changed_suffix", ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = ""
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = ""
+ Reminder.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "changed", ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration.table_name
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.schema_migrations_table_name = original_schema_migrations_table_name
+ Reminder.reset_table_name
+ end
+ def test_internal_metadata_table_name
+ original_internal_metadata_table_name = ActiveRecord::Base.internal_metadata_table_name
+ assert_equal "ar_internal_metadata", ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "p_"
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "_s"
+ Reminder.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "p_ar_internal_metadata_s", ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.internal_metadata_table_name = "changed"
+ Reminder.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "p_changed_s", ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata.table_name
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = ""
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = ""
+ Reminder.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "changed", ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata.table_name
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.internal_metadata_table_name = original_internal_metadata_table_name
+ Reminder.reset_table_name
+ end
+ def test_internal_metadata_stores_environment
+ current_env = ActiveRecord::ConnectionHandling::DEFAULT_ENV.call
+ migrations_path = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid"
+ old_path = ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::MigrationContext.new(migrations_path)
+ migrator.up
+ assert_equal current_env, ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata[:environment]
+ original_rails_env = ENV["RAILS_ENV"]
+ original_rack_env = ENV["RACK_ENV"]
+ ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = ENV["RACK_ENV"] = "foofoo"
+ new_env = ActiveRecord::ConnectionHandling::DEFAULT_ENV.call
+ refute_equal current_env, new_env
+ sleep 1 # mysql by default does not store fractional seconds in the database
+ migrator.up
+ assert_equal new_env, ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata[:environment]
+ ensure
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::MigrationContext.new(old_path)
+ ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = original_rails_env
+ ENV["RACK_ENV"] = original_rack_env
+ migrator.up
+ end
+ def test_internal_metadata_stores_environment_when_other_data_exists
+ ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata.delete_all
+ ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata[:foo] = "bar"
+ current_env = ActiveRecord::ConnectionHandling::DEFAULT_ENV.call
+ migrations_path = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid"
+ old_path = ActiveRecord::Migrator.migrations_paths
+ current_env = ActiveRecord::ConnectionHandling::DEFAULT_ENV.call
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::MigrationContext.new(migrations_path)
+ migrator.up
+ assert_equal current_env, ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata[:environment]
+ assert_equal "bar", ActiveRecord::InternalMetadata[:foo]
+ ensure
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::MigrationContext.new(old_path)
+ migrator.up
+ end
+ def test_proper_table_name_on_migration
+ reminder_class = new_isolated_reminder_class
+ migration = ActiveRecord::Migration.new
+ assert_equal "table", migration.proper_table_name("table")
+ assert_equal "table", migration.proper_table_name(:table)
+ assert_equal "reminders", migration.proper_table_name(reminder_class)
+ reminder_class.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal reminder_class.table_name, migration.proper_table_name(reminder_class)
+ # Use the model's own prefix/suffix if a model is given
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "ARprefix_"
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "_ARsuffix"
+ reminder_class.table_name_prefix = "prefix_"
+ reminder_class.table_name_suffix = "_suffix"
+ reminder_class.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "prefix_reminders_suffix", migration.proper_table_name(reminder_class)
+ reminder_class.table_name_prefix = ""
+ reminder_class.table_name_suffix = ""
+ reminder_class.reset_table_name
+ # Use AR::Base's prefix/suffix if string or symbol is given
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "prefix_"
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "_suffix"
+ reminder_class.reset_table_name
+ assert_equal "prefix_table_suffix", migration.proper_table_name("table", migration.table_name_options)
+ assert_equal "prefix_table_suffix", migration.proper_table_name(:table, migration.table_name_options)
+ end
+ def test_rename_table_with_prefix_and_suffix
+ assert_not_predicate Thing, :table_exists?
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "p_"
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "_s"
+ Thing.reset_table_name
+ Thing.reset_sequence_name
+ WeNeedThings.up
+ Thing.reset_column_information
+ assert Thing.create("content" => "hello world")
+ assert_equal "hello world", Thing.first.content
+ RenameThings.up
+ Thing.table_name = "p_awesome_things_s"
+ assert_equal "hello world", Thing.first.content
+ ensure
+ Thing.reset_table_name
+ Thing.reset_sequence_name
+ end
+ def test_add_drop_table_with_prefix_and_suffix
+ assert_not_predicate Reminder, :table_exists?
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = "prefix_"
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = "_suffix"
+ Reminder.reset_table_name
+ Reminder.reset_sequence_name
+ Reminder.reset_column_information
+ WeNeedReminders.up
+ assert Reminder.create("content" => "hello world", "remind_at" => Time.now)
+ assert_equal "hello world", Reminder.first.content
+ WeNeedReminders.down
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) { Reminder.first }
+ ensure
+ Reminder.reset_sequence_name
+ end
+ def test_create_table_with_binary_column
+ assert_nothing_raised {
+ Person.connection.create_table :binary_testings do |t|
+ t.column "data", :binary, null: false
+ end
+ }
+ columns = Person.connection.columns(:binary_testings)
+ data_column = columns.detect { |c| c.name == "data" }
+ assert_nil data_column.default
+ ensure
+ Person.connection.drop_table :binary_testings, if_exists: true
+ end
+ unless mysql_enforcing_gtid_consistency?
+ def test_create_table_with_query
+ Person.connection.create_table :table_from_query_testings, as: "SELECT id FROM people WHERE id = 1"
+ columns = Person.connection.columns(:table_from_query_testings)
+ assert_equal [1], Person.connection.select_values("SELECT * FROM table_from_query_testings")
+ assert_equal 1, columns.length
+ assert_equal "id", columns.first.name
+ ensure
+ Person.connection.drop_table :table_from_query_testings rescue nil
+ end
+ def test_create_table_with_query_from_relation
+ Person.connection.create_table :table_from_query_testings, as: Person.select(:id).where(id: 1)
+ columns = Person.connection.columns(:table_from_query_testings)
+ assert_equal [1], Person.connection.select_values("SELECT * FROM table_from_query_testings")
+ assert_equal 1, columns.length
+ assert_equal "id", columns.first.name
+ ensure
+ Person.connection.drop_table :table_from_query_testings rescue nil
+ end
+ end
+ if current_adapter?(:SQLite3Adapter)
+ def test_allows_sqlite3_rollback_on_invalid_column_type
+ Person.connection.create_table :something, force: true do |t|
+ t.column :number, :integer
+ t.column :name, :string
+ t.column :foo, :bar
+ end
+ assert Person.connection.column_exists?(:something, :foo)
+ assert_nothing_raised { Person.connection.remove_column :something, :foo, :bar }
+ assert !Person.connection.column_exists?(:something, :foo)
+ assert Person.connection.column_exists?(:something, :name)
+ assert Person.connection.column_exists?(:something, :number)
+ ensure
+ Person.connection.drop_table :something, if_exists: true
+ end
+ end
+ if current_adapter? :OracleAdapter
+ def test_create_table_with_custom_sequence_name
+ # table name is 29 chars, the standard sequence name will
+ # be 33 chars and should be shortened
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ begin
+ Person.connection.create_table :table_with_name_thats_just_ok do |t|
+ t.column :foo, :string, null: false
+ end
+ ensure
+ Person.connection.drop_table :table_with_name_thats_just_ok rescue nil
+ end
+ end
+ # should be all good w/ a custom sequence name
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ begin
+ Person.connection.create_table :table_with_name_thats_just_ok,
+ sequence_name: "suitably_short_seq" do |t|
+ t.column :foo, :string, null: false
+ end
+ Person.connection.execute("select suitably_short_seq.nextval from dual")
+ ensure
+ Person.connection.drop_table :table_with_name_thats_just_ok,
+ sequence_name: "suitably_short_seq" rescue nil
+ end
+ end
+ # confirm the custom sequence got dropped
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid) do
+ Person.connection.execute("select suitably_short_seq.nextval from dual")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if current_adapter?(:Mysql2Adapter, :PostgreSQLAdapter)
+ def test_out_of_range_integer_limit_should_raise
+ e = assert_raise(ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "integer limit didn't raise") do
+ Person.connection.create_table :test_integer_limits, force: true do |t|
+ t.column :bigone, :integer, limit: 10
+ end
+ end
+ assert_match(/No integer type has byte size 10/, e.message)
+ ensure
+ Person.connection.drop_table :test_integer_limits, if_exists: true
+ end
+ end
+ if current_adapter?(:Mysql2Adapter)
+ def test_out_of_range_text_limit_should_raise
+ e = assert_raise(ActiveRecord::ActiveRecordError, "text limit didn't raise") do
+ Person.connection.create_table :test_text_limits, force: true do |t|
+ t.text :bigtext, limit: 0xfffffffff
+ end
+ end
+ assert_match(/No text type has byte length #{0xfffffffff}/, e.message)
+ ensure
+ Person.connection.drop_table :test_text_limits, if_exists: true
+ end
+ end
+ if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.supports_advisory_locks?
+ def test_migrator_generates_valid_lock_id
+ migration = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Migration::Current).new
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::Migrator.new(:up, [migration], 100)
+ lock_id = migrator.send(:generate_migrator_advisory_lock_id)
+ assert ActiveRecord::Base.connection.get_advisory_lock(lock_id),
+ "the Migrator should have generated a valid lock id, but it didn't"
+ assert ActiveRecord::Base.connection.release_advisory_lock(lock_id),
+ "the Migrator should have generated a valid lock id, but it didn't"
+ end
+ def test_generate_migrator_advisory_lock_id
+ # It is important we are consistent with how we generate this so that
+ # exclusive locking works across migrator versions
+ migration = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Migration::Current).new
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::Migrator.new(:up, [migration], 100)
+ lock_id = migrator.send(:generate_migrator_advisory_lock_id)
+ current_database = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.current_database
+ salt = ActiveRecord::Migrator::MIGRATOR_SALT
+ expected_id = Zlib.crc32(current_database) * salt
+ assert lock_id == expected_id, "expected lock id generated by the migrator to be #{expected_id}, but it was #{lock_id} instead"
+ assert lock_id.bit_length <= 63, "lock id must be a signed integer of max 63 bits magnitude"
+ end
+ def test_migrator_one_up_with_unavailable_lock
+ assert_no_column Person, :last_name
+ migration = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Migration::Current) {
+ def version; 100 end
+ def migrate(x)
+ add_column "people", "last_name", :string
+ end
+ }.new
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::Migrator.new(:up, [migration], 100)
+ lock_id = migrator.send(:generate_migrator_advisory_lock_id)
+ with_another_process_holding_lock(lock_id) do
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::ConcurrentMigrationError) { migrator.migrate }
+ end
+ assert_no_column Person, :last_name,
+ "without an advisory lock, the Migrator should not make any changes, but it did."
+ end
+ def test_migrator_one_up_with_unavailable_lock_using_run
+ assert_no_column Person, :last_name
+ migration = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Migration::Current) {
+ def version; 100 end
+ def migrate(x)
+ add_column "people", "last_name", :string
+ end
+ }.new
+ migrator = ActiveRecord::Migrator.new(:up, [migration], 100)
+ lock_id = migrator.send(:generate_migrator_advisory_lock_id)
+ with_another_process_holding_lock(lock_id) do
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::ConcurrentMigrationError) { migrator.run }
+ end
+ assert_no_column Person, :last_name,
+ "without an advisory lock, the Migrator should not make any changes, but it did."
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ # This is needed to isolate class_attribute assignments like `table_name_prefix`
+ # for each test case.
+ def new_isolated_reminder_class
+ Class.new(Reminder) {
+ def self.name; "Reminder"; end
+ def self.base_class; self; end
+ }
+ end
+ def with_another_process_holding_lock(lock_id)
+ thread_lock = Concurrent::CountDownLatch.new
+ test_terminated = Concurrent::CountDownLatch.new
+ other_process = Thread.new do
+ begin
+ conn = ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.checkout
+ conn.get_advisory_lock(lock_id)
+ thread_lock.count_down
+ test_terminated.wait # hold the lock open until we tested everything
+ ensure
+ conn.release_advisory_lock(lock_id)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection_pool.checkin(conn)
+ end
+ end
+ thread_lock.wait # wait until the 'other process' has the lock
+ yield
+ test_terminated.count_down
+ other_process.join
+ end
+class ReservedWordsMigrationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_drop_index_from_table_named_values
+ connection = Person.connection
+ connection.create_table :values, force: true do |t|
+ t.integer :value
+ end
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ connection.add_index :values, :value
+ connection.remove_index :values, column: :value
+ end
+ ensure
+ connection.drop_table :values rescue nil
+ end
+class ExplicitlyNamedIndexMigrationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_drop_index_by_name
+ connection = Person.connection
+ connection.create_table :values, force: true do |t|
+ t.integer :value
+ end
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ connection.add_index :values, :value, name: "a_different_name"
+ connection.remove_index :values, column: :value, name: "a_different_name"
+ end
+ ensure
+ connection.drop_table :values rescue nil
+ end
+if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.supports_bulk_alter?
+ class BulkAlterTableMigrationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def setup
+ @connection = Person.connection
+ @connection.create_table(:delete_me, force: true) { |t| }
+ Person.reset_column_information
+ Person.reset_sequence_name
+ end
+ teardown do
+ Person.connection.drop_table(:delete_me) rescue nil
+ end
+ def test_adding_multiple_columns
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ with_bulk_change_table do |t|
+ t.column :name, :string
+ t.string :qualification, :experience
+ t.integer :age, default: 0
+ t.date :birthdate
+ t.timestamps null: true
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal 8, columns.size
+ [:name, :qualification, :experience].each { |s| assert_equal :string, column(s).type }
+ assert_equal "0", column(:age).default
+ end
+ def test_removing_columns
+ with_bulk_change_table do |t|
+ t.string :qualification, :experience
+ end
+ [:qualification, :experience].each { |c| assert column(c) }
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ with_bulk_change_table do |t|
+ t.remove :qualification, :experience
+ t.string :qualification_experience
+ end
+ end
+ [:qualification, :experience].each { |c| assert ! column(c) }
+ assert column(:qualification_experience)
+ end
+ def test_adding_indexes
+ with_bulk_change_table do |t|
+ t.string :username
+ t.string :name
+ t.integer :age
+ end
+ classname = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class.name[/[^:]*$/]
+ expected_query_count = {
+ "Mysql2Adapter" => 3, # Adding an index fires a query every time to check if an index already exists or not
+ "PostgreSQLAdapter" => 2,
+ }.fetch(classname) {
+ raise "need an expected query count for #{classname}"
+ }
+ assert_queries(expected_query_count) do
+ with_bulk_change_table do |t|
+ t.index :username, unique: true, name: :awesome_username_index
+ t.index [:name, :age]
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal 2, indexes.size
+ name_age_index = index(:index_delete_me_on_name_and_age)
+ assert_equal ["name", "age"].sort, name_age_index.columns.sort
+ assert ! name_age_index.unique
+ assert index(:awesome_username_index).unique
+ end
+ def test_removing_index
+ with_bulk_change_table do |t|
+ t.string :name
+ t.index :name
+ end
+ assert index(:index_delete_me_on_name)
+ classname = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class.name[/[^:]*$/]
+ expected_query_count = {
+ "Mysql2Adapter" => 3, # Adding an index fires a query every time to check if an index already exists or not
+ "PostgreSQLAdapter" => 2,
+ }.fetch(classname) {
+ raise "need an expected query count for #{classname}"
+ }
+ assert_queries(expected_query_count) do
+ with_bulk_change_table do |t|
+ t.remove_index :name
+ t.index :name, name: :new_name_index, unique: true
+ end
+ end
+ assert ! index(:index_delete_me_on_name)
+ new_name_index = index(:new_name_index)
+ assert new_name_index.unique
+ end
+ def test_changing_columns
+ with_bulk_change_table do |t|
+ t.string :name
+ t.date :birthdate
+ end
+ assert ! column(:name).default
+ assert_equal :date, column(:birthdate).type
+ classname = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class.name[/[^:]*$/]
+ expected_query_count = {
+ "Mysql2Adapter" => 3, # one query for columns, one query for primary key, one query to do the bulk change
+ "PostgreSQLAdapter" => 3, # one query for columns, one for bulk change, one for comment
+ }.fetch(classname) {
+ raise "need an expected query count for #{classname}"
+ }
+ assert_queries(expected_query_count, ignore_none: true) do
+ with_bulk_change_table do |t|
+ t.change :name, :string, default: "NONAME"
+ t.change :birthdate, :datetime, comment: "This is a comment"
+ end
+ end
+ assert_equal "NONAME", column(:name).default
+ assert_equal :datetime, column(:birthdate).type
+ assert_equal "This is a comment", column(:birthdate).comment
+ end
+ private
+ def with_bulk_change_table
+ # Reset columns/indexes cache as we're changing the table
+ @columns = @indexes = nil
+ Person.connection.change_table(:delete_me, bulk: true) do |t|
+ yield t
+ end
+ end
+ def column(name)
+ columns.detect { |c| c.name == name.to_s }
+ end
+ def columns
+ @columns ||= Person.connection.columns("delete_me")
+ end
+ def index(name)
+ indexes.detect { |i| i.name == name.to_s }
+ end
+ def indexes
+ @indexes ||= Person.connection.indexes("delete_me")
+ end
+ end # AlterTableMigrationsTest
+class CopyMigrationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ include ActiveSupport::Testing::Stream
+ def setup
+ end
+ def clear
+ ActiveRecord::Base.timestamped_migrations = true
+ to_delete = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"] - @existing_migrations
+ File.delete(*to_delete)
+ end
+ def test_copying_migrations_without_timestamps
+ ActiveRecord::Base.timestamped_migrations = false
+ @migrations_path = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid"
+ @existing_migrations = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"]
+ copied = ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, bukkits: MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/4_people_have_hobbies.bukkits.rb")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/5_people_have_descriptions.bukkits.rb")
+ assert_equal [@migrations_path + "/4_people_have_hobbies.bukkits.rb", @migrations_path + "/5_people_have_descriptions.bukkits.rb"], copied.map(&:filename)
+ expected = "# This migration comes from bukkits (originally 1)"
+ assert_equal expected, IO.readlines(@migrations_path + "/4_people_have_hobbies.bukkits.rb")[1].chomp
+ files_count = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"].length
+ copied = ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, bukkits: MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy")
+ assert_equal files_count, Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"].length
+ assert_empty copied
+ ensure
+ clear
+ end
+ def test_copying_migrations_without_timestamps_from_2_sources
+ ActiveRecord::Base.timestamped_migrations = false
+ @migrations_path = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid"
+ @existing_migrations = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"]
+ sources = {}
+ sources[:bukkits] = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy"
+ sources[:omg] = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy2"
+ ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, sources)
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/4_people_have_hobbies.bukkits.rb")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/5_people_have_descriptions.bukkits.rb")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/6_create_articles.omg.rb")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/7_create_comments.omg.rb")
+ files_count = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"].length
+ ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, sources)
+ assert_equal files_count, Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"].length
+ ensure
+ clear
+ end
+ def test_copying_migrations_with_timestamps
+ @migrations_path = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid_with_timestamps"
+ @existing_migrations = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"]
+ travel_to(Time.utc(2010, 7, 26, 10, 10, 10)) do
+ copied = ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, bukkits: MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy_with_timestamps")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/20100726101010_people_have_hobbies.bukkits.rb")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/20100726101011_people_have_descriptions.bukkits.rb")
+ expected = [@migrations_path + "/20100726101010_people_have_hobbies.bukkits.rb",
+ @migrations_path + "/20100726101011_people_have_descriptions.bukkits.rb"]
+ assert_equal expected, copied.map(&:filename)
+ files_count = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"].length
+ copied = ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, bukkits: MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy_with_timestamps")
+ assert_equal files_count, Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"].length
+ assert_empty copied
+ end
+ ensure
+ clear
+ end
+ def test_copying_migrations_with_timestamps_from_2_sources
+ @migrations_path = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid_with_timestamps"
+ @existing_migrations = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"]
+ sources = {}
+ sources[:bukkits] = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy_with_timestamps"
+ sources[:omg] = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy_with_timestamps2"
+ travel_to(Time.utc(2010, 7, 26, 10, 10, 10)) do
+ copied = ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, sources)
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/20100726101010_people_have_hobbies.bukkits.rb")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/20100726101011_people_have_descriptions.bukkits.rb")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/20100726101012_create_articles.omg.rb")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/20100726101013_create_comments.omg.rb")
+ assert_equal 4, copied.length
+ files_count = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"].length
+ ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, sources)
+ assert_equal files_count, Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"].length
+ end
+ ensure
+ clear
+ end
+ def test_copying_migrations_with_timestamps_to_destination_with_timestamps_in_future
+ @migrations_path = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid_with_timestamps"
+ @existing_migrations = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"]
+ travel_to(Time.utc(2010, 2, 20, 10, 10, 10)) do
+ ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, bukkits: MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy_with_timestamps")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/20100301010102_people_have_hobbies.bukkits.rb")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/20100301010103_people_have_descriptions.bukkits.rb")
+ files_count = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"].length
+ copied = ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, bukkits: MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy_with_timestamps")
+ assert_equal files_count, Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"].length
+ assert_empty copied
+ end
+ ensure
+ clear
+ end
+ def test_copying_migrations_preserving_magic_comments
+ ActiveRecord::Base.timestamped_migrations = false
+ @migrations_path = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid"
+ @existing_migrations = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"]
+ copied = ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, bukkits: MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/magic")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/4_currencies_have_symbols.bukkits.rb")
+ assert_equal [@migrations_path + "/4_currencies_have_symbols.bukkits.rb"], copied.map(&:filename)
+ expected = "# frozen_string_literal: true\n# coding: ISO-8859-15\n# This migration comes from bukkits (originally 1)"
+ assert_equal expected, IO.readlines(@migrations_path + "/4_currencies_have_symbols.bukkits.rb")[0..2].join.chomp
+ files_count = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"].length
+ copied = ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, bukkits: MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/magic")
+ assert_equal files_count, Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"].length
+ assert_empty copied
+ ensure
+ clear
+ end
+ def test_skipping_migrations
+ @migrations_path = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid_with_timestamps"
+ @existing_migrations = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"]
+ sources = {}
+ sources[:bukkits] = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy_with_timestamps"
+ sources[:omg] = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy_with_name_collision"
+ skipped = []
+ on_skip = Proc.new { |name, migration| skipped << "#{name} #{migration.name}" }
+ copied = ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, sources, on_skip: on_skip)
+ assert_equal 2, copied.length
+ assert_equal 1, skipped.length
+ assert_equal ["omg PeopleHaveHobbies"], skipped
+ ensure
+ clear
+ end
+ def test_skip_is_not_called_if_migrations_are_from_the_same_plugin
+ @migrations_path = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/valid_with_timestamps"
+ @existing_migrations = Dir[@migrations_path + "/*.rb"]
+ sources = {}
+ sources[:bukkits] = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy_with_timestamps"
+ skipped = []
+ on_skip = Proc.new { |name, migration| skipped << "#{name} #{migration.name}" }
+ copied = ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, sources, on_skip: on_skip)
+ ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, sources, on_skip: on_skip)
+ assert_equal 2, copied.length
+ assert_equal 0, skipped.length
+ ensure
+ clear
+ end
+ def test_copying_migrations_to_non_existing_directory
+ @migrations_path = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/non_existing"
+ @existing_migrations = []
+ travel_to(Time.utc(2010, 7, 26, 10, 10, 10)) do
+ copied = ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, bukkits: MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy_with_timestamps")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/20100726101010_people_have_hobbies.bukkits.rb")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/20100726101011_people_have_descriptions.bukkits.rb")
+ assert_equal 2, copied.length
+ end
+ ensure
+ clear
+ Dir.delete(@migrations_path)
+ end
+ def test_copying_migrations_to_empty_directory
+ @migrations_path = MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/empty"
+ @existing_migrations = []
+ travel_to(Time.utc(2010, 7, 26, 10, 10, 10)) do
+ copied = ActiveRecord::Migration.copy(@migrations_path, bukkits: MIGRATIONS_ROOT + "/to_copy_with_timestamps")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/20100726101010_people_have_hobbies.bukkits.rb")
+ assert File.exist?(@migrations_path + "/20100726101011_people_have_descriptions.bukkits.rb")
+ assert_equal 2, copied.length
+ end
+ ensure
+ clear
+ end
+ def test_check_pending_with_stdlib_logger
+ old, ActiveRecord::Base.logger = ActiveRecord::Base.logger, ::Logger.new($stdout)
+ quietly do
+ assert_nothing_raised { ActiveRecord::Migration::CheckPending.new(Proc.new {}).call({}) }
+ end
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger = old
+ end
+ def test_unknown_migration_version_should_raise_an_argument_error
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) { ActiveRecord::Migration[1.0] }
+ end