path: root/activerecord/test/cases/fixtures_test.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/fixtures_test.rb')
1 files changed, 867 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/fixtures_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/fixtures_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..042fdaf0bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/fixtures_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
+require 'cases/helper'
+require 'models/admin'
+require 'models/admin/account'
+require 'models/admin/randomly_named_c1'
+require 'models/admin/user'
+require 'models/binary'
+require 'models/book'
+require 'models/category'
+require 'models/company'
+require 'models/computer'
+require 'models/course'
+require 'models/developer'
+require 'models/joke'
+require 'models/matey'
+require 'models/parrot'
+require 'models/pirate'
+require 'models/post'
+require 'models/randomly_named_c1'
+require 'models/reply'
+require 'models/ship'
+require 'models/task'
+require 'models/topic'
+require 'models/traffic_light'
+require 'models/treasure'
+require 'tempfile'
+class FixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_instantiated_fixtures = true
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
+ # other_topics fixture should not be included here
+ fixtures :topics, :developers, :accounts, :tasks, :categories, :funny_jokes, :binaries, :traffic_lights
+ FIXTURES = %w( accounts binaries companies customers
+ developers developers_projects entrants
+ movies projects subscribers topics tasks )
+ MATCH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = /[a-zA-Z][-\w]*/
+ def test_clean_fixtures
+ FIXTURES.each do |name|
+ fixtures = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { fixtures = create_fixtures(name).first }
+ assert_kind_of(ActiveRecord::FixtureSet, fixtures)
+ fixtures.each { |_name, fixture|
+ fixture.each { |key, value|
+ assert_match(MATCH_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, key)
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_broken_yaml_exception
+ badyaml = Tempfile.new ['foo', '.yml']
+ badyaml.write 'a: : '
+ badyaml.flush
+ dir = File.dirname badyaml.path
+ name = File.basename badyaml.path, '.yml'
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::Fixture::FormatError) do
+ ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.create_fixtures(dir, name)
+ end
+ ensure
+ badyaml.close
+ badyaml.unlink
+ end
+ def test_create_fixtures
+ fixtures = ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.create_fixtures(FIXTURES_ROOT, "parrots")
+ assert Parrot.find_by_name('Curious George'), 'George is not in the database'
+ assert fixtures.detect { |f| f.name == 'parrots' }, "no fixtures named 'parrots' in #{fixtures.map(&:name).inspect}"
+ end
+ def test_multiple_clean_fixtures
+ fixtures_array = nil
+ assert_nothing_raised { fixtures_array = create_fixtures(*FIXTURES) }
+ assert_kind_of(Array, fixtures_array)
+ fixtures_array.each { |fixtures| assert_kind_of(ActiveRecord::FixtureSet, fixtures) }
+ end
+ def test_create_symbol_fixtures
+ fixtures = ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.create_fixtures(FIXTURES_ROOT, :collections, :collections => Course) { Course.connection }
+ assert Course.find_by_name('Collection'), 'course is not in the database'
+ assert fixtures.detect { |f| f.name == 'collections' }, "no fixtures named 'collections' in #{fixtures.map(&:name).inspect}"
+ end
+ def test_attributes
+ topics = create_fixtures("topics").first
+ assert_equal("The First Topic", topics["first"]["title"])
+ assert_nil(topics["second"]["author_email_address"])
+ end
+ def test_inserts
+ create_fixtures("topics")
+ first_row = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE author_name = 'David'")
+ assert_equal("The First Topic", first_row["title"])
+ second_row = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one("SELECT * FROM topics WHERE author_name = 'Mary'")
+ assert_nil(second_row["author_email_address"])
+ end
+ if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.supports_migrations?
+ def test_inserts_with_pre_and_suffix
+ # Reset cache to make finds on the new table work
+ ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.reset_cache
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_table :prefix_other_topics_suffix do |t|
+ t.column :title, :string
+ t.column :author_name, :string
+ t.column :author_email_address, :string
+ t.column :written_on, :datetime
+ t.column :bonus_time, :time
+ t.column :last_read, :date
+ t.column :content, :string
+ t.column :approved, :boolean, :default => true
+ t.column :replies_count, :integer, :default => 0
+ t.column :parent_id, :integer
+ t.column :type, :string, :limit => 50
+ end
+ # Store existing prefix/suffix
+ old_prefix = ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix
+ old_suffix = ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix
+ # Set a prefix/suffix we can test against
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = 'prefix_'
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = '_suffix'
+ other_topic_klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ def self.name
+ "OtherTopic"
+ end
+ end
+ topics = [create_fixtures("other_topics")].flatten.first
+ # This checks for a caching problem which causes a bug in the fixtures
+ # class-level configuration helper.
+ assert_not_nil topics, "Fixture data inserted, but fixture objects not returned from create"
+ first_row = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one("SELECT * FROM prefix_other_topics_suffix WHERE author_name = 'David'")
+ assert_not_nil first_row, "The prefix_other_topics_suffix table appears to be empty despite create_fixtures: the row with author_name = 'David' was not found"
+ assert_equal("The First Topic", first_row["title"])
+ second_row = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_one("SELECT * FROM prefix_other_topics_suffix WHERE author_name = 'Mary'")
+ assert_nil(second_row["author_email_address"])
+ assert_equal :prefix_other_topics_suffix, topics.table_name.to_sym
+ # This assertion should preferably be the last in the list, because calling
+ # other_topic_klass.table_name sets a class-level instance variable
+ assert_equal :prefix_other_topics_suffix, other_topic_klass.table_name.to_sym
+ ensure
+ # Restore prefix/suffix to its previous values
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_prefix = old_prefix
+ ActiveRecord::Base.table_name_suffix = old_suffix
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.drop_table :prefix_other_topics_suffix rescue nil
+ end
+ end
+ def test_insert_with_datetime
+ create_fixtures("tasks")
+ first = Task.find(1)
+ assert first
+ end
+ def test_logger_level_invariant
+ level = ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level
+ create_fixtures('topics')
+ assert_equal level, ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level
+ end
+ def test_instantiation
+ topics = create_fixtures("topics").first
+ assert_kind_of Topic, topics["first"].find
+ end
+ def test_complete_instantiation
+ assert_equal "The First Topic", @first.title
+ end
+ def test_fixtures_from_root_yml_with_instantiation
+ # assert_equal 2, @accounts.size
+ assert_equal 50, @unknown.credit_limit
+ end
+ def test_erb_in_fixtures
+ assert_equal "fixture_5", @dev_5.name
+ end
+ def test_empty_yaml_fixture
+ assert_not_nil ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.new( Account.connection, "accounts", Account, FIXTURES_ROOT + "/naked/yml/accounts")
+ end
+ def test_empty_yaml_fixture_with_a_comment_in_it
+ assert_not_nil ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.new( Account.connection, "companies", Company, FIXTURES_ROOT + "/naked/yml/companies")
+ end
+ def test_nonexistent_fixture_file
+ nonexistent_fixture_path = FIXTURES_ROOT + "/imnothere"
+ #sanity check to make sure that this file never exists
+ assert Dir[nonexistent_fixture_path+"*"].empty?
+ assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) do
+ ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.new( Account.connection, "companies", Company, nonexistent_fixture_path)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_dirty_dirty_yaml_file
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::Fixture::FormatError) do
+ ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.new( Account.connection, "courses", Course, FIXTURES_ROOT + "/naked/yml/courses")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_omap_fixtures
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ fixtures = ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.new(Account.connection, 'categories', Category, FIXTURES_ROOT + "/categories_ordered")
+ fixtures.each.with_index do |(name, fixture), i|
+ assert_equal "fixture_no_#{i}", name
+ assert_equal "Category #{i}", fixture['name']
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_yml_file_in_subdirectory
+ assert_equal(categories(:sub_special_1).name, "A special category in a subdir file")
+ assert_equal(categories(:sub_special_1).class, SpecialCategory)
+ end
+ def test_subsubdir_file_with_arbitrary_name
+ assert_equal(categories(:sub_special_3).name, "A special category in an arbitrarily named subsubdir file")
+ assert_equal(categories(:sub_special_3).class, SpecialCategory)
+ end
+ def test_binary_in_fixtures
+ data = File.open(ASSETS_ROOT + "/flowers.jpg", 'rb') { |f| f.read }
+ data.force_encoding('ASCII-8BIT')
+ data.freeze
+ assert_equal data, @flowers.data
+ end
+ def test_serialized_fixtures
+ assert_equal ["Green", "Red", "Orange"], traffic_lights(:uk).state
+ end
+ def test_fixtures_are_set_up_with_database_env_variable
+ db_url_tmp = ENV['DATABASE_URL']
+ ENV['DATABASE_URL'] = "sqlite3::memory:"
+ ActiveRecord::Base.stubs(:configurations).returns({})
+ test_case = Class.new(ActiveRecord::TestCase) do
+ fixtures :accounts
+ def test_fixtures
+ assert accounts(:signals37)
+ end
+ end
+ result = test_case.new(:test_fixtures).run
+ assert result.passed?, "Expected #{result.name} to pass:\n#{result}"
+ ensure
+ ENV['DATABASE_URL'] = db_url_tmp
+ end
+class HasManyThroughFixture < ActiveSupport::TestCase
+ def make_model(name)
+ Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) { define_singleton_method(:name) { name } }
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through
+ pt = make_model "ParrotTreasure"
+ parrot = make_model "Parrot"
+ treasure = make_model "Treasure"
+ pt.table_name = "parrots_treasures"
+ pt.belongs_to :parrot, :class => parrot
+ pt.belongs_to :treasure, :class => treasure
+ parrot.has_many :parrot_treasures, :class => pt
+ parrot.has_many :treasures, :through => :parrot_treasures
+ parrots = File.join FIXTURES_ROOT, 'parrots'
+ fs = ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.new parrot.connection, "parrots", parrot, parrots
+ rows = fs.table_rows
+ assert_equal load_has_and_belongs_to_many['parrots_treasures'], rows['parrots_treasures']
+ end
+ def load_has_and_belongs_to_many
+ parrot = make_model "Parrot"
+ parrot.has_and_belongs_to_many :treasures
+ parrots = File.join FIXTURES_ROOT, 'parrots'
+ fs = ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.new parrot.connection, "parrots", parrot, parrots
+ fs.table_rows
+ end
+if Account.connection.respond_to?(:reset_pk_sequence!)
+ class FixturesResetPkSequenceTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :accounts
+ fixtures :companies
+ def setup
+ @instances = [Account.new(:credit_limit => 50), Company.new(:name => 'RoR Consulting')]
+ ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.reset_cache # make sure tables get reinitialized
+ end
+ def test_resets_to_min_pk_with_specified_pk_and_sequence
+ @instances.each do |instance|
+ model = instance.class
+ model.delete_all
+ model.connection.reset_pk_sequence!(model.table_name, model.primary_key, model.sequence_name)
+ instance.save!
+ assert_equal 1, instance.id, "Sequence reset for #{model.table_name} failed."
+ end
+ end
+ def test_resets_to_min_pk_with_default_pk_and_sequence
+ @instances.each do |instance|
+ model = instance.class
+ model.delete_all
+ model.connection.reset_pk_sequence!(model.table_name)
+ instance.save!
+ assert_equal 1, instance.id, "Sequence reset for #{model.table_name} failed."
+ end
+ end
+ def test_create_fixtures_resets_sequences_when_not_cached
+ @instances.each do |instance|
+ max_id = create_fixtures(instance.class.table_name).first.fixtures.inject(0) do |_max_id, (_, fixture)|
+ fixture_id = fixture['id'].to_i
+ fixture_id > _max_id ? fixture_id : _max_id
+ end
+ # Clone the last fixture to check that it gets the next greatest id.
+ instance.save!
+ assert_equal max_id + 1, instance.id, "Sequence reset for #{instance.class.table_name} failed."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+class FixturesWithoutInstantiationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_instantiated_fixtures = false
+ fixtures :topics, :developers, :accounts
+ def test_without_complete_instantiation
+ assert !defined?(@first)
+ assert !defined?(@topics)
+ assert !defined?(@developers)
+ assert !defined?(@accounts)
+ end
+ def test_fixtures_from_root_yml_without_instantiation
+ assert !defined?(@unknown), "@unknown is not defined"
+ end
+ def test_visibility_of_accessor_method
+ assert_equal false, respond_to?(:topics, false), "should be private method"
+ assert_equal true, respond_to?(:topics, true), "confirm to respond surely"
+ end
+ def test_accessor_methods
+ assert_equal "The First Topic", topics(:first).title
+ assert_equal "Jamis", developers(:jamis).name
+ assert_equal 50, accounts(:signals37).credit_limit
+ end
+ def test_accessor_methods_with_multiple_args
+ assert_equal 2, topics(:first, :second).size
+ assert_raise(StandardError) { topics([:first, :second]) }
+ end
+ def test_reloading_fixtures_through_accessor_methods
+ assert_equal "The First Topic", topics(:first).title
+ @loaded_fixtures['topics']['first'].expects(:find).returns(stub(:title => "Fresh Topic!"))
+ assert_equal "Fresh Topic!", topics(:first, true).title
+ end
+class FixturesWithoutInstanceInstantiationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_instantiated_fixtures = true
+ self.use_instantiated_fixtures = :no_instances
+ fixtures :topics, :developers, :accounts
+ def test_without_instance_instantiation
+ assert !defined?(@first), "@first is not defined"
+ end
+class TransactionalFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_instantiated_fixtures = true
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = true
+ fixtures :topics
+ def test_destroy
+ assert_not_nil @first
+ @first.destroy
+ end
+ def test_destroy_just_kidding
+ assert_not_nil @first
+ end
+class MultipleFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :topics
+ fixtures :developers, :accounts
+ def test_fixture_table_names
+ assert_equal %w(topics developers accounts), fixture_table_names
+ end
+class SetupTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ # fixtures :topics
+ def setup
+ @first = true
+ end
+ def test_nothing
+ end
+class SetupSubclassTest < SetupTest
+ def setup
+ super
+ @second = true
+ end
+ def test_subclassing_should_preserve_setups
+ assert @first
+ assert @second
+ end
+class OverlappingFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :topics, :developers
+ fixtures :developers, :accounts
+ def test_fixture_table_names
+ assert_equal %w(topics developers accounts), fixture_table_names
+ end
+class ForeignKeyFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :fk_test_has_pk, :fk_test_has_fk
+ # if foreign keys are implemented and fixtures
+ # are not deleted in reverse order then this test
+ # case will raise StatementInvalid
+ def test_number1
+ assert true
+ end
+ def test_number2
+ assert true
+ end
+class OverRideFixtureMethodTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :topics
+ def topics(name)
+ topic = super
+ topic.title = 'omg'
+ topic
+ end
+ def test_fixture_methods_can_be_overridden
+ x = topics :first
+ assert_equal 'omg', x.title
+ end
+class CheckSetTableNameFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ set_fixture_class :funny_jokes => Joke
+ fixtures :funny_jokes
+ # Set to false to blow away fixtures cache and ensure our fixtures are loaded
+ # and thus takes into account our set_fixture_class
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
+ def test_table_method
+ assert_kind_of Joke, funny_jokes(:a_joke)
+ end
+class FixtureNameIsNotTableNameFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ set_fixture_class :items => Book
+ fixtures :items
+ # Set to false to blow away fixtures cache and ensure our fixtures are loaded
+ # and thus takes into account our set_fixture_class
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
+ def test_named_accessor
+ assert_kind_of Book, items(:dvd)
+ end
+class FixtureNameIsNotTableNameMultipleFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ set_fixture_class :items => Book, :funny_jokes => Joke
+ fixtures :items, :funny_jokes
+ # Set to false to blow away fixtures cache and ensure our fixtures are loaded
+ # and thus takes into account our set_fixture_class
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
+ def test_named_accessor_of_differently_named_fixture
+ assert_kind_of Book, items(:dvd)
+ end
+ def test_named_accessor_of_same_named_fixture
+ assert_kind_of Joke, funny_jokes(:a_joke)
+ end
+class CustomConnectionFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ set_fixture_class :courses => Course
+ fixtures :courses
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
+ def test_leaky_destroy
+ assert_nothing_raised { courses(:ruby) }
+ courses(:ruby).destroy
+ end
+ def test_it_twice_in_whatever_order_to_check_for_fixture_leakage
+ test_leaky_destroy
+ end
+class TransactionalFixturesOnCustomConnectionTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ set_fixture_class :courses => Course
+ fixtures :courses
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = true
+ def test_leaky_destroy
+ assert_nothing_raised { courses(:ruby) }
+ courses(:ruby).destroy
+ end
+ def test_it_twice_in_whatever_order_to_check_for_fixture_leakage
+ test_leaky_destroy
+ end
+class InvalidTableNameFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :funny_jokes
+ # Set to false to blow away fixtures cache and ensure our fixtures are loaded
+ # and thus takes into account our lack of set_fixture_class
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
+ def test_raises_error
+ assert_raise ActiveRecord::FixtureClassNotFound do
+ funny_jokes(:a_joke)
+ end
+ end
+class CheckEscapedYamlFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ set_fixture_class :funny_jokes => Joke
+ fixtures :funny_jokes
+ # Set to false to blow away fixtures cache and ensure our fixtures are loaded
+ # and thus takes into account our set_fixture_class
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
+ def test_proper_escaped_fixture
+ assert_equal "The \\n Aristocrats\nAte the candy\n", funny_jokes(:another_joke).name
+ end
+class DevelopersProject; end
+class ManyToManyFixturesWithClassDefined < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :developers_projects
+ def test_this_should_run_cleanly
+ assert true
+ end
+class FixturesBrokenRollbackTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def blank_setup
+ @fixture_connections = [ActiveRecord::Base.connection]
+ end
+ alias_method :ar_setup_fixtures, :setup_fixtures
+ alias_method :setup_fixtures, :blank_setup
+ alias_method :setup, :blank_setup
+ def blank_teardown; end
+ alias_method :ar_teardown_fixtures, :teardown_fixtures
+ alias_method :teardown_fixtures, :blank_teardown
+ alias_method :teardown, :blank_teardown
+ def test_no_rollback_in_teardown_unless_transaction_active
+ assert_equal 0, ActiveRecord::Base.connection.open_transactions
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { ar_setup_fixtures }
+ assert_equal 0, ActiveRecord::Base.connection.open_transactions
+ assert_nothing_raised { ar_teardown_fixtures }
+ assert_equal 0, ActiveRecord::Base.connection.open_transactions
+ end
+ private
+ def load_fixtures(config)
+ raise 'argh'
+ end
+class LoadAllFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_all_there
+ self.class.fixture_path = FIXTURES_ROOT + "/all"
+ self.class.fixtures :all
+ if File.symlink? FIXTURES_ROOT + "/all/admin"
+ assert_equal %w(admin/accounts admin/users developers people tasks), fixture_table_names.sort
+ end
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.reset_cache
+ end
+class LoadAllFixturesWithPathnameTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_all_there
+ self.class.fixture_path = Pathname.new(FIXTURES_ROOT).join('all')
+ self.class.fixtures :all
+ if File.symlink? FIXTURES_ROOT + "/all/admin"
+ assert_equal %w(admin/accounts admin/users developers people tasks), fixture_table_names.sort
+ end
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.reset_cache
+ end
+class FasterFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :categories, :authors
+ def load_extra_fixture(name)
+ fixture = create_fixtures(name).first
+ assert fixture.is_a?(ActiveRecord::FixtureSet)
+ @loaded_fixtures[fixture.table_name] = fixture
+ end
+ def test_cache
+ assert ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.fixture_is_cached?(ActiveRecord::Base.connection, 'categories')
+ assert ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.fixture_is_cached?(ActiveRecord::Base.connection, 'authors')
+ assert_no_queries do
+ create_fixtures('categories')
+ create_fixtures('authors')
+ end
+ load_extra_fixture('posts')
+ assert ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.fixture_is_cached?(ActiveRecord::Base.connection, 'posts')
+ self.class.setup_fixture_accessors :posts
+ assert_equal 'Welcome to the weblog', posts(:welcome).title
+ end
+class FoxyFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :parrots, :parrots_pirates, :pirates, :treasures, :mateys, :ships, :computers, :developers, :"admin/accounts", :"admin/users"
+ if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.adapter_name == 'PostgreSQL'
+ require 'models/uuid_parent'
+ require 'models/uuid_child'
+ fixtures :uuid_parents, :uuid_children
+ end
+ def test_identifies_strings
+ assert_equal(ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.identify("foo"), ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.identify("foo"))
+ assert_not_equal(ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.identify("foo"), ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.identify("FOO"))
+ end
+ def test_identifies_symbols
+ assert_equal(ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.identify(:foo), ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.identify(:foo))
+ end
+ def test_identifies_consistently
+ assert_equal 207281424, ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.identify(:ruby)
+ assert_equal 1066363776, ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.identify(:sapphire_2)
+ assert_equal 'f92b6bda-0d0d-5fe1-9124-502b18badded', ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.identify(:daddy, :uuid)
+ assert_equal 'b4b10018-ad47-595d-b42f-d8bdaa6d01bf', ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.identify(:sonny, :uuid)
+ end
+ TIMESTAMP_COLUMNS = %w(created_at created_on updated_at updated_on)
+ def test_populates_timestamp_columns
+ TIMESTAMP_COLUMNS.each do |property|
+ assert_not_nil(parrots(:george).send(property), "should set #{property}")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_does_not_populate_timestamp_columns_if_model_has_set_record_timestamps_to_false
+ TIMESTAMP_COLUMNS.each do |property|
+ assert_nil(ships(:black_pearl).send(property), "should not set #{property}")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_populates_all_columns_with_the_same_time
+ last = nil
+ TIMESTAMP_COLUMNS.each do |property|
+ current = parrots(:george).send(property)
+ last ||= current
+ assert_equal(last, current)
+ last = current
+ end
+ end
+ def test_only_populates_columns_that_exist
+ assert_not_nil(pirates(:blackbeard).created_on)
+ assert_not_nil(pirates(:blackbeard).updated_on)
+ end
+ def test_preserves_existing_fixture_data
+ assert_equal(2.weeks.ago.to_date, pirates(:redbeard).created_on.to_date)
+ assert_equal(2.weeks.ago.to_date, pirates(:redbeard).updated_on.to_date)
+ end
+ def test_generates_unique_ids
+ assert_not_nil(parrots(:george).id)
+ assert_not_equal(parrots(:george).id, parrots(:louis).id)
+ end
+ def test_automatically_sets_primary_key
+ assert_not_nil(ships(:black_pearl))
+ end
+ def test_preserves_existing_primary_key
+ assert_equal(2, ships(:interceptor).id)
+ end
+ def test_resolves_belongs_to_symbols
+ assert_equal(parrots(:george), pirates(:blackbeard).parrot)
+ end
+ def test_ignores_belongs_to_symbols_if_association_and_foreign_key_are_named_the_same
+ assert_equal(developers(:david), computers(:workstation).developer)
+ end
+ def test_supports_join_tables
+ assert(pirates(:blackbeard).parrots.include?(parrots(:george)))
+ assert(pirates(:blackbeard).parrots.include?(parrots(:louis)))
+ assert(parrots(:george).pirates.include?(pirates(:blackbeard)))
+ end
+ def test_supports_inline_habtm
+ assert(parrots(:george).treasures.include?(treasures(:diamond)))
+ assert(parrots(:george).treasures.include?(treasures(:sapphire)))
+ assert(!parrots(:george).treasures.include?(treasures(:ruby)))
+ end
+ def test_supports_inline_habtm_with_specified_id
+ assert(parrots(:polly).treasures.include?(treasures(:ruby)))
+ assert(parrots(:polly).treasures.include?(treasures(:sapphire)))
+ assert(!parrots(:polly).treasures.include?(treasures(:diamond)))
+ end
+ def test_supports_yaml_arrays
+ assert(parrots(:louis).treasures.include?(treasures(:diamond)))
+ assert(parrots(:louis).treasures.include?(treasures(:sapphire)))
+ end
+ def test_strips_DEFAULTS_key
+ assert_raise(StandardError) { parrots(:DEFAULTS) }
+ # this lets us do YAML defaults and not have an extra fixture entry
+ %w(sapphire ruby).each { |t| assert(parrots(:davey).treasures.include?(treasures(t))) }
+ end
+ def test_supports_label_interpolation
+ assert_equal("frederick", parrots(:frederick).name)
+ end
+ def test_supports_label_string_interpolation
+ assert_equal("X marks the spot!", pirates(:mark).catchphrase)
+ end
+ def test_supports_polymorphic_belongs_to
+ assert_equal(pirates(:redbeard), treasures(:sapphire).looter)
+ assert_equal(parrots(:louis), treasures(:ruby).looter)
+ end
+ def test_only_generates_a_pk_if_necessary
+ m = Matey.first
+ m.pirate = pirates(:blackbeard)
+ m.target = pirates(:redbeard)
+ end
+ def test_supports_sti
+ assert_kind_of DeadParrot, parrots(:polly)
+ assert_equal pirates(:blackbeard), parrots(:polly).killer
+ end
+ def test_namespaced_models
+ assert admin_accounts(:signals37).users.include?(admin_users(:david))
+ assert_equal 2, admin_accounts(:signals37).users.size
+ end
+class ActiveSupportSubclassWithFixturesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :parrots
+ # This seemingly useless assertion catches a bug that caused the fixtures
+ # setup code call nil[]
+ def test_foo
+ assert_equal parrots(:louis), Parrot.find_by_name("King Louis")
+ end
+class FixtureLoadingTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_logs_message_for_failed_dependency_load
+ ActiveRecord::TestCase.expects(:require_dependency).with(:does_not_exist).raises(LoadError)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger.expects(:warn)
+ ActiveRecord::TestCase.try_to_load_dependency(:does_not_exist)
+ end
+ def test_does_not_logs_message_for_successful_dependency_load
+ ActiveRecord::TestCase.expects(:require_dependency).with(:works_out_fine)
+ ActiveRecord::Base.logger.expects(:warn).never
+ ActiveRecord::TestCase.try_to_load_dependency(:works_out_fine)
+ end
+class CustomNameForFixtureOrModelTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ ActiveRecord::FixtureSet.reset_cache
+ set_fixture_class :randomly_named_a9 =>
+ ClassNameThatDoesNotFollowCONVENTIONS,
+ :'admin/randomly_named_a9' =>
+ Admin::ClassNameThatDoesNotFollowCONVENTIONS,
+ 'admin/randomly_named_b0' =>
+ Admin::ClassNameThatDoesNotFollowCONVENTIONS
+ fixtures :randomly_named_a9, 'admin/randomly_named_a9',
+ :'admin/randomly_named_b0'
+ def test_named_accessor_for_randomly_named_fixture_and_class
+ assert_kind_of ClassNameThatDoesNotFollowCONVENTIONS,
+ randomly_named_a9(:first_instance)
+ end
+ def test_named_accessor_for_randomly_named_namespaced_fixture_and_class
+ assert_kind_of Admin::ClassNameThatDoesNotFollowCONVENTIONS,
+ admin_randomly_named_a9(:first_instance)
+ assert_kind_of Admin::ClassNameThatDoesNotFollowCONVENTIONS,
+ admin_randomly_named_b0(:second_instance)
+ end
+ def test_table_name_is_defined_in_the_model
+ assert_equal 'randomly_named_table', ActiveRecord::FixtureSet::all_loaded_fixtures["admin/randomly_named_a9"].table_name
+ assert_equal 'randomly_named_table', Admin::ClassNameThatDoesNotFollowCONVENTIONS.table_name
+ end