path: root/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb')
1 files changed, 922 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb
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index 0000000000..dfd74bfcb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/dirty_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,922 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/topic" # For booleans
+require "models/pirate" # For timestamps
+require "models/parrot"
+require "models/person" # For optimistic locking
+require "models/aircraft"
+require "models/numeric_data"
+class DirtyTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ include InTimeZone
+ # Dummy to force column loads so query counts are clean.
+ def setup
+ Person.create first_name: "foo"
+ end
+ def test_attribute_changes
+ # New record - no changes.
+ pirate = Pirate.new
+ assert_equal false, pirate.catchphrase_changed?
+ assert_equal false, pirate.non_validated_parrot_id_changed?
+ # Change catchphrase.
+ pirate.catchphrase = "arrr"
+ assert_predicate pirate, :catchphrase_changed?
+ assert_nil pirate.catchphrase_was
+ assert_equal [nil, "arrr"], pirate.catchphrase_change
+ # Saved - no changes.
+ pirate.save!
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :catchphrase_changed?
+ assert_nil pirate.catchphrase_change
+ # Same value - no changes.
+ pirate.catchphrase = "arrr"
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :catchphrase_changed?
+ assert_nil pirate.catchphrase_change
+ end
+ def test_time_attributes_changes_with_time_zone
+ in_time_zone "Paris" do
+ target = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)
+ target.table_name = "pirates"
+ # New record - no changes.
+ pirate = target.new
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :created_on_changed?
+ assert_nil pirate.created_on_change
+ # Saved - no changes.
+ pirate.catchphrase = "arrrr, time zone!!"
+ pirate.save!
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :created_on_changed?
+ assert_nil pirate.created_on_change
+ # Change created_on.
+ old_created_on = pirate.created_on
+ pirate.created_on = Time.now - 1.day
+ assert_predicate pirate, :created_on_changed?
+ assert_kind_of ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone, pirate.created_on_was
+ assert_equal old_created_on, pirate.created_on_was
+ pirate.created_on = old_created_on
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :created_on_changed?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_setting_time_attributes_with_time_zone_field_to_itself_should_not_be_marked_as_a_change
+ in_time_zone "Paris" do
+ target = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)
+ target.table_name = "pirates"
+ pirate = target.create!
+ pirate.created_on = pirate.created_on
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :created_on_changed?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_time_attributes_changes_without_time_zone_by_skip
+ in_time_zone "Paris" do
+ target = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)
+ target.table_name = "pirates"
+ target.skip_time_zone_conversion_for_attributes = [:created_on]
+ # New record - no changes.
+ pirate = target.new
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :created_on_changed?
+ assert_nil pirate.created_on_change
+ # Saved - no changes.
+ pirate.catchphrase = "arrrr, time zone!!"
+ pirate.save!
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :created_on_changed?
+ assert_nil pirate.created_on_change
+ # Change created_on.
+ old_created_on = pirate.created_on
+ pirate.created_on = Time.now + 1.day
+ assert_predicate pirate, :created_on_changed?
+ # kind_of does not work because
+ # ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone.name == 'Time'
+ assert_instance_of Time, pirate.created_on_was
+ assert_equal old_created_on, pirate.created_on_was
+ end
+ end
+ def test_time_attributes_changes_without_time_zone
+ with_timezone_config aware_attributes: false do
+ target = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)
+ target.table_name = "pirates"
+ # New record - no changes.
+ pirate = target.new
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :created_on_changed?
+ assert_nil pirate.created_on_change
+ # Saved - no changes.
+ pirate.catchphrase = "arrrr, time zone!!"
+ pirate.save!
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :created_on_changed?
+ assert_nil pirate.created_on_change
+ # Change created_on.
+ old_created_on = pirate.created_on
+ pirate.created_on = Time.now + 1.day
+ assert_predicate pirate, :created_on_changed?
+ # kind_of does not work because
+ # ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone.name == 'Time'
+ assert_instance_of Time, pirate.created_on_was
+ assert_equal old_created_on, pirate.created_on_was
+ end
+ end
+ def test_aliased_attribute_changes
+ # the actual attribute here is name, title is an
+ # alias setup via alias_attribute
+ parrot = Parrot.new
+ assert_not_predicate parrot, :title_changed?
+ assert_nil parrot.title_change
+ parrot.name = "Sam"
+ assert_predicate parrot, :title_changed?
+ assert_nil parrot.title_was
+ assert_equal parrot.name_change, parrot.title_change
+ end
+ def test_restore_attribute!
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: "Yar!")
+ pirate.catchphrase = "Ahoy!"
+ pirate.restore_catchphrase!
+ assert_equal "Yar!", pirate.catchphrase
+ assert_equal Hash.new, pirate.changes
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :catchphrase_changed?
+ end
+ def test_nullable_number_not_marked_as_changed_if_new_value_is_blank
+ pirate = Pirate.new
+ ["", nil].each do |value|
+ pirate.parrot_id = value
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :parrot_id_changed?
+ assert_nil pirate.parrot_id_change
+ end
+ end
+ def test_nullable_decimal_not_marked_as_changed_if_new_value_is_blank
+ numeric_data = NumericData.new
+ ["", nil].each do |value|
+ numeric_data.bank_balance = value
+ assert_not_predicate numeric_data, :bank_balance_changed?
+ assert_nil numeric_data.bank_balance_change
+ end
+ end
+ def test_nullable_float_not_marked_as_changed_if_new_value_is_blank
+ numeric_data = NumericData.new
+ ["", nil].each do |value|
+ numeric_data.temperature = value
+ assert_not_predicate numeric_data, :temperature_changed?
+ assert_nil numeric_data.temperature_change
+ end
+ end
+ def test_nullable_datetime_not_marked_as_changed_if_new_value_is_blank
+ in_time_zone "Edinburgh" do
+ target = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)
+ target.table_name = "topics"
+ topic = target.create
+ assert_nil topic.written_on
+ ["", nil].each do |value|
+ topic.written_on = value
+ assert_nil topic.written_on
+ assert_not_predicate topic, :written_on_changed?
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_integer_zero_to_string_zero_not_marked_as_changed
+ pirate = Pirate.new
+ pirate.parrot_id = 0
+ pirate.catchphrase = "arrr"
+ assert pirate.save!
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ pirate.parrot_id = "0"
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ end
+ def test_integer_zero_to_integer_zero_not_marked_as_changed
+ pirate = Pirate.new
+ pirate.parrot_id = 0
+ pirate.catchphrase = "arrr"
+ assert pirate.save!
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ pirate.parrot_id = 0
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ end
+ def test_float_zero_to_string_zero_not_marked_as_changed
+ data = NumericData.new temperature: 0.0
+ data.save!
+ assert_not_predicate data, :changed?
+ data.temperature = "0"
+ assert_empty data.changes
+ data.temperature = "0.0"
+ assert_empty data.changes
+ data.temperature = "0.00"
+ assert_empty data.changes
+ end
+ def test_zero_to_blank_marked_as_changed
+ pirate = Pirate.new
+ pirate.catchphrase = "Yarrrr, me hearties"
+ pirate.parrot_id = 1
+ pirate.save
+ # check the change from 1 to ''
+ pirate = Pirate.find_by_catchphrase("Yarrrr, me hearties")
+ pirate.parrot_id = ""
+ assert_predicate pirate, :parrot_id_changed?
+ assert_equal([1, nil], pirate.parrot_id_change)
+ pirate.save
+ # check the change from nil to 0
+ pirate = Pirate.find_by_catchphrase("Yarrrr, me hearties")
+ pirate.parrot_id = 0
+ assert_predicate pirate, :parrot_id_changed?
+ assert_equal([nil, 0], pirate.parrot_id_change)
+ pirate.save
+ # check the change from 0 to ''
+ pirate = Pirate.find_by_catchphrase("Yarrrr, me hearties")
+ pirate.parrot_id = ""
+ assert_predicate pirate, :parrot_id_changed?
+ assert_equal([0, nil], pirate.parrot_id_change)
+ end
+ def test_object_should_be_changed_if_any_attribute_is_changed
+ pirate = Pirate.new
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ assert_equal [], pirate.changed
+ assert_equal Hash.new, pirate.changes
+ pirate.catchphrase = "arrr"
+ assert_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ assert_nil pirate.catchphrase_was
+ assert_equal %w(catchphrase), pirate.changed
+ assert_equal({ "catchphrase" => [nil, "arrr"] }, pirate.changes)
+ pirate.save
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ assert_equal [], pirate.changed
+ assert_equal Hash.new, pirate.changes
+ end
+ def test_attribute_will_change!
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: "arr")
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :catchphrase_changed?
+ assert pirate.catchphrase_will_change!
+ assert_predicate pirate, :catchphrase_changed?
+ assert_equal ["arr", "arr"], pirate.catchphrase_change
+ pirate.catchphrase << " matey!"
+ assert_predicate pirate, :catchphrase_changed?
+ assert_equal ["arr", "arr matey!"], pirate.catchphrase_change
+ end
+ def test_virtual_attribute_will_change
+ parrot = Parrot.create!(name: "Ruby")
+ parrot.send(:attribute_will_change!, :cancel_save_from_callback)
+ assert_predicate parrot, :has_changes_to_save?
+ end
+ def test_association_assignment_changes_foreign_key
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: "jarl")
+ pirate.parrot = Parrot.create!(name: "Lorre")
+ assert_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ assert_equal %w(parrot_id), pirate.changed
+ end
+ def test_attribute_should_be_compared_with_type_cast
+ topic = Topic.new
+ assert_predicate topic, :approved?
+ assert_not_predicate topic, :approved_changed?
+ # Coming from web form.
+ params = { topic: { approved: 1 } }
+ # In the controller.
+ topic.attributes = params[:topic]
+ assert_predicate topic, :approved?
+ assert_not_predicate topic, :approved_changed?
+ end
+ def test_partial_update
+ pirate = Pirate.new(catchphrase: "foo")
+ old_updated_on = 1.hour.ago.beginning_of_day
+ with_partial_writes Pirate, false do
+ assert_queries(2) { 2.times { pirate.save! } }
+ Pirate.where(id: pirate.id).update_all(updated_on: old_updated_on)
+ end
+ with_partial_writes Pirate, true do
+ assert_no_queries { 2.times { pirate.save! } }
+ assert_equal old_updated_on, pirate.reload.updated_on
+ assert_queries(1) { pirate.catchphrase = "bar"; pirate.save! }
+ assert_not_equal old_updated_on, pirate.reload.updated_on
+ end
+ end
+ def test_partial_update_with_optimistic_locking
+ person = Person.new(first_name: "foo")
+ with_partial_writes Person, false do
+ assert_queries(2) { 2.times { person.save! } }
+ Person.where(id: person.id).update_all(first_name: "baz")
+ end
+ old_lock_version = person.lock_version
+ with_partial_writes Person, true do
+ assert_no_queries { 2.times { person.save! } }
+ assert_equal old_lock_version, person.reload.lock_version
+ assert_queries(1) { person.first_name = "bar"; person.save! }
+ assert_not_equal old_lock_version, person.reload.lock_version
+ end
+ end
+ def test_changed_attributes_should_be_preserved_if_save_failure
+ pirate = Pirate.new
+ pirate.parrot_id = 1
+ assert_not pirate.save
+ check_pirate_after_save_failure(pirate)
+ pirate = Pirate.new
+ pirate.parrot_id = 1
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { pirate.save! }
+ check_pirate_after_save_failure(pirate)
+ end
+ def test_reload_should_clear_changed_attributes
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: "shiver me timbers")
+ pirate.catchphrase = "*hic*"
+ assert_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ pirate.reload
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ end
+ def test_dup_objects_should_not_copy_dirty_flag_from_creator
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: "shiver me timbers")
+ pirate_dup = pirate.dup
+ pirate_dup.restore_catchphrase!
+ pirate.catchphrase = "I love Rum"
+ assert_predicate pirate, :catchphrase_changed?
+ assert_not_predicate pirate_dup, :catchphrase_changed?
+ end
+ def test_reverted_changes_are_not_dirty
+ phrase = "shiver me timbers"
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: phrase)
+ pirate.catchphrase = "*hic*"
+ assert_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ pirate.catchphrase = phrase
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ end
+ def test_reverted_changes_are_not_dirty_after_multiple_changes
+ phrase = "shiver me timbers"
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: phrase)
+ 10.times do |i|
+ pirate.catchphrase = "*hic*" * i
+ assert_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ end
+ assert_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ pirate.catchphrase = phrase
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ end
+ def test_reverted_changes_are_not_dirty_going_from_nil_to_value_and_back
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: "Yar!")
+ pirate.parrot_id = 1
+ assert_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ assert_predicate pirate, :parrot_id_changed?
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :catchphrase_changed?
+ pirate.parrot_id = nil
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :parrot_id_changed?
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :catchphrase_changed?
+ end
+ def test_save_should_store_serialized_attributes_even_with_partial_writes
+ with_partial_writes(Topic) do
+ topic = Topic.create!(content: { a: "a" })
+ assert_not_predicate topic, :changed?
+ topic.content[:b] = "b"
+ assert_predicate topic, :changed?
+ topic.save!
+ assert_not_predicate topic, :changed?
+ assert_equal "b", topic.content[:b]
+ topic.reload
+ assert_equal "b", topic.content[:b]
+ end
+ end
+ def test_save_always_should_update_timestamps_when_serialized_attributes_are_present
+ with_partial_writes(Topic) do
+ topic = Topic.create!(content: { a: "a" })
+ topic.save!
+ updated_at = topic.updated_at
+ travel(1.second) do
+ topic.content[:hello] = "world"
+ topic.save!
+ end
+ assert_not_equal updated_at, topic.updated_at
+ assert_equal "world", topic.content[:hello]
+ end
+ end
+ def test_save_should_not_save_serialized_attribute_with_partial_writes_if_not_present
+ with_partial_writes(Topic) do
+ topic = Topic.create!(author_name: "Bill", content: { a: "a" })
+ topic = Topic.select("id, author_name").find(topic.id)
+ topic.update_columns author_name: "John"
+ assert_not_nil topic.reload.content
+ end
+ end
+ def test_changes_to_save_should_not_mutate_array_of_hashes
+ topic = Topic.new(author_name: "Bill", content: [{ a: "a" }])
+ topic.changes_to_save
+ assert_equal [{ a: "a" }], topic.content
+ end
+ def test_previous_changes
+ # original values should be in previous_changes
+ pirate = Pirate.new
+ assert_equal Hash.new, pirate.previous_changes
+ pirate.catchphrase = "arrr"
+ pirate.save!
+ assert_equal 4, pirate.previous_changes.size
+ assert_equal [nil, "arrr"], pirate.previous_changes["catchphrase"]
+ assert_equal [nil, pirate.id], pirate.previous_changes["id"]
+ assert_nil pirate.previous_changes["updated_on"][0]
+ assert_not_nil pirate.previous_changes["updated_on"][1]
+ assert_nil pirate.previous_changes["created_on"][0]
+ assert_not_nil pirate.previous_changes["created_on"][1]
+ assert_not pirate.previous_changes.key?("parrot_id")
+ # original values should be in previous_changes
+ pirate = Pirate.new
+ assert_equal Hash.new, pirate.previous_changes
+ pirate.catchphrase = "arrr"
+ pirate.save
+ assert_equal 4, pirate.previous_changes.size
+ assert_equal [nil, "arrr"], pirate.previous_changes["catchphrase"]
+ assert_equal [nil, pirate.id], pirate.previous_changes["id"]
+ assert_includes pirate.previous_changes, "updated_on"
+ assert_includes pirate.previous_changes, "created_on"
+ assert_not pirate.previous_changes.key?("parrot_id")
+ pirate.catchphrase = "Yar!!"
+ pirate.reload
+ assert_equal Hash.new, pirate.previous_changes
+ pirate = Pirate.find_by_catchphrase("arrr")
+ travel(1.second)
+ pirate.catchphrase = "Me Maties!"
+ pirate.save!
+ assert_equal 2, pirate.previous_changes.size
+ assert_equal ["arrr", "Me Maties!"], pirate.previous_changes["catchphrase"]
+ assert_not_nil pirate.previous_changes["updated_on"][0]
+ assert_not_nil pirate.previous_changes["updated_on"][1]
+ assert_not pirate.previous_changes.key?("parrot_id")
+ assert_not pirate.previous_changes.key?("created_on")
+ pirate = Pirate.find_by_catchphrase("Me Maties!")
+ travel(1.second)
+ pirate.catchphrase = "Thar She Blows!"
+ pirate.save
+ assert_equal 2, pirate.previous_changes.size
+ assert_equal ["Me Maties!", "Thar She Blows!"], pirate.previous_changes["catchphrase"]
+ assert_not_nil pirate.previous_changes["updated_on"][0]
+ assert_not_nil pirate.previous_changes["updated_on"][1]
+ assert_not pirate.previous_changes.key?("parrot_id")
+ assert_not pirate.previous_changes.key?("created_on")
+ travel(1.second)
+ pirate = Pirate.find_by_catchphrase("Thar She Blows!")
+ pirate.update(catchphrase: "Ahoy!")
+ assert_equal 2, pirate.previous_changes.size
+ assert_equal ["Thar She Blows!", "Ahoy!"], pirate.previous_changes["catchphrase"]
+ assert_not_nil pirate.previous_changes["updated_on"][0]
+ assert_not_nil pirate.previous_changes["updated_on"][1]
+ assert_not pirate.previous_changes.key?("parrot_id")
+ assert_not pirate.previous_changes.key?("created_on")
+ travel(1.second)
+ pirate = Pirate.find_by_catchphrase("Ahoy!")
+ pirate.update_attribute(:catchphrase, "Ninjas suck!")
+ assert_equal 2, pirate.previous_changes.size
+ assert_equal ["Ahoy!", "Ninjas suck!"], pirate.previous_changes["catchphrase"]
+ assert_not_nil pirate.previous_changes["updated_on"][0]
+ assert_not_nil pirate.previous_changes["updated_on"][1]
+ assert_not pirate.previous_changes.key?("parrot_id")
+ assert_not pirate.previous_changes.key?("created_on")
+ end
+ class Testings < ActiveRecord::Base; end
+ def test_field_named_field
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.create_table :testings do |t|
+ t.string :field
+ end
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Testings.new.attributes
+ end
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.drop_table :testings rescue nil
+ ActiveRecord::Base.clear_cache!
+ end
+ def test_datetime_attribute_can_be_updated_with_fractional_seconds
+ skip "Fractional seconds are not supported" unless subsecond_precision_supported?
+ in_time_zone "Paris" do
+ target = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base)
+ target.table_name = "topics"
+ written_on = Time.utc(2012, 12, 1, 12, 0, 0).in_time_zone("Paris")
+ topic = target.create(written_on: written_on)
+ topic.written_on += 0.3
+ assert topic.written_on_changed?, "Fractional second update not detected"
+ end
+ end
+ def test_datetime_attribute_doesnt_change_if_zone_is_modified_in_string
+ time_in_paris = Time.utc(2014, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0).in_time_zone("Paris")
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: "rrrr", created_on: time_in_paris)
+ pirate.created_on = pirate.created_on.in_time_zone("Tokyo").to_s
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :created_on_changed?
+ end
+ test "partial insert" do
+ with_partial_writes Person do
+ jon = nil
+ assert_sql(/first_name/i) do
+ jon = Person.create! first_name: "Jon"
+ end
+ assert ActiveRecord::SQLCounter.log_all.none? { |sql| sql.include?("followers_count") }
+ jon.reload
+ assert_equal "Jon", jon.first_name
+ assert_equal 0, jon.followers_count
+ assert_not_nil jon.id
+ end
+ end
+ test "partial insert with empty values" do
+ with_partial_writes Aircraft do
+ a = Aircraft.create!
+ a.reload
+ assert_not_nil a.id
+ end
+ end
+ test "in place mutation detection" do
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: "arrrr")
+ pirate.catchphrase << " matey!"
+ assert_predicate pirate, :catchphrase_changed?
+ expected_changes = {
+ "catchphrase" => ["arrrr", "arrrr matey!"]
+ }
+ assert_equal(expected_changes, pirate.changes)
+ assert_equal("arrrr", pirate.catchphrase_was)
+ assert pirate.catchphrase_changed?(from: "arrrr")
+ assert_not pirate.catchphrase_changed?(from: "anything else")
+ assert_includes pirate.changed_attributes, :catchphrase
+ pirate.save!
+ pirate.reload
+ assert_equal "arrrr matey!", pirate.catchphrase
+ assert_not_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ end
+ test "in place mutation for binary" do
+ klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ self.table_name = :binaries
+ serialize :data
+ end
+ binary = klass.create!(data: "\\\\foo")
+ assert_not_predicate binary, :changed?
+ binary.data = binary.data.dup
+ assert_not_predicate binary, :changed?
+ binary = klass.last
+ assert_not_predicate binary, :changed?
+ binary.data << "bar"
+ assert_predicate binary, :changed?
+ end
+ test "changes is correct for subclass" do
+ foo = Class.new(Pirate) do
+ def catchphrase
+ super.upcase
+ end
+ end
+ pirate = foo.create!(catchphrase: "arrrr")
+ new_catchphrase = "arrrr matey!"
+ pirate.catchphrase = new_catchphrase
+ assert_predicate pirate, :catchphrase_changed?
+ expected_changes = {
+ "catchphrase" => ["arrrr", new_catchphrase]
+ }
+ assert_equal new_catchphrase.upcase, pirate.catchphrase
+ assert_equal expected_changes, pirate.changes
+ end
+ test "changes is correct if override attribute reader" do
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: "arrrr")
+ def pirate.catchphrase
+ super.upcase
+ end
+ new_catchphrase = "arrrr matey!"
+ pirate.catchphrase = new_catchphrase
+ assert_predicate pirate, :catchphrase_changed?
+ expected_changes = {
+ "catchphrase" => ["arrrr", new_catchphrase]
+ }
+ assert_equal new_catchphrase.upcase, pirate.catchphrase
+ assert_equal expected_changes, pirate.changes
+ end
+ test "attribute_changed? doesn't compute in-place changes for unrelated attributes" do
+ test_type_class = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Type::Value) do
+ define_method(:changed_in_place?) do |*|
+ raise
+ end
+ end
+ klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ self.table_name = "people"
+ attribute :foo, test_type_class.new
+ end
+ model = klass.new(first_name: "Jim")
+ assert_predicate model, :first_name_changed?
+ end
+ test "attribute_will_change! doesn't try to save non-persistable attributes" do
+ klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ self.table_name = "people"
+ attribute :non_persisted_attribute, :string
+ end
+ record = klass.new(first_name: "Sean")
+ record.non_persisted_attribute_will_change!
+ assert_predicate record, :non_persisted_attribute_changed?
+ assert record.save
+ end
+ test "virtual attributes are not written with partial_writes off" do
+ with_partial_writes(ActiveRecord::Base, false) do
+ klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ self.table_name = "people"
+ attribute :non_persisted_attribute, :string
+ end
+ record = klass.new(first_name: "Sean")
+ record.non_persisted_attribute_will_change!
+ assert record.save
+ record.non_persisted_attribute_will_change!
+ assert record.save
+ end
+ end
+ test "mutating and then assigning doesn't remove the change" do
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: "arrrr")
+ pirate.catchphrase << " matey!"
+ pirate.catchphrase = "arrrr matey!"
+ assert pirate.catchphrase_changed?(from: "arrrr", to: "arrrr matey!")
+ end
+ test "getters with side effects are allowed" do
+ klass = Class.new(Pirate) do
+ def catchphrase
+ if super.blank?
+ update_attribute(:catchphrase, "arr") # what could possibly go wrong?
+ end
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ pirate = klass.create!(catchphrase: "lol")
+ pirate.update_attribute(:catchphrase, nil)
+ assert_equal "arr", pirate.catchphrase
+ end
+ test "attributes assigned but not selected are dirty" do
+ person = Person.select(:id).first
+ assert_not_predicate person, :changed?
+ person.first_name = "Sean"
+ assert_predicate person, :changed?
+ person.first_name = nil
+ assert_predicate person, :changed?
+ end
+ test "attributes not selected are still missing after save" do
+ person = Person.select(:id).first
+ assert_raises(ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError) { person.first_name }
+ assert person.save # calls forget_attribute_assignments
+ assert_raises(ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError) { person.first_name }
+ end
+ test "saved_change_to_attribute? returns whether a change occurred in the last save" do
+ person = Person.create!(first_name: "Sean")
+ assert_predicate person, :saved_change_to_first_name?
+ assert_not_predicate person, :saved_change_to_gender?
+ assert person.saved_change_to_first_name?(from: nil, to: "Sean")
+ assert person.saved_change_to_first_name?(from: nil)
+ assert person.saved_change_to_first_name?(to: "Sean")
+ assert_not person.saved_change_to_first_name?(from: "Jim", to: "Sean")
+ assert_not person.saved_change_to_first_name?(from: "Jim")
+ assert_not person.saved_change_to_first_name?(to: "Jim")
+ end
+ test "saved_change_to_attribute returns the change that occurred in the last save" do
+ person = Person.create!(first_name: "Sean", gender: "M")
+ assert_equal [nil, "Sean"], person.saved_change_to_first_name
+ assert_equal [nil, "M"], person.saved_change_to_gender
+ person.update(first_name: "Jim")
+ assert_equal ["Sean", "Jim"], person.saved_change_to_first_name
+ assert_nil person.saved_change_to_gender
+ end
+ test "attribute_before_last_save returns the original value before saving" do
+ person = Person.create!(first_name: "Sean", gender: "M")
+ assert_nil person.first_name_before_last_save
+ assert_nil person.gender_before_last_save
+ person.first_name = "Jim"
+ assert_nil person.first_name_before_last_save
+ assert_nil person.gender_before_last_save
+ person.save
+ assert_equal "Sean", person.first_name_before_last_save
+ assert_equal "M", person.gender_before_last_save
+ end
+ test "saved_changes? returns whether the last call to save changed anything" do
+ person = Person.create!(first_name: "Sean")
+ assert_predicate person, :saved_changes?
+ person.save
+ assert_not_predicate person, :saved_changes?
+ end
+ test "saved_changes returns a hash of all the changes that occurred" do
+ person = Person.create!(first_name: "Sean", gender: "M")
+ assert_equal [nil, "Sean"], person.saved_changes[:first_name]
+ assert_equal [nil, "M"], person.saved_changes[:gender]
+ assert_equal %w(id first_name gender created_at updated_at).sort, person.saved_changes.keys.sort
+ travel(1.second) do
+ person.update(first_name: "Jim")
+ end
+ assert_equal ["Sean", "Jim"], person.saved_changes[:first_name]
+ assert_equal %w(first_name lock_version updated_at).sort, person.saved_changes.keys.sort
+ end
+ test "changed? in after callbacks returns false" do
+ klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ self.table_name = "people"
+ after_save do
+ raise "changed? should be false" if changed?
+ raise "has_changes_to_save? should be false" if has_changes_to_save?
+ raise "saved_changes? should be true" unless saved_changes?
+ raise "id_in_database should not be nil" if id_in_database.nil?
+ end
+ end
+ person = klass.create!(first_name: "Sean")
+ assert_not_predicate person, :changed?
+ end
+ test "changed? in around callbacks after yield returns false" do
+ klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ self.table_name = "people"
+ around_create :check_around
+ def check_around
+ yield
+ raise "changed? should be false" if changed?
+ raise "has_changes_to_save? should be false" if has_changes_to_save?
+ raise "saved_changes? should be true" unless saved_changes?
+ raise "id_in_database should not be nil" if id_in_database.nil?
+ end
+ end
+ person = klass.create!(first_name: "Sean")
+ assert_not_predicate person, :changed?
+ end
+ private
+ def with_partial_writes(klass, on = true)
+ old = klass.partial_writes?
+ klass.partial_writes = on
+ yield
+ ensure
+ klass.partial_writes = old
+ end
+ def check_pirate_after_save_failure(pirate)
+ assert_predicate pirate, :changed?
+ assert_predicate pirate, :parrot_id_changed?
+ assert_equal %w(parrot_id), pirate.changed
+ assert_nil pirate.parrot_id_was
+ end