path: root/activerecord/test/cases/autosave_association_test.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/autosave_association_test.rb')
1 files changed, 1824 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/autosave_association_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/autosave_association_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88df0eed55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/autosave_association_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1824 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/bird"
+require "models/post"
+require "models/comment"
+require "models/company"
+require "models/contract"
+require "models/customer"
+require "models/developer"
+require "models/computer"
+require "models/invoice"
+require "models/line_item"
+require "models/order"
+require "models/parrot"
+require "models/pirate"
+require "models/project"
+require "models/ship"
+require "models/ship_part"
+require "models/tag"
+require "models/tagging"
+require "models/treasure"
+require "models/eye"
+require "models/electron"
+require "models/molecule"
+require "models/member"
+require "models/member_detail"
+require "models/organization"
+require "models/guitar"
+require "models/tuning_peg"
+require "models/reply"
+class TestAutosaveAssociationsInGeneral < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_autosave_validation
+ person = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) {
+ self.table_name = "people"
+ validate :should_be_cool, on: :create
+ def self.name; "Person"; end
+ private
+ def should_be_cool
+ unless first_name == "cool"
+ errors.add :first_name, "not cool"
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ reference = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) {
+ self.table_name = "references"
+ def self.name; "Reference"; end
+ belongs_to :person, autosave: true, anonymous_class: person
+ }
+ u = person.create!(first_name: "cool")
+ u.update!(first_name: "nah") # still valid because validation only applies on 'create'
+ assert_predicate reference.create!(person: u), :persisted?
+ end
+ def test_should_not_add_the_same_callbacks_multiple_times_for_has_one
+ assert_no_difference_when_adding_callbacks_twice_for Pirate, :ship
+ end
+ def test_should_not_add_the_same_callbacks_multiple_times_for_belongs_to
+ assert_no_difference_when_adding_callbacks_twice_for Ship, :pirate
+ end
+ def test_should_not_add_the_same_callbacks_multiple_times_for_has_many
+ assert_no_difference_when_adding_callbacks_twice_for Pirate, :birds
+ end
+ def test_should_not_add_the_same_callbacks_multiple_times_for_has_and_belongs_to_many
+ assert_no_difference_when_adding_callbacks_twice_for Pirate, :parrots
+ end
+ def test_cyclic_autosaves_do_not_add_multiple_validations
+ ship = ShipWithoutNestedAttributes.new
+ ship.prisoners.build
+ assert_not_predicate ship, :valid?
+ assert_equal 1, ship.errors[:name].length
+ end
+ private
+ def assert_no_difference_when_adding_callbacks_twice_for(model, association_name)
+ reflection = model.reflect_on_association(association_name)
+ assert_no_difference "callbacks_for_model(#{model.name}).length" do
+ model.send(:add_autosave_association_callbacks, reflection)
+ end
+ end
+ def callbacks_for_model(model)
+ model.instance_variables.grep(/_callbacks$/).flat_map do |ivar|
+ model.instance_variable_get(ivar)
+ end
+ end
+class TestDefaultAutosaveAssociationOnAHasOneAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :companies, :accounts
+ def test_should_save_parent_but_not_invalid_child
+ firm = Firm.new(name: "GlobalMegaCorp")
+ assert_predicate firm, :valid?
+ firm.build_account_using_primary_key
+ assert_not_predicate firm.build_account_using_primary_key, :valid?
+ assert firm.save
+ assert_not_predicate firm.account_using_primary_key, :persisted?
+ end
+ def test_save_fails_for_invalid_has_one
+ firm = Firm.first
+ assert_predicate firm, :valid?
+ firm.build_account
+ assert_not_predicate firm.account, :valid?
+ assert_not_predicate firm, :valid?
+ assert_not firm.save
+ assert_equal ["is invalid"], firm.errors["account"]
+ end
+ def test_save_succeeds_for_invalid_has_one_with_validate_false
+ firm = Firm.first
+ assert_predicate firm, :valid?
+ firm.build_unvalidated_account
+ assert_not_predicate firm.unvalidated_account, :valid?
+ assert_predicate firm, :valid?
+ assert firm.save
+ end
+ def test_build_before_child_saved
+ firm = Firm.find(1)
+ account = firm.build_account("credit_limit" => 1000)
+ assert_equal account, firm.account
+ assert_not_predicate account, :persisted?
+ assert firm.save
+ assert_equal account, firm.account
+ assert_predicate account, :persisted?
+ end
+ def test_build_before_either_saved
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "GlobalMegaCorp")
+ firm.account = account = Account.new("credit_limit" => 1000)
+ assert_equal account, firm.account
+ assert_not_predicate account, :persisted?
+ assert firm.save
+ assert_equal account, firm.account
+ assert_predicate account, :persisted?
+ end
+ def test_assignment_before_parent_saved
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "GlobalMegaCorp")
+ firm.account = a = Account.find(1)
+ assert_not_predicate firm, :persisted?
+ assert_equal a, firm.account
+ assert firm.save
+ assert_equal a, firm.account
+ firm.association(:account).reload
+ assert_equal a, firm.account
+ end
+ def test_assignment_before_either_saved
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "GlobalMegaCorp")
+ firm.account = a = Account.new("credit_limit" => 1000)
+ assert_not_predicate firm, :persisted?
+ assert_not_predicate a, :persisted?
+ assert_equal a, firm.account
+ assert firm.save
+ assert_predicate firm, :persisted?
+ assert_predicate a, :persisted?
+ assert_equal a, firm.account
+ firm.association(:account).reload
+ assert_equal a, firm.account
+ end
+ def test_not_resaved_when_unchanged
+ firm = Firm.all.merge!(includes: :account).first
+ firm.name += "-changed"
+ assert_queries(1) { firm.save! }
+ firm = Firm.first
+ firm.account = Account.first
+ assert_queries(Firm.partial_writes? ? 0 : 1) { firm.save! }
+ firm = Firm.first.dup
+ firm.account = Account.first
+ assert_queries(2) { firm.save! }
+ firm = Firm.first.dup
+ firm.account = Account.first.dup
+ assert_queries(2) { firm.save! }
+ end
+ def test_callbacks_firing_order_on_create
+ eye = Eye.create(iris_attributes: { color: "honey" })
+ assert_equal [true, false], eye.after_create_callbacks_stack
+ end
+ def test_callbacks_firing_order_on_update
+ eye = Eye.create(iris_attributes: { color: "honey" })
+ eye.update(iris_attributes: { color: "green" })
+ assert_equal [true, false], eye.after_update_callbacks_stack
+ end
+ def test_callbacks_firing_order_on_save
+ eye = Eye.create(iris_attributes: { color: "honey" })
+ assert_equal [false, false], eye.after_save_callbacks_stack
+ eye.update(iris_attributes: { color: "blue" })
+ assert_equal [false, false, false, false], eye.after_save_callbacks_stack
+ end
+class TestDefaultAutosaveAssociationOnABelongsToAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :companies, :posts, :tags, :taggings
+ def test_should_save_parent_but_not_invalid_child
+ client = Client.new(name: "Joe (the Plumber)")
+ assert_predicate client, :valid?
+ client.build_firm
+ assert_not_predicate client.firm, :valid?
+ assert client.save
+ assert_not_predicate client.firm, :persisted?
+ end
+ def test_save_fails_for_invalid_belongs_to
+ # Oracle saves empty string as NULL therefore :message changed to one space
+ assert log = AuditLog.create(developer_id: 0, message: " ")
+ log.developer = Developer.new
+ assert_not_predicate log.developer, :valid?
+ assert_not_predicate log, :valid?
+ assert_not log.save
+ assert_equal ["is invalid"], log.errors["developer"]
+ end
+ def test_save_succeeds_for_invalid_belongs_to_with_validate_false
+ # Oracle saves empty string as NULL therefore :message changed to one space
+ assert log = AuditLog.create(developer_id: 0, message: " ")
+ log.unvalidated_developer = Developer.new
+ assert_not_predicate log.unvalidated_developer, :valid?
+ assert_predicate log, :valid?
+ assert log.save
+ end
+ def test_assignment_before_parent_saved
+ client = Client.first
+ apple = Firm.new("name" => "Apple")
+ client.firm = apple
+ assert_equal apple, client.firm
+ assert_not_predicate apple, :persisted?
+ assert client.save
+ assert apple.save
+ assert_predicate apple, :persisted?
+ assert_equal apple, client.firm
+ client.association(:firm).reload
+ assert_equal apple, client.firm
+ end
+ def test_assignment_before_either_saved
+ final_cut = Client.new("name" => "Final Cut")
+ apple = Firm.new("name" => "Apple")
+ final_cut.firm = apple
+ assert_not_predicate final_cut, :persisted?
+ assert_not_predicate apple, :persisted?
+ assert final_cut.save
+ assert_predicate final_cut, :persisted?
+ assert_predicate apple, :persisted?
+ assert_equal apple, final_cut.firm
+ final_cut.association(:firm).reload
+ assert_equal apple, final_cut.firm
+ end
+ def test_store_two_association_with_one_save
+ num_orders = Order.count
+ num_customers = Customer.count
+ order = Order.new
+ customer1 = order.billing = Customer.new
+ customer2 = order.shipping = Customer.new
+ assert order.save
+ assert_equal customer1, order.billing
+ assert_equal customer2, order.shipping
+ order.reload
+ assert_equal customer1, order.billing
+ assert_equal customer2, order.shipping
+ assert_equal num_orders + 1, Order.count
+ assert_equal num_customers + 2, Customer.count
+ end
+ def test_store_association_in_two_relations_with_one_save
+ num_orders = Order.count
+ num_customers = Customer.count
+ order = Order.new
+ customer = order.billing = order.shipping = Customer.new
+ assert order.save
+ assert_equal customer, order.billing
+ assert_equal customer, order.shipping
+ order.reload
+ assert_equal customer, order.billing
+ assert_equal customer, order.shipping
+ assert_equal num_orders + 1, Order.count
+ assert_equal num_customers + 1, Customer.count
+ end
+ def test_store_association_in_two_relations_with_one_save_in_existing_object
+ num_orders = Order.count
+ num_customers = Customer.count
+ order = Order.create
+ customer = order.billing = order.shipping = Customer.new
+ assert order.save
+ assert_equal customer, order.billing
+ assert_equal customer, order.shipping
+ order.reload
+ assert_equal customer, order.billing
+ assert_equal customer, order.shipping
+ assert_equal num_orders + 1, Order.count
+ assert_equal num_customers + 1, Customer.count
+ end
+ def test_store_association_in_two_relations_with_one_save_in_existing_object_with_values
+ num_orders = Order.count
+ num_customers = Customer.count
+ order = Order.create
+ customer = order.billing = order.shipping = Customer.new
+ assert order.save
+ assert_equal customer, order.billing
+ assert_equal customer, order.shipping
+ order.reload
+ customer = order.billing = order.shipping = Customer.new
+ assert order.save
+ order.reload
+ assert_equal customer, order.billing
+ assert_equal customer, order.shipping
+ assert_equal num_orders + 1, Order.count
+ assert_equal num_customers + 2, Customer.count
+ end
+ def test_store_association_with_a_polymorphic_relationship
+ num_tagging = Tagging.count
+ tags(:misc).create_tagging(taggable: posts(:thinking))
+ assert_equal num_tagging + 1, Tagging.count
+ end
+ def test_build_and_then_save_parent_should_not_reload_target
+ client = Client.first
+ apple = client.build_firm(name: "Apple")
+ client.save!
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal apple, client.firm }
+ end
+ def test_validation_does_not_validate_stale_association_target
+ valid_developer = Developer.create!(name: "Dude", salary: 50_000)
+ invalid_developer = Developer.new()
+ auditlog = AuditLog.new(message: "foo")
+ auditlog.developer = invalid_developer
+ auditlog.developer_id = valid_developer.id
+ assert_predicate auditlog, :valid?
+ end
+class TestDefaultAutosaveAssociationOnAHasManyAssociationWithAcceptsNestedAttributes < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_invalid_adding_with_nested_attributes
+ molecule = Molecule.new
+ valid_electron = Electron.new(name: "electron")
+ invalid_electron = Electron.new
+ molecule.electrons = [valid_electron, invalid_electron]
+ molecule.save
+ assert_not_predicate invalid_electron, :valid?
+ assert_predicate valid_electron, :valid?
+ assert_not molecule.persisted?, "Molecule should not be persisted when its electrons are invalid"
+ end
+ def test_errors_should_be_indexed_when_passed_as_array
+ guitar = Guitar.new
+ tuning_peg_valid = TuningPeg.new
+ tuning_peg_valid.pitch = 440.0
+ tuning_peg_invalid = TuningPeg.new
+ guitar.tuning_pegs = [tuning_peg_valid, tuning_peg_invalid]
+ assert_not_predicate tuning_peg_invalid, :valid?
+ assert_predicate tuning_peg_valid, :valid?
+ assert_not_predicate guitar, :valid?
+ assert_equal ["is not a number"], guitar.errors["tuning_pegs[1].pitch"]
+ assert_not_equal ["is not a number"], guitar.errors["tuning_pegs.pitch"]
+ end
+ def test_errors_should_be_indexed_when_global_flag_is_set
+ old_attribute_config = ActiveRecord::Base.index_nested_attribute_errors
+ ActiveRecord::Base.index_nested_attribute_errors = true
+ molecule = Molecule.new
+ valid_electron = Electron.new(name: "electron")
+ invalid_electron = Electron.new
+ molecule.electrons = [valid_electron, invalid_electron]
+ assert_not_predicate invalid_electron, :valid?
+ assert_predicate valid_electron, :valid?
+ assert_not_predicate molecule, :valid?
+ assert_equal ["can't be blank"], molecule.errors["electrons[1].name"]
+ assert_not_equal ["can't be blank"], molecule.errors["electrons.name"]
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.index_nested_attribute_errors = old_attribute_config
+ end
+ def test_errors_details_should_be_set
+ molecule = Molecule.new
+ valid_electron = Electron.new(name: "electron")
+ invalid_electron = Electron.new
+ molecule.electrons = [valid_electron, invalid_electron]
+ assert_not_predicate invalid_electron, :valid?
+ assert_predicate valid_electron, :valid?
+ assert_not_predicate molecule, :valid?
+ assert_equal [{ error: :blank }], molecule.errors.details[:"electrons.name"]
+ end
+ def test_errors_details_should_be_indexed_when_passed_as_array
+ guitar = Guitar.new
+ tuning_peg_valid = TuningPeg.new
+ tuning_peg_valid.pitch = 440.0
+ tuning_peg_invalid = TuningPeg.new
+ guitar.tuning_pegs = [tuning_peg_valid, tuning_peg_invalid]
+ assert_not_predicate tuning_peg_invalid, :valid?
+ assert_predicate tuning_peg_valid, :valid?
+ assert_not_predicate guitar, :valid?
+ assert_equal [{ error: :not_a_number, value: nil }], guitar.errors.details[:"tuning_pegs[1].pitch"]
+ assert_equal [], guitar.errors.details[:"tuning_pegs.pitch"]
+ end
+ def test_errors_details_should_be_indexed_when_global_flag_is_set
+ old_attribute_config = ActiveRecord::Base.index_nested_attribute_errors
+ ActiveRecord::Base.index_nested_attribute_errors = true
+ molecule = Molecule.new
+ valid_electron = Electron.new(name: "electron")
+ invalid_electron = Electron.new
+ molecule.electrons = [valid_electron, invalid_electron]
+ assert_not_predicate invalid_electron, :valid?
+ assert_predicate valid_electron, :valid?
+ assert_not_predicate molecule, :valid?
+ assert_equal [{ error: :blank }], molecule.errors.details[:"electrons[1].name"]
+ assert_equal [], molecule.errors.details[:"electrons.name"]
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.index_nested_attribute_errors = old_attribute_config
+ end
+ def test_valid_adding_with_nested_attributes
+ molecule = Molecule.new
+ valid_electron = Electron.new(name: "electron")
+ molecule.electrons = [valid_electron]
+ molecule.save
+ assert_predicate valid_electron, :valid?
+ assert_predicate molecule, :persisted?
+ assert_equal 1, molecule.electrons.count
+ end
+class TestDefaultAutosaveAssociationOnAHasManyAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :companies, :developers
+ def test_invalid_adding
+ firm = Firm.find(1)
+ assert_not (firm.clients_of_firm << c = Client.new)
+ assert_not_predicate c, :persisted?
+ assert_not_predicate firm, :valid?
+ assert_not firm.save
+ assert_not_predicate c, :persisted?
+ end
+ def test_invalid_adding_before_save
+ new_firm = Firm.new("name" => "A New Firm, Inc")
+ new_firm.clients_of_firm.concat([c = Client.new, Client.new("name" => "Apple")])
+ assert_not_predicate c, :persisted?
+ assert_not_predicate c, :valid?
+ assert_not_predicate new_firm, :valid?
+ assert_not new_firm.save
+ assert_not_predicate c, :persisted?
+ assert_not_predicate new_firm, :persisted?
+ end
+ def test_adding_unsavable_association
+ new_firm = Firm.new("name" => "A New Firm, Inc")
+ client = new_firm.clients.new("name" => "Apple")
+ client.throw_on_save = true
+ assert_predicate client, :valid?
+ assert_predicate new_firm, :valid?
+ assert_not new_firm.save
+ assert_not_predicate new_firm, :persisted?
+ assert_not_predicate client, :persisted?
+ end
+ def test_invalid_adding_with_validate_false
+ firm = Firm.first
+ client = Client.new
+ firm.unvalidated_clients_of_firm << client
+ assert_predicate firm, :valid?
+ assert_not_predicate client, :valid?
+ assert firm.save
+ assert_not_predicate client, :persisted?
+ end
+ def test_valid_adding_with_validate_false
+ no_of_clients = Client.count
+ firm = Firm.first
+ client = Client.new("name" => "Apple")
+ assert_predicate firm, :valid?
+ assert_predicate client, :valid?
+ assert_not_predicate client, :persisted?
+ firm.unvalidated_clients_of_firm << client
+ assert firm.save
+ assert_predicate client, :persisted?
+ assert_equal no_of_clients + 1, Client.count
+ end
+ def test_parent_should_save_children_record_with_foreign_key_validation_set_in_before_save_callback
+ company = NewlyContractedCompany.new(name: "test")
+ assert company.save
+ assert_not_empty company.reload.new_contracts
+ end
+ def test_parent_should_not_get_saved_with_duplicate_children_records
+ assert_no_difference "Reply.count" do
+ assert_no_difference "SillyUniqueReply.count" do
+ reply = Reply.new
+ reply.silly_unique_replies.build([
+ { content: "Best content" },
+ { content: "Best content" }
+ ])
+ assert_not reply.save
+ assert_equal ["is invalid"], reply.errors[:silly_unique_replies]
+ assert_empty reply.silly_unique_replies.first.errors
+ assert_equal(
+ ["has already been taken"],
+ reply.silly_unique_replies.last.errors[:content]
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_invalid_build
+ new_client = companies(:first_firm).clients_of_firm.build
+ assert_not_predicate new_client, :persisted?
+ assert_not_predicate new_client, :valid?
+ assert_equal new_client, companies(:first_firm).clients_of_firm.last
+ assert_not companies(:first_firm).save
+ assert_not_predicate new_client, :persisted?
+ assert_equal 2, companies(:first_firm).clients_of_firm.reload.size
+ end
+ def test_adding_before_save
+ no_of_firms = Firm.count
+ no_of_clients = Client.count
+ new_firm = Firm.new("name" => "A New Firm, Inc")
+ c = Client.new("name" => "Apple")
+ new_firm.clients_of_firm.push Client.new("name" => "Natural Company")
+ assert_equal 1, new_firm.clients_of_firm.size
+ new_firm.clients_of_firm << c
+ assert_equal 2, new_firm.clients_of_firm.size
+ assert_equal no_of_firms, Firm.count # Firm was not saved to database.
+ assert_equal no_of_clients, Client.count # Clients were not saved to database.
+ assert new_firm.save
+ assert_predicate new_firm, :persisted?
+ assert_predicate c, :persisted?
+ assert_equal new_firm, c.firm
+ assert_equal no_of_firms + 1, Firm.count # Firm was saved to database.
+ assert_equal no_of_clients + 2, Client.count # Clients were saved to database.
+ assert_equal 2, new_firm.clients_of_firm.size
+ assert_equal 2, new_firm.clients_of_firm.reload.size
+ end
+ def test_assign_ids
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "Apple")
+ firm.client_ids = [companies(:first_client).id, companies(:second_client).id]
+ firm.save
+ firm.reload
+ assert_equal 2, firm.clients.length
+ assert_includes firm.clients, companies(:second_client)
+ end
+ def test_assign_ids_for_through_a_belongs_to
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "Apple")
+ firm.developer_ids = [developers(:david).id, developers(:jamis).id]
+ firm.save
+ firm.reload
+ assert_equal 2, firm.developers.length
+ assert_includes firm.developers, developers(:david)
+ end
+ def test_build_before_save
+ company = companies(:first_firm)
+ # Load schema information so we don't query below if running just this test.
+ Client.define_attribute_methods
+ new_client = assert_no_queries { company.clients_of_firm.build("name" => "Another Client") }
+ assert_not_predicate company.clients_of_firm, :loaded?
+ company.name += "-changed"
+ assert_queries(2) { assert company.save }
+ assert_predicate new_client, :persisted?
+ assert_equal 3, company.clients_of_firm.reload.size
+ end
+ def test_build_many_before_save
+ company = companies(:first_firm)
+ # Load schema information so we don't query below if running just this test.
+ Client.define_attribute_methods
+ assert_no_queries { company.clients_of_firm.build([{ "name" => "Another Client" }, { "name" => "Another Client II" }]) }
+ company.name += "-changed"
+ assert_queries(3) { assert company.save }
+ assert_equal 4, company.clients_of_firm.reload.size
+ end
+ def test_build_via_block_before_save
+ company = companies(:first_firm)
+ # Load schema information so we don't query below if running just this test.
+ Client.define_attribute_methods
+ new_client = assert_no_queries { company.clients_of_firm.build { |client| client.name = "Another Client" } }
+ assert_not_predicate company.clients_of_firm, :loaded?
+ company.name += "-changed"
+ assert_queries(2) { assert company.save }
+ assert_predicate new_client, :persisted?
+ assert_equal 3, company.clients_of_firm.reload.size
+ end
+ def test_build_many_via_block_before_save
+ company = companies(:first_firm)
+ # Load schema information so we don't query below if running just this test.
+ Client.define_attribute_methods
+ assert_no_queries do
+ company.clients_of_firm.build([{ "name" => "Another Client" }, { "name" => "Another Client II" }]) do |client|
+ client.name = "changed"
+ end
+ end
+ company.name += "-changed"
+ assert_queries(3) { assert company.save }
+ assert_equal 4, company.clients_of_firm.reload.size
+ end
+ def test_replace_on_new_object
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "New Firm")
+ firm.clients = [companies(:second_client), Client.new("name" => "New Client")]
+ assert firm.save
+ firm.reload
+ assert_equal 2, firm.clients.length
+ assert_includes firm.clients, Client.find_by_name("New Client")
+ end
+class TestDefaultAutosaveAssociationOnNewRecord < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_autosave_new_record_on_belongs_to_can_be_disabled_per_relationship
+ new_account = Account.new("credit_limit" => 1000)
+ new_firm = Firm.new("name" => "some firm")
+ assert_not_predicate new_firm, :persisted?
+ new_account.firm = new_firm
+ new_account.save!
+ assert_predicate new_firm, :persisted?
+ new_account = Account.new("credit_limit" => 1000)
+ new_autosaved_firm = Firm.new("name" => "some firm")
+ assert_not_predicate new_autosaved_firm, :persisted?
+ new_account.unautosaved_firm = new_autosaved_firm
+ new_account.save!
+ assert_not_predicate new_autosaved_firm, :persisted?
+ end
+ def test_autosave_new_record_on_has_one_can_be_disabled_per_relationship
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "some firm")
+ account = Account.new("credit_limit" => 1000)
+ assert_not_predicate account, :persisted?
+ firm.account = account
+ firm.save!
+ assert_predicate account, :persisted?
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "some firm")
+ account = Account.new("credit_limit" => 1000)
+ firm.unautosaved_account = account
+ assert_not_predicate account, :persisted?
+ firm.unautosaved_account = account
+ firm.save!
+ assert_not_predicate account, :persisted?
+ end
+ def test_autosave_new_record_on_has_many_can_be_disabled_per_relationship
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "some firm")
+ account = Account.new("credit_limit" => 1000)
+ assert_not_predicate account, :persisted?
+ firm.accounts << account
+ firm.save!
+ assert_predicate account, :persisted?
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "some firm")
+ account = Account.new("credit_limit" => 1000)
+ assert_not_predicate account, :persisted?
+ firm.unautosaved_accounts << account
+ firm.save!
+ assert_not_predicate account, :persisted?
+ end
+ def test_autosave_new_record_with_after_create_callback
+ post = PostWithAfterCreateCallback.new(title: "Captain Murphy", body: "is back")
+ post.comments.build(body: "foo")
+ post.save!
+ assert_not_nil post.author_id
+ end
+class TestDestroyAsPartOfAutosaveAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false
+ setup do
+ @pirate = Pirate.create(catchphrase: "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ @ship = @pirate.create_ship(name: "Nights Dirty Lightning")
+ end
+ teardown do
+ # We are running without transactional tests and need to cleanup.
+ Bird.delete_all
+ Parrot.delete_all
+ @ship.delete
+ @pirate.delete
+ end
+ # reload
+ def test_a_marked_for_destruction_record_should_not_be_be_marked_after_reload
+ @pirate.mark_for_destruction
+ @pirate.ship.mark_for_destruction
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate.reload, :marked_for_destruction?
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate.ship.reload, :marked_for_destruction?
+ end
+ # has_one
+ def test_should_destroy_a_child_association_as_part_of_the_save_transaction_if_it_was_marked_for_destruction
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate.ship, :marked_for_destruction?
+ @pirate.ship.mark_for_destruction
+ id = @pirate.ship.id
+ assert_predicate @pirate.ship, :marked_for_destruction?
+ assert Ship.find_by_id(id)
+ @pirate.save
+ assert_nil @pirate.reload.ship
+ assert_nil Ship.find_by_id(id)
+ end
+ def test_should_skip_validation_on_a_child_association_if_marked_for_destruction
+ @pirate.ship.name = ""
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ @pirate.ship.mark_for_destruction
+ assert_not_called(@pirate.ship, :valid?) do
+ assert_difference("Ship.count", -1) { @pirate.save! }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_a_child_marked_for_destruction_should_not_be_destroyed_twice
+ @pirate.ship.mark_for_destruction
+ assert @pirate.save
+ class << @pirate.ship
+ def destroy; raise "Should not be called" end
+ end
+ assert @pirate.save
+ end
+ def test_should_rollback_destructions_if_an_exception_occurred_while_saving_a_child
+ # Stub the save method of the @pirate.ship instance to destroy and then raise an exception
+ class << @pirate.ship
+ def save(*args)
+ super
+ destroy
+ raise "Oh noes!"
+ end
+ end
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = "Changed Catchphrase"
+ @ship.name_will_change!
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { assert_not @pirate.save }
+ assert_not_nil @pirate.reload.ship
+ end
+ def test_should_save_changed_has_one_changed_object_if_child_is_saved
+ @pirate.ship.name = "NewName"
+ assert @pirate.save
+ assert_equal "NewName", @pirate.ship.reload.name
+ end
+ def test_should_not_save_changed_has_one_unchanged_object_if_child_is_saved
+ assert_not_called(@pirate.ship, :save) do
+ assert @pirate.save
+ end
+ end
+ # belongs_to
+ def test_should_destroy_a_parent_association_as_part_of_the_save_transaction_if_it_was_marked_for_destruction
+ assert_not_predicate @ship.pirate, :marked_for_destruction?
+ @ship.pirate.mark_for_destruction
+ id = @ship.pirate.id
+ assert_predicate @ship.pirate, :marked_for_destruction?
+ assert Pirate.find_by_id(id)
+ @ship.save
+ assert_nil @ship.reload.pirate
+ assert_nil Pirate.find_by_id(id)
+ end
+ def test_should_skip_validation_on_a_parent_association_if_marked_for_destruction
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = ""
+ assert_not_predicate @ship, :valid?
+ @ship.pirate.mark_for_destruction
+ assert_not_called(@ship.pirate, :valid?) do
+ assert_difference("Pirate.count", -1) { @ship.save! }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_a_parent_marked_for_destruction_should_not_be_destroyed_twice
+ @ship.pirate.mark_for_destruction
+ assert @ship.save
+ class << @ship.pirate
+ def destroy; raise "Should not be called" end
+ end
+ assert @ship.save
+ end
+ def test_should_rollback_destructions_if_an_exception_occurred_while_saving_a_parent
+ # Stub the save method of the @ship.pirate instance to destroy and then raise an exception
+ class << @ship.pirate
+ def save(*args)
+ super
+ destroy
+ raise "Oh noes!"
+ end
+ end
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = "Changed Catchphrase"
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { assert_not @ship.save }
+ assert_not_nil @ship.reload.pirate
+ end
+ def test_should_save_changed_child_objects_if_parent_is_saved
+ @pirate = @ship.create_pirate(catchphrase: "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ @parrot = @pirate.parrots.create!(name: "Posideons Killer")
+ @parrot.name = "NewName"
+ @ship.save
+ assert_equal "NewName", @parrot.reload.name
+ end
+ def test_should_destroy_has_many_as_part_of_the_save_transaction_if_they_were_marked_for_destruction
+ 2.times { |i| @pirate.birds.create!(name: "birds_#{i}") }
+ assert_not @pirate.birds.any?(&:marked_for_destruction?)
+ @pirate.birds.each(&:mark_for_destruction)
+ klass = @pirate.birds.first.class
+ ids = @pirate.birds.map(&:id)
+ assert @pirate.birds.all?(&:marked_for_destruction?)
+ ids.each { |id| assert klass.find_by_id(id) }
+ @pirate.save
+ assert_empty @pirate.reload.birds
+ ids.each { |id| assert_nil klass.find_by_id(id) }
+ end
+ def test_should_not_resave_destroyed_association
+ @pirate.birds.create!(name: :parrot)
+ @pirate.birds.first.destroy
+ @pirate.save!
+ assert_empty @pirate.reload.birds
+ end
+ def test_should_skip_validation_on_has_many_if_marked_for_destruction
+ 2.times { |i| @pirate.birds.create!(name: "birds_#{i}") }
+ @pirate.birds.each { |bird| bird.name = "" }
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ @pirate.birds.each(&:mark_for_destruction)
+ assert_not_called(@pirate.birds.first, :valid?) do
+ assert_not_called(@pirate.birds.last, :valid?) do
+ assert_difference("Bird.count", -2) { @pirate.save! }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_skip_validation_on_has_many_if_destroyed
+ @pirate.birds.create!(name: "birds_1")
+ @pirate.birds.each { |bird| bird.name = "" }
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ @pirate.birds.each(&:destroy)
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ end
+ def test_a_child_marked_for_destruction_should_not_be_destroyed_twice_while_saving_has_many
+ @pirate.birds.create!(name: "birds_1")
+ @pirate.birds.each(&:mark_for_destruction)
+ assert @pirate.save
+ @pirate.birds.each do |bird|
+ assert_not_called(bird, :destroy) do
+ assert @pirate.save
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_rollback_destructions_if_an_exception_occurred_while_saving_has_many
+ 2.times { |i| @pirate.birds.create!(name: "birds_#{i}") }
+ before = @pirate.birds.map { |c| c.mark_for_destruction ; c }
+ # Stub the destroy method of the second child to raise an exception
+ class << before.last
+ def destroy(*args)
+ super
+ raise "Oh noes!"
+ end
+ end
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { assert_not @pirate.save }
+ assert_equal before, @pirate.reload.birds
+ end
+ def test_when_new_record_a_child_marked_for_destruction_should_not_affect_other_records_from_saving
+ @pirate = @ship.build_pirate(catchphrase: "Arr' now I shall keep me eye on you matey!") # new record
+ 3.times { |i| @pirate.birds.build(name: "birds_#{i}") }
+ @pirate.birds[1].mark_for_destruction
+ @pirate.save!
+ assert_equal 2, @pirate.birds.reload.length
+ end
+ def test_should_save_new_record_that_has_same_value_as_existing_record_marked_for_destruction_on_field_that_has_unique_index
+ Bird.connection.add_index :birds, :name, unique: true
+ 3.times { |i| @pirate.birds.create(name: "unique_birds_#{i}") }
+ @pirate.birds[0].mark_for_destruction
+ @pirate.birds.build(name: @pirate.birds[0].name)
+ @pirate.save!
+ assert_equal 3, @pirate.birds.reload.length
+ ensure
+ Bird.connection.remove_index :birds, column: :name
+ end
+ # Add and remove callbacks tests for association collections.
+ %w{ method proc }.each do |callback_type|
+ define_method("test_should_run_add_callback_#{callback_type}s_for_has_many") do
+ association_name_with_callbacks = "birds_with_#{callback_type}_callbacks"
+ pirate = Pirate.new(catchphrase: "Arr")
+ pirate.send(association_name_with_callbacks).build(name: "Crowe the One-Eyed")
+ expected = [
+ "before_adding_#{callback_type}_bird_<new>",
+ "after_adding_#{callback_type}_bird_<new>"
+ ]
+ assert_equal expected, pirate.ship_log
+ end
+ define_method("test_should_run_remove_callback_#{callback_type}s_for_has_many") do
+ association_name_with_callbacks = "birds_with_#{callback_type}_callbacks"
+ @pirate.send(association_name_with_callbacks).create!(name: "Crowe the One-Eyed")
+ @pirate.send(association_name_with_callbacks).each(&:mark_for_destruction)
+ child_id = @pirate.send(association_name_with_callbacks).first.id
+ @pirate.ship_log.clear
+ @pirate.save
+ expected = [
+ "before_removing_#{callback_type}_bird_#{child_id}",
+ "after_removing_#{callback_type}_bird_#{child_id}"
+ ]
+ assert_equal expected, @pirate.ship_log
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_destroy_habtm_as_part_of_the_save_transaction_if_they_were_marked_for_destruction
+ 2.times { |i| @pirate.parrots.create!(name: "parrots_#{i}") }
+ assert_not @pirate.parrots.any?(&:marked_for_destruction?)
+ @pirate.parrots.each(&:mark_for_destruction)
+ assert_no_difference "Parrot.count" do
+ @pirate.save
+ end
+ assert_empty @pirate.reload.parrots
+ join_records = Pirate.connection.select_all("SELECT * FROM parrots_pirates WHERE pirate_id = #{@pirate.id}")
+ assert_empty join_records
+ end
+ def test_should_skip_validation_on_habtm_if_marked_for_destruction
+ 2.times { |i| @pirate.parrots.create!(name: "parrots_#{i}") }
+ @pirate.parrots.each { |parrot| parrot.name = "" }
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ @pirate.parrots.each { |parrot| parrot.mark_for_destruction }
+ assert_not_called(@pirate.parrots.first, :valid?) do
+ assert_not_called(@pirate.parrots.last, :valid?) do
+ @pirate.save!
+ end
+ end
+ assert_empty @pirate.reload.parrots
+ end
+ def test_should_skip_validation_on_habtm_if_destroyed
+ @pirate.parrots.create!(name: "parrots_1")
+ @pirate.parrots.each { |parrot| parrot.name = "" }
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ @pirate.parrots.each(&:destroy)
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ end
+ def test_a_child_marked_for_destruction_should_not_be_destroyed_twice_while_saving_habtm
+ @pirate.parrots.create!(name: "parrots_1")
+ @pirate.parrots.each(&:mark_for_destruction)
+ assert @pirate.save
+ Pirate.transaction do
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert @pirate.save
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_rollback_destructions_if_an_exception_occurred_while_saving_habtm
+ 2.times { |i| @pirate.parrots.create!(name: "parrots_#{i}") }
+ before = @pirate.parrots.map { |c| c.mark_for_destruction ; c }
+ class << @pirate.association(:parrots)
+ def destroy(*args)
+ super
+ raise "Oh noes!"
+ end
+ end
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { assert_not @pirate.save }
+ assert_equal before, @pirate.reload.parrots
+ end
+ # Add and remove callbacks tests for association collections.
+ %w{ method proc }.each do |callback_type|
+ define_method("test_should_run_add_callback_#{callback_type}s_for_habtm") do
+ association_name_with_callbacks = "parrots_with_#{callback_type}_callbacks"
+ pirate = Pirate.new(catchphrase: "Arr")
+ pirate.send(association_name_with_callbacks).build(name: "Crowe the One-Eyed")
+ expected = [
+ "before_adding_#{callback_type}_parrot_<new>",
+ "after_adding_#{callback_type}_parrot_<new>"
+ ]
+ assert_equal expected, pirate.ship_log
+ end
+ define_method("test_should_run_remove_callback_#{callback_type}s_for_habtm") do
+ association_name_with_callbacks = "parrots_with_#{callback_type}_callbacks"
+ @pirate.send(association_name_with_callbacks).create!(name: "Crowe the One-Eyed")
+ @pirate.send(association_name_with_callbacks).each(&:mark_for_destruction)
+ child_id = @pirate.send(association_name_with_callbacks).first.id
+ @pirate.ship_log.clear
+ @pirate.save
+ expected = [
+ "before_removing_#{callback_type}_parrot_#{child_id}",
+ "after_removing_#{callback_type}_parrot_#{child_id}"
+ ]
+ assert_equal expected, @pirate.ship_log
+ end
+ end
+class TestAutosaveAssociationOnAHasOneAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false unless supports_savepoints?
+ def setup
+ super
+ @pirate = Pirate.create(catchphrase: "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ @ship = @pirate.create_ship(name: "Nights Dirty Lightning")
+ end
+ def test_should_still_work_without_an_associated_model
+ @ship.destroy
+ @pirate.reload.catchphrase = "Arr"
+ @pirate.save
+ assert_equal "Arr", @pirate.reload.catchphrase
+ end
+ def test_should_automatically_save_the_associated_model
+ @pirate.ship.name = "The Vile Insanity"
+ @pirate.save
+ assert_equal "The Vile Insanity", @pirate.reload.ship.name
+ end
+ def test_changed_for_autosave_should_handle_cycles
+ @ship.pirate = @pirate
+ assert_no_queries { @ship.save! }
+ @parrot = @pirate.parrots.create(name: "some_name")
+ @parrot.name = "changed_name"
+ assert_queries(1) { @ship.save! }
+ assert_no_queries { @ship.save! }
+ end
+ def test_should_automatically_save_bang_the_associated_model
+ @pirate.ship.name = "The Vile Insanity"
+ @pirate.save!
+ assert_equal "The Vile Insanity", @pirate.reload.ship.name
+ end
+ def test_should_automatically_validate_the_associated_model
+ @pirate.ship.name = ""
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :invalid?
+ assert_predicate @pirate.errors[:"ship.name"], :any?
+ end
+ def test_should_merge_errors_on_the_associated_models_onto_the_parent_even_if_it_is_not_valid
+ @pirate.ship.name = nil
+ @pirate.catchphrase = nil
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :invalid?
+ assert_predicate @pirate.errors[:"ship.name"], :any?
+ assert_predicate @pirate.errors[:catchphrase], :any?
+ end
+ def test_should_not_ignore_different_error_messages_on_the_same_attribute
+ old_validators = Ship._validators.deep_dup
+ old_callbacks = Ship._validate_callbacks.deep_dup
+ Ship.validates_format_of :name, with: /\w/
+ @pirate.ship.name = ""
+ @pirate.catchphrase = nil
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :invalid?
+ assert_equal ["can't be blank", "is invalid"], @pirate.errors[:"ship.name"]
+ ensure
+ Ship._validators = old_validators if old_validators
+ Ship._validate_callbacks = old_callbacks if old_callbacks
+ end
+ def test_should_still_allow_to_bypass_validations_on_the_associated_model
+ @pirate.catchphrase = ""
+ @pirate.ship.name = ""
+ @pirate.save(validate: false)
+ # Oracle saves empty string as NULL
+ if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter)
+ assert_equal [nil, nil], [@pirate.reload.catchphrase, @pirate.ship.name]
+ else
+ assert_equal ["", ""], [@pirate.reload.catchphrase, @pirate.ship.name]
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_allow_to_bypass_validations_on_associated_models_at_any_depth
+ 2.times { |i| @pirate.ship.parts.create!(name: "part #{i}") }
+ @pirate.catchphrase = ""
+ @pirate.ship.name = ""
+ @pirate.ship.parts.each { |part| part.name = "" }
+ @pirate.save(validate: false)
+ values = [@pirate.reload.catchphrase, @pirate.ship.name, *@pirate.ship.parts.map(&:name)]
+ # Oracle saves empty string as NULL
+ if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter)
+ assert_equal [nil, nil, nil, nil], values
+ else
+ assert_equal ["", "", "", ""], values
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_still_raise_an_ActiveRecordRecord_Invalid_exception_if_we_want_that
+ @pirate.ship.name = ""
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
+ @pirate.save!
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_not_save_and_return_false_if_a_callback_cancelled_saving
+ pirate = Pirate.new(catchphrase: "Arr")
+ ship = pirate.build_ship(name: "The Vile Insanity")
+ ship.cancel_save_from_callback = true
+ assert_no_difference "Pirate.count" do
+ assert_no_difference "Ship.count" do
+ assert_not pirate.save
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_rollback_any_changes_if_an_exception_occurred_while_saving
+ before = [@pirate.catchphrase, @pirate.ship.name]
+ @pirate.catchphrase = "Arr"
+ @pirate.ship.name = "The Vile Insanity"
+ # Stub the save method of the @pirate.ship instance to raise an exception
+ class << @pirate.ship
+ def save(*args)
+ super
+ raise "Oh noes!"
+ end
+ end
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { assert_not @pirate.save }
+ assert_equal before, [@pirate.reload.catchphrase, @pirate.ship.name]
+ end
+ def test_should_not_load_the_associated_model
+ assert_queries(1) { @pirate.catchphrase = "Arr"; @pirate.save! }
+ end
+ def test_mark_for_destruction_is_ignored_without_autosave_true
+ ship = ShipWithoutNestedAttributes.new(name: "The Black Flag")
+ ship.parts.build.mark_for_destruction
+ assert_not_predicate ship, :valid?
+ end
+class TestAutosaveAssociationOnAHasOneThroughAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false unless supports_savepoints?
+ def setup
+ super
+ organization = Organization.create
+ @member = Member.create
+ MemberDetail.create(organization: organization, member: @member)
+ end
+ def test_should_not_has_one_through_model
+ class << @member.organization
+ def save(*args)
+ super
+ raise "Oh noes!"
+ end
+ end
+ assert_nothing_raised { @member.save }
+ end
+class TestAutosaveAssociationOnABelongsToAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false unless supports_savepoints?
+ def setup
+ super
+ @ship = Ship.create(name: "Nights Dirty Lightning")
+ @pirate = @ship.create_pirate(catchphrase: "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ end
+ def test_should_still_work_without_an_associated_model
+ @pirate.destroy
+ @ship.reload.name = "The Vile Insanity"
+ @ship.save
+ assert_equal "The Vile Insanity", @ship.reload.name
+ end
+ def test_should_automatically_save_the_associated_model
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = "Arr"
+ @ship.save
+ assert_equal "Arr", @ship.reload.pirate.catchphrase
+ end
+ def test_should_automatically_save_bang_the_associated_model
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = "Arr"
+ @ship.save!
+ assert_equal "Arr", @ship.reload.pirate.catchphrase
+ end
+ def test_should_automatically_validate_the_associated_model
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = ""
+ assert_predicate @ship, :invalid?
+ assert_predicate @ship.errors[:"pirate.catchphrase"], :any?
+ end
+ def test_should_merge_errors_on_the_associated_model_onto_the_parent_even_if_it_is_not_valid
+ @ship.name = nil
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = nil
+ assert_predicate @ship, :invalid?
+ assert_predicate @ship.errors[:name], :any?
+ assert_predicate @ship.errors[:"pirate.catchphrase"], :any?
+ end
+ def test_should_still_allow_to_bypass_validations_on_the_associated_model
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = ""
+ @ship.name = ""
+ @ship.save(validate: false)
+ # Oracle saves empty string as NULL
+ if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter)
+ assert_equal [nil, nil], [@ship.reload.name, @ship.pirate.catchphrase]
+ else
+ assert_equal ["", ""], [@ship.reload.name, @ship.pirate.catchphrase]
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_still_raise_an_ActiveRecordRecord_Invalid_exception_if_we_want_that
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = ""
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
+ @ship.save!
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_not_save_and_return_false_if_a_callback_cancelled_saving
+ ship = Ship.new(name: "The Vile Insanity")
+ pirate = ship.build_pirate(catchphrase: "Arr")
+ pirate.cancel_save_from_callback = true
+ assert_no_difference "Ship.count" do
+ assert_no_difference "Pirate.count" do
+ assert_not ship.save
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_rollback_any_changes_if_an_exception_occurred_while_saving
+ before = [@ship.pirate.catchphrase, @ship.name]
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = "Arr"
+ @ship.name = "The Vile Insanity"
+ # Stub the save method of the @ship.pirate instance to raise an exception
+ class << @ship.pirate
+ def save(*args)
+ super
+ raise "Oh noes!"
+ end
+ end
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { assert_not @ship.save }
+ assert_equal before, [@ship.pirate.reload.catchphrase, @ship.reload.name]
+ end
+ def test_should_not_load_the_associated_model
+ assert_queries(1) { @ship.name = "The Vile Insanity"; @ship.save! }
+ end
+module AutosaveAssociationOnACollectionAssociationTests
+ def test_should_automatically_save_the_associated_models
+ new_names = ["Grace OMalley", "Privateers Greed"]
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).each_with_index { |child, i| child.name = new_names[i] }
+ @pirate.save
+ assert_equal new_names.sort, @pirate.reload.send(@association_name).map(&:name).sort
+ end
+ def test_should_automatically_save_bang_the_associated_models
+ new_names = ["Grace OMalley", "Privateers Greed"]
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).each_with_index { |child, i| child.name = new_names[i] }
+ @pirate.save!
+ assert_equal new_names.sort, @pirate.reload.send(@association_name).map(&:name).sort
+ end
+ def test_should_update_children_when_autosave_is_true_and_parent_is_new_but_child_is_not
+ parrot = Parrot.create!(name: "Polly")
+ parrot.name = "Squawky"
+ pirate = Pirate.new(parrots: [parrot], catchphrase: "Arrrr")
+ pirate.save!
+ assert_equal "Squawky", parrot.reload.name
+ end
+ def test_should_not_update_children_when_parent_creation_with_no_reason
+ parrot = Parrot.create!(name: "Polly")
+ assert_equal 0, parrot.updated_count
+ Pirate.create!(parrot_ids: [parrot.id], catchphrase: "Arrrr")
+ assert_equal 0, parrot.reload.updated_count
+ end
+ def test_should_automatically_validate_the_associated_models
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).each { |child| child.name = "" }
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ assert_equal ["can't be blank"], @pirate.errors["#{@association_name}.name"]
+ assert_empty @pirate.errors[@association_name]
+ end
+ def test_should_not_use_default_invalid_error_on_associated_models
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).build(name: "")
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ assert_equal ["can't be blank"], @pirate.errors["#{@association_name}.name"]
+ assert_empty @pirate.errors[@association_name]
+ end
+ def test_should_default_invalid_error_from_i18n
+ I18n.backend.store_translations(:en, activerecord: { errors: { models:
+ { @associated_model_name.to_s.to_sym => { blank: "cannot be blank" } }
+ } })
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).build(name: "")
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ assert_equal ["cannot be blank"], @pirate.errors["#{@association_name}.name"]
+ assert_equal ["#{@association_name.to_s.humanize} name cannot be blank"], @pirate.errors.full_messages
+ assert_empty @pirate.errors[@association_name]
+ ensure
+ I18n.backend = I18n::Backend::Simple.new
+ end
+ def test_should_merge_errors_on_the_associated_models_onto_the_parent_even_if_it_is_not_valid
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).each { |child| child.name = "" }
+ @pirate.catchphrase = nil
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ assert_equal ["can't be blank"], @pirate.errors["#{@association_name}.name"]
+ assert_predicate @pirate.errors[:catchphrase], :any?
+ end
+ def test_should_allow_to_bypass_validations_on_the_associated_models_on_update
+ @pirate.catchphrase = ""
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).each { |child| child.name = "" }
+ assert @pirate.save(validate: false)
+ # Oracle saves empty string as NULL
+ if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter)
+ assert_equal [nil, nil, nil], [
+ @pirate.reload.catchphrase,
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).first.name,
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).last.name
+ ]
+ else
+ assert_equal ["", "", ""], [
+ @pirate.reload.catchphrase,
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).first.name,
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).last.name
+ ]
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_validation_the_associated_models_on_create
+ assert_no_difference("#{ @association_name == :birds ? 'Bird' : 'Parrot' }.count") do
+ 2.times { @pirate.send(@association_name).build }
+ @pirate.save
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_allow_to_bypass_validations_on_the_associated_models_on_create
+ assert_difference("#{ @association_name == :birds ? 'Bird' : 'Parrot' }.count", 2) do
+ 2.times { @pirate.send(@association_name).build }
+ @pirate.save(validate: false)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_not_save_and_return_false_if_a_callback_cancelled_saving_in_either_create_or_update
+ @pirate.catchphrase = "Changed"
+ @child_1.name = "Changed"
+ @child_1.cancel_save_from_callback = true
+ assert_not @pirate.save
+ assert_equal "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?", @pirate.reload.catchphrase
+ assert_equal "Posideons Killer", @child_1.reload.name
+ new_pirate = Pirate.new(catchphrase: "Arr")
+ new_child = new_pirate.send(@association_name).build(name: "Grace OMalley")
+ new_child.cancel_save_from_callback = true
+ assert_no_difference "Pirate.count" do
+ assert_no_difference "#{new_child.class.name}.count" do
+ assert_not new_pirate.save
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_rollback_any_changes_if_an_exception_occurred_while_saving
+ before = [@pirate.catchphrase, *@pirate.send(@association_name).map(&:name)]
+ new_names = ["Grace OMalley", "Privateers Greed"]
+ @pirate.catchphrase = "Arr"
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).each_with_index { |child, i| child.name = new_names[i] }
+ # Stub the save method of the first child instance to raise an exception
+ class << @pirate.send(@association_name).first
+ def save(*args)
+ super
+ raise "Oh noes!"
+ end
+ end
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { assert_not @pirate.save }
+ assert_equal before, [@pirate.reload.catchphrase, *@pirate.send(@association_name).map(&:name)]
+ end
+ def test_should_still_raise_an_ActiveRecordRecord_Invalid_exception_if_we_want_that
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).each { |child| child.name = "" }
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
+ @pirate.save!
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_not_load_the_associated_models_if_they_were_not_loaded_yet
+ assert_queries(1) { @pirate.catchphrase = "Arr"; @pirate.save! }
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).load_target
+ assert_queries(3) do
+ @pirate.catchphrase = "Yarr"
+ new_names = ["Grace OMalley", "Privateers Greed"]
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).each_with_index { |child, i| child.name = new_names[i] }
+ @pirate.save!
+ end
+ end
+class TestAutosaveAssociationOnAHasManyAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false unless supports_savepoints?
+ def setup
+ super
+ @association_name = :birds
+ @associated_model_name = :bird
+ @pirate = Pirate.create(catchphrase: "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ @child_1 = @pirate.birds.create(name: "Posideons Killer")
+ @child_2 = @pirate.birds.create(name: "Killer bandita Dionne")
+ end
+ include AutosaveAssociationOnACollectionAssociationTests
+class TestAutosaveAssociationOnAHasAndBelongsToManyAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false unless supports_savepoints?
+ def setup
+ super
+ @association_name = :autosaved_parrots
+ @associated_model_name = :parrot
+ @habtm = true
+ @pirate = Pirate.create(catchphrase: "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ @child_1 = @pirate.parrots.create(name: "Posideons Killer")
+ @child_2 = @pirate.parrots.create(name: "Killer bandita Dionne")
+ end
+ include AutosaveAssociationOnACollectionAssociationTests
+class TestAutosaveAssociationOnAHasAndBelongsToManyAssociationWithAcceptsNestedAttributes < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false unless supports_savepoints?
+ def setup
+ super
+ @association_name = :parrots
+ @associated_model_name = :parrot
+ @habtm = true
+ @pirate = Pirate.create(catchphrase: "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ @child_1 = @pirate.parrots.create(name: "Posideons Killer")
+ @child_2 = @pirate.parrots.create(name: "Killer bandita Dionne")
+ end
+ include AutosaveAssociationOnACollectionAssociationTests
+class TestAutosaveAssociationValidationsOnAHasManyAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false unless supports_savepoints?
+ def setup
+ super
+ @pirate = Pirate.create(catchphrase: "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ @pirate.birds.create(name: "cookoo")
+ end
+ test "should automatically validate associations" do
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ @pirate.birds.each { |bird| bird.name = "" }
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ end
+class TestAutosaveAssociationValidationsOnAHasOneAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false unless supports_savepoints?
+ def setup
+ super
+ @pirate = Pirate.create(catchphrase: "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ @pirate.create_ship(name: "titanic")
+ super
+ end
+ test "should automatically validate associations with :validate => true" do
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ @pirate.ship.name = ""
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ end
+ test "should not automatically add validate associations without :validate => true" do
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ @pirate.non_validated_ship.name = ""
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ end
+class TestAutosaveAssociationValidationsOnABelongsToAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false unless supports_savepoints?
+ def setup
+ super
+ @pirate = Pirate.create(catchphrase: "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ end
+ test "should automatically validate associations with :validate => true" do
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ @pirate.parrot = Parrot.new(name: "")
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ end
+ test "should not automatically validate associations without :validate => true" do
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ @pirate.non_validated_parrot = Parrot.new(name: "")
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ end
+class TestAutosaveAssociationValidationsOnAHABTMAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false unless supports_savepoints?
+ def setup
+ super
+ @pirate = Pirate.create(catchphrase: "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ end
+ test "should automatically validate associations with :validate => true" do
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ @pirate.parrots = [ Parrot.new(name: "popuga") ]
+ @pirate.parrots.each { |parrot| parrot.name = "" }
+ assert_not_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ end
+ test "should not automatically validate associations without :validate => true" do
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ @pirate.non_validated_parrots = [ Parrot.new(name: "popuga") ]
+ @pirate.non_validated_parrots.each { |parrot| parrot.name = "" }
+ assert_predicate @pirate, :valid?
+ end
+class TestAutosaveAssociationValidationMethodsGeneration < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false unless supports_savepoints?
+ def setup
+ super
+ @pirate = Pirate.new
+ end
+ test "should generate validation methods for has_many associations" do
+ assert_respond_to @pirate, :validate_associated_records_for_birds
+ end
+ test "should generate validation methods for has_one associations with :validate => true" do
+ assert_respond_to @pirate, :validate_associated_records_for_ship
+ end
+ test "should not generate validation methods for has_one associations without :validate => true" do
+ assert_not_respond_to @pirate, :validate_associated_records_for_non_validated_ship
+ end
+ test "should generate validation methods for belongs_to associations with :validate => true" do
+ assert_respond_to @pirate, :validate_associated_records_for_parrot
+ end
+ test "should not generate validation methods for belongs_to associations without :validate => true" do
+ assert_not_respond_to @pirate, :validate_associated_records_for_non_validated_parrot
+ end
+ test "should generate validation methods for HABTM associations with :validate => true" do
+ assert_respond_to @pirate, :validate_associated_records_for_parrots
+ end
+class TestAutosaveAssociationWithTouch < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_autosave_with_touch_should_not_raise_system_stack_error
+ invoice = Invoice.create
+ assert_nothing_raised { invoice.line_items.create(amount: 10) }
+ end
+class TestAutosaveAssociationOnAHasManyAssociationWithInverse < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
+ has_many :comments, inverse_of: :post
+ end
+ class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
+ belongs_to :post, inverse_of: :comments
+ attr_accessor :post_comments_count
+ after_save do
+ self.post_comments_count = post.comments.count
+ end
+ end
+ def setup
+ Comment.delete_all
+ end
+ def test_after_save_callback_with_autosave
+ post = Post.new(title: "Test", body: "...")
+ comment = post.comments.build(body: "...")
+ post.save!
+ assert_equal 1, post.comments.count
+ assert_equal 1, comment.post_comments_count
+ end
+class TestAutosaveAssociationOnAHasManyAssociationDefinedInSubclassWithAcceptsNestedAttributes < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_should_update_children_when_asssociation_redefined_in_subclass
+ agency = Agency.create!(name: "Agency")
+ valid_project = Project.create!(firm: agency, name: "Initial")
+ agency.update!(
+ "projects_attributes" => {
+ "0" => {
+ "name" => "Updated",
+ "id" => valid_project.id
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ valid_project.reload
+ assert_equal "Updated", valid_project.name
+ end