path: root/activerecord/test/cases/autosave_association_test.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/autosave_association_test.rb')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/autosave_association_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/autosave_association_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c656b2430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/autosave_association_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/pirate"
+require "models/ship"
+require "models/ship_part"
+require "models/bird"
+require "models/parrot"
+require "models/treasure"
+class TestAutosaveAssociationsInGeneral < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_autosave_should_be_a_valid_option_for_has_one
+ assert base.valid_keys_for_has_one_association.include?(:autosave)
+ end
+ def test_autosave_should_be_a_valid_option_for_belongs_to
+ assert base.valid_keys_for_belongs_to_association.include?(:autosave)
+ end
+ def test_autosave_should_be_a_valid_option_for_has_many
+ assert base.valid_keys_for_has_many_association.include?(:autosave)
+ end
+ def test_autosave_should_be_a_valid_option_for_has_and_belongs_to_many
+ assert base.valid_keys_for_has_and_belongs_to_many_association.include?(:autosave)
+ end
+ private
+ def base
+ ActiveRecord::Base
+ end
+class TestDestroyAsPartOfAutosaveAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
+ def setup
+ @pirate = Pirate.create(:catchphrase => "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ @ship = @pirate.create_ship(:name => 'Nights Dirty Lightning')
+ end
+ # reload
+ def test_a_marked_for_destruction_record_should_not_be_be_marked_after_reload
+ @pirate.mark_for_destruction
+ @pirate.ship.mark_for_destruction
+ assert !@pirate.reload.marked_for_destruction?
+ assert !@pirate.ship.marked_for_destruction?
+ end
+ # has_one
+ def test_should_destroy_a_child_association_as_part_of_the_save_transaction_if_it_was_marked_for_destroyal
+ assert !@pirate.ship.marked_for_destruction?
+ @pirate.ship.mark_for_destruction
+ id = @pirate.ship.id
+ assert @pirate.ship.marked_for_destruction?
+ assert Ship.find_by_id(id)
+ @pirate.save
+ assert_nil @pirate.reload.ship
+ assert_nil Ship.find_by_id(id)
+ end
+ def test_should_rollback_destructions_if_an_exception_occurred_while_saving_a_child
+ # Stub the save method of the @pirate.ship instance to destroy and then raise an exception
+ class << @pirate.ship
+ def save(*args)
+ super
+ destroy
+ raise 'Oh noes!'
+ end
+ end
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { assert !@pirate.save }
+ assert_not_nil @pirate.reload.ship
+ end
+ # belongs_to
+ def test_should_destroy_a_parent_association_as_part_of_the_save_transaction_if_it_was_marked_for_destroyal
+ assert !@ship.pirate.marked_for_destruction?
+ @ship.pirate.mark_for_destruction
+ id = @ship.pirate.id
+ assert @ship.pirate.marked_for_destruction?
+ assert Pirate.find_by_id(id)
+ @ship.save
+ assert_nil @ship.reload.pirate
+ assert_nil Pirate.find_by_id(id)
+ end
+ def test_should_rollback_destructions_if_an_exception_occurred_while_saving_a_parent
+ # Stub the save method of the @ship.pirate instance to destroy and then raise an exception
+ class << @ship.pirate
+ def save(*args)
+ super
+ destroy
+ raise 'Oh noes!'
+ end
+ end
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { assert !@ship.save }
+ assert_not_nil @ship.reload.pirate
+ end
+ # has_many & has_and_belongs_to
+ %w{ parrots birds }.each do |association_name|
+ define_method("test_should_destroy_#{association_name}_as_part_of_the_save_transaction_if_they_were_marked_for_destroyal") do
+ 2.times { |i| @pirate.send(association_name).create!(:name => "#{association_name}_#{i}") }
+ assert !@pirate.send(association_name).any? { |child| child.marked_for_destruction? }
+ @pirate.send(association_name).each { |child| child.mark_for_destruction }
+ klass = @pirate.send(association_name).first.class
+ ids = @pirate.send(association_name).map(&:id)
+ assert @pirate.send(association_name).all? { |child| child.marked_for_destruction? }
+ ids.each { |id| assert klass.find_by_id(id) }
+ @pirate.save
+ assert @pirate.reload.send(association_name).empty?
+ ids.each { |id| assert_nil klass.find_by_id(id) }
+ end
+ define_method("test_should_rollback_destructions_if_an_exception_occurred_while_saving_#{association_name}") do
+ 2.times { |i| @pirate.send(association_name).create!(:name => "#{association_name}_#{i}") }
+ before = @pirate.send(association_name).map { |c| c }
+ # Stub the save method of the first child to destroy and the second to raise an exception
+ class << before.first
+ def save(*args)
+ super
+ destroy
+ end
+ end
+ class << before.last
+ def save(*args)
+ super
+ raise 'Oh noes!'
+ end
+ end
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { assert !@pirate.save }
+ assert_equal before, @pirate.reload.send(association_name)
+ end
+ end
+class TestAutosaveAssociationOnAHasOneAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
+ def setup
+ @pirate = Pirate.create(:catchphrase => "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ @ship = @pirate.create_ship(:name => 'Nights Dirty Lightning')
+ end
+ def test_should_still_work_without_an_associated_model
+ @ship.destroy
+ @pirate.reload.catchphrase = "Arr"
+ @pirate.save
+ assert 'Arr', @pirate.reload.catchphrase
+ end
+ def test_should_automatically_save_the_associated_model
+ @pirate.ship.name = 'The Vile Insanity'
+ @pirate.save
+ assert_equal 'The Vile Insanity', @pirate.reload.ship.name
+ end
+ def test_should_automatically_validate_the_associated_model
+ @pirate.ship.name = ''
+ assert !@pirate.valid?
+ assert !@pirate.errors.on(:ship_name).blank?
+ end
+ def test_should_still_allow_to_bypass_validations_on_the_associated_model
+ @pirate.catchphrase = ''
+ @pirate.ship.name = ''
+ @pirate.save(false)
+ assert_equal ['', ''], [@pirate.reload.catchphrase, @pirate.ship.name]
+ end
+ def test_should_allow_to_bypass_validations_on_associated_models_at_any_depth
+ 2.times { |i| @pirate.ship.parts.create!(:name => "part #{i}") }
+ @pirate.catchphrase = ''
+ @pirate.ship.name = ''
+ @pirate.ship.parts.each { |part| part.name = '' }
+ @pirate.save(false)
+ values = [@pirate.reload.catchphrase, @pirate.ship.name, *@pirate.ship.parts.map(&:name)]
+ assert_equal ['', '', '', ''], values
+ end
+ def test_should_still_raise_an_ActiveRecordRecord_Invalid_exception_if_we_want_that
+ @pirate.ship.name = ''
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
+ @pirate.save!
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_rollback_any_changes_if_an_exception_occurred_while_saving
+ before = [@pirate.catchphrase, @pirate.ship.name]
+ @pirate.catchphrase = 'Arr'
+ @pirate.ship.name = 'The Vile Insanity'
+ # Stub the save method of the @pirate.ship instance to raise an exception
+ class << @pirate.ship
+ def save(*args)
+ super
+ raise 'Oh noes!'
+ end
+ end
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { assert !@pirate.save }
+ assert_equal before, [@pirate.reload.catchphrase, @pirate.ship.name]
+ end
+ def test_should_not_load_the_associated_model
+ assert_queries(1) { @pirate.catchphrase = 'Arr'; @pirate.save! }
+ end
+class TestAutosaveAssociationOnABelongsToAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
+ def setup
+ @ship = Ship.create(:name => 'Nights Dirty Lightning')
+ @pirate = @ship.create_pirate(:catchphrase => "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ end
+ def test_should_still_work_without_an_associated_model
+ @pirate.destroy
+ @ship.reload.name = "The Vile Insanity"
+ @ship.save
+ assert 'The Vile Insanity', @ship.reload.name
+ end
+ def test_should_automatically_save_the_associated_model
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = 'Arr'
+ @ship.save
+ assert_equal 'Arr', @ship.reload.pirate.catchphrase
+ end
+ def test_should_automatically_validate_the_associated_model
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = ''
+ assert !@ship.valid?
+ assert !@ship.errors.on(:pirate_catchphrase).blank?
+ end
+ def test_should_still_allow_to_bypass_validations_on_the_associated_model
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = ''
+ @ship.name = ''
+ @ship.save(false)
+ assert_equal ['', ''], [@ship.reload.name, @ship.pirate.catchphrase]
+ end
+ def test_should_still_raise_an_ActiveRecordRecord_Invalid_exception_if_we_want_that
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = ''
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
+ @ship.save!
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_rollback_any_changes_if_an_exception_occurred_while_saving
+ before = [@ship.pirate.catchphrase, @ship.name]
+ @ship.pirate.catchphrase = 'Arr'
+ @ship.name = 'The Vile Insanity'
+ # Stub the save method of the @ship.pirate instance to raise an exception
+ class << @ship.pirate
+ def save(*args)
+ super
+ raise 'Oh noes!'
+ end
+ end
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { assert !@ship.save }
+ # TODO: Why does using reload on @ship looses the associated pirate?
+ assert_equal before, [@ship.pirate.reload.catchphrase, @ship.reload.name]
+ end
+ def test_should_not_load_the_associated_model
+ assert_queries(1) { @ship.name = 'The Vile Insanity'; @ship.save! }
+ end
+module AutosaveAssociationOnACollectionAssociationTests
+ def test_should_automatically_save_the_associated_models
+ new_names = ['Grace OMalley', 'Privateers Greed']
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).each_with_index { |child, i| child.name = new_names[i] }
+ @pirate.save
+ assert_equal new_names, @pirate.reload.send(@association_name).map(&:name)
+ end
+ def test_should_automatically_validate_the_associated_models
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).each { |child| child.name = '' }
+ assert !@pirate.valid?
+ assert_equal "can't be blank", @pirate.errors.on("#{@association_name}_name")
+ assert @pirate.errors.on(@association_name).blank?
+ end
+ def test_should_still_allow_to_bypass_validations_on_the_associated_models
+ @pirate.catchphrase = ''
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).each { |child| child.name = '' }
+ assert @pirate.save(false)
+ assert_equal ['', '', ''], [
+ @pirate.reload.catchphrase,
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).first.name,
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).last.name
+ ]
+ end
+ def test_should_rollback_any_changes_if_an_exception_occurred_while_saving
+ before = [@pirate.catchphrase, *@pirate.send(@association_name).map(&:name)]
+ new_names = ['Grace OMalley', 'Privateers Greed']
+ @pirate.catchphrase = 'Arr'
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).each_with_index { |child, i| child.name = new_names[i] }
+ # Stub the save method of the first child instance to raise an exception
+ class << @pirate.send(@association_name).first
+ def save(*args)
+ super
+ raise 'Oh noes!'
+ end
+ end
+ assert_raise(RuntimeError) { assert !@pirate.save }
+ assert_equal before, [@pirate.reload.catchphrase, *@pirate.send(@association_name).map(&:name)]
+ end
+ def test_should_still_raise_an_ActiveRecordRecord_Invalid_exception_if_we_want_that
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).each { |child| child.name = '' }
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
+ @pirate.save!
+ end
+ end
+ def test_should_not_load_the_associated_models_if_they_were_not_loaded_yet
+ assert_queries(1) { @pirate.catchphrase = 'Arr'; @pirate.save! }
+ assert_queries(2) do
+ @pirate.catchphrase = 'Yarr'
+ new_names = ['Grace OMalley', 'Privateers Greed']
+ @pirate.send(@association_name).each_with_index { |child, i| child.name = new_names[i] }
+ @pirate.save!
+ end
+ end
+class TestAutosaveAssociationOnAHasManyAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
+ def setup
+ @association_name = :birds
+ @pirate = Pirate.create(:catchphrase => "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ @child_1 = @pirate.birds.create(:name => 'Posideons Killer')
+ @child_2 = @pirate.birds.create(:name => 'Killer bandita Dionne')
+ end
+ include AutosaveAssociationOnACollectionAssociationTests
+class TestAutosaveAssociationOnAHasAndBelongsToManyAssociation < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_fixtures = false
+ def setup
+ @association_name = :parrots
+ @habtm = true
+ @pirate = Pirate.create(:catchphrase => "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ @child_1 = @pirate.parrots.create(:name => 'Posideons Killer')
+ @child_2 = @pirate.parrots.create(:name => 'Killer bandita Dionne')
+ end
+ include AutosaveAssociationOnACollectionAssociationTests
+end \ No newline at end of file