path: root/activerecord/test/cases/attributes_test.rb
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diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/attributes_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/attributes_test.rb
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index 0000000000..3bc56694be
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+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/attributes_test.rb
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+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+class OverloadedType < ActiveRecord::Base
+ attribute :overloaded_float, :integer
+ attribute :overloaded_string_with_limit, :string, limit: 50
+ attribute :non_existent_decimal, :decimal
+ attribute :string_with_default, :string, default: "the overloaded default"
+class ChildOfOverloadedType < OverloadedType
+class GrandchildOfOverloadedType < ChildOfOverloadedType
+ attribute :overloaded_float, :float
+class UnoverloadedType < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = "overloaded_types"
+module ActiveRecord
+ class CustomPropertiesTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ test "overloading types" do
+ data = OverloadedType.new
+ data.overloaded_float = "1.1"
+ data.unoverloaded_float = "1.1"
+ assert_equal 1, data.overloaded_float
+ assert_equal 1.1, data.unoverloaded_float
+ end
+ test "overloaded properties save" do
+ data = OverloadedType.new
+ data.overloaded_float = "2.2"
+ data.save!
+ data.reload
+ assert_equal 2, data.overloaded_float
+ assert_kind_of Integer, OverloadedType.last.overloaded_float
+ assert_equal 2.0, UnoverloadedType.last.overloaded_float
+ assert_kind_of Float, UnoverloadedType.last.overloaded_float
+ end
+ test "properties assigned in constructor" do
+ data = OverloadedType.new(overloaded_float: "3.3")
+ assert_equal 3, data.overloaded_float
+ end
+ test "overloaded properties with limit" do
+ assert_equal 50, OverloadedType.type_for_attribute("overloaded_string_with_limit").limit
+ assert_equal 255, UnoverloadedType.type_for_attribute("overloaded_string_with_limit").limit
+ end
+ test "nonexistent attribute" do
+ data = OverloadedType.new(non_existent_decimal: 1)
+ assert_equal BigDecimal(1), data.non_existent_decimal
+ assert_raise ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError do
+ UnoverloadedType.new(non_existent_decimal: 1)
+ end
+ end
+ test "model with nonexistent attribute with default value can be saved" do
+ klass = Class.new(OverloadedType) do
+ attribute :non_existent_string_with_default, :string, default: "nonexistent"
+ end
+ model = klass.new
+ assert model.save
+ end
+ test "changing defaults" do
+ data = OverloadedType.new
+ unoverloaded_data = UnoverloadedType.new
+ assert_equal "the overloaded default", data.string_with_default
+ assert_equal "the original default", unoverloaded_data.string_with_default
+ end
+ test "defaults are not touched on the columns" do
+ assert_equal "the original default", OverloadedType.columns_hash["string_with_default"].default
+ end
+ test "children inherit custom properties" do
+ data = ChildOfOverloadedType.new(overloaded_float: "4.4")
+ assert_equal 4, data.overloaded_float
+ end
+ test "children can override parents" do
+ data = GrandchildOfOverloadedType.new(overloaded_float: "4.4")
+ assert_equal 4.4, data.overloaded_float
+ end
+ test "overloading properties does not attribute method order" do
+ attribute_names = OverloadedType.attribute_names
+ assert_equal %w(id overloaded_float unoverloaded_float overloaded_string_with_limit string_with_default non_existent_decimal), attribute_names
+ end
+ test "caches are cleared" do
+ klass = Class.new(OverloadedType)
+ assert_equal 6, klass.attribute_types.length
+ assert_equal 6, klass.column_defaults.length
+ assert_equal 6, klass.attribute_names.length
+ assert_not klass.attribute_types.include?("wibble")
+ klass.attribute :wibble, Type::Value.new
+ assert_equal 7, klass.attribute_types.length
+ assert_equal 7, klass.column_defaults.length
+ assert_equal 7, klass.attribute_names.length
+ assert_includes klass.attribute_types, "wibble"
+ end
+ test "the given default value is cast from user" do
+ custom_type = Class.new(Type::Value) do
+ def cast(*)
+ "from user"
+ end
+ def deserialize(*)
+ "from database"
+ end
+ end
+ klass = Class.new(OverloadedType) do
+ attribute :wibble, custom_type.new, default: "default"
+ end
+ model = klass.new
+ assert_equal "from user", model.wibble
+ end
+ test "procs for default values" do
+ klass = Class.new(OverloadedType) do
+ @@counter = 0
+ attribute :counter, :integer, default: -> { @@counter += 1 }
+ end
+ assert_equal 1, klass.new.counter
+ assert_equal 2, klass.new.counter
+ end
+ test "procs are memoized before type casting" do
+ klass = Class.new(OverloadedType) do
+ @@counter = 0
+ attribute :counter, :integer, default: -> { @@counter += 1 }
+ end
+ model = klass.new
+ assert_equal 1, model.counter_before_type_cast
+ assert_equal 1, model.counter_before_type_cast
+ end
+ test "user provided defaults are persisted even if unchanged" do
+ model = OverloadedType.create!
+ assert_equal "the overloaded default", model.reload.string_with_default
+ end
+ if current_adapter?(:PostgreSQLAdapter)
+ test "array types can be specified" do
+ klass = Class.new(OverloadedType) do
+ attribute :my_array, :string, limit: 50, array: true
+ attribute :my_int_array, :integer, array: true
+ end
+ string_array = ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Array.new(
+ Type::String.new(limit: 50))
+ int_array = ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Array.new(
+ Type::Integer.new)
+ assert_not_equal string_array, int_array
+ assert_equal string_array, klass.type_for_attribute("my_array")
+ assert_equal int_array, klass.type_for_attribute("my_int_array")
+ end
+ test "range types can be specified" do
+ klass = Class.new(OverloadedType) do
+ attribute :my_range, :string, limit: 50, range: true
+ attribute :my_int_range, :integer, range: true
+ end
+ string_range = ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Range.new(
+ Type::String.new(limit: 50))
+ int_range = ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Range.new(
+ Type::Integer.new)
+ assert_not_equal string_range, int_range
+ assert_equal string_range, klass.type_for_attribute("my_range")
+ assert_equal int_range, klass.type_for_attribute("my_int_range")
+ end
+ end
+ test "attributes added after subclasses load are inherited" do
+ parent = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ self.table_name = "topics"
+ end
+ child = Class.new(parent)
+ child.new # => force a schema load
+ parent.attribute(:foo, Type::Value.new)
+ assert_equal(:bar, child.new(foo: :bar).foo)
+ end
+ test "attributes not backed by database columns are not dirty when unchanged" do
+ assert_not_predicate OverloadedType.new, :non_existent_decimal_changed?
+ end
+ test "attributes not backed by database columns are always initialized" do
+ OverloadedType.create!
+ model = OverloadedType.first
+ assert_nil model.non_existent_decimal
+ model.non_existent_decimal = "123"
+ assert_equal 123, model.non_existent_decimal
+ end
+ test "attributes not backed by database columns return the default on models loaded from database" do
+ child = Class.new(OverloadedType) do
+ attribute :non_existent_decimal, :decimal, default: 123
+ end
+ child.create!
+ model = child.first
+ assert_equal 123, model.non_existent_decimal
+ end
+ test "attributes not backed by database columns properly interact with mutation and dirty" do
+ child = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ self.table_name = "topics"
+ attribute :foo, :string, default: "lol"
+ end
+ child.create!
+ model = child.first
+ assert_equal "lol", model.foo
+ model.foo << "asdf"
+ assert_equal "lolasdf", model.foo
+ assert_predicate model, :foo_changed?
+ model.reload
+ assert_equal "lol", model.foo
+ model.foo = "lol"
+ assert_not_predicate model, :changed?
+ end
+ test "attributes not backed by database columns appear in inspect" do
+ inspection = OverloadedType.new.inspect
+ assert_includes inspection, "non_existent_decimal"
+ end
+ test "attributes do not require a type" do
+ klass = Class.new(OverloadedType) do
+ attribute :no_type
+ end
+ assert_equal 1, klass.new(no_type: 1).no_type
+ assert_equal "foo", klass.new(no_type: "foo").no_type
+ end
+ end