path: root/activerecord/test/cases/attribute_methods_test.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/attribute_methods_test.rb')
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/attribute_methods_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/attribute_methods_test.rb
index d59fa0a632..d20b762853 100644
--- a/activerecord/test/cases/attribute_methods_test.rb
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/attribute_methods_test.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,15 @@
require "cases/helper"
-require 'models/topic'
require 'models/minimalistic'
+require 'models/developer'
+require 'models/auto_id'
+require 'models/computer'
+require 'models/topic'
+require 'models/company'
+require 'models/category'
+require 'models/reply'
class AttributeMethodsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
- fixtures :topics
+ fixtures :topics, :developers, :companies, :computers
def setup
@old_matchers = ActiveRecord::Base.send(:attribute_method_matchers).dup
@@ -16,6 +22,274 @@ class AttributeMethodsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ def test_attribute_present
+ t = Topic.new
+ t.title = "hello there!"
+ t.written_on = Time.now
+ assert t.attribute_present?("title")
+ assert t.attribute_present?("written_on")
+ assert !t.attribute_present?("content")
+ end
+ def test_attribute_keys_on_new_instance
+ t = Topic.new
+ assert_equal nil, t.title, "The topics table has a title column, so it should be nil"
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { t.title2 }
+ end
+ def test_boolean_attributes
+ assert ! Topic.find(1).approved?
+ assert Topic.find(2).approved?
+ end
+ def test_set_attributes
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ topic.attributes = { "title" => "Budget", "author_name" => "Jason" }
+ topic.save
+ assert_equal("Budget", topic.title)
+ assert_equal("Jason", topic.author_name)
+ assert_equal(topics(:first).author_email_address, Topic.find(1).author_email_address)
+ end
+ def test_set_attributes_without_hash
+ topic = Topic.new
+ assert_nothing_raised { topic.attributes = '' }
+ end
+ def test_integers_as_nil
+ test = AutoId.create('value' => '')
+ assert_nil AutoId.find(test.id).value
+ end
+ def test_set_attributes_with_block
+ topic = Topic.new do |t|
+ t.title = "Budget"
+ t.author_name = "Jason"
+ end
+ assert_equal("Budget", topic.title)
+ assert_equal("Jason", topic.author_name)
+ end
+ def test_respond_to?
+ topic = Topic.find(1)
+ assert_respond_to topic, "title"
+ assert_respond_to topic, "title?"
+ assert_respond_to topic, "title="
+ assert_respond_to topic, :title
+ assert_respond_to topic, :title?
+ assert_respond_to topic, :title=
+ assert_respond_to topic, "author_name"
+ assert_respond_to topic, "attribute_names"
+ assert !topic.respond_to?("nothingness")
+ assert !topic.respond_to?(:nothingness)
+ end
+ def test_array_content
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.content = %w( one two three )
+ topic.save
+ assert_equal(%w( one two three ), Topic.find(topic.id).content)
+ end
+ def test_read_attributes_before_type_cast
+ category = Category.new({:name=>"Test categoty", :type => nil})
+ category_attrs = {"name"=>"Test categoty", "type" => nil, "categorizations_count" => nil}
+ assert_equal category_attrs , category.attributes_before_type_cast
+ end
+ if current_adapter?(:MysqlAdapter)
+ def test_read_attributes_before_type_cast_on_boolean
+ bool = Booleantest.create({ "value" => false })
+ assert_equal "0", bool.reload.attributes_before_type_cast["value"]
+ end
+ end
+ def test_read_attributes_before_type_cast_on_datetime
+ developer = Developer.find(:first)
+ # Oracle adapter returns Time before type cast
+ unless current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter)
+ assert_equal developer.created_at.to_s(:db) , developer.attributes_before_type_cast["created_at"]
+ else
+ assert_equal developer.created_at.to_s(:db) , developer.attributes_before_type_cast["created_at"].to_s(:db)
+ developer.created_at = "345643456"
+ assert_equal developer.created_at_before_type_cast, "345643456"
+ assert_equal developer.created_at, nil
+ developer.created_at = "2010-03-21T21:23:32+01:00"
+ assert_equal developer.created_at_before_type_cast, "2010-03-21T21:23:32+01:00"
+ assert_equal developer.created_at, Time.parse("2010-03-21T21:23:32+01:00")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_hash_content
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.content = { "one" => 1, "two" => 2 }
+ topic.save
+ assert_equal 2, Topic.find(topic.id).content["two"]
+ topic.content_will_change!
+ topic.content["three"] = 3
+ topic.save
+ assert_equal 3, Topic.find(topic.id).content["three"]
+ end
+ def test_update_array_content
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.content = %w( one two three )
+ topic.content.push "four"
+ assert_equal(%w( one two three four ), topic.content)
+ topic.save
+ topic = Topic.find(topic.id)
+ topic.content << "five"
+ assert_equal(%w( one two three four five ), topic.content)
+ end
+ def test_case_sensitive_attributes_hash
+ # DB2 is not case-sensitive
+ return true if current_adapter?(:DB2Adapter)
+ assert_equal @loaded_fixtures['computers']['workstation'].to_hash, Computer.find(:first).attributes
+ end
+ def test_hashes_not_mangled
+ new_topic = { :title => "New Topic" }
+ new_topic_values = { :title => "AnotherTopic" }
+ topic = Topic.new(new_topic)
+ assert_equal new_topic[:title], topic.title
+ topic.attributes= new_topic_values
+ assert_equal new_topic_values[:title], topic.title
+ end
+ def test_create_through_factory
+ topic = Topic.create("title" => "New Topic")
+ topicReloaded = Topic.find(topic.id)
+ assert_equal(topic, topicReloaded)
+ end
+ def test_write_attribute
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.send(:write_attribute, :title, "Still another topic")
+ assert_equal "Still another topic", topic.title
+ topic.send(:write_attribute, "title", "Still another topic: part 2")
+ assert_equal "Still another topic: part 2", topic.title
+ end
+ def test_read_attribute
+ topic = Topic.new
+ topic.title = "Don't change the topic"
+ assert_equal "Don't change the topic", topic.send(:read_attribute, "title")
+ assert_equal "Don't change the topic", topic["title"]
+ assert_equal "Don't change the topic", topic.send(:read_attribute, :title)
+ assert_equal "Don't change the topic", topic[:title]
+ end
+ def test_read_attribute_when_false
+ topic = topics(:first)
+ topic.approved = false
+ assert !topic.approved?, "approved should be false"
+ topic.approved = "false"
+ assert !topic.approved?, "approved should be false"
+ end
+ def test_read_attribute_when_true
+ topic = topics(:first)
+ topic.approved = true
+ assert topic.approved?, "approved should be true"
+ topic.approved = "true"
+ assert topic.approved?, "approved should be true"
+ end
+ def test_read_write_boolean_attribute
+ topic = Topic.new
+ # puts ""
+ # puts "New Topic"
+ # puts topic.inspect
+ topic.approved = "false"
+ # puts "Expecting false"
+ # puts topic.inspect
+ assert !topic.approved?, "approved should be false"
+ topic.approved = "false"
+ # puts "Expecting false"
+ # puts topic.inspect
+ assert !topic.approved?, "approved should be false"
+ topic.approved = "true"
+ # puts "Expecting true"
+ # puts topic.inspect
+ assert topic.approved?, "approved should be true"
+ topic.approved = "true"
+ # puts "Expecting true"
+ # puts topic.inspect
+ assert topic.approved?, "approved should be true"
+ # puts ""
+ end
+ def test_query_attribute_string
+ [nil, "", " "].each do |value|
+ assert_equal false, Topic.new(:author_name => value).author_name?
+ end
+ assert_equal true, Topic.new(:author_name => "Name").author_name?
+ end
+ def test_query_attribute_number
+ [nil, 0, "0"].each do |value|
+ assert_equal false, Developer.new(:salary => value).salary?
+ end
+ assert_equal true, Developer.new(:salary => 1).salary?
+ assert_equal true, Developer.new(:salary => "1").salary?
+ end
+ def test_query_attribute_boolean
+ [nil, "", false, "false", "f", 0].each do |value|
+ assert_equal false, Topic.new(:approved => value).approved?
+ end
+ [true, "true", "1", 1].each do |value|
+ assert_equal true, Topic.new(:approved => value).approved?
+ end
+ end
+ def test_query_attribute_with_custom_fields
+ object = Company.find_by_sql(<<-SQL).first
+ SELECT c1.*, c2.ruby_type as string_value, c2.rating as int_value
+ FROM companies c1, companies c2
+ WHERE c1.firm_id = c2.id
+ AND c1.id = 2
+ assert_equal "Firm", object.string_value
+ assert object.string_value?
+ object.string_value = " "
+ assert !object.string_value?
+ assert_equal 1, object.int_value.to_i
+ assert object.int_value?
+ object.int_value = "0"
+ assert !object.int_value?
+ end
+ def test_non_attribute_access_and_assignment
+ topic = Topic.new
+ assert !topic.respond_to?("mumbo")
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { topic.mumbo }
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { topic.mumbo = 5 }
+ end
def test_undeclared_attribute_method_does_not_affect_respond_to_and_method_missing
topic = @target.new(:title => 'Budget')
assert topic.respond_to?('title')