path: root/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_one_associations_test.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_one_associations_test.rb')
1 files changed, 786 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_one_associations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_one_associations_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf574f6637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_one_associations_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,786 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/developer"
+require "models/computer"
+require "models/project"
+require "models/company"
+require "models/ship"
+require "models/pirate"
+require "models/car"
+require "models/bulb"
+require "models/author"
+require "models/image"
+require "models/post"
+class HasOneAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ self.use_transactional_tests = false unless supports_savepoints?
+ fixtures :accounts, :companies, :developers, :projects, :developers_projects, :ships, :pirates, :authors, :author_addresses
+ def setup
+ Account.destroyed_account_ids.clear
+ end
+ def test_has_one
+ firm = companies(:first_firm)
+ first_account = Account.find(1)
+ assert_sql(/LIMIT|ROWNUM <=|FETCH FIRST/) do
+ assert_equal first_account, firm.account
+ assert_equal first_account.credit_limit, firm.account.credit_limit
+ end
+ end
+ def test_has_one_does_not_use_order_by
+ ActiveRecord::SQLCounter.clear_log
+ companies(:first_firm).account
+ ensure
+ log_all = ActiveRecord::SQLCounter.log_all
+ assert log_all.all? { |sql| /order by/i !~ sql }, "ORDER BY was used in the query: #{log_all}"
+ end
+ def test_has_one_cache_nils
+ firm = companies(:another_firm)
+ assert_queries(1) { assert_nil firm.account }
+ assert_no_queries { assert_nil firm.account }
+ firms = Firm.includes(:account).to_a
+ assert_no_queries { firms.each(&:account) }
+ end
+ def test_with_select
+ assert_equal Firm.find(1).account_with_select.attributes.size, 2
+ assert_equal Firm.all.merge!(includes: :account_with_select).find(1).account_with_select.attributes.size, 2
+ end
+ def test_finding_using_primary_key
+ firm = companies(:first_firm)
+ assert_equal Account.find_by_firm_id(firm.id), firm.account
+ firm.firm_id = companies(:rails_core).id
+ assert_equal accounts(:rails_core_account), firm.account_using_primary_key
+ end
+ def test_update_with_foreign_and_primary_keys
+ firm = companies(:first_firm)
+ account = firm.account_using_foreign_and_primary_keys
+ assert_equal Account.find_by_firm_name(firm.name), account
+ firm.save
+ firm.reload
+ assert_equal account, firm.account_using_foreign_and_primary_keys
+ end
+ def test_can_marshal_has_one_association_with_nil_target
+ firm = Firm.new
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ assert_equal firm.attributes, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(firm)).attributes
+ end
+ firm.account
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ assert_equal firm.attributes, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(firm)).attributes
+ end
+ end
+ def test_proxy_assignment
+ company = companies(:first_firm)
+ assert_nothing_raised { company.account = company.account }
+ end
+ def test_type_mismatch
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch) { companies(:first_firm).account = 1 }
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch) { companies(:first_firm).account = Project.find(1) }
+ end
+ def test_natural_assignment
+ apple = Firm.create("name" => "Apple")
+ citibank = Account.create("credit_limit" => 10)
+ apple.account = citibank
+ assert_equal apple.id, citibank.firm_id
+ end
+ def test_natural_assignment_to_nil
+ old_account_id = companies(:first_firm).account.id
+ companies(:first_firm).account = nil
+ companies(:first_firm).save
+ assert_nil companies(:first_firm).account
+ # account is dependent, therefore is destroyed when reference to owner is lost
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Account.find(old_account_id) }
+ end
+ def test_nullification_on_association_change
+ firm = companies(:rails_core)
+ old_account_id = firm.account.id
+ firm.account = Account.new(credit_limit: 5)
+ # account is dependent with nullify, therefore its firm_id should be nil
+ assert_nil Account.find(old_account_id).firm_id
+ end
+ def test_nullification_on_destroyed_association
+ developer = Developer.create!(name: "Someone")
+ ship = Ship.create!(name: "Planet Caravan", developer: developer)
+ ship.destroy
+ assert_not_predicate ship, :persisted?
+ assert_not_predicate developer, :persisted?
+ end
+ def test_natural_assignment_to_nil_after_destroy
+ firm = companies(:rails_core)
+ old_account_id = firm.account.id
+ firm.account.destroy
+ firm.account = nil
+ assert_nil companies(:rails_core).account
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { Account.find(old_account_id) }
+ end
+ def test_association_change_calls_delete
+ companies(:first_firm).deletable_account = Account.new(credit_limit: 5)
+ assert_equal [], Account.destroyed_account_ids[companies(:first_firm).id]
+ end
+ def test_association_change_calls_destroy
+ companies(:first_firm).account = Account.new(credit_limit: 5)
+ assert_equal [companies(:first_firm).id], Account.destroyed_account_ids[companies(:first_firm).id]
+ end
+ def test_natural_assignment_to_already_associated_record
+ company = companies(:first_firm)
+ account = accounts(:signals37)
+ assert_equal company.account, account
+ company.account = account
+ company.reload
+ account.reload
+ assert_equal company.account, account
+ end
+ def test_dependence
+ num_accounts = Account.count
+ firm = Firm.find(1)
+ assert_not_nil firm.account
+ account_id = firm.account.id
+ assert_equal [], Account.destroyed_account_ids[firm.id]
+ firm.destroy
+ assert_equal num_accounts - 1, Account.count
+ assert_equal [account_id], Account.destroyed_account_ids[firm.id]
+ end
+ def test_exclusive_dependence
+ num_accounts = Account.count
+ firm = ExclusivelyDependentFirm.find(9)
+ assert_not_nil firm.account
+ assert_equal [], Account.destroyed_account_ids[firm.id]
+ firm.destroy
+ assert_equal num_accounts - 1, Account.count
+ assert_equal [], Account.destroyed_account_ids[firm.id]
+ end
+ def test_dependence_with_nil_associate
+ firm = DependentFirm.new(name: "nullify")
+ firm.save!
+ assert_nothing_raised { firm.destroy }
+ end
+ def test_restrict_with_exception
+ firm = RestrictedWithExceptionFirm.create!(name: "restrict")
+ firm.create_account(credit_limit: 10)
+ assert_not_nil firm.account
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::DeleteRestrictionError) { firm.destroy }
+ assert RestrictedWithExceptionFirm.exists?(name: "restrict")
+ assert_predicate firm.account, :present?
+ end
+ def test_restrict_with_error
+ firm = RestrictedWithErrorFirm.create!(name: "restrict")
+ firm.create_account(credit_limit: 10)
+ assert_not_nil firm.account
+ firm.destroy
+ assert_not_empty firm.errors
+ assert_equal "Cannot delete record because a dependent account exists", firm.errors[:base].first
+ assert RestrictedWithErrorFirm.exists?(name: "restrict")
+ assert_predicate firm.account, :present?
+ end
+ def test_restrict_with_error_with_locale
+ I18n.backend = I18n::Backend::Simple.new
+ I18n.backend.store_translations "en", activerecord: { attributes: { restricted_with_error_firm: { account: "firm account" } } }
+ firm = RestrictedWithErrorFirm.create!(name: "restrict")
+ firm.create_account(credit_limit: 10)
+ assert_not_nil firm.account
+ firm.destroy
+ assert_not_empty firm.errors
+ assert_equal "Cannot delete record because a dependent firm account exists", firm.errors[:base].first
+ assert RestrictedWithErrorFirm.exists?(name: "restrict")
+ assert_predicate firm.account, :present?
+ ensure
+ I18n.backend.reload!
+ end
+ def test_successful_build_association
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "GlobalMegaCorp")
+ firm.save
+ account = firm.build_account("credit_limit" => 1000)
+ assert account.save
+ assert_equal account, firm.account
+ end
+ def test_build_association_dont_create_transaction
+ # Load schema information so we don't query below if running just this test.
+ Account.define_attribute_methods
+ firm = Firm.new
+ assert_no_queries do
+ firm.build_account
+ end
+ end
+ def test_building_the_associated_object_with_implicit_sti_base_class
+ firm = DependentFirm.new
+ company = firm.build_company
+ assert_kind_of Company, company, "Expected #{company.class} to be a Company"
+ end
+ def test_building_the_associated_object_with_explicit_sti_base_class
+ firm = DependentFirm.new
+ company = firm.build_company(type: "Company")
+ assert_kind_of Company, company, "Expected #{company.class} to be a Company"
+ end
+ def test_building_the_associated_object_with_sti_subclass
+ firm = DependentFirm.new
+ company = firm.build_company(type: "Client")
+ assert_kind_of Client, company, "Expected #{company.class} to be a Client"
+ end
+ def test_building_the_associated_object_with_an_invalid_type
+ firm = DependentFirm.new
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::SubclassNotFound) { firm.build_company(type: "Invalid") }
+ end
+ def test_building_the_associated_object_with_an_unrelated_type
+ firm = DependentFirm.new
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::SubclassNotFound) { firm.build_company(type: "Account") }
+ end
+ def test_build_and_create_should_not_happen_within_scope
+ pirate = pirates(:blackbeard)
+ scope = pirate.association(:foo_bulb).scope.where_values_hash
+ bulb = pirate.build_foo_bulb
+ assert_not_equal scope, bulb.scope_after_initialize.where_values_hash
+ bulb = pirate.create_foo_bulb
+ assert_not_equal scope, bulb.scope_after_initialize.where_values_hash
+ bulb = pirate.create_foo_bulb!
+ assert_not_equal scope, bulb.scope_after_initialize.where_values_hash
+ end
+ def test_create_association
+ firm = Firm.create(name: "GlobalMegaCorp")
+ account = firm.create_account(credit_limit: 1000)
+ assert_equal account, firm.reload.account
+ end
+ def test_create_association_with_bang
+ firm = Firm.create(name: "GlobalMegaCorp")
+ account = firm.create_account!(credit_limit: 1000)
+ assert_equal account, firm.reload.account
+ end
+ def test_create_association_with_bang_failing
+ firm = Firm.create(name: "GlobalMegaCorp")
+ assert_raise ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid do
+ firm.create_account!
+ end
+ account = firm.account
+ assert_not_nil account
+ account.credit_limit = 5
+ account.save
+ assert_equal account, firm.reload.account
+ end
+ def test_create_with_inexistent_foreign_key_failing
+ firm = Firm.create(name: "GlobalMegaCorp")
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError) do
+ firm.create_account_with_inexistent_foreign_key
+ end
+ end
+ def test_create_when_parent_is_new_raises
+ firm = Firm.new
+ error = assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved) do
+ firm.create_account
+ end
+ assert_equal "You cannot call create unless the parent is saved", error.message
+ end
+ def test_reload_association
+ odegy = companies(:odegy)
+ assert_equal 53, odegy.account.credit_limit
+ Account.where(id: odegy.account.id).update_all(credit_limit: 80)
+ assert_equal 53, odegy.account.credit_limit
+ assert_equal 80, odegy.reload_account.credit_limit
+ end
+ def test_reload_association_with_query_cache
+ odegy_id = companies(:odegy).id
+ connection = ActiveRecord::Base.connection
+ connection.enable_query_cache!
+ connection.clear_query_cache
+ # Populate the cache with a query
+ odegy = Company.find(odegy_id)
+ # Populate the cache with a second query
+ odegy.account
+ assert_equal 2, connection.query_cache.size
+ # Clear the cache and fetch the account again, populating the cache with a query
+ assert_queries(1) { odegy.reload_account }
+ # This query is not cached anymore, so it should make a real SQL query
+ assert_queries(1) { Company.find(odegy_id) }
+ ensure
+ ActiveRecord::Base.connection.disable_query_cache!
+ end
+ def test_build
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "GlobalMegaCorp")
+ firm.save
+ firm.account = account = Account.new("credit_limit" => 1000)
+ assert_equal account, firm.account
+ assert account.save
+ assert_equal account, firm.account
+ end
+ def test_create
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "GlobalMegaCorp")
+ firm.save
+ firm.account = account = Account.create("credit_limit" => 1000)
+ assert_equal account, firm.account
+ end
+ def test_create_before_save
+ firm = Firm.new("name" => "GlobalMegaCorp")
+ firm.account = account = Account.create("credit_limit" => 1000)
+ assert_equal account, firm.account
+ end
+ def test_dependence_with_missing_association
+ Account.destroy_all
+ firm = Firm.find(1)
+ assert_nil firm.account
+ firm.destroy
+ end
+ def test_dependence_with_missing_association_and_nullify
+ Account.destroy_all
+ firm = DependentFirm.first
+ assert_nil firm.account
+ firm.destroy
+ end
+ def test_finding_with_interpolated_condition
+ firm = Firm.first
+ superior = firm.clients.create(name: "SuperiorCo")
+ superior.rating = 10
+ superior.save
+ assert_equal 10, firm.clients_with_interpolated_conditions.first.rating
+ end
+ def test_assignment_before_child_saved
+ firm = Firm.find(1)
+ firm.account = a = Account.new("credit_limit" => 1000)
+ assert_predicate a, :persisted?
+ assert_equal a, firm.account
+ assert_equal a, firm.account
+ firm.association(:account).reload
+ assert_equal a, firm.account
+ end
+ def test_save_still_works_after_accessing_nil_has_one
+ jp = Company.new name: "Jaded Pixel"
+ jp.dummy_account.nil?
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ jp.save!
+ end
+ end
+ def test_cant_save_readonly_association
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord) { companies(:first_firm).readonly_account.save! }
+ assert_predicate companies(:first_firm).readonly_account, :readonly?
+ end
+ def test_has_one_proxy_should_not_respond_to_private_methods
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { accounts(:signals37).private_method }
+ assert_raise(NoMethodError) { companies(:first_firm).account.private_method }
+ end
+ def test_has_one_proxy_should_respond_to_private_methods_via_send
+ accounts(:signals37).send(:private_method)
+ companies(:first_firm).account.send(:private_method)
+ end
+ def test_save_of_record_with_loaded_has_one
+ @firm = companies(:first_firm)
+ assert_not_nil @firm.account
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Firm.find(@firm.id).save!
+ Firm.all.merge!(includes: :account).find(@firm.id).save!
+ end
+ @firm.account.destroy
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Firm.find(@firm.id).save!
+ Firm.all.merge!(includes: :account).find(@firm.id).save!
+ end
+ end
+ def test_build_respects_hash_condition
+ account = companies(:first_firm).build_account_limit_500_with_hash_conditions
+ assert account.save
+ assert_equal 500, account.credit_limit
+ end
+ def test_create_respects_hash_condition
+ account = companies(:first_firm).create_account_limit_500_with_hash_conditions
+ assert_predicate account, :persisted?
+ assert_equal 500, account.credit_limit
+ end
+ def test_attributes_are_being_set_when_initialized_from_has_one_association_with_where_clause
+ new_account = companies(:first_firm).build_account(firm_name: "Account")
+ assert_equal new_account.firm_name, "Account"
+ end
+ def test_creation_failure_without_dependent_option
+ pirate = pirates(:blackbeard)
+ orig_ship = pirate.ship
+ assert_equal ships(:black_pearl), orig_ship
+ new_ship = pirate.create_ship
+ assert_not_equal ships(:black_pearl), new_ship
+ assert_equal new_ship, pirate.ship
+ assert_predicate new_ship, :new_record?
+ assert_nil orig_ship.pirate_id
+ assert_not orig_ship.changed? # check it was saved
+ end
+ def test_creation_failure_with_dependent_option
+ pirate = pirates(:blackbeard).becomes(DestructivePirate)
+ orig_ship = pirate.dependent_ship
+ new_ship = pirate.create_dependent_ship
+ assert_predicate new_ship, :new_record?
+ assert_predicate orig_ship, :destroyed?
+ end
+ def test_creation_failure_due_to_new_record_should_raise_error
+ pirate = pirates(:redbeard)
+ new_ship = Ship.new
+ error = assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved) do
+ pirate.ship = new_ship
+ end
+ assert_equal "Failed to save the new associated ship.", error.message
+ assert_nil pirate.ship
+ assert_nil new_ship.pirate_id
+ end
+ def test_replacement_failure_due_to_existing_record_should_raise_error
+ pirate = pirates(:blackbeard)
+ pirate.ship.name = nil
+ assert_not_predicate pirate.ship, :valid?
+ error = assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved) do
+ pirate.ship = ships(:interceptor)
+ end
+ assert_equal ships(:black_pearl), pirate.ship
+ assert_equal pirate.id, pirate.ship.pirate_id
+ assert_equal "Failed to remove the existing associated ship. " \
+ "The record failed to save after its foreign key was set to nil.", error.message
+ end
+ def test_replacement_failure_due_to_new_record_should_raise_error
+ pirate = pirates(:blackbeard)
+ new_ship = Ship.new
+ error = assert_raise(ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved) do
+ pirate.ship = new_ship
+ end
+ assert_equal "Failed to save the new associated ship.", error.message
+ assert_equal ships(:black_pearl), pirate.ship
+ assert_equal pirate.id, pirate.ship.pirate_id
+ assert_equal pirate.id, ships(:black_pearl).reload.pirate_id
+ assert_nil new_ship.pirate_id
+ end
+ def test_association_keys_bypass_attribute_protection
+ car = Car.create(name: "honda")
+ bulb = car.build_bulb
+ assert_equal car.id, bulb.car_id
+ bulb = car.build_bulb car_id: car.id + 1
+ assert_equal car.id, bulb.car_id
+ bulb = car.create_bulb
+ assert_equal car.id, bulb.car_id
+ bulb = car.create_bulb car_id: car.id + 1
+ assert_equal car.id, bulb.car_id
+ end
+ def test_association_protect_foreign_key
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ ship = pirate.build_ship
+ assert_equal pirate.id, ship.pirate_id
+ ship = pirate.build_ship pirate_id: pirate.id + 1
+ assert_equal pirate.id, ship.pirate_id
+ ship = pirate.create_ship
+ assert_equal pirate.id, ship.pirate_id
+ ship = pirate.create_ship pirate_id: pirate.id + 1
+ assert_equal pirate.id, ship.pirate_id
+ end
+ def test_build_with_block
+ car = Car.create(name: "honda")
+ bulb = car.build_bulb { |b| b.color = "Red" }
+ assert_equal "RED!", bulb.color
+ end
+ def test_create_with_block
+ car = Car.create(name: "honda")
+ bulb = car.create_bulb { |b| b.color = "Red" }
+ assert_equal "RED!", bulb.color
+ end
+ def test_create_bang_with_block
+ car = Car.create(name: "honda")
+ bulb = car.create_bulb! { |b| b.color = "Red" }
+ assert_equal "RED!", bulb.color
+ end
+ def test_association_attributes_are_available_to_after_initialize
+ car = Car.create(name: "honda")
+ bulb = car.create_bulb
+ assert_equal car.id, bulb.attributes_after_initialize["car_id"]
+ end
+ def test_has_one_transaction
+ company = companies(:first_firm)
+ account = Account.find(1)
+ company.account # force loading
+ assert_no_queries { company.account = account }
+ company.account = nil
+ assert_no_queries { company.account = nil }
+ account = Account.find(2)
+ assert_queries { company.account = account }
+ assert_no_queries { Firm.new.account = account }
+ end
+ def test_has_one_assignment_dont_trigger_save_on_change_of_same_object
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ ship = pirate.build_ship(name: "old name")
+ ship.save!
+ ship.name = "new name"
+ assert_predicate ship, :changed?
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ # One query for updating name, not triggering query for updating pirate_id
+ pirate.ship = ship
+ end
+ assert_equal "new name", pirate.ship.reload.name
+ end
+ def test_has_one_assignment_triggers_save_on_change_on_replacing_object
+ pirate = Pirate.create!(catchphrase: "Don' botharrr talkin' like one, savvy?")
+ ship = pirate.build_ship(name: "old name")
+ ship.save!
+ new_ship = Ship.create(name: "new name")
+ assert_queries(2) do
+ # One query to nullify the old ship, one query to update the new ship
+ pirate.ship = new_ship
+ end
+ assert_equal "new name", pirate.ship.reload.name
+ end
+ def test_has_one_autosave_with_primary_key_manually_set
+ post = Post.create(id: 1234, title: "Some title", body: "Some content")
+ author = Author.new(id: 33, name: "Hank Moody")
+ author.post = post
+ author.save
+ author.reload
+ assert_not_nil author.post
+ assert_equal author.post, post
+ end
+ def test_has_one_loading_for_new_record
+ post = Post.create!(author_id: 42, title: "foo", body: "bar")
+ author = Author.new(id: 42)
+ assert_equal post, author.post
+ end
+ def test_has_one_relationship_cannot_have_a_counter_cache
+ assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
+ Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ has_one :thing, counter_cache: true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_with_polymorphic_has_one_with_custom_columns_name
+ post = Post.create! title: "foo", body: "bar"
+ image = Image.create!
+ post.main_image = image
+ post.reload
+ assert_equal image, post.main_image
+ end
+ test "dangerous association name raises ArgumentError" do
+ [:errors, "errors", :save, "save"].each do |name|
+ assert_raises(ArgumentError, "Association #{name} should not be allowed") do
+ Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ has_one name
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class SpecialBook < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = "books"
+ belongs_to :author, class_name: "SpecialAuthor"
+ has_one :subscription, class_name: "SpecialSupscription", foreign_key: "subscriber_id"
+ enum status: [:proposed, :written, :published]
+ end
+ class SpecialAuthor < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = "authors"
+ has_one :book, class_name: "SpecialBook", foreign_key: "author_id"
+ end
+ class SpecialSupscription < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = "subscriptions"
+ belongs_to :book, class_name: "SpecialBook"
+ end
+ def test_association_enum_works_properly
+ author = SpecialAuthor.create!(name: "Test")
+ book = SpecialBook.create!(status: "published")
+ author.book = book
+ assert_equal "published", book.status
+ assert_not_equal 0, SpecialAuthor.joins(:book).where(books: { status: "published" }).count
+ end
+ def test_association_enum_works_properly_with_nested_join
+ author = SpecialAuthor.create!(name: "Test")
+ book = SpecialBook.create!(status: "published")
+ author.book = book
+ where_clause = { books: { subscriptions: { subscriber_id: nil } } }
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ SpecialAuthor.joins(book: :subscription).where.not(where_clause)
+ end
+ end
+ class DestroyByParentBook < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = "books"
+ belongs_to :author, class_name: "DestroyByParentAuthor"
+ before_destroy :dont, unless: :destroyed_by_association
+ def dont
+ throw(:abort)
+ end
+ end
+ class DestroyByParentAuthor < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = "authors"
+ has_one :book, class_name: "DestroyByParentBook", foreign_key: "author_id", dependent: :destroy
+ end
+ test "destroyed_by_association set in child destroy callback on parent destroy" do
+ author = DestroyByParentAuthor.create!(name: "Test")
+ book = DestroyByParentBook.create!(author: author)
+ author.destroy
+ assert_not DestroyByParentBook.exists?(book.id)
+ end
+ test "destroyed_by_association set in child destroy callback on replace" do
+ author = DestroyByParentAuthor.create!(name: "Test")
+ book = DestroyByParentBook.create!(author: author)
+ author.book = DestroyByParentBook.create!
+ author.save!
+ assert_not DestroyByParentBook.exists?(book.id)
+ end
+ class UndestroyableBook < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = "books"
+ belongs_to :author, class_name: "DestroyableAuthor"
+ before_destroy :dont
+ def dont
+ throw(:abort)
+ end
+ end
+ class DestroyableAuthor < ActiveRecord::Base
+ self.table_name = "authors"
+ has_one :book, class_name: "UndestroyableBook", foreign_key: "author_id", dependent: :destroy
+ end
+ def test_dependency_should_halt_parent_destruction
+ author = DestroyableAuthor.create!(name: "Test")
+ UndestroyableBook.create!(author: author)
+ assert_no_difference ["DestroyableAuthor.count", "UndestroyableBook.count"] do
+ assert_not author.destroy
+ end
+ end