path: root/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_through_associations_test.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_through_associations_test.rb')
1 files changed, 1408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_through_associations_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_through_associations_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b3d4037b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/has_many_through_associations_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1408 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/post"
+require "models/person"
+require "models/reference"
+require "models/job"
+require "models/reader"
+require "models/comment"
+require "models/rating"
+require "models/tag"
+require "models/tagging"
+require "models/author"
+require "models/owner"
+require "models/pet"
+require "models/pet_treasure"
+require "models/toy"
+require "models/treasure"
+require "models/contract"
+require "models/company"
+require "models/developer"
+require "models/computer"
+require "models/subscriber"
+require "models/book"
+require "models/subscription"
+require "models/essay"
+require "models/category"
+require "models/categorization"
+require "models/member"
+require "models/membership"
+require "models/club"
+require "models/organization"
+require "models/user"
+require "models/family"
+require "models/family_tree"
+class HasManyThroughAssociationsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :posts, :readers, :people, :comments, :authors, :categories, :taggings, :tags,
+ :owners, :pets, :toys, :jobs, :references, :companies, :members, :author_addresses,
+ :subscribers, :books, :subscriptions, :developers, :categorizations, :essays,
+ :categories_posts, :clubs, :memberships, :organizations
+ # Dummies to force column loads so query counts are clean.
+ def setup
+ Person.create first_name: "gummy"
+ Reader.create person_id: 0, post_id: 0
+ end
+ def test_marshal_dump
+ preloaded = Post.includes(:first_blue_tags).first
+ assert_equal preloaded, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(preloaded))
+ end
+ def test_preload_sti_rhs_class
+ developers = Developer.includes(:firms).all.to_a
+ assert_no_queries do
+ developers.each(&:firms)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preload_sti_middle_relation
+ club = Club.create!(name: "Aaron cool banana club")
+ member1 = Member.create!(name: "Aaron")
+ member2 = Member.create!(name: "Cat")
+ SuperMembership.create! club: club, member: member1
+ CurrentMembership.create! club: club, member: member2
+ club1 = Club.includes(:members).find_by_id club.id
+ assert_equal [member1, member2].sort_by(&:id),
+ club1.members.sort_by(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_ordered_has_many_through
+ person_prime = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ def self.name; "Person"; end
+ has_many :readers
+ has_many :posts, -> { order("posts.id DESC") }, through: :readers
+ end
+ posts = person_prime.includes(:posts).first.posts
+ assert_operator posts.length, :>, 1
+ posts.each_cons(2) do |left, right|
+ assert_operator left.id, :>, right.id
+ end
+ end
+ def test_singleton_has_many_through
+ book = make_model "Book"
+ subscription = make_model "Subscription"
+ subscriber = make_model "Subscriber"
+ subscriber.primary_key = "nick"
+ subscription.belongs_to :book, anonymous_class: book
+ subscription.belongs_to :subscriber, anonymous_class: subscriber
+ book.has_many :subscriptions, anonymous_class: subscription
+ book.has_many :subscribers, through: :subscriptions, anonymous_class: subscriber
+ anonbook = book.first
+ namebook = Book.find anonbook.id
+ assert_operator anonbook.subscribers.count, :>, 0
+ anonbook.subscribers.each do |s|
+ assert_instance_of subscriber, s
+ end
+ assert_equal namebook.subscribers.map(&:id).sort,
+ anonbook.subscribers.map(&:id).sort
+ end
+ def test_no_pk_join_table_append
+ lesson, _, student = make_no_pk_hm_t
+ sicp = lesson.new(name: "SICP")
+ ben = student.new(name: "Ben Bitdiddle")
+ sicp.students << ben
+ assert sicp.save!
+ end
+ def test_no_pk_join_table_delete
+ lesson, lesson_student, student = make_no_pk_hm_t
+ sicp = lesson.new(name: "SICP")
+ ben = student.new(name: "Ben Bitdiddle")
+ louis = student.new(name: "Louis Reasoner")
+ sicp.students << ben
+ sicp.students << louis
+ assert sicp.save!
+ sicp.students.reload
+ assert_operator lesson_student.count, :>=, 2
+ assert_no_difference("student.count") do
+ assert_difference("lesson_student.count", -2) do
+ sicp.students.destroy(*student.all.to_a)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_no_pk_join_model_callbacks
+ lesson, lesson_student, student = make_no_pk_hm_t
+ after_destroy_called = false
+ lesson_student.after_destroy do
+ after_destroy_called = true
+ end
+ sicp = lesson.new(name: "SICP")
+ ben = student.new(name: "Ben Bitdiddle")
+ sicp.students << ben
+ assert sicp.save!
+ sicp.students.reload
+ sicp.students.destroy(*student.all.to_a)
+ assert after_destroy_called, "after destroy should be called"
+ end
+ def test_pk_is_not_required_for_join
+ post = Post.includes(:scategories).first
+ post2 = Post.includes(:categories).first
+ assert_operator post.categories.length, :>, 0
+ assert_equal post2.categories, post.categories
+ end
+ def test_include?
+ person = Person.new
+ post = Post.new
+ person.posts << post
+ assert_includes person.posts, post
+ end
+ def test_associate_existing
+ post = posts(:thinking)
+ person = people(:david)
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ post.people << person
+ end
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ assert_includes post.people, person
+ end
+ assert_includes post.reload.people.reload, person
+ end
+ def test_delete_all_for_with_dependent_option_destroy
+ person = people(:david)
+ assert_equal 1, person.jobs_with_dependent_destroy.count
+ assert_no_difference "Job.count" do
+ assert_difference "Reference.count", -1 do
+ person.reload.jobs_with_dependent_destroy.delete_all
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_delete_all_for_with_dependent_option_nullify
+ person = people(:david)
+ assert_equal 1, person.jobs_with_dependent_nullify.count
+ assert_no_difference "Job.count" do
+ assert_no_difference "Reference.count" do
+ person.reload.jobs_with_dependent_nullify.delete_all
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_delete_all_for_with_dependent_option_delete_all
+ person = people(:david)
+ assert_equal 1, person.jobs_with_dependent_delete_all.count
+ assert_no_difference "Job.count" do
+ assert_difference "Reference.count", -1 do
+ person.reload.jobs_with_dependent_delete_all.delete_all
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_concat
+ person = people(:david)
+ post = posts(:thinking)
+ post.people.concat [person]
+ assert_equal 1, post.people.size
+ assert_equal 1, post.people.reload.size
+ end
+ def test_associate_existing_record_twice_should_add_to_target_twice
+ post = posts(:thinking)
+ person = people(:david)
+ assert_difference "post.people.to_a.count", 2 do
+ post.people << person
+ post.people << person
+ end
+ end
+ def test_associate_existing_record_twice_should_add_records_twice
+ post = posts(:thinking)
+ person = people(:david)
+ assert_difference "post.people.count", 2 do
+ post.people << person
+ post.people << person
+ end
+ end
+ def test_add_two_instance_and_then_deleting
+ post = posts(:thinking)
+ person = people(:david)
+ post.people << person
+ post.people << person
+ counts = ["post.people.count", "post.people.to_a.count", "post.readers.count", "post.readers.to_a.count"]
+ assert_difference counts, -2 do
+ post.people.delete(person)
+ end
+ assert_not_includes post.people.reload, person
+ end
+ def test_associating_new
+ assert_queries(1) { posts(:thinking) }
+ new_person = nil # so block binding catches it
+ assert_queries(0) do
+ new_person = Person.new first_name: "bob"
+ end
+ # Associating new records always saves them
+ # Thus, 1 query for the new person record, 1 query for the new join table record
+ assert_queries(2) do
+ posts(:thinking).people << new_person
+ end
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ assert_includes posts(:thinking).people, new_person
+ end
+ assert_includes posts(:thinking).reload.people.reload, new_person
+ end
+ def test_associate_new_by_building
+ assert_queries(1) { posts(:thinking) }
+ assert_queries(0) do
+ posts(:thinking).people.build(first_name: "Bob")
+ posts(:thinking).people.new(first_name: "Ted")
+ end
+ # Should only need to load the association once
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ assert_includes posts(:thinking).people.collect(&:first_name), "Bob"
+ assert_includes posts(:thinking).people.collect(&:first_name), "Ted"
+ end
+ # 2 queries for each new record (1 to save the record itself, 1 for the join model)
+ # * 2 new records = 4
+ # + 1 query to save the actual post = 5
+ assert_queries(5) do
+ posts(:thinking).body += "-changed"
+ posts(:thinking).save
+ end
+ assert_includes posts(:thinking).reload.people.reload.collect(&:first_name), "Bob"
+ assert_includes posts(:thinking).reload.people.reload.collect(&:first_name), "Ted"
+ end
+ def test_build_then_save_with_has_many_inverse
+ post = posts(:thinking)
+ person = post.people.build(first_name: "Bob")
+ person.save
+ post.reload
+ assert_includes post.people, person
+ end
+ def test_build_then_save_with_has_one_inverse
+ post = posts(:thinking)
+ person = post.single_people.build(first_name: "Bob")
+ person.save
+ post.reload
+ assert_includes post.single_people, person
+ end
+ def test_build_then_remove_then_save
+ post = posts(:thinking)
+ post.people.build(first_name: "Bob")
+ ted = post.people.build(first_name: "Ted")
+ post.people.delete(ted)
+ post.save!
+ post.reload
+ assert_equal ["Bob"], post.people.collect(&:first_name)
+ end
+ def test_both_parent_ids_set_when_saving_new
+ post = Post.new(title: "Hello", body: "world")
+ person = Person.new(first_name: "Sean")
+ post.people = [person]
+ post.save
+ assert post.id
+ assert person.id
+ assert_equal post.id, post.readers.first.post_id
+ assert_equal person.id, post.readers.first.person_id
+ end
+ def test_delete_association
+ assert_queries(2) { posts(:welcome);people(:michael); }
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ posts(:welcome).people.delete(people(:michael))
+ end
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ assert_empty posts(:welcome).people
+ end
+ assert_empty posts(:welcome).reload.people.reload
+ end
+ def test_destroy_association
+ assert_no_difference "Person.count" do
+ assert_difference "Reader.count", -1 do
+ posts(:welcome).people.destroy(people(:michael))
+ end
+ end
+ assert_empty posts(:welcome).reload.people
+ assert_empty posts(:welcome).people.reload
+ end
+ def test_destroy_all
+ assert_no_difference "Person.count" do
+ assert_difference "Reader.count", -1 do
+ posts(:welcome).people.destroy_all
+ end
+ end
+ assert_empty posts(:welcome).reload.people
+ assert_empty posts(:welcome).people.reload
+ end
+ def test_should_raise_exception_for_destroying_mismatching_records
+ assert_no_difference ["Person.count", "Reader.count"] do
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch) { posts(:welcome).people.destroy(posts(:thinking)) }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_delete_through_belongs_to_with_dependent_nullify
+ Reference.make_comments = true
+ person = people(:michael)
+ job = jobs(:magician)
+ reference = Reference.where(job_id: job.id, person_id: person.id).first
+ assert_no_difference ["Job.count", "Reference.count"] do
+ assert_difference "person.jobs.count", -1 do
+ person.jobs_with_dependent_nullify.delete(job)
+ end
+ end
+ assert_nil reference.reload.job_id
+ ensure
+ Reference.make_comments = false
+ end
+ def test_delete_through_belongs_to_with_dependent_delete_all
+ Reference.make_comments = true
+ person = people(:michael)
+ job = jobs(:magician)
+ # Make sure we're not deleting everything
+ assert person.jobs.count >= 2
+ assert_no_difference "Job.count" do
+ assert_difference ["person.jobs.count", "Reference.count"], -1 do
+ person.jobs_with_dependent_delete_all.delete(job)
+ end
+ end
+ # Check that the destroy callback on Reference did not run
+ assert_nil person.reload.comments
+ ensure
+ Reference.make_comments = false
+ end
+ def test_delete_through_belongs_to_with_dependent_destroy
+ Reference.make_comments = true
+ person = people(:michael)
+ job = jobs(:magician)
+ # Make sure we're not deleting everything
+ assert person.jobs.count >= 2
+ assert_no_difference "Job.count" do
+ assert_difference ["person.jobs.count", "Reference.count"], -1 do
+ person.jobs_with_dependent_destroy.delete(job)
+ end
+ end
+ # Check that the destroy callback on Reference ran
+ assert_equal "Reference destroyed", person.reload.comments
+ ensure
+ Reference.make_comments = false
+ end
+ def test_belongs_to_with_dependent_destroy
+ person = PersonWithDependentDestroyJobs.find(1)
+ # Create a reference which is not linked to a job. This should not be destroyed.
+ person.references.create!
+ assert_no_difference "Job.count" do
+ assert_difference "Reference.count", -person.jobs.count do
+ person.destroy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_belongs_to_with_dependent_delete_all
+ person = PersonWithDependentDeleteAllJobs.find(1)
+ # Create a reference which is not linked to a job. This should not be destroyed.
+ person.references.create!
+ assert_no_difference "Job.count" do
+ assert_difference "Reference.count", -person.jobs.count do
+ person.destroy
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_belongs_to_with_dependent_nullify
+ person = PersonWithDependentNullifyJobs.find(1)
+ references = person.references.to_a
+ assert_no_difference ["Reference.count", "Job.count"] do
+ person.destroy
+ end
+ references.each do |reference|
+ assert_nil reference.reload.job_id
+ end
+ end
+ def test_update_counter_caches_on_delete
+ post = posts(:welcome)
+ tag = post.tags.create!(name: "doomed")
+ assert_difference ["post.reload.tags_count"], -1 do
+ posts(:welcome).tags.delete(tag)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_update_counter_caches_on_delete_with_dependent_destroy
+ post = posts(:welcome)
+ tag = post.tags.create!(name: "doomed")
+ post.update_columns(tags_with_destroy_count: post.tags.count)
+ assert_difference ["post.reload.tags_with_destroy_count"], -1 do
+ posts(:welcome).tags_with_destroy.delete(tag)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_update_counter_caches_on_delete_with_dependent_nullify
+ post = posts(:welcome)
+ tag = post.tags.create!(name: "doomed")
+ post.update_columns(tags_with_nullify_count: post.tags.count)
+ assert_no_difference "post.reload.tags_count" do
+ assert_difference "post.reload.tags_with_nullify_count", -1 do
+ posts(:welcome).tags_with_nullify.delete(tag)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_update_counter_caches_on_replace_association
+ post = posts(:welcome)
+ tag = post.tags.create!(name: "doomed")
+ tag.tagged_posts << posts(:thinking)
+ tag.tagged_posts = []
+ post.reload
+ assert_equal(post.taggings.count, post.tags_count)
+ end
+ def test_update_counter_caches_on_destroy
+ post = posts(:welcome)
+ tag = post.tags.create!(name: "doomed")
+ assert_difference "post.reload.tags_count", -1 do
+ tag.tagged_posts.destroy(post)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_update_counter_caches_on_destroy_with_indestructible_through_record
+ post = posts(:welcome)
+ tag = post.indestructible_tags.create!(name: "doomed")
+ post.update_columns(indestructible_tags_count: post.indestructible_tags.count)
+ assert_no_difference "post.reload.indestructible_tags_count" do
+ posts(:welcome).indestructible_tags.destroy(tag)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_replace_association
+ assert_queries(4) { posts(:welcome);people(:david);people(:michael); posts(:welcome).people.reload }
+ # 1 query to delete the existing reader (michael)
+ # 1 query to associate the new reader (david)
+ assert_queries(2) do
+ posts(:welcome).people = [people(:david)]
+ end
+ assert_queries(0) {
+ assert_includes posts(:welcome).people, people(:david)
+ assert_not_includes posts(:welcome).people, people(:michael)
+ }
+ assert_includes posts(:welcome).reload.people.reload, people(:david)
+ assert_not_includes posts(:welcome).reload.people.reload, people(:michael)
+ end
+ def test_replace_order_is_preserved
+ posts(:welcome).people.clear
+ posts(:welcome).people = [people(:david), people(:michael)]
+ assert_equal [people(:david).id, people(:michael).id], posts(:welcome).readers.order("id").map(&:person_id)
+ # Test the inverse order in case the first success was a coincidence
+ posts(:welcome).people.clear
+ posts(:welcome).people = [people(:michael), people(:david)]
+ assert_equal [people(:michael).id, people(:david).id], posts(:welcome).readers.order("id").map(&:person_id)
+ end
+ def test_replace_by_id_order_is_preserved
+ posts(:welcome).people.clear
+ posts(:welcome).person_ids = [people(:david).id, people(:michael).id]
+ assert_equal [people(:david).id, people(:michael).id], posts(:welcome).readers.order("id").map(&:person_id)
+ # Test the inverse order in case the first success was a coincidence
+ posts(:welcome).people.clear
+ posts(:welcome).person_ids = [people(:michael).id, people(:david).id]
+ assert_equal [people(:michael).id, people(:david).id], posts(:welcome).readers.order("id").map(&:person_id)
+ end
+ def test_associate_with_create
+ assert_queries(1) { posts(:thinking) }
+ # 1 query for the new record, 1 for the join table record
+ # No need to update the actual collection yet!
+ assert_queries(2) do
+ posts(:thinking).people.create(first_name: "Jeb")
+ end
+ # *Now* we actually need the collection so it's loaded
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ assert_includes posts(:thinking).people.collect(&:first_name), "Jeb"
+ end
+ assert_includes posts(:thinking).reload.people.reload.collect(&:first_name), "Jeb"
+ end
+ def test_through_record_is_built_when_created_with_where
+ assert_difference("posts(:thinking).readers.count", 1) do
+ posts(:thinking).people.where(first_name: "Jeb").create
+ end
+ end
+ def test_associate_with_create_and_no_options
+ peeps = posts(:thinking).people.count
+ posts(:thinking).people.create(first_name: "foo")
+ assert_equal peeps + 1, posts(:thinking).people.count
+ end
+ def test_associate_with_create_with_through_having_conditions
+ impatient_people = posts(:thinking).impatient_people.count
+ posts(:thinking).impatient_people.create!(first_name: "foo")
+ assert_equal impatient_people + 1, posts(:thinking).impatient_people.count
+ end
+ def test_associate_with_create_exclamation_and_no_options
+ peeps = posts(:thinking).people.count
+ posts(:thinking).people.create!(first_name: "foo")
+ assert_equal peeps + 1, posts(:thinking).people.count
+ end
+ def test_create_on_new_record
+ p = Post.new
+ error = assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved) { p.people.create(first_name: "mew") }
+ assert_equal "You cannot call create unless the parent is saved", error.message
+ error = assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotSaved) { p.people.create!(first_name: "snow") }
+ assert_equal "You cannot call create unless the parent is saved", error.message
+ end
+ def test_associate_with_create_and_invalid_options
+ firm = companies(:first_firm)
+ assert_no_difference("firm.developers.count") { assert_nothing_raised { firm.developers.create(name: "0") } }
+ end
+ def test_associate_with_create_and_valid_options
+ firm = companies(:first_firm)
+ assert_difference("firm.developers.count", 1) { firm.developers.create(name: "developer") }
+ end
+ def test_associate_with_create_bang_and_invalid_options
+ firm = companies(:first_firm)
+ assert_no_difference("firm.developers.count") { assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { firm.developers.create!(name: "0") } }
+ end
+ def test_associate_with_create_bang_and_valid_options
+ firm = companies(:first_firm)
+ assert_difference("firm.developers.count", 1) { firm.developers.create!(name: "developer") }
+ end
+ def test_push_with_invalid_record
+ firm = companies(:first_firm)
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { firm.developers << Developer.new(name: "0") }
+ end
+ def test_push_with_invalid_join_record
+ repair_validations(Contract) do
+ Contract.validate { |r| r.errors[:base] << "Invalid Contract" }
+ firm = companies(:first_firm)
+ lifo = Developer.new(name: "lifo")
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { firm.developers << lifo }
+ lifo = Developer.create!(name: "lifo")
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) { firm.developers << lifo }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_clear_associations
+ assert_queries(2) { posts(:welcome);posts(:welcome).people.reload }
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ posts(:welcome).people.clear
+ end
+ assert_queries(0) do
+ assert_empty posts(:welcome).people
+ end
+ assert_empty posts(:welcome).reload.people.reload
+ end
+ def test_association_callback_ordering
+ Post.reset_log
+ log = Post.log
+ post = posts(:thinking)
+ post.people_with_callbacks << people(:michael)
+ assert_equal [
+ [:added, :before, "Michael"],
+ [:added, :after, "Michael"]
+ ], log.last(2)
+ post.people_with_callbacks.push(people(:david), Person.create!(first_name: "Bob"), Person.new(first_name: "Lary"))
+ assert_equal [
+ [:added, :before, "David"],
+ [:added, :after, "David"],
+ [:added, :before, "Bob"],
+ [:added, :after, "Bob"],
+ [:added, :before, "Lary"],
+ [:added, :after, "Lary"]
+ ], log.last(6)
+ post.people_with_callbacks.build(first_name: "Ted")
+ assert_equal [
+ [:added, :before, "Ted"],
+ [:added, :after, "Ted"]
+ ], log.last(2)
+ post.people_with_callbacks.create(first_name: "Sam")
+ assert_equal [
+ [:added, :before, "Sam"],
+ [:added, :after, "Sam"]
+ ], log.last(2)
+ post.people_with_callbacks = [people(:michael), people(:david), Person.new(first_name: "Julian"), Person.create!(first_name: "Roger")]
+ assert_equal((%w(Ted Bob Sam Lary) * 2).sort, log[-12..-5].collect(&:last).sort)
+ assert_equal [
+ [:added, :before, "Julian"],
+ [:added, :after, "Julian"],
+ [:added, :before, "Roger"],
+ [:added, :after, "Roger"]
+ ], log.last(4)
+ end
+ def test_dynamic_find_should_respect_association_include
+ # SQL error in sort clause if :include is not included
+ # due to Unknown column 'comments.id'
+ assert Person.find(1).posts_with_comments_sorted_by_comment_id.find_by_title("Welcome to the weblog")
+ end
+ def test_count_with_include_should_alias_join_table
+ assert_equal 2, people(:michael).posts.includes(:readers).count
+ end
+ def test_inner_join_with_quoted_table_name
+ assert_equal 2, people(:michael).jobs.size
+ end
+ def test_get_ids
+ assert_equal [posts(:welcome).id, posts(:authorless).id].sort, people(:michael).post_ids.sort
+ end
+ def test_get_ids_for_has_many_through_with_conditions_should_not_preload
+ Tagging.create!(taggable_type: "Post", taggable_id: posts(:welcome).id, tag: tags(:misc))
+ assert_not_called(ActiveRecord::Associations::Preloader, :new) do
+ posts(:welcome).misc_tag_ids
+ end
+ end
+ def test_get_ids_for_loaded_associations
+ person = people(:michael)
+ person.posts.reload
+ assert_queries(0) do
+ person.post_ids
+ person.post_ids
+ end
+ end
+ def test_get_ids_for_unloaded_associations_does_not_load_them
+ person = people(:michael)
+ assert_not_predicate person.posts, :loaded?
+ assert_equal [posts(:welcome).id, posts(:authorless).id].sort, person.post_ids.sort
+ assert_not_predicate person.posts, :loaded?
+ end
+ def test_association_proxy_transaction_method_starts_transaction_in_association_class
+ assert_called(Tag, :transaction) do
+ Post.first.tags.transaction do
+ # nothing
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_has_many_association_through_a_belongs_to_association_where_the_association_doesnt_exist
+ post = Post.create!(title: "TITLE", body: "BODY")
+ assert_equal [], post.author_favorites
+ end
+ def test_has_many_association_through_a_belongs_to_association
+ author = authors(:mary)
+ post = Post.create!(author: author, title: "TITLE", body: "BODY")
+ author.author_favorites.create(favorite_author_id: 1)
+ author.author_favorites.create(favorite_author_id: 2)
+ author.author_favorites.create(favorite_author_id: 3)
+ assert_equal post.author.author_favorites, post.author_favorites
+ end
+ def test_merge_join_association_with_has_many_through_association_proxy
+ author = authors(:mary)
+ assert_nothing_raised { author.comments.ratings.to_sql }
+ end
+ def test_has_many_association_through_a_has_many_association_with_nonstandard_primary_keys
+ assert_equal 2, owners(:blackbeard).toys.count
+ end
+ def test_find_on_has_many_association_collection_with_include_and_conditions
+ post_with_no_comments = people(:michael).posts_with_no_comments.first
+ assert_equal post_with_no_comments, posts(:authorless)
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_has_one_reflection
+ assert_equal [comments(:eager_sti_on_associations_vs_comment)], authors(:david).very_special_comments
+ end
+ def test_modifying_has_many_through_has_one_reflection_should_raise
+ [
+ lambda { authors(:david).very_special_comments = [VerySpecialComment.create!(body: "Gorp!", post_id: 1011), VerySpecialComment.create!(body: "Eep!", post_id: 1012)] },
+ lambda { authors(:david).very_special_comments << VerySpecialComment.create!(body: "Hoohah!", post_id: 1013) },
+ lambda { authors(:david).very_special_comments.delete(authors(:david).very_special_comments.first) },
+ ].each { |block| assert_raise(ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughCantAssociateThroughHasOneOrManyReflection, &block) }
+ end
+ def test_has_many_association_through_a_has_many_association_to_self
+ sarah = Person.create!(first_name: "Sarah", primary_contact_id: people(:susan).id, gender: "F", number1_fan_id: 1)
+ john = Person.create!(first_name: "John", primary_contact_id: sarah.id, gender: "M", number1_fan_id: 1)
+ assert_equal sarah.agents, [john]
+ assert_equal people(:susan).agents.flat_map(&:agents).sort, people(:susan).agents_of_agents.sort
+ end
+ def test_associate_existing_with_nonstandard_primary_key_on_belongs_to
+ Categorization.create(author: authors(:mary), named_category_name: categories(:general).name)
+ assert_equal categories(:general), authors(:mary).named_categories.first
+ end
+ def test_collection_build_with_nonstandard_primary_key_on_belongs_to
+ author = authors(:mary)
+ category = author.named_categories.build(name: "Primary")
+ author.save
+ assert Categorization.exists?(author_id: author.id, named_category_name: category.name)
+ assert_includes author.named_categories.reload, category
+ end
+ def test_collection_create_with_nonstandard_primary_key_on_belongs_to
+ author = authors(:mary)
+ category = author.named_categories.create(name: "Primary")
+ assert Categorization.exists?(author_id: author.id, named_category_name: category.name)
+ assert_includes author.named_categories.reload, category
+ end
+ def test_collection_exists
+ author = authors(:mary)
+ category = Category.create!(author_ids: [author.id], name: "Primary")
+ assert category.authors.exists?(id: author.id)
+ assert category.reload.authors.exists?(id: author.id)
+ end
+ def test_collection_delete_with_nonstandard_primary_key_on_belongs_to
+ author = authors(:mary)
+ category = author.named_categories.create(name: "Primary")
+ author.named_categories.delete(category)
+ assert !Categorization.exists?(author_id: author.id, named_category_name: category.name)
+ assert_empty author.named_categories.reload
+ end
+ def test_collection_singular_ids_getter_with_string_primary_keys
+ book = books(:awdr)
+ assert_equal 2, book.subscriber_ids.size
+ assert_equal [subscribers(:first).nick, subscribers(:second).nick].sort, book.subscriber_ids.sort
+ end
+ def test_collection_singular_ids_setter
+ company = companies(:rails_core)
+ dev = Developer.first
+ company.developer_ids = [dev.id]
+ assert_equal [dev], company.developers
+ end
+ def test_collection_singular_ids_setter_with_required_type_cast
+ company = companies(:rails_core)
+ dev = Developer.first
+ company.developer_ids = [dev.id.to_s]
+ assert_equal [dev], company.developers
+ end
+ def test_collection_singular_ids_setter_with_string_primary_keys
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ book = books(:awdr)
+ book.subscriber_ids = [subscribers(:second).nick]
+ assert_equal [subscribers(:second)], book.subscribers.reload
+ book.subscriber_ids = []
+ assert_equal [], book.subscribers.reload
+ end
+ end
+ def test_collection_singular_ids_setter_raises_exception_when_invalid_ids_set
+ company = companies(:rails_core)
+ ids = [Developer.first.id, -9999]
+ e = assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { company.developer_ids = ids }
+ msg = "Couldn't find all Developers with 'id': (1, -9999) (found 1 results, but was looking for 2). Couldn't find Developer with id -9999."
+ assert_equal(msg, e.message)
+ end
+ def test_collection_singular_ids_through_setter_raises_exception_when_invalid_ids_set
+ author = authors(:david)
+ ids = [categories(:general).name, "Unknown"]
+ e = assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound) { author.essay_category_ids = ids }
+ msg = "Couldn't find all Categories with 'name': (General, Unknown) (found 1 results, but was looking for 2). Couldn't find Category with name Unknown."
+ assert_equal msg, e.message
+ end
+ def test_build_a_model_from_hm_through_association_with_where_clause
+ assert_nothing_raised { books(:awdr).subscribers.where(nick: "marklazz").build }
+ end
+ def test_attributes_are_being_set_when_initialized_from_hm_through_association_with_where_clause
+ new_subscriber = books(:awdr).subscribers.where(nick: "marklazz").build
+ assert_equal new_subscriber.nick, "marklazz"
+ end
+ def test_attributes_are_being_set_when_initialized_from_hm_through_association_with_multiple_where_clauses
+ new_subscriber = books(:awdr).subscribers.where(nick: "marklazz").where(name: "Marcelo Giorgi").build
+ assert_equal new_subscriber.nick, "marklazz"
+ assert_equal new_subscriber.name, "Marcelo Giorgi"
+ end
+ def test_include_method_in_association_through_should_return_true_for_instance_added_with_build
+ person = Person.new
+ reference = person.references.build
+ job = reference.build_job
+ assert_includes person.jobs, job
+ end
+ def test_include_method_in_association_through_should_return_true_for_instance_added_with_nested_builds
+ author = Author.new
+ post = author.posts.build
+ comment = post.comments.build
+ assert_includes author.comments, comment
+ end
+ def test_through_association_readonly_should_be_false
+ assert_not_predicate people(:michael).posts.first, :readonly?
+ assert_not_predicate people(:michael).posts.to_a.first, :readonly?
+ end
+ def test_can_update_through_association
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ people(:michael).posts.first.update!(title: "Can write")
+ end
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_polymorphic_with_rewhere
+ post = TaggedPost.create!(title: "Tagged", body: "Post")
+ tag = post.tags.create!(name: "Tag")
+ assert_equal [tag], TaggedPost.preload(:tags).last.tags
+ assert_equal [tag], TaggedPost.eager_load(:tags).last.tags
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_polymorphic_with_primary_key_option
+ assert_equal [categories(:general)], authors(:david).essay_categories
+ authors = Author.joins(:essay_categories).where("categories.id" => categories(:general).id)
+ assert_equal authors(:david), authors.first
+ assert_equal [owners(:blackbeard)], authors(:david).essay_owners
+ authors = Author.joins(:essay_owners).where("owners.name = 'blackbeard'")
+ assert_equal authors(:david), authors.first
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_with_primary_key_option
+ assert_equal [categories(:general)], authors(:david).essay_categories_2
+ authors = Author.joins(:essay_categories_2).where("categories.id" => categories(:general).id)
+ assert_equal authors(:david), authors.first
+ end
+ def test_size_of_through_association_should_increase_correctly_when_has_many_association_is_added
+ post = posts(:thinking)
+ readers = post.readers.size
+ post.people << people(:michael)
+ assert_equal readers + 1, post.readers.size
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_with_default_scope_on_join_model
+ assert_equal posts(:welcome).comments.order("id").to_a, authors(:david).comments_on_first_posts
+ end
+ def test_create_has_many_through_with_default_scope_on_join_model
+ category = authors(:david).special_categories.create(name: "Foo")
+ assert_equal 1, category.categorizations.where(special: true).count
+ end
+ def test_joining_has_many_through_with_distinct
+ mary = Author.joins(:unique_categorized_posts).where(id: authors(:mary).id).first
+ assert_equal 1, mary.unique_categorized_posts.length
+ assert_equal 1, mary.unique_categorized_post_ids.length
+ end
+ def test_joining_has_many_through_belongs_to
+ posts = Post.joins(:author_categorizations).order("posts.id").
+ where("categorizations.id" => categorizations(:mary_thinking_sti).id)
+ assert_equal [posts(:eager_other), posts(:misc_by_mary), posts(:other_by_mary)], posts
+ end
+ def test_select_chosen_fields_only
+ author = authors(:david)
+ assert_equal ["body", "id"].sort, author.comments.select("comments.body").first.attributes.keys.sort
+ end
+ def test_get_has_many_through_belongs_to_ids_with_conditions
+ assert_equal [categories(:general).id], authors(:mary).categories_like_general_ids
+ end
+ def test_get_collection_singular_ids_on_has_many_through_with_conditions_and_include
+ person = Person.first
+ assert_equal person.posts_with_no_comment_ids, person.posts_with_no_comments.map(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_count_has_many_through_with_named_scope
+ assert_equal 2, authors(:mary).categories.count
+ assert_equal 1, authors(:mary).categories.general.count
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_belongs_to_should_update_when_the_through_foreign_key_changes
+ post = posts(:eager_other)
+ post.author_categorizations
+ proxy = post.send(:association_instance_get, :author_categorizations)
+ assert_not_predicate proxy, :stale_target?
+ assert_equal authors(:mary).categorizations.sort_by(&:id), post.author_categorizations.sort_by(&:id)
+ post.author_id = authors(:david).id
+ assert_predicate proxy, :stale_target?
+ assert_equal authors(:david).categorizations.sort_by(&:id), post.author_categorizations.sort_by(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_create_with_conditions_hash_on_through_association
+ member = members(:groucho)
+ club = member.clubs.create!
+ assert_equal true, club.reload.membership.favourite
+ end
+ def test_deleting_from_has_many_through_a_belongs_to_should_not_try_to_update_counter
+ post = posts(:welcome)
+ address = author_addresses(:david_address)
+ assert_includes post.author_addresses, address
+ post.author_addresses.delete(address)
+ assert_predicate post[:author_count], :nil?
+ end
+ def test_primary_key_option_on_source
+ post = posts(:welcome)
+ category = categories(:general)
+ Categorization.create!(post_id: post.id, named_category_name: category.name)
+ assert_equal [category], post.named_categories
+ assert_equal [category.name], post.named_category_ids # checks when target loaded
+ assert_equal [category.name], post.reload.named_category_ids # checks when target no loaded
+ end
+ def test_create_should_not_raise_exception_when_join_record_has_errors
+ repair_validations(Categorization) do
+ Categorization.validate { |r| r.errors[:base] << "Invalid Categorization" }
+ Category.create(name: "Fishing", authors: [Author.first])
+ end
+ end
+ def test_assign_array_to_new_record_builds_join_records
+ c = Category.new(name: "Fishing", authors: [Author.first])
+ assert_equal 1, c.categorizations.size
+ end
+ def test_create_bang_should_raise_exception_when_join_record_has_errors
+ repair_validations(Categorization) do
+ Categorization.validate { |r| r.errors[:base] << "Invalid Categorization" }
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
+ Category.create!(name: "Fishing", authors: [Author.first])
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_save_bang_should_raise_exception_when_join_record_has_errors
+ repair_validations(Categorization) do
+ Categorization.validate { |r| r.errors[:base] << "Invalid Categorization" }
+ c = Category.new(name: "Fishing", authors: [Author.first])
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid) do
+ c.save!
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_save_returns_falsy_when_join_record_has_errors
+ repair_validations(Categorization) do
+ Categorization.validate { |r| r.errors[:base] << "Invalid Categorization" }
+ c = Category.new(name: "Fishing", authors: [Author.first])
+ assert_not c.save
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preloading_empty_through_association_via_joins
+ person = Person.create!(first_name: "Gaga")
+ person = Person.where(id: person.id).where("readers.id = 1 or 1=1").references(:readers).includes(:posts).to_a.first
+ assert person.posts.loaded?, "person.posts should be loaded"
+ assert_equal [], person.posts
+ end
+ def test_preloading_empty_through_with_polymorphic_source_association
+ owner = Owner.create!(name: "Rainbow Unicat")
+ pet = Pet.create!(owner: owner)
+ person = Person.create!(first_name: "Gaga")
+ treasure = Treasure.create!(looter: person)
+ non_looted_treasure = Treasure.create!()
+ PetTreasure.create!(pet: pet, treasure: treasure, rainbow_color: "Ultra violet indigo")
+ PetTreasure.create!(pet: pet, treasure: non_looted_treasure, rainbow_color: "Ultra violet indigo")
+ assert_equal [person], Owner.where(name: "Rainbow Unicat").includes(pets: :persons).first.persons.to_a
+ end
+ def test_explicitly_joining_join_table
+ assert_equal owners(:blackbeard).toys, owners(:blackbeard).toys.with_pet
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_with_polymorphic_source
+ post = tags(:general).tagged_posts.create! title: "foo", body: "bar"
+ assert_equal [tags(:general)], post.reload.tags
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_obeys_order_on_through_association
+ owner = owners(:blackbeard)
+ assert_includes owner.toys.to_sql, "pets.name desc"
+ assert_equal ["parrot", "bulbul"], owner.toys.map { |r| r.pet.name }
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_associations_sum_on_columns
+ post1 = Post.create(title: "active", body: "sample")
+ post2 = Post.create(title: "inactive", body: "sample")
+ person1 = Person.create(first_name: "aaron", followers_count: 1)
+ person2 = Person.create(first_name: "schmit", followers_count: 2)
+ person3 = Person.create(first_name: "bill", followers_count: 3)
+ person4 = Person.create(first_name: "cal", followers_count: 4)
+ Reader.create(post_id: post1.id, person_id: person1.id)
+ Reader.create(post_id: post1.id, person_id: person2.id)
+ Reader.create(post_id: post1.id, person_id: person3.id)
+ Reader.create(post_id: post1.id, person_id: person4.id)
+ Reader.create(post_id: post2.id, person_id: person1.id)
+ Reader.create(post_id: post2.id, person_id: person2.id)
+ Reader.create(post_id: post2.id, person_id: person3.id)
+ Reader.create(post_id: post2.id, person_id: person4.id)
+ active_persons = Person.joins(:readers).joins(:posts).distinct(true).where("posts.title" => "active")
+ assert_equal active_persons.map(&:followers_count).reduce(:+), 10
+ assert_equal active_persons.sum(:followers_count), 10
+ assert_equal active_persons.sum(:followers_count), active_persons.map(&:followers_count).reduce(:+)
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_associations_on_new_records_use_null_relations
+ person = Person.new
+ assert_no_queries(ignore_none: false) do
+ assert_equal [], person.posts
+ assert_equal [], person.posts.where(body: "omg")
+ assert_equal [], person.posts.pluck(:body)
+ assert_equal 0, person.posts.sum(:tags_count)
+ assert_equal 0, person.posts.count
+ end
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_with_default_scope_on_the_target
+ person = people(:michael)
+ assert_equal [posts(:thinking).id], person.first_posts.map(&:id)
+ readers(:michael_authorless).update(first_post_id: 1)
+ assert_equal [posts(:thinking).id], person.reload.first_posts.map(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_with_includes_in_through_association_scope
+ assert_not_empty posts(:welcome).author_address_extra_with_address
+ end
+ def test_insert_records_via_has_many_through_association_with_scope
+ club = Club.create!
+ member = Member.create!
+ Membership.create!(club: club, member: member)
+ club.favourites << member
+ assert_equal [member], club.favourites
+ club.reload
+ assert_equal [member], club.favourites
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_unscope_default_scope
+ post = Post.create!(title: "Beaches", body: "I like beaches!")
+ Reader.create! person: people(:david), post: post
+ LazyReader.create! person: people(:susan), post: post
+ assert_equal 2, post.people.to_a.size
+ assert_equal 1, post.lazy_people.to_a.size
+ assert_equal 2, post.lazy_readers_unscope_skimmers.to_a.size
+ assert_equal 2, post.lazy_people_unscope_skimmers.to_a.size
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_add_with_sti_middle_relation
+ club = SuperClub.create!(name: "Fight Club")
+ member = Member.create!(name: "Tyler Durden")
+ club.members << member
+ assert_equal 1, SuperMembership.where(member_id: member.id, club_id: club.id).count
+ end
+ def test_build_for_has_many_through_association
+ organization = organizations(:nsa)
+ author = organization.author
+ post_direct = author.posts.build
+ post_through = organization.posts.build
+ assert_equal post_direct.author_id, post_through.author_id
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_with_scope_that_should_not_be_fully_merged
+ Club.has_many :distinct_memberships, -> { distinct }, class_name: "Membership"
+ Club.has_many :special_favourites, through: :distinct_memberships, source: :member
+ assert_nil Club.new.special_favourites.distinct_value
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_do_not_cache_association_reader_if_the_though_method_has_default_scopes
+ member = Member.create!
+ club = Club.create!
+ TenantMembership.create!(
+ member: member,
+ club: club
+ )
+ TenantMembership.current_member = member
+ tenant_clubs = member.tenant_clubs
+ assert_equal [club], tenant_clubs
+ TenantMembership.current_member = nil
+ other_member = Member.create!
+ other_club = Club.create!
+ TenantMembership.create!(
+ member: other_member,
+ club: other_club
+ )
+ tenant_clubs = other_member.tenant_clubs
+ assert_equal [other_club], tenant_clubs
+ ensure
+ TenantMembership.current_member = nil
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_with_scope_that_has_joined_same_table_with_parent_relation
+ assert_equal authors(:david), Author.joins(:comments_for_first_author).take
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_with_unscope_should_affect_to_through_scope
+ assert_equal [comments(:eager_other_comment1)], authors(:mary).unordered_comments
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_with_scope_should_accept_string_and_hash_join
+ assert_equal authors(:david), Author.joins({ comments_for_first_author: :post }, "inner join posts posts_alias on authors.id = posts_alias.author_id").eager_load(:categories).take
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_with_scope_should_respect_table_alias
+ family = Family.create!
+ users = 3.times.map { User.create! }
+ FamilyTree.create!(member: users[0], family: family)
+ FamilyTree.create!(member: users[1], family: family)
+ FamilyTree.create!(member: users[2], family: family, token: "wat")
+ assert_equal 2, users[0].family_members.to_a.size
+ assert_equal 0, users[2].family_members.to_a.size
+ end
+ def test_through_scope_is_affected_by_unscoping
+ author = authors(:david)
+ expected = author.comments.to_a
+ FirstPost.unscoped do
+ assert_equal expected.sort_by(&:id), author.comments_on_first_posts.sort_by(&:id)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_through_scope_isnt_affected_by_scoping
+ author = authors(:david)
+ expected = author.comments_on_first_posts.to_a
+ FirstPost.where(id: 2).scoping do
+ author.comments_on_first_posts.reset
+ assert_equal expected.sort_by(&:id), author.comments_on_first_posts.sort_by(&:id)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_incorrectly_ordered_through_associations
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::HasManyThroughOrderError) do
+ DeveloperWithIncorrectlyOrderedHasManyThrough.create(
+ companies: [Company.create]
+ )
+ end
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_update_ids_with_conditions
+ author = Author.create!(name: "Bill")
+ category = categories(:general)
+ author.update(
+ special_categories_with_condition_ids: [category.id],
+ nonspecial_categories_with_condition_ids: [category.id]
+ )
+ assert_equal [category.id], author.special_categories_with_condition_ids
+ assert_equal [category.id], author.nonspecial_categories_with_condition_ids
+ author.update(nonspecial_categories_with_condition_ids: [])
+ author.reload
+ assert_equal [category.id], author.special_categories_with_condition_ids
+ assert_equal [], author.nonspecial_categories_with_condition_ids
+ end
+ def test_single_has_many_through_association_with_unpersisted_parent_instance
+ post_with_single_has_many_through = Class.new(Post) do
+ def self.name; "PostWithSingleHasManyThrough"; end
+ has_many :subscriptions, through: :author
+ end
+ post = post_with_single_has_many_through.new
+ post.author = authors(:mary)
+ book1 = Book.create!(name: "essays on single has many through associations 1")
+ post.author.books << book1
+ subscription1 = Subscription.first
+ book1.subscriptions << subscription1
+ assert_equal [subscription1], post.subscriptions.to_a
+ post.author = authors(:bob)
+ book2 = Book.create!(name: "essays on single has many through associations 2")
+ post.author.books << book2
+ subscription2 = Subscription.second
+ book2.subscriptions << subscription2
+ assert_equal [subscription2], post.subscriptions.to_a
+ end
+ def test_nested_has_many_through_association_with_unpersisted_parent_instance
+ post_with_nested_has_many_through = Class.new(Post) do
+ def self.name; "PostWithNestedHasManyThrough"; end
+ has_many :books, through: :author
+ has_many :subscriptions, through: :books
+ end
+ post = post_with_nested_has_many_through.new
+ post.author = authors(:mary)
+ book1 = Book.create!(name: "essays on nested has many through associations 1")
+ post.author.books << book1
+ subscription1 = Subscription.first
+ book1.subscriptions << subscription1
+ assert_equal [subscription1], post.subscriptions.to_a
+ post.author = authors(:bob)
+ book2 = Book.create!(name: "essays on nested has many through associations 2")
+ post.author.books << book2
+ subscription2 = Subscription.second
+ book2.subscriptions << subscription2
+ assert_equal [subscription2], post.subscriptions.to_a
+ end
+ private
+ def make_model(name)
+ Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) { define_singleton_method(:name) { name } }
+ end
+ def make_no_pk_hm_t
+ lesson = make_model "Lesson"
+ student = make_model "Student"
+ lesson_student = make_model "LessonStudent"
+ lesson_student.table_name = "lessons_students"
+ lesson_student.belongs_to :lesson, anonymous_class: lesson
+ lesson_student.belongs_to :student, anonymous_class: student
+ lesson.has_many :lesson_students, anonymous_class: lesson_student
+ lesson.has_many :students, through: :lesson_students, anonymous_class: student
+ [lesson, lesson_student, student]
+ end