path: root/activerecord/test/cases/associations/eager_test.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/associations/eager_test.rb')
1 files changed, 1625 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/associations/eager_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/eager_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b37e59038e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/associations/eager_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,1625 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require "cases/helper"
+require "models/post"
+require "models/tagging"
+require "models/tag"
+require "models/comment"
+require "models/author"
+require "models/essay"
+require "models/category"
+require "models/company"
+require "models/person"
+require "models/reader"
+require "models/owner"
+require "models/pet"
+require "models/reference"
+require "models/job"
+require "models/subscriber"
+require "models/subscription"
+require "models/book"
+require "models/citation"
+require "models/developer"
+require "models/computer"
+require "models/project"
+require "models/member"
+require "models/membership"
+require "models/club"
+require "models/categorization"
+require "models/sponsor"
+require "models/mentor"
+require "models/contract"
+class EagerLoadingTooManyIdsTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :citations
+ def test_preloading_too_many_ids
+ assert_equal Citation.count, Citation.preload(:reference_of).to_a.size
+ end
+ def test_eager_loading_too_may_ids
+ assert_equal Citation.count, Citation.eager_load(:citations).offset(0).size
+ end
+class EagerAssociationTest < ActiveRecord::TestCase
+ fixtures :posts, :comments, :authors, :essays, :author_addresses, :categories, :categories_posts,
+ :companies, :accounts, :tags, :taggings, :people, :readers, :categorizations,
+ :owners, :pets, :author_favorites, :jobs, :references, :subscribers, :subscriptions, :books,
+ :developers, :projects, :developers_projects, :members, :memberships, :clubs, :sponsors
+ def test_eager_with_has_one_through_join_model_with_conditions_on_the_through
+ member = Member.all.merge!(includes: :favourite_club).find(members(:some_other_guy).id)
+ assert_nil member.favourite_club
+ end
+ def test_should_work_inverse_of_with_eager_load
+ author = authors(:david)
+ assert_same author, author.posts.first.author
+ assert_same author, author.posts.eager_load(:comments).first.author
+ end
+ def test_loading_with_one_association
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: :comments).to_a
+ post = posts.find { |p| p.id == 1 }
+ assert_equal 2, post.comments.size
+ assert_includes post.comments, comments(:greetings)
+ post = Post.all.merge!(includes: :comments, where: "posts.title = 'Welcome to the weblog'").first
+ assert_equal 2, post.comments.size
+ assert_includes post.comments, comments(:greetings)
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: :last_comment).to_a
+ post = posts.find { |p| p.id == 1 }
+ assert_equal Post.find(1).last_comment, post.last_comment
+ end
+ def test_loading_with_one_association_with_non_preload
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: :last_comment, order: "comments.id DESC").to_a
+ post = posts.find { |p| p.id == 1 }
+ assert_equal Post.find(1).last_comment, post.last_comment
+ end
+ def test_loading_conditions_with_or
+ posts = authors(:david).posts.references(:comments).merge(
+ includes: :comments,
+ where: "comments.body like 'Normal%' OR comments.#{QUOTED_TYPE} = 'SpecialComment'"
+ ).to_a
+ assert_nil posts.detect { |p| p.author_id != authors(:david).id },
+ "expected to find only david's posts"
+ end
+ def test_loading_with_scope_including_joins
+ member = Member.first
+ assert_equal members(:groucho), member
+ assert_equal clubs(:boring_club), member.general_club
+ member = Member.preload(:general_club).first
+ assert_equal members(:groucho), member
+ assert_equal clubs(:boring_club), member.general_club
+ member = Member.eager_load(:general_club).first
+ assert_equal members(:groucho), member
+ assert_equal clubs(:boring_club), member.general_club
+ end
+ def test_loading_association_with_same_table_joins
+ super_memberships = [memberships(:super_membership_of_boring_club)]
+ member = Member.joins(:favourite_memberships).first
+ assert_equal members(:groucho), member
+ assert_equal super_memberships, member.super_memberships
+ member = Member.joins(:favourite_memberships).preload(:super_memberships).first
+ assert_equal members(:groucho), member
+ assert_equal super_memberships, member.super_memberships
+ member = Member.joins(:favourite_memberships).eager_load(:super_memberships).first
+ assert_equal members(:groucho), member
+ assert_equal super_memberships, member.super_memberships
+ end
+ def test_loading_association_with_intersection_joins
+ member = Member.joins(:current_membership).first
+ assert_equal members(:groucho), member
+ assert_equal clubs(:boring_club), member.club
+ assert_equal memberships(:membership_of_boring_club), member.current_membership
+ member = Member.joins(:current_membership).preload(:club, :current_membership).first
+ assert_equal members(:groucho), member
+ assert_equal clubs(:boring_club), member.club
+ assert_equal memberships(:membership_of_boring_club), member.current_membership
+ member = Member.joins(:current_membership).eager_load(:club, :current_membership).first
+ assert_equal members(:groucho), member
+ assert_equal clubs(:boring_club), member.club
+ assert_equal memberships(:membership_of_boring_club), member.current_membership
+ end
+ def test_loading_associations_dont_leak_instance_state
+ assertions = ->(firm) {
+ assert_equal companies(:first_firm), firm
+ assert_predicate firm.association(:readonly_account), :loaded?
+ assert_predicate firm.association(:accounts), :loaded?
+ assert_equal accounts(:signals37), firm.readonly_account
+ assert_equal [accounts(:signals37)], firm.accounts
+ assert_predicate firm.readonly_account, :readonly?
+ assert firm.accounts.none?(&:readonly?)
+ }
+ assertions.call(Firm.preload(:readonly_account, :accounts).first)
+ assertions.call(Firm.eager_load(:readonly_account, :accounts).first)
+ end
+ def test_with_ordering
+ list = Post.all.merge!(includes: :comments, order: "posts.id DESC").to_a
+ [:other_by_mary, :other_by_bob, :misc_by_mary, :misc_by_bob, :eager_other,
+ :sti_habtm, :sti_post_and_comments, :sti_comments, :authorless, :thinking, :welcome
+ ].each_with_index do |post, index|
+ assert_equal posts(post), list[index]
+ end
+ end
+ def test_has_many_through_with_order
+ authors = Author.includes(:favorite_authors).to_a
+ assert authors.count > 0
+ assert_no_queries { authors.map(&:favorite_authors) }
+ end
+ def test_eager_loaded_has_one_association_with_references_does_not_run_additional_queries
+ Post.update_all(author_id: nil)
+ authors = Author.includes(:post).references(:post).to_a
+ assert authors.count > 0
+ assert_no_queries { authors.map(&:post) }
+ end
+ def test_calculate_with_string_in_from_and_eager_loading
+ assert_equal 10, Post.from("authors, posts").eager_load(:comments).where("posts.author_id = authors.id").count
+ end
+ def test_with_two_tables_in_from_without_getting_double_quoted
+ posts = Post.select("posts.*").from("authors, posts").eager_load(:comments).where("posts.author_id = authors.id").order("posts.id").to_a
+ assert_equal 2, posts.first.comments.size
+ end
+ def test_loading_with_multiple_associations
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :comments, :author, :categories ], order: "posts.id").to_a
+ assert_equal 2, posts.first.comments.size
+ assert_equal 2, posts.first.categories.size
+ assert_includes posts.first.comments, comments(:greetings)
+ end
+ def test_duplicate_middle_objects
+ comments = Comment.all.merge!(where: "post_id = 1", includes: [post: :author]).to_a
+ assert_no_queries do
+ comments.each { |comment| comment.post.author.name }
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preloading_has_many_in_multiple_queries_with_more_ids_than_database_can_handle
+ assert_called(Comment.connection, :in_clause_length, returns: 5) do
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: :comments).to_a
+ assert_equal 11, posts.size
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preloading_has_many_in_one_queries_when_database_has_no_limit_on_ids_it_can_handle
+ assert_called(Comment.connection, :in_clause_length, returns: nil) do
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: :comments).to_a
+ assert_equal 11, posts.size
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preloading_habtm_in_multiple_queries_with_more_ids_than_database_can_handle
+ assert_called(Comment.connection, :in_clause_length, times: 2, returns: 5) do
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: :categories).to_a
+ assert_equal 11, posts.size
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preloading_habtm_in_one_queries_when_database_has_no_limit_on_ids_it_can_handle
+ assert_called(Comment.connection, :in_clause_length, times: 2, returns: nil) do
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: :categories).to_a
+ assert_equal 11, posts.size
+ end
+ end
+ def test_load_associated_records_in_one_query_when_adapter_has_no_limit
+ assert_called(Comment.connection, :in_clause_length, returns: nil) do
+ post = posts(:welcome)
+ assert_queries(2) do
+ Post.includes(:comments).where(id: post.id).to_a
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_load_associated_records_in_several_queries_when_many_ids_passed
+ assert_called(Comment.connection, :in_clause_length, returns: 1) do
+ post1, post2 = posts(:welcome), posts(:thinking)
+ assert_queries(3) do
+ Post.includes(:comments).where(id: [post1.id, post2.id]).to_a
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_load_associated_records_in_one_query_when_a_few_ids_passed
+ assert_called(Comment.connection, :in_clause_length, returns: 3) do
+ post = posts(:welcome)
+ assert_queries(2) do
+ Post.includes(:comments).where(id: post.id).to_a
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_including_duplicate_objects_from_belongs_to
+ popular_post = Post.create!(title: "foo", body: "I like cars!")
+ comment = popular_post.comments.create!(body: "lol")
+ popular_post.readers.create!(person: people(:michael))
+ popular_post.readers.create!(person: people(:david))
+ readers = Reader.all.merge!(where: ["post_id = ?", popular_post.id],
+ includes: { post: :comments }).to_a
+ readers.each do |reader|
+ assert_equal [comment], reader.post.comments
+ end
+ end
+ def test_including_duplicate_objects_from_has_many
+ car_post = Post.create!(title: "foo", body: "I like cars!")
+ car_post.categories << categories(:general)
+ car_post.categories << categories(:technology)
+ comment = car_post.comments.create!(body: "hmm")
+ categories = Category.all.merge!(where: { "posts.id" => car_post.id },
+ includes: { posts: :comments }).to_a
+ categories.each do |category|
+ assert_equal [comment], category.posts[0].comments
+ end
+ end
+ def test_associations_loaded_for_all_records
+ post = Post.create!(title: "foo", body: "I like cars!")
+ SpecialComment.create!(body: "Come on!", post: post)
+ first_category = Category.create! name: "First!", posts: [post]
+ second_category = Category.create! name: "Second!", posts: [post]
+ categories = Category.where(id: [first_category.id, second_category.id]).includes(posts: :special_comments)
+ assert_equal categories.map { |category| category.posts.first.special_comments.loaded? }, [true, true]
+ end
+ def test_finding_with_includes_on_has_many_association_with_same_include_includes_only_once
+ author_id = authors(:david).id
+ author = assert_queries(3) { Author.all.merge!(includes: { posts_with_comments: :comments }).find(author_id) } # find the author, then find the posts, then find the comments
+ author.posts_with_comments.each do |post_with_comments|
+ assert_equal post_with_comments.comments.length, post_with_comments.comments.count
+ assert_nil post_with_comments.comments.to_a.uniq!
+ end
+ end
+ def test_finding_with_includes_on_has_one_association_with_same_include_includes_only_once
+ author = authors(:david)
+ post = author.post_about_thinking_with_last_comment
+ last_comment = post.last_comment
+ author = assert_queries(3) { Author.all.merge!(includes: { post_about_thinking_with_last_comment: :last_comment }).find(author.id) } # find the author, then find the posts, then find the comments
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal post, author.post_about_thinking_with_last_comment
+ assert_equal last_comment, author.post_about_thinking_with_last_comment.last_comment
+ end
+ end
+ def test_finding_with_includes_on_belongs_to_association_with_same_include_includes_only_once
+ post = posts(:welcome)
+ author = post.author
+ author_address = author.author_address
+ post = assert_queries(3) { Post.all.merge!(includes: { author_with_address: :author_address }).find(post.id) } # find the post, then find the author, then find the address
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal author, post.author_with_address
+ assert_equal author_address, post.author_with_address.author_address
+ end
+ end
+ def test_finding_with_includes_on_null_belongs_to_association_with_same_include_includes_only_once
+ post = posts(:welcome)
+ post.update!(author: nil)
+ post = assert_queries(1) { Post.all.merge!(includes: { author_with_address: :author_address }).find(post.id) }
+ # find the post, then find the author which is null so no query for the author or address
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_nil post.author_with_address
+ end
+ end
+ def test_finding_with_includes_on_null_belongs_to_polymorphic_association
+ sponsor = sponsors(:moustache_club_sponsor_for_groucho)
+ sponsor.update!(sponsorable: nil)
+ sponsor = assert_queries(1) { Sponsor.all.merge!(includes: :sponsorable).find(sponsor.id) }
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_nil sponsor.sponsorable
+ end
+ end
+ def test_finding_with_includes_on_empty_polymorphic_type_column
+ sponsor = sponsors(:moustache_club_sponsor_for_groucho)
+ sponsor.update!(sponsorable_type: "", sponsorable_id: nil) # sponsorable_type column might be declared NOT NULL
+ sponsor = assert_queries(1) do
+ assert_nothing_raised { Sponsor.all.merge!(includes: :sponsorable).find(sponsor.id) }
+ end
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_nil sponsor.sponsorable
+ end
+ end
+ def test_loading_from_an_association
+ posts = authors(:david).posts.merge(includes: :comments, order: "posts.id").to_a
+ assert_equal 2, posts.first.comments.size
+ end
+ def test_loading_from_an_association_that_has_a_hash_of_conditions
+ assert_not_empty Author.all.merge!(includes: :hello_posts_with_hash_conditions).find(authors(:david).id).hello_posts
+ end
+ def test_loading_with_no_associations
+ assert_nil Post.all.merge!(includes: :author).find(posts(:authorless).id).author
+ end
+ # Regression test for 21c75e5
+ def test_nested_loading_does_not_raise_exception_when_association_does_not_exist
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Post.all.merge!(includes: { author: :author_addresss }).find(posts(:authorless).id)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_three_level_nested_preloading_does_not_raise_exception_when_association_does_not_exist
+ post_id = Comment.where(author_id: nil).where.not(post_id: nil).first.post_id
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Post.preload(comments: [{ author: :essays }]).find(post_id)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_nested_loading_through_has_one_association
+ aa = AuthorAddress.all.merge!(includes: { author: :posts }).find(author_addresses(:david_address).id)
+ assert_equal aa.author.posts.count, aa.author.posts.length
+ end
+ def test_nested_loading_through_has_one_association_with_order
+ aa = AuthorAddress.all.merge!(includes: { author: :posts }, order: "author_addresses.id").find(author_addresses(:david_address).id)
+ assert_equal aa.author.posts.count, aa.author.posts.length
+ end
+ def test_nested_loading_through_has_one_association_with_order_on_association
+ aa = AuthorAddress.all.merge!(includes: { author: :posts }, order: "authors.id").find(author_addresses(:david_address).id)
+ assert_equal aa.author.posts.count, aa.author.posts.length
+ end
+ def test_nested_loading_through_has_one_association_with_order_on_nested_association
+ aa = AuthorAddress.all.merge!(includes: { author: :posts }, order: "posts.id").find(author_addresses(:david_address).id)
+ assert_equal aa.author.posts.count, aa.author.posts.length
+ end
+ def test_nested_loading_through_has_one_association_with_conditions
+ aa = AuthorAddress.references(:author_addresses).merge(
+ includes: { author: :posts },
+ where: "author_addresses.id > 0"
+ ).find author_addresses(:david_address).id
+ assert_equal aa.author.posts.count, aa.author.posts.length
+ end
+ def test_nested_loading_through_has_one_association_with_conditions_on_association
+ aa = AuthorAddress.references(:authors).merge(
+ includes: { author: :posts },
+ where: "authors.id > 0"
+ ).find author_addresses(:david_address).id
+ assert_equal aa.author.posts.count, aa.author.posts.length
+ end
+ def test_nested_loading_through_has_one_association_with_conditions_on_nested_association
+ aa = AuthorAddress.references(:posts).merge(
+ includes: { author: :posts },
+ where: "posts.id > 0"
+ ).find author_addresses(:david_address).id
+ assert_equal aa.author.posts.count, aa.author.posts.length
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to_and_foreign_keys
+ pets = Pet.all.merge!(includes: :owner).to_a
+ assert_equal 4, pets.length
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to
+ comments = Comment.all.merge!(includes: :post).to_a
+ assert_equal 11, comments.length
+ titles = comments.map { |c| c.post.title }
+ assert_includes titles, posts(:welcome).title
+ assert_includes titles, posts(:sti_post_and_comments).title
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to_and_limit
+ comments = Comment.all.merge!(includes: :post, limit: 5, order: "comments.id").to_a
+ assert_equal 5, comments.length
+ assert_equal [1, 2, 3, 5, 6], comments.collect(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to_and_limit_and_conditions
+ comments = Comment.all.merge!(includes: :post, where: "post_id = 4", limit: 3, order: "comments.id").to_a
+ assert_equal 3, comments.length
+ assert_equal [5, 6, 7], comments.collect(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to_and_limit_and_offset
+ comments = Comment.all.merge!(includes: :post, limit: 3, offset: 2, order: "comments.id").to_a
+ assert_equal 3, comments.length
+ assert_equal [3, 5, 6], comments.collect(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to_and_limit_and_offset_and_conditions
+ comments = Comment.all.merge!(includes: :post, where: "post_id = 4", limit: 3, offset: 1, order: "comments.id").to_a
+ assert_equal 3, comments.length
+ assert_equal [6, 7, 8], comments.collect(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to_and_limit_and_offset_and_conditions_array
+ comments = Comment.all.merge!(includes: :post, where: ["post_id = ?", 4], limit: 3, offset: 1, order: "comments.id").to_a
+ assert_equal 3, comments.length
+ assert_equal [6, 7, 8], comments.collect(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to_and_conditions_string_with_unquoted_table_name
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Comment.includes(:post).references(:posts).where("posts.id = ?", 4)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to_and_conditions_hash
+ comments = []
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ comments = Comment.all.merge!(includes: :post, where: { posts: { id: 4 } }, limit: 3, order: "comments.id").to_a
+ end
+ assert_equal 3, comments.length
+ assert_equal [5, 6, 7], comments.collect(&:id)
+ assert_no_queries do
+ comments.first.post
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to_and_conditions_string_with_quoted_table_name
+ quoted_posts_id = Comment.connection.quote_table_name("posts") + "." + Comment.connection.quote_column_name("id")
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Comment.includes(:post).references(:posts).where("#{quoted_posts_id} = ?", 4)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to_and_order_string_with_unquoted_table_name
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Comment.all.merge!(includes: :post, order: "posts.id").to_a
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to_and_order_string_with_quoted_table_name
+ quoted_posts_id = Comment.connection.quote_table_name("posts") + "." + Comment.connection.quote_column_name("id")
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Comment.includes(:post).references(:posts).order(Arel.sql(quoted_posts_id))
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to_and_limit_and_multiple_associations
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [:author, :very_special_comment], limit: 1, order: "posts.id").to_a
+ assert_equal 1, posts.length
+ assert_equal [1], posts.collect(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to_and_limit_and_offset_and_multiple_associations
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [:author, :very_special_comment], limit: 1, offset: 1, order: "posts.id").to_a
+ assert_equal 1, posts.length
+ assert_equal [2], posts.collect(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_belongs_to_inferred_foreign_key_from_association_name
+ author_favorite = AuthorFavorite.all.merge!(includes: :favorite_author).first
+ assert_equal authors(:mary), assert_no_queries { author_favorite.favorite_author }
+ end
+ def test_eager_load_belongs_to_quotes_table_and_column_names
+ job = Job.includes(:ideal_reference).find jobs(:unicyclist).id
+ references(:michael_unicyclist)
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal references(:michael_unicyclist), job.ideal_reference }
+ end
+ def test_eager_load_has_one_quotes_table_and_column_names
+ michael = Person.all.merge!(includes: :favourite_reference).find(people(:michael).id)
+ references(:michael_unicyclist)
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal references(:michael_unicyclist), michael.favourite_reference }
+ end
+ def test_eager_load_has_many_quotes_table_and_column_names
+ michael = Person.all.merge!(includes: :references).find(people(:michael).id)
+ references(:michael_magician, :michael_unicyclist)
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal references(:michael_magician, :michael_unicyclist), michael.references.sort_by(&:id) }
+ end
+ def test_eager_load_has_many_through_quotes_table_and_column_names
+ michael = Person.all.merge!(includes: :jobs).find(people(:michael).id)
+ jobs(:magician, :unicyclist)
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal jobs(:unicyclist, :magician), michael.jobs.sort_by(&:id) }
+ end
+ def test_eager_load_has_many_with_string_keys
+ subscriptions = subscriptions(:webster_awdr, :webster_rfr)
+ subscriber = Subscriber.all.merge!(includes: :subscriptions).find(subscribers(:second).id)
+ assert_equal subscriptions, subscriber.subscriptions.sort_by(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_string_id_column_joins
+ s = Subscriber.create! do |c|
+ c.id = "PL"
+ end
+ b = Book.create!
+ Subscription.create!(subscriber_id: "PL", book_id: b.id)
+ s.reload
+ s.book_ids = s.book_ids
+ end
+ def test_eager_load_has_many_through_with_string_keys
+ books = books(:awdr, :rfr)
+ subscriber = Subscriber.all.merge!(includes: :books).find(subscribers(:second).id)
+ assert_equal books, subscriber.books.sort_by(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_eager_load_belongs_to_with_string_keys
+ subscriber = subscribers(:second)
+ subscription = Subscription.all.merge!(includes: :subscriber).find(subscriptions(:webster_awdr).id)
+ assert_equal subscriber, subscription.subscriber
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_explicit_join
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: :comments, joins: "INNER JOIN authors ON posts.author_id = authors.id AND authors.name = 'Mary'", limit: 1, order: "author_id").to_a
+ assert_equal 1, posts.length
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_through
+ posts_with_comments = people(:michael).posts.merge(includes: :comments, order: "posts.id").to_a
+ posts_with_author = people(:michael).posts.merge(includes: :author, order: "posts.id").to_a
+ posts_with_comments_and_author = people(:michael).posts.merge(includes: [ :comments, :author ], order: "posts.id").to_a
+ assert_equal 2, posts_with_comments.inject(0) { |sum, post| sum + post.comments.size }
+ assert_equal authors(:david), assert_no_queries { posts_with_author.first.author }
+ assert_equal authors(:david), assert_no_queries { posts_with_comments_and_author.first.author }
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_through_a_belongs_to_association
+ author = authors(:mary)
+ Post.create!(author: author, title: "TITLE", body: "BODY")
+ author.author_favorites.create(favorite_author_id: 1)
+ author.author_favorites.create(favorite_author_id: 2)
+ posts_with_author_favorites = author.posts.merge(includes: :author_favorites).to_a
+ assert_no_queries { posts_with_author_favorites.first.author_favorites.first.author_id }
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_through_an_sti_join_model
+ author = Author.all.merge!(includes: :special_post_comments, order: "authors.id").first
+ assert_equal [comments(:does_it_hurt)], assert_no_queries { author.special_post_comments }
+ end
+ def test_preloading_has_many_through_with_implicit_source
+ authors = Author.includes(:very_special_comments).to_a
+ assert_no_queries do
+ special_comment_authors = authors.map { |author| [author.name, author.very_special_comments.size] }
+ assert_equal [["David", 1], ["Mary", 0], ["Bob", 0]], special_comment_authors
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_through_an_sti_join_model_with_conditions_on_both
+ author = Author.all.merge!(includes: :special_nonexistent_post_comments, order: "authors.id").first
+ assert_equal [], author.special_nonexistent_post_comments
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_through_join_model_with_conditions
+ assert_equal Author.all.merge!(includes: :hello_post_comments,
+ order: "authors.id").first.hello_post_comments.sort_by(&:id),
+ Author.all.merge!(order: "authors.id").first.hello_post_comments.sort_by(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_through_join_model_with_conditions_on_top_level
+ assert_equal comments(:more_greetings), Author.all.merge!(includes: :comments_with_order_and_conditions).find(authors(:david).id).comments_with_order_and_conditions.first
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_through_join_model_with_include
+ author_comments = Author.all.merge!(includes: :comments_with_include).find(authors(:david).id).comments_with_include.to_a
+ assert_no_queries do
+ author_comments.first.post.title
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_through_with_conditions_join_model_with_include
+ post_tags = Post.find(posts(:welcome).id).misc_tags
+ eager_post_tags = Post.all.merge!(includes: :misc_tags).find(1).misc_tags
+ assert_equal post_tags, eager_post_tags
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_through_join_model_ignores_default_includes
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ authors(:david).comments_on_posts_with_default_include.to_a
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_and_limit
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(order: "posts.id asc", includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2).to_a
+ assert_equal 2, posts.size
+ assert_equal 3, posts.inject(0) { |sum, post| sum + post.comments.size }
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_and_limit_and_conditions
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2, where: "posts.body = 'hello'", order: "posts.id").to_a
+ assert_equal 2, posts.size
+ assert_equal [4, 5], posts.collect(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_and_limit_and_conditions_array
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2, where: [ "posts.body = ?", "hello" ], order: "posts.id").to_a
+ assert_equal 2, posts.size
+ assert_equal [4, 5], posts.collect(&:id)
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_and_limit_and_conditions_array_on_the_eagers
+ posts = Post.includes(:author, :comments).limit(2).references(:author).where("authors.name = ?", "David")
+ assert_equal 2, posts.size
+ count = Post.includes(:author, :comments).limit(2).references(:author).where("authors.name = ?", "David").count
+ assert_equal posts.size, count
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_and_limit_and_high_offset
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2, offset: 10, where: { "authors.name" => "David" }).to_a
+ assert_equal 0, posts.size
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_and_limit_and_high_offset_and_multiple_array_conditions
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ posts = Post.references(:authors, :comments).
+ merge(includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2, offset: 10,
+ where: [ "authors.name = ? and comments.body = ?", "David", "go crazy" ]).to_a
+ assert_equal 0, posts.size
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_and_limit_and_high_offset_and_multiple_hash_conditions
+ assert_queries(1) do
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2, offset: 10,
+ where: { "authors.name" => "David", "comments.body" => "go crazy" }).to_a
+ assert_equal 0, posts.size
+ end
+ end
+ def test_count_eager_with_has_many_and_limit_and_high_offset
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2, offset: 10, where: { "authors.name" => "David" }).count(:all)
+ assert_equal 0, posts
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_and_limit_with_no_results
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :author, :comments ], limit: 2, where: "posts.title = 'magic forest'").to_a
+ assert_equal 0, posts.size
+ end
+ def test_eager_count_performed_on_a_has_many_association_with_multi_table_conditional
+ author = authors(:david)
+ author_posts_without_comments = author.posts.select { |post| post.comments.blank? }
+ assert_equal author_posts_without_comments.size, author.posts.includes(:comments).where("comments.id is null").references(:comments).count
+ end
+ def test_eager_count_performed_on_a_has_many_through_association_with_multi_table_conditional
+ person = people(:michael)
+ person_posts_without_comments = person.posts.select { |post| post.comments.blank? }
+ assert_equal person_posts_without_comments.size, person.posts_with_no_comments.count
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_and_belongs_to_many_and_limit
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: :categories, order: "posts.id", limit: 3).to_a
+ assert_equal 3, posts.size
+ assert_equal 2, posts[0].categories.size
+ assert_equal 1, posts[1].categories.size
+ assert_equal 0, posts[2].categories.size
+ assert_includes posts[0].categories, categories(:technology)
+ assert_includes posts[1].categories, categories(:general)
+ end
+ # Since the preloader for habtm gets raw row hashes from the database and then
+ # instantiates them, this test ensures that it only instantiates one actual
+ # object per record from the database.
+ def test_has_and_belongs_to_many_should_not_instantiate_same_records_multiple_times
+ welcome = posts(:welcome)
+ categories = Category.includes(:posts)
+ general = categories.find { |c| c == categories(:general) }
+ technology = categories.find { |c| c == categories(:technology) }
+ post1 = general.posts.to_a.find { |p| p == welcome }
+ post2 = technology.posts.to_a.find { |p| p == welcome }
+ assert_equal post1.object_id, post2.object_id
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_and_limit_and_conditions_on_the_eagers
+ posts =
+ authors(:david).posts
+ .includes(:comments)
+ .where("comments.body like 'Normal%' OR comments.#{QUOTED_TYPE}= 'SpecialComment'")
+ .references(:comments)
+ .limit(2)
+ .to_a
+ assert_equal 2, posts.size
+ count =
+ Post.includes(:comments, :author)
+ .where("authors.name = 'David' AND (comments.body like 'Normal%' OR comments.#{QUOTED_TYPE}= 'SpecialComment')")
+ .references(:authors, :comments)
+ .limit(2)
+ .count
+ assert_equal count, posts.size
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_many_and_limit_and_scoped_conditions_on_the_eagers
+ posts = nil
+ Post.includes(:comments)
+ .where("comments.body like 'Normal%' OR comments.#{QUOTED_TYPE}= 'SpecialComment'")
+ .references(:comments)
+ .scoping do
+ posts = authors(:david).posts.limit(2).to_a
+ assert_equal 2, posts.size
+ end
+ Post.includes(:comments, :author)
+ .where("authors.name = 'David' AND (comments.body like 'Normal%' OR comments.#{QUOTED_TYPE}= 'SpecialComment')")
+ .references(:authors, :comments)
+ .scoping do
+ count = Post.limit(2).count
+ assert_equal count, posts.size
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_loading_with_habtm
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: :categories, order: "posts.id").to_a
+ assert_equal 2, posts[0].categories.size
+ assert_equal 1, posts[1].categories.size
+ assert_equal 0, posts[2].categories.size
+ assert_includes posts[0].categories, categories(:technology)
+ assert_includes posts[1].categories, categories(:general)
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_inheritance
+ SpecialPost.all.merge!(includes: [ :comments ]).to_a
+ end
+ def test_eager_has_one_with_association_inheritance
+ post = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :very_special_comment ]).find(4)
+ assert_equal "VerySpecialComment", post.very_special_comment.class.to_s
+ end
+ def test_eager_has_many_with_association_inheritance
+ post = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :special_comments ]).find(4)
+ post.special_comments.each do |special_comment|
+ assert special_comment.is_a?(SpecialComment)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_habtm_with_association_inheritance
+ post = Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :special_categories ]).find(6)
+ assert_equal 1, post.special_categories.size
+ post.special_categories.each do |special_category|
+ assert_equal "SpecialCategory", special_category.class.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_has_one_dependent_does_not_destroy_dependent
+ assert_not_nil companies(:first_firm).account
+ f = Firm.all.merge!(includes: :account,
+ where: ["companies.name = ?", "37signals"]).first
+ assert_not_nil f.account
+ assert_equal companies(:first_firm, :reload).account, f.account
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_multi_table_conditional_properly_counts_the_records_when_using_size
+ author = authors(:david)
+ posts_with_no_comments = author.posts.select { |post| post.comments.blank? }
+ assert_equal posts_with_no_comments.size, author.posts_with_no_comments.size
+ assert_equal posts_with_no_comments, author.posts_with_no_comments
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_invalid_association_reference
+ e = assert_raise(ActiveRecord::AssociationNotFoundError) {
+ Post.all.merge!(includes: :monkeys).find(6)
+ }
+ assert_equal("Association named 'monkeys' was not found on Post; perhaps you misspelled it?", e.message)
+ e = assert_raise(ActiveRecord::AssociationNotFoundError) {
+ Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :monkeys ]).find(6)
+ }
+ assert_equal("Association named 'monkeys' was not found on Post; perhaps you misspelled it?", e.message)
+ e = assert_raise(ActiveRecord::AssociationNotFoundError) {
+ Post.all.merge!(includes: [ "monkeys" ]).find(6)
+ }
+ assert_equal("Association named 'monkeys' was not found on Post; perhaps you misspelled it?", e.message)
+ e = assert_raise(ActiveRecord::AssociationNotFoundError) {
+ Post.all.merge!(includes: [ :monkeys, :elephants ]).find(6)
+ }
+ assert_equal("Association named 'monkeys' was not found on Post; perhaps you misspelled it?", e.message)
+ end
+ def test_eager_has_many_through_with_order
+ tag = OrderedTag.create(name: "Foo")
+ post1 = Post.create!(title: "Beaches", body: "I like beaches!")
+ post2 = Post.create!(title: "Pools", body: "I like pools!")
+ Tagging.create!(taggable_type: "Post", taggable_id: post1.id, tag: tag)
+ Tagging.create!(taggable_type: "Post", taggable_id: post2.id, tag: tag)
+ tag_with_includes = OrderedTag.includes(:tagged_posts).find(tag.id)
+ assert_equal tag_with_includes.ordered_taggings.map(&:taggable).map(&:title), tag_with_includes.tagged_posts.map(&:title)
+ end
+ def test_eager_has_many_through_multiple_with_order
+ tag1 = OrderedTag.create!(name: "Bar")
+ tag2 = OrderedTag.create!(name: "Foo")
+ post1 = Post.create!(title: "Beaches", body: "I like beaches!")
+ post2 = Post.create!(title: "Pools", body: "I like pools!")
+ Tagging.create!(taggable: post1, tag: tag1)
+ Tagging.create!(taggable: post2, tag: tag1)
+ Tagging.create!(taggable: post2, tag: tag2)
+ Tagging.create!(taggable: post1, tag: tag2)
+ tags_with_includes = OrderedTag.where(id: [tag1, tag2].map(&:id)).includes(:tagged_posts).order(:id).to_a
+ tag1_with_includes = tags_with_includes.first
+ tag2_with_includes = tags_with_includes.last
+ assert_equal([post2, post1].map(&:title), tag1_with_includes.tagged_posts.map(&:title))
+ assert_equal([post1, post2].map(&:title), tag2_with_includes.tagged_posts.map(&:title))
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_default_scope
+ developer = EagerDeveloperWithDefaultScope.where(name: "David").first
+ projects = Project.order(:id).to_a
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal(projects, developer.projects)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_default_scope_as_class_method
+ developer = EagerDeveloperWithClassMethodDefaultScope.where(name: "David").first
+ projects = Project.order(:id).to_a
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal(projects, developer.projects)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_default_scope_as_class_method_using_find_method
+ david = developers(:david)
+ developer = EagerDeveloperWithClassMethodDefaultScope.find(david.id)
+ projects = Project.order(:id).to_a
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal(projects, developer.projects)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_default_scope_as_class_method_using_find_by_method
+ developer = EagerDeveloperWithClassMethodDefaultScope.find_by(name: "David")
+ projects = Project.order(:id).to_a
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal(projects, developer.projects)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_default_scope_as_lambda
+ developer = EagerDeveloperWithLambdaDefaultScope.where(name: "David").first
+ projects = Project.order(:id).to_a
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal(projects, developer.projects)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_default_scope_as_block
+ # warm up the habtm cache
+ EagerDeveloperWithBlockDefaultScope.where(name: "David").first.projects
+ developer = EagerDeveloperWithBlockDefaultScope.where(name: "David").first
+ projects = Project.order(:id).to_a
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal(projects, developer.projects)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_default_scope_as_callable
+ developer = EagerDeveloperWithCallableDefaultScope.where(name: "David").first
+ projects = Project.order(:id).to_a
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal(projects, developer.projects)
+ end
+ end
+ def test_limited_eager_with_order
+ assert_equal(
+ posts(:thinking, :sti_comments),
+ Post.all.merge!(
+ includes: [:author, :comments], where: { "authors.name" => "David" },
+ order: Arel.sql("UPPER(posts.title)"), limit: 2, offset: 1
+ ).to_a
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ posts(:sti_post_and_comments, :sti_comments),
+ Post.all.merge!(
+ includes: [:author, :comments], where: { "authors.name" => "David" },
+ order: Arel.sql("UPPER(posts.title) DESC"), limit: 2, offset: 1
+ ).to_a
+ )
+ end
+ def test_limited_eager_with_multiple_order_columns
+ assert_equal(
+ posts(:thinking, :sti_comments),
+ Post.all.merge!(
+ includes: [:author, :comments], where: { "authors.name" => "David" },
+ order: [Arel.sql("UPPER(posts.title)"), "posts.id"], limit: 2, offset: 1
+ ).to_a
+ )
+ assert_equal(
+ posts(:sti_post_and_comments, :sti_comments),
+ Post.all.merge!(
+ includes: [:author, :comments], where: { "authors.name" => "David" },
+ order: [Arel.sql("UPPER(posts.title) DESC"), "posts.id"], limit: 2, offset: 1
+ ).to_a
+ )
+ end
+ def test_limited_eager_with_numeric_in_association
+ assert_equal(
+ people(:david, :susan),
+ Person.references(:number1_fans_people).merge(
+ includes: [:readers, :primary_contact, :number1_fan],
+ where: "number1_fans_people.first_name like 'M%'",
+ order: "people.id", limit: 2, offset: 0
+ ).to_a
+ )
+ end
+ def test_polymorphic_type_condition
+ post = Post.all.merge!(includes: :taggings).find(posts(:thinking).id)
+ assert_includes post.taggings, taggings(:thinking_general)
+ post = SpecialPost.all.merge!(includes: :taggings).find(posts(:thinking).id)
+ assert_includes post.taggings, taggings(:thinking_general)
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_multiple_associations_with_same_table_has_many_and_habtm
+ # Eager includes of has many and habtm associations aren't necessarily sorted in the same way
+ def assert_equal_after_sort(item1, item2, item3 = nil)
+ assert_equal(item1.sort { |a, b| a.id <=> b.id }, item2.sort { |a, b| a.id <=> b.id })
+ assert_equal(item3.sort { |a, b| a.id <=> b.id }, item2.sort { |a, b| a.id <=> b.id }) if item3
+ end
+ # Test regular association, association with conditions, association with
+ # STI, and association with conditions assured not to be true
+ post_types = [:posts, :other_posts, :special_posts]
+ # test both has_many and has_and_belongs_to_many
+ [Author, Category].each do |className|
+ d1 = find_all_ordered(className)
+ # test including all post types at once
+ d2 = find_all_ordered(className, post_types)
+ d1.each_index do |i|
+ assert_equal(d1[i], d2[i])
+ assert_equal_after_sort(d1[i].posts, d2[i].posts)
+ post_types[1..-1].each do |post_type|
+ # test including post_types together
+ d3 = find_all_ordered(className, [:posts, post_type])
+ assert_equal(d1[i], d3[i])
+ assert_equal_after_sort(d1[i].posts, d3[i].posts)
+ assert_equal_after_sort(d1[i].send(post_type), d2[i].send(post_type), d3[i].send(post_type))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_multiple_associations_with_same_table_has_one
+ d1 = find_all_ordered(Firm)
+ d2 = find_all_ordered(Firm, :account)
+ d1.each_index do |i|
+ assert_equal(d1[i], d2[i])
+ if d1[i].account.nil?
+ assert_nil(d2[i].account)
+ else
+ assert_equal(d1[i].account, d2[i].account)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_multiple_associations_with_same_table_belongs_to
+ firm_types = [:firm, :firm_with_basic_id, :firm_with_other_name, :firm_with_condition]
+ d1 = find_all_ordered(Client)
+ d2 = find_all_ordered(Client, firm_types)
+ d1.each_index do |i|
+ assert_equal(d1[i], d2[i])
+ firm_types.each do |type|
+ if (expected = d1[i].send(type)).nil?
+ assert_nil(d2[i].send(type))
+ else
+ assert_equal(expected, d2[i].send(type))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_valid_association_as_string_not_symbol
+ assert_nothing_raised { Post.all.merge!(includes: "comments").to_a }
+ end
+ def test_eager_with_floating_point_numbers
+ assert_queries(2) do
+ # Before changes, the floating point numbers will be interpreted as table names and will cause this to run in one query
+ Comment.all.merge!(where: "123.456 = 123.456", includes: :post).to_a
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preconfigured_includes_with_belongs_to
+ author = posts(:welcome).author_with_posts
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal 5, author.posts.size }
+ end
+ def test_preconfigured_includes_with_has_one
+ comment = posts(:sti_comments).very_special_comment_with_post
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal posts(:sti_comments), comment.post }
+ end
+ def test_eager_association_with_scope_with_joins
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Post.includes(:very_special_comment_with_post_with_joins).to_a
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preconfigured_includes_with_has_many
+ posts = authors(:david).posts_with_comments
+ one = posts.detect { |p| p.id == 1 }
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal 5, posts.size
+ assert_equal 2, one.comments.size
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preconfigured_includes_with_habtm
+ posts = authors(:david).posts_with_categories
+ one = posts.detect { |p| p.id == 1 }
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal 5, posts.size
+ assert_equal 2, one.categories.size
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preconfigured_includes_with_has_many_and_habtm
+ posts = authors(:david).posts_with_comments_and_categories
+ one = posts.detect { |p| p.id == 1 }
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal 5, posts.size
+ assert_equal 2, one.comments.size
+ assert_equal 2, one.categories.size
+ end
+ end
+ def test_count_with_include
+ assert_equal 3, authors(:david).posts_with_comments.where("length(comments.body) > 15").references(:comments).count
+ end
+ def test_association_loading_notification
+ notifications = messages_for("instantiation.active_record") do
+ Developer.all.merge!(includes: "projects", where: { "developers_projects.access_level" => 1 }, limit: 5).to_a.size
+ end
+ message = notifications.first
+ payload = message.last
+ count = Developer.all.merge!(includes: "projects", where: { "developers_projects.access_level" => 1 }, limit: 5).to_a.size
+ # eagerloaded row count should be greater than just developer count
+ assert_operator payload[:record_count], :>, count
+ assert_equal Developer.name, payload[:class_name]
+ end
+ def test_base_messages
+ notifications = messages_for("instantiation.active_record") do
+ Developer.all.to_a
+ end
+ message = notifications.first
+ payload = message.last
+ assert_equal Developer.all.to_a.count, payload[:record_count]
+ assert_equal Developer.name, payload[:class_name]
+ end
+ def messages_for(name)
+ notifications = []
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.subscribe(name) do |*args|
+ notifications << args
+ end
+ yield
+ notifications
+ ensure
+ ActiveSupport::Notifications.unsubscribe(name)
+ end
+ def test_load_with_sti_sharing_association
+ assert_queries(2) do # should not do 1 query per subclass
+ Comment.includes(:post).to_a
+ end
+ end
+ def test_conditions_on_join_table_with_include_and_limit
+ assert_equal 3, Developer.all.merge!(includes: "projects", where: { "developers_projects.access_level" => 1 }, limit: 5).to_a.size
+ end
+ def test_dont_create_temporary_active_record_instances
+ Developer.instance_count = 0
+ developers = Developer.all.merge!(includes: "projects", where: { "developers_projects.access_level" => 1 }, limit: 5).to_a
+ assert_equal developers.count, Developer.instance_count
+ end
+ def test_order_on_join_table_with_include_and_limit
+ assert_equal 5, Developer.all.merge!(includes: "projects", order: "developers_projects.joined_on DESC", limit: 5).to_a.size
+ end
+ def test_eager_loading_with_order_on_joined_table_preloads
+ posts = assert_queries(2) do
+ Post.all.merge!(joins: :comments, includes: :author, order: "comments.id DESC").to_a
+ end
+ assert_equal posts(:eager_other), posts[1]
+ assert_equal authors(:mary), assert_no_queries { posts[1].author }
+ end
+ def test_eager_loading_with_conditions_on_joined_table_preloads
+ posts = assert_queries(2) do
+ Post.all.merge!(select: "distinct posts.*", includes: :author, joins: [:comments], where: "comments.body like 'Thank you%'", order: "posts.id").to_a
+ end
+ assert_equal [posts(:welcome)], posts
+ assert_equal authors(:david), assert_no_queries { posts[0].author }
+ posts = assert_queries(2) do
+ Post.all.merge!(includes: :author, joins: { taggings: :tag }, where: "tags.name = 'General'", order: "posts.id").to_a
+ end
+ assert_equal posts(:welcome, :thinking), posts
+ posts = assert_queries(2) do
+ Post.all.merge!(includes: :author, joins: { taggings: { tag: :taggings } }, where: "taggings_tags.super_tag_id=2", order: "posts.id").to_a
+ end
+ assert_equal posts(:welcome, :thinking), posts
+ end
+ def test_preload_has_many_with_association_condition_and_default_scope
+ post = Post.create!(title: "Beaches", body: "I like beaches!")
+ Reader.create! person: people(:david), post: post
+ LazyReader.create! person: people(:susan), post: post
+ assert_equal 1, post.lazy_readers.to_a.size
+ assert_equal 2, post.lazy_readers_skimmers_or_not.to_a.size
+ post_with_readers = Post.includes(:lazy_readers_skimmers_or_not).find(post.id)
+ assert_equal 2, post_with_readers.lazy_readers_skimmers_or_not.to_a.size
+ end
+ def test_eager_loading_with_conditions_on_string_joined_table_preloads
+ posts = assert_queries(2) do
+ Post.all.merge!(select: "distinct posts.*", includes: :author, joins: "INNER JOIN comments on comments.post_id = posts.id", where: "comments.body like 'Thank you%'", order: "posts.id").to_a
+ end
+ assert_equal [posts(:welcome)], posts
+ assert_equal authors(:david), assert_no_queries { posts[0].author }
+ posts = assert_queries(2) do
+ Post.all.merge!(select: "distinct posts.*", includes: :author, joins: ["INNER JOIN comments on comments.post_id = posts.id"], where: "comments.body like 'Thank you%'", order: "posts.id").to_a
+ end
+ assert_equal [posts(:welcome)], posts
+ assert_equal authors(:david), assert_no_queries { posts[0].author }
+ end
+ def test_eager_loading_with_select_on_joined_table_preloads
+ posts = assert_queries(2) do
+ Post.all.merge!(select: "posts.*, authors.name as author_name", includes: :comments, joins: :author, order: "posts.id").to_a
+ end
+ assert_equal "David", posts[0].author_name
+ assert_equal posts(:welcome).comments, assert_no_queries { posts[0].comments }
+ end
+ def test_eager_loading_with_conditions_on_join_model_preloads
+ authors = assert_queries(2) do
+ Author.all.merge!(includes: :author_address, joins: :comments, where: "posts.title like 'Welcome%'").to_a
+ end
+ assert_equal authors(:david), authors[0]
+ assert_equal author_addresses(:david_address), authors[0].author_address
+ end
+ def test_preload_belongs_to_uses_exclusive_scope
+ people = Person.males.merge(includes: :primary_contact).to_a
+ assert_not_equal people.length, 0
+ people.each do |person|
+ assert_no_queries { assert_not_nil person.primary_contact }
+ assert_equal Person.find(person.id).primary_contact, person.primary_contact
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preload_has_many_uses_exclusive_scope
+ people = Person.males.includes(:agents).to_a
+ people.each do |person|
+ assert_equal Person.find(person.id).agents, person.agents
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preload_has_many_using_primary_key
+ expected = Firm.first.clients_using_primary_key.to_a
+ firm = Firm.includes(:clients_using_primary_key).first
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal expected, firm.clients_using_primary_key
+ end
+ end
+ def test_include_has_many_using_primary_key
+ expected = Firm.find(1).clients_using_primary_key.sort_by(&:name)
+ # Oracle adapter truncates alias to 30 characters
+ if current_adapter?(:OracleAdapter)
+ firm = Firm.all.merge!(includes: :clients_using_primary_key, order: "clients_using_primary_keys_companies"[0, 30] + ".name").find(1)
+ else
+ firm = Firm.all.merge!(includes: :clients_using_primary_key, order: "clients_using_primary_keys_companies.name").find(1)
+ end
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal expected, firm.clients_using_primary_key
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preload_has_one_using_primary_key
+ expected = accounts(:signals37)
+ firm = Firm.all.merge!(includes: :account_using_primary_key, order: "companies.id").first
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal expected, firm.account_using_primary_key
+ end
+ end
+ def test_include_has_one_using_primary_key
+ expected = accounts(:signals37)
+ firm = Firm.all.merge!(includes: :account_using_primary_key, order: "accounts.id").to_a.detect { |f| f.id == 1 }
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_equal expected, firm.account_using_primary_key
+ end
+ end
+ def test_preloading_empty_belongs_to
+ c = Client.create!(name: "Foo", client_of: Company.maximum(:id) + 1)
+ client = assert_queries(2) { Client.preload(:firm).find(c.id) }
+ assert_no_queries { assert_nil client.firm }
+ assert_equal c.client_of, client.client_of
+ end
+ def test_preloading_empty_belongs_to_polymorphic
+ t = Tagging.create!(taggable_type: "Post", taggable_id: Post.maximum(:id) + 1, tag: tags(:general))
+ tagging = assert_queries(2) { Tagging.preload(:taggable).find(t.id) }
+ assert_no_queries { assert_nil tagging.taggable }
+ assert_equal t.taggable_id, tagging.taggable_id
+ end
+ def test_preloading_through_empty_belongs_to
+ c = Client.create!(name: "Foo", client_of: Company.maximum(:id) + 1)
+ client = assert_queries(2) { Client.preload(:accounts).find(c.id) }
+ assert_no_queries { assert client.accounts.empty? }
+ end
+ def test_preloading_has_many_through_with_distinct
+ mary = Author.includes(:unique_categorized_posts).where(id: authors(:mary).id).first
+ assert_equal 1, mary.unique_categorized_posts.length
+ assert_equal 1, mary.unique_categorized_post_ids.length
+ end
+ def test_preloading_has_one_using_reorder
+ klass = Class.new(ActiveRecord::Base) do
+ def self.name; "TempAuthor"; end
+ self.table_name = "authors"
+ has_one :post, class_name: "PostWithDefaultScope", foreign_key: :author_id
+ has_one :reorderd_post, -> { reorder(title: :desc) }, class_name: "PostWithDefaultScope", foreign_key: :author_id
+ end
+ author = klass.first
+ # PRECONDITION: make sure ordering results in different results
+ assert_not_equal author.post, author.reorderd_post
+ preloaded_reorderd_post = klass.preload(:reorderd_post).first.reorderd_post
+ assert_equal author.reorderd_post, preloaded_reorderd_post
+ assert_equal Post.order(title: :desc).first.title, preloaded_reorderd_post.title
+ end
+ def test_preloading_polymorphic_with_custom_foreign_type
+ sponsor = sponsors(:moustache_club_sponsor_for_groucho)
+ groucho = members(:groucho)
+ sponsor = assert_queries(2) {
+ Sponsor.includes(:thing).where(id: sponsor.id).first
+ }
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal groucho, sponsor.thing }
+ end
+ def test_joins_with_includes_should_preload_via_joins
+ post = assert_queries(1) { Post.includes(:comments).joins(:comments).order("posts.id desc").to_a.first }
+ assert_no_queries do
+ assert_not_equal 0, post.comments.to_a.count
+ end
+ end
+ def test_join_eager_with_empty_order_should_generate_valid_sql
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Post.includes(:comments).order("").where(comments: { body: "Thank you for the welcome" }).first
+ end
+ end
+ def test_deep_including_through_habtm
+ # warm up habtm cache
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: { categories: :categorizations }, order: "posts.id").to_a
+ posts[0].categories[0].categorizations.length
+ posts = Post.all.merge!(includes: { categories: :categorizations }, order: "posts.id").to_a
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal 2, posts[0].categories[0].categorizations.length }
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal 1, posts[0].categories[1].categorizations.length }
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal 2, posts[1].categories[0].categorizations.length }
+ end
+ def test_eager_load_multiple_associations_with_references
+ mentor = Mentor.create!(name: "Barış Can DAYLIK")
+ developer = Developer.create!(name: "Mehmet Emin İNAÇ", mentor: mentor)
+ Contract.create!(developer: developer)
+ project = Project.create!(name: "VNGRS", mentor: mentor)
+ project.developers << developer
+ projects = Project.references(:mentors).includes(mentor: { developers: :contracts }, developers: :contracts)
+ assert_equal projects.last.mentor.developers.first.contracts, projects.last.developers.last.contracts
+ end
+ def test_preloading_has_many_through_with_custom_scope
+ project = Project.includes(:developers_named_david_with_hash_conditions).find(projects(:active_record).id)
+ assert_equal [developers(:david)], project.developers_named_david_with_hash_conditions
+ end
+ test "scoping with a circular preload" do
+ assert_equal Comment.find(1), Comment.preload(post: :comments).scoping { Comment.find(1) }
+ end
+ test "circular preload does not modify unscoped" do
+ expected = FirstPost.unscoped.find(2)
+ FirstPost.preload(comments: :first_post).find(1)
+ assert_equal expected, FirstPost.unscoped.find(2)
+ end
+ test "preload ignores the scoping" do
+ assert_equal(
+ Comment.find(1).post,
+ Post.where("1 = 0").scoping { Comment.preload(:post).find(1).post }
+ )
+ end
+ test "deep preload" do
+ post = Post.preload(author: :posts, comments: :post).first
+ assert_predicate post.author.association(:posts), :loaded?
+ assert_predicate post.comments.first.association(:post), :loaded?
+ end
+ test "preloading does not cache has many association subset when preloaded with a through association" do
+ author = Author.includes(:comments_with_order_and_conditions, :posts).first
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal 2, author.comments_with_order_and_conditions.size }
+ assert_no_queries { assert_equal 5, author.posts.size, "should not cache a subset of the association" }
+ end
+ test "preloading a through association twice does not reset it" do
+ members = Member.includes(current_membership: :club).includes(:club).to_a
+ assert_no_queries {
+ assert_equal 3, members.map(&:current_membership).map(&:club).size
+ }
+ end
+ test "works in combination with order(:symbol) and reorder(:symbol)" do
+ author = Author.includes(:posts).references(:posts).order(:name).find_by("posts.title IS NOT NULL")
+ assert_equal authors(:bob), author
+ author = Author.includes(:posts).references(:posts).reorder(:name).find_by("posts.title IS NOT NULL")
+ assert_equal authors(:bob), author
+ end
+ test "preloading with a polymorphic association and using the existential predicate but also using a select" do
+ assert_equal authors(:david), authors(:david).essays.includes(:writer).first.writer
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ authors(:david).essays.includes(:writer).select(:name).any?
+ end
+ end
+ test "preloading the same association twice works" do
+ Member.create!
+ members = Member.preload(:current_membership).includes(current_membership: :club).all.to_a
+ assert_no_queries {
+ members_with_membership = members.select(&:current_membership)
+ assert_equal 3, members_with_membership.map(&:current_membership).map(&:club).size
+ }
+ end
+ test "preloading with a polymorphic association and using the existential predicate" do
+ assert_equal authors(:david), authors(:david).essays.includes(:writer).first.writer
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ authors(:david).essays.includes(:writer).any?
+ authors(:david).essays.includes(:writer).exists?
+ authors(:david).essays.includes(:owner).where("name IS NOT NULL").exists?
+ end
+ end
+ test "preloading associations with string joins and order references" do
+ author = assert_queries(2) {
+ Author.includes(:posts).joins("LEFT JOIN posts ON posts.author_id = authors.id").order("posts.title DESC").first
+ }
+ assert_no_queries {
+ assert_equal 5, author.posts.size
+ }
+ end
+ test "including associations with where.not adds implicit references" do
+ author = assert_queries(2) {
+ Author.includes(:posts).where.not(posts: { title: "Welcome to the weblog" }).last
+ }
+ assert_no_queries {
+ assert_equal 2, author.posts.size
+ }
+ end
+ test "including association based on sql condition and no database column" do
+ assert_equal pets(:parrot), Owner.including_last_pet.first.last_pet
+ end
+ test "preloading and eager loading of instance dependent associations is not supported" do
+ message = "association scope 'posts_with_signature' is"
+ error = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ Author.includes(:posts_with_signature).to_a
+ end
+ assert_match message, error.message
+ error = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ Author.preload(:posts_with_signature).to_a
+ end
+ assert_match message, error.message
+ error = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ Author.eager_load(:posts_with_signature).to_a
+ end
+ assert_match message, error.message
+ end
+ test "preload with invalid argument" do
+ exception = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ Author.preload(10).to_a
+ end
+ assert_equal("10 was not recognized for preload", exception.message)
+ end
+ test "associations with extensions are not instance dependent" do
+ assert_nothing_raised do
+ Author.includes(:posts_with_extension).to_a
+ end
+ end
+ test "including associations with extensions and an instance dependent scope is not supported" do
+ e = assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+ Author.includes(:posts_with_extension_and_instance).to_a
+ end
+ assert_match(/Preloading instance dependent scopes is not supported/, e.message)
+ end
+ test "preloading readonly association" do
+ # has-one
+ firm = Firm.where(id: "1").preload(:readonly_account).first!
+ assert_predicate firm.readonly_account, :readonly?
+ # has_and_belongs_to_many
+ project = Project.where(id: "2").preload(:readonly_developers).first!
+ assert_predicate project.readonly_developers.first, :readonly?
+ # has-many :through
+ david = Author.where(id: "1").preload(:readonly_comments).first!
+ assert_predicate david.readonly_comments.first, :readonly?
+ end
+ test "eager-loading non-readonly association" do
+ # has_one
+ firm = Firm.where(id: "1").eager_load(:account).first!
+ assert_not_predicate firm.account, :readonly?
+ # has_and_belongs_to_many
+ project = Project.where(id: "2").eager_load(:developers).first!
+ assert_not_predicate project.developers.first, :readonly?
+ # has_many :through
+ david = Author.where(id: "1").eager_load(:comments).first!
+ assert_not_predicate david.comments.first, :readonly?
+ # belongs_to
+ post = Post.where(id: "1").eager_load(:author).first!
+ assert_not_predicate post.author, :readonly?
+ end
+ test "eager-loading readonly association" do
+ # has-one
+ firm = Firm.where(id: "1").eager_load(:readonly_account).first!
+ assert_predicate firm.readonly_account, :readonly?
+ # has_and_belongs_to_many
+ project = Project.where(id: "2").eager_load(:readonly_developers).first!
+ assert_predicate project.readonly_developers.first, :readonly?
+ # has-many :through
+ david = Author.where(id: "1").eager_load(:readonly_comments).first!
+ assert_predicate david.readonly_comments.first, :readonly?
+ # belongs_to
+ post = Post.where(id: "1").eager_load(:readonly_author).first!
+ assert_predicate post.readonly_author, :readonly?
+ end
+ test "preloading a polymorphic association with references to the associated table" do
+ post = Post.includes(:tags).references(:tags).where("tags.name = ?", "General").first
+ assert_equal posts(:welcome), post
+ end
+ test "eager-loading a polymorphic association with references to the associated table" do
+ post = Post.eager_load(:tags).where("tags.name = ?", "General").first
+ assert_equal posts(:welcome), post
+ end
+ test "eager-loading with a polymorphic association won't work consistently" do
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::EagerLoadPolymorphicError) { authors(:david).essays.eager_load(:writer).to_a }
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::EagerLoadPolymorphicError) { authors(:david).essays.eager_load(:writer).count }
+ assert_raise(ActiveRecord::EagerLoadPolymorphicError) { authors(:david).essays.eager_load(:writer).exists? }
+ end
+ # CollectionProxy#reader is expensive, so the preloader avoids calling it.
+ test "preloading has_many_through association avoids calling association.reader" do
+ assert_not_called_on_instance_of(ActiveRecord::Associations::HasManyAssociation, :reader) do
+ Author.preload(:readonly_comments).first!
+ end
+ end
+ test "preloading through a polymorphic association doesn't require the association to exist" do
+ sponsors = []
+ assert_queries 5 do
+ sponsors = Sponsor.where(sponsorable_id: 1).preload(sponsorable: [:post, :membership]).to_a
+ end
+ # check the preload worked
+ assert_queries 0 do
+ sponsors.map(&:sponsorable).map { |s| s.respond_to?(:posts) ? s.post.author : s.membership }
+ end
+ end
+ test "preloading a regular association through a polymorphic association doesn't require the association to exist on all types" do
+ sponsors = []
+ assert_queries 6 do
+ sponsors = Sponsor.where(sponsorable_id: 1).preload(sponsorable: [{ post: :first_comment }, :membership]).to_a
+ end
+ # check the preload worked
+ assert_queries 0 do
+ sponsors.map(&:sponsorable).map { |s| s.respond_to?(:posts) ? s.post.author : s.membership }
+ end
+ end
+ test "preloading a regular association with a typo through a polymorphic association still raises" do
+ # this test contains an intentional typo of first -> fist
+ assert_raises(ActiveRecord::AssociationNotFoundError) do
+ Sponsor.where(sponsorable_id: 1).preload(sponsorable: [{ post: :fist_comment }, :membership]).to_a
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def find_all_ordered(klass, include = nil)
+ klass.order("#{klass.table_name}.#{klass.primary_key}").includes(include).to_a
+ end