path: root/activerecord/test/cases/arel/visitors/to_sql_test.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'activerecord/test/cases/arel/visitors/to_sql_test.rb')
1 files changed, 654 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/activerecord/test/cases/arel/visitors/to_sql_test.rb b/activerecord/test/cases/arel/visitors/to_sql_test.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce836eded7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/activerecord/test/cases/arel/visitors/to_sql_test.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,654 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+require_relative "../helper"
+require "bigdecimal"
+module Arel
+ module Visitors
+ describe "the to_sql visitor" do
+ before do
+ @conn = FakeRecord::Base.new
+ @visitor = ToSql.new @conn.connection
+ @table = Table.new(:users)
+ @attr = @table[:id]
+ end
+ def compile(node)
+ @visitor.accept(node, Collectors::SQLString.new).value
+ end
+ it "works with BindParams" do
+ node = Nodes::BindParam.new(1)
+ sql = compile node
+ sql.must_be_like "?"
+ end
+ it "does not quote BindParams used as part of a Values" do
+ bp = Nodes::BindParam.new(1)
+ values = Nodes::Values.new([bp])
+ sql = compile values
+ sql.must_be_like "VALUES (?)"
+ end
+ it "can define a dispatch method" do
+ visited = false
+ viz = Class.new(Arel::Visitors::Visitor) {
+ define_method(:hello) do |node, c|
+ visited = true
+ end
+ def dispatch
+ { Arel::Table => "hello" }
+ end
+ }.new
+ viz.accept(@table, Collectors::SQLString.new)
+ assert visited, "hello method was called"
+ end
+ it "should not quote sql literals" do
+ node = @table[Arel.star]
+ sql = compile node
+ sql.must_be_like '"users".*'
+ end
+ it "should visit named functions" do
+ function = Nodes::NamedFunction.new("omg", [Arel.star])
+ assert_equal "omg(*)", compile(function)
+ end
+ it "should chain predications on named functions" do
+ function = Nodes::NamedFunction.new("omg", [Arel.star])
+ sql = compile(function.eq(2))
+ sql.must_be_like %{ omg(*) = 2 }
+ end
+ it "should handle nil with named functions" do
+ function = Nodes::NamedFunction.new("omg", [Arel.star])
+ sql = compile(function.eq(nil))
+ sql.must_be_like %{ omg(*) IS NULL }
+ end
+ it "should visit built-in functions" do
+ function = Nodes::Count.new([Arel.star])
+ assert_equal "COUNT(*)", compile(function)
+ function = Nodes::Sum.new([Arel.star])
+ assert_equal "SUM(*)", compile(function)
+ function = Nodes::Max.new([Arel.star])
+ assert_equal "MAX(*)", compile(function)
+ function = Nodes::Min.new([Arel.star])
+ assert_equal "MIN(*)", compile(function)
+ function = Nodes::Avg.new([Arel.star])
+ assert_equal "AVG(*)", compile(function)
+ end
+ it "should visit built-in functions operating on distinct values" do
+ function = Nodes::Count.new([Arel.star])
+ function.distinct = true
+ assert_equal "COUNT(DISTINCT *)", compile(function)
+ function = Nodes::Sum.new([Arel.star])
+ function.distinct = true
+ assert_equal "SUM(DISTINCT *)", compile(function)
+ function = Nodes::Max.new([Arel.star])
+ function.distinct = true
+ assert_equal "MAX(DISTINCT *)", compile(function)
+ function = Nodes::Min.new([Arel.star])
+ function.distinct = true
+ assert_equal "MIN(DISTINCT *)", compile(function)
+ function = Nodes::Avg.new([Arel.star])
+ function.distinct = true
+ assert_equal "AVG(DISTINCT *)", compile(function)
+ end
+ it "works with lists" do
+ function = Nodes::NamedFunction.new("omg", [Arel.star, Arel.star])
+ assert_equal "omg(*, *)", compile(function)
+ end
+ describe "Nodes::Equality" do
+ it "should escape strings" do
+ test = Table.new(:users)[:name].eq "Aaron Patterson"
+ compile(test).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."name" = 'Aaron Patterson'
+ }
+ end
+ it "should handle false" do
+ table = Table.new(:users)
+ val = Nodes.build_quoted(false, table[:active])
+ sql = compile Nodes::Equality.new(val, val)
+ sql.must_be_like %{ 'f' = 'f' }
+ end
+ it "should handle nil" do
+ sql = compile Nodes::Equality.new(@table[:name], nil)
+ sql.must_be_like %{ "users"."name" IS NULL }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Nodes::Grouping" do
+ it "wraps nested groupings in brackets only once" do
+ sql = compile Nodes::Grouping.new(Nodes::Grouping.new(Nodes.build_quoted("foo")))
+ sql.must_equal "('foo')"
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Nodes::NotEqual" do
+ it "should handle false" do
+ val = Nodes.build_quoted(false, @table[:active])
+ sql = compile Nodes::NotEqual.new(@table[:active], val)
+ sql.must_be_like %{ "users"."active" != 'f' }
+ end
+ it "should handle nil" do
+ val = Nodes.build_quoted(nil, @table[:active])
+ sql = compile Nodes::NotEqual.new(@table[:name], val)
+ sql.must_be_like %{ "users"."name" IS NOT NULL }
+ end
+ end
+ it "should visit string subclass" do
+ [
+ Class.new(String).new(":'("),
+ Class.new(Class.new(String)).new(":'("),
+ ].each do |obj|
+ val = Nodes.build_quoted(obj, @table[:active])
+ sql = compile Nodes::NotEqual.new(@table[:name], val)
+ sql.must_be_like %{ "users"."name" != ':\\'(' }
+ end
+ end
+ it "should visit_Class" do
+ compile(Nodes.build_quoted(DateTime)).must_equal "'DateTime'"
+ end
+ it "should escape LIMIT" do
+ sc = Arel::Nodes::SelectStatement.new
+ sc.limit = Arel::Nodes::Limit.new(Nodes.build_quoted("omg"))
+ assert_match(/LIMIT 'omg'/, compile(sc))
+ end
+ it "should contain a single space before ORDER BY" do
+ table = Table.new(:users)
+ test = table.order(table[:name])
+ sql = compile test
+ assert_match(/"users" ORDER BY/, sql)
+ end
+ it "should quote LIMIT without column type coercion" do
+ table = Table.new(:users)
+ sc = table.where(table[:name].eq(0)).take(1).ast
+ assert_match(/WHERE "users"."name" = 0 LIMIT 1/, compile(sc))
+ end
+ it "should visit_DateTime" do
+ dt = DateTime.now
+ table = Table.new(:users)
+ test = table[:created_at].eq dt
+ sql = compile test
+ sql.must_be_like %{"users"."created_at" = '#{dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}'}
+ end
+ it "should visit_Float" do
+ test = Table.new(:products)[:price].eq 2.14
+ sql = compile test
+ sql.must_be_like %{"products"."price" = 2.14}
+ end
+ it "should visit_Not" do
+ sql = compile Nodes::Not.new(Arel.sql("foo"))
+ sql.must_be_like "NOT (foo)"
+ end
+ it "should apply Not to the whole expression" do
+ node = Nodes::And.new [@attr.eq(10), @attr.eq(11)]
+ sql = compile Nodes::Not.new(node)
+ sql.must_be_like %{NOT ("users"."id" = 10 AND "users"."id" = 11)}
+ end
+ it "should visit_As" do
+ as = Nodes::As.new(Arel.sql("foo"), Arel.sql("bar"))
+ sql = compile as
+ sql.must_be_like "foo AS bar"
+ end
+ it "should visit_Bignum" do
+ compile 8787878092
+ end
+ it "should visit_Hash" do
+ compile(Nodes.build_quoted(a: 1))
+ end
+ it "should visit_Set" do
+ compile Nodes.build_quoted(Set.new([1, 2]))
+ end
+ it "should visit_BigDecimal" do
+ compile Nodes.build_quoted(BigDecimal("2.14"))
+ end
+ it "should visit_Date" do
+ dt = Date.today
+ table = Table.new(:users)
+ test = table[:created_at].eq dt
+ sql = compile test
+ sql.must_be_like %{"users"."created_at" = '#{dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")}'}
+ end
+ it "should visit_NilClass" do
+ compile(Nodes.build_quoted(nil)).must_be_like "NULL"
+ end
+ it "unsupported input should raise UnsupportedVisitError" do
+ error = assert_raises(UnsupportedVisitError) { compile(nil) }
+ assert_match(/\AUnsupported/, error.message)
+ end
+ it "should visit_Arel_SelectManager, which is a subquery" do
+ mgr = Table.new(:foo).project(:bar)
+ compile(mgr).must_be_like '(SELECT bar FROM "foo")'
+ end
+ it "should visit_Arel_Nodes_And" do
+ node = Nodes::And.new [@attr.eq(10), @attr.eq(11)]
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" = 10 AND "users"."id" = 11
+ }
+ end
+ it "should visit_Arel_Nodes_Or" do
+ node = Nodes::Or.new @attr.eq(10), @attr.eq(11)
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" = 10 OR "users"."id" = 11
+ }
+ end
+ it "should visit_Arel_Nodes_Assignment" do
+ column = @table["id"]
+ node = Nodes::Assignment.new(
+ Nodes::UnqualifiedColumn.new(column),
+ Nodes::UnqualifiedColumn.new(column)
+ )
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "id" = "id"
+ }
+ end
+ it "should visit visit_Arel_Attributes_Time" do
+ attr = Attributes::Time.new(@attr.relation, @attr.name)
+ compile attr
+ end
+ it "should visit_TrueClass" do
+ test = Table.new(:users)[:bool].eq(true)
+ compile(test).must_be_like %{ "users"."bool" = 't' }
+ end
+ describe "Nodes::Matches" do
+ it "should know how to visit" do
+ node = @table[:name].matches("foo%")
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."name" LIKE 'foo%'
+ }
+ end
+ it "can handle ESCAPE" do
+ node = @table[:name].matches("foo!%", "!")
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."name" LIKE 'foo!%' ESCAPE '!'
+ }
+ end
+ it "can handle subqueries" do
+ subquery = @table.project(:id).where(@table[:name].matches("foo%"))
+ node = @attr.in subquery
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" IN (SELECT id FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" LIKE 'foo%')
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Nodes::DoesNotMatch" do
+ it "should know how to visit" do
+ node = @table[:name].does_not_match("foo%")
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."name" NOT LIKE 'foo%'
+ }
+ end
+ it "can handle ESCAPE" do
+ node = @table[:name].does_not_match("foo!%", "!")
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."name" NOT LIKE 'foo!%' ESCAPE '!'
+ }
+ end
+ it "can handle subqueries" do
+ subquery = @table.project(:id).where(@table[:name].does_not_match("foo%"))
+ node = @attr.in subquery
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" IN (SELECT id FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" NOT LIKE 'foo%')
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Nodes::Ordering" do
+ it "should know how to visit" do
+ node = @attr.desc
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" DESC
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Nodes::In" do
+ it "should know how to visit" do
+ node = @attr.in [1, 2, 3]
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" IN (1, 2, 3)
+ }
+ end
+ it "should return 1=0 when empty right which is always false" do
+ node = @attr.in []
+ compile(node).must_equal "1=0"
+ end
+ it "can handle two dot ranges" do
+ node = @attr.between 1..3
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" BETWEEN 1 AND 3
+ }
+ end
+ it "can handle three dot ranges" do
+ node = @attr.between 1...3
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" >= 1 AND "users"."id" < 3
+ }
+ end
+ it "can handle ranges bounded by infinity" do
+ node = @attr.between 1..Float::INFINITY
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" >= 1
+ }
+ node = @attr.between(-Float::INFINITY..3)
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" <= 3
+ }
+ node = @attr.between(-Float::INFINITY...3)
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" < 3
+ }
+ node = @attr.between(-Float::INFINITY..Float::INFINITY)
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{1=1}
+ end
+ it "can handle subqueries" do
+ table = Table.new(:users)
+ subquery = table.project(:id).where(table[:name].eq("Aaron"))
+ node = @attr.in subquery
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" IN (SELECT id FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" = 'Aaron')
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Nodes::InfixOperation" do
+ it "should handle Multiplication" do
+ node = Arel::Attributes::Decimal.new(Table.new(:products), :price) * Arel::Attributes::Decimal.new(Table.new(:currency_rates), :rate)
+ compile(node).must_equal %("products"."price" * "currency_rates"."rate")
+ end
+ it "should handle Division" do
+ node = Arel::Attributes::Decimal.new(Table.new(:products), :price) / 5
+ compile(node).must_equal %("products"."price" / 5)
+ end
+ it "should handle Addition" do
+ node = Arel::Attributes::Decimal.new(Table.new(:products), :price) + 6
+ compile(node).must_equal %(("products"."price" + 6))
+ end
+ it "should handle Subtraction" do
+ node = Arel::Attributes::Decimal.new(Table.new(:products), :price) - 7
+ compile(node).must_equal %(("products"."price" - 7))
+ end
+ it "should handle Concatination" do
+ table = Table.new(:users)
+ node = table[:name].concat(table[:name])
+ compile(node).must_equal %("users"."name" || "users"."name")
+ end
+ it "should handle BitwiseAnd" do
+ node = Arel::Attributes::Integer.new(Table.new(:products), :bitmap) & 16
+ compile(node).must_equal %(("products"."bitmap" & 16))
+ end
+ it "should handle BitwiseOr" do
+ node = Arel::Attributes::Integer.new(Table.new(:products), :bitmap) | 16
+ compile(node).must_equal %(("products"."bitmap" | 16))
+ end
+ it "should handle BitwiseXor" do
+ node = Arel::Attributes::Integer.new(Table.new(:products), :bitmap) ^ 16
+ compile(node).must_equal %(("products"."bitmap" ^ 16))
+ end
+ it "should handle BitwiseShiftLeft" do
+ node = Arel::Attributes::Integer.new(Table.new(:products), :bitmap) << 4
+ compile(node).must_equal %(("products"."bitmap" << 4))
+ end
+ it "should handle BitwiseShiftRight" do
+ node = Arel::Attributes::Integer.new(Table.new(:products), :bitmap) >> 4
+ compile(node).must_equal %(("products"."bitmap" >> 4))
+ end
+ it "should handle arbitrary operators" do
+ node = Arel::Nodes::InfixOperation.new(
+ "&&",
+ Arel::Attributes::String.new(Table.new(:products), :name),
+ Arel::Attributes::String.new(Table.new(:products), :name)
+ )
+ compile(node).must_equal %("products"."name" && "products"."name")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Nodes::UnaryOperation" do
+ it "should handle BitwiseNot" do
+ node = ~ Arel::Attributes::Integer.new(Table.new(:products), :bitmap)
+ compile(node).must_equal %( ~ "products"."bitmap")
+ end
+ it "should handle arbitrary operators" do
+ node = Arel::Nodes::UnaryOperation.new("!", Arel::Attributes::String.new(Table.new(:products), :active))
+ compile(node).must_equal %( ! "products"."active")
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Nodes::NotIn" do
+ it "should know how to visit" do
+ node = @attr.not_in [1, 2, 3]
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" NOT IN (1, 2, 3)
+ }
+ end
+ it "should return 1=1 when empty right which is always true" do
+ node = @attr.not_in []
+ compile(node).must_equal "1=1"
+ end
+ it "can handle two dot ranges" do
+ node = @attr.not_between 1..3
+ compile(node).must_equal(
+ %{("users"."id" < 1 OR "users"."id" > 3)}
+ )
+ end
+ it "can handle three dot ranges" do
+ node = @attr.not_between 1...3
+ compile(node).must_equal(
+ %{("users"."id" < 1 OR "users"."id" >= 3)}
+ )
+ end
+ it "can handle ranges bounded by infinity" do
+ node = @attr.not_between 1..Float::INFINITY
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" < 1
+ }
+ node = @attr.not_between(-Float::INFINITY..3)
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" > 3
+ }
+ node = @attr.not_between(-Float::INFINITY...3)
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" >= 3
+ }
+ node = @attr.not_between(-Float::INFINITY..Float::INFINITY)
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{1=0}
+ end
+ it "can handle subqueries" do
+ table = Table.new(:users)
+ subquery = table.project(:id).where(table[:name].eq("Aaron"))
+ node = @attr.not_in subquery
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ "users"."id" NOT IN (SELECT id FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" = 'Aaron')
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Constants" do
+ it "should handle true" do
+ test = Table.new(:users).create_true
+ compile(test).must_be_like %{
+ }
+ end
+ it "should handle false" do
+ test = Table.new(:users).create_false
+ compile(test).must_be_like %{
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "TableAlias" do
+ it "should use the underlying table for checking columns" do
+ test = Table.new(:users).alias("zomgusers")[:id].eq "3"
+ compile(test).must_be_like %{
+ "zomgusers"."id" = '3'
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ describe "distinct on" do
+ it "raises not implemented error" do
+ core = Arel::Nodes::SelectCore.new
+ core.set_quantifier = Arel::Nodes::DistinctOn.new(Arel.sql("aaron"))
+ assert_raises(NotImplementedError) do
+ compile(core)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Nodes::Regexp" do
+ it "raises not implemented error" do
+ node = Arel::Nodes::Regexp.new(@table[:name], Nodes.build_quoted("foo%"))
+ assert_raises(NotImplementedError) do
+ compile(node)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Nodes::NotRegexp" do
+ it "raises not implemented error" do
+ node = Arel::Nodes::NotRegexp.new(@table[:name], Nodes.build_quoted("foo%"))
+ assert_raises(NotImplementedError) do
+ compile(node)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ describe "Nodes::Case" do
+ it "supports simple case expressions" do
+ node = Arel::Nodes::Case.new(@table[:name])
+ .when("foo").then(1)
+ .else(0)
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ CASE "users"."name" WHEN 'foo' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
+ }
+ end
+ it "supports extended case expressions" do
+ node = Arel::Nodes::Case.new
+ .when(@table[:name].in(%w(foo bar))).then(1)
+ .else(0)
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ CASE WHEN "users"."name" IN ('foo', 'bar') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
+ }
+ end
+ it "works without default branch" do
+ node = Arel::Nodes::Case.new(@table[:name])
+ .when("foo").then(1)
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ CASE "users"."name" WHEN 'foo' THEN 1 END
+ }
+ end
+ it "allows chaining multiple conditions" do
+ node = Arel::Nodes::Case.new(@table[:name])
+ .when("foo").then(1)
+ .when("bar").then(2)
+ .else(0)
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ CASE "users"."name" WHEN 'foo' THEN 1 WHEN 'bar' THEN 2 ELSE 0 END
+ }
+ end
+ it "supports #when with two arguments and no #then" do
+ node = Arel::Nodes::Case.new @table[:name]
+ { foo: 1, bar: 0 }.reduce(node) { |_node, pair| _node.when(*pair) }
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ CASE "users"."name" WHEN 'foo' THEN 1 WHEN 'bar' THEN 0 END
+ }
+ end
+ it "can be chained as a predicate" do
+ node = @table[:name].when("foo").then("bar").else("baz")
+ compile(node).must_be_like %{
+ CASE "users"."name" WHEN 'foo' THEN 'bar' ELSE 'baz' END
+ }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end